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2 OUISa ae rPOAaoOmm UIe+CONES x —4 3 <O ryan 4hed — i 2 eh “ss a mmr we te ao * mcey oe > JOURNAL OF THE MissiIssipP1 BAPTIST CONVENTION — Doctrine study mn ~~ Az— o«r* taps Holy Spirit's powe nm andet Be r mc sal a i) so > cc6.8=] 7 + ' wn [ED SINCE 18 By William H. Perkins Jr. oO m2 Editor =4 a+VARY 27,} 2005 an oe When it comes to winning oS & VoL. 129 ee the world for Jesus, Christia should not “gloss over”th o No. 4 power of the Holy Spirit a ~o~e ® . s ‘described in Acts 1:8, said thi rn . author of the book being use d eS as the basis of th e 2005 PO Southern Baptist Doctrine Po Study during a January 19 ro meeting at First Church, aaSo Oxford. a Nate Adams, vice president for media and mobilization at the North American Missio n Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in Atlanta, an é author of The Acts 1% Challenge: Empowering the Church to be on Mission pointed out that the early church was instructed to wait until they received the power of the Holy Spirit before they deparigileld.@prsec the Gospe message in “Jerusalem, an all Judea and Samaria, and to) ns the ends of the earth.” In providing an overview of ~~ DO RIN ISSION — Nate Adams (right), vicepresidentfor media and mobilization at hisbook, Adams said: the North American Mission Board in Atlanta, talks with (from left) Terry Brown, pastor of Como e “There are eople groups Church, Como; Courtney Selvy, missions director for Panola Association in Batesville; and Don in the world (“ends of the Hicks, consultant in the Discipleship and Family Ministry Department of the Mississippi Baptist earth”) that-are waiting for our Convention Board in Jackson, after the 2005 Southern Baptist Doctrine Study on January 19 at church to bring them the First Church, Oxford. (BR photo by William H. Perkins Jr.) Gospel. International Mission Board missionaries are now reaching Yet 1.5 billion people in 5,000 people Adams described the purpose of the almost 20 0 new people groups each year. roups still have little or no access to the church as to be the “carrier of the Gospel ospel.” eS message,” but he said he is concerned a OESmeagre _ © “For today’s church, as for the early that Christians have staked out a more church, ‘Samaria’ is a close-by place that self-centered position: “me.” we rarely visit, and Samaritans are those “Pastors say thechurch is for the fulfill- = | who live relatively near us but who are ment of the Great Commission (Matthew | not like us. God calls Christians to per- 28:18-20), but too many laypeople say (the 3 sonalize the Gospel for diverse peoples church) is for ‘me,’ Adams observed. |ay in and near theirhomelands. “To join God in His mission,” Adams “It’s estimated that in North America said, “I need: woes seven out of 10 people do not havea per- ¢ A global priority: I need to under- sonal relationship with Jesus Christ. stand that the focus of the risen Lord North America’sfostrisbs is as deep as Jesus Christ is on the Kingdom of God. the world’s is wide. ¢ A global perspective: I see history e “If Samaritans are seen as those who and the world from God’s point of view. live relatively near us but are not like us, e A global power and plan: I receive and radiate through my church.” then ‘Judea’ can be seen as those who live relatively near us who in many ways The 2005 Doctrine Study was spon- are like us. God calls Christians to near- sored by the Discipleship and Family by people who may share regional iden- Ministry Department of the Mississippi tity or religious familiarity but not real par et Convention Board, and support- fellowship with Christ. ed by gifts to the Mississippi Cooperative One great challenge of the Judea mission Program. More information on the Acts field is the barrieror ‘presumed familiarity’ 1:8 Challenge is available at www.acts- thatpeoplehavewith theGospel.Thosewho one8.com. Adams’ book is available werelostinaworks-basedreligioninthefirst through LifeWay Christian Resources at century were likely to declare, ‘I’m Roman, (800) 458-2772; www.lifeway.com, or or ‘I’mJewish,’ justas those lost in theJudea through local LifeWay Christian Stores. ‘ mission field of the church today m ight For more information on the Acts 1:8 declare, ‘I’m Baptist,’ or I’m Catholic.” Challenge in Mississippi, contact David e “The ‘Jerusalem’ mission field is the Michel, Associate Executive Director for surrounding community where you live, Mission Sener, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, work, shop, play, and go to school. God MS 39205-0530. Telephone: (601) 292-3321, calls Christians out into their local com- or toll-free outside Jackson (800) 748-1651, ext. 321. E-mail: [email protected]. munities...” Dear Legislator... EDITOR’S 2005 session of the Mississippi ontime. Bringanoutlineoftheoneor GOOD TO FEEL NEEDED Legislature is revving up to full- two main issues you want to discuss. r speed, as proposed legislation moves Be brief, recommend specific solu- ean - NOTEBOOK to committees and will soon be coming up tions, and leave a written_-summary ona series of deadlines. of your important points. As anyone knows who even casually t's fair to ask the legislator for tracks.the annual three-month sessions of his/her position on the bills in which i g the Legislature, many bills are introduced you are interested. Don’t take it per- but relatively few make it into law. The sonally if the legislator disagrees. complex set of checks and balances both Rather than argue, discuss differ- TERRIER aSy inside the legislative process and in the ences in a pleasant manner. broaderbranches ofstategovernmenthave ¢ Ifapersonalvisitisnotpossible, a tendency towinnow thehundreds writeyourlegislator.Writingcansave and hundreds of bills that are filed a legislator’s time (a plus in your and pre-filed foreach session. favor) and provides a record of your _ Legislators have to absorb their Osition on proposed legislation. share of criticism, cynicism, and clude your full name, ad , and FMIE NEEDSReEL caricature during their time under telephone number. The address for the hoary domes of the New legislators while in session is P.O. Box Capitol in downtown Jackson. 1018,Jackson, MS39215-1018. Some of the ridicule showered on Individual e-mail addresses canbe accessed at www.Is.state.ms.us them is likely deserved (by some fof them, anyway), but a fair ¢ Do your research. Know the amount is not deserved. - bills about which you are writing, _ They are, after all, our fellow and include any specific information = _vasigantFa For every citizen youhave suchasthebill number and . who couldn’t find their way to details. Bill status can be attained by either chamber in the Capitol but calling (601) 359-3719 while the legis=|_ Perkins Jr. feels free to regularly slam legisla- lature is in session, or by going to Editor tors; there are at least a few of us www.ls.state.ms.us. who realize that most legislators ¢ Telephone calls do not substi- tact him as soon as possible. If given the are well-meaning people who must put tutefor personal visits and letters. When opportunitytotestify, gettothepointquick- EDITOR aside their families,businesses, and com- telephoning legislators, however, make ly andbe ared to answer any questions William H. Perkins Jr. munity activities for one-quarter of each efficient use of your time with them. legislatorsmayhaveaboutyourrome [email protected] year to come to Jackson for the session. Identify yourself and the bills you are for The CAC, a ministry funded by the That’s no small sacrifice, so it would oragainst (again, oneor two main issues is Mississippi Cooperative Program, stands ASSOCIATE EDITOR behoove us to occasionally tell them a good limit). Explain your reasoning and ready to assist ississippi Baptists who Tony Martin how much we appreciate the effort even letthemknowhowyouwantthem tovote. want to getinvolved.inBis grand process [email protected] as we loudly complain about what we The telephone number for legislators of self-governance we enjoy in. our state perceive they are doingor not doing. while they are in session is (601) 359-3770 andnation.Theycanbereached atP.O. Box LAYOUT/DESIGN TheMississive BaptistChristianAction (House) and (601) 359-3267 (Senate). Just 530, Jackson, MS 39205-0530. Telephone: Matt Broome Commission (CAC)has somehelpfulhints aswithpersonal visits and letters, end the (601) 292-3329 or toll-free outside Jackson [email protected] on how to make contact with legi lators, conversation by expressing your thanks (800) 748-1651,ext. 329. Fax: (601) 292-3350. ADVERTISING howtogetapoint acrosswithout dooming for their time. E-mail: [email protected]. Dana Richardson favored legislation, and how to follow up e Citizens can ee to testify before Take the time to get involved, or- else [email protected] on eee ofimportant measures: committees about billsthey strongly a justbecontentwithwhatevercomesoutof ° e best communicating is done poororppotse. Find out nameof the the legislative pipeline. Those are really CIRCULATION MANAGER face-to-face. Make an appointment and be appropriate committee chairman and con- ouronly two.choices. Brenda Quattlebaum [email protected] Fz year at this time the GUEST OPINION: takes on added importance because of the sharp focus on EDITOR EMERITUS sports world’s attention is Don McGregor focused on the Super Bowl. On Mississippi missions. We not February 6, the New England| [ Who’s your pick only give the money, but we Patriotswill defend theirworld fulfill the challenging tasks of Baptist RecordAdvisory Committee: championship status in the working out the mission pro- 4 for the Super Bowl? MackAmis, McComb National ootball League 3 jects. It’s a way to feel more James Beasley, Crystal Springs againstthe Philadelphia Eagles. alive in our Christian experi- Al Green Jr., BaySt. Louis Some people say the Super cofasl aFY ence and service. Rick Henson, Brandon Bowl“is” themost exciting = Each year we pray for a Beverly Pyron, Natchez event of the year, and that can By David Michel, Assoc. Executive Dir. larger offering saat for more BillyWatkins, Madison be confirmed by the millions = For Mission Strategy volunteers in mission perfor- Dana Richardson, secretary of viewers who watch on tele- See Miss. Baptist Convention Bd. mance. You can play in this vision around the world. missions Super Bowl. Postmaster: Others complain that the Everyone should pick a win- Send changesofaddressto:The games are often one-sided, they.often say that it was a and in the next few days we ner for the Super Bowl. It BAPTIST RECORD, P.O. Box 530, and the best reason to watch time in life when they felt will mobilize teams. in makes the game more interest- Jackson, MS 39205-0530. is to determine which compa- more alive than ever again. response to the tsunami disas- ing. The Patriots are the ny has produced the most cre- Each year at this time in ter in South Asia. Your gifts favoritebecause theyhavewon Send news, communication,and| addresschangesto:The Editor, ative new commercial. Mississippi we turn our’ mis- make possiblethese twoexam- two of the last three. By the Perhaps the best way to sions attention to the results of ples of state mission heroism. way, how are we doing in BAPTIST RECORD, P.O. Box 530, / Jackson, MS 39205-0530. understand the Super Bowl is the Margaret Lackey State In the last three years more MargaretLackey giving? We’ve to interpretitasthe finalchap- Mission Offering. It’s like the than forty new churches have givenover a milliondollarsper Tel: (601) 968-3800 ter in an epic football novel SuperBowlinaway,becauseit’s been started right here in our Po for the last three years. In Fax: (601) 292-3330 thatbegan in.the heat of a July arewardforyear-roundfaithful- own state. Who knows how 004 Mississippi Baptists gave E-mail:[email protected] training camp. If a person ness inmissions promotion. many individuals may come ni tanoa believe that’s a does not follow the unfolding TheCooperative Program is to know Christ because of winning performance. drama throughout the season, like the régular season. these evangelistic efforts? Thanksfor your faithfulness VOLUME 129 ¢ NUMBER 3 it is difficult to fully appreci- Without church financial com- Again we see Mississippi and generosity. Those who (ISSN-0005-5778) ate the significance of the mitments Sunday in and Baptists acting as super made phone calls, gave testi- Published weekly except weeks of July 4 and Christmas by the Mississippi Baptist Super Bowl. Teams that have Sunday out, therewouldbeno heroes. Margaret Lackey monies, displayed sters, Convention Board, 515 Mississippi Street, overcome adversity, avoided need for a super offering once funds these initiatives and preached sermons, and wrote Jackson, MS 39201. Subscription $9.35 per debilitating injuries, and con- a year like Margaret Lackey. calls us beyond the ordinary checks are Mississippi heroes. year payable in advance. Economy plans trolled numerous chaotic field The state mission offering to think and act and give in All of us live more richly availableforcooperatingMississippi churches. situations find as their reward gives us an eae to heroic ways. because of our efforts together Periodicals postage paid at Jackson, MS. one final contest in which to shine like heroes. For instance, Ifyourchurchisinvolved in in missions teambuilding. Member,Association ofState Baptist Papers. Deadlines: News items — one calendar display their mastery of the Mississippi sent disaster relief mission rie through the lebrate our effective- week prior to requested publication date. game. After retirement, when workers to New York City for Cooperative Program, then the ness in Christ. His Kingdom is Advertising— two calendar weeks prior to players reflecton theircareers, the World Trade Center crisis, Margaret Lackey Offering the winner. requestedpublicationdate. & THE BAPTIST RECORD JANUARY27, 2005 w Baptist tsunami relief effort in full swing COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (BP) leader for the IMB's (aay — "Southern Baptists are com- South Asia region. mitted to serving Sri Preliminary assess- for the time it to make a ment by local Baptist significant difference in their leaders just after the lives," aSouthernBaptistassess- tsunami allowed the ment teammemberassured. Southern Baptist team Pierce Hosmer (not his real to focus immediately name), another team member on the* enter needs, who serves as the International said at Julian*, Mission Board (IMB) strategy Southern Baptistdisas- M-1.8 $23.5 1 PP.4 BAPTISTS coordinator for the Sinhalese ter relief coordinator BuddhistsofSriLanka,recount- for Asia. Local believ- ed, "This week, [Southern ers knew of tsunami Baptists]haveshownGod'slove survivors who had for Sri Lankans by handing out been overlooked by hotmealstothehomeless.Inthe the government and days to come, the needs will aid agencies because “THE change, and we will be here to they were not in the meet thoseneedsas well." hardest-hit areas. ’ The assessment team Disaster relief team SECOND fe worked closely with local members from South Baptistleaderstodeterminethe Carolina arrived onthe FOOD RELIEF — A family in Sri Lanka sits down to a hot meal provided most effective ways to minister heels of the assessment by Southern Baptists. Displaced by the Dec. 26 tsunami, this family lives FRONT PAGE both physically and spiritually team. The next day with five other families in a 20-foot by 20-foot schoolroom. (BP photo to the people in Sri Lanka. they — in artnership Courtesy of International Mission Board) "I asked a pastorfriend what with local Baptists and the people's greatest need is the IMB — were scooping havenoresourcesfortheessen- Z < SeSi right now, and he said they chicken curry onto plates for tialslike food, sothethought of need Bibles. These people have 800hungrypeopleatacamp of replacing children's school- lost everything. Their Bibles displacedpersons,handingout books is overwhelming to were washed out to. sea," 3 Soria of dry goods at a them.Yet,SouthernBaptistsare Buddhist temple and a Muslim there for these people, already ‘Hosmer said. "As of Jan. 9, mosque and preparing kitchen providing food for them and Southern Baptist gifts had pur- chased600 Bibles intheSinhala sets for 618 families who had ae whatis ee and Tamil languages, and 340 lost all their cooking utensils. of Janu 4, Mississippi PUBLISHED SINCE 1877 ofthosealreadyhadbeengiven "The tecipients knew that Baptists Gacetom $91,406.52 Mississippi Baptists who out, not randomly but to those Christians were sharing with to the tsunami relief fund at the would like to volunteer to who truly longed to read God's them," Garrison said. "They Mississippi Baptist Convention assist tsunami relief survivors JANUARY 27, 2005 Word again — or for some, to were touched that those they Board B). As of Jan. 18, through the Mississippi read it for the first time." had formerly persecuted were Southern Baptists and others Baptist Disaster Relief Unit VOL. 129 About 77% of Sri Lanka's now extending love to them." hadcontributedmorethanthree should contact the MBCB vee million population are "We are grateful to Southern million dollars to a4 tsunami Men’s Ministry Department at No. 4 Buddhists; fewer than one per- Baptists and to the Lord for the survivorsthrou i the above address. Telephone: centofSriLankansareevangeli- enerous way in which they Tax deductible donations are (601) 292-3334. E-mail:cwright now being accepted for the @mbcb.org. Specialized train- cal. Christian believers, Hosmer ve responded to this crisis," Hosmer said. "Many of these MBCB fund. Checks should be ing and immunizations may said. About 8.5% are Muslims, and about eight percent are familieshavenotonlylosttheir made payable to _ the be required. Hindus. a : tistsare homes and sessions, they Mississippi aptist Convention The Mississippi Baptist trying to he of those who have lost their livelihood as Board with “tsunami relief” Disaster Relief Unit, on stand- well. Their jobs are gone. They noted on the memo line, and by since the tsunami struck, arein need,skidDavidGarrison, mailed to the Mississippi has been activated in coordi- Baptist Convention Board, nation with the wider~ Southern Baptist relief effort A :TsunamiRelief, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205-0530. and will soon be deployed to People who are donating to an unnamed area in_ the tsunami relief have been cau- region, said Jim Didlake, tioned by charity experts to be MBCB Director of Men’s sure they are donating to orga” Ministry and coordinator of Mississippi Baptist disaster nizations that will utilize the money for the intended pur- relief efforts. pose; fully 100% of the funds "A great magecy has struck donated to the MBCB special Sri Lanka," Hosmer said. tsunamirelieffundwillbeused "Many lives have been lost in the Mississippi Baptist/ already. We don't want anoth- Southern Baptist response to er Sri Lankan to die without the tsunami disaster. Jesuisn;their hearts." Plans to sell the Mississippi Baptist Convention’s Clarke College campus in Newton to a filmmaking group fail to materialize when Deep South Film Institute, Inc., misses a 60-day deadline extension to purchase the property for one million dollars.- TheSouthern BaptistChristianLifeCommissionwarnsthatMississippi is being cited by several prominent gambling industry publications as a primetarget forlegalized gamblinglegislationinthecomingyear. Grenada Asso ciation in Grenada leads all the Mississippi Baptist associations in the state in per capita Cooperative Program giving, with 2685 members giving an average of$8.23 each. THEBAPTISTRECORD CHANGING STANDARDS motives are. They can be way eg Directi@ns offbase. Christmas had come and ently. I am not trying to gone, and we hadjust assed psychoanalyze any of us or ew Years when for the first practice por sychology, but I time in several weeks I am here totellyou and remind stepped on our home weight methatwearemadebyGod in Jim Futral, executive director-treasurer meter. I had tried not to His wonderful image and that Mississippi BaptistConvention Board overeat, and I had steered God has a plan and a p away from a good bit of the forourlives thatdoes notneed sugar and dessert offerings, to be reshaped, undone, but now I wanted to see if I noticed something I had not because of some misreading warped, or thwarted by any- had gained, lost, or main- seen before. Somebody had they have received from some- body else’s interpretation. tained during the holidays. I knowingly or unknowingly ‘body around them. It is amaz- Years ago I read a story about thought I had behaved, but played’ with the little. adjust- ing,Na a comment, and all of the days when Billy Graham nowI was going to find out. I ment that sets the meter, and a sudden webelieve what they waspreachingfortheYouthfor stepped up on the scale, before I ever stepped on the say about us. A person may Christ organization. One after- looked down as the meter set- scale it was reading about 12 hear somethinglike, “Youcan’t noon four young men were tled on a number, and was ounds. I don’t know who did dothat,youarenotverysmart, preaching at a conference and shocked as I saw I had gained it, but I immediately thought you are dumb, you are ugly, the men who were back in the just ‘over 10 pounds. I stood about some youngster — ou are awkward, you don’t foyer ofthechurch wereevalu- there for a few seconds and nieces, nephews, or even ave much talent, you can’t ating theirpreaching. Which of finally, I stepped back and grandkids, whohad been with play the game, you can’t sing these youngmen would be the walked away Hewiders and us over the holidays. Maybe very well, your personality is most successful and would in the early Biagee of depres- oneofthem had reset thescale , you are not a very good they do well in ministry? Of sion. I just couldn’t believe it, so that it was off. I quickly parent, you are an uncarin the four Billy Graham received but that is what it said. I adjusted theknob so thatIwas spouse, you are a bad worker,” the worst evaluation and, You CAN RESPOND walked away thinking, “Boy, back at zero whenIstarted. I and the endless list goes on of according to the story, these RIGHTNow! have I gotmy work cutout for stepped onthe scale and to my ware people may evaluate you men generally a that the me overthenext few months.” pleasant surprise I was about and words they have to say. young fellow, Billy Graham, Simply share the following I immediately, at least in m a pound less thanwhenIstart- Sometimes they are right, but would never make it in the prayer with God in your own mind, signed up with the mil- ed the Christmas holidays. often they are wrong. Many preaching business. words: lions of other Americans who Suddenly, I felt much better times they are just partially Well,Idare say that he has had made a resolution to lose about myself than I had just correct, but you accept it as -made itbetter in thepreaching 1. Lord, I admit that I need weight this year. - minutes before. I realized that though it is an_ absolute, business than they probably you. (Ihave sinned.) A few minutes passed b the bad feelings I had about unchangeable fact. The results made it in the ushering busi- and I decided I would go baek myself were because of a are that your heart is affected, ness. Just remember as people 2. Iwantforgivenessformy and weigh again. I walked wrongevaluationbyamachine your spirit withers, your self- evaluate you that sometimes sinsand freedom from eter- over to what now had become that someone had misdirected. esteem-drops, and you wonder their meters /may be twisted nal death. (I repent.) my archenemy, the scales. I Then on further reflection I whatin theworld you'regoing and warped. We all need to stared at them as though they realized that goes onevery day to do..Like me looking at the see each other with a greater 3. I believe Jesus died and - had done something horrible almost everywhere you turn. scale, you have to give it seri- sense of grace and under- rose from the grave to for- to me and then started to step There are people around us ous consideration and like me standing. By the way, before give my sins and to restore right on top of them once who are down, depressed, ou probably think that you you go ona crash starvation my relationship with you. again. Before I could get my uncertain about themselves, ave done something wrong. It diet, go check the scales to (I believe in Jesus.) foot planted on the stale, I and feelingawkward aboutlife is not always that way. Fast make sure they are right. remember. there.,are.times. that , 4. By faith, I invite Jesus ley others give false. readings The authormay be contacted at Christ into my life. From Mississippi Baptist Church Music Conference about who you are, what your P.O. Box530,Jackson,MS.39205- this time on, I want to live abilitiesmaybe,andwhatyour 0530. E-mail:[email protected]. in a_ loving relationship February 17-18, 2005 with Him. (I receive Christ a ain as my Saviorand Lord.) First BaptistChurch, Ocean Springs OONG O “But as many as received - Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. www.mbcb.org S him, tothemhegavetheright to Mississippi Sing ing Churchmen Rehear sal at 1:30 p.m. becomechildren ofGod, even to Conference begins at4:00 p.m. those who believe in his name.” ProgramPersonalities:MichaelSharp - NOBTS,MartyParks - (John 1:12) ChristUnitedMethodistChurch,KarenHardy Fisk,Robin Vaughan &Rene‘Britt-FriendoftheThirdWomanMississippi Ifyou make a decision for Health Insurance Too Expensive? Call our Jesus Christ today, contact a toll free quoteline today...we can help! local Baptist church for spiri- tualguidance. Major hospital & surgical plan, low rates! Helps pay benefits for hospital room, Intensive care, surgery. Optional plan offers Doctor's office visits, prescriptiondrugs, dental. £.F. Hutton Insurance, P.O. Box 5127, Brandon, MS 39047, 877-232-0686. NPLifCWay. carpenteSra'isiianer Baptist World Aliance BIRMINGHAM, England e July 2005 Franklin, TN * Since 1953 (escorted tours) 40 years of experience in Baptist Travel Quality tours with excellentaccommodations, guides, sites, And inclusive features. All tours stay 4 nights at BWA. Tour leaders welcome! July 19-August 01: BWA and France July 26-August 04: BWA and England July 24-August 06: BWA, Engl., Scotid, Wales July 24-August 07: BWA, Engl., Wales, Ireld. Operated by: Bryan Tours/MTS Travel 20to40°ModNeewl&sUs,ed 1929 Dunbarton Dr., Jackson, MS 39216 Contactustodayforfriendly,helpfulservice Contact us for all your mission travel needs! E-mail: [email protected] Phone: .1(800)647-5296 “Nation’s #1 Church Bus Dealer” THE BAPTISTRECORD JANUARY27,2005 What | tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what Whi Mi VOUr ear, proclaim upon the January 27, 2005 HouseTops is a Baptist Record supplement produced by the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board’s CommunicationServices. “Pray this day for... January 28 — February 10, 2005 Prayer Ministry Office « P.O. Box 530 © Jackson, MS 39205-0530 ¢ Phone 601-292-3304 © Mississippi PrayerLine 1-800-787-7729 (PRAY) “You can do more than pray. after you have prayed. but teeeeeARIE LtADeeroct | For:(1)Area ; Hemando you can never do more than pray until you have prayed. A. J. Gordon comearee| luiieeicr,.| terme | seecneeas | a {Loy W.Reed,Jacksonville,Fla.is | rue 5 ; man ize, irectorofcollegiateministries Waits”abstinence intwo | BaptistMisinsNewiOroleanns. sitsinprisonin Yemeni muibe anne aan witheFtlorhida Bapti ! localhigh Prayfor’ inthe | becauhsee wiljgpt denouncehis | planting missionaries | Convention, resourcteos | Zimbabwe. have areasof Bibleclubs.: faiinJteshus Thiscauses are reffortson | sendstudents ission, There | beenvery thathte| Alsoprayf people, | believersto fear. | four responsi corridorswithin | aremore ing togo lives | adults, formore | Pleasepraythatthesebelievers |_thiscityof28 epee. ; thancanbe Pray | tohelpthemavoidSatan'straps volunteerstoserveaspeoplecome | willstandstrongintheirfaith | PrayforMexicanisn areas {revival onthecollegecampuses. | thatleadtodeathanddestruction. | toknowChrist. i i torespondrapidlytothegospel. i . AhRRO TR i eoeen ie ee ; ee ee er ; ed i FRNOARN SRNE RSa ElizabethFord,RockHill,SC,is i TheBuryatTeam ofRussiawrites: | For:(1) Baptist Building StafAfT Mauris,abeautiflisland ithe | thedirectorofChristianWomen's |. “ tolifeinthevillageis HOMEDAYS,9-11;(2)Training | indianOcean,haspeoplefrom | JobCorps.PrayforGodtousethe more thananticipatedand EffectiveLeaders,ShoccoSprings, ; everycontin-eanntd _, ; strengthen ng ity. Please to | ee national therevil be momstoJesus, oe cca in i readyto gospelwith dren,andhelpin ofcrisis. orderfora linetobeputin i i thehouse. bp tenho i i Mslivingin willmeet { i new ‘ i seseoemernaterenencemeincanmeti linn iiahieliniscmelpeniaatndiona iad AW S [gpa ha Ga aly INFO m 2005 VBS TheWitnessing Through Media Awards have been created to rec- imJ umpStart ognize radio and video productions which demonstrate excellence in. message design and production in helping to bring Mississippi and the world to Jesus. ; For All Pastors, VBS xr May 6-7, 2005 We Directors and VBS Leaders | ; Awards Banquet on Friday, May 6, 7-9 p.m. ; Psalm 2 5 . 4 ee 8 8. 1S p.m. Packee bagsandgetreadytocruise“Route254”withLifeWay’s Ramblin’ 4 ; ° : Road Trip:Which Way Do|Go?VBS. We'llcruisealong “Route254,”better eee ParkPlaceBaptist Church known hae25:4,to seenaturalwonders,bi cities themeparksandmore 5701 Hwy. 80 East, Pearl, MS 39208 aswediscoverhowthechoiceswemakedailyaffectourentirejourney.By AWARDS WILL BE GIVEN IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: Miittwaoa ee One award for VIDEO (broadcast or nonbroadcast) and one award for RADIO in TheVBSsamplerandcurriculumwillbeondisplayandavailableforpurchase Categories1-3 in each division. | fromLifeWayChristianResources. 1. BEST PROGRAM 2. BEST SPOT Be ai A. MISSIONS / EVANGELISM 3. BEST FIRST TIME ENTRY FirstBaptistChurch LongBeach B. CHURCH MUSICALS 4. BEST USE OF WEB SITE 506JeffDavisAvenue C. COMMUNITY SERVICE : February 15,2005 - 9a.m.-noon (i.e., human interest, sports, and others) * A $10 fee per entry IEE Liberty BaptistChurch, Flowood Division I 5199 Lakeland Drive EC: Small budget projects using volunteers as well as in-house production facilities. | Kelaruary 15,2005-6:30-6:30pan Division II : Trinity BaptistChurch,Southaven ; ’ Medium to large budget projects using paid staff or outside production house. 7200SwinnéaRoad Onaes AtaBC: This also applies to radio stations or other professional sound productions. ‘testat Gardhes +Pouatialciake SundaySchoolDepartment <Childnetetead DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: March 11, 2005, 4:45 p.m. = 601-292-3292or1-800-748-1651 Contact Communications Service for more info: 601-292-3378/1-800-748-1651 ra ] — Ceas aee ~ee eS Pt"4 &SsaoByaSERSEEoputri£2>>a5sctSeaie€ghCuzRe=ornc‘=SyoSvhPyePs2e'nQas*tAlwnoci®35&§&8o y=¢=2getg2we§5Ege2E6280aOofd-0 5w55“r=€£SELESSueS2822%eee226<x=a562o:55—<ggar28€&,BLS.eeeSseov ceieo PRSealadealNairOSSRshsSeeG RIARRAGRESEAoryM °=b atsaisahlta:5SRRSSS=SRaeiS:ZSERSSESBST atWHT9EO6ETLA8ELIC-RNO3RGI8RN0TOHV0Eor 1zimmo-8===0aaSehnertwmeCSONKKOTSwefagmatre-garh0oeeeNOeeecaREGRSSSGAGRASSENGSSRSSARRRESe0BETASKSaeSeRRASonsgotagoedSense-7assaqngeqaassendaASAASSANSSASARSRSSKSSNSBGS48-1|651eRmenZSntoutSROeeSTNtTNeeto3gorsu“—<=+oeveireSewrei&SSSSESRSIEESgS.SASERPARSSPSeaAEAHASAECSARSSeSCae=ESSSEZFsanseersaeseeSEaeeceSaeoei=iaonal~~—|%SAACREDMERSNYSKSMTSSTETSRAGRRCASASAAANSANIATAGS" n-= Nn--PSAQ*RGSS=SagHomEhagaanSwneANa“=n Nn-NN<=neonaREGCGeRe eangereeneanneeesAENGOTORASNN§OssegesesskvsgsNsgaeseskasssiasssassasssheaasarasSERGERERREPERRSSERBERSS=R ZSABIENSMASSsy"RECUSSENAS-armanngUnsesSsensangsgegnessaagnearsngsgsagegsrensss =ow—===-veRpTNSOreo~=SSSSNeSSSSOngageessesexgsesaesas aPeantrnea aS—x-eoAANOSSASGNENSSESSSNSEOPeagrguwsse8 NorooxwnsmaneleotNMonKwmfFOrriccinnmwowedQSZRSSRSSSTRSSSASSS4ASSRSRSSESSASHS:TNHoRSUNSOSUSKkadmeRABAOSSALSRSSSStaSeeeeaecocradon sse0im<eOna<<0eOsenaee5SereetsFEE RosineBISASSERSSLRARSHAASSRSIS=MSARSHS—NSSARSWSAASSRS=MSSSASARASAANTSSTRASSSSSASSCRSTaASAARSSRSSSIARRAS a=-SaicKugreewunsygopfeaWONTTNASKAK-TONTeroAwnatfOmgsiNearsSerrs—stewmopsA ERNEKKNeeeatingereeeSronBASSSSSESNENS.SERGQRRRKSSAASEESSSAsSAaesasSSecsassersBSESRSSSSAEBRESAISRRSTSAORASSSSRRSRSSRS4SHARSHANDGo1oCeeIvt=SoCONWe—SO=OHOcONOOuet—OEpwSNteoyrrecyFesosesocns5FeeRehbergiceRRnonsRnesreseesen =rcms--=SsFrreSASOLReRISRAESNKAMAWSSSISBROVESHSBSSSNS+See=oepsSSPSs-“seQuinytNoncaRSSRGRSRASSESBEARTASSRBSSSGRRARNRASSRIRASREAaASeRAESEOSSEKERAaS3FSSFPADDOsSRRSTESSRRNEKSSSRSaRHeirO10TISPSOt=OODES.MISaoomeSOE:me—=SRSRIRLSENKSISASRagrzesressyssnwsnssgeszeasogsesesecareneSNBCRSSSRSITARGSS eeaenenee55O,sZsmasbbegod2:iz&52su8$,2g8=za&2ez5225eTeeeneeeee:SeeeeeeeBLoe ARESRERESGSSTS|R«RSREESRSSSEBASTECNEIRTROSseEceRGS-EESAR“ERSERASSD6A4RSRRRENGSIAASRASSSSSALTAINSSNSASSAAALFLSSRAAESRASRSSABRESSVRTAASIH=ASDASRATTARHSSRSSABLSAI ;=&=*e3rot—-=eeSR=dwnaseeerUAANhUopENRrAeosy:iMoNoiNieSTT-HoSNKeaRCsSSagne=hsKSsSSSrRSAeSRSsAAAgSRIoSSSsCSSsASScRRARcSRSGSAaSASASSaReSABsegSSsSBSSSseesenoeRSASLGSAASHSTSANRSSSSSSSSSSASASSSKSASSSAHSBSSKLGRRSAAHRASLASARSRGTSASHHSLSSS-RS—«SRSASRSSSSoo -_Aadr--8ESSNEMSESSinS3deininiiKaiSNRWmoSsstemaneiESeeSniSHO5rrossvergnaeRigi)90SOAANRFa“oeeSyeRTSSRSRRRESRTESRSRIRS=§sasNeNaeSeeeReMMRARAMSARENESIERASIRRRSRESSHSESSERRESSMRRSSBISSSOEALSreRARSSSSNRSCOASHOBRSelSrSsssrevSnaanceseesesUgIVSYATSAAREASSRATTARNESSAAEKSNANNASAHSALSLEETIASASIRASWARBSSESRPSSSSSMEALSPLVSGRASASASS —aSENA ReRseeesseeeeeess2?xodOdOeM ~*~“TSsiBASRAFSA mAVWsienSiSNmiEnasnsTOUTE a=4edieeiatiadnesjie”3ESRasCSANEROROERESA~SSLVASSSNSSARASS~~emaov eeaeeeeeneSodieso,LONEBEERSAUEIKSAeaSSeReSAQRsSLVSSSIARSSRRASIASSA E R A S coop. 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Shown from left, are Dixon; James A. are the choir Sadler, pastor;andCraft. members. New Hope Church, Friendship Foxworth, ordained minister of Church, youth LarsStensland, III, to the Aberdeen, ministry. Shown, from left, are will hold a Dorman Laird, William Carey revival on& College; Stensland; and Tim February 20- - Parker, pastor. 23; Sun., 11:00 a.m.,6:00p.m.; Lone Pine Church, Canton, ry & Ashley Hutchison ‘Mon.-Wed. at Ground breaking, Heritage Church, George County ordained Carlton Pearson as a 7:00 p.m.; led deacon. Shown, from left, are Hutchinson will be serving at by RJ. Wilemon, retired Tupelo $3,564.00. Mavis McCain, Roberson, and Billy Joshlin, J. W. Williams; Pearson; Virgil MountPeelerChurch,Kosciusko. pastor;musicbySlaterMurphy, WMU director. deacons. - Cullipher; and James W. Buie, Shown are Hutchison and his minister of music, Fairview pastor. wifeAshley. Church, Columbus. For more Macedonia Church, Blue Heritage Church, George information call (662) 369-6930. Mountain, ordained Kenny Coney Association, held a Hopewell Church, McCool, Thechildren’schoirofSalem Roberson as deacon. Shown, und breaking ceremony on recently ordained Jeffery Church, Tylertown, participat- First Church, Waynesboro, has from left, are Edd McCafferty, ober31,2004, attheproperty Hutchison to the ministry. ed in Tylertown’s- annual exceeded their. $10,000.00 goal astor; Lawrence Lowrey, oftheirnew fall 2005 sanctuary. for the Lottie Moon offering by ames Henry, Bruce Thornton, Harrisville Church, Simpson County, set a record Lottie Moon Christmas es pos evn-rin of$4,000.00 and gave$4,201.00. e Betty Dear, WOM director; nc a Clarence Young, supply pastor. Benton Church, Benton, will host New Genesis in concert Jan. 30 at 5 eo A fellowship will follow. or moreinforma- tion, call (662) 673-9708. Heaven’s Grace quartet will lead worship at Poplar Springs Church, Hazlehurst, Jan. 30, 10:30a.m. Formore information, call (601) 643-2002. Steve Walker, Pinola, will be in concert at Robinhood Church, Brandon, Jan. 30, 7 p.m. Free . admission, but a love offerin will be received. Call (601) 825- 0975 or (601) 847-4375 for more information. The Providentials will be in concert at Johnston Station Church, Summit,Feb. 5,6p.m., followed by a chili opp For information, call (601) 276-2632. Grief Gathering reconvenes at FirstChurch,lelteas,Thursdays, Jan. 20 through Nov. 17, at 6:30 p-m., in theChristian LifeCenter Conference Room. This is a “safe place” toexplore personal srief. For information, call 601) 949-1907. Dorman Laird, Lars Stenland, andTim Parker Calvary Church, Saratoga, is The Women'sEnrichmentMinistryofFirst having a spaghetti supper and BaptistChurchJacksonproudlypresents ospe ane featuring Billy AJewel In His Crown ay Runnels, Tanya Patterson, featuring and others, Jan. 29, beginning PriscillaEvansShirer at 3 p.m. Plates are $5. AuthorofAJewelIn HisCrownand AndWeAreChanged:Encounterswith a Clear Branch Church, Lincoln TransformingGod County Association, celebrates DaughterofDr. TonyEvans their 125th anniversary this and A First BaptistJackson PraiseTeam year. Multi-day celebrations to take place March 6, May 22, February4-5,2005 and July 17 at 10:30 a.m. fol- Friday,7p.m.-9 p.m.&Saturday,8:00a.m.- 12p.m. Eire BaptistChurch lowed by dinner on_ the Jackson,Mississippi grounds and afternoon pro- EarlyBirdRegistration-*25/personbyJanuary15,2005 —— ae at 1:30 p.m. istration-*30/person ontact (601) 833-4872 for more (PricesincludesBrunchonSaturday&materials) information. To RegistercontactMaryByrd at601-714-6926or [email protected] 4 Formorwewinwf.orfmbcajt.ioornglogon to qu@ay Deacon Ordination, Lone Pine Church, Canton www.mbcb.org THE BAPTIST RECORD JANUARY 27, 2005 t a piecesathcay deel Brad Vose has fromCleveland,Ohio, Blue Mountain College other.ScheduleisTestMechanics, been called as min- and holds a Bachelor announces that Anna Quinn, Mar. 19, 9 — 11:30 a.m. (registra- ister of music ‘at of Arts in religion associate professor of English, tiondeadline,Mar. 11);Grammar, Parkway Church, and Masters. of and Misty Huggins Chessor, Mar.19, 1 — 3:30 p.m. (registra- Tupelo. Vose is a Divinity in music senior, Middleton, Tenn., have tion deadline, Mar. 11); Math, raduate of Union and sociology. beennamedas the2005William Apr. 2, 9 — 11:30 a.m. (registra- , Bibliocipher niversity and Winter Scholars. The honorees tion deadline, Mar. 25); and Southwestern Hebron Church, were selected because of their Science, Apr. 2, 1 — 3:30 p.m. By CharlesMarx, 1932 - 2004 Seminary. Meridian, has called achievements in the area of (registration deadline, Mar. 25). copyrighted2005 Lori L. Schuler as humanities. For information, call (601) 925- HZXVAF, JXZ FYD VS JXZ Step ing Stone Minister of music 3265 or [email protected]. Church, Brandon, and students. Blue Mountain College’s AVGF LVNZJX, YCF JXD has: called Mark Spring Career Day is Feb. 8 Mississippi College (MC) is Dearman as pastor. Bilbo Liberty (Church, and is open to all students and offering a jcourse to assist Liberty, has called alumniofthecollege.Employers individuals who are prepar- QOVPA QXYAA HZ Calv Church, Jimmy Bilbo as full- interested in participating may ing to take the GRE admis- Pascagoula, has called John time minister of music. He has contact Teresa Arrington at sions test. The course is 12 FPBPFZF PC JXZ NPFQ) Combs as full-time minister of served as~ part-time since (662) 685-4771, ext. 127. instructional hours of review. music and youth. Combs is_ February 2004. Schedule is Feb. 17, Feb. 24, VS JXZZ. Mississippi College is offerin and Mar. 1 from 6 -10 pa review courses for the AC Registration deadline is Feb. UZLXYGPYX SVKGJZZC: VCZ assessment for the Apr. 9 test 10, and cost is $195. Call date. Four review sessions are (601) 925-3265 or e-mail scheduled, $15 each, and each [email protected] for more Clue: H = B session is independent of the information. Have fun with cryptography and exercise your Bible knowledge. A KingJames Version MSAudio Bible verse has been encoded by letter substitution. The same let- ter is substituted throughout the puzzle. Solve by trial and error. Answer to last week’s puzzle: Design & Integration ofProfessional Audio, Video, & Lighting Obadiah 1:15 Church, Conference Room, School Equipment sales, service and installation TrooperHales P.O. Box 1575 Ph 601-923-9947 [email protected] Clinton, MS 39060 Fax 601-924-2880 Advertisement Mississippi Baptist Minister to Host | oa FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH in Ellisville, Miss., isseekingafull-timeor part-timepastor. Pleasesendresumeto Fellowship Baptist Church, c/o John Abadie, 1069 Ovett Moselle Road, Ellisville, MS 39437. CARROLL-MONTGOMERY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, Winona, Miss.,_ is seeking resumes for an Association Mission Director. Mail restimes to Carroll Montgomery BaptistAssociation, And Pacific Northwest Vacation PO Box 461, Winona, MS 38967. Or call 662-283-4172, resume deadline is February 28, 2005. : OnJune 12,2005,joinyour Spiritual Director,BaptistMinisterRev. J. Barry P ART-TIME YOUTH MINISTER: Pocahontas Baptist Church. Please send Worrellonthis 15-dayvacation includingaseven-daydeluxeAlaskaCruisewith resume to4200KickapooRoad,Jackson, HollandAmericaLineandaseven-dayPacificNorthwestvacationwithYourMan MS 39209. Experience preferred, butnot Tours.Devotionswill bemadeavailabledailywhileonboardshipforthoseinthe required. If any questions call Michael groupwhowishtoparticipate. Rev. WorrellisMinisterofMusicandSr.Adultsat Bird,pastor,601-982-2305. EmmanuelBaptistChurch inGrenada,Mississippi. Hehasalsoledtourgroupson P ARKWAY BAPTIST CHURCH in avarietyofvacationsovertheyears. Hernando, Miss., located 20 miles southofMemphis,TN, isseekingafull- YourgroupwillflyintoSaltLakeCitystarting asix-nightmotorcoachtourofthe time minister ofeducation and a part- PacificNorthwestvisitingSaltLakeCity(includingtheMormonTabemacle,Beehive time ministerofmusic.Weareseeking HouseandGreatSaltLake;idahoFalls; JacksonHole, Wyoming;Grand Tetonand spiritually mature, aggressive, motivat- Yellowstone(OldFaithful)NationalParks;Montana; LakeCoeurd'AltehenGrea;nd ed team members. Parkway is a grow- Coulee Dam; Washington; the Cascade Mountains; and British Columbia. In ing church with unlimited potential. Vancouveryouwillboardyourfive-starshipHAL’smsZaandam. Please pray about this, and ifthe Lord is leading you, contact the personnel committeeat50N. Parkway, Hernando, MS 38632. Or fax (662) 429-6076 or eee ee emailbaileypeeaneocon. Afterthecruiseyou'lltake ascenicdrivetoSeattle,spendingonenightbefore RAY! CHURCH Pian“F"or“G"MedicareSupplement flyinghome.Pricesforthis15-dayvacationstartatonly$2348(perperson,double isseekingqualified individualstowork tooexpenWseicavnHeel?p! occupancy).Includedisroundtripairfare,portchargesandtaxes,lotsofescorted birth throcuagrhefhioveuryseafrosr cehaiclhdreSnunadgaeys motorcoachsightseeingthroughoutthePacificNorthwest,the7-daydeluxeAlaska Ctuise,7nightsinqualityhotels,transfers,andbaggagehandling. and Wednesday evening. Applicants We offer free quote by phone, new reduced rates! . must be atleast18 years of age and $d100eposareinotwdsue. Friendsandfamilyarewelcome. Rx card included. Also available: senior dental plan & medicare will be required to submit to an inter- Forinformation,reservations,brochure,andRev.Worrells’lettercall: disability plan. Call toll free 877-232-0686 today....We can view process and background. check. “YOUR MAN’ TOURS_ 1-800-968-7626 All interested parties should contact the help! E.F. Hutton Insurance churchofficeat601-372-6154. Prov iding carefreevacationssince 1967! THE BAPTIST RECORD JANUARY27,2005

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