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The Authentic Red Dragon [with ] The Black Hen PDF

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• The Authentic RedD ragon and I' ( l I SJ�4(v TheB lacHke n �� SilenMsa nus �.J.r Books '\'eisAnetri quarian PO Box2 050 YorkB each ME 03910-205U0S A ww•w. weiserantiqcuoamr ian. <[email protected]> Tel(.1 )2 073 637 253 TheA uthentic RedD ragon (LeV eritaDbrlaeg on theC elestAiearli,aT le,r r __ andI nfernSapli ri Witht hes ecroefmt a kintg/ 1 ofw inninegv ertyi moen ep h.JJ ofd iscovehriidndge tnr .:asu FoLLOWED BY TheB lacHke n (LaP aulNeo ire CabbalUan knownU ntil!'·-­ Translatferdo mt he FrencEhd itioof1n 5 __ byJ oshuAa.W entwo Witha nI ntroductbiySo inl e��� 0 TheT eitaPnr e 2011 TheA uthentic RedD ragon (LeV eritaDbrlaeg onR ouge) ort hAer to fC ommanding thCee lesAteiraiTlae,lr ,r estrial anIdn fernal Spirits Witthhs ee corfme atk itnhgde e asdp eak; ofw inningt iemovenpe elr ayty hlseo ttery; ofd iscohviedrdtiernsnegu a reetsc,. FoLLOWBEYD TheB lacHke n (LaP aulNeo ire) CabbUanlkan oUwnntN iolw Translfartotemhd e FrencEhd itioof1n 5 21 byJ oshAu.Wa e ntworth Witha nI ntrodubcySt iiloMenan nsu s TheT eitaPnr ess 2011 TheT eitaPnr ess P.OB.o x2 050 YorkB eachM,E , 03910 CONTENTS lJniteSdt atoefsA merica www. teitanp.croems s Introduction lX AllR ightRse served English Translation 1 Facsimoiflt eh eF rencEhd ition Al 8:1 ·o Limitetdo8 00N umbereCdo pies 57 Thisi sc opyN o.J ISBN9 78-0-933429-21-5 Copyrig©h 2t0 1 1T heT eitaPnr ess Printiendt heU SA Thi papemre ettsh er equiremeonft s _J:SO2 39.48-19(9P2e rmanenocfeP aper) INTRODUCTION THE BOOK known as Le VeritaDbrlaeg onR ouge( The AuthenRteidcD ragono)r,s ometimseism plays L eD ragon Rougei,s u ndoubtedolnye o fm ostn otoriooufst hose littwloer kso fb lacmka gict ermegdr imoirSeosm.e what strangedleys,p iittefs a met,h erhea ss of aro nlyb eeno ne significaatntte mpttop resetnhte b ooki nE nglisthh,ab te ­ ingt hee ditipounb lishbeydR oberBtl anchaurndd ert he imprinotft heI .G.O.(S".I nternatGiuoinladol f O ccult SciencesW"h).i1l stth ew orkw asg round-breaktihneg , qualiotfyB lanchartdr'asn slaitisso onm ewhaqtu estion­ ablea,n dt heb ooki tseilshf a rdt ofi nd,h avinogb viously beenp rintiendv erlyi mitneudm ber. Itw ast herefotrheec ausoef s omee xcitemewnhte n a manuscritprta nslatoifto hne D ragoRno ugem,a deb y one JosAh.uW ae ntwortcha,m e inmtyo h andsA. 2q uick revieswu ggesttehda tth et ranslawtaisoc nl earolfyg ood qualiatnyd,h ade videnbteleynu ndertakweint ghr eacta re anda ttentitood ne taiyle,tf rustratiitnc golnyt ainneod mdicatioofnt hep reciisdee ntiotft yh et exftr omw hichi t hadb eenm adeT.h er easofnosr t hiasb sencweo uld soon ecomea pparebntu,ta tt he outsdeitdp riets eanm ty stery ; R.o berBtl anchaTrrda,n slatTehseR, e dD ragonP,a lmS pringCsA,: I.G.O.S1.9,9 5. _ JoshuAa.W entwortihsa pseudonybmu,t I f eeblo undt or espetchte gentleman's exwpirsehs,s ienda n appendendo tet,h ahti si dentity notb er evealed. IX X trheasItow lavsen .o ta ta lcle rtawionu ldb ew ithimny abilittoi es Dtrhtaagm oanRtc ohugeespd eofrn eocttal ptyph eaepr aun pti.e r.t.n­ Asidefr omt hea ctuaclo ntenotfst het ext-whicIh cals tye loft hee arlsitek nown co'"' Inp rveiuosc enturietsh e knewv ariqeudi tceo nsiderbaebtlwye etnh ed ifferepnutb ­ ltiogs oho eendd.C i htiieooafnfm ts oh neDg rstathg eocR nlo uuewgsae s-t thheevr weear sdyn e oltia b leorta te plrenigttiiigman theift seoarrywo afs pp erroesabcbutyli c.o wlltoaahoayblsiarnms Isntodgcneocc siu urflaottnatr oulmeth ggiifadalmdthe eott nDen oiha n yhdrdonttetl ew amw n hi o oigioyeonwtfsorm n1agoth Rinod 5n" rh onu 2dvkeuhsfpe1e g-aorl.reordian"ibr mn be te atosaetir-htTabntinmaalihtl iiogatnesetetnn dedstsr"a l.et oeit o frle ofrb hfsoi- omyue romtwgo t oam th"s ebfteliittdogld h ecmh oroeeu hpeFkinlrn o rsmgiw lre o-beitndierkacerreenhaea lt dsty­ ,e gctgsladreonuoiabuonlt leonseetenmiu-hrr o dyebropsti'ns,,l-tiF.sdt tuH byecr a hhpaope uenffecwno Dlcedocev seroh mtavipdper agitpsu lr tonneribe,lbeeit ,Rdost ibwlyro o esyuyei etndtuch hg sttirhi te ftehnsodse apao e f bntufrsn oohronudeareib��'-_ s ·­ . creudluosw itht hes upposed oprum byltihsihaceapadupl,te haorriminytgsy t-ewarenirdoe iu nstf lhryeem qaurceklneattnl-dype ldsaetc­ien ely rahtIetrtfis hc niat ttuiomos ni asutalrdee aa nsyice d,rths uea · assvnioomuditopgd hflh aate etpnno locy oana fcymta emohn iueudwtfl ys ayaeus ganat neorolho f t eept iniuironbc auvlesgoist hlac o,vtna hedtpIem ipunb eousb ynnbola t.lmid iesosi hrhanennecsriarttsntm'ai hgesnve , ce elsy 1faa5rlsm2eolo1s rf wptt thuho bicele dihi Wit cteffehairrbnen oeew twtn,ooa Fr rsttro hoenfh'l cimasvhta eee tnb hud letiesie lnc � byoeoakros,wrp i ltahac doeef pl uibbleircafatatelilsooyern m .i sleadiinmgp rimatur, oWfe1 n5tw51o"rt (hs'msoseo tuirmceesl a 1y5i n52t )heTh. · e Thisp ractiicsce l earelxye mplifiiendt hee ditioonfs theD ragon Rotuhgaebt e art hed ate 1521. sQiumiptley 3.A uthortiieasr ei nr aer agreement therwea sn oe ditioofn1 521N.o copyt hacta nb ev erified Daviesw ho suggesst thtat heb ook asd atinfgr omt hipse riohda se vebre enf ounda,n dt he nBioenoktsee,On xtfhoc rednt:Ou xrfyro("dO w Uenniv Dearvsyeii sPrt,­ tGerxiitmt osieraile swuf, on rmkiw shtiackhda ibdln yo ts dfterarortimttov ch eiadort fc t uhlewaG itrdeae nldy bdreaF yrr canacte,aa lusoseggei nna rtnie eassru,ltc yohm a istd -hna,.-t,r-= untitlh ee ighteecnetnht urTyh.e firsrte ferentcoet sh e earelsitco pies. xi DragoRno ugdeo n ota ppeaurn titlh ee arly 18a0p 0esr,i od that matcpheersf ectthleyp aper, prianntdit nygp ographi­ cals tyloeft hee arlikensotw nc opie3 s. Inp reviocuesn turitehseo bfuscatoifoa n grimoire's printihnigs towrays p robabliyn dicatoifva e publisher's legitimate off epaerr secutioonn religiously-inspired groundsH.o weverb,y theb eginnionfgt hen ineteenth centurFyr,e ncphu blishoefrs su chw orksw erem orel ikely tob er idicuolrep dr osecutfeodrp erpetraftrianugod n t he gullibtlhea,nv isitbeyd t het henl argeilnye ffectaunadl , soon-to-cboem pletedliys bandeIdn,q uisitTihoen p.u b­ lishesru'psp osed initnea rneosnty mibteyc amien creasingly ane mptya ffectatiwoint,hfl ourishleiskt eh em ockp rinting dateo n theD ragoRno ugep robablayd dedt oi mprestsh e credulowuist ht hes upposeadn tiquiotfty h e document, rathetrh ant om isleaadn yc rusadianugt horities. Itfisc titinoautsu raes idteh,e r eferentcote h es upposed 152 1p ublicatwiaosno fl itthleel pi nd etermintihnegt ext fromw hicWhe ntworthm'asn uscrihpatd c ome,a sa lmost ·emenb y a orning the allo ft hed iffereFnrte nche ditioonfst heD ragoRno uge th!�:;:<w:-lv f _eo rmi leadiinmgp rimatur, assetrote ithbeer, o rt oh aveb een tafkreonm t,h e" edition of1 551"( sometim1e5s5 2)T.h e reacll uet oi dentifying _- exe m ifiedin thee ditiono f Wentworths'osu rclea yi nt hei nclusiooftn h ew ord" veri- - ,_ e dare1 521.Q uirei mply 3.A uthoritaireeis n r araeg reemeonnt t hisS.e ef, ore xample, Owen -_ ._ ·o opyt hacta nb ey erified Daviewsh os uggestthsa tth eb ookw asfi rsptu blish"eidnt hee arly -everb eenf ounda ndt he nineteenctehn tury("O wenD aviesG,r imoiA rHeiss.t oorfMy a gic ��u:.."""'•-·.-- · e::i· edfr om thaotf t heG rand BookOsx,f ordO:x fordU niversPirteys s2,0 09,p .1 04)M.o stl i­ tant oc irculwaitdee ly brarcya talogeunet riseusc,h a st haot ft heB ibliotheNqautei onale deF rancae,s siganne arltyo m id-nineteceenntthu royr igtinot heir _ -. The fir t referentcoet he earliceospti es. Xll tablei"nt het itlaen,d t hef actth atth em anuscriaplts o Ia lsion quiraemdo ngstth es malglr o includtehset exotf t het reasufirned inmga nual",S ecrdeet specialiinss uec hl iterattuors ee,eif laP oulNeo ire("" Secroeftt heB lacHke n")W.h ilteh ere hada copyi nh iso rh erp ersonlailb r.� werem anyd iffereendti tioonfst heD ragonR ouget,h ere ofa mazewdh enI w ast oltdh anto to nl·· appeatro h aveb eeno nlyt hreweh ichh adb otho ft hese havea copyo ft hee ditiionnq uesti featurOefs t.h eset,w ow ere" editioanusg mentees"; that happyt ol oaint t om e forp urposoefs ist,h eyw erea dvertiassel da teprr intintghsa itn cluded Evena cursogrlya ncaett his rarity additiomnaatle risaple,c ifica"ldleyss: e credtes l ar eine firmt haitt w asi ndeetdh ee ditifroonm Cleopat.r.e[.e, t d es.]. s.e.c redt'As r tephiu4 Ass.t "h eries hadm adeh ist ranslatEiaocnh.o f no referetnocte h iesx trmaa teriianWl e ntwortht'rsa nsla­ editionst heoD fr agon Rouvgaer ie tioni,ts eemeldi ketlhya tth et exmtu stb eb aseudp ont hat otheirn t ermosf c ontenmto,s tn otice oft heo theprr,e sumabelayr lieedri,t ion. naturaen,d s ometimseesq uencoefth To sayt hatth iesa rlpyr intiinssg c arciest oi ndulge andf ormultahsa mta keu p the ins eriouunsd erstatemAe nrte.a sonabdliyl igesneta rch the magict oawratr"dt sh er eaorf t he locatoendl ya singlceo pyo ft hiesd itiionna nyo ft he oft hem anuscript thaenp dr intbeodo '· hundredosf m ajorl ibrarwiheoss ec atalogaureesa cces­ Ina dditiiotni ,sk nownt haetv enw her sibloen -linteh,a cto pyb einign t he renowned Wellcome tioncso ntapians sagtehsa atr eo stens.1 Librariyn,L ondon5 .M oreo uto fd utyt hane xpectation, anothedri,s crepanccaines st iblelf oun A wordo rp hraswei lble d ifferepnetr, 4.I a m onlayw aroef t woo ft hes"ea ugmenteeddi tioAn sc.o"p yo fo ne, printbeydJ .D umouliinn P aricsa,.1 860b,u ts aitdo b e" Surl 'edde. perhapssi mplayst hec onsequenocfe 1521"c anb ef ounidn t heYo rkCeo llectWiaornb,u rIgn stitUuntie­, courset yopfe setting. versiotfLy o ndonA. c opyo ft hes econpdr,i ntbeydV ictoGro upyc,a . FortunatWeelnyt worthha ds ough 1875c,a nb ef oundi nt heS peciCaoll lectiooftn hse S enatHeo use tioans c losteol itearsap lo ssibwlhei, Libraorfyt heU niversoiftL yo ndon. 5.T heW ellcome Libcroapryhy a st het itLleev eritadbrlaeg orno ugOell. picukp e vens uchm inopro intTsh.e r -� /'adretc ommandelers e sprictesl estaeesr,i etnesr,r esettri ensf ernaux, Wentwortht'rsan slawtaisot na kefrno m etcS.u ivdieI ap ou/neo ircea,b alien connjuues q'ui cain,d i sd escribed tiono,fw hicIhh adb eenl oanead c oy_•· as" [Pari:ss .?n 1.5,2 1[ i.cea..1 850.]. P.h.y sD.e sc[.2 ]l eave1s0,8 The availaboiflb iottyh t her are p.: fronti.l;,l ( .12mo)R,e"c orNdo .2 486606W2h.i lsat n umbero f anda moret hanc ompetetnrta nslation othelri brarliieshsto ldinogfss imilar-soucnodpiineogsf t heD ragon Rougec,l osien spectrieovne atlhsa tth eya rei nf acdti ffereendti ­ opportunfiotrpy u blicatIitho and.a lw. tions. Xlll a them anuscria !o Ia lsion quiraemdo ngstth es malglr oupt haItk noww ho ..,..a :urfien dinmga nuai,e retde specialiinss eu chl iterattuors ee,ei fb y chancseo meone ·· e BlacH en. )..\\lu le there hada copyi nh iso rh erp ersonlailb raIrw ya.s l ittslheo rt n-o ilie:J ragon Routt;!hee;r e ofa mazedw henI w ast oltdh anto to nlyd ido nei ndividual ee ··hihcah botho ft hee havea copyo ft hee ditiionnq uestiobnu,t t hath e was happyt ol oani tt om e forp urposoefsc omparison. Evena cursogrlya ncaett hirsa riwtays e nougtho c on­ firm thaitt w asi ndeetdh ee ditiforno mw hicWhe ntworth had made hist ranslatEiaocnh.o ft hed ifferepnrti nted editioonfst heD ragonR ougev ariesso mewhaftr omt he a tee xmtu tb eb a edu ont hat otheirn t ermosf c ontenmto,s tn oticeaibnlt yh en umber, earlieedri,ti on. naturaen,d s ometimesse quencoef t hei ndividsupaell ls · rintiin gc are i indulge andf ormulatsh atm akeu p thec ollectoifo" ns ecreotfs �_-am-em. _-\r eao nablyi ligeme arch them agica rtt"o wardtsh er eaorf t hew orkT.h ec ontents s e op:o fthi editioinna nyo ft he oft hem anuscriapntd t hep rintebdo oka lignpeedr fectly. rariwe ho e cataloguaer ea cce- Ina dditiointi ,sk nownt haetv enw heret hed iffereendti ­ · . eingi nt her enowneWde llcome tioncso ntaipna ssagtehsa atr eo stensitbhleys amea so ne .....,...,.._.,4V, ...'. _ ioroeu to fd utyt hane xpectation, anothedri,s crepanccaines st iblelf oundi nt hem inutiae. A wordo rp hraswei lble d ifferenpte,r hapdse liberastoe,l y perhaps siamspt lhyec onsequenocfae n e rromra dei nt he coursoef t ypesetting. FortunatWeelnyt worthha ds oughtto k eeph ist ransla­ tioans c losteo l itearsap lo ssibwlhei,c mh adei tp ossibtloe picukp evens uchm inorp ointTsh.e r esuwlats c onclusive; Wentwortht'rsa nslatwiaostn a kefnr omt hes elf-saemdei ­ tiono,fw hichI h adb eenl oanead c opy. The availabiolfbi ottyh t her areo riginpaulb lication, anda moret hanc ompetenttr anslatciroena,t ead p erfect opportunfiotrpy u blicatIitoh na.da lwasya mazedm e that

The "Dragon Rouge" is one of the most notorious of the little books of black magic known as grimoires. This Teitan Press publication includes a complete facsimile of the earliest known edition - a French printing that is dated 1521 (although it was probably circa 1800) - along with a complete Englis
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