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The Baptist Record Jan. 12. 2017 PDF

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Preview The Baptist Record Jan. 12. 2017

The72BaptiCsoti id tian, - andothers.Abouttwopercent ‘ikeombaycnmption15.5% ofmembers, a total of10, did ofthe body, trailing the 15% notspecifyafaith. ofU.S,adultsthatareBaptist Christiansmakeupthema- as wellas the 14.8% of Bap- jorityofRepublicansandQem- tists in the 114thCongress of report drawn from ocrats inCongres Pew said, 2015-2016. with 99% of blicans and + Catholicscomprise32.4%of 80%ofDemocrats identifying Ppthat ismost no- thebody(268),com, tothe asChristian. While67%of Re- tably underrepresented is the 21% of Catholic in the publicans are Protestant and Congress that was sworn religiously unaffiliated,” Pew nation. Other religious groups 27% are Catholic, Democrats onJan.3.In1961,Protestants in Cor are Jewish mem- seeCONGRESSonp.6 numbered401. re bers at 5.6% (30), Mormon at Obama mandate blocked by judge C T eee 8bare jalgtose Themandate wasscheduled Lori Windham, senior ~ reports) — A judge’has togointofull effectJan. 1. Re counsel for Becket Law (for- blocked ntation of. a ligious freedom advocates ap merly the Becket Fund for Obamaadministra- plaudedO’Connor’sdecision Religious Liberty), described “This ruling is a common-. O’Connor’s fuling as “an toperformabortionsandgender senbe decision that. is a vic- across-the-boardvictory.” transitionprocedures. : tory. for all who believe that “The government has ho In.a Dec. 31 opinion, judge chidren should not be pawns business}aes privatedoctors Reed O'Connor of the United ofthestateand that the politi- to perform procedures on chil States District Court for the cal ideology of the day should drenthat thegovernment itself . Northern District of Texas, an‘ not supplant the consciences recognizes can be harmful and appointeeofformerU.S, Presi- of doctors,” said Travis Wus- exempts its own doctors from dentGeorgeW.Bush,granteda sow, vice president for public performing,” Windham said in nationwide preliminary injunc- policy and general counsel at a written statement. “The | tion «gainst a U.S, Departayent the Southern Baptist Ethics & ing ensures that doctors of Health and Human Services Religious Liberty Commission medical judgment. ‘ (HHS) regulation that man- in Nashville re dates the performance of ant Y ance coverage for genders tra~sitions — even on children pray wid abortions, even if they ment wt ste the religious or ethical ASSAL involved + ‘ too , R 5 GD R S eeea‘word iefrPeokmawho:rr. > G o0adwWwar#sd realizethatcertain cond ho e CTiIRDCBSAIlSc,oOncSeO D0 prescribed so thiki tha 0neiOeNdOFa7 whiaiti they Sc2a01n do : ge nko r dam iorsexperience falls a demenh © symipioms simply f Vvoeurrtimdnoeccitvoatrert. Iiret's sofo aillmpoyo tanhedi0ca Cgardiess ofhow m Gocto 0 nave, mak we €ach oftheirsnp in4 Tat ist of yo medicato aocto nay of the medicatio prescribed by another docto 0 ‘puitfe-thyoureohneanindgrugthwhaetn’scdo:mbiwneerdo other medications if yo Caregive Clafive, 0 Zien © SEN10 GL YOu Delleve Q ma/herSUUCinated,lin€gRCdooUwnve allO ehis “JNOOUCELTOTENSDOCMUaCyInneot 0SbeTCEINawiCa]rSe.0couann!d CI Me pLsg ia AeDdD!O ianmd.enhtonehfois!ig CsrousmeedC ecHced oreliminated Certainiy, le pray for thos Geaiin Gr th erribie problem tbiaT:heincreiteT,Lnie~pyikontuaFiiodn‘nsoyUouprunb,|ma:y JG28dei0botefifDilcioc%uo0PwInetxtio:nhgRxOPtpkleeer,tooeneapBO:epdnenisPacnorafEvTitoot)ounptghiieoiapotnntxhpdhiiilfselsetot?npiypbiTrotiheionooid UiaOCFpn“WOjOCgpiifneeeuaaiBlmg6Orasneijto-rihsytasCeaRyP:tadren,OHrcBSdudioOIcncioaTroiCicstvumgrtttirHeahDaeeetoerirdSeananmOsuTtBoenyratindyodmhnifrrginiodgiarcobfSscianeenosn:triaFbBiotenaeoancdrgntfeorhtihMbsieaCol<tSoapt0nhkdoC.sOCPhYOhGeebhnmseerdndemDOe:Dp % ~ House pan el: Defund Planned Parenthood companies,abortionclinics,and universities ave fraught — q practices, includ- ing the possible use of illegal, late-term -bortion practices to procurefetalissuesando1 3, violationsoffederallawsand rez- ulationson patientconsent,and systematicviolationsofpatients’ HIPAArights.” Thepanellistedinthe report 15referrals it madeforpossible criminalorregulatoryviolavions. Insomecases,thereferralswere forpotentialviolationsoffederal orstatelawsbyPlannedParent- hoodandotherabortionclinics. Thereferralsalsoincludedpossi- bleillegalprofitingfromthesale ofbaby body parts by StemEx- press and other tissue-procure- mentcompanies. Among the recommenda tionsinitsfinalreport,thepanel calledfor: PROTESTINOHIO — SupportersofPlannedParenthoodstagea protestnearthestate _ Congtroeleimsinaste grants capitalinColumbus,Ohio,wherethebattleragesonagainstabortionandthenation’slargest cfeorrtifPylatnhnatedsuPcahrefnetdhereal fuanndds abortionprovider.OhioGovernorJohnKasichrecentlysignedlegisidtionmaking abortions go to comprehensive health- after20weeksillegalinthestate.(Source: Flickr/WikipediaCreativeCommons) care providers that do not per- iy reimbursements in itslat- President-elect * Donald fornyabortions. financial . 2014-1 Trump has pledged to work to B Co ss to ban federal Planned Pasuiboodsaffiates defundPPFA. . fundir of research using tissue 323, abortions In its report, the panel as- from aborted babies while insti- eae mostrecent serted there wasevidence some tutingaprogramtosupportpro- reporting rwhichstatistics tissue-procurement companies curement of ethically acquired ilk profited from the trade fetaltissueforresearch. Planned Parenthood’s re- in parts from aborted ba- @Congresstoapprovelegisia- ceipt offederal funds has long bies.-One of the procurement tion — knownasthe Pain-capa- produced opposition from Re- firms,SternExpress,increasedits ble UnbornChildProtectionAct blicans and sup revenuefromabout$156,000in — tosafeguardunbornchildren 2010to$4.5millienin2014in itosnraolle.asauSmit oere betw;een [email protected] accotrotdheirepnorgt. m prosecution eral money for PPFA during Planned Parenthood denied thosewhorprofit fromtheSale theyear.Inmid-December,the it madea profitbut refused to offetaltissue. - Obamaadministrationissueda provide accounting documents @ The U.S. Department of fsitnaatlesrulfertohmatepfrfoehcitbiivteilnygblofcekds- tpoanedlemroenpsorttreadt.e its claim, the iHsesaulethguaindedliHneusmafonr Seemrevrigceesnctyo eral family planning funds for . The report said, “{Tjhe re- care by abortion eg to Planned Parenthood and other lationships that have formed chikdrenbornalivectduringthele- abortionproviders. between tissue procurement thalprocedures. F ederal judge singles out N.J. Baptist church in his ruling aSPhroieseidentaDinBstarriactckJOiunbdtaegemeaoa,foreulUe.Sd. bteicmTaeouiwssneFsnhpdieapaykapfMltuaesnrnlneioromsn,—aatr—tgeunedd- cc—oennastpteprrruocwxtiitmhaat41e0,l32y00ap-as3re-ktaiot-n1gwrosarptsiahocieps tininaottnei.notnShwioapcscpuirrrrureleedld,evtahhneet.tworDwointssech,riipmb'e)s circumstances. olDaIafseSteBBe.mdeRur3fcnt1eohadterirhdpnaascaltlr‘laktTdaihoewenwgmwnPsohlihrneainenpint,tsiithnNsr.agieJnt.qeB,utoiwpvarilirecaodd-en eifsieniantmsceislTwleurhiopdeeeuaepsrlo,ItardShttteBeelhidRekr.ceeNarlqyreJusvi.ciscsoir;oteamedmteh1ienft0rser7woptpsmlhaaar,wnwnksoeirbnat-kgso atagloennrsdbadsAenfrrttwahoema2adius0ln0asgd0pr,pa2rnifS0ot0hovefxd7aiil,psttpharteMyposiptpbblraauulotriiievkllndiaddgiltnaoginynowwOuiactt-shh ceolpfaxirpumeCSrsthemheersoidistspshltqpteyhuieaePdnslPi.aacsa”ncthcnkiukinirngnncougghwielOsBeshroddafgitrernrdoeaman“tciMnmetueesnrtto seteEgtMcaaFEPctutrtihioxgornriiyhnoensenarasTodiSutscsriosnhcgrsoituecBfinkseroudrotoowalBv&iutuainniradJlerchvbmSluaistre.teeBlnskaRrsiroi,ctefninyobCnnayulsounPrdngosritgnai6fsglBmdcedogoaaiiaRafmftrstsbepooijitthiaettudnomhne,dtihgshiaeotycsvaeettnahelst,LuoeivemIaeaIqinsdcrenerCNosCbuieat.oaleoanfJedettrwaoni.Pngcrsiitmfepohrvnaymdnirtte(eeasSeoecigrIbsteonnCeSaiiSaeuntfoBtrtdoodmetaietuhRenimchlinnoah)annvoii--tenld,.dt-def fJpstgIiYmiIssmgooheaunsnepuSaorroatlewgtagBttTtsairaiceghaRohmqteedsSsere’nihseuhphserssc.eppqateii,,rrhuicnppfTpoPooipneogaptpatlhparurlgrooronaopeeaskrskfdnslsmneuieolc.iaineoblsrdnoonncidec“osgncgefoCnadhcaeshqsohflmghovirtoruriuowoderudrinetfBrerCoussdschscoayhcrcqetlioahartisiutnune1mitrhtadhoase01esadfnheeiond7,5tysrrpnci0awrer.aeecJa-fspeoaeernaeopalqreriwaneiirpusqtsetttigrgkiahaeuhpeissirrrrsaioinorihoeenektrrpsudm,ndg-stes spss2wiaetgBMtlitthpn0ahooniytaiagan.p1elegc,ndtStc6hl“euRihiep,IdbiicesiinslTn.endtapsacpahtsgg,sppblontreteepT’uruewoo’slBsthawrdansmias5”eaiaesppd7bondsrttoit-wyf“pigohdseipMtsiruoalanirtnftetncnnlnoeglghjiaiwodrableeeeottomtuaictbnhert1entyoupflede9’egtiJpeva.ns9ld2tsieIirweo8to2ssmwnsti,ainamdlsiuiinto”tieasiSusoneffimJnts,boCshnifmiiatnhmueceaonuSiitrMnBlsrsruehtiohsoalyncatioesnltstnhiricepreeklnta,iydpgndyed, fwpayeiernnrtptyWfehBrNdohaephsricesrrhiiatmlentugieevbhatcltitriapocollfdlMewasaihn1nnleena}wyhriaTpisinopnplglwgpoisncac,Basspalo!anpaitIrodrSofsdByRheld for fthmwynrhnayewaaoisuiettetpttAtihniEstphoidudtonRdnnhtrrLghelootafeaCcsvawoc”isfsJtfnuuehuauBbrenjlnarSnIeestdcaScrkftdmBeo2iRleuIn0Rir’g1eMgtsr6iiBonRbuaSisrrBdedeCadfrigsuacmrneinua fuse Barnsr Recoro January [122 20! itwearenot 's desig- someonewithicen gsor ‘with you w/odoesnot : Underscori5ngoo } 86tobeapart, joientEG.o; YOPulpalrcepeaasrcerdaoasysyfaofirtMteinhrssed'sgsaseiyprnaiell?:ieYsoduarya< atepoweWerwilflbueshlari.ng k hotonlyinever, oo”been ©gatherinys OfMississippi.Along with 4 gourchurches,wewillhee b SanitytheGoodNews dNewewssvMearnyoyfOtfewn.hidocnhothear ‘Ou —youpreptreayyeorusc,aSunpp~owritl,lamnadke- BE"s FES ON: " Supplements. Call1-800-| SES8.001crtaoi tL tumerinsuranceOniine EENSHOP—windows | windowsbuilttsfityouropening l.CallTomCSocoreke6n0s1a-n7d09r-e4s8c7r9een efaUPHOLSTERY, FREE ES Hti ry, Quitman. Mis a p E: Retired @aRLyscChaomop,reNekaetastca2n:30pp.ome.tCoan3-a : sHiINo4wn! siaekedittMhaielh/luSenardrcracneeotdris/ceiPbvpcreasetennettsse/a;gorrm,ycaoltlde. wixth rs frorfvi-issip-:Pared|; [email protected],eru&nCdHtoiianoSnlfalteleeiergcssre,anCtscuieemornvRioocfoemPaCP,rlnoOidf.SnetcisoBhnsnsooi,toxo:a}nlMla1Sal5t7iko63is90J6ia,0 VikeP3h601-9 : Fax 601-9 : January #2, 2017 Bue Barris a What| tellyou in the darkness, speak in the lightandwhatyousnesrwhispereebig.your ear, prociaim upon the ee MBASYC&O CONCERT FOUR DATES The Mississippi BaptistAll-State YouthChoirand Orchestraisanauditionedand interviewed groupof. Oth - 12thgraders’wiioareactively involved in themusic ministry ofaSouthern Baptist church in Mississippi. Contact Music Dept. for more information at [email protected],[email protected] ° 601-292-3267 | www.nbcb.org Beginning Ringers Festival Mississippi Baptist Symphony Orchestra Retreat Feb. 25 — Wynndale BC, Terry Mississippi Singing Churchmen January 13-14 in concert: Monday, February 27 -. 7pm FBC, Columbia, MS Tuesday, February 28 - Noon Madison Central High School Main Street Baptist Church, Hattiesburg, MS Tuesday, February 28 - 7pm Visit mbcb.org/mississippi-baptist-sym- olsYelaNeconcon lie for registration & info. FBC, Magee Visit www.mbcb.org or call Church Music at Church Music Department|601*292-3267 1-800-748-1651, ext. 267. aap ueRaAe —$38, a SANEWALL ADULTCHOI,FBCHEWTBN,MS SPECIALBUESTSPEAKER: 6:“FINDUSFAITHFRL” bs ; ie Baan DALALENSEREAS AWARDS BANQUET $ are available forentry! witnessinfg-through-media or contact Services at601-292-3378 for info. eh. APPLY pion : eo '- scholarships isavaitodliealogbuealboeut= an > = oles aCe cktsteacknaling 06 ‘ Sees : - conferences onsite. gs itsLave Stestee as Topurchase @notebook(s)foryou . = Z eeleets TataRtadsen Clary inthePastor/Leadership . ; 7 Veengelsy Tee aur ort Dea 3 [email protected]. Ba at www.msbagtisticundation.org Costofnotebookis #10 Eh ihe Pim ee me mrePeeraee me ee Miss R.R.-3/2/09.- =MissCarley — 3/2/15 Parents: Aaron &Tiffany Parents: J& K ; Parents: C &A : America Peopies Restricted - Restricted ; ; 4 Mc:Blake ~— 3/7/07 Miss RG ~ 3/10/04 Miss Emma Worthy — 3/28/03 Parents: J&M Parents: J & H- Parents: Charlie & Shannon Worthy Restricted European Peoples European Peopies - EncourageanMKwithacard!YoBeSentJANUA!ty26.2017,bythbeeWMLOffice 3 . PReLcFeAndS,EplNeOas)e se~ntd~h.eTcEarMdIsNdGom:dS‘oTthanMeky ressrsemsh thankyornf Rain &-SlapsagPiaPhat:psd NOTHCh Just for the Record se FOXWORTH, recognizedthosewithperfectSun- TUSCUMBIACHURCH, BOONEVILLE, ordainedScottyChurchandCorey danceforthe2015-16churchyear.ShownareB.B.Stringer, LambertasdeaconsJan.8.ShownareNikki Lambert, Lambert, pastorBen ’ and,fromleft,pasTimtPaorkerr,JimmyThomas-4? years, Parman,Church,andKristyChurch. 1years,andSherreliMagee—35years. ere CHURCH,WESSON,thanks | TOOMSUBACHURCH,TOOMSUBA, heida FRIENDSHIPCHURCH,ABERDEEN,wentover for58 |ofserviceaschurch babydedicationJan. 1,ledbypastorStevenWade. theirLottieMoonChristmasOfferinggoalJan. 1. Scott e@ for27yearsaschurch ShownareJoshandMelissaReidwithJaxonMa- PastorRickBurtonisshownwiththetree,decorated visReid. withsomecandlesmadebythechurch'schildren. .See}1 = CREEK CHURCH, LOUISVILLE, presentedthe Ch air of BEULAH CHURCH, DECATUR, pre KINGRadioDec. 19.Anna Boiding, childrenandyouth yeLe re, Dec. 18. Luke H Its s Ths childrenendyouthofGRACE CHURCH, VICKSBURG, held thei ristmasprogramaboutthe Nativ WeBaptist Recor: January e e e ce l l hihans Pee NMGTo11) Wh; vou. tt believe in Jesus.) + BY faith. 1 invite Jesus € ieattl eeeALCS mite ti.sY arat eLii mete ewer] Suet lationship Liteetteaeeee ittyarts MY Savior and Lords rtd eee ASS ana: evimetiye ters ee wave Une rate cre eterre Nidren of Godsesen to Se ae ee 40TheBaptistflecord.PO.Box focalIhSvoouutthmheaorskneeBwaahpdoteissbteilciebhvuerecihnweehfieosrttserpsl]irttiotdueeaeaylm.eeeevodTiuTdataaencectBea.a :PROPORtrustbesuberitted-slctrohicaity ' S330; Binaa:[email protected], 6

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