SOUTHERN BAPTIST N6SR# Y0O#O LIBRARYAND ARG VEC \ ) S1NOOX H LON ADHOA LOSCW IWY&X TWNEA AYA OT D@T J¥aT AVE d L7S S #> 1H Yv I Y SS y NLALOLOowal os YG E’IId-w JOURNALOF THE MississipPi BAPTIST CONVENTION LOOio TTWin 0 “Wi E a Baptistleader helps inau; - urate president E S V 0t P 0t S 0 f O 0e6 By Carl M. White “This is a very exciting time ‘Associate Editor i. 2beinvolved in Ukraine. God g as placed Mississippi Gregory Kommendant, the ; Baptists; one of the strongest eee of Ukraine Baptist _ States in terms of a heart for nion, made history Nov. 30 | _missions, in a position to min- when he delivered a message ~ ister during a time when the onbehalfofallChristiangroups ~ _ door has never before been so PUBLISHED SINCE 1877 at the invitation of Ukrainian ~ _ wide open,” she said. resident Leonid Kuchma at ~ Since independence, the uchma’s inauguration. . economy in Ukraine has strug- JANUARY13, 2000 It was the t time in the | led. Average income in history of Ukraine that a ine is about $36 a month, VOL. 123 Baptistleaderwasaskedtopar- — : and this average has ioe No, 47 ticipate in such an important aeve ear since independence governmentfunction. ini , She pointed out. - MississippiBaptistsareinthe — “People need a sense of midst of a six-year partnership — _ hope. e can give them the missions project with the — - hope that comes from faith in Ukraine Baptist Union, and the | ' God through Jesus Christ,” symbolism of Kommendant’s ~ _ Nolen stressed. Sadek:ponte bodes well for — As on-sitecoordinators, the aptist work in the former Nolens meet at the airport the groupswhocomeaspartofthe ideienebecease an indepen:- CORE reclect largeevenit nthe Hall of the “We themto thefield, as reelected to a democraticgovernment. make assignments, keep up new five-year term in a run-off Kommendantalso told.the Presidentis plannedforJanuary with them, supportthem dur- election on Nov. 14. He defeat- president that many brothers 14 tokickoff thecelebration. “ing the week, and get them ed communist candidate Petro and sisters in Christ in the ' Kuchma stated he had backona plane,” she said. Symonenko, receiving 56.25% United States were praying heard many good things about NolensaidcomingtoUkraine of the vote. | for him. the Christian work in aine, is a two-wayexperi 5 According to June Nolen, At the time the invitation and he knewthat Baptists did “It is not just what who along with husband was issued, Kommendant was many charitable acts of kind- Mississippians are doing for Thomas serves as__ on-site visiting the U.S. He quickly ness. Kuchma thanked Ukrainian Baptists, but what coordinators for the returned for the occasion. Kommendant for the benevo- the Ukrainians are doing for Mississippi Baptist partner- In another unprecidented lence of Baptist one Mississippi Baptists. It is a life- ship with Ukraine Baptists, action,Kuchma took theoathof According to Nolen,this is a changingexperience.” Kommendant’s message officewithhishandnotonlyon critical time in the life of the For.more informationon the described The Heartofa King. a copy of the nation’s constitu- Ukraine. whereasioJUkraine Baptist Kommendant wished the tion, but also on a 16th-cen “Thiscountryhas a longhis- partnership and other partner- resident and his family good copy of the New Testament. tory of oppression. Ukrainian ship missions opportunities, ealth and assured him that he briefdiscussion took place over Baptists have asked us (Miss. contact Paul Harrell, directorof rsonally had the presidentin where to open the Bible when Baptists) to meetcritical needs, artnership missions, is heart. On behalf of all the Kuchmaplaced his hand upon such as rebuilding churches weeraye Le: Convention Christian groups in Ukraine, it; John 3:16 was chosen. that were destroyed, and start- Board, P. O. 530, Jackson, Kommendant reported to In his address, Kuchma ing new churches in areas that MS39205-0530.Telephone(601) Kuchma that the churches of declared the year 2000 as a year have not heard the Gospel in 968-3800, or toll-free outside Ukraine supported him and his of celebration of Christianity. A generations,” she said. Jackson (800) 748-1651. ‘Spirit-empowered’ conference set for Jan. 21-22 WHAT'SIN THE RECORD By Sonny Adkins, director Conferences that should interest all of us. ference is to receive a ee from God Evangelism Department On Thursday, Jan. 20, Phil Roberts of and to be absent from the co ce is to Dealing ya North American Mission Board miss God and what he wants to give you. January 21-22 are the dates will teach on The Mormon A presentationof“God ForUs” is ed- of the most spirit-led and Puzzle from 7-9 wm, at uled for 2 the Mississipp:i Coliseum empowered event in Ridgecrest.Church. On Friday, in downtown Jackson on Saturday, Jan. 22. Mississippi for the year 2000. Jan. 21, from 8:45-11:45 a.m., Our own Graham Smith, director of the Church eS LMCO This is the date of our Christian Answers for the New Church Music Department at the Evangelism Conference to be Age will be provided. These . Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, will held at Ridgecrest Church in Interfaith Conferences are for be directing about 3,000 singers es Madison.This is going to be a you and your people. ing over 100 Mississippi choirs. They will great Friday and Saturday for Our state evangelism confer- be accompanied by a more than 150-piece Letters ey editor our Lord Jesus and Mississippi ence begins at 1:30 p.m. on orchestra. An invitation will be givenand Baptists. Your entire church is Friday, En. 21, at Ridgecrest whata climaxto “Lifting High theCross”! invited to participate in this Church. Great servants of God Your promotion and presenceare vital first Mississippi Baptist will lead us’ in worship and_ to the success of the evangelism confer- Convention-sponsored confer- Adkins raise as we Lift High the ence.,I look forward to seeing you at Sunday wy lessons ence of the new millennium. ross. The presence of you and Ridgecrest Church on Jan. 20-22 and the Ed Deuschle has lanned two out- yourpeopleiscritical to the successoft!his Mississippi Coliseum at 2 p.m. on standing Interfait Evangelism program. To attend the evangelism con- Saturday, Jan. 22. Philippians 1:3 ng us The cretins amo s difficult to overlook the evidence such as Muslims and Y YOUR WIFE that we are entering a post-Christian Buddhists “pe: te EDITOR’S era in what was once the greatest ancient religious EOF di: G, Christian nation in theworld. hatred.” (Lockhart has Wehaven't yetbeen thrown to the lions since apologized and | NOTEBOOK (atleastinAmerica),butChristiansandthe admi thathis state- TO oe ly idealsbywhichwelive arebeing confront- ment was madeoutof ed by an increasingly hostile, hedonistic ignorance.) _culture in which absolutely anything goes. It is in such a world C Somewherealong thewayweobviously that nationally-syndi- exchanged the wisdom of our forefathers, cated =~ newspaper as epitomized in the phrase, “In God we columnistSandy Grady trust,” to a version more relevant to the feels free to criticize o us lifestyle we live today: “In our- residential candidates selves only wetrust.” eorge W. Bush and Al _ That'sreallyoneofthefocalmes- Gore for publicly ‘Sages of our culture. Throw out the admitting they are ‘moral anchors and spiritual guide- born-again Christians ‘postsoftraditional istianity,and and that Jesus has thereisnothingleftonwhich torely made a difference in |exceptourselves. their lives. ; e have cometobelieve that we Describing such pro- can make our own decisions apart fessions of faith as from any higher power, because “Jesus Oe. and there is no higher power than the “nois ulpiteering,” individual. Guar . sascasticall _ It is under such delusion that complained, “For a == infanticide becomes “reproductive confused moment, I William : health,” adultery becomes merely thought I was back at an “inappropriate relationship,” the Wednesday night PerkinsJr. and sexual perversions become prayer meetings of Editor “alternate lifestyles.” childhood.” It should be expected that You caught his Christiansinapost-Christianworldwillbe implied message, didn’t you? To Grady originally a French play on the word broughttotaskforlivingourfaithandcall- one cultural elitists like him, religion — Christian and was coined: to criticize the ; EDITOR ingsinwhatittrulyis,evenwhenwedoso and specifically Christianity — are appar- earlybelievers in Europe. William H. Perkins Jr. in a peaceful and unthreateningmanner. entlynothing more than the domain of the . Sadly, the worldstill considers us idiots It is in such a world thata self-consti- childish and immature. for Christ, but we should wear their dis- ASSOCIATE EDITOR tuted group of religious leaders in Onecanalmosthearhim and many oth- dain as a badgeof honor. Jesus, the ulti- Carl M. White Chicago recently made a very public ers in thenationalnews and entertainment: mate cultural non-conformist, was plain- EDITORIALASSOCIATE appeal for Southern Baptists to give up media suggesting that such unsophisti- spokenaboutthecostofthe world’s disap- Florence Larrimore organized attempts to witnessto lost peo- cates aren't intellectually worthy to govern proval toward those whofollow him. pe in their area, for fear of inciting “faith- this great, secular country. ‘ _ There is a lot ofcriticism to be absorbed CIRCULATION MANAGER ased terroristviolence.” Christians who understand our tftie in this post-Christian world, but there are ReneeWalley It is in such a world that the US. mission as found in Matt. 28:18-20 should alsoalotofpeoplewhoneed tohear about President’s press secretary, Joe Lockhart, be energized by suchcriticism, keeping in the Savior. BOOKKEEPER observed a few days ago that Southern mind that the word cretin, which the dic- Fellow cretins, let’s roll up our sleeves BettyAnne Bailey Baptist efforts to evangelize lost people tionary defines as, “a kind of idiot...,” was andgetb u sy! LAYJoOyUliTn/DDaEvSiIsGN ife has value. Seems this GUEST OPINION: It places value on human 3 statement would be indis- life. Nomatter theissue,thelife ADVEHReTaItShIerNGC/umPbReOrOlFaRnEdADER pinu.tasbolem,ebuCthruinsftoiratnuncaitrecllyesevneont a. ) §=Abortion and the ofaInkninodwivmidaunalyiosfvyaoluuarbelea.ding everyoneagrees.Partofoursoci- a this —— are enYou . EDITORS EMERITI etyhasadoptedamindsetwhich & ma sa " ily is Don McGregor national mindset says, “Lifeisnotvaluable.” kay I port ve aepeicing to Guy Henderson Some activist groups and worry about.” court decisions have dimin- By Michael Weeks, pastor t about your children’s Baptist RecordAdvisory Committee: ished society’s opinion oflife. circle of friends? Do they have GrantArinder, Belzoni Doe v. Bolton and Roe v. Wade Pleasant Hill Church, Olive Branch thesamevaluesasyourchildren? Bettye Coward,Clinton legalized abortion. States con- Are your children easily led Charles Dunagin, McComb tinue to discuss and legislate astray? Have you discussed the Allan Nix, Laurel: doctor assisted suicide. Society video games, movies, lyrics of desensitizationofhuman life in valueoflifewithyourchildren? David Petty, Jackson is encouraged to be “open songs, revenge, video ames. We live in.a self-centered Gary Richardson, West Point HeatherCumberland, secretary minded” regarding such issues. etc. While playing society which says, “Do unto Producers of movies -and the games, othersbefore theydoit to you,” music defend their right to sell our ole pro- rewards are and, “The only one who counts Postmaster:Send changesofaddress products which glorify killing, gressively spin given for the is you.” Unfortunately, people toThe BAPTIST RECORD,P.O. Box suicide, and even death. One ina doniena number of peo- donotrealize how theirchoices 530, Jackson, MS 39205-0530. Send such movie depicts a student oe of values. le or creatures affect the lives of others. news, communication, and address walking into his classroom Rightand wrong illed. It is my prayer that people changestoThe Editor, BAPTIST wearinga trenchcoatand firing have In some will stop practicing a cultural RECORD,P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS a shotgunathis classmates. distor ted. games, the play- Christianity which adopts the 39205-0530 (601) 968-3800 [email protected] - live zs a ro uhige Uncontrollable er is rewarded cultural values of the day. To seeks to play with words in anger seems to more - oints ignore the clear principles of ee, to dis _ the truth. — ‘ on @BeedingMe the God’s Word such a, "You shall VOLUME123 NUMBER47 rtion is called “a woman’s_ whic ve method of notmurder,” positionsa person (ISSN-0005-5778) oes suicide — the _g,suchasa_ ona colli hioon with God. PublishedweeklyexceptweeksofJuly 4 is called “death with dignity.” world. shotto the head, May wefollow an authentic andChristmasbytheMississippi Baptist Is itany wonder people are Innocent abomb,or some biblical faith which stands firm JaCcoknsovne,ntMiSon3B9o2a0r1d.,S5u1b5scMriispstiisosnip$p8i.3S5trepeetr, confusedaboutthevalueoflife? men, women other murder- on God’s Word. Weare to pre- yearpayable inadvance. Economyplans In the past few years, the and children ous technique. ‘sentthemoral tsofGod’s availableforcooperating Mississippi media has made us aware of have suffered ; Er The sanctity. Word toa woud whichis aim- churches. Periodicalspostage paid at many school shootings across and died at the Sanctity of of humanlife is aL existing without purpose. Jackson, MS, Member,AssociationofState America. People ask why these hands of an not just an abor- e must become alert, Baptist Papers. Deadlines: News items— events occur. at would pos- and tristental Huma n Life Su nday tion or euthana- informed, and share God's onecalendarweekpriortorequested pub- licationdate. Advertising— twocalendar sesssomeonetobecomea killer? individuals. sia issue. It is an message of hope. Failure to do weekspriortorequested publicationdate. The reasons cited include Children are attitude of the sO means weconsentto the evil Satanism, demon possession, exposed to the Jheart. around us. THE BAPTIST REC@RD JANUARY13, 2000 Global gospelstrategies subject of summit NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) — strategy coordinators can’t get Sutton, in a missionsser- Buck admitted. “But God had Southern Baptist pastors and the job done alone,” mon,said,“Thisisthefirsttime been at work here, preparing lay people from about 275 International Mission Board in the history of the world theheartsofthepastorsandlay churches embraced a challenge President Jerry Rankin said where the technology is in ple who attended.” totaketheJonytotheendsof during the summit’s opening place to take the gospel to In fact, all churches re- the earth during “The Summit banquet. every unreached le group, sented at Buck’s table made for the New ennium”Dec. “T’ve often said te not the al nation, in thisi d. For commitments to get directly 14-16 at Opryland Hotel in_responsibility_ _ of the_ thefirst time in history the involvedintaking thegospel to Nashville, Tenn. me pieces of the puzzle are unreached peopleintheregion. M.) S:5 2826. 5.9.9, 1 The summit — a ill _together., but the A small mission congrega- BAPTISTS global missions net estion is this: Will we tion pledgedto create Internet working conference do whatJesus hastold sites for missionary teams tar- sponsored by us to do?” geting 16 unreached people ashville’s Two River s groups dn the region. Another Church — linked mo church volunteered to a than 550 pastors and from missionary strate- recruit Southern Baptists to fi lnypeop with about By coordinators of the missionary personnel needsfor THE | 160 missionary strategy International Mission the teams’ work. And leaders cuonorredaicnhaetdors tarpgeeotpiln eg Bsooadrdat(wIoMBr)kwinhaomtaozlidnogf Sf.rCo.,meGvaetnewoafyferCehdutrochhirienaIrfumlol,- SECOND griure in The Last ays to draw the time administrator to handle rontier, the part of the world’s unreached peo- the extra workload created by world where people ple to himself. Mission- the church’s commitment to FRONT PAGE havelittle or no access: aries urged church rep- take the gospel to the region’s to the gospel. resentatives to take a “The whole purpose “vision trip” to The Last of the summit was to Frontier to see for them- put tools in the hands ‘selves how God is mov: of churches, to say this ing there. is how you can connect “If you want to see and be a partof fulfill- the power of God, like - you've only read about ing the Great Commission during the: fin books and wondered whatit would belike to next millennium,” said Jerry Sutton, pastor of be there, then you come PUBLISHED SINCE 1877 Two Rivers and orga- on,” said a strategy unreached people groups. In nizer of the conference.” coordinator working fact, Gateway will serve as a During most of the among a_ responsive “hub church” for several mis- JANUARY13, 2000 summit, teams of eople group in former sionary teams — recruiting church representatives viet Central Asia. other churches andindividuals , VOL. 123 and strategy coordina- At meeting room to get involved, coordinating tors met in small-group REACHINGTHEWORLD — During The Summit tables and in hallway volunteer projects, and fielding No.47 sessions, in which they for the New Millennium in*Nashville, Tenn., Jerry conversations, partici- communication. Sutton, pastorof Nashville'sTwoRivers Baptist Church “We'll take some of the load discussed and. prayed ants . wasat about how churches in Nashville, Ufges'Southern Baptist pastors and lay- workduringthesummit, off the shoulders of the mis- could help missionaries men to:dotheir part in evangelizingth ermostparts too. “There were just so sionaries by helping them bet- implement strategies ofthe earth. (BP photo by Roy M. Burroughs) many divine appoint- ter focus on their work” of for taking the gospel to ments,” observed Bill strategic evangelization, said unreached people groups. International Mission Board to Bullington, the IMB’s vice presi- Don Brock, Gateway’s pastor. Participants also heard chal- do missions on behalf of dent for overseas services, who Meanwhile, the conference lenges from several Southern Southern Baptists. The Great coordinated theboard’s involve- even made a difference for Baptist missions leaders, who Commissionwasgiven toevery mentin the event. some of the nearly 130 lay vol- reminded them that the entire beliéver, every church, and One of those appointments unteers from Two Rivers who body of Christ is responsible every denominational] entity. happens to strategy coordina- helped during the event. At the for obeying the Great Our eee as a denomi- tor Frank Buck (name changed close of the summit, one of Commission. national missions agency is not for security reasons), who is those volunteerscommitted her “As we lookat the literally to do missions on your behalf trying to evangelize an life to serve as a missionary millions of people to be butto facilitate your being obe- unreached people group in a among an unreached people dient to the Great restricted ac€ess “country in group overseas. reached, we mustrealize that a Commission,” Rankin said. North Africa. : “Honestly, I don’t think we'll handful of missionaries and “| knew that if God had his owthe full impact of the Homosexual rights upheld hand in this summit, great summit until we gét to heav- things would happen, but I en,” said Jerry Highfill, Two ess I just wasn’t expecting Rivers’ ‘minister of missions WASHINGTON(BP) —The Vermont SupremeCourthand-' em to happen at mytable,” and evangelism. ed a key victory to the homosexualrights movement Dec. 20 whenitruled same-sexpartner'ssshould havethesamebenefits an d protectio ns now granted tohe terosexual marriedc ouples. Inits unanimous aeBe Bill Causey, executive director-treasurer of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, calls for a solemn assembly to be held on Jan. 16 at Parkway Church,Jackson.This is an urgentcall for people to come and humble themselvesbeforeGod to fastand pray. Frank Pollard , pastor of First Church, Jackson, is one of seven “star preachers”identifiedbyTimemagazinefromacrossthenation.Thearticle on Pollard, the only Southern Baptist on the list, was written by Jackson DailyNewsreligioneditorArtToalston. PhilJ.Walker, associational missionary forWarrenCounty, willbe the speaker on the Mississippi Radio Hour on Sunday, Jan. 15. He can be heardonJacksonradiostationsWRBCandWSLI, Memphisradiostation WHBQ,andPicayuneradiostationWRJW. yy ¢ THE BaptistRECORD JANUARY 13,2000 Analysis: Womencanbesetfree from abortion guilt By Shelia Stanford, consultant © . crisis pregnancy counselor speak concern- Sanctity of Human Life SundaySchoolles- iss. Baptist Christian Action Commission ing “post-abortion syndrome.” She realized son, at her-church two years ago. Susan her symptoms were exactly those the coun- started a Forgiven andSetFree Biblestudy Ann LeVan grew up in Mississippi as a selor described, and she finally recognized and has led twosessions thusfarinvolving Baptist “preacher’s kid.” She waspart of a the wall ofdenial she hadbuilt years ago.It eight women. Susan and Ann desire to loving istian family. She was intelli- was as though a “light came on” and the help womenfind forgiveness, healing, and gent, attractive, and of potential. blinders were removed. Ann discovered freedom from guilt andEriet through the irteen years shehad been suffering silently for years. love and grace of Jesus Christ. They want ago, as an unmar- She began attending a Bible study for women to know there are people who can tied college gradu- women whohad ee abortion and i and whowill listen. ate residing in found theWord of Godtobring thehealing if you orsomeoneyou knowhasexperi- ‘Ohio, she experi- she desperately needed. The study was enced anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, fenced the trauma based onthebookForgivenand Set Freeb grief, anger, and/or relationship difficul- of abortion after Linda Cochrane, a womanwhohad herse tiesduetotheexperienceofabortion, there ‘choosing toend her been through several abortions and had is help available. Call Susan at (601) 857- 8190. She willkeep all calls confidential. ‘unexpected preg- laterbecome a Christian. mancy. Her story Since 35 out of every 1,000 women of ~: Perkaps you feel led by God to begin a remindsus that the childbearing age in theUnited States have inistry such as Susan's. She can give you church and abortions each year, ost-abortion syn- information on the Bible study, further Christians are not dromeis a reality that impacts the lives of information on related issues, and details immuneto thedev- women outside andinside the church. One ofother similar ministries inour state. The astation of abor- out of six womensitting in the pews of Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission tion. Ann’s journey Christian churches have had an abortion. of the Southern Baptist Convention pro- from silent suffer- The term “post-abortion syndrome”is vides excellent books, pamphlets; and used to describe a woman’s inability to: videosrelated toabortionissuesandcanbe ing to forgiveness and freedom is one ~process the fear, anger, sadness, and reached at (800) 475-9127. she shares to give t surrounding her abortion experience. TheMississippi BaptistChristian Action hope to others in #grieve the loss of herbaby. Commissionalso has materialsavailable to - # cometo peace with God, herself, and assist in this type of ministry and can be similar situations. Ann remained in others involved in the abortion decision. reached at (601) 292-3329 ortoll-free out- Ohio and eventual- An. excellent informational pamphlet is sideJackson at (800) 748-1651. ly married her available from Focus on the Family andis Until we acknowledge that abortionis a entitled “Identifying and Overcoming real issue in our churches, many women - boyfriend, to = whom she is still Post-Abortion Syndrome.” Call (800) A- will never find help and healing for their FAMILY to order this and other related darhaged lives. Our families, the church, married. However, she admits the first _— of their marriage were very difficult. material. and escontinuetosuffer. ey did not discuss the abortion and Susan Robinson is Ann’s sister and~a Asour SanctityofHumanLifeemphasis never addressed the many issues involved member of Raymond: Church, Raymond. continues, may we be honest and bold with it. Ann was filled with self-hatred, Like Ann,she felt God leading her to min- enough to address the needs around us ister to womenexperiencingpost-abortion and tohelp make a difference in ourworld iar andgrief, yet she never talked about syndtome. Susanwasmotivatedby hersis- with the love of Christ. God’s truth truly erfeelingsorherexperience.Thenin 1991, five years after her abortion, Ann heard a ter’s personal experience and also by a does set usfree. been bitter at God. Then Job’s Fir OR Fat? friendscomeandpinhimtothe The results of a nationwide wall with their assumptions of study were released in his wicked lifestyle. It would Decemberannouncingthecities have been easy for Job to have D Cie in America that are the most ostracized his friends, but he didn’t. Job recognized thatevil, “fit” and those cities where the people are the most “fat.” The Jim Futral, executive director-treasurer though he wasn’t able to see or city where the people are sup- Mississippi Baptist Convention Board fully understand it, was at osedly in thebest shape is San ’ work and he hated that. lego, Calif., and the city that @ Another diagnostic ques- qualifies as the “couch potato” H ow would you go a bout well, you get the pictu re! . tion that is worthy of consider- capital of America is doing that?Well,therearediag- How do you feel about ation is related to our obedi- Philadelphia, Pa. While I find nostic tools related to eacaal- Judas? As you examine your ence: WhatdowedowhenGod the stu y intriguing, I am ‘not ity but here and there, in the. own spiritual condition, how asks us to do something? I’m Sanctity of sure of the purpose or positive privacy of your own heart, welove others tells more about not talking about the vague, results that might come from maybe just a few questions us than itdoes about them. uncertain things that seem to - Human Life Sunday expenditure of thousands of would help us see ourselves as @Doyouhatethe things that pepe us as wesearch for the dollars and many hours to dis- towhetherweare “fit” or “fat.” God hates? God has and has will of God, but what is our cover such material. Asspacewouldallow,letme given to us the capacity to hate. response when we know there Onething that is known and give you just a few of these - r problem is_ basically is something we should or is again confirmed by this questions: twofold: 1) having the spiritual should not do? study is that Americans from -@ Do youlove what God discernment to despise those While many of us mayulti- coast to coast are considerably loves? The question is not, “Do thingsthatGoddoes,and2)not mately get around to answer- plated, Another thing you love 2” though that to cross the line and hate those ing the call and ding to coming from this study that wouldbea validandimportant things aboutwhichGod cares. his will, it is the delay or quiet, seemstobepointedoutinallof issue. No, the question is, “Do In the book of Job the obstinate attitude that is harm- these sorts of evaluations, is you love the things and the Scripture says that Job loved fulto the work of God. Sure, thatwe here inAmerica eat too people thatGod loves?” and hated evil. As you Jonah did whatGod asked him much and exercise too little. Let me show you how prob- read the book of Job some to do after ignoring his voice, While the study dealt with a ing this question is. Suppose interesting developments oing his own way, living numberof factors related to you andI join a groupsittingat begin to take place that are a storm, riding in the being “fit” or “fat,” one of its oee wih Lord for the common to each one of us, yet belly of a fish, and enduring limitations was the fact thatit t Su . Suppose we were Job continues to stay focuséd whatever is involved in being was focused only on the physi- asked, r you love Jesus?” on hatingevil. vomited up on the shore. He cal. I su the reason for Well, for most of them and for * Let me explain: Life dum: then— tobe faithful to thatis that it is far more diffi- mostofus theanswerwouldbe one disaster after another hiscalling. culttoevaluatea n’smen- a simple, “Sure!” — a rock- Job’sroadway. Itwouldbeeas It is hardly the model to be talhealthorspiritualcondition. re. Ae But pow think for Job to turn sour and i followed ‘for spiritual vitality. While I am not conducting a about this question being posed hating life. Somehow in the There are so many needs, so national study related to spiri- in that setting “Do vad love ultimate schemeof things, God many glorious opportunities, tual health, it mightdo us good Judas?”Jesus did. Inspiteofthe allowed those bad events to so many blessin to be to at least take-a personal sur- factthatJudaswassneaky, sinis- take place andit is true, had he enjoyed, that we all need to be vey of where we are in our ter, insincere, and would cheat, wanted to, God could have “fit” for the New Year. “connectedness” with God. misrepresent, and undermine— stoppedall that. Job could have Are you“fit” or “fat?” a SHE BAPTIST KECORD Tianniieyv 12 SNH JAUNUARKY Lo, 2UUU * Graham issues challenNge to United Nations NEW YORK CITY said, ‘ one of } (BP)—Southern ist é wi bethaneoneof ww Billy Graha $ ‘days. Are you ready?” and daughter Anne | = Looking at the U.N. Graham Lotz spoke} c Seyestas“I_ hours apart to different } D tquestion, audiences of the United | askyou:areyouready? Nations. In the midst of all you Both occasions were} are doing around the spaenes by the North world to iate suffer- erican 3 Mission | ing and bring about Board’s(NAMB)ministry peace,Iprayyouwillnot © Starveyourownsoul.” At a dinner Dec. 15, He then shared Graham told 200 U.N. ” briefly how he pee diplomats that as the ecusChrist as a high world celebrates the school student. “At that dawn ofthe year 2000, a time Ididn’tknowmuch number of problems about God andreligion. Fellowship have not been solved But all that I have done because they require in mylifeI owe to Jesus spiritual solutions. i Christ, for he has given announces “I saluteall ofyou for me compassion for oth- your dedication and the work you doin the U.N. a.eTeyg IRAHAMSPEAKSATU.N.—SouthernBaptistevangealistBilly Graham,left, ethresir—racneoormraetltiegrionw.h”at nominees ... You serve in a great is Robert E. Reccord, president ofthe SBC's North American Mission Graham concluded humanitarian organiza- Board. Graham spoke to United Nations diplomats at a dinner meeting Dec. 15 in hisremarkswitha sto tion, but the greatest New York City sponsored by NAMB.(Photo by NAMB) aboutAlbertEinstein. ATLANTA (ABP) —° A problems thatfaceusare Virginia pastor will be nomi- _ “Einstein agate paced in nature,” he said. work with refu and the deniesit. Somepeopleliveasif : ne to: Cit nated as the future top’officer of the Cooperative . Baptist raham named three with the impoverishedaroundtheworld, they arenever going to-die.” irstbeinghumanevi). but couldn’t find his ticket. As Fellowship when the group. Graham cited human s i raham made several refer- meets this summer. fro“mW?h,”ereGrdaohesameviqluercioemde.“oTnrodubulnessolbveeadr wdoorwln Sedenccleisntionghiheseaolwthn,tmohretcaelfifetcytsanodf acsoeanrdcuhcetdorforhisteicizedket,thhiemtraainn’ds Officials at the Atlanta- based Fellowship have “Murder, rape, wars all over onallofus.I’venevermeta the world. We ontae alon sonwhodidn’t have is way to andfrom the i- im to his tick-_ | ‘announced that Jim Baucom, with other people. We're se to be concerned about. Why we um but vi disa et.Continuingtosearch,howev- pastor of Rivermont Avenue Church inLynchburg, Va., will | destrluectkivneow bettveiroletnhta.n Fyeowu wsuhfifcehr cisana spibrietuaulnderqsuetsotoiodn absoohke oprneahcehaevde.n,,“Ia’nmdwIrihtoipngeaI e‘rT,hiEsinisstneoitnatnolidstsuheeofcotnrudsutc,tbourt, be nominated moderator-elect _ at the Fellowship’s june 29- ow much evil is in the world. spiritually,”hesaid, : oy canget it finished, because I'll ofdirection.Withoutthatticket,I And, weall know the depth of Death, Graham toid the- be spending billions of years havenoideawhereIam going.” . july 1 General Assembly in Orlando, Fla. - evil withinourownhearts.” _ diplomats fromnearly 80 coun- there withJesus,” he said. Grahamaskedhisaudiance if “The Bible says the problem tries ae Vietnam, North Grahamtoldof ingthe they were like Einstein, not TheFellowship will also elect anew recorder at next is within us. We need to have and South Korea, Libya, and funerat of former U.S. President ppt.peatheyweregoing. summer's General Assembly. our souls restored. Out of the Albania, is the third problem Richard Nixon before five US. He udedbyasking, “in the heart, the Bible says, come evil the -world has not solved. presidents and a worldwide future,whenyouhearmyname, Joel Snider, pastor of First thoughts,” he said. “Death is the forbidden subject audience. The evangelistsaidhe wouldyou give thought toyour Church in Rome, Ga., isbeing nominated for the post cur- Commendingthe U.N.forits ‘in our generation. Our culturé— pointed to Nixon’s casket and ownfinaldestination?” rently held by Carolyn NAMBofficial cautions churches to be wary Dipboye of Oakridge, Tenn. Dipboye has heldthe office three years. In a staff change, former NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) — When sever- the Roman Catholic Church. However, George Osment, a lay leader at First MissionsUSA editor Phyllis almembersofaGeorgiaBaptistchurchwere many ‘of thecurrent-Cursillo Movements Baptist Church, Scottsboro, Tenn., said the Thompson has been named invited to attend a weekend of spiritual are run byProtestant denominations. The spiritualintensityissogreatthatleadersof renewal, their pastor, Paul Mason, didn’t Threemajormovements in thiscountryare one Tres Dias retreat refused to allow a associate Communications coordinator — for the ive it a second thought. After all, “Tres Tres Dias, a charismatic movement with campertoleave. “This personwantedtogo Fellowship. She began work Bias” (Spanish for threedays) sounded like ties to the United Methodist Church home but they wouldn’t let him. He saw it was a normal, weekend getaway. spon- | Dec. 28. (UMC); “The. Emmaus ”sponsored what was going on and wanted to leave,” sored bya mainlinereligiousdenonfination. by the UMC: aoe enn Thompson worked 20 years Osmentsaid. “Theyformedacircle around for the Southern Baptist Home - A few monthsafter they returned from “Via De Cristo.” him andprayed over him.” Mission Board (now North the retreat, Mason realized he had a prob- The weekendretreats aren’t just aimed Osment said the surrounding American Mission Board), lem on his hands at Central Church, at adults. Many SouthernBaptist teenagers theretreathascauseddivision in theircon- including 10 years as editor Douglasville. “WhenIasked them how the have attended the UMC’s youth Cursillo ation. “It’s very sad,” he said. and maneging editor of the retreat went, they told me it was a secret. ‘Char sgand that causedthe id Davis: “Anything that involves a agency's flagship magazine: They couldn’t talk about what happened North American MissionBoard to sound a measure of secrecy sends up red flag. For the past two years, she has during the weekend,” he said. word ofcaution. > —ence foranybody in:Christian worked as a freelancecommu- Mason noticed that couples who had “If Southern ist teenagers..want a shouldtodaketepinanyothpingens.ecret. Everythin° nications specialist. attended the Tres Dias retreat were secretly deeper relationship with Christ, a three- inviting othercouplestoattend theprogram. day weekend is just a quick fix. These Davis said the Cursillo- movement is Afterchurch'sSunda Schoolstipeliiden- retreats often create more problems for a intentongettingas many people outofthe dentwenttotheretreat, abruptl ‘co church than they resolve,” saidTal Davisof church to attend as possible. “There is an _his church ition without as thin NAMB’sinterfaith witnessteam. elitist mind-set and that can become divi- six months,Nao|Said thecoupleswhohad Masona . “TheEmmaeus-Walkand sive. It’saproblem,” hesaid. initiallyattended Tres Diascompletely ostra- eea adoptedandadapted to fit And while Davis stressed that he does- cized ves from the tion. The the ethodistdenominationand itworks n't believe the Cursillo movement inten- result, Masonsaid,wasadividedchurch. well for them. I make mystrongest ve tionally triestounderminethelocalchurch Determined to learn all he could about that Baptist teenagers should receive pane he warned that even some pastors Tres Dias, Mason uncovered some unset- spiiritualaimidonugSouthernBaptist ave been blinded by the retreats. “Their tling information about a spiritual move- organizations,” said. focusisnolongeron the 1 orevan mentthatis raising concern in the Southern avissaid anumberofSouthern Baptist lism, rathertheex tench ey’ve had BaptistConvention.TresDiasisoneofthree churcheshavecontacted hisoffice withsto- Mason noted t the Cursillo move- major spiritual renewal movements that riesofproblems resulting fromtheretreats. mentdoesgood work. “However,” hesaid, emerged from theCursillo Movement. “It’s very strange. Some church members “There are points at which Cursillo and Cursillo is a three-day learning, sharing have done extreme things, selling posses- Southern Baptists clash. Let me stress that experience of living in a Christian commu- sions, becoming secretive. It’s almost like before any member of a Southern Baptist nity or a short course in Christianity. the weekend retreat has become the focus church goes to a Cursillo, the pastor needs The Cursillo Movement originated in of their spiritual lives.” + to go first.” JANUARY13, 2000 THE BAPTIST RECORD Oy Kingdom Anointing Conference, for- merly the Greate Gulf Coast Bible Conference, will be held Jan. 30- Feb. 3 at Pass Road Church, Gulfport. The times are 9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 7 pméf Sunday; morning services at 9 a.m., 10 am. and 11 a.m., Mon.-Wed.; and 7 p.m. each night through i GA's of First Church, Wesson Church, Wesson, Thurs. The spe: Rolling Fork, had a Christmas will host a Wild Game Supper ers are Ron Acteens of First Church of Byram‘decoratedthe Ronald McDonald house for “make-it, take-it workshop." in the church gym from 6-8 Phillips, Jack Christmas. Pictured (from left) are Carman Byrd, Sarah Catherine White, Lindsey They made items and delivered p-m. on Jan. 17. Mike Carr is Taylor,PeterLord, Carpenter, Tabitha Walker, and Erin Floyd; (back row) Sue Malone, Pat White, , them to shut-ins. pastor of Wesson Church. For Dudley Hall, Paul Melitta Walker, and Mandy Walker, advisors; Jessica Massingill and Brenda Lewis. more information, call the Tsika, and Wade church at (601) 643-5722. Trimmer. Lunch and dinner will be served each day. For more informa- tion, call thechurch office at (228) 863- 1697. Edgar Jacksonis pastor. “A Time to Surrender,” Women’s Winter em Retreat, will. be held at First #4 Church, Grenada, a Jan.21 and 22. The times are 6:30-8:30 p-m. on. Friday,~ a 8 a.m.-2: O~ on Satuney. Reguest speaker, The Fishermen, a singing group ofthe Missi ssippi Sta te Baptist Karen Stafford of Student Union, is available for worship services, youth activities, rs' wurch, ~ CelebratePeaceConference, Collierville, Tenn., has partici- retreats, and banquets. Memberspictured (from left) areAnnah Mary Coldwater, recently had a sponsored b Rankin ated in several Christian min- Dowdle, Jerry Studdard, Sissy Wilkerson, Grant Alford, Debra Moon: walk for the annual Association , will be held istries. She was director of a Nugent, Jeremy Lokits, Farrah Deese, and Stewart Cannon. For more Lottie Moon Missions onJan. 15 atFirstChurch, Pearl, Mother’s Heart at Second information, contact MSU-BSU, Box BU, Mississippi State, MS Offering. The boys raised from 8:30 a.m.-2 -m. PresbyterianChurch, Memphis, 39762, (601) 323-5761, or e-mail: [email protected]. $600 toward the goal of Conference speakers are Gloria Tenn., for three years and $11,000. RA leaders are Steve Thurman,retired missionary to taught evening Bible study at Luttrell, Joe Deluca, Derrell Bangladesh; Ann Brumfield, this church. She authored Hart, and | Gaston rayer ministry consultant; and “Mentoring a Mirrored Heart,” McCormick.* aryAnn Parke,women’smin- a 20week faith mentoring Bible istries director, Morrison study. For more information, } NEW SIGHT BAPTIST CHURCH - Branch Rd., Florence, MS 39073. Heights Church, Clinton. There * cal l e chu rc h at(662)226-3661. Searching forfull-time associate pastor NEEDED: FULL-TIME CHURCHSECRE- will be a complimentary lun- with emphasis in youth, activities, and TARY. Some experience working with cheon. For more information, Staff changes contact Sharon Brewer at pastoral care ministries. Mail resume to computers including word processing is Johnny Sykes, 2404 New Sight Dr., needed. For further information, please Rankin Association at 939-2182 Brookhaven, MS39601.—__ send resume to the Personnel or ce King at 829-2704. PART-TIME YOUTH DI RECTOR/MINIS- Committee, Daniel Memorial Baptist Magee’s Creek Church, Allen Stephens is director of TER OF MUSIC. Send resume to Clear Church, 3784 Terry Rd., Jackson, MS Jayess, has called Jimmy Tt missions of Rankin County Branch Baptist Church, 276 Clear 39212. Telephone(601)376-4100. Smith as pastor effective Nov. Association. 14. He previously served at Unity Church, Magnolia. Romanian-American Mission Banquet will be held at First Church, Brandon, 6:30 ~ CarpenterI usSales, nc. p-m. on Jan. 28. For more infor- mation, contact Wayne Ball at 328 Southgate Court, Brentwood, TN 37027 : (601) 825-9003. Call Today. (800) 370-6180 CAPITAL CHURCH FURNITURE Planning on building in the future? ea Let our ARCHITECTS meet with you. © LifeWay Discount * 15 passenger vans ai i Free consultation! * Webuy used buses p 3%fee for plans. Check us out. eT 1-888-574-6008 FACTORYDIRECT STEEPLES AND BAPTISTRIES Since 1953 veeeoots10679 Pews-New & Used — 100%financing REFINISHING/REUPHOLSTERING (12to47passengers,iy & Used) FIBERGLASSBAPTISTRYCO. 5 THEATER SEATS- 100% financing Carpet — removing, reinstalling 3511 HIXSON PIKE * CiIATTANOOGA, TN sas) z Local Reps!!!! TH E Baptist RECORD + JANUARY13, 2000 What | tellyouinthe darknessU, speak intShe light; aEnd WhatYOLsdrEarWhispers. YOUr ear, prociaim upon the January 13, 2000 HouseTops is a Baptist Record supplement produced by the Mississippi BaptistConventionBoard’s OfficeofCommunicatior Lifesrot made wp of thethings we.own. Luke 12:15 2 great dates for March 24-25, 2000 es— First Baptist Church Brandon °¢ Cost $25 July 68 July 20-22 Central Hills Gulfshore For more information, contact Baptist Retreat BaptistAssembly Discipleship & Family Ministry Department Kosciusko Pass Christian (601)968-3800 or 1-800-748-1651 Cost: $80 Cost: $78 * Worship - Bible Study - Track Time: Church Talent Show conto()0( eeSchool Thursday 1:30 p.m. - Saturday noon Forinfo call us at 1-800-748-1651 or (601)968-3800 Tuesday February 22 9 a.m. - noon FBC, Starkville Witneaalfes Through _ Media Awards Sponsoredby the Mississippi Baptists in Broadcasting _ organization, the 2000WitnessingThrough Media- Awards program hasbeencreated torecognizeradio - ~ : Couftrence Leader: ; andvideoproductions#vhichdemonstrate excellence + Daniel Edmonds, Growth Consultant for the AlabamaBaptist inmessage designandproduction inhelpingtobring - State Convention, Montgomery, Ala Mississippi andthe worldtoJesus. Ifyourchurchis : : ; involved in aradioorvideo production inthe follow- This conference will assistyou in planning: ingtime frame (March 1, 1999 - March 1, 2000), why e Enrollment e Ministry Touches e SS Leadership Meetings not thinkofenteringthis year’s awardsprogram. We e Attendance e Space e Worship Attendance have had some outstandingeredoneby e Prospects e Workers e Offeri:ngs Mi:ssissippi church:esinthe past I knowth7isyear e Teaching Units e Training . e Baptisms Will be no exception, says Fetes Eee tor, Department ofBroadcast Services. Contacthis Sponsoredby the Sunday School Department, PO Box530, JacksonMS39205 offfjice for an entry formoradditional information. Need more information? Call us at 1-800-748-1651 or (601)968-3800 " Entry deadline is March 15, 2000. q Tee ae Sey ‘Sci eitaAaalnSeshstags Cenldhaeetreeage -~ CHURCH BUSINESS ADMINISTRATORS CONFERENCE Mississippi BAPTIST = February 3, 2000 ~ State EVANGELISM CONFERENCE First Baptist Church, Madison January 21-22, 2000 ‘We Can'tAdminister What We Don't Have Ridgecrest Baptist Church, Madison We MustAdminister Rightly What We Do Have Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson Theme:Administration and Leadership ofFinancial Resources Featuring: Purpose: To provide information and challenge to church leaders on Junior Hill Ken Smith “God For Us” the administration, leadership, and resources of church finances with a bibli- Steve & Becky Carver Greg O’Neal January 22, 2 p.m. cal basis being strongly emphasized. Target Audience: Pastors, administrators, treasurers, financial committees, PJ. Scott Phil Roberts Mississippi deacons, trustees JerryPipes Bill Britton Coliseum pesrene Fee: $10 (includes lunch at the church) Ken Weathersby Graham Smith Sponsored bythe Evangelism Department. ecoers by: Formoreinformation, call601-968-3800 or 1-800-748-1651. Church Administration-Pastoral Ministries Department, MBCB Metro Baptist Association, Jackson Stewardship and Cooperative Program Department, MBCB Call 601-968-3800 or1-800-748-1651 for more information. Single €@dalt Regional Rallies Friday & Saturday February 4 & 5 ($5 atthe door) FBC, Tupelo January 21 January 22 (Sat. night concert Harrisburg (Friday) (Saturday) Baptist Church) Lake Tiak O’Khata Ray’s Camp, Brookhaven Conference includes Louisville 2:00-5:00 p.m. choice oftwo tracks 7:00-10:00p.m. withbonfire forsingles, each with a with bonfire Brookhaven Exit to Hwy 515 three 1 1/2 hour Call (601)773-7853 about two miles on right. iL Track1 (costofbook) FridayNightMea lopona sessions. for lodging reservations. Fordirections,call Iia (601)833-8363. pleasecontactTimAlexanderbytelephoneat662-842-6917orbymail - at 1800 W.MainStreet, Tupelo, MS38801. with Doug Dees and music team, eronieMinistries SELAH from Nashville kK (Call 601-544-1794) Sponsored by Discipleship andFamilyMinistry Department Sponsored by Glenn Shows, Singles Consultant Discipleship andFamilyMinistry Department Formore information call (601) 968-3800or 1-800-748-1651 CiNaa i Tae atd atdego ee Negearaeee eeeee ee eeSoen ee Church Weekday Education Clinics 2000 February 19, Highland BC, Meridian March 18,FBC, Jackson ees For more info call: Don Hicks ? SusieMcNair Discipleship and Family Ministry Clinic Coordinator A CHANCE FOR FOUR 968-3800or 1-800-748-1651 (601)932-6052 OF YOUR YOUTH TO SHARE THEIR THOUGHTS ABOUT SUNDAY SCHOOL! SUNDAY SCHOOL i G N U FOR A NEW CENTURY OUR CHANCE TO HEAR WHAT PD A YOUTH ARE SAYING! s CURRICULUM WORKSHOPS d u o o j Bring FOURofyouryouth (grades 7-12)to this unique Forum and givethem an opportunityto share. As you selectthe FOURto bring, choose a SundaySchool for a New Century will involve releasing new Bible study curriculum choices mixture of male and female and a mixture ofolder (available from the Fall 2000 Quarter) designedto assist churches as they seek to see more lives youth and youngeryouth. Also, considerincluding transformed through the gospel. Throughthese series ofworkshops wewill interpretandhelp onewho isonly“fringely”active. prepare yourchurch fortheseexcitingchanges. This conferenceis forpastors, staff, Sunday Whyonly FOUR,you mayask? That's fair Schooldirectors, and key age groupleadership. question. Thereason isthatwewantto generate |meaningful, honeest,open, aend“serious”edSisacuossionae. sin SMponseorinsg tga . nme | ” theirthoughtsandfeelingsaboutseveralareas of 1/24 GulfCoast GulfCoastAssociationalCenter, Gulfport 7:00-9:00PM SundaySchool. 1/24 Lebanon CartervilleBaptistChurch, Petal 6:30-8:30PM a Thereisnochargetoparticipate inthis Forum. 1/25 Neshoba - NeshobaBaptistCenter,Philadelphia 7:00-9:00PM || HO1WEE-RVEEGRI,STWEERDWOITAHSTKHTEHSAUTNYDOAUY SCHOOL =|. 1/31 N&orYtahloCbeunstrhaal FriendshipBaptistChurch, Grenada 7:00-8:30PM). - DEPARTMENTBYMONDAY,JANUARY31, 1/31 Tri-County Tri-CountyAssn. Office, Columbia 7:00-9:00PM prfiocne‘Sa<a.en vmnnt OY 2/1 Covington- . Covington-JeffDavisAssociationalCenter ie FeelfreetocontactMark Lottifyou needmore is.hell CON 720-900PM | information,1-800-748-1651 or968-3800,ext. 295. 2/1 George-Greene FBC,Leakesville— _ 7:00-9:00PM 2/3 Simpson - SimpsonAssociationalOffice,Mendenhall —_7:00-9:00PM, 2/3 Wayne Overstreet’sCatfishHouse, Waynesbo: 6:30-8:30PM COMPLETE AND RETURN BY MONDAY 2/17 ~ Adams-Union FBC, Natchez : 7:00-9:00PM JANUARY 31, 2000 TO: &Franklin SUNDAYSCHOOL DEPARTMENT | 2/21 Calhoun&Webster CalhounAssociationalCenter,CalhounCity 7:00-8:30PM iacsimshssSakon _ 2/22 Tishomingo TishomingoBaptistChurch,Tishomingo 7:00-9:00PM Ciiasines sili g ot 22//2298 MCiasrsrioslsli-ppMiontgomery__ FEaBsCt,FWoirnkoBnaaptistChurch,Smithdale 77::0000--98::0300PPMM CHURCH PHONE 3/2 Monroe MonroeBaptistAssociationalOffice,Becker 6:30-8:30PM CHURCHADDRES S 3/14 Newton ConehattaBaptistChurch,Conehatta 7:00-9:00PM |— 3/16 Prentiss &Alcorn GastonBaptistChurch,Booneville 7:00-9:00.PM PE RSON’S NAME COMPLETING FORM 3/16 Leake WestCarthageBaptistChurch,Carthage 7:00-9:00PM - ; 3/18 Lee&Itawamba WestJacksonSt. BaptistChurch,Tupelo 9:30-11:30AM P HONE OF PERSON COMPLETING FORM 3/20 Lauderdale WestwoodBaptistChurch, Meridian 7:00-9:00PM | 3/21 Lincoln&Franklin PleasantGroveBaptistChurch, Brookhaven _7:00-9:00PM N EEReecembesOF 3/23 GoldenTriangle WestEndBaptistChurch, WestPoint —-_-7:00-8:30PM ‘YOUTHATTENDING: 3/23 — Northwest& Panola FBC, Senatobia 6:30-8:30PM| : 3/2 7 —-~Pike N. McComb, McComb 6:30-8:00PM _| 3/27 Washington WashingtonAssociationalOffice, Greenville 7:00-9:00PM 2. cg 4/14-15 StateSSDept. ParkPlaceBaptistChurch, Brandon 5:00PM- 14th _ Noon- 15th 3. 5/ 02 Jackson FBC, Gautier 6:30-8:30PM 4. For more information,call theState Sunday School Department. 1-800-748-1651 or (601)968-3800 - Oe eegE January 14-27,2000 PrayerMinistry Office ¢ P.O. Box 530 ¢ Jackson, MS 39205-0530 Phone 968-3800, Ext. 3904 © Mississippi PrayerLine 1-800-787-PRAY LifeintheslumsofNairobi, Jesus “Promise To Answer Prayer - Ifyou abide in me. and my words abive in you, you shall ask what you will: and it shall be done unto you. John 15:7 * Jesus prefaced the promise with two-conditions. Ifyou remain in Me, and ifMy words remainin you. then (and only then)youll receive whateveryou ask for. SanctityofHumanLifeSunday TheGuaraniteaminParaguay Ateacherataschoolithe FerAvenVocal, FPor(1)t“atGioond,FMoirssUisss”ippi (ChristianActionCommission askustoprayforthebuilding InstrumentalFestival;North andSundaySchoolEmphasis) ofanewchurch. About40 = OxfordBC,Oxford(Church Coliseum,Jackson(Witness Abortionondemandtakesthe havebeenmeetingtoworship, Team),(2)BivoMinistries/ livesof1.5millionbabieseach andonememberhasdonated yearin States. Pray landforthe ! the forand unborn, Lordto all is women abortion, neededfor this chairch tobe BaptistMen’sDay(Men’s ForVocal,Conducting, issi Spencer For(1)AreaKeyboardFestiva l, MinistryEmphasis),A.J.Perrin InstrumentalFestivals(Church LeslieStithaskyoutopraythat HarrisburgBC,FairviewBC, isaMessengeroftheWord Music),Explosivegrowthin Godwillcalloutworkersfor Columbus/FBC,Brandon/FBC, pastoringValentineBaptist housedchurchesisoutpacing Bulgaria. Thisformer Natchez/FBC,Laurel(Church MissioninCutOff,L.A. Pray theirabilitytodisciplethenew 2 : pe train ome Soot more tobeleaders. High Tech - High Touch i. FOAEEE a I G ~ May5-6, 2000 “4 February 15, 2 Colonial Heights 7 9 a.m. - noon Baptist Church U Alta Woods Baptist Church Jackson,Mississippi © | 7 . 168 Colonial Drive, Jackson BS Preschool/Children’sleadershipfestivalplannedforallChristianleaders whoworkwith,teach,orlead childrenfrombirththrough6thgrade.The conferencewillbeginwithregistrationat3p.m.,Friday, May5,2000,at diving into the depthsof God's faithfulness. ColonialHeightsBaptistChurchinJackson.Therewillbeearlybirdconfer- encesat3:45-4:45and5:00-6:00Fridayafternoon. DonnaBowmanwillbethekeynotespeakerfortheweeken1.Miss ‘® Forall pastors; VBS‘directors,- BowmanwillspeakFridaynightaftertheLapTopMeal@down VBS leadersto explore time.Diner. DonnaisachildhoodreligiouseducationprofessoratNew ofthe 2000theme, Ocean Odyssey addresstherewillbedemonstrationboothsinfavoriteplaces G 8-9p.m.). s The VBS Scuba Saturdaymorning,May6th, children.comwillofferfourmoreconfer- Samplerand encehourswith6-8choicesmosthours.Specificconferenceswillbeoffered Curriculum willbe on forSundaySchoolleaders,DiscipleshipTrainingteachers,Missionsteach- - displayandavailable ers, ExtendedCareteachers,TeamKIDcoaches, BibleBuddiesteachers, and BibleDrilHeaders. forpurchase trom Costforanyorallofthesixconferences, FavoritePlaces(demonstra- Jackson's LifeWay tionbooths), [email protected],andregistrationis$10 Christian Store. perpersonduewiththepre-registrationform. Deadlineforpre-registration andfeesisApril24,2000. Sponsored by the Sunday SchoolDepartment Formoreinfocall us at 1-800-748-1651 or(601)968-3800 4