¨ THE ASYMMETRIC GOOS-HA¨NCHEN EFFECT THE ASYMMETRIC GOOS-HANCHEN EFFECT •• JJoouurrnnaallooffOOppttiiccss1166,,001155770022--77 ((22001144)) •• 3 1 0 2 v Abstract. We show in which conditions opti- Manoel P. Araujo o cal gaussian beams, propagating throughout an Gleb Wataghin Physics Institute N homogeneous dielectric right angle prism, present State University of Campinas (Brazil) 9 an asymmetric Goos-H¨anchen (GH) effect. This mparaujo@ifi.unicamp.br 1 asymmetric behavior is seen for incidence at criti- Silvˆania A. Carvalho calanglesandhappensinthepropagationdirection Department of Applied Mathematics ] s of the outgoing beam. The asymmetric GH effect State University of Campinas (Brazil) c canbealsoseenasanamplificationofthestandard i [email protected] t GH shift. Due to the fact that it only depends on p Stefano De Leo o the ratio between the wavelengthand the minimal Department of Applied Mathematics . waist size of the incoming gaussian beam, it can s State University of Campinas (Brazil) c be also usedto determine one of these parameters. [email protected] i Multiple peaks interference is an additional phe- s y nomenon seen in the presence of such asymmetric h effects. p [ 1 v 3 7 7 II.. IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN 4 IIII.. DDIIEELLEECCTTRRIICCSSYYSSTTEEMMGGEEOOMMEETTRRYYAANNDDOOUUTTGGOOIINNGGBBEEAAMM . 1 IIIIII.. AASSYYMMMMEETTRRIICCGGHHEEFFFFEECCTTAANNDDMMUULLTTIIPPLLEEPPEEAAKKSSIINNTTEERRFFEERREENNCCEE 1 IIVV.. CCOONNCCLLUUSSIIOONNSS 3 1 : [[1133ppaaggeess,,66fifigguurreess]] v i X r a ••ΣΣδδΛΛ•• I. INTRODUCTION The behavior of laser gaussian beams in the presence of symmetric and asymmetric wave number distributions is the subject matter of this paper. The importance of the difference among such kinds of distributions can be understood if one takes into account the analogy between optics [1,2] and non relativistic quantum mechanics [3,4] and discuss the behavior between stationary and dynamical maxima. Anon-relativisticfree(gaussian)particleinitsrestframeisdescribedbythefollowingwavepacket d +∞ +∞ (k2 +k2)d2 k2 +k2 Ψ(x,y,t) = Ψ dk dk exp x y + i k x+k y ~ x y t 0 4π x y "− 4 x y − 2m !# Z−∞ Z−∞ x ~t y ~t = Ψ , , , (1) 0 G d md2 G d md2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) where α2 / (α, β)=exp 1+2iβ . G −1+2iβ (cid:20) (cid:21) p This wave convolution is solution of the two-dimensional Schr¨odinger equation [3], ∂ +∂ +2im∂ Ψ(x,y,t)=0 . (2) xx yy ~ t (cid:2) 2 (cid:3) Thegaussianprobabilitydensity, Ψ(x,y,t) ,growswiththebeamdiameterasafunctionoftime. Its | | maximum, whichdecreasesfor increasingvalues oftime, is always locatedatx=y =0. It represents a stationary maximum. It is obvious that the previous analysis is a consequence of the choice of a symmetric momentum distribution centered in k =k =0. x y To illustrate the idea behind our study, let us consider a gaussian momentum distribution with only positive momentum values for k , i.e. y x ~t d +∞ k2d2 k2 Φ(x,y,t) = Φ , dk exp y + ik y i~ y t 0 G(cid:18)d md2(cid:19) √π Z0 y "− 4 y − 2m # x ~t y ~t y / 2~t = Φ , , 1+ erf i 1+ i . (3) 0 G(cid:18)d md2(cid:19) G(cid:18)d md2(cid:19) " d r md2 !# The maximum of this distribution can be estimated by using a basic principle of asymptotic analysis [5]. For oscillatoryintegrals,rapidoscillationsoverthe range ofintegrationmeans that the integrand averagesto zero. To avoidthis cancelation rule, the phase has to be calculated when it is stationary, i.e. ∂ k2 ~ k 0= k y ~ y t y = h yi t . y (∂ky " − 2m #) ⇒ m ky=hkyi The breaking of symmetry in the gaussian momentum distribution implies now an expected value of k different from zero, y +∞ k2d2 / +∞ k2d2 2 y y k = dk k exp dk exp = , (4) y y y y h i "− 4 # "− 4 # d√π Z0 Z0 and, consequently, a dynamical maximum at 2~ y = t . (5) max md√π For non-relativistic quantum particles, the difference between stationary and dynamical maxima can be roughly represented as the difference between symmetric and asymmetric wave number distribu- tions. Theaimofthispaperistoinvestigateinwhichconditionswecanreproducedynamicalmaxima for laser gaussian beams propagating throughout an homogeneous dielectric right angle prism. 1 The Maxwell equations ∂ 2 tt E(r,t)=0 , (6) ∇ − c2 (cid:20) (cid:21) fortimeharmonicelectricfields(exp[ iωt])andforplanewaves,modulatedbyacomplexamplitude − A(r), which travel along the z-direction (exp[ikz] with k =ω/c=2π/λ), E(r,t)=E ei(kz−ωt)A(r) , 0 reduce to [6] ω2 0 = E ei(kz−ωt) ∂ +∂ ∂ +2ik ∂ k2 + A(r) 0 xx yy zz z − c2 (cid:20) (cid:21) = E ei(kz−ωt)[∂ +∂ +∂ +2ik ∂ ] A(r) . (7) 0 xx yy zz z In the paraxial approximation [1], A(r) is a slowly varying function of z and the previous equation becomes [∂ +∂ +2ik ∂ ] A(x,y,z)=0 . (8) xx yy z The analogy between the paraxial approximation of the Maxwell equations, Eq.(8), and the non- relativistic Scho¨dinger equation, Eq.(2), is then clear if we consider the following correspondence rules [7,8] z t and k m/~ . ←→ ←→ It is interesting to ask in which circumstances, by using optical paraxialbeams, it is possible to have an asymmetrical wave number distribution and, consequently, produce a dynamical shift. The study presented in this paper aims to give a satisfactory answer to this intriguing question. Gaussian beams are the simplest type of paraxial beams provided by a laser source. The electric field amplitude of the incident paraxial gaussian beam is given by [9,10] w2 +∞ +∞ (k2 +k2)w2 k2 +k2 E(r,t) = E ei(kz−ωt) 0 dk dk exp x y 0 + i k x+k y x y z 0 4π x y − 4 x y − 2k " !# Z−∞ Z−∞ = E ei(kz−ωt)A(r) , (9) 0 where w is the minimal waist size of the beam. After performing the k and k integrations, we 0 x y obtain x z y z A(r)= , , . (10) G w kw2 G w kw2 (cid:18) 0 0(cid:19) (cid:18) 0 0(cid:19) The density probability distribution of the gaussian electric field, 2 E(r,t) 2 = E 2 w0 exp 2 x2+y2 , (11) | | | 0| w(z) − w2(z) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) growths in beam diameter as a function of the z-distance from the beam waist w , 0 2 2z w(z)=w 1+ . 0s kw (cid:18) 0 (cid:19) The maximum, which decreases for increasing values of z, is always located at x = y = 0. This maximum plays the role of the stationary maximum for the quantum non-relativistic particle in its rest frame. In this paper, we investigate the behavior of optical gaussian beams which propagates through a right angle prism, see Fig.1. For incidence angle θ > θ , the beam is totally reflected at the second c interface, its wave number distribution is symmetric and centered at k = k = 0. Consequently, x y the Goos-H¨anchen shift [11] is stationary in the direction of the beam propagation. The optical phenomenon in which linearly polarized light undergoes a small phase shift, δ λ, when totally ≈ 2 internally reflected is widely investigated in litterature [12–19]. For incidence at and near critical angles [20–22], we find a frequency crossover in the GH shift which leads to an amplification effect, δ √kw λ . Inthis paper,we shallpresenta new effectfor incidence atcriticalangles. Depending c ≈ 0 on the magnitude of kw , only the positive values of k , in the wave number distribution, contribute 0 y to reflection and this asymmetry produces a dynamical Goos-H¨anchen shift. It is thus the breaking of the symmetry in the wave number distribution which opens the door to a dynamical maximum. A detailed analysis of this new phenomenon will be discussed in section III. Before of our numerical study, in section II, we introduce our notation and the geometry of the dielectric system used in this paper. In such a section, we also give, for s and p polarized waves, the reflection and transmission coefficients at each interface. Our final considerations and proposals are drawn in the last section. II. DIELECTRIC SYSTEM GEOMETRY AND OUTGOING BEAM The incidentgaussianbeam(9) propagatesalongthe z-axisandformsanangle θ with z ,normalto in the first air/dielectric interface (see Fig.1a), y cosθ sinθ y y in = =R(θ) . (12) z sinθ cosθ z z (cid:18) in (cid:19) (cid:18) − (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Observing that the spatial phase of the incoming beam is k r = k r , (13) in · in · with k =k (k2 +k2)/2k, we obtain, for the beam propagating within the dielectric after the first z − x y air/dielectric interface, the following phase qin · rin = kxx+kyin yin + n2k2 −kx2 −ky2in zin . (14) q Inordertofollowthebeammotionwithinthedielectric,wehavetointroducetwonewaxesrotations, see Fig.1a, y 3π y π y out =R ∗ =R in , (15) z − 4 z −2 z (cid:18) out (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) ∗ (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:18) in (cid:19) withz andz respectivelynormaltothesecondandthirddielectric/airinterface. Thespatialphase ∗ out of the beam moving within the dielectric in the direction of the last dielectric/air discontinuity can be given in terms of the outgoing axes, q r = k x+q y +q z , (16) out · out x yout out zout out where qyout =R 3π qy∗ = −kyin . qz − 4 qz qz (cid:18) out (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) − ∗ (cid:19) (cid:18) in (cid:19) Observe that the spatialphase of the reflectedbeam at the second dielectric/airinterface is obtained replacing q by q . Finally, z∗ − z∗ k r = k x+q y + k2 k2 q2 z out · out x yout out − x− yout out = k x+k z +kq y x yin in zin in = k x + [k cos(2θ) k sin(2θ)] y + [k sin(2θ)+k cos(2θ)] z , (17) x z y z y − As expected from the Snell law [1,2], (k r ) =[0, k cos(2θ), k sin(2θ)] . (18) ∇ out · out (kx=0,ky=0) (cid:2) (cid:3) The amplitude of the outgoing beam is given by [9,10] w2 +∞ +∞ (k2 +k2)w2 A[s,p](r,θ)= 0 dk dk T[s,p](k ,k ) exp x y 0 + iϕ (k ,k ;r,θ) , (19) out 4π x y θ x y "− 4 out x y # Z−∞ Z−∞ 3 where k2 +k2 ϕ (k ,k ;r,θ)=k x+k [cos(2θ)z sin(2θ)y] x y [cos(2θ)y+sin(2θ)z] out x y x y − − 2k and T[s,p](k ,k ) are obtained by calculating the reflection and transmission coefficients at each in- x y θ terface. For s-polarized waves, this means 2kz qz kz 2qz in ∗ − ∗ exp[2iq a ] out exp[i(q k )a ] . kz + qz × qz + kz z∗ ∗ × qz + kz zout − zout out in in ∗ ∗ out out By using the geometry of the dielectric system, see Fig1a, and Eqs.(16,17), we have a =a/√2 , a =b a , q =q and k =k . ∗ out − zout zin zout zin Consequently, the transmission coefficient becomes T[s](k ,k )= 4kzin qzin qz∗ −kz∗ exp i[q a√2+(q k )(b a)] . (20) θ x y k + q 2 qz + kz { z∗ zin − zin − } z z ∗ ∗ in in For p-polarized waves,w(cid:0)e find (cid:1) T[p](k ,k )= 4n2kzin qzin qz∗ −n2kz∗ exp i[q a√2+(q k )(b a)] . (21) θ x y n2kz + qz 2 qz∗ + n2kz∗ { z∗ zin − zin − } in in Due to the fact tha(cid:0)t the motion i(cid:1)s on the y-z plane, only second order k contributions appear in x the transmission coefficient, T[s,p](k ,k ). Thus, without lost of generality, to calculate the complex x y θ amplitude A[s,p](r,θ) we can take the following approximation T[s,p](k ,k ) T[s,p](0,k ). Conse- x y y out θ ≈ θ quently, w2 +∞ +∞ (k2 +k2)w2 A[s,p](r,θ) 0 dk dk T[s,p](0,k ) exp x y 0 + iϕ (k ,k ;r,θ) out ≈ 4π x y θ y "− 4 out x y # Z−∞ Z−∞ x cos(2θ)y+sin(2θ)z [s,p] = , (y,z) , (22) G w z Fθ (cid:20) 0 R (cid:21) where w +∞ k2w2 [s,p](y,z)= 0 dk T[s,p](0,k ) exp y 0 + iϕ (0,k ;r,θ) . Fθ 2√π y θ y "− 4 out y # Z−∞ The detailed analysis of [s,p](y,z) will be the subject matter of the next section. Fθ III. ASYMMETRIC GH EFFECT AND MULTIPLE PEAKS INTERFERENCE Let us consider the momentum distribution (k2 +k2)w2 g[s,p](k ,k )=T[s,p](0,k ) exp x y 0 (23) x y y T θ "− 4 # responsible for the shape of the transmitted beam. The contour plots of g (k ,k )[s,p] clearly show T x y that for decreasingvalue ofkw , see Fig.2,andfor incidence angles approachingto the criticalangle, 0 seeFig.3,thesymmetrybetweenk andk inthewavenumberdistributionisbroken. Asanticipated x y in the Introduction, this symmetry breaking is responsible for the creation of a dynamical maximum. To examine in detail this phenomenon, let us first consider incidence at θ =π/4, w +∞ k2w2 k2 [s,p](y,z)= 0 dk T[s,p](0,k ) exp y 0 ik y i y z . (24) Fπ4 2√π Z−∞ y π4 y "− 4 − y − 2k # 4 To estimate the maximum, we can apply the stationary phase method [5], ∂ k2 [s,p] y 0= phase T (0,k ) k y z . (∂ky " π4 y − y − 2k #) h i ky=hkyi Due to the fact that the phase of the transmission coefficient T[s,p](0,k ) is not dependent on the y θ spatial coordinates, we can immediately find an analytical expression for the shift in y between two maxima, i.e. k y ∆y = h i∆z . (25) − k For θ = π/4, n = √2, and kw 10, the wave number distribution is a symmetric distribution 0 ≥ centered at k = 0. Consequently, k = 0 and the maximum does not change its position. We y y h i thus recognize a stationary maximum. The numerical analysis confirms this theoretical prediction, see Fig.4. Let us now consider incidence at critical angle, sinθc+ n2 sin2θc =√2 . − For n=√2 the critical angle is θ =0 and tphe transversal y-z profile is determined by c w +∞ k2w2 k2 [s,p](y,z)= 0 dk T[s,p](0,k ) exp y 0 + ik z i y y . (26) y y y F0 2√π 0 "− 4 − 2k # Z−∞ In this case, the z-shift of the maximum in terms of the y location of the detector is given by k y ∆z = h i∆y . (27) k For kw =103, the wavenumber distributionis notcompletely symmetric ink andthis produce the 0 y first modifications on the transmitted beam, see Fig.5. Such a little modification is more evident for p-polarized waves. By decreasing the value of kw up to 10, we lose the symmetry (see Fig.2) and 0 we clearly find a dynamical maximum. To estimate this dynamical shift, we observe that, as seen in section I, for kw =10 only positive values of k contribute to the mean value, this implies 0 y 2 k = (28) y h i w √π 0 and, consequently, the shift in z of the transmitted optical beam is given by 2 ∆z = ∆y . (29) kw √π 0 The numericalanalysis,showninFig.6,confirmssucha prediction. Insucha plot,it isalsoclearthe asymmetric interference which appears in the presence of dynamical maxima. IV. CONCLUSIONS Optics sure represents a very stimulating field to reproduce quantum mechanical phenomena. For example, the well known Goos-H¨anchen shift [11] is the optical analogous of the delay time in non- relativistic quantum mechanics [3,13]. These optical and quantum effects are due to the fact that evanescent waves exist in the classical forbidden region. This intriguing shift which is always matter of scientific investigation [16–19] is, in general, a stationary shift. In this paper, we have analyzed in which situations this stationary shift becomes a dynamical shift. Due to the fact that the dynamical shift is a direct consequence of the breaking of symmetry in the wave number distribution, this new optical phenomenon can be also seen as an asymmetric 5 GH effect. In our study, we have seen that the more convenient circumstances to reproduce this new phenomenonarethechoiceofincidenceatcriticalanglesandofbeamwaists,w 10/k 1.6λ,ofthe 0 ≈ ≈ orderofthewavelengthoftheincominggaussianbeam. Thisseemstobetoorestrictiveforapossible experimental implementation of the theoretical analysis presented in this article. Nevertheless, this difficulty is very similar to the difficulty found in detecting the standard Goos-H¨anchen sfhit which is of the order of the wavelength of the incoming beam. Consequently, it can be overcome with the same trick, i.e. amplifying the shift. For example, by preparing a dielectric structure which allows 2N +1 internal reflections, we obtain for the transmission coefficient the following expressions 2N+1 [s,2N+1] 4kz qz qz kz T (k ,k ) = in in ∗ − ∗ (30) θ x y 2 q + k (cid:12) (cid:12) kzin + qzin (cid:12)(cid:12) z∗ z∗ (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) and (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:12) (cid:12) 2N+1 [p,2N+1] 4n2kz qz qz n2kz T (k ,k ) = in in ∗ − ∗ . (31) At critical angles, we(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)hθave x y (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:0)n2kzin + qzin(cid:1)2 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)qz∗ + n2kz∗ (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) 2 2 k >0 for k <0 and k <0 for k >0 . z y z y ∗ ∗ Consequently, by increasing the number of internal reflections, we can select the positive k compo- y nents in the transmitted wave number distribution for value of the beam waist, w , greater than the 0 wavelength,λ, ofthe incoming laserbeam. The symmetry breakingin the wavenumber distribution, responsible for recovering the second order k contribution to the phase which contributes to the y maximum with the term k y/k, can be thus optimized for experimental proposals by using the y h i number of internal reflection N and the ratio w /λ. 0 In a forthcoming paper, we shall analyze the asymmetric GH effect for frustrated total internal reflection [23,24] and resonant photonic tunneling [25]. Another interesting future investigation is represented by the possibility to include in our calculation the focal shift [20]. This additional shift representsasecondordercorrectiontotheGHshiftandconsequentlyactsasadelay inthe spreading of the outgoing optical beam. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully thank the Capes (M.P.A.), Fapesp (S.A.C.), and CNPq (S.D.L.) for the financial support and the referee for his useful suggestion on the new title and for drawing our attention to references on the GH shift and, in particular, on the interesting second order correction which leads to the focal shift [20]. REFERENCES [1] M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of optics, Cambridge UP, Cambridge (1999). [2] B.E.A.SalehandM.C.Teich,Fundamentalsofphotonics,JohnWiley&Sons,NewYork(2007). [3] C.C. Tannoudji, B. Diu and F. Lalo¨e, Quantum Mechanics, Wiley, Paris (1977). [4] D.J. Griffiths, Introduction to quantum mechanics, Prentice Hall, New York (1995). [5] R.B. Dingle, Asymptotic expansions: their derivation and interpratation, Academic Press, New York (1973). [6] G.B. Arfken and H.J.Weber, Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Academic Press,San Diego (2005). [7] S. Longhi, Quantum-optical analogies using photonic structures, Las. Phot. 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