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The Auburn Circle Fall 2006 PDF

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Preview The Auburn Circle Fall 2006

Circle _ ‘Circle Starr Eaitor Filey lant Graphle Designor dosti Se 2 art Terr olor = Sees, Mega Hae inci, Ay Siete Poetry Faroe Ton Byte Katy Donal tin Kearns, Danial itor Fietion itor, Ais Faster, Flison send ry La Nathan Wagre;, Parick Weather Non-Fiction arch Ads, Kendra Carer, |inssay Wore Publicity celethare’ Fivabetn Grey ‘whitney Cowart, Jonnie Graphic Design ara, Josh ue Sie Counney “per Astley Hic Lave Kostas Abiga | Mue\o% Danio wars Photography ey Fuss, Sarna: Testa, Ananda Sau Leva | inwnan, ¥ ok dab asar Asour THE CiRcLE ive intent naga7 ni sve a2 ora or tne ats The Cole s Aubu'n Un vara ee rilers Stolagrapre’s. andl designers of urn Univers fy. Our goa = Pal this puke ator i Ing civcteo tals anc abi ities o* tre Rabu carmen, The abun Br irq. Studer ron al mars, aur irl, Tha Susann Cree ie are of sry tal al) Ho nod to subir The fee allnaons at des, sas ane out shad one fal ans supporiers 31 Autsir1 Univers is annually took ag the Offee oF na Dean cf Sruders ‘evsreinaise You Su et vy Pr Riley Tant Tonner ‘alo, “Far and away the best arize that ie offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doin’ Ihave been ky enounh ta discover the truth o this statement th-ougn my work on The Ci-le this semes- ter-Though at times tha wor became challenging and even avenshelming, lam rsteful forthe valuable lessons it has taught ma thal | wl cary traughout ie, | would keto thank al ofthe students’ na the guts to submitter work ‘The submissions we reosive this yaur were al talented and showed amazing Creativity | felt is sae to say tat wo have sel new record I's your, having 1elved more than 1,300 submiss-ons The selectian acess this your was il cull due tothe amount of submissions ana the high quality ef each piace, but | ‘am trite te nave tne apacrtunty to showease some remarkable student work (Oct goa! or this semester nas to Incroase publcty on carpus, beter represent the diversity of Auburn University, and mprove the quality ofthe magezire ist. ‘We have even highar goals for next semestax 801 want to take this opportunity 0 encourage everyana ta submit again fo he spring issue. Without your suapor, ‘we would not be ate rodiuce such a high qualty publication | woul also tke to thank my amazing staf forall ofthe hard work and time you have put into this publication. 1 would lke to thank Dah Gresne and Lisa Loe for kooping me on tack curing this busy semester, and providing me with tno appar: lunlties and the means of improving and expanding The Circle, ‘And lastly, thank you to my family ane friends for sunparting ma and always encouraging me through my more hocte bays, auburn circle oP POE a TTS auburn circle AckNowLenGeMeNTs We would like to tank Auburn Universiy faculty and s Dr. Johny Green, Doan of Student 2, Advisor, Student Pub ications Administrat ve Supeort Assaciate for Student Publications, Deborah Dorman, Payments and Procurement Cari Leon Floss, Fay Unizn Sait Act Deparment Soard o” Student Communications Digital Resource Lats English Deoarlment Journalism Departement aif for your suppor: Architecture Deparment yartment of Consurnor Affairs Interior Design Department Business Manayer Bayu Prakosa Web designer Ricky Lo D: Susuissions is lake s.bmissirs 9 prose. poetry, dosign. Ie ar, qrapnic ces gn &ilstation Hicion & nonin evalu, fash-o1| ‘dos inter ar igen ary = eratyfr\ ims. Any ste. alan Faulty, ana sa may suo" le the Cirle, Ever if you miss che deaains > me somoste, well Pela arto your sur iene fo" srt ss _Ways To Susmir For art, design, photography S09 GU or wher alecran © stoage device as ali gh rest uth JPEG, IIR PDF format mage i & images “wal have 200 dp 8 pe” inch resalion 6” groazer due Is rietng resalutar. Ary shote submis mn lees han SOD et ot bose, Susmissions ry miso 98 © mallad I: 22 emaubLin.ady. Mea are to Gaye es As yOL’ nam ae I tle Lavel CD separately wih your rama, 12 avd wall. Also 00 Sure umn yo wsivor to Ibs Cree of, For literature Wierocat Ward Dos amert (OG) fle ‘ou car submit your sunmisions site ae vis emai ‘9 ae eloatiar ecu or ‘Student Publections Suite Foy Student Union {you nave any questons, please ea llth Gc etice at 94.44.4120 ot Gaussurn ec annual 2008 vA <i re

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