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The awakening of Latin America : a classic anthology of Che Guevara's writings on Latin America PDF

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THE AWAKENING OF LATIN AMERICA CHE GUEVARA PUBLISHING PROJECT THE DIARIES: The Motorcycle Diaries (1952) Latin America Diaries (1953–55) Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War (1956–58) Diary of a Combatant (1956–58) Congo Diary (1965) The Bolivian Diary (1966–67) Che: The Diaries of Ernesto Che Guevara ALSO AVAILABLE: Che Guevara Reader Global Justice: Liberation and Socialism Self-Portrait: A Photographic and Literary Memoir Marx & Engels: A Biographical Introduction Guerrilla Warfare Our America and Theirs THE AWAKENING OF LATIN AMERICA A classic anthology of Che Guevara’s writings on Latin America Ernesto Che Guevara Edited by María del Carmen Ariet García Copyright © 2013 Che Guevara Studies Center and Aleida March Copyright © 2013 Ocean Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Poetry translated by Manuel Talens and Sue Ashdown. ISBN: 978-1-921700-91-0 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2011943982 First edition published in 2013 Published in Spanish as América Latina: Despertar de un Continente PUBLISHED BY OCEAN PRESS PO Box 1015, North Melbourne, VIC 3051, Australia E-mail: [email protected] OCEAN PRESS TRADE DISTRIBUTORS United States: Consortium Book Sales and Distribution Tel: 1-800-283 3572 www.cbsd.com Canada: Publishers Group Canada Tel: 1-800-663 5714 E-mail: [email protected] Australia and New Zealand: Palgrave Macmillan Tel: 1-300-135 113 E-mail: [email protected] UK and Europe: Turnaround Publisher Services Tel: (44) 020-8829 3000 E-mail: [email protected] Cuba and Latin America: Ocean Sur E-mail: [email protected] www.oceanbooks.com.au [email protected] Contents Ernesto Che Guevara: Biographical Note Chronology of Ernesto Che Guevara Editor’s Preface Introduction María del Carmen Ariet García PART ONE Discovering Latin America 1950–56 Introduction Travels in Argentina (1950) Excerpts from “The Bicycle Diaries” First Trip through Latin America (1951–52) Excerpts from “The Motorcycle Diaries” A Second Look at Latin America (1953–56) Excerpts from “Latin America Diaries” Doctors and their Environment The Role of the Doctor in Latin America Reading Notes Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España by Bernal Díaz del Castillo La crónica del Perú by Pedro Cieza de León La araucana by Alonso de Ercilla Facundo (Civilización o barbarie) by Domingo F. Sarmiento El Evangelio y el Syllabus y Un dualismo imposible by Dr. Lorenzo Montúfar Martín Fierro by José Hernández Obras escogidas by Enrique Gómez Carrillo Martí: Raíz y ala del libertador de Cuba by Vicente Sáenz Breve historia de México by José Vasconcelos Trayectoria de Goethe by Alfonso Reyes La rebelión de los colgados by Bruno Traven Biografía del Caribe by Germán Arciniegas Mamita Yunai by Carlos Luis Fallas Canto General by Pablo Neruda Guatemala: la democracia y el imperio by Juan José Arévalo El hechicero by Carlos Solórzano Journalism (1953–54) “The View from the Banks of the Giant of Rivers” “Machu-Picchu: An Enigma in Stone of the Americas” “The Dilemma of Guatemala” “The Workers of the United States: Friends or Enemies?” Poems (unpublished) To the Bolivian Miners Who Cares? Spain in America A Tear for You Invitation to the Road Uaxactún... Sleeps Selected Letters (1953–56) Books Read in Adolescence PART TWO

The name Che Guevara is synonymous with Latin America. This classic anthology on Latin America shows the Argentine-born revolutionary’s cultural depth, rigorous intellect and intense emotional engagement with a continent and its people.Selected from his family’s personal archives, this book offe
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