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INDEX TO VOLUME 50, 2000 Compiled by D. A. REDMOND Individual items in editorial departments are not all noted; (edit.) indicates an editorial; (ill.) illustrations; (L) letters; (R) reviews. For abbreviations of story titles, see the list by J. F. Christ, Vol. 43 back cover, December 1993. Pagination of each issue begins from page 1. Entries show the issue and page numbers thus, 2:34 (issue 2, page 34). Issue no. 1 is Spring, no. 2 Summer, no. 3 Au- tumn, no. 4 Winter. This index does not include the Christmas Annual 2000. Accardo, Pasquale, “Unclear Saint” 4:14; “Boscombe Valley Mystery”: Turner’s Scot- “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Mrs. Sherlock tish costume, Fetherston 3:47 Holmes” 1:31 Brain, see Intelligence Addlestone, Alan: obit., 3:62 Brusic, Robert, “Beyond the Third Pillar” “Art in the Blood” (cartoons) Bond 1:46, 3:32 2:44, 3:58, 4:44 Burtzev, Vladimir, Russian agent (ill.) Lellen- BAKER STREET INVENTORY 1:47, 2:37, 3:61, berg 3:6 4:48 Cairo, Robert F., Jr., “Secret of the Arcadia Baker Street irregulars (U.S.A.): Dirda 2:6; Mixture” 1:22 history 3:46; New York weekend 2000 Canon: courses, Dorn, Study Guide to Sherlock 1:1-14; The Woman, Koelle 1:13; verse, Holmes (R) 3:61; enjoyment, Dirda 2:6; in Rosenblatt 1:9 20th century, Rosenblatt 2:37 Baker Street Journal: compact disc 3:5; history, Canonical characters: relationships, Living- Blau 4:45 ston 3:44 Barloon, Jim, “Private Eye” 3:35 Caudell, Marcia, & Y. De’Tar, “Sherlock Barrie, Sir James M.: tobacco, Arcadia mix- Holmes and Women of the ’90s” 4:37 ture: Cairo 1:22 Chronology: Walker 3:18 Baskerville Bash (dinner, New York): Ward Clarkson, Stephen, Canonical Compendium 1:12 (R) 1:47; “My First Meeting with Sherlock Bell, Dr. Joseph: methods of diagnosis: paral- Holmes” 1:55 lel, Brody 3:60 Clothing, Scottish: in BOSC: Fetherston 3:47 Berdan, Marshall S., “Ones that Got Away” Conferences, etc.: Sherlockian Weekend, 3:23 Dallas 4:59; Sunshine State II, 4:52 Betzner, Ray, “Sherlock Holmes—Coward?” Cox, Michael, Study in Celluloid (R) 1:48 4:28 Crossword puzzles: F. Saksena, 101 Sherlock “Beyond the Third Pillar” Brusic 3:32 Holmes Crossword Puzzles (R) 3:61 “Birth Control in the Canon” Livingston “Curious Incident of the Strasburg Salle-a- 3:44 Manger” Bogolometz 1:15 Blau, Peter, “My First Meeting with Sherlock Curtis, Donald E., “Examination of ‘The Holmes” 4:45 Resident Patient’ ” 2:41 Bogolometz, Wladimir V., “Curious Incident Cynkin, Thomas, “Moriarty’s Fingerprints” of the Strasburg Salle-A-Manger” 1:15 1:41 Bond, Scott, “Art in the Blood” (cartoons) “Dancing Men”: cipher, Donway & Kelley 1:46, 2:44, 3:58, 4:44; TwoShilling Award 4:5 (cartoon) 1:46 Darak, Greg, “Delayed Retirement” 1:26 “De Jure inter Gentes” Duke 4:17 “Delayed Retirement” Darak 1:26 Harrison, Michael, A Sheaf of Sherlock (R) De’Tar, Yvonne, jt. au., see Caudell 4:48 Detective fiction: in Dickens, Martin Chuz- Harting, Arkady (pseud.) see Hackelman zlewit: Nadgett: Barloon 3:35 “Hatful of Brains and a Trace of Heredity” “Devil’s Foot” Walker 3:17 MacGregor 2:26 Diagnosis, by Joseph Bell: parallel, Brody Hefner, Hugh: Klinger 2:18 3:60 Herst, Herman, Jr.: obit., 3:62 Dickens, Charles, Martin Chuzzlewit: Nad- Hiatus, 1891-4: Betzner 4:28 gett, detective, Barloon 3:35 Hilton, James, Goodbye, Mr. Chips: and Diogenes Club, see also Societies Holmes, Kellogg 4:22 Dirda, Michael, “On Glancing Over My Hollyer, Cameron: obit., Roden 2:58 Notes” 2:6 Holmes, Mycroft: 3:60 Donway, Roger, & D. Kelley, “Neper, Neper, HOLMES, SHERLOCK: actors, Rosenblatt 2:37; Neper, Neper, Neper” 4:5 and Goodbye, Mr. Chips, Kellogg 4:22; and Dorn, William S., Study Guide to Sherlock Sir Henry Irving, Brusic 3:32; and Wat- Holmes (R) 3:61 son, bored (cartoon), Bond 2:44; and Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: and B.F. Robin- women, Caudell & De’Tar 4:37; fame, son, see Robinson; biographies, J.B. Pascal, Rosenblatt 2:37; fear of Moriarty, Betzner Arthur Conan Doyle: Beyond Baker Street (R) 4:28; introduction to, on first reading, 2:51 Blau 4:45, Clarkson 1:55; knowledge of Doyle, Richard: fairy paintings 3:60 America, Duke 4:17; knowledge of sci- Duke, Michael, “De Jure inter Gentes” 4:17 ence, Hyder 3:13; married, Accardo 1:31; EDITOR’S GAS-LAMP 1,2,3,4:4 philosophy, as science, Hyder 3:13; re- Ethics, see Watson: ethics tirement, Darak 1:26; with Harry Potter “Evolution and Nature of Watson’s Ethical (cartoon), Bond 3:58 Views” Walker 3:15 Holmes & Watson Report (R) Klinger 2:55 “Examination of “The Resident Patient’” Hound of the Baskervilles: cartoon, Bond 4:44; Curtis 2:41 sources, Bertram Robinson (edit.) 4:4 Exhibitions: Indiana University: Petkus 2:48 Hounds of the Internet (society) 2:52 Families, see also Canonical characters Hussain, S. Amjad, “You Have Been to Fetherston, Sonia, “Naked Truth” 3:47 Peshawar, I Perceive” 4:31 Films: Danish 2:51 Hyder, William, “Neither Farmer nor Phi- “Final Problem” Betzner 4:28; itinerary, losopher” 3:13 Strasbourg, Bogomoletz 1:15 “Indiana by Gaslight” Petkus 2:48 FROM THE EDITOR’S COMMONPLACE BOOK Indiana University: Holmes collection, Pet- 2:45, 3:59 kus 2:48 Fullenkamp, Steven, Sherlock Holmes and the Intelligence: theories, brain size, MacGregor Adventure of the Three Dragons (R) 3:61 2:26 Garrick-Steele, Rodger, House of the Basker- Irving, Sir Henry: and Holmes, Brusic 3:32 “lames Hilton’s Sherlockian Schoolmaster” villes (edit.) 4:4 Kellogg 4:22 Gillette Memorial Luncheon: Rice 1:13 Julian of Norwich: Walker 3:18 “Golden Pince-Nez”: and Russian revolution, Lellenberg 3:6 Kelley, David, jt. au., see Donway Kellogg, Richard L., “James Hilton’s Sher- Great Hiatus, see Hiatus Hackelman, Abraham, Russian spy: Lellen- lockian Schoolmaster” 4:22 berg 3:6 Klinger, Leslie S. (ill.) 2:18; Sherlock Holmes Reference Library: The Memoirs (R) 1:47; “What Kind of Person Reads Playboy? Periodicals, Sherlockian: list 1:48, 2:53, 4:48; Sherlock Holmes?” 2:18 Passengers’ Log (R) Klinger 4:50 Kronenbitter, Rita T. (pseud.): Lellenberg 3:6 Peshawar: and Watson in STUD, Hussain Landesen (pseud.), see Hackelman 4:31 Lellenberg, Jon L., “Sherlock Holmes of the Petkus, Donald A., “Indiana by Gaslight” Revolution” 3:6 2:48 Linsenmeyer, John, “Why Charles Augustus Petrarch: and Holmes, both lost loves, Milverton Should Be Canonized and Not Caudell & De’Tar 4:37 Cannon-Balled” 1:36 Playboy: and Holmes, Klinger 2:18 Livingston, Bud, “Birth Control in the Pollock, Donald: Whelan 1:5 Canon” 3:44 Potter, Harry: cartoon, Bond 3:58 McDiarmid, Errett W.: obit., Crawford & “Private Eye” Barloon 3:35 McKuras 2:56 “Resident Patient”: structure, Curtis 2:41 MacGregor, Marilyn, “Hatful of Brains and a Rice, Susan, “Sherlock in Saratoga” 3:54; Trace of Heredity” 2:26 William Gillette Memorial Luncheon McMahon, Katherine: obit., Bryan 2:57 1:13 Mallory, Michael, Adventures of the Second Robinson, Bertram Fletcher: and HOUN Mrs. Watson (R) 2:52 (edit.) 4:4 “Man with the Twisted Lip”: Accardo 4:14 Rosenblatt, Albert M., “The Sherlockian Michell, William Reginald: obit., Swift 2:57 Year (and Millennium)” 1:9 “Millennial Festivities” Solberg 1:6 Rosenblatt, Julia Carlson, “Sherlock Holmes Milverton, Charles Augustus: not villain, in the Twentieth Century” 2:37 Linsenmeyer 1:36 Rowling, J.K.: Harry Potter (cartoon), Bond Miniatures, French 3:59 3:58 “Moriarty’s Fingerprints” Cynkin 1:41 Russia: Okhrana, secret police, Lellenberg 3:6 “My First Meeting with Sherlock Holmes”: Saksena, Franklin, 101 Sherlock Holmes Cross- Clarkson 1:55, Blau 4:45 word Puzzles (R) 3:61 Nadgett, fictional detective: Barloon 3:35 Scottish costume: in BOSC, Fetherston 3:47 “Naked Truth” Fetherston 3:47 “Secret of the Arcadia Mixture” Cairo 1:22 “Neither Farmer nor Philosopher” Hyder Shaw, Dorothy Rowe: obit., Blau 1:54 3:13 “Sherlock Holmes and Women of the ’90s” “Neper, Neper, Neper, Neper, Neper” Don- Caudell & De’Tar 4:37 way & Kelley 4:5 “Sherlock Holmes—Coward?” Betzner 4:28 Nolan, Norman S.: obit., Penzler 1:53 “Sherlock Holmes in the Twentieth Century” Okhrana, see Russia Rosenblatt 2:37 “Ones that Got Away” Berdan 3:23 “Sherlock Holmes of the Revolution” Lellen- “On Glancing Over My Notes” Dirda 2:6 berg 3:6 Pascal, Janet B., Arthur Conan Doyle: Beyond Sherlock Holmes Selskabet i Kobenhavn Baker Street (R) 2:51 (Sherlock Hoimes Society of Copenhagen) Passengers’ Log (periodical) (R) Klinger 4:50 2:51 Pastiches: Rosenblatt 2:37; Smith, Denis O., Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes (R) 3:61; Mal- Christmas card 2:46 lory, Michael, Adventures of the Second Mrs. “Sherlock in Saratoga” Rice 3:54 Watson (R) 2:52; Fullenkamp, Steven, Sherlockian societies, see Societies Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the “Sherlockian Year (and Millennium)” Rosen- Three Dragons (R) 3:61 blatt 1:9 Sherlockians: Rothman (edit.) 1:4; in Den- Watson, Dr. John H.: as visionary, ethics, mark 2:51 Walker 3:15; in Afghan War, Peshawar, Shoso-In Bulletin (R) Klinger 1:51 Hussain 4:31; second wife, pastiche 2:52 Shull, Richard B.: obit., 3:62 “What Kind of Person Reads Playboy? Sher- “Sidelights on Horseflesh” Swift 3:57 lock Holmes?” Klinger 2:18 “Silver Blaze”: descendants, Swift 3:57 Whelan, Michael, “A Word from ‘Wiggins’” Silver Blaze Races: Saratoga Springs, Rice 1:5 3:54 “Who Wrote the American Chapters of A Smith, Denis O., Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes Study in Scarlet?” Vizoskie 2:29 (R) 3:61 WHODUNIT? [contributors] 1:back cover, SOCIETIES: 1:57, 2:60, 4:51; Agra Treasurers 2:inside back cover, 3:64, 4:inside back 2:63; Amateur Mendicant Society 4:58; cover Blanched Soldiers of NOAH 1:60, 4:55; “Why Charles Augustus Milverton Should Be Desert Beekeepers 1:63; Diogenes Club of Canonized and Not Cannon-Balled” Lin- Dallas 2:64, 4:59; Diogenes Club of the senmeyer 1:36 Monterey Peninsula 4:51; Five Orange William Gillette Memorial Luncheon: Rice Pips 4:59; Friends of Irene Adler 2:61; 1:13 Hansom Wheels 4:57; Hounds of the “Wisteria Lodge”: villains: Berdan 3:27 Internet 2:52; Hugo’s Companions 4:56; Wolff, Ezra A.: obit., 3:63 Illustrious Clients of Indianapolis 2:52, Woman, The, dinner Koelle 1:13 4:55; Lucca Gang of New York 4:58; Mrs. “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Mrs. Sherlock Hudson’s Cliffdwellers 4:53; Red Headed Holmes” Accardo 1:31 League of Jersey 4:53; Sherlock Holmes “You Have Been to Peshawar, I Perceive” Selskabet i Kobenhavn 2:51; Six Napole- Hussain 4:31 ons of Baltimore 4:54; South Downers 4:58; Three Garridebs of Westchester 4:57; Tropical Deerstalkers 2:62; Un Stu- dio in Holmes 1:64 Solberg, Andrew, “The Millennial Festivities” 1:6 STAND WITH ME HERE UPON THE TERRACE (obituaries) 1:53, 2:56, 3:62 Strasbourg: in FINA, Bogolometz 1:15 Study in Scarlet: authorship, Vizoskie 2:29 Swift, Wayne, “Sidelights on Horseflesh” 3:57 Tobacco: Arcadia, Cairo 1:22 TwoShilling Award: cartoon, Bond 1:46 “Unclear Saint” Accardo 4:14 United States: history, in STUD, Duke 4:17 Villains: in Canon, Berdan 3:23 Vizoskie, Ben, “Who Wrote the American Chapters of A Study in Scarlet?” 2:29 Walker, Lynn E., “Evolution and Nature of Watson’s Ethical Views” 3:15 Ward, Patricia, Baskerville Bash 1:12

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