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Preview The Baptist Record Jan. 17. 1991

Nashville's Baptist Hospital Mississippi moves to elect board trustees EVANGELISM CONFERENCE NASHVILLE (BP) — Baptist regular meeting was part of the p.m.,Dee. 19. Lowriewasoutoftown. HealthCareSystemboardoftrustees board’splan“topreparethehospital Lowrie said he had not yet receiv- on Dec. 19approved amendmentsin for the challenges of the 1990s.” The edanofficialdocument. “Wewillwant January 28-30, 1991 the charter of Nashville’sBaptist vote was unanimous, with one toreviewandstudythesituation,”he Hospitalwhichauthorizesthehospital abstention. said. First Church, Clinton to elect its own trustees. Bates said the current 27 trustees Inthemeantime, Lowriesaid,TBC « Currently the Tennessee Baptist willcomprisetheinitialmembership attorneyRobertTaylorwillstudyap- Theme: Share Heritage and Hope — Convention’s committee on nomina- of the new Baptist Hospital board. propriatedocumentsregardingTBC- tions annually presents a slate for TBCExecutiveDirector-Treagurer Baptist Hospital relationships. Taylor EXTEND CHRIST’S MISSION convention messengers’ approval. D.L. Lowrie said he was unaware of is a former Baptist Hospital trustee. Dot Pray, Organist Irene Martin, Pianist The board action permits an in- anyplansforsuchaction. Hesaidhe “Thehospitalwillcontinuetomain- crease in number for the hospital firstlearnedofthemovewhenhewas tainacloseworkingrelationshipwith MONDAY EVENING J. Garland McKee, Presiding boardandallowstheboardtoelectits reachedbytelephoneabout7p.m. the Baptistchurches, theTennesseeBap- e6:35 Music — Mississippi Singing Churchmen successors when vacancies occur. day of the meeting. tistConvention, BelmontCollege,the s Congregational Praise Board Chairman Guy Bates, a AletterfromStringfieldexplaining Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home, y)+1~ gna WIMneessltscraougmmeeenatanldPPrraaiyseer . , ~ NeiDlaJrarBcyikllsloPBnra,aktJeerrr. ploaryamtaenreforrgoamniJzoaetlitoonn,apspariodvtehdeatctohr-e tLhoewrbieo’asrdo’fsfiaccetiinonBrweanstwdoeoldivaebroeudtt5o adinndgottoheGruByapBtaitsetsi.nstitutions,”accor- ys rT u Hymn L. Graham Smith, Leading eo s Evangelism in Mississippi J. Garland McKee The Second Front Page wo S Choral Praise Mississippi Singing Churchmen Che Baptist Rerord C S Message Billy Baskin e d~SDAY MORNING James Fancher, Presiding emE Praise and Prayer Keith . 1d Barbara Bennett wS Message Billy Baskin wE Messae Neil Jackson, Jr. SR Break —SE Hymn Keith Bennett, Leading > 10:S50 -Testimony . Esther Burroughs JOURNAL OF THE MISSISSIPPI BAPTIST CONVENTION. 11:05 Messagein Song” Keith and Barbara Bennett 11:10 Message Chuck Kelley TUESDAY AFTERNOON Eugene_H. Dobbs, Presiding Thursday, January 17, 1991 Published Since 1877 1é:45 Praise and Prayer “Joy Makers” — Bill Bacon, Director Sunday School trustees to s Message Billy Baskin dS Praise Bill Bacon, Leading eE Message Avery Willis n aG Break cR pR Testimony Odean Puckett decide on Elder’s presidency c aS Message in Song Martha Bacon ObtrRKR AMdejsosuargne Charles Carter By Linda Lawson NASHVILLE (BP) — Ameetingof Anderson said a five-member general adinielabeatiin committee 1:45-3:45 PrayerandWitnessing (inChapel) —EstherBurroughs the 90-member board of trustees of workgroupofthegeneraladministra- metJan.4toconsiderthereportofthe TUESDAY EVENING James Fancher, Presiding the Southern Baptist Sunday School tioncommitteemetinNashvilleDec. workgroup. Hedeclinedcommenton eS Worshipin Song “One Voice” Boardhas been called forThursday, 13 to review Elder’s performance as whether the committee has asked ryR Praise and Prayer Rick Greene Jan. 17, inNashville“forthepurpose president. Members included Dan Elder to resign or retire. S Message Charles Carter of evaluatingand responding to the Collins, chairman of the general ad- “The general administration com- rS Congregational Praise Rick Greene, Leading performance” of President Lloyd ministration committee and an at- mitteediscussedwithLloydallkinds rE Concert “One Voice” Elder, accordingtoa lettersentJan. torneyfromTaylors,S.C.; GeneMims, ofoptionsrelatedtowhat many con- R Message D. L. Lowrie 11 to all trustees. vicechairmanoftrusteesandpastor sideranimpasseinleadershipatthe eSNESDAY MORNING J. Garland McKee, Presiding The general administration com- of First Church ofCleveland, Tenn;. board,”saidAnderson. “Thecommit- eE Praise Him “Morningstar” mittee which has been ‘reviewing BobbyWelch, pastorofFirst‘Church teeisstilldiscussingoptions,allkinds eS Message Chuck Kell Elder’s performance will meet at 10. of Daytona Beach, Fla.; Floyd of options.” eE Testimony Bill Web! a.m.Thursday,Jan. 17.Thefullboard Williams,presidentofFranchisePer- Elderdeclinedcomment,regarding teS Hymn L. Graham Smith, Leading willconveneat7p.m.and, ifneeded, sonnel Agency in Memphis, Tenn.; the called meeting or issues related nR Praise “Morningstar” Fridayat9.a.m. Thecalledmeeting and Anderson. to his performance to “honortheex- ttia Message D. L. Lowrie ‘comes 17 days before a :regularly “Wediscussedatlengthsomeissues ecutive.privilege,” ofthegeneral ad- reS Adjourn -scheduledmeetingoftheboardFeb. that,have arisen, particularly the ministration committee. ..- -4-6 in. Nashville. McBethbook,”saidAnderson.Thead- Anderson said the general ad- BillAnderson,chairmanoftrustees ministration of the board withdrew ministrationcommitteewillmeeton Southern Baptist scholar and pastor of Calvary Church of before publication a centennial Jan. 17to“refinearecommendation” Clearwater, Fla., said Jan. 12 the history of the Sunday School Board for presentation to the full board. meetingwascalledafterhereceived writtenbyLeonMcBeth,professorof “Myassumption is theywill make helps revise Living Bible written petitions from more than 20 church history at Southwestern a recommendation. I don’t know at trustees. He declined to name those SeminaryinFortWorth,Texas,after thistimewhatthatrecommendation trustees. acommitteeoftrusteesreviewedthe will be,” said Anderson. Sunday School Board trustee manuscript in August 1990. The In response towhy a meeting was bylawsstatethat“specialmeetingsof trusteecommitteevotedunanimous- being called less than three weeks LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP) — As a language’s finer points cause him theBoardmaybecalledbyorat the ly to“counseltheadministrationnot beforearegularlyscheduledmeeting member of the team that is difficulty. request oftheChaiofrthmeBaoanrd awith thepublishingofthe of the trustees, Anderson said the retranslating The Living Bible, He also believes The Living Bible oruponthewrittenpetitionofany 15 (SeeELoDnpEageR5) SouthernSeminaryprofessorGerald “tends to be very middleclass, very trustees.” Anderson said the 17-member Borchertapproachesthetaskwitha Western and very American in its Lloyd Elder may be fired mixedviewofthepopularversionof perspective.” The Living Bible thus Holy Scripture. “communicates verywell with most NorthAmericans,” hesaid. “Theon- Borchertandotherbiblicalscholars lyproblem isthatitisn’talwayscor- workingonthe projecthave anoppor- rectinthetranslation. Whatweface NASHVILLE (ABP) —LloydElder SourcesclosetoEldersaidhewas purposeofevaluatingandresponding tunitytomakesubstantivechangesto ishowcanyoumaintaintheintegrity may be fired as president of the shockedand mystified as tohow the to the performance”’ of Elder, who the translation. Their objective, he of the text and still communicate?” Southern Baptist Sunday School reporterobtained a copy of the con- has been president since 1984. said,istokeeptheparaphrasedstyle The Living Bible’s failure to com- BoardwhentrusteesmeetThursday fidential letter. The letter also was EldermetinclosedsessionJan. 11 oforiginal eanelot KennethTaylor municateclearlythesufferingsofthe (Jan. 17) in a hastily-called special sent by first class mail on Friday with at least three trustee officers. . butstrivetostaytruetotheGreekand early church is an example of its meeting. afternoon to the members of the Reportscirculatedthetrusteeleaders Hebrew texts. American bias, Borchert said. “The Trustee- leadership announced the board’s general administration hadcometoNashvilletohearElder’s Taylor’s primary goal in the early churchwas a sufferingchurch meetingFriday (Jan. 11) afterElder committee. response to an undiSclosed recom- iginalLivingBiblewas“totranslate andAmericansdon’twant-tosuffer. I reportedlyrefusedtoresignaspresi- Thespécial meetinghasbeencall- mendationabout his futureas presi- it for his children in order that thinkthat’s (suffering)averycrucial dent of the publishing arm of the edfor7p.m.Jan. 17,andmaygoover dent of the SSB. couldunderstandwhattheBibleisall aspectoftheBible. TheBibledoesn’t Southern Baptist Cofivention which intoJan. 18. Thecalledmeetingison Elder met with a five-member about,” Borchert noted. The style of promiseyou that-it willall gohappi- employs 1,882 persons. ly 17 days in advance of the regular workgroupofthegeneraladministra- TheLivingBibleindicatesthatTaylor lyeverafter. The Bibletells you that NewcontroversyaroseonSaturday semi-annual meeting of the tioncommitteeoftrusteesDec. 13, to is a “fine literary er,”* Borchert you mayhave tosufferand youmay (Jan. 12) after a television reporter 90-membertrusteeboard, scheduled reviewhisperformanceaspresident. said. However, headded thatTaylor's even have to die for Jesus and there aired a copy of Elder’s confidential Feb..4-6 in Nashville. Bill Anderson, pastor of Calvary knowledge of Greek is “not the isnotenoughofthatinTheLivingBi- response to the trustee leaders ap- In a lettersent toall trustees Jan. Church in Clearwater, Fla., and scholar’s Greek” and some of the ble.” parently declining to resign. 11, the meeting was called ‘‘for the (See FIRED on page 5) Senior adults can be key to reaching young families Pa6roft6 By Mark Wingfield ATLANTA (BP) —Churchesdesir- want,” explained Ebbie Smith, pro- ing to reach young families — con-., fessor of missions at Southwestern sideredessentialtochurchgrowth— SeminaryinFortWorth,Texas. “Itis do not have to send older church a dilemma. But we must be very members packing. carefulnottoforgettheoldpeopleand In fact, graying members can ac- set them aside in order to méet the tuallyhelpachurchgrow, contended newpeople.We'vegottoreachthenew B.J.Dier,arecentlyretiredhomemis- but we’ve got to care for the old.” sionary who specialized in senior The solution is challenging older adultministries. “Thegreatestasset adults.with meaningful ministry in- most churches have is the senior stead of just forming social groups, adults, if they will get them in the Dier believes. “Instead of putting Four students with Mississippi ties received doctoral dian, doctor of education degree; Landrum P. Leavell Il, harnessandgivethemaplaceofser- senioradultstoworkinministryand ‘degreesfrom NewOrleansSeminaryduringcommencement seminarypresident; Kenneth Moore, of Montpelier, doctorof vice.” missions, most churches organize exercises Dec. 21. Standing, left to right, are Robin Jumper, ministry degree; and Benny Jones, of Mathiston, doctor of Research confirms that plateaued them ‘into something different. It ofEtta,doctorofphilosophydegree; ReidWhittington,ofMeri- philosophy degree. anddecliningchurcheshaveahigher- becomesago-goclub,andthey’renot than-average concentration of older reallyinvolvedinwhatthechurchis.” New Orleans Seminary grants degrees adults in their membership. Pastors with a vision to reclaim a InastudyofchurchesinMemphis, es or declining church can Tenn.,JohnVaughandiscoveredthat arnessthepowerofsenioradultsby churches with more than 18 percent making them part of the “dream FourMississippiansreceivedtheir Okla., now pastor of Sylvarena William G. Dowdy Jr., Booneville, ofenrollmentage60andabovewere team,” added JayJohnston, a senior doctoral degrees from New Orleans Church, Wesson, master ofdivinity; now pastor at West Union Church, plateaued. Churches composed of adult consultant with the Southern Seminaryduringcommencementex-_ Harold Batteaste Watkins, Hat- Carriere,masterofdivinity; Richard more than 20 percent senior adults Baptist Sunday School Board. ercises on Dec. 21. They include H. tiesburg, master of religious educa- Keith Manuel, Ocean Springs, now were declining, the professor at Senioradults areopen toreaching ReidWhittington,Meridian,now:staff tion; Barry C. Ward, Flora, now pastor of Beacon Church, Hat- Southwest Baptist University in youngerfamilies, if the pastor will chaplainandassociatedirectorinthe pastor of Antioch Church, Florence, tiesburg, masterofdivinity; OthoJay Bolivar, Mo., found. equip them for the task, Johnston department of pastoral services at master of religious education; B. Seals,Picayune, nowassociatepastor “Themessageisyou’vegot tocon- said. “The senior adults can be East MississippiStateHospital, doc- Allen Simpson, Eupora, master of and minister ofyouth at Pine Grove tinue to attract and reach young challenged to go out and reach that torofeducation; Kenneth W. Moore, divinity; Randy Sims, Soso, now Church, Picayune,masterofdivinity; families,and thatmeansteenagers,” high school student or that young Montpelier, now pastor of Enon associatepastorforyouthandsingles BillyPurser, Mendenhall,nowpastor Vaughansaid. “A markofa growing adult. Theyjusthave to regroupand Church, Jayess, doctor of ministry; atSouthsideChurch, Huntsville, Ala., of Willow Grove Church, Collins, churchisthatitwillhave12to15per- find out how to-do it.” George Robin Jumpter, Etta, now master of divinity; David Brent masterofartsinChristianeducation; centyouth.Youthdon’tstayarounda Pastorsmustspendtimewiththeir pastor of Wellman Church, Bogue Causey,Summit,nowpastorofMount Philip Price, Calhoun City, now church that’s dying.” senioradultsand “findoutwhatgifts Chitto, doctorofphilosohy; Benny J. ZionChurch,Osyka,masterofdivini- ministerofmusicandyouthatPlea- An often-repeated principle of andtalentstheyhavetoofferinstead Jones,Mathiston,nowpastorofanew ty; Steve Coleman, Jackson, now sant Hill Church, Pine Grove, La., church growth is that a church can of just writing them off;’ he sug- churchstartinDestrehan, La.,doctor’ minister of music at Mount Moriah master of divinity. either grow younger and larger or gested. Rather than being the wall of philosophy. Church, BogueChitto, masterofarts olderandsmaller.Theproblemcom- that keeps a church from growth, inChristianeducation; ScottWilliam Larry G. Hawkins, Macon, now monly faced by pastors ofplateaued. senior adults could be the walkway Receiving their masters’ degrees Crawford,Pearl,nowseminaryintern pastorofUnionChurch, Pascagoula, and declining churches is how to re- that leads to growth, he says. during the same ceremony were and pastor of Rachel Sims Church, received the associate of divinity tain the senior adults and attract Bringing young-families into a David Scott Palnter, Sand Springs, New Orleans, master of divinity. degree. younger families at the same time. churchwitha concentrationofolder Legislative session begins How it turns out depends upon the adults can benefit both groups, attitudeofthesenioradultsandonthe Johnstonsaid. Thesenioradults like attitude of the— experts say: tobearoundchildren, andtheyoung —Ifsenioradultsarewillingtoac- parents want their children to be By Paul Jones ceptchangeforthesakeofgrowth,the around older adults. The 1991 session of the Mississippi in the state. normally be awarded to the mother. church will succeed. But if senior Withanincreasingly mobilesocie- Legislature has begun. Special in- CHILDREN HB 290would create the “Uniform adults insist on running a church in ty,youngfamiliesoftenlivethousands terestgroupsarealreadyworkingto HB 85 would provide criminal PremaritalAgreementAct” toallow the1990sthewayitwasdone30years ofmilesawayfromgrandparents,and alterthelifestyleofthecitizensofthe penalties for failure to report premaritalagreementsregardingany ago, the church will decline. senioradultslivefarawayfromtheir state. Increase in the availability of neglected or abused children. This interests either present or future in —Ontheotherhand,ifapastorem- own grandchildren. alcohol, theallowingofthemanufac- could put teeth into the Mandated realorpersonalpropertyincludingin- braces older adults as partners in FortoolongSouthernBaptistshave ture of alcoholic beverages in the Reporting Act. come and earnings. growth, he will be successful. But if lookedatsenioradultsassaintswho state, the legalization of vidéo poker HB86wouldprovideforregistration GAMBLING he disregards older members in an shouldn’tbedisturbed,Johnstoncon- and the removal of the prohibition with law enforcement of all sex HCR 24 would establish a state- all-out effort to recruit younger tended. “Ifwemakethesenioradults againstlotteryareallmovingthrough offenders. operated lottery to fund education. members, he faces an uphill battle. aware of what potential is out there the Legislature. HB 89 would increase the penalty HB 125 would establish the Video “Tokeeptheolderpeopleworship- andequipthem,theycanmakeadif- Committeesare meetinganddeci- for selling tobacco to minors. Card Machine Control Law of 1991. ping and satisfied, you have to have ference.Theycangoclaimthatmoun- sions are being made on legislation HB 316would make it unlawful for This is part of the mechanism to thingsdifferentfromwhatthenewer tain.” whichwouldgreatlyimpactthelives anyparenttopermitaminorchildto legalize video poker and to use and younger people are going to Wingfield writes for HMB. ofmostcitizens. Nowisthetimetoin- carry a concealed weapon. whatever proceeds to fund public Ingram music minister formyourlegislatorofyouropinions DRUGS education. — onInany ofthe matters listed below. HB 84 would not allow for a GOVERNMENT — Persons wishing to contact their suspended sentence or parole for a HB1,HCR25,HCR26wouldreduce retires after 35 years representativesorsenatorsmaydoso personconvictedofsellingdrugstoa thesizeofthestateLegislatureinan bywritingthematBox 1018,Jackson, minor. Inessence,selltoakid,andgo attempttoreducestateexpenditures. MS39215, orcallingthemat359-3770. to jail, period. HB22would providefora referen- ABORTION , HB300wouldprovidefornoparole dum calling for a constitutional Ingram Church (Prentiss County) the timehewas inthefirstgradehe HB 113 would prohibit the use of forpersonsconvictedofdrugoffenses amendment. ministerofmusichasretiredafter35 was singing just about anything the public funds for abortions. whenaminorisemployedorused in HCR23andHCR27wouldpropose years. Lee Crawford, minister of olderstudentsaskedhimtoout.onthe HB 114 would prohibit the use of the commission of such a crime. areductioninthelengthoftheannual, rnausic at Ingram playground. Healwaysgotthesinging public facilities for abortions. EDUCATION regular session of the Legislature. Since 1955, has parts in school plays and programs. HB327providesthatbeforeaphysi- HB 88 would prohibit weapons on HEALTH beensingingmost Singing schools werea part of his cian performs an abortion on any public school premises. HB 164 would prohibit smoking at of his life. growing up. In 1946, he graduated womanwhois24ormoreweekspreg- HB245wouldprovidethatanypupil public high schools. Jan. 27hasbeen fromthe Stamps Baxter School of nant that the viabilityof the unborn has the option ofreciting the pledge HB183wouldprohibituseoftobac- designatedas“Lee Music in Chattanooga. child be determined. The law would of allegiance to the U.S. flag each co vending machines. Crawford Day” at Hebeganleadingmusicwhenonly prohibit the abortion of a viable un- schoolday,Itwouldalsoproyidethat MEDIA Ingram. A special 14 at Piney Grove Church (Tippah born child unless necessary to no student shall be disciplined or HB339wouldplacecabletelevision service will be County) where he was a member. preserve the life or health of the penalized for not reciting such a companies-under the jurisdiction of - conducted Sunda FromPiney Grovehis family moved woman. pledge. the Public Service Commission. morningandenc toOak HillChurch, PrentissCounty, ALCOHOL HB 309 provides under certain cir- Your attention is needed im- where Lee led the music at Oak Hill HB204wouldallowliquorstoresto cumstances immunity fromcivil or mediately. Your representative and thefellowshiphall. for several years. sell party goods. The limited focus criminal liability to certain school senatorneedtohearfrom=today. FriendsoftheCrawfordsareinvited. In1955,hebecamesongdirectorat seta bythestatealcoholbeverage personnel who inform parents of a Yourcard, letter,and/orcall couldbe Ingram Church new plans to com- IngramChurch.Untilthelate’70she aws would be expanded so liquor child’s unlawful use of alcohol and the key to restoring the historic servedonavoluntarybasis.Thenthey stores could compete with stores other drugs. ethical framework of the state. Your bineduties ofminister ofmusic and youth. The Search Committee has begantopayasalarytotheminister whichsellpartyitemsbutstoressell- ENVIRONMENT ChristianAction Commissionstands asked for recommendations. Send of music. He has taught singi ing party items could not compete HB21 wouldcreatetheMississippi readytoassistthemembershipofthe name and/or resume to Bobby Carr, schools, written songs, com with liquor stores. mae Reeyeling Act.-The need-to-bemore 2,000churchesoftheMississippiBap- Rt. 1, Baldwyn, MS 38824. music, and organized and led the HB351wouldlegalizethemanufac- environmentally responsible could tistConventionandcanbecontacted CrawfordQuartet,whichhassungin ture,sale,distribution,andtranspor- refocusattentiononwhatitmeansto at Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205, ItallbeganwhenLeereceivedahar- revivalsandsingingsandhundredsof tation of intoxicating liquors in the be earth stewards. 968-3800. monica for Christmas at age 3. By funeral services. state.Thisbillwouldradicallyexpand FAMILY Jones is executive director- lunchtimethatChrisdatymheawass Joe Herndon is pastor, Ingram therightsgiventoalcoholsellersand HB285wouldremovethestatutory treasurer of Christian Action makingmusicontheharmonica. By Church. wouldallowthemanufactureofliquor presumptionthatchildcustodyshould Commission. Ss Mississippi women make Thursday, January 17, 1991 ~ BAPTIST. RECORD PAGE 5 Overseas missionary force: WMU connections in Peru By Vicki Heath Part4 of4 The following article is condensed Therewere50womenatthemeeting! Theyhadbeensogoodtocarrythings Ev ery49Southern from journal excerpts written by Thisgroup was the most responsive forus,translate,andtakecareofour Baptistmissionaries Vicki Heath of Jackson while on group of all. They all wanted our money. appointed from 1980 volunteer mission trip to Peru with autographs and presented us with We went to a small waiting room. to 1986produced 12 Ashley McCaleb, Jackson; Bobbie giftsmadeofthevolcanicashnative Afteracoupleofhours,Janet’sname Foster, Prentiss; and Janet Murray, to the area. wascalled.Wewentoutsidewhereall Jackson. September 27, Thursday ourluggagewaspiledon thetarmac, September 24, Monday ThenextmorningPamShearerand whereanyonecouldget it, andwere The next morning we left early to Kim. Johnson picked us up for told to identify it and show our lug- etectieksosrfotheatepordti, breakfastatabeautifulrestauranton ' gage tags. ) ustothe airport, driv- the riverbank. The snowcapped September 28, Friday ing past Chan Chanwherewe could volcano,Misti,wasinthebackground. Wesighted the Miami skyline and ~ see the excavated ruins. phnve were washing and dryiing beach about 7 a.m. God less the September 25, Tuesday clo’ along the riverbank. On the USA! WefoundouttodaythatourFriday grounds were monkeys and llamas. aa trudged to the Faucett Airline ight hasbeen cancelledandthatwe ‘Weenjoyedtheseyoung,freshmis- togetapaperexplainingtoDelta ill have to go home Thursday. ' siosonmucah.Troseietheeirsen- thatwehad tochange our ticket ar- WetookPeggy,Karl,Christina,and thusiasm and zeal was great. I was rangements because Faucett had Jacob to dinner at Rincon Gaucho abletogimvyneew goandwrobento cancelledourflight. Theman at the Every49 Southern Baptist mis- (Cowboy’s Corner), a_ lovely Pamtowear whenshégoestothe Faucett desk refused to help, but at restaurantattheshore.Thecoastline hospitothaavle her baby. theDeltadesk,theladytookonelook sionariesappointed from 1987to isbleakclifftotheedgeofthewater, A 20 minutes after our plane atmeandtookpity.Weflewonstand- 1989producedone netgain on some beach, and very cold water. _ wasairborne,webegananunschedul- by without difficulty, arriving in thefield. Butincomplete 1990 September 26, era ed descent. We became rather ner- Jackson at 7:55 p.m. figuresofferhopefor upturn. AshleyandJanetgotoffforIquitos. vouswhenthepilotannouncedastop WearrivedinJacksondifferentpeo- BobbieandI,accompaniedbyCathy in Tacna. We were at the border of plefromwhen we had left. We were Phillips, headed south to Arequipa. Chile, inthe opposite direction from much more knowledgeable about Wearrivedattheairportforathree- Lima.Kathy remarked, “Nowyou’ve Peru; muchmoreenlightenedabout Missionary attrition rate rises hourwaitwhile twomen handwash- been literally from one end of the theobstaclesfaceddailybyourmis- ed the outside ofthe airport! countrytotheother,fromTumbesto sionaries; much more concerned For most ofthe 1980s, annual foreign missionary appointments more than com- EnroutetoArequipa weflew over Tacna.” aboutthepovertyandterriblecondi- pensatedforattritionlosses. However,inthelate’80sadeclineinappointmentsstrip- some snowcapped mountains. After about an hour-and-a-half on tionsunderwhichthePeruvianslive; pedtheForeignMissionBoardofitsattritionhedgeandaccentuatedtheseriousness We went straight on to our con- theground,wecontinuedonourway, muchmore andthrilledabout oftheincreaseinresignationsandretirements.Thisalsocausesadropinmissionary ference at the J lem Church, turnedaround, andheadedtoLima. Christians in Peru. But most of all, net gainson thefield. Forevery49 missionaries appointed from 1980 to 1986, the which was pa with people. We Attheairptocoatrchta12:30flight, much more convinced that God had missionfieldgained 12missionaries. However, from 1987to 1989,every49appoint- had been told not to be a if itwasstrangetopartcompanywith called us to a task and we had ac- ments produced onlyone net gain on the field. Board officials hope 1990’s higher there were only five people there. Karl and Peggy and proceed alone. complished it. appointmenttotalwill begintoimprovethisvital ratio. (BP)GRAPH byBurriel Perry Itissadtoseepeoplesquandering moneyandknowyoucan’thelpthem. mitteediscussedwithLloyd (Elder) he could not anticipate trustee — The Tiro (Ohio) World ELDER FIRED all kinds of options related to what preference on whether it will be a manyconsideranimpasseinleader- closed or open session. CHURCH FURNITURE on From page 3 From page 3 ship at the board,’”’ Anderson said. In the August 1989session, during. For Quality and Low Prices } Oak — Pine — Veneer eS written petitions of more than -20 “Thecommitteeisstilldiscussingop- which a motion to fire Elder was Wallace Foy _ Wew | trustees had specified a called chairmanofthe trustee board, said, tions, all kinds of options.”’ discussed for more than an hour, 171 Westover Dr. ~! ayy | meeting prior to the Feb. 4-6 semi- “‘Wediscussedatlengthsomeissues. Reports indicated the recommen- trustees opted to hold an open Clarksdale, MS 38614 —ygen annual meeting. thathavearisen,particularlyconcer- dationwasthatEldereitherresignor meeting. “Tbelievetheir (trustees) desireis ning the McBeth book.”’ retire. Reports also indicate that AndersonsaidtheJan. 17 meeting 1-800-898-0551 —ie to go ahead with this (review of administration of the board Elder declined to do either when he hadbeen.calledforthesinglepurpose Elder’s performance) and not pre- withdrewbeforepublishingacenten- met withtrustee leaders Jan. 11. ofreviewing and “‘responding to the empt theotherbusiness thatwill be nial history of the Sunday School Anderson‘told the SSB office of performance’’ of Elder. He added Alu©mSiTnEuEPmLEPSroducts for*yCoOuLrUCMNhSurch... dealtwith inFebruary,” saidAnder- BoardinAugust1990,afteracommit- communicationhecalledthespecial trustee bylaws allow for other * CUPOLAS © CORES * BELLTOWERS * LOUVERS son.“Wehavenooptionbuttocall-the tee of trustees; reviewed the sessionoftrustees afterhereceived business to transact ‘‘upon the * CROSSES * BALUSTRADES meeting.” manuscript.Thebookwaswrittenby written petitions from more than 20 unanimous consent of the trustees ©EXTERIORBULLETINBOARDS It He said he could not anticipate Leon McBeth, professor of church trustees. He declined to name those present and voting.”’ CAMPBELLSVILLE INDUSTRIES 800-626-0350 trustee preference regarding a clos- historyatSouthwesternSeminaryin trustees. Askedwhethertrustees likelywill CPA.OM0P.BBEOLXL2S7V8I-L5L E,=K(EKNYT)U50C2K-Y46452-7811835 ed or open sessionfor.the calledFort Worth, Texas. Sunday SchoolBoardguidelinessay review the performance of other meeting. The trustees felt the book was “‘special meetings’ may be called members of the administration, ~ In August 1989, a motion to fire “biased’”’ and the committee voted “‘byorattherequestofthechairman Andersonsaidhe“‘hadnoinformation CL ASSIFIED Elder was discussed for more than unanimously to ‘counsel the ad- oruponthewrittenpetitionofany 15 about that.’ onehourinan sessionbeforethe ministration not toproceed withthe trustees.”’ Elder, 57, was elected president- motion was wi wn. publishing of the book.”’ The special called meeting — just -elect of the board in February 1983 “T would much rather do business The handling of the McBeth book days before the regular meeting — and was installed as president in inanopenmeeting,asageneralprin- has become a critical issue, par- likely will cost in excess of $50,000. February 1984. He was elected ciple,” said Anderson. “I don’t know ticularly with some trustees. ABP Estimates are based on the special without name although two whatthewillofthetrusteeswillbeor learned that trustee Larry Holly, a calledmeetingoftheSBCExecutive fundamenta -conservatives on the - { i rl what the preference of Lloyd Elder medical doctor from Beaumont, CommitteeinJuly, whichcostabout board abstained from voting. FOR SALE: 50 Choir ROBES in will be” =. Texas, met with the Dec. 13 evalua- $40,000. Previously, Elder, a native of excellent condition. Call (601) AndersonsaidtheJan. 17 meeting tion workgroup to criticize Elder’s Anderson was asked why the Dallas,wasexecutivevicepresident 939-2975. h“oafsrbeeveinewcailnlgedafnodrtrheespsoinngdlienpgutropotshee peArfBoPrmaalnscoe.has learned Holly has wmeeeetkisnbgefwoarsecaalrleegdullaerslsytshcahnedtuhlreede oafssSisotuatnhtwteosttehernexSeecmuitniavreyd,ir1e9c7t8o-r83o;f FORSALE: Nineteen 15'9"pad- performance of the president.” writtenat least one letter critical ot meetingoftrustees. Hesaidthewrit- the Baptist General Convention of ded PEWS — $2,000. Call (601) The trustee bylaw concerning Elder which he sent toall members ten petitions had specified a called Texas, 1975-78, and pastorofseveral 534-2108; (601) 988-2141. special meetings states that “onl oftheboard. Holly,incirculatingthe meeting prior to the Feb. 4-6 semi- Texas churches. such business for which any special © criticisms to all trustees, brought annual meeting. Heisa graduateofHoward Payne CHURCH PEW CUSHIONS: meetingmaybecalledshallbeacted about an hour-long discussion in “Tbelievetheir (trustees’) desireis University, Brownwood, Texas, and Manufactured in our plant. For upon; however,otherbusinessmaybe Augustof 1989tofireElder. Themo- to go ahead with this (review of holds two degrees, including a doc- freeestimate contact— Emmons transacted upon unanimous consent tion to terminate was withdrawn. Elder’s performance) and not pre- toratefromSouthwesternSeminary. Brothers, P. O. Box 186, Meridian, of the trustees present and voting.” ABPalsohas learnedatleastfour —— the other business that will be His wife, Sue, had heart bypass Miss. 39301. Since 1899. Phone Astowhethertrusteesarelikelyto other trustees have written letters dealtwithinFebruary.Wehadnoop- surgery in Nashville’s Baptist (601) 693-4451, review the performance of other critical of Elder which have cir- tion buttocall the meeting,’’ Ander- HospitatDec. 24. membersof theadministrationinthe culated to the entire board. son said. (This story was written by ABP FORSALE: CHURCH MINI-BUS, 1980 Dodge Sportsman, seats 21 future, Anderson said he had “no in- AftertheDec. 13meeting,thefive- Elder declined to comment to News Director Dan Martin and bas- formation about that. membersubcommitteereportedtoa reporters. ed on reports by Linda Lawson, SSB adults, luggage compartment in rear, dualA/C,dualreartires, lots “I appreciate the spirit of the Jan. 4 meeting of the 17-member Dan Collins, an attorney from office of communications, and Ray of miles, lots of miles left, $4,500. general administration committee,’ eneral administration committee. Taylors,S.C.,andchairofthegeneral Waddle, religion editor of the Fulton Bridge Church, Hamilton, saidAnderson. “Isenseatremendous meeting, according to reports, administrationcommittee, said it is NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN. ABP loyalty to the institution itself.” lasted well past midnight. hisunderstandingthecalledmeeting News Director Martin planstocover Alabama (205) 921-3669 or (205) Lawson writes for BSSB. “Thegeneraladministrationcom- willbeopen. However,Andersonsaid the called meeting of the SSB.) 921-9019. , Seoe PAGE 6 BAPTIST RECORD Thursday, January 17, 1991 “Bluebird” travels to Belize Book reviews Two summers ago, 40 youths .and’ live on campus, there are many the school and nearby Mennonites adults from First Church, Hat- demands and needs day by day. were hired to pour the cement foun- tiesburg, flew to Belize for an eight- In the afternoons, the FBC team, dation during the “dry times.” So day mission. The door to a new mis- along with four of the boys from the whenthecrewarrived inSeptember sionendeavorwasopeningfortheen- compound, ventured into a nearby forPhaseIItheyfoundaperfectfoun- Swindoll, Charles R. SANCTITY wants to get involved in the war on tire churgh membership. refugeecampofsome 3,000whohad dationforthe25 < 50shopwaitingfor OF LIFE: THE INESCAPABLE abortionbutisnotcertainhowto.This AftertheweekoncampusattheVo- fledfromHonduras,Guatemala,and _ them.Stayingbusyallweek,theyleft ISSUE. Waco: Word. 1990. isagoodchapterandworththeprice Tech School, sponsored by Global other Central American countries. behind a completed shop (framed, Theauthorhas been senior pastor of the book. Outreach, headquartered in Tupelo, Theyhuddleinsafeplacesthroughout roofed and ready for limited use). oftheFirstEvangelicalFree Church Thesecond chapter.confronts the theyouthsandsponsorssharedtheir Belize, dividingintoteams tohandle PhaseIIIwasplannedtocompletethe in Fullerton, Calif., since 1971. He is effects abortion has on a young experiences.Soonplanningwasbeing age-group needs. Volunteers were project. Thiswasdonetheweekafter a well-known author in evangelical woman who has chosen to have one. donethatwouldinvolvemanyothers. able to teach 94 preschoolers, 104 Thanksgivingwhenateamoffourar- circles. Itisarevealing chapter. Onestoryin The Baptist Men adopted two pro- children,and20adultsdailyintheBi- rived to install ceiling lights, fans,. In the introduction, the author particulairs illuminating. The final jects in relations to the Vo-Tech ble schools. plumbing and partition off a states that of all the people-related two chapters deal with the need for School: 1) secure a useable bus and Two young men, Mark Herrington classroom. Thefinishingtouchwasto issues he has been involved in God’speopletostandupandspeakout driveitdown, and2) buildtheschool andWesCrider,madeplansto ee staintheoutsideandthenhaveacom- throughouthisministry, noneismore on issues such as abortion. a woodwork shop to teach the young eightweeksthere,helpinginteaching, missioning service. significant than the sanctity of life This is a good book. I strongly men the skills of carpentry and working,andservingashouseparents Theservicehadtoberushedonthe andsexualpurity. “Remainingsilent recommendittoanyChristian.Swin- woodworking. totheboysduringt hesummer. Inear- lastday,fortheriverwasrisingagain oneitherisnolongeranoption,”says dolldoeswhatheisnotedfor: taking In February, eight men from the ly July, a second youth team flew at a rate of one foot per hour. theauthor. Thus, the author decided acomplicatedandsometimesconfus- church loaded the bus and made the down.Some50ofthemarrivedtosee For 18 months, over 120 men, tospeakoutandhasreceivedanover- ing subject and making it crystal- six-day trip through Texas and Mex- the Belize River the highest it had women, and youths had invested at whelminglypositiveresponse. Thislit- _Clear. He does that in this book. — ico.Justdrivingthehighways,surviv- beenin 10years. Havingtomaneuver leastoneweekeach tohelpmeetthe tle volume is theresultofhis efforts Reviewed by Greg Potts, pastor, ingthelanguagebarrierandtrusting acrosstherivereachdayinaneight- needsofyoungmen, theirfamiliesin tospeakoutinthissensitiveandim- Heuck’s. Retreat Church, near an old bus was a great faith builder manboat,pulledbyaropeonaguide the villages, and the staff at Global portant issue. Brookhaven. aswellasprovidingtransportationfor line,theyouthsprovedtobesurvivors. Outreach. The church’s minister of In the first chapter, the author the 33 boys and staff. OutoffiveBible-schools,700children media,MerleGuyton,andwifeCarla, states candidly, “It has come to the REMEMBER, I LOVE YOU, Mar- InMarch, nineadultsflewtoBelize werereached, andthepastorbaptiz- made the commitment to return to timewherethemostdangerousplace ‘tha’s Story by Charlie W. Shedd and worked for a week at the com- edfivemeninanearbycreekthelast Belize and serve as full-time staffer tobeinAmericaisnotintheinnerci- (HarperSanFrancisco, 169 pages, pound. In the mornings work con- day of class. with Global Outreach. They will be ty where gangs threaten innocent $14.95) This book is wise and witty, sisted of sorting used clothing and Already the Baptist Men were leaving Hattiesburg in early lives.or in angry prisons whereonl with laughter sprinkled amidst its shoes the group took for the boys; prepdringforathree-phaseprojectto February. thefit survive .. . . but inthewom tears. Itis CharlieSheddathis best, working in the garden; paintingand construct a woodwork shop for the Don McCarley, Clarksdale, is the of a mother who is being told ifshe foritisthes ofMartha,Charlie’s fresheningupareas; building/repair- school. In July Phase I had to be director of the Vo-Tech School and doesn’treallywantthebaby,anabor- wife. “Remember, I love you” was ing work sheds; and meal prepara- aborted -due to the heavy floods in Global Ministry in Belize. He is a tionisthesolution.” Theauthorthen Martha’s constant message to her tions. Sinceover30 boys (ages 11-17) Belize. However, funds were sent to graduateofMississippiStateandhas gives the reader the four reasons he husband. Hereinthisbookisthestory servedfortwoyears.Donworksclose- has chosentospeak out on this sub- oftheircourtshipandmarriage; their ly with men’swork teams and youth ject: 1) To inform us of the facts, 2) yearsin re |pastorates; theirgrow- missiongroups as they plan mission To help'usgain courage to stand up ing love and appreciation for each projects in that area..His father is and speakout against this national other,especiallyCharlie’sgrowingap- Wade McCarley, pastor of Riverside crime,3) Tomotivateustobeinvolv- preciationforMartha; hisgriefather Church, Clarksdale. ed,and4)Toshareabiblicalbasisfor death; and his search forcomfort in From the senior adults who bake issues at hand. the months after her death. Many cookies/brownies and send to the Inthefirstchapter,Swindollshares readershaveknownCharlieandMar- boys, tothe RAswhocollectshoes/t- some statistics related to abortion, tha Shedd through their books and shirtsfortheboysthere, theBYWwho asks a pertinent es“Why are conferencesonChristianliving, love, pack boxes of small children’s childrenaborted”?,sharestheanswer, and marriage. Certainly their own clothing for the farhilies in the shares some scriptures related to marriage,asshownin thisstory,sets villages, tothemenwhowouldnever abortion, and provides some helpful an example to be followed. Highly think ofgoing, but have adopted one suggestions to the Christian who recommended reading. — AWM of the boys for the year, these are some of the ways MISSIONS HAS Bluebird — Hattiesburg men drive bus to Belize, with love. COME ALIVE. CP receipts second highest fund for East Europe BWA starts for month of December McLEAN, Va. (BP) — Baptists powder,aspirinoraspirinsubstitutes, the Baptist World Alliance. from around theworldcanfe peo- instant soups, sausages, andcanned Churches are asked not to send NASHVILLE (BP) — Southern mission programs are supported by ple in Eastern Europe during. this meats. truckloads of food and clothing BaptistConventionCooperativePro- CooperativeProgramfi whichre- timeofseverefoodshortagesthrough Each package will cost $25to put becausethere are lemswithboth gram unified budget receipts in main in the state conventions. The a special fund of the Baptist World together-and ship, estimated Paul storing and distributing such bulky, December1990totaled$11,192,207,an division of Cooperative Program Alliance. Montacute, directorofBaptistWorld unpackaged shipments. increase of 6.73 percent over fundsbetweenstatesandtheSouthern WorkingthroughBaptistResponse- Aid. ThesmallBaptist Response-Europe December of 1989. BaptistConventionisapproximately Europe, BaptistWorldAid, therelief “Ifthesamepackagewereshipped packages will distributed to the TheDecember1990totalwasthese- 61percentforstatesand39percentfor anddevelopmentarmoftheBWAwill from the U.S.,” said Montacute, “it most needy through networks condhighestDecember Cooperative the Southern Baptist Convention.” sendfundscollectedtotheEuropean would cost nearly$50toairmail and established by local churches in the Program giving amount on record. Baptist FederationinHamburg,Ger- $25tosend bysurfacemail,andthen countries. Receipts for thesame monthin 1988 Designated gifts received by the many. These funds will be used for it would not arrive until winter had “We already have heard reports totaled a record $12,151,002. Executive Committee for the three- foodpackagesforpeopleinRomania, ended. This system will feed more that the packages are getting Bennett emphasized, “Most month period, primarily for the An- Bulgaria, the Soviet Union and ple.” through,” saidParker. “Itisessential SouthernBaptistsareawarethatthe nie Armstro ffering for Home wherever needed. Forthelasttwomonths, European thatthepackagesbesentthroutghihs Cooperative misthelifelineof Missions and Lottie Moon Offer- These 11-pound packages will be Baptists,whowerefirstalertedtothe Baptist Response-Europe system support for our world oe ing for Foreign Missions, experienc- trucked to Romania and Bulgaria needbyvisitsofEBFleadersandlet- sincewe'veheardofothers windi gram.Cooperative Program ed growth comparable to the withsomevrs2e%sbeingshippedto ters from churches, have been sen- for sale on the black market.” soniabytheExecutiveCommittee CooperativeProgram, a 3.61 percent the Baltic republics and other parts ding food and basic medicine In a further hunger alert, Mon- represent only a portion of the total oa overthesamethreemonths of the USSR. packages to Romania and Bulgaria. tacute is calling on Baptists to CooperativeProgramgifts.Thestate of 1989. Food packages will contain items Both Montacute and Parker, who remember the people of Africa, Artists headline PraiSing II celebrations such as sugar, margarine, oil, flour, serve on Baptist Response-Europe, especially in the Sudan. Baptists rice, cheese, powdered milk, cocoa, stressedtheneed forBaptiststowork WorldAidalrheasaafdunyd forthis coffee, chocolate, soap, washing throughBaptistResponse-Europeand hunger appeal. NASHVILL—E Southern Baptist ledby We of The Baptist meee, Status quo for Southeastern Seminary eraJs Clower,vocalist Wesley Forbis, hymnal editor Worley, and rd artists Max and director of the Sunday School Lyall and AlTravisareami oe ag music ening. A WAKE FOREST, N.C. (BP) — academicaffairs/deanofthefaculty, ed a candidate until March of 1991. evasiibiestmteuncedfortasLEGERllA wi ursday evening ' SouthernAssociationofCollegesand in response to the continued “warn- Untilweworkthe alltheway opening of PraiSing II. 1,300-voicechoir,handbellringers. Schools (SACS) has maintained ing” status, said, “I think the SACS through at least once, it is hard for PraiSing II isa four-day worship an orchestra GrdeCCamp Southeastern Seminary’s “warning” decision is quite understandable. anyonetomakea finalevaluationof and or celebrationin Nashville. Kirklandwillpresentssonge ofFai status for another year. Thoughwehaveimplementedseveral its effectiveness. Thus SACS has VocalistCynthiaClawson,TheCen- at the HeartofBaptist People.” In a decision announced Dec. 12, processes to address accreditation maintained the status quo until we turymen, handbell ringer Christine Cost for the is$50, oe SACSdecidedtocontinuethecurrent issues, insomecaseswehavenotyet havehad timetoletthenew Anderson, and dramatist Ragan allconcertsandcelebration status of “warning.” SACS indicated completed them.” runitscourse.”Bushsaidhebelieves willleadTuesdayevening’s Alimitendumberofnightlytickets is that there had been significant im- that information about the Facul- event. On Wednesday, pianists —atiforMonday,Tuesday, provement atSoutheastern. However, Thefacultyselection ty/Trustee retreat held in early Oc- Cost for Thursday the “warning”statuswillberetained citedasoneexam “Wea toberhashelpedSACStoseethatthe night'sCelebration is $20. Checks, foranadditional whiletheschool newfacultyselectionprocess ies Seminaryismakiasrtriongg effortto payabletothe~'tSchoolBoard, continues to a its concerns. hopewill meet theCommission’sex- meet all of their criteria. should be sent to P.O. Box 24001, L. RussBush,III,vicepresidentfor pectations, butitwillnothaveproduc- Nashville, Tenn. 37203 — Faces and places Thursday, January17, 1991 BAPTIST RECORD PAGE 7 by Anne Washburn McWilliams By James Fancher “I have purposed...” Bettye Bingham retires “Hedid it onpurpose” might be the words ofone child telling on ano ther. Doing something on purpose can be good or bad. Oneofmy favoritescripture passages is 2 Corinthians9:6-8. Itdealswith BettyeBinghamisoneofmyoldest neighbor. Her house on Mason giving of money, but the principle involved is applicable friends — not in age, but in number Boulevardwaslessthanablockfrom to so much more in our lives. ofyearsI’veknownher. In1953,when mine on North Hines Street. When I Itisrightforusto“purposeinourhearts” whatwewill IfirstarrivedattheBaptistBuilding, gavebirthday parties for my nieces - orwill not do. It is right forus todeliberate about it. It is ImetherintheStudentWorkdepart- andnephew,herchildrenwereamong good to do it cheerfully. ment. She had already been an theguests. IfoundoutthatoneofBet- Thepsalmistsaid, “Ihavepurposedthatmymouthwill employee of the Mississippi Baptist tye’s chief interests was interior not transgress” (Psalm 17:13). Convention Board since 1949, her decorating, and that she was im- Danielpurposednottodefilehisbodywiththeking’sfan- junior year in college. That means mensely talented in art; so I was cy food (Daniel 1:8). He evidently had to meet thatwhensheretirDeecd. 31,1990,she always asking her advice on some Bettye Bingham Godthreetimesdailyinprayer, nomatterwhathappened ; had worked for the Mississippi Bap- project I was planning at my house. (Daniel6:10). ItlandedhiminthedenoflionsbutGodpro- tistConventionBoard,eitherfull-time Whenshewentback toschool and many, Israel—tonameafewoftheir tected him and got glory from it all. Fancher or part-time, for 41 years! gotherdegreefromMississippi Col- destinations. PaulencouragedtheCorinthianstoplantogiveandthen remembers,“FirstIworkedfor lege in 1971, her major was in art. On Dec. 18, 1990, a reception was hetalkedaboutGod’s involvement incarrying out those pesSecondCor- Martin J. Gilbert, who headed the Thenfor twoyears she taughtart at given in Bettye’s honor. Her fellow inthians9:8says, “AndGodisabtomlakeeallgracae toyou,thatalways Rural Church Department. My employees gave her a brass planter. having all sufficiency in everything you have an abundance forevery good secretarialdutiesincludedchanging (Another of her “loves” is growing deed.” cots and cooking meals in the base- plants and flowers.) We need to allow God to guide us as we determine our purposes and de- mentoftheoldBaptistBuilding.Soon Herfamilypresentedspecialmusic. pend on his provision to enable us to fulfill them. the BSU office needed a part-time These included three children — Whenour purposecoincideswithGod’s wehavehisassurancethat secretary and Charlie Horner asked Laura,wifeofDavidPrevost,minister _ hewillhelpusandthatallwillworktogetherforgoodtothosewholovehim metoworktheotherhalfofeachday of music, Calvary Church, Tupelo, (Romans 8:28). forhim.Thesetwoofficeswereatop- who sings with David and works in Fancher is a consultant in the Department of Evangelism, MBCB. positeendsoftheupstairs, andwhen Heirloom.Designing; Melany, piano teacher married to Shane the phone would ring down the hall, I'd run to catch it.” Fortenberry, physical therapist at Irene Martin returns to full-time music Followingyearsincludedmoretime Grenada Hospital; and Chuck, with Student Work plusCooperative Jacksonlandscapearchitect,married Irene Martin, secretary and proofreader for the Baptist Record for sMiescsrieotnasr,y anidn tthheen’ 1E4vaynegaerlsisams ttoechnPolaomgeisltaatKMiinsssliesys,ippimeBdapitciaslt 514years,hasresignedthatpositiontoresumehercareerasafull-time musician. Sheisavailabletochurchesandforothersettingsasa con- Department. Medical Center; and_ seven certpianist,asamusicconferenceleader,andasabanquetentertainer. stayedilheheoracmhfieeldwrenwer.eYestmtahlle,nsshhee grCahnedecrhfiulld,relnoy.al,enthusiastic, lotsof Sathe(6m01a)y62b5e-8c9o19n.taMcatretdiantiRsta.c4,omBpoxo.s4e2r2,aFnodrraelstg,prMyS 39a0s74weolrlbayspahpoenre- whaosmecofonrtitnhueaWllMyU art wenotr.kShaet. Bettye Bingham designed the logo fiunng,enciroeautsi,vew,airnmdhusetarritouesd,,cotohpoeurgahttifvuel, fRiodrgmeicnrgestm,usGilcoiraient.a,SGhe has plaanydedcrfuoirseSse,nifoorrthefuilrtstCéhnaauttaiuqouSneansaioalrt says, “I designed stage ba ; thatcentersthetapestrywhich hangs in — these are just a few of the words program covers, and any other i the Baptist Building chapel. that describe her. aAdnudltGuClofnsvheonrteiocnonifneFroerntceWso.r th,andforMississippi Baptistevangelism Miss Edwina Robinson had, from Thank you, Bettye, for being a styrofoam statues to glittered - HillcrestChurchschoolandlatergave friend. ners.” artlessonsathome.Allthistime,she Bettye tells me she was in kept on doing at-home art work for Jackson. After her graduation from . Often, when Iwouldwritethe Forest Hill High 1 in 1946, she statemissionsprogrammaterial, for studied twoyears at “theW” before adults,children,orboth,shewoulddo she transferred to Belhaven. That’s the posters and other illustrative when Brother Gilbert hired her. materials that accompanied the She married Charles Bingham — programs. Guard calls pastor whom she had met at a basketball How inthe world could sheget all The devil is pleased game — ina weddingat VanWinkle thatextra workdone? I think Iknow JoysoftheHolidaySedsonandaVery Church July 28, 1950. hersecret: she makes every minute Editor: Happy New Year.” Editor: count; she sets a goal for what she Ifweacceptthetruth, “Asaperson Tragically, there is no mention of While this is not an official staff wantstogetaccomplishedeveryday thinkethinhisheartsoishe,”thenwe the word “Christmas” in their change, Ithoughtperhapsitwouldbe and nizes her time according- have to acknowledge that we are greetings. Some business people tell of interest to some of your readers, ly;she theknackofdoingtwoor rapidly becoming like the filth por- us they do not wish to offend their especiallyotherministerswhomight three things at the time. tra on television. You stated the Jewish clientele by using the word have been called toactive duty with About11yearsago,sheplannedand problem well in youreditorial in the Christmas; it appears they do not the National Guard. decorated her “dream house in the January 3, 1991 issue of The Baptist mind offending their Christian I wishthereweresomewayofget- country,”andsheandCharlesmoved Record.Wearejustkiddingourselves clientele by failing to include tingintouchwithotherministersand toWinndalefrom theirCooperRoad tothinkthatwecanplaywiththefire Christmas in their messages. families in the same situation. house.Sewingisoneofherhobbies. ofsex, violence, and filthy language To our a vendors, and My husband, Ken Davis, pastor of “T have always been fascinated with without being burned by it. otherswithwhomwedobusiness,we Union Church, Walthall Association, fabrics,” she declares, “and Thepuzthizngtlomeiistnhatgour are sending a letter telling them of Tylertown, since August, 1990 was needlework.” Inretirement, shesaid churchesaresowillingtotakestrong their oversight and requesting that called to active duty with the 155th next year they consider including Mechanized Infantry, based in she plans to make quilts and work standsonabortion, lotteries, and the with stained glass. use of alcohol but ignore something Christmas in their messages. I sug- McComb. He serves as chaplain’s Camp Garaywa emblem She designed the Camp Garaywa which is far more devastating. gest everyone who received a “non- assistantandisinFt.Hood,Texas.J. weFroerinathceouspalmeeoSfuynedaarys,ScshhoeolacnldassI tehmeblleomg,osandofaltshoeshMeBdeCsBigunsedeodnienof reIfedroenn’ctebseliineovuerthlaitteIrahtauvreesoerehneaanryd ChIrtiisstmmoarse”dciaffridcudltottohteelslaamfer.iendor Bfi.llSitnegwtahret,pualpfitoramteUrnipaosntodru,riwnilgltbhee relativewedidnotfullyappreciatehis pastor’s leave-of-absence. aCWthoaoDrdalsneisCehlmuorMvcehem,dowrthiheaerlire;tltehtheteyenrrsesmhtoaeiAanlnetdda pthreevBiaoputsiisntty,eBaiutricsl.dienIgmnmctohharteptteaallep.iezsrterdysiinn oaoffnsyseooxna,epfsiplethaopykeralsoauontrgaoubtaohgeuert,ptanhdeivnifolmluseennfccueel.sl caadrddr,esssospeedrfhraopmsptuhlipsitpoainndt cinouClhdribse- duIriwnilglhriesmaabisnenicne.the pastor’s home untilhebecameministerofmusicat Probablysheandherhusbandwill Byrefusingtos out,cananyim- tian pubications. — Virginia Davis PortGibsonChurchaboutthreeyears be doing more traveling, too. Three pressionother thanthatsuch is con- We are familiar with the saying, Rt. 1, Box 2280 >AltaWoods,shetaughtsenior years ago, he retired from 36 years doned be reached? Is our treatment “Put Christ back into Christmas.” Tylertown, MS-39667 adults and college age in Sunday with Delta Air Lines. Before then, ofthisnotcomparabletothecoward- Nowitappearsnecessarytoaskthat School. they had visited Greece, Italy, lyway wedealtwith racial issues 30 “Christmas be put back into the Here's a definite way to send the In the late ‘50s, she was my Switzerland, Ireland, England, Ger- or 40 years ~. blues packing every time. When a Surelythe devilispleasedwhenwe IfSouthern Baptistchurches were negative thoughttries totakeroot in Benches built for converts not yet won ignore that most pervasive evil in- towrite lettersnowtothethreema- your mind, just filter it out. You and uence in our society while getting jor publishers ofgreeting cards tell- you alone are the captain of the worked up about lesser things. ingthemtheywereurging theircon- thoughts you allow to come aboard SAPELE, Nigeria —Looki forfaithinaction? Considerthemembersof Ray A. Thompson tionstoconsiderpurchasingon- your mind. Allow only positive BethelBaptistChurchinSapeletown, Nigeria. Theyweresocertain le Jackson 'y Easter and Christmas greeting thoughtsofsuccessandweedoutthe wouldrespondtothe gospelduring arecentdoor-to-doorevangelismeffort cardswithappropriatemessages,you others. Ittakesmentaldisciplinetodo athpalot constructedseveralchurchbenchesfornewbelieversandselected Put Christmas in season would see an immediate increasein this at first, but ifyou continue per- landforanewchurch. “That'sfaith!”exclaimedmissionaryDorothy the availability ofsuch cards, and a mitting only good thoughts to enter, OsbSuroeenroughn,61epeo.ple becameChristians duriinnggthe lism Editor: ; decreaseinthosewhichdonotreflect the blues will depart your em ign —thenucleusofanewcongreTghea“BtapitiostnSo.ul nning Someof themostbeautiful i the spirit of these important days. forotherweamikndes—rwherethey Ba ” made upofNigerian pastorsandlaymen, participated intheeffort, cardswehavereceifvreodm busi Jerry L. ire can breed more easily. — L. Perry which also was supported by Southern Baptist missionaries. associates and others wish us “The Brentwood Christian Press Wilbur a ke iAME oy . PAGE 8 BAPTIST RECORD * Thursday, January 17, 1991 Names in the news T wo small church leader conferences are scheduled ShorelineParkChurch,GulfCoast Association,ordainedKellyIsbellin- to the gospel ministry on Dec. 9. He Mississippi Baptists will have two Pastors will study “Guiding the is pastor of Calvary Church, Jasper Small Church dership Training Single Staff Church.” Brotherhood Association.MartyRomeroispastor ConferencestochoosefromonFeb.2. leaders will study “Leading Baptist ofShoreline Park Church. Theseconferences are especially Men,” or “Leading Royal Am- designedforleadersinchurcheswith bassadors.” 150 or fewer enrolled in Sunday Woman’s MissionaryUnionleaders School. will choose from: “WMU Manual,” OnewilltakeplaceatFirstChurch, “Baptist Women Manual,” “Baptist Charleston; the other at Blue Moun- Young Women Manual,” “Acteens tainCollege. Bothwillmeet9:30a.m. Leader Manual,” “Girls in Action to 3:15p.m. Each will offer identical Leader Manual,’ and ‘Mission training sessions. Friends Leader Manual.” Morning sessions in each.will be InChurchMusic, leaderswillstudy taught by age ‘groups. The study “Five Practical Lessons for Church EIGHT STUDENTS active in BSU at East Central Community College, Decatur, course book will be “Understanding Organists,” “Five Practical Lessons Today’s....” for Church Pianists,’ “An A-B-C wenton Dec. 13tothehomeofthefosterchildnamedJeremy; a7-year-oldwhohas fetal alcohol syndrome, and istrainable mentallyretarded. The BSU'madeitpossi- The afternoon sessions will offer Primer for Church Musicians,” or ble for students and faculty to give to help buyJeremy a few Christmas presents. studycoursecreditbystudyingbooks “LeadingYoungerChildren’sChoirs.” related to church programs. Lunch will be provided forall par- “This was a great time for me to help someone. Jeremywasalot offurlto play with,” saidJ. C. Howell,publicitychairperson,BSUexecutivecouncil, ECCC.Another The Sunday School leaders will ticipants by the Mississippi Baptist study “Bible Teaching Through the Convention Board. However, those sittwudaesntg,reDaatrltoenkenPoawte|,wsatsatea d,pa“rIttowfagsivfiunngwsaotcmheionngeJseor meemtyhoipngenthhaitstphreeysennetesd,eadn.d” Fort Bayou Church, Vancleave, and SundaySchool.”DiscipleshipTraining planning to attend should register Jackson Association honored Celia U. leaders will study “DiscipleAll: A withtheirlocaldirectorsofmissions Pictured clockwise, are Tammie Valker, student; Gayla Goodwin, BSU president Mallette,91,forher66yearsofservice at ECCC; DeDe, a child visiting from Conehatta; and Jeremy, opening present. Discipleship Training Manual.” by Jan. 28. toherchurchandtheassociationonNov. Willis to speak for MasterLife banquet 25. Robert Day, pastor, officiated and presented a plaque to Mrs. Mallette. During her service to the church and AveryWillis,adultsectiondirector, Willis is the author of MasterLife association, sheserved in manyoffices, «Discipleship Training Department, whichwasintroducedabout 10years including church clerk for 25 years, BaptistSundaySchoolBoard,willbe ago. He will be updating the par- ‘teacher for clagses for more than 25 thekeynotespeakerforaMasterLife ticipantsonthehappeningsasaresult yeaarsswe,llasagodparentwithher late alumni banquetonTuesday, Jan. 29, of MasterLife courses taken around husband, Hubert L. Mallette, of 25 duringtheEvangelismConferenceat theworld. Hewillbepreviewingother childen. FirstChurch, Clinton. Williswillalso LIFE courses which are following be speaking in the conference. MasterLife. ThosewhoarecertifiedMasterLife leaders, or who are friends of Tickets may be secured from the - MasterLifeareinvitedtothisbanquet DiscipleshipTrainingDepartmentby which will beat 5 p.m. held between calling 968-3800or writing P. O. Box Pictured are members oftheNew HopeChurch, Foxworth, with perfect atten- theafternoonandeveningsessionsof 530,.ackson, MS39205.Ticketsare$5 dance of from oneto35years. Theyare Sherman Pounds, Terry S. Pounds, Virgie the conference. each. Lee Pounds (not pictured), oneyear; Willie Blackwell (not pictured), Jeff Brumfield (not pictured), Kenny Brumfield, Donald Lowery, Patsy Lowery, Tiffany Kroner, two Staff Alford accepts years; PeggyStringer, Kasey Pittman, Pud Stringer,threeyears; Kristen White, Will Stovall, fouryears; Kim Lowery,AmyLowery, sixyears; DustinStringer, eightyears; Alabama post Julie Lowery, nine years; Sherrell Magee, BrandieMagee, 10years; April Stringer, 11 years;SethStringer, 12years;JimmyThomas,21 years;andB.B.Stringer,35years. changes RichardAlfordhas beennamedas associate in the Associational and CooperativeMissionsDepartmentof theStateBoardofMissions,Alabama Lloyd Ford. is tne new minister of Baptist State Convention, Mon- education at First Church, Olive tgomery, Ala. He began his duties Branch. Jan. 1,assistingdepartmentdirector, BethelChurch,Poplarville, recogniz- Billy Nutt, in language missions and Jim Varnon has accepted the ed two members for perfect attendance Christian social ministries. pastorate of Bissell Church, Tupelo. inSundaySchool. Pictured, are Emelda Alford, 51, has been an interpreter HehasservedatThaxton (Pontotoc) Jackson(left),44yearsandTiffanySmith, and tutor for the hearing impaired for the past five years. Varnon was three years. and adjunct professor of Old Testa: educated at Blue Mountain College, ment at Hinds Community College, ClarkeCollege,andSamfordUniver- Raymond. He served 10 years as a OLD BIBLES REBOUND sity, Birmingham, Ala. consulta-nitn the Cooperative Mis- Aprice, binding and styletomeetevery BennyStillhasresignedasminister sionsDepartment,MississippiBaptist need.Qualityworkmanshipguaranteed. of music and youth at Woodville Convention Board. Writefor illustrated pricefolder. Church,Woodville,andpastorofFort A native of Louisiana, Alford was “Internatio nallyknownsp ecialists” Adams Baptist graduated from Louisiana College NORRIS BOOKBINDING CO. Mission effective and New Orleans Seminary. He will Box305-C—Greenwood,Miss.38930 , a. Fis Jan. 20. Hehasac- bejointlyemployedbyAlabamaBap- cepted the call as tists and the Home Mission Board, TheJollyJestersareaclowntroupeatRawlsSpringsChurch, Hattiesburg,who Pews, pulpits, baptistries, pastor of Poplar SBC. presentthegoodnewsofsalvation inJesu$Christthroughclowning. Theyhavepar- ‘Van Winkle %2'7¢¢9/ss. carpet, Springs Church in ticipated in revivals, worshipservices, RAandGAfunctions, VBSpreparationdays, steeples, lighting, Church foldingdoors, Mendenhall. His Hollingsworth, 82, SundaySchool partiesinside andoutsideof-Mississippi, Special Olympics, Civitan wife, Wina, has Camp for retarded citizens, and visitation to hospitals, nursing homes, and homes Furnishi. ngs & theaterseats. alsobeencalled to dies in Fulton oftheelderly.AnyoneinterestedintheJollyJesters’clownministrymaycontactRawls Pew Upholstery thechurchtoserve SpringsChurchat(601)268-2801. Picturedtheyare, lefttoright, Psalty, Tutti,Winkie, Penelope, and kneeling, Blossom, and Klutz. a as youth music Box 501, Fulton, MS. 38843 A director. James P. Hollingsworth of Fulton, Baptist Student Union at In MS. Toll Free 1-800-624-9627 = Still has served 82, diedSaturday, Dec. 15. Theformer JonesCountyJuniorCollege WoodvilleChurchsinceJuly, 1982and pastorwasordainedin 1946andserv- had a program called “Dress We remodel & paint Fort Adams Baptist Mission since ed in Cleveland area churches. In the Children,” Friday, Dec. 7. December 1986. Fulton, he was a member of First Through the seminar, eight SHATTERPROOF AT LAST! Church. committees have each raised Krinklglas® G& Senior adult Hollingsworth was previously & $100 for the event. Eight employedwith Delta State University. } childrenfromJonesCountyare --Saves money Heissurvivedbyhiswife,OsieHoll- sponsored by the BSU Ex- ..Radiatesbeauty 7 corner ingsworthofFulton,sonsJamesHoll- ecutiveCouncilandtheircom- ..Stopsbreakage Ena ingsworth of Greenville; Rex Holl- mittee members. The money ingsworth of Fulton; and J. C. Holl- Economical,attractivestainedglassalterna- was used to buy clothes and ingsworth of Cartersville, Ga. He is tiveforchurchwindows,doors...traditional& toys for the children. A party Pearlie R. Sullivan won first place alsosurvived byasister, SadieGran- moderncolors&patternsofyourchoice.Ask in a church talent contest at Raleigh thamofLaurel; 12grandchildren,and was held with a puppet show, aboutournewpastels! 4.2 drama presentation of the with her poem, “Memories.” Mrs. 13 great-grandchildren. Callyourdistributor/dealer,orcontact: Christmas story, singing, Sullivan,85,ofMize, andherhusband, FuneralserviceswereheldDec. 17 DIMENSIONAL PLASTICSCORP. VirgieL. Sullivan, 86, celebratedtheir atFirstChurch, Fulton. Burialfollow- games, refreshments,. and 1065E.26thStreet,Hialeah,FL33013 Opening of the presents. John 67th-wedding anniversary on Dec. 2, ed in Hillcrest Masonic Cemetery, F. Summer Jr. is director of 1-800-833-2888 or 305/691-5961 1990. Fulton. ' BSU. Solid25yearreputation! ethanHsEi Se aan » Just for the Record Thursday, January 17, 1991 BAPTIST RECORD PAGE 9 — Bivocational ministers elect Simpson Association serves as a officers, adopt constitution distribution center for thosein need at Christmas. The largest contribu- tionisthetoyministry. Thisyear 120 families, 380 children were assisted. MEMPHIS, Tenn. (BP) — The topersonsactuallyengagedinbivoca- Toys were donated by individuals, Bivocational Ministers’ Association tional ministry onan on-going basis. churches, Magee Dinner, People’s held its organizational meeting in Thosewhojoinduring 1990-91 will be Bank, and Wal-Mart. Boxes for the mid-December at Southland Church designated as charter members. toys were donated by Anderson Box inMemphis, Tenn. More than50par- Memberschose“ministers” instead Company, assistedbyCal-Maineand ticipantsapproveda constitutionand of “pastors” for the association’s Don Luper. The Baptist MenofFirst bylawsandelectedtheirfirstslateof nameinordertoencourageparticipa- Church, Mendenhall, assembled the officers. tien by bivocational ministers of boxes. Fifty-six BYWs and Acteens President of the association for musicandotherstaffmembers. More from10churchessortedthetoys.The 1990-91 is James Greer of Pineville, than 9,000 Southern Baptist pastors toys were distributed by the Acteens La. Other officers include: Charles serve bivocationally, and at least R Church, Madison will dedicate its new facility on Sunday, Jan. 20 ofOak Grove Church, RAs ofStrong Stewart,Ashland, Ky., firstvicepresi- 25,000 ministers of-music are part- at 1:30 p.m., following a dinner on the grounds at noon, and morning worship at River Church, and Joel Eavenson, dent;LeonardFoster,Carlsbad,N.M., time, volunteer or bivocational. 10:30a.m. Therewill be no eveningworshipservices. F ormerpatorsand members pastor of Mt. Zion Church. H. Glen secondvicepresident; FrankPhillips, Glenn Ailshie, bivocational pastor areinvitedtoattend.Joe8.Chapmanisassociatepastor, RandallC. Hallisminister Schilli.nigsdirector of missions: Gainesville,Fla.,secretary; andKen fromMullins, S.C., predictedthatthe of music, Phil S. Walker is pastor. ParkhillChurch,Jackson,hassur- Cook, Jackson, Miss., treasurer. new associationwouldhavea “great passed its goal of $500 for the Lottie Bivocational pastors attendingthe impactonmissionsandevangelism.” Moon Christmas Offering. Jimmy annualmeetingoftheNationalCoun- Noting the shortage of leadership in Sellers is pastor. cilon Bivocational Ministries late in new work areas, he told the group, 1989 decided to create the organiza- “We needpeople likeus to move into tion. After discussion this year, par- theseareastoundertakenewchurch ticipants voted to limit membership starts.” ThecongregationatFirstChurch, Louise, isworshipingina newbuilding. The sanctuaryandeducation buildingwereconstructedwith helpfromvolunteers, after theold buildingburned. A membersaid, ‘FirstChurch ofLouisewishestoexpress . itsheartfeltappreciationtothosewhogavetheirGod-giventalents,time,andmoney RobinhoodChurch, Brandon, helda tothe rebuildingofGod’schurch buildingafterthetragicfire’”’Adedicationservice will be held Sunday, January 27, at 2 p.m. postercontest in promotion ofthe Lottie Bus Supply Company is your MoonChristmasOffering. Thewinnersof “I'maWinner”T-shirts, picturedareApril : CHAMPION DEALERSHIP Nerren, Bill Burton, and Eric Burton. Robinhood Church reached its goal the offering your area a fine selection of models first Sunday in December and surpass- from 13 to 29 passenger mini buses. ed the goal by $75. Robinhood Church presented for the Bus Supply Company first time a living nativity scene with 25 people involved. Alton Webb is music Hwy. 98 East, McComb, MS 39648 director. Don Nerren is pastor. (601) 684-2900 1-800-748-8681 In 1990, five members of Mission Hill Church, near Wesson worked theirwaythrougheitherthewholeBi- PAYS 100% OF DOCTORS BILL/PAYS INOR OUT OF HOSPITALIPAYS 100% bleortheNewTestament.Theywere S MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT 0 Estelle Chance, Merle Hux, Robert AY 4 andJaneDerrick,andMaudThomp- /P 100% COVERAGE G L O s—“oRne.adPasttthohereBTBiiebbrllreeyiJnT.h1M9r9oo0,ourgfoehl”lporpweilanacgnhtehiden RSBIL Pays Entire Doctor’s bill (Pays balance of Doctor’s SHOLO Open Windows. O Actual bill regardiessofamount paid and approved T G C by Medicare) 1I Crossgates Church, Brandon is O 1 D / hosting the “Share the Light” Rally, Example: d F v Jan. 26, at7 p.m. “4 HIM” will be in O Surgeon’s Fee (in or out of Hospital) . . . .$2750.00 SA concert along with Mike Curry, a % I perWtey.stthBeatgeisfvtiwllaesMmisasdieonproescseinbtlleyrtehcreoiuvgehdtahcehSetcakteforMi$s12s,i0o0n0stOofpfeurricnhga.sePiicttsuprreod- ysopuotnhsocreodmmubnyicyaotuotrh. mTihniisstervieenst oifs 100 MMeeddiiccaarree APpapyrso8ve0s% .o.f.$.$$1080000..0000 HON front row, right, PanolaAssociation'sStateBoard member Harrison Wegerdelivers RankinCountychurches. Aloveoffer- YS O thechecktoAssociationalMissionsDevelopmentDirectorHaroldVaughan,frontleft. ing will be taken. A Balance owed by you..............= $1950.00 N P L Alsopictured,backrow,left,areCleophusRawis,pastorofWestBatesvilleMission, / L Our Policy Pays Entire Amount...... = $1950.00 O and right, RickGlidewell, pastorofthemission’ssponsor, North BatesvilleChurch. An article in last week’s Baptist A 4 T Record concerning an upcoming I You Owe Nothing — Balance Due...... = —0— H P O churchbusinessadministrators’con- S S O Pays 100% of Hospital Deductibles = $628 up to 6 G ference (Jan. 24 in Jackson), stated H I that Tim Holcomb of the Sunday F Deductibles per year WL O T SHcohlocoolmbBowairlldnwoitllbedaitsctuhsesmaeetbionogk,. UT Pays 100% of Doctor’s Deductibles = $100 per year ¥d/ O A butthebook, A MaintenanceManual Pays 100% of Actual Doctor’s Bill — No Dollar Limit S forSouthernBaptistChurches,”com- OR ! piled by Holcomb, will be discussed. N Pays 100% of Private Room — Pays Private Duty Nurse 00 I % S NOWAITING PERIOD(Even for preexisting conditions). O Convocation: 1992 AY 4 P / GA Contracts Available G L O A Sunday School Board news BIL ForDetailsReturnThisCouponToday. ‘“ LO release published Jan. 3 and titled O S Senior Citizens Insurance Group H “Nationalconvocationofferscelebra- R S Japanese visit First, Lexington O tionofbiblicalmessage”includedthe T P. O. Box 6475 Jackson, MS 39282 Phone 1-800-748-9953 G month and days, but the year in- OC (601) 373-3137 /T1 advertentlywasleftoff. Theconvoca- D d Pictured followng the evening worship at First Church, Lexington, are, from left, tion will be April 21-23, 1992. F AV Minoka Muraoka of Saga, Japan; Bill Barrett; Professor Takeshi Yamanaka of Fut- O Name Age S % i sukaicihi,Japan; MichaelO’Brien, pastorofFirstLexington;Tomonari Yamanakaof Apro-lifepoliticai/legisiativerallyand 0 N Tokyo; Bruce Hill; and Aya Intsuzuka of Saga. Barrett and Hill were guests of the walksponsoredbyMississippiRighttoLife 10 Stre et Phone # O Y Futsukaichi Baptist Mission during the Japan-Mississippi 1989s Partnership will be held Jan. 19, beginning at 11:30 S nEvoawnsgeerlviessmaCsavmipsaitiignng.prPorfoefs.sYoramatanthaekaUniwvaesrsliatyy-opfasRtiorchomfotnhde,mVias.siHoenacchcurecpht,edanand am.emm.oriaatl/pSrmaiytehr vPiagrilk,, sJpaoncskosroend. bAy PAY City. State Zip 14NO invitationtovisitFirst,Lexington,duringtheChristmasholidaysandthefourJapanese Right to Life ofJackson, will be held on Premiums discounted when husband and wife covered = 10% off visitors led in the evening worship service, Dec. 30. The two young women study Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. on the south steps of PAYS 100% OF DOCTORS BILL/PAYS IN OR OUT OF HOSPITAL/PAYS at universities in Indiana. The younger Yamanaka is visiting the United States. the state Capitol. Pe TRTecommer = “Do we respect the sanctity of human life?” By Behny Still Genesis1:27; Matthe5w:13-16,21-22,27-28,43-450 LIFE AND WORK changing ofheartandattitude, toprovidethe lifetime.Jesusrelatedthatthecommandofthe Coulditbeinourageof“quickfix” answers Christian exampleourkidsreallyneed? ancients not to commit adultery was a valid on nearly every issue known to man that we In Matthew 5:21-22, Jesus talks to us abeut one. Hecarried it a step furtherbysaying have fumbled the ball when it comes to the creatinghumansashedidwastofacilitateour theissueofmurder.Beyondtheideaofmurder “everyonewho looksonawomantolust forher sanctityofhumanlife?It is ability to fellowship with him and with one intaking thelife of aperson, the'-Master hascommittedadultery withheralreadyinhis important that we take a another. Who do we think we are, to allow” reminds us that evenangeragainsta brother heart” (vs.28).Jesusdidnotmaketheseobser- standforourconvictions. It anything or anyone to come between the constitutesaseriousoffenseinthe ofGod. vationstocrampourstyle, butsimplytohelp is interesting to note that created and his Creator? We are to treat one another with dignity and usmaintainthepurityoftherelationshipbet- when God created IfwewouldfellowshipwithourCreatorand respect — regardless ofageor station in life. ween us and his Father... humankind, he thought the withoneanother, therelationshipbetweenus As Christians, God has given us a view of Lestwebecomepharisianoiucrcaasle creationwasspecial,too.So mustremainintact. Jesussaidasmuchwhen ‘ourselves and others that is founded upon his againstabortion,letusalsobewillingtoflythe ialtoGodwashiscrea- he made the comparison, recorded in Mat- infinite love and unerring wisdom. flag of God’s forgiveness for those who have tion that the scripture thew’s gospel in the “salt and light” passage With every breath you take, you reconfirm foundthemselvesinvolvedinsexualimpurity, recordshe“createdthemin (vss. 13-16). Saltimproves the flavor of most God’sgiftoflife.Witheveryheartbeat,youcon- whoarepregnantoutsideofa marriagerela- hisownimage” (Gen. 1:27). foods. It also keeps many foods from rotting. tinue the creation that began in your own tionship, who have had an abortion, and who Still Weareuniqueinourcrea- Lightdispelsdarakndenxpoesessevisl.So,salt mother’swomb.Witheveryaction,youliveout havecounseledormadeanabortion possible. tion. We have different andlighttogetherhelpmakethingsbetterall themiracleofman—amiraclethat,fromcon- Letushelpthese —— toknowthathewants features, but the mystical something that around.AschildrenofGodweshouldkeepour ception, was created in the imageofGod. We toforgiveallwho sinnedandrestorethem makesusalikeisthebreathofGod. Weareliv- savo—rnotlet diluteoureffectiveness cannotpretendthatGodapprovesthedestruc- _ toarightrelationshipwithhimselfandothers. ing souls! fortheLord. Weshouldalsobringlight —the tionofchildrenorabuseinanyfashion.Weneed If our relationship with the Father is out of Ourlessonthisweekdealswiththesanctity Lightintoareasofdarknesstoexposethepor- to work to protect this precious gift of life. sync,thenourrelationshipswithourfellowmen ofhumanlife—inallitsstages.MostSouthern nography,abortion,andmoraldecaythatcrip- Jesuscommandsinverses27-28thatweare will also be out ofkilter. 8 Baptistsbelievethathumanlifebeginsatthe pleoursociety.Ourchildrenneedtoknowthat to live with sexual purity. If we took him Iftheremust bea “quick fix,” let it be that momentof ion, whenthespceelrlfemr- therearethingsintheChristianlifeandhome seriouslyasanation, therewouldbeveryfew, ourLordJesusstandsreadytoreceiveallwho OE tilizestheegg.Tohumanlyintetrhreguropwtth thatarenotnegotiable. Howwill they beable if any, abortions. Sexual promiscuityamong will come to him for forgiveness. R I cyicnslucheawayastocatuhesdeaethofthat tomakedistinctionsandresponsibledecisions young people and adultsviolatesr=es for StillisministerofmusicandyouthatWood- newlifeisnothingshortofmurderandshould onsuchissuesunlessweprovidetheproperex- humanlife. Itmerchandisespeoplea villeHeights Church, Woodville and pastorof = be treated that way. One reason for God’s ample? Is it not time for adults to do some horrendous mental. scars that can last a Adams Baptist Mission. and liberty and light God’s laws of life and love ByiSeivyVerdamas ‘misfortuneansd,should forget thedebt Matt “Loveyourenemies.” Ihaveseenwhathatred Gen. 1:27;Matt:5:13-16;21-22, 27-28,43-45a BIBLE BOOK 5:42). candoinpeople’slives. Theworstthingabout MadeinGod’simage” Jesus:sawitnecessarytoreinterprettheO:T. hatredisthatitdestroysthepeoplewhoprac- “TodaywebrieflyturnUtcktothepagesof the andtodeliverhisdisciplesfromfalselegalistic tice it! O ld‘Test amenttoberemindedthatGodisthe God’s Commandments understandingswhichexistedinhisday. Ifone God’s law of life: Everythingabout life is Croeflifaeinteveroyforrm. IntheOldTestamentwehavespelledoutthe wouldunderstandwhatJesustaughtintheSer-. sacred. Even thedeathprocess is sacredand ‘Thehigforhmofehisscrtea- Ten Commandments — in both Ex. (20:1-17) mon on the Mount, one must read again the whenthateventfacesus—asitwillsurelyface tion,of course, was man, and in Deut. (5:6-21; cf. 6:4-18). We must book ofDeuteronomy and then go to the Ser- everyone ofus — we are tocommit our ways madein’his own image. understand that God provided the Ten Com- monontheMounttoseehowJesusinterpreted intohishandsandtrusthim,justasJesusdid: What oon this mean? It mandmentsforourbenefitandnotforourin- thatgreat O.T-.book, inparticular. Notea few “Father,intothyhandsIcommitmyspirit.”We means that man has the jury. Thereis nowaythatanysocietycanen- ofJesus’ emphases: hearalotaboutlifeanddeathinmodernsocie- powertocommunicate—to dureifthatsocietydisregards God’sgracious God’slawoflight—Mostofusareturnedoff ty, but we should remember that we would talk,tohear, andtounder- and loving commandments. by rules and regulations. Maybe one of the neverhavehadouracuteabortionproblem, if standprecise andhighlyin- IntheNewTestamentperiod, theJewsread reasonsisourfearofbreakingwhateverrules wehadpracticedwhatJesusplainlytaughtus BAoe ‘telligent language in order the book of Deuteronomy (Deut. 31:10) more wearetoobserve. Butthelaw, as interpreted —nottoeven-lookoneachotherwithadulterous S tobehave responsibly. ‘thamany other book. But some teachers in forus.byJesus, islikealight.Weseesomany eyes; but,wearetopracticeGod’swisewayof i= Man has the power to Jesus’ timehad theteachingofthe confusedpeoplearoundus gy donothavean sexualpurity, andwearetouseevery gifthe S Vardaman fellwoitwhonsehanoithper OldTestament.Duringthe‘nae Ex years3 inner light, or an outer light. Jesus — — has entrusted to us responsibly. The law of P andwithGod.Wéhavethegiftofprayer.Inall every seven years a — ‘orexample whenwelivepositivelyforhi thelightswhi “Thou shalt not commit adultery” is almost E of this we automatically understand that cos © he Seana Uy Jia originalowners guide us will soon beguidingothers*whooe forgotteinnourmodernpulpits,butremaining 5 womenare inclu—dsiencde maninthissec- Judaismhadgiventhatpracticeupinthetime lookingforthosesamekindsofdynamicsand silentwillnotsolveourdilemma.MayGodstill tion of Genesis means mankind; that is the of Jesus. Jews were to loan money to each blessings which Christians enjoy: “Letyour speaktoour modern needsthrough the kinds meaonfiAdnamg— inHebrew;Enosh/Ishare other; andifthedebtcarriedover intothesab- lightshinebeforemen,thattheymayseeyour of lives his children are living. thewordsforindividualman.Manhasthegift batical year,whatremainedofthedebtwasto goodworks and glorifyyour Fatherwho is in God’slawofliberty—Jesussaidthatifthe ofreason—.to.adegreenotpossibleto attain be cancelled. heaven.” Sonwillmakeusfree,thatweshallbe freein- among God’sothercreatures. The practice resultedin people refusing to God’s law of love — Someone said to deed (John 8:36).WewillkeepGod’sgracious Joanmoneytoeachother,soasnottohaveany AbrahamLincolnaftertheNorthhadwonthe andwiselawsbecauseweloveandwanttodo ay h4¢them-J *Manhasthegiftofsovereignty toruleover ‘suchcancellationof mo ‘CivilWar: “Sir,wemustdestroyourenemies his:will.Thisistheonlypowerwhichwillenable allthatGodhaas him. Mankind‘has etycontradi ‘Such’teachings and anddestroytheSouth.”Lincolnrespondedthat us topleasehim. been blessed” Phi aes, but saidthat were in.netehadth,is whenwe loveourenemies,wedodestroythem. Vardamanisprofessorofarchaeology,sais. privilegesentai1lresponsibilities disciples should gree willingly to aid such Lincoln. learned such wisdom from Jesus: State University. IRE S _. Respect human life and give it the sanctity God intended A E By Ruth N. Allen ing, lustful pursuits, and all mannerofsinful easaglance,orlustfulai adulterous Genesis1:27; Matthe5:w13-16,21-22,27-28,43-45a UNIFORM entertainment demands Christians light the relationshipsmayresult.Theavoidanceofthe JohnRuskin,anEnglishauthor, said, “God world with their spiritual influence. overtactcanbegreatlyreducedwithproper createdmaninhisimageandmanhasreturn- Years ago a blindman always carried a respectandrestrainttowardothers.Someuse edthecompliment.” ReturningGod’scompli- horizontal relatiopship between God and_ lightedlanterneachtimehewentoutatnight. thispasstaojugsteify actsbaosntheecodn- ment becomes one of the mankind. A who is right with God is, Curious individuals would always ask, “Why cept, “Youjustas doitas tothinkit.” In- Christian’shighestgoals. In therefore, right“with his fellowman. One can- carrya lightwhenyoucannotsee?”Theman dividual thoughts hurt only the thinker. Par- creation,Godgavemankind a= wrongwithhisfellowmanandrightwith wouldanswer, “Icarrythelighttokeeppeople ticipationinanactalwaysinvolvesothersand thebreathoflife,personali- fromstumblingoverme.”Therefore,inourbat- results in natural c uences. Jesus com- ty,reason,andthe ee “Salt” and “light” (5:13-16), are used to tleagainsttheforcesofSatan,Christianscan- mandsustoloveone a (5:43-45a).Chris- tolove.Creatingmai describetheChristianwayoflife. InJesus’day notaffordtobecomestumblingblockstoothers. ee eeeeee aneeee ' thecrownofGod’screation. saltwasusedformedicine,asanitemoftrade, Again Jesus probes the depth of human its. ' Since God has placed such a tiveandflavorforfood.However,salt nature (5:21-22). He states his prohibition Godly love involves a new approach to the - high value on mankind, so which lost its saltiness lost its value, and againstmurderandcallingsomeonestupid. In manner in which one views the worth of peo- - should his disciples accord becameusefulonlyasabaseforhighways,for verse 22 the word “Raca” means “empty” or ple. “Godmakestheraintofallontheore and ’ others the same assess- literally, “it (salt) was trodden under foot.” a fool. Thus, when an individual's concept of theunjust.” Hedoesnotshowpartialittoy per- Alien ment. Weshow our lovefor Likewise, a Christian disciple who respects anotherdegeneratestothecallingofnames,a sons.Helovusealsl,and itbehoouvsetso thecreatorwhenwerespect human life fulfills God’s wish to favorably situationexistswhich may resultin injury or his example. : his creation. ; oe society. The disciple who does not evenmurder.Jesuscondemnssuchasituation Jesus elevated the sanctity for human life thumanlifediminisheshimselfinvalue in the lives of his disciples. Human worth Resolve today to respectatl human lifeand beyond rabbinical teachings. Often these Kingdom. demands more noble consideration. giveit thesanctity intended. Respectthe teachingscondonedrevenge-motivatedactions. inthere ofIsrael.lightwasdimatbest. Jesus amplifies the commandment on bornandtheunbornwiththesamerespectwe OurLordalwaysrespondedcompassionatelyto Noone woulddarelighta lampandthencon- adultery with an additional command pro- have forour Lord, forwe have been “madein those inneed.Aiaikahtewas precioustohim, cealtherayswithameasuringbasket.—— hibiting lustfulthoughts (5:27-28). Thereisan His image.” Return God's complimentby liv- andashisfollowerswemust reflect the same was primitive, and each ray was vital fo oldrabbinicalteaching (Bruce), “Theeyeand ing your life in accordance with his will and compassion. He delivered the Sermon on the lumination which must not be dimmed by an theheartarethetwobrokersofsin.” Illicitsex purpose. }fountas aspiritual,oral,andethicalstandard uncleartestimony.Theoverthrowoftheforces oftenleadstounwantedpregnancies,whichin Allen,ofJackson,isthewifeofthepastorof foralldisciples.Heemphasizedtheverticaland ofdarkness,sin,pornography,abortion,gambl- turnoftenlead toabortions. Beginningwith a Ogden Church, Bentonia. cee geeadigneneteeareteiatntt s, oh AtN Nm eeA er AInecy ge ee eM atm a ~ THE VILLAGE VIEW Mrs.CheriteFleming Paul&DorothyNunnery GleSaS,nFBCeCrrystsal Mrs.RacC.hBroewnilng Springs Mr.&Mrs.JohnD.Odom,Sr. TheDanielFowlers Mrs.HaPz.Baenislter 5 Baptist Children’s Village Dr.&Mrs.W.D.Austin Mr.&Mrs.JamesOwens M&rMrs..E.E.Gammil,Jr. Mr.&Mrs.LeoOwens Ronny E. Robinson, Executive Director ACCREDITED BusMein'snBieblesClasss, MrM.rC.la&yMGrisl.e.sBennyThompson MrTso.mBmesysPiaerPiasrihsh FBCJackson AnManeWeaivereSS, Mr.CharB.lPaextson P. 0. Box 27, . E 4 Mrs.MildredFarish Mr.FredA.Powell ait Clinton, MS 39060-0027 Dr.&Mrs.EugIe.nFarer Mrs.BerthaPetty (601) 922-2242 COUNT€OAnCCRECHANION Mr.TomB. Jr. Mr.&Mrs.AlbertE.Keahey OFSEIN60A8FCAREMSS ANDCROREO,C Mrs.MinnieFortner Mr.&Mrs.Gray ‘ison Jr. Mr.&Mrs.OtisR.Pierce Gifts of Honor and Memory Mr.&Mrs.T.W.Alston Mr.&Mrs.JamesT. Mr.RudyPierce Mr.&Mrs.R.C.BryanJr. Hollingsworth Mr.BrooksPolk,Jr. Mr.&Mrs.JoeR.Byars Dr.&Mrs.W.L.Wiser Dr.&Mrs.J. M.BrockJr. Mr.&Mrs.VanD.StoneJr. Mrs.MargaretCarmean Mrs.W.F.Porter&Children AportionoftheVillage View is allocatedeach month toa listofGifts of RoseMarieFoster Mr.J.B.Hill.. Mr.EdGriffin Mr.&Mrs.A.L.Parman Mr.&Mrs.DavidW.Anders Dr.&Mrs.DuaneTucker Dr.&Mrs.J.M. BrockJr. Mr.RogerPrentiss HoanndMoemorry.Manygroupsandindividualselecttopaytributetoothers Mrs.SaraFreeman Mr.AndN.rHiesscwox Mrs.RuthGulledge _Dr.&Mrs.J.M.BrockJr. thrthoissuensgitihve,meananidhnelpgfulfmeduiulm.Thisfeatisuhropee- Mrs.NellR.Lipham Mrs.AndyN.Hisscox FaithSS,FBCGrenada Mrs.CelestePurden fullydestiofugrthnerheonodr,withtasteandrespect,thosewhoareandhave Mr.JaB.mGalleaspysSr. Mrs.RubyeYoungHobby Mr.&Mrs.HubeHraatg RuthSS,FBCTupelo been special to our special friends. Dr.&Mrs.N.W.Carpenter Mr.&Mrs.HosKeemap Mrs.EugRe.nKieng Mr.&Mrs.GraysonPurvis Jr. LacE.iHoldseon Mrs,ZulaHardin TheAlvinA.LoewenbeJrrg. Dec 1, 1990 - Mr.&Mrs.JimBratton RuCsLowesr&eDenalClalrdy Mr.&Mrs.GregW. Mrs.RobbieAbel LydiaSundaySchool, FBC Family Mrs.W.S.Hammond Mr.&Mrs.WalBt.Meoorre Carpenter Mrs,FlorenceR.Hollingsworth Lucedale MrG.Ws.Ra,ney Dec. 31, 1990 Mr.RussellDilworth Mrs.EuR.lConearly Mr.Gatewood Mr. &Mrs.QuincyR.Hodges Mr.&Mrs.Jimmy Hardy Mr.&Mrs.DouglasAultman Breckenridge _.Mr.&Mrs.RobertT.Myers Mr.&Mrs.MyrlMcCormick » Ms.CecilV.Wells : _Dr.&Mrs.J.M.BrockJr. Mr.&Mrs.C'.RJed.d MEMORIALS Mr.&ReMxrs.DavidCroft& Mr.CoJor.k : MrMse.n'0.sFLe.lGlaotweswhiopodSunday MrM.rL.&eMrLrs..HoBoelrlynisardFlowers MrL.au&rMernsB.rCoewcinlHarper MrM.is&sMerssH.oRnoirc&hMa.RJre.ddIdngram Deb&MbikeiCroeft MissMaryEvelynVincent SchNorothGoreelnwo,od (Tobecontinued) Mr,&Mrs.W.S.Heaton MissesHonor&M.J.Ingram Mr.ManWe.rAdden -Mrs.MaryAgnesBrickel|l Mr.RobAe.Coropter Be&HcankkPeebyles La&LrucyrReeyves Mr.&Mrs.WernerWoods Mr.&Mrs.GlenKing Mr.&Mrs.C.M.Mitchell ac diese Mr.&Mrs.WassonHenry Mr.&Mrs.D.D.Reeves _WalterAhrens Mr.DaltonBridges RobertA.Cooper SadieGault ‘ .&Mrs.Douglas 5 Robertson Mrs.FrancesN.Allen Mr.&Mrs.RobertR.Bridges Mr.&Mrs.JamesM. Mr.&Mrs.SamT.Carter HONORS toxieee Sa i he ot MotherofMrs.JoyAinsworth Rev. J.H.Brister ~Pentecost Mr.&Mrs.F.G.Moore&C.'S. InspirationSundaySchool, Mrs.NellRowland = Mrs.FrancesN.Allen Mrs.W.O.ThomasSr. Rev.BillCoulter Geeslin © Mr.JeffAdams FBCWestPoint Mr.&Mrs.WaynePowell& Mrs.LouiseAlvey AllisonBritt Mr.&Mrs.RoyHarrell Mr.&Mrs.WalterB.Moore Dr.&Mrs.J. M. Brock Jr. ; Jeremy Fs Mr.&Mrs.JimmyLayer Mr.&Mrs.PatDawson Mrs.W.A.Crabill Mr. &Mrs.W.0.Geeslin Mrs.MaryAllred Mr.&Mrs.RalphHester Mrs.MargaretSandifer SibylAndrews Noel(Duffie)Brock,III Mrs.FredCruseJr. Mr.&Mrs.WalterB.Moore Dr.&Mrs.J. M.BrockJr. Mrs.W.H.McKenzie Jr. FrieSnS,dFBsChRolilipng & = Mr.&Mrs.DanW. Mr.&Mrs.OscarR.GladdenHallieCrew Mr.JohnB.Gill Mr.&Mrs.JackBailey MissChristineHollis — Fork Southerland Jr. Mrs.0.W.Savell Clovis&ZeoCox Mr.&Mrs,WayneHerbert Mr.&Mrs.WaynePowell& Mra.PatM.tNoirreis ChristineArendale Mr &Mrs.C.MMitchell | DalmaCrosby Mr.&Mrs.H.A.Pickett Jeremy Mrs. DC.Wiggins Seeee Dr.&Mrs.W.D.Austin wesdia anioen Mr.&Mrs.WalterB. Moore Mr.&Mrs.W.C.Harris SudiePear!Baldwin ee ee ey Mrs.Ethel i:&Ms. A,Was JamesCutts TheTalmadgeMcNairs Mr.&Mrs.LonD.Pepper Ms.AlleneHolloway eaten John &JanePolk&Family aryConnieBoatrightBrown_YaleStreetBaptCihusrcth Mr.&Mrs.HaroldSimmons ‘Mr.&Mrs.WillB.Barret&t Mrs.AlleneHolloway — ToddAshton | Mr.&Mrs.BillAiken PatriciaDaughdrill Mr.RoyB.Gill Bill Mr.&Mrs.JohnL.Holloway Mr.LinusScott Mr. &Mrs.DanW. Sion,Sater4:tae Mrs.VivianDaughdrill Mr.Ellis0.Cummins Mr.BudMoore Larry&MarthaHolloway FellowshipBibleClass, SoutherlandJr. MissSarahS.Niles Dr.L.L.Davis Mr.KeithGinn BedBabiesSSTeachers, Mrs.MildredM.Boyd WoodlandHills Mr.&Mrs.WilliamA. CentralOfficeStaff,Public Mrs.AnnaG.Thibodeaux Calvary Mr.&Mrs.WycheHooker& Rev.GaryShows Luecke M.L.Brumbeloe Schools,PineBluff Mrs.KeithGinn. Mr.&Mrs.Keith&Ilisabeth Family RebSS,eFBkCMacCohmb Mr.WilliamWadeAdcock,Jr. Mrs.EdwinHitt Arkansas JuliaGolden Reece Mr.BudMoore Mr.MattSillyman Mrs.JoyceC.Aycock MauriceBuckhaiter Mrs.LoriDavis PatBedsole’sSS,FBCBiloxi Mrs.JewelBlaylock Rev.&Mrs.WyattR.Hunter Dr.&Mrs. J. M.BrockJr. Mr.HoraceBaggett Mr.&Mrs.NicholasC. Mr.&Mrs.W.T.Keating GaryGrant Mr.&Mrs.WaynePowell& PhoebeSundaySchool, FBC=Mrs.CameronSinclair Zola&DebbieHaralson Rebold Mrs.MargieDavis Mr.&Mrs.FredH. Jeremy McComb Mrs,FrancesBryant Mr.JohnnieBailey Mr.NedBuckhalter Mr.&Mrs.SeymourDulaney Blackledge Miss AvoBoatright Mrs.T. HowardJohnson Mr.RileySkeley Mrs.DorothyF.Nelson Mr.&Mrs.HarryK.Woods_SallyWillDavis Mrs.DureeGray Mrs.IreneT.Kennedy Mr.&Mrs.P.E.WootenJr. Mr&Mr.s.DouglasAultman Mr.&Mrs.H.M.Holt BillyB.Buckley Mr.&Mrs.DavidCroft& Mr.&Mrs.D._D.FarmerSr. Mr.&Mrs.J.E.Bobo Mrs.EugeneJones Dr.&Mrs.CarlSmetko Mr.SamH.Bailey Mr.&Mrs.RoscoeSmith Rex Mr.ChesterL.Gregg Mrs.G.OliverSanford Mr.&Mrs.DouglasAultman Dr.&Mrs.C.P.TillmJarn. Mr,&Mrs.T.A.Waits Mrs.LeonBurgess Debbie&MikeCroft MissDorothyJohnson Mrs.D.R.Bowen LamendaCarolKallam Mrs.HaroldSmith Mrs.LucilleA.Bailey Mr.&Mrs.PatGuest VadaDavis InspirationSundaySchool, BowenSundaySchool,FBC Mrs.JaniceS.McKellar Men'sFellowsShSi,Np Mr.ClaytonE.Bain Mr.TorrenceBurke Mr.&Mrs.D.D.FarmerSr. FBCWestPoint Cleveland Mrs.MargaretKeeton GreenwoBoCd _Mrs.ClaytonE.Bain Zola&DebbieHaralson MotherofMrs.LucilleDay Mrs.ByrdGayGriffin Mrs.DelilahBoyd TruthSeekersSundaySchool, Mr.&Mrs.J.T.Smith Mr.BuckBaine Mr.WadeBurns Mr.&Mrs.RobertE.Day ForestBaptistChurch Dr.&Mrs.J.M.BrockJr. FBCGrenada Mrs.EugRe.Knineg MissMaryF.Wyatt Mr.&Mrs.WalBt.Meoorre StanDouglas OleneGrisham Mrs.MildredBoyd MissCarolynKing Mrs.MarieSmith Mr.TroyBaldwin Mrs.BettyBurns Mr.&MrsR..E.Smith Dr.&Mrs.LouieL.Coker Mr. &Mrs.JohnL.Holloway Mrs.EugeneR.King Mrs.MargaretSandifer Mr. &Mrs.HarryK.Woods Mr.&Mrs.AmosArendSerr.Mr.CharlesDuett Mr.J.M.Halll Mrs.SarahBoyd Mr.RalphKolb PatSmith RubyDill&WillieBarker Charlie Mrs.MarthaJ.Till Mr.BillyFrankFerrell ‘Mrs.MinnieRuthStanhope FreddieKolbClass,New Mr.JaWm.Beoozser Mrs.LubyeTowry Mr.&Mrs.Truitt Mr.&Mrs.R.M.Dugan Mr.&Mrs.J.V.ParkerJr. Mrs.HaroldBreedlove ‘HarmonyBC Mr.&Mrs.JohnSpencer Mrs.AlBarrett Mr.J.C.Butler Mr.&Mrs.JohnL. Dugan Mr.HenryK.Hammett,Jr. KeenAgers,FBCCharleston Mr.&Mrs.PhillipD.Koos Mr.&Mrs.DouglasAultman Mrs.PearlBurkett Rev.&Mrs.TrentFGrubbs KellyDukes Mr.&Mrs.C.G.Bolton TheRobBrownfamily. Mr.&Mrs.SamDribben Mrs.EvaSteen Mrs.EnaBarrett FrankByrd Mr.&Mrs.WadeC.Donnell Mrs.MaryHammitt Mr.&Mrs.B.R.Taylor Mr.&Mrs.PaulC.Kraft ChSaS,rWoodilantdHiells Mr.&Mrs.BruceMoore Mrs.DouglasL.Hiatt EffieL.Dumas Mrs.DotHammittShandera ChristinéCarithers Mr.PaulA.Kraft BC, ; Mr.CassieL.Bass Mr.&Mrs.BillyM.Sherman Mr.W.S.Hammend KeenAgers,FBCCharleston Dr.&Mrs.J.H.Kyzar Mrs.BettyeStewart Mrs.LemPittman Mrs.FrankByrd Mrs. "Mrs. W.S.Hammond Mrs.BeverlyCarr Mr.&Mrs.ElmoCollum Jenny&LaneThompson e w Mr.&Mrs.HomerPope Mr.&Mrs.HarryK.Woods Mr.&Mrs.WadeC.Donnell ©PeggyHammond Dr.&Mrs.J:M.BrockJr. SandLand Sa&rCaarshon Mr.&Mrs.JamesA.Mobley=Mr.W.-M.Byrd Mrs.RebaDuncan MedianAdultSS,FBCItta Rev.&Mrs.JohnCausey MedianAdultSS,FBCItta LydiaSS,PaulTruitBtC Mr.ClarenceBeasley Mr.&Mrs.CharlesR. Ms.LauraW.Taylor Bena Mr.&Mrs.BillDavis Bena Mrs.PeggyTaylor 3 Mr.&Mrs.DonnieRay& Ellison WayneDuncan TwoBrothersofMr.James Mrs.MaryAltaClark Mrs.LillianLee Mrs.FrankShawblosky LeaMoffett RuthCallahan Mrs.H:A.Noblin Hamm Dr.&Mrs.J.M.BrockJr. LaurenBrown Mr.&Mrs.K. B.Thomas Mrs.FrancesBennett Mr.&Mrs.WinfredCallenderwr.¢.£.Dunlap = Mr.JamesW.Hammond Dr.&Mrs.PerryClaxton StaffofFBCLouisville Mrs.IlTe.Kennneedy GraeberBrothersInc. Rev.J.R.Cameron ~ Mr.&Mrs.Myron E.Squires HeK.nHammrett,yJr. Mr.&Mrs.LonD.Pepper Mr.&Mrs.KennethW. Mrs.HubertThomas MissBenson Mr.&Mrs.HiramC GraceDunn JamesP.Ireland Rev.BillColter e Statham Mrs.IlTe.Kennneedy am Mrs.BettyB.Owen NewmanSr. Mrs.DeweyL.Bain. . . Mr.J.D.Hankins \ Roy&AnneHarrell Mrs.DorisMadison Ms.Louise JohnRobertBishop Ike Ms.LottieT.Williamson, Mr.&Mrs.J.C.Holloman Mr.JackColvin Mr.JosephG.Madison Dr.&MrsJ.,M.BrockJr. Mrs.BessieG. Thompson Mr &Mrs. J.W.Flurry Mrs.Dyre Rev.VanH.Hardin JackColvinSundaySchool, Mr.&Mrs.FrankMartin MissJessieThrelfall Mrs.LucilleBishop IvaSalleyCampbell Mr.&Mrs.J.C.Holloman LydiaSS,FBCLucedale ColonialHeightsBC TheAlvinA.LoewenbeJrgr._ ~TommyParish GleanersSundaySchool, Mr.&Mrs.T.L.Cooper LucilleEdwards Mr,J.A.Hargy Mr,&Mrs.JoeT.Cook Family Larry FBCJackson Mr.&Mrs.FredTurner Mr.&Mrs.FrankRogers& @Mrs.FlorenceH.Puls Mrs.EugeneR.King Mr.&Mrs.J.E.Matthews FreKoldbCdlasis,Neew JeanStubbs Mrs.Mary Family LouisHardy Ms.LizCummings Ms.MaryFlynn HarmonyBC Mrs.DeweyBlackledge Mr.&Mrs.HermanCoats GladysB.Wynne Ms.EvelynJ.Hardy MedianAdultSS,FBCItta OuidaMaxwell Mr.&Mrs.EmeryWages Mr.&Mrs.HarryK.Woods Mrs.MeredithD.Carpenter Mrs.GastonEdwards Mr.HughHarris Bena RuthSundaySchool,Colonial Mrs.JuanitaBrown KellyBlackstock . Mr.&Mrs.CarlM.Kelly Mr.&Mrs,RussellGregg InspirationSundaySchool, James&EmilySlay&Carrie HeightsBC Mr.CharlieWalker,Sr. Mr.&Mrs.DanW. Mr.ThomasW.Carson Eidman FBCWestPoint Mr.&Mrs.WayneMiley Mr.&Mrs.MeltonL. McCarty BaSSr,FBaCGrceenwaood Southerland Jr. Mr.&Mrs.HenryL.Carson Mr.&Mrs.W.M.Whittington Mr.EdwardHarrison Mrs.R.M.Currie Mr. &Mrs.G.M.Sansing Mrs.LouWarren MissKellyBlackstock Mrs.EuniceCampbellCarson Jr. InspirationSundaySchool, Mr. &Mrs.JoeE.Graham Mrs.MarthaMcHaney Dr.&Mrs. J. M.BrockJr. Mr.&Mrs.J.V.ParkerJr. Mrs.W.H.Reeves Mrs.Art(Margaret FBCWestPoint Mr.&Mrs.KennethDavis& InspirationSundaySchool, TheBillWarwick family RoscoeBond. ChesterCarter Whittington)Eidman MaryNellHarrison Keith FBCWestPoint ~ Mr.&Mrs,B.R.Taylor Mr.&Mrs.JohnL.Prine Mr.&Mrs.WilliamE Mr.&Mrs.JonM.Barnwell Mrs.T.A.Drake Mr. &Mrs.DouglasAultman Mrs.EmmaMeNeill Mrs.BernadineWelch MissKatherineBoney Hatten Judge&Mrs.GrayEvans - Mr.HenryO.Harrison ChaplainMichael8S.Davis Mrs.EugeneR.King Dr.&Mrs.J. M.BrockJr. Ms.JoAnneMartz Carter Mrs.DavidP.Quinn Mr.&Mrs.C.G.Cryder Mr.&Mrs.H.Y.FrasierJr. Mr.&Mrs.TerrellMelton Rev.&Mrs.GregWilliams CommanderRoyL.Bonner Mrs.JuneT.Brooks Mrs.SolT.Kantor Mrs.VemaHartfield Mr.&Mrs.TalmageDavis Mrs.JuanitaBrown Mrs.RoseT.Jackson Mr.&Mrs.DouglasPittman Mrs.FloraCarter Martha&GradyEldridge Mrs.HazelG.Trussell Mr.&Mrs.DouglasAultman Mrs.IreneMilam Mr.JoWilson Mr.WilsonB.Bourne Mrs.F.M.Caperton ~Mrs.SallyE.Stewart Mrs.DorisHaworth Mrs.NellieDickerson Mr.&Mrs.DouglasAultman Mr.BudMoore Mrs.WilsonB.Bourne Mrs.InezHollis Mrs.EllaKateEllard Mr.&Mrs.HarryK.Woods TELSS,FBCCharleston Mr.GlenMilton Mrs.SusanWilson Mr. D.R.Bowan Mr.&Mrs.HoseaKemp Mr.&Mrs.CayceEllard CecilMarionHays Mr..&Mrs.DouglasAultman Dr. &Mrs. J. M.BrockJr. Ms.MaiEllisAllen Mr.&Mrs.MyronE.Squires Mr.&Mrs.RayMcGee MissCrystalElliott Mrs.DonnisW.Hays Mr&Mr.s.8.F.&JohnDribbe=Mrs.ClaraMize Mr.&Mrs.JoeWolfe StacieMichelleBradford Rev.JamesCaston Mr.&Mis.G.C.Hankins EulaMaeHays Mr.&Mrs.Philip,D.KoosJr. GoldenCircleSundaySchool Mr.&Mrs.DouglasAultman Mr.&Mrs.HarryLittle Mr.&Mrs.JohnH.Mabry—_JoeyCurtisElliott Mr. &Mrs. F.A.Stephenson Trey&BradEdmondson ~Dr.&Mrs;Mallens, Jr." ~The CharlieWright family Duane,Wanda&Garrett Sr. Ms.AnnieLouJoiner Mr.HaroldHemmer Mr.&Mrs.Cariton Mrs.PorterF.Bohon Mrs.EugRe.nKieng Bradford ; Mr.W.O.Cathey Sandra&RodLindsey Mrs.E. E.Blakemore Edmondson Mr.CharlieMurphey Mrs.JesMaseYiatees AshleyMorris Mr.&Mrs.NicholasC. RufusElmore Mrs.RubyHemphill Mrs.FrankFair,Sr. MedianAdultSS,FBCItta Mr.&Mrs.CharN.lYeatses Mr.BillyBradshaw Rebold RuthSS,SecondBC Mr.&Mrs.PerrySpraberry Mrs.EugeneR.King - Bena Mrs.JoyceYates Mrs.FrancesN.Allen GayChancellor Greenville Ms.JeanneY.Tapp Mrs,BettyFitch ~JimmyNations : Jenny&LaneThompson HughK.Brame Duane,Wanda&Garrett EmilyFerguson SantaMariaDelMar Seeker'sSS,FBCHolly- Mr.&Mrs.Gary Hutson& Mr. &Mrs.BillyZigler Mrs.EdithW.Steele Bradford Mr.&Mrs.RobertE.Card Residents Springs | Famiy Mr.BudMoore ""GOD PERMITTED MY BLINDNESS FOR A REASON,’ SHE SAYS CHING SPEAKS AT CALVARY LUCY By Anne W. McWilliams LucyhadmanyjoboffersinAmerica In addition to her job, she did “T can’tseeyou, soIwon’t knowif and wanted tostay; but she knew it volunteer work. Teaching evening youare-enjoyingmyspeech,orifyou was God’s will for her to return to classes in English conversation, she aregoingtosleep.”LucyChing,blind Hong Kong. ~~ <a says,gavehera-chancetoexplainthe authorandsocialworkerfrom Hong In Hong Kong, she became a planofsalvationtothoseshetaught. Kong, was speaking to those at the pioneer in education and rehabilita- “If they don’t have Jesus in their family missions banquet at Calvary tion of the blind. For 30 years she hearts, it is no use.” Church, Jackson, on Dec. 5. -workedtherewithAhWor,companion Another of her projects was OthersonprogramwereFayeRob- and guide who was also performing transcribingtheBibleintoCantonese bins,CalvaryWMUdirector; Carolyn her own ministry among the sick, braille. Shetaughtfourblindwomen Webb, soloist; JamesStreet, pastor; blind, and elderly. Lucy won top braillists to use a Perkins brailler; and Polly andGlenn Morris, former awards for her achievements. two Baptist missionaries provided missionariestoChina,Thailand,and | In1959,HongKong’sSocialWelfare transportationforthemtothechurch. HongKong.Lucyandhercompanion, Department appointed her itsfirst’*There,on-twoeveningsa weekfor 10 Ah Wor, while in Jackson, were blindprofessionalsocialworker. The years, they handbrailled the Bible houseguests of the Morrises. communitycenterwheresheworked from dictationbysightedfriends. In ine of ne oon ees. Lucy provided worksh for the blind, 1977, donationsfromGermanyfund- ing’sautobiography,wastheRoyal deaf, and physically and mentally ed the purchase of braille printing Servicemagazine'sRoundTablebook handicapped.By 1975itwasestimated equipment. Sincethen, thefullBible selectionlastJuly.Thebookhasbeen thatover7,000 blindpeoplehadbeen has beenboth printedandrecordedin translated into Danish, Hungarian, wie through Lucy’s hands, taught in Cantonese and Mandarin. Finnish, andGerman. Its titleis the Leftto rightare Faye Robbins, WMU director, CalvaryChurch, Jackson; Ah Wor classes, counselled, trained, or Hersalarywassmall.For25years writer’s description of herself. and Lucy Ching, formerly. of Hong Kong; and Polly Morris, Jackson, retired mis- assisted in some way. * sheandAhWorlivedinasmallrented Becauseofthemechanicaldifficulties sionary to Thailand and Hong Kong. In1978,shewas givenresponsibili- roominana ntwitwtoothher oftheChineset iterfora blind ty for all blind re work on the families. in1984did getan person, she t the manuscript in enrolledinaBaptistschool.Whenshe Lucy had begun school in Canton, wholeofHong Island.Thenext spreementof theirown. Yet use English. heard them chanting John 3:16, she withnobrailletextbooksandwithout yearshebecame bilitationofficer :her=moreandmore ter ‘soLciuaclywroertkiererdwiint1h9h89anadsigcoavpeprendmaenndt asked, “DoyouthinkthatGodwould parentalencouragement.Shepunch- oftheHong districtsofcentral, ong Kong are accepting i love a blind girl?” ed dotsinnewsptoamapkeebrrailsl- western, and off-shore islands; the and the handicapped. elderly in Hong Kong, and has mov- “Well, he must,” her sister said. ed notes; she taughtherselfEnglish workbythenalsoincludedelderlyas Herunselfishattitudeisrevealedin edtotheUnited Statestodevotem “You are part of the world.” braille and later learned Cantonese well as handicapped: herstatement: “Ifirmlybelievethat of her time towriting. She wanted to go to church and braille.Herbrothersandsisters,MKs, Oncetoldthatasocial workerhas Godinhisdivinewisdomhas it- Borntoawealthyfamily inCanton, learnmoreaboutGodbutfelthernon- and others read to her. Later she no fixed working hours, she spent ted blindtnoeenstesr mylife for a China,shewasblindedwhenshewas Christian parents would object. studiedatseveralotherschools,both many hours of unpaid overtime specialreason—sothat Icanhavea six months: old. People in China Remembering the song, “What a Chinese and English. Too, she was visitingpeopleindistress,comforting, betterunderstandingofhandicapped believedthattheeyesweretherootof FriendWeHaveinJesus,”sheandher given a scholarship to Perkins In- counseling,advising,andsortingout le’s problems and be able to of- evil; consequently, when Lucy’s brotheronthreeSundaymorningsset stitute for the Blind in Boston and problems. er them constructive assistance.” mothernoticedredspotsinherbaby’s off for oon after telling gud another scholarship to study at eyes, she took her toan herb doctor. parents were going to visit ‘ SouthwesternSeminary,FortWorth. Boston churches set A concoction he applied to her eyes friend.” But on the fourth Sunday, Even with her amazing memory, destroyed her sight. Because of Lucyrealizedwhileshewaslistening her unusual will-power, her wilil- superstititions about blindness, tothesermonthat shedidnotwantto ingnesstoworkhard,andherstrong ‘impossible’ goals families in China often abandoned actashamedofher“friend,Jesus.”So Christian faith, she could not have their blind children or sold them to she went home and told hermother defeatedtheoddswithoutthehelpof slave dealers to become beggars or andfa “We beentovisitour Ah Wor, thelifelongfriend and com- PrmnoouugghhILucy’sfamiliyly dididdnotsned fri“eTnhd,encoJensustinCuetovi:sityourfriend, paamnaiho.nAwhhoWohradtabueghetnhheerrhcohwiltdohoteoldl herawayorabandonher,theydid not Jesus Christ,” her father said. “But time; she took Lucy shopping; she BOSTON(BP) —LarryMartinhas teach in 11 languages. The 4 million believeablindchildcouldgotoschool getyourSundaybreakfastandlunch described scenery when they were only one explanation for eight years residents of greater Boston. speak and learn. But against enormous anddinnerfromhim. I’llgiveyou15 walking. Shemelherlifesavings to of growth in Greater Boston Baptist more than 100 languages. sododns,inLuCchyibnaectaomaetttheendfirsscthboloilndwpietrh- mheirneutaensdlteotdmeecifdeee.dEyiotuhoerrgyooaundstlaeyt pplaeytbousrefaardest,osLcuhcoyo,l aexnpdenpsaepse,rpefoo-r Ass“oAclimaotsitone:ve“rGyotdhiinsgdooiunrgciht.u”rches BoVaircdky MBirsusnisoonn; SHerovmiece MiCsosriposn sightedchildren.Shehadtoconvince himfeedyou.” Lucy andher ae writing. She worked long hours with attemptishumanlyimpossible,” says volunteer,directsethnicministriesfor teachers, parents, andeveryonethat prayed and then Lucy said, “I'll go.” tedious beadwork to make extra Martin,associationaldirectorofmis- the association. She helps new con- a blind child-could learn. Thoughonly9,sheknewthemeaning moneyforthesethings. (Later, inthe sions. “Godkeepsopening thedoors, gregations find places to meet and At age 8, she first learned about ofthe verse, “My grace is sufficient 60s, when Lucy studied at Leeds and we keep trying to catch up.” helpsdevelopethnicleadership.Coor- sberanitlloeutdoatscawlhleonnhheirstheaemnargaedbirooatshke-r fhoerrynoou.f”oFoodrotnhSeuyndaey,hasehrefrsaatihsde.r gave eUdniavserasmiatiyditnoBbruityaLiunc,yA’shcWlootrhewsoarnkd- inInth19e82,UBnoistteodnwSatasttehselwairtgheostutciaty detihnnaitcincghilsdurmenmaenrdtdeaaychicnagmEpnsglifsohr inghow ablindchildcould learnto later,herparentsbecameChristians. to send support money to Lucy’s Southern Baptist association. Since tointernationalsarealsoamongher read, and an American doctor in To escape the Communists, the parents.) OnceLucypromisedher, “I theassociation inOctoberthat responsibilities. Manila answered. Ching family fled to Hong Kongand willnever beparted from you.” And year,thenumberofcongregationshas Since the association was formed, . ThoughherparentswerenotChris- Macau, losing their possessions and they are still together. tripled and ministries have campus ministries havegrownfrom tians, her brothers and sisters were thus creating a money problem. After she finished Southwestern, mushroomed. twoministerson twocampuses to 13 Volunteersareakeytothegrowth. ministersonninecampuses.Onlyone Of22peoplewhoworkfortheassocia- of the campus ministers is paid. Moscow Choir completes U.S. tour; tion,onlythreereceiveasalary.Some volunteers are seminary graduates wee their support, others are singer sent home with ‘ministry money reti people supported by their retirement income, and still others arebusiness lewhodevotetheir off-hours. to association. “In1985webegandevelopinglong- MEMPHIS,Tenn. (BP) —Arecent- gram now in preparation. the newspaper that Russian people range plans. We set goals that were lycompletedconcerttourofthe U.S. by thechoirfrom MoscowChurchof ful“fTihlelmteonutro’fsitbsipgguersptossuecc—estsowcahsantghee ainngdsAtmoewraircdsanopneeopalneothhaerv.e bBaudt fneoelw- fbaergan pra us,” Mfaorrtvionlurenctaelelrss. “aWned son} = S aEsvawneglelliacsalsoBampetimsitnsigsatrrnyemroednepryaifsoer and sistieornssaabnoduttoousreeSotviheetmbrfortohmeras dfeeluthoerulroimveeenotfiyngogusr(poenotplheet.ouWre),feweel finoguonudrtphraatyers.wVoalsunatlereerasdayraennsowweri-n tqeond “5 oes 3 theSoviets. About$22,800, generated biblical perspective, not a political that we are one family in Jesus chargeofevery area ofour associa- ~atr b o aboveexpensesbyloveofferingsand perspective — (to see them) as the Christ.” tional life.” > = bookandtapesales,willbesentback Church,”saidtourcoordinatorClyde “3 ¢ Thirty-threeoftheassociation's49 to theSovietUnionbythe tourspon- Weaver, who made the journey with One event gave the choir and tour churches have begun since the a 9 sors as — for the ministries of the musicians. Weaver said the officials some moments of concern. associationwasformed.Only14ofthe _— : x tEhvTeanhcgheoeilOric,tc.caallle2d5Ba-ptLioNsgovto.sU,1n3aitnoondu.rt,hecoSsopvoine-t fhluaosrstetrwaeftlaelmsitlahiseestdheeigngrereeoauctphodweUhpSia.crhtceicdthyfurr“ocilmh- Obansesopflaytehre,mluefstibceifaonrse,tahe2L4a-nyceaasrt-eorl,d acshsuorccihaetisonoiswmnakbiunigldpilnagnss,toysettartth1e6 (s—a_y} tae) 8oO- Pa.,concertanddidnotreturn. Anote additional c tions. soredbytheBaptistPeaceFellowship folk could identify with them (the he left behind said he had planned Former Texans Elton and Lulinda of North America and New Call to Soviets) as part of the Church, the beforethetourtodefect,andhe Turnerlendtheirknowledgeofchurch “5.4| Peacemaking (acooperativeeffortof world and God's family. Music cuts ‘the choir would understand that for organization to the infant congrega- x ud ° the Church of the Brethren, Friends through all the pretensions and personalreasonshehadtoleave. “The tions.. TheymovedtotheBostonarea bm ee @ andMennonites),covered4,000miles speaks to one’s heart.” Jadot gistofthenotewas ‘I’m sorry. Ijust 20eewhen becameaware (ee r in 13statesand35performances. An can’tgobackbutIhopeyou'll loveme ofthe forlayleaders amongNew ADA estimated 18,400 le heard the Choir members also reported anyway, ” said Weaver. He said he England Baptists. He owns a Corcod soundsofthe presentedby the transformingexperiencesfromthéir OURS hopes the incident, thefirst inwhich business, and sheserves as associa- 43-member chainber choir and or- trip. Sergei Rebrov said during the anyonehasdefectedfromaChristian tional Sunday School director. chestra, which already has been in- Nashville stop, “For many years we group, does not inhibit the choir’s Theassociation includes 22 ethnic January 17, 1991 vited back to perform another pro- thoughtabouteachotherandreadin return. congregations which worship and NTcecinceRrome « arnrcm AEROog

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