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Preview The Astrophysical Journal 2000: Vol 540-542 Index

THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL AUTHOR INDEX PARTS 1 & 2, VOLUMES 540 -542 2000 SEPTEMBER | TO OCTOBER 20 ABBETT, W. P. The Three-dimensional Evolution of Rising, Twisted Magnetic T. Axelrod, A. Becker, D. Bennett, C. Clement, K. H. Cook, A. Drake, Flux Tubes in a Gravitationally Stratified Model Convection Zone. W. P. K. Freeman, M. Geha, K. Griest, G. Kovacs, D. W. Kurtz, M. Lehner, Abbett, G. H. Fisher, & Y. Fan. 540, 548 (2000) S. Marshall, D. Minniti, C. Nelson, B. Peterson, P. Popowski, M. Pratt, The Three-dimensional Evolution of Rising, Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes P. Quinn, A. Rodgers, J. Rowe, C. Stubbs, W. Sutherland, A. Tomaney, in a Gravitationally Stratified Model Convection Zone: Erratum. W. P. T. Vandehei, & D. L. Welch. 542, 257 (2000) Abbett, G. H. Fisher, & Y. Fan. 542, 1119 (2000) (Orig. paper in 540, 548 The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results from 5.7 Years of Large (2000)) Magellanic Cloud Observations. C. Alcock, R. A. Allsman, D. R. Alves, ABEL, TOM. The Formation and Fragmentation of Primordial Molecular T. S. Axelrod, A. C. Becker, D. P. Bennett, K. H. Cook, N. Dalal, A. J. Clouds. Tom Abel, Greg L. Bryan, & Michael L. Norman. 540, 39 (2000) Drake, K. C. Freeman, M. Geha, K. Griest, M. J. Lehner, S. L. Marshall, ABRAMENKO, V. I. Magnetic Topology in 1998 November 5 Two-Ribbon Flare D. Minniti, C. A. Nelson, B. A. Peterson, P. Popowski, M. R. Pratt, P. J. as Inferred from Ground-based Observations and Linear Force-free Field Quinn, C. W. Stubbs, W. Sutherland, A. B. Tomaney, T. Vandehei, & Modeling. V. B. Yurchyshyn, H. Wang, J. Qiu, P. R. Goode, & V. I. D. Welch. 542, 281 (2000) Abramenko. 540, 1143 (2000) ALEXANDER, DaviD. Evidence for Nonuniform Heating of Coronal Loops ABT, HELMuT A. The Maximum Age of Trapezium Systems. Helmut A. Abt & Inferred from Multithread Modeling of TRACE Data. Markus J. ChristopherJ . Corbally, S.J. 541, 841 (2000) Aschwanden, Richard W. Nightingale, & David Alexander. 541, 1059 ACHTERBERG, A. Particle Acceleration at Ultrarelativistic Shocks: An (2000) Eigenfunction Method. J. G. Kirk, A. W. Guthmann, Y. A. Gallant, & ALI, BABAR. Cool Companions to Hot White Dwarfs. Paul J. Green, Babar A. Achterberg. 542, 235 (2000) Ali, & R. Napiwotzki. 540, 992 (2000) ADAMS, FRED C. Theoretical Models of Young Open Star Clusters: Effects ALLAMANDOLA, L. J. H, C, N, and O Isotopic Substitution Studies of 2165 of a Gaseous Component and Gas Removal. Fred C. Adams. 542, 964 Wavenumber (4.62 Micron) “XCN” Feature Produced by Ultraviolet (2000) Photolysis of Mixed Molecular Ices. M. P. Bernstein, S. A. Sandford, & AGOSTINHO, Ru! J. Two Distant Embedded Clusters in the Outer Galaxy. L. J. Allamandola. 542, 894 (2000) Carlos A. Santos, Jodo L. Yun, Dan P. Clemens, & Rui J. Agostinho. 540, ALLARD, F. Evolutionary Models for Very Low-Mass Stars and Brown L87 (2000) Dwarfs with Dusty Atmospheres. G. Chabrier, I. Baraffe, F- Allard, & AHARONIAN, F. See TAKAHASHI, T., et al. Complex Spectral Variability from P. Hauschildt. 542, 464 (2000) Intensive Multiwavelength Monitoring of Markarian 421 in 1998. Deuterium Burning in Substellar Objects. G. Chabrier, I. Baraffe, F- Allard, AHMEDOV, B. J. Plasma Modes along the Open Field Lines of a Neutron Star. & P. Hauschildt. 542, L119 (2000) U. A. Mofiz & B. J. Ahmedov. 542, 484 (2000) ALLARD, FRANCE. TiO and H20 Absorption Lines in Cool Stellar Atmospheres. AKERLOF, C. Rapid Optical Follow-up Observations of SGR Events with France Allard, Peter H. Hauschildt, & David Schwenke. 540, 1005 (2000) ROTSE-I. C. Akerlof, R. Balsano, S. Barthelmy, J. Bloch, P. Butterworth, ALLEN, A. On the Absorption of X-Rays in the Interstellar Medium. J. Wilms, D. Casperson, T. Cline, S. Fletcher, G. Gisler, J. Hills, R. Kehoe, A. Allen, & R. McCray. 542, 914 (2000) B. Lee, S. Marshall, T. McKay, A. Pawl, W. Priedhorsky, N. Seldomridge, ALLSMAN, R. See ALcock, C., et al. The MACHO Project Large J. Szymanski, & J. Wren. 542, 251 (2000) Magellanic Cloud Variable-Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of AKITAYA, HIROSHI. Nova V4444 Sagittarii 1999: Spectropolarimetric Evidence the First-Overtone RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial for a Preexisting Circumstellar Dust Cloud. Koji S. Kawabata, Ryuko Pulsations. Hirata, Yuji Ikeda, Hiroshi Akitaya, Munezo Seki, Masafumi Matsumura, ALLSMAN, R. A. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the & Akire Okazaki. 540, 429 (2000) MACHO Project. ALBROW, M.D. See SAHu, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Optical Depth and Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. toward the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis. ALCOCK, C. Binary Microlensing Events from the MACHO Project. C. Alcock, See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results from R. A. Allsman, D. Alves, T. S. Axelrod, D. Baines, A. C. Becker, D. P. 5.7 Years of Large Magelianic Cloud Observations. Bennett, A. Bourke, A. Brakel, K. H. Cook, B. Crook, A. Crouch, J. Dan, Aves, D. See ALcock, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the A. J. Drake, P. C. Fragile, K. C. Freeman, A. Gal-Yam, M. Geha, MACHO Project. J. Gray, K. Griest, A. Gurtierrez, A. Heller, J. Howard, B. R. Johnson, Aves, D. R. See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing S. Kaspi, M. Keane, O. Kovo, C. Leach, T. Leach, E. M. Leibowitz, M. J. Optical Depth toward the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis. Lehner, Y. Lipkin, D. Maoz, S. L. Marshall, D. McDowell, S. McKeown, See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project Large Magellanic Cloud H. Mendelson, B. Messenger, D. Minniti, C. Nelson, B. A. Peterson, Variable-Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of the First-Overtone P. Popowski, E. Pozza, P. Purcell, M. R. Pratt, J. Quinn, P. J. Quinn, S. H. RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial Pulsations. Rhie, A. W. Rodgers, A. Salmon, O. Shemmer, P. Stetson, C. W. Stubbs, See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results from W. Sutherland, S. Thomson, A. Tomaney, T. Vandehei, A. Walker, K. Ward, 5.7 Years of Large Magellanic Cloud Observations. & G. Wyper. 541, 270 (2000) Atves, DAvip R. The Rotation Curve of the Large Magellanic Cloud and the The MACHO Project: Microlensing Optical Depth toward the Galactic Implications for Microlensing. David R. Alves & Cailin A. Nelson. 542, Bulge from Difference Image Analysis. C. Alcock, R. A. Allsman, D. R. 789 (2000) Alves, T. S. Axelrod, A. C. Becker, D. P. Bennett, K. H. Cook, A. J. Amati, L. See FRONTERA, F., et al. Prompt and Afterglow Emission from the Drake, K. C. Freeman, M. Geha, K. Griest, M. J. Lehner, S. L. Marshall, X-Ray-Rich GRB 981226 Observed with BeppoSAX. D. Minniti, C. A. Nelson, B. A. Peterson, P. Popowski, M. R. Pratt, P. J. AMBRUSTER, CAROL W. The Mg 1 and Lya Lines of Nearby K Dwarfs: Quinn, C. W. Stubbs, W. Sutherland, A. B. Tomaney, T. Vandehei, & D. L. ISM Components and Flux Measurements. Brian E. Wood, Carol W. Welch. 541, 734 (2000) Ambruster, Alexander Brown, & Jeffrey L. Linsky. 542, 411 (2000) The MACHO Project Large Magellanic Cloud Variable-Star Inventory. AMENOMORI, M. A Study of the Shadowing of Galactic Cosmic Rays by the IX. Frequency Analysis of the First-Overtone RR Lyrae Stars and the Sun in a Quiet Phase of Solar Activity with the Tibet Air Shower Armay. Indication for Nonradial Pulsations. C. Alcock, R. Allsman, D. R. Alves, M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, Caidong, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, Z. ¥. Andersen— Barret Feng, Y. Fu, H. W. Guo, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Q. Huang, A. X. AwakI, HisaMitTsu. X-Ray Emission from Seyfert 2 Galaxies with Optical Huo, K. Izu, H. Y. Jia, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, Labaciren, Polarized Broad Lines. Hisamitsu Awaki, Shiro Ueno, Yoshiaki Taniguchi, J. Y. Li, H. Lu, S. L. Lu, G. X. Luo, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, & Kimberly A. Weaver. 542, 175 (2000) H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, T. Ouchi, Z. R. Peng, J. R. AXELROD, _T. See ALcock, C., et al. The MACHO Project Large Ren, T. Saito, M. Sakata, T. Sasaki, Z. Z. Shi, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, Magellanic Cloud Variable-Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of T. Shirai, Y. Suga, H. Sugimoto, K. Taira, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, the First-Overtone RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial T. Utsugi, C. R. Wang, H. Wang, X. W. Xu, ¥. Yamamoto, G. C. Yu, A. F- Pulsations. Yuan, T. Yuda, C. S. Zhang, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, N. J. Zhang, X. Y. AXELROD, T. S. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the Zhang, Zhaxiciren, & Zhaxisangzhu. 541, 1051 (2000) MACHO Project. ANDERSEN, M. I. See Fynso, J. U., et al. Hubble Space Telescope See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Optical Depth Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Imaging of the Host Galaxy of toward the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis. GRB 980425/SN 1998bw. See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results from ANDERSON, JOHN E., JR. See YANNY, BRIAN, et al. Identification of A-colored 5.7 Years of Large Magellanic Cloud Observations. Stars and Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from Sloan Digital Sky AYABE, S. See AMENOMORI, M., et al. A Study of the Shadowing of Galactic Survey Commissioning Data. Cosmic Rays by the Sun in a Quiet Phase of Solar Activity with the Tibet ANDERSON, S. B. A 25.3 Day Periodicity in the Timing of the Pulsar Air Shower Array. PSR 1257+12: A Planet or Heliospheric Propagation Effect? A. Wol- szezan, I. M. Hoffman, M. Konacki, S. B. Anderson, & K. M. Xilouris. BAHCALL, JOHN N. Neutrino Afterglow from Gamma-Ray Bursts: ~10!8 eV. Eli Waxman & John N. Bahcall. 541, 707 (2000) 540, L41 (2000) ANDERSSON, B-G. On the Correlation between CO Absorption and Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays May Come from Clustered Sources. John N. Bahcall & Eli Waxman. 542, 543 (2000) Far-Ultraviolet Nonlinear Extinction toward Galactic OB Stars. Eric B. Burgh, Stephan R. McCandliss, B-G Andersson, & Paul D. Feldman. 541, BAHCALL, N. A. The Mass-to-Light Function: Antibias and Qm. N. A. 250 (2000) Bahcall, R. Cen, R. Davé, J. P. Ostriker, & Q. Yu. 541, 1 (2000) ANGLADA, GUILLEM. Discovery of a Subarcsecond Radio Binary Associated BaINES, D. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the with the SVS 13 Star in the HH 7-11 Region. Guillem Anglada, Luis F- MACHO Project. Rodriguez, & José M. Torrelles. 542, L123 (2000) Bakos, G. See SAuHu, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart and ANNIS, JAMES. See YANNY, BRIAN, et al. Identification of A-colored Stars and Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from Sloan Digital Sky Survey BALACHANDRAN, SUCHITRA C. Two K Giants with Supermeteoritic Lithium Commissioning Data. Abundances: HDE 233517 and HD 9746. Suchitra C. Balachandran, Francis C. Fekel, Gregory W. Henry, & Han Uitenbroek. 542, 978 (2000) ANTIA, H. M. Temporal Variations of the Rotation Rate in the Solar Interior. H. M. Antia & Sarbani Basu. 541, 442 (2000) BALBERG, SHMUEL. Black Hole Emergence in Supernovae. Shmuel Balberg, Luca Zampieri, & Stuart L. Shapiro. 541, 860 (2000) AnTiocHos, S. K. The Topology and Evolution of the Bastille Day Flare. G. Aulanier, E. E. DeLuca, S. K. Antiochos, R. A. McMullen, & L. Golub. BALDWIN, JACK. Observational Constraints on the Internal Velocity Field of Quasar Emission-Line Clouds. Mark Bottorff, Gary Ferland, Jack 540, 1126 (2000) Baldwin, & Kirk Korista. 542, 644 (2000) Twisted Coronal Magnetic Loops. J. A. Klimchuk, S. K. Antiochos, & BALLY, JOHN. Hubble Space Telescope Planetary Camera Imaging of HH 29. D. Norton. 542, 504 (2000) David Devine, John Bally, Bo Reipurth, John Stocke, & Jon Morse. 540, Determination of Flare Heating and Cooling Using the Transition Region LS7 (2000) and Coronal Explorer. S. K. Antiochos, E. E. DeLuca, L. Golub, & R. A. BALOGH, MICHAEL L. The Origin of Star Formation Gradients in Rich Galaxy McMullen. 542, L151 (2000) Clusters. Michael L. Balogh, Julio F- Navarro, & Simon L. Morris. 540, ANTONELLI, L. A. See FRONTERA, F., et al. Prompt and Afterglow Emission 113 (2000) from the X-Ray—Rich GRB 981226 Observed with BeppoSAX. BALSANO, R. See AKERLOF, C., et al. Rapid Optical Follow-up Observations Apponl, A. J. Laboratory Detection of HCN, a Carbon Chain with a Triplet of SGR Events with ROTSE-I. Electronic Ground State. V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, & BANDLER, S. See SILVER, E., et al. Laboratory Astrophysics Survey of Key P. Thaddeus. 540, 286 (2000) X-Ray Diagnostic Lines Using a Microcalorimeter on an Electron Beam ARABADJIS, JOHN S. Maximum Entropy Reconstruction of the Interstellar Ion Trap. Medium. I. Theory. John S. Arabadjis & Joel N. Bregman. 542, 829 BaraFFE, I. Evolutionary Models for Very Low-Mass Stars and Brown (2000) Dwarfs with Dusty Atmospheres. G. Chabrier, I. Baraffe, F Allard, & ARNAUD, KEITH. Hard X-Ray Observation of Abell 496. Azita Valinia, Keith P. Hauschildt. 542, 464 (2000) Arnaud, Michael Loewenstein, Richard F. Mushotzky, & Richard Kelley. Deuterium Burning in Substellar Objects. G. Chabrier, I. Baraffe, F- Allard, 541, 550 (2000) & P. Hauschildt. 542, L119 (2000) ARNAUD, M. Is MS 1054—03 an Exceptional Cluster? A New Investigation of BaARBA, RODOLFO. Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Luminous ROSAT HRI X-Ray Data. D. M. Neumann & M. Arnaud. 542, 35 (2000) Blue Varaible/Wolf-Rayet Eclipsing Binary System HD 5980. Gloria ArRIBAS, S. High-lonization Clouds in the Circumnuclear Region of M31. Koenigsberger, Leonid Georgiev, Rodolfo Barba, Zlatan Tsvetanov, C. del Burgo, E. Mediavilla, & S. Arribas. 540, 741 (2000) Nolan R. Walborn, Virpi S. Niemela, Nidia Morrell, & Regina ASCHWANDEN, MARKUS J. Evidence for Nonuniform Heating of Coronal Schulte-Ladbeck. 542, 428 (2000) Loops Inferred from Multithread Modeling of TRACE Data. Markus J. BARBERA, M. See SiLver, E., et al. Laboratory Astrophysics Survey of Key Aschwanden, Richard W. Nightingale, & David Alexander. 541, 1059 X-Ray Diagnostic Lines Using a Microcalorimeter on an Electron Beam (2000) Ion Trap. ASHLEY, M. C. B. See Burton, M. G., et al. High-Resolution Imaging of BARING, MATTHEW G. Nonlinear Shock Acceleration and Photon Emission Photodissociation Regions in NGC 6334. in Supernova Remnants. Donald C. Ellison, Evgeny G. Berezhko, & ATOYAN, A. M. Early Starbursts and Magnetic Field Generation in Galaxy Matthew G. Baring. 540, 292 (2000) Clusters. H. J. Valk & A. M. Atoyan. 541, 88 (2000) Compton Scattering in Ultrastrong Magnetic Fields: Numerical and AUDARD, Marc. Extreme-Ultraviolet Flare Activity in Late-Tyne Stars. Marc Analytical Behavior in the Relativistic Regime. Peter L. Gonthier, Audard, Manuel Giidel, Jeremy J. Drake, & Vinay L. Kashyap. 541, 396 Alice K. Harding, Matthew G. Baring, Rachel M. Costello, & (2000) Cassandra L. Mercer. 540, 907 (2000) AULANIER, G. The Topology and Evolution of the Bastille Day Flare. BarON, E. Non-LTE Treatment of Molecules in the Photospheres of Cool G. Aulanier, E. E. DeLuca, S. K. Antiochos, R. A.M cMullen, & L. Golub. Stars. Andr-as Schweitzer, Peter H. Hauschildt, & E. Baron. 541, 1004 540, 1126 (2000) (2000) AVILA-REESE, VLADIMIR. Substructure and Halo Density Profiles in a Warm BarreET, D. RXTE Studies of X-Ray Spectral Variations with Accretion Rate Dark Matter Cosmology. Pedro Colin, Vladimir Avila-Reese, & Octavio in 4U 1915—0S. P. F. Bloser, J. E. Grindlay, D. Barret, & L. Boirin. 542, Valenzuela. 542, 622 (2000) 989 (2000) Barret— Bicknell ill RXTE Studies of Long-Term X-Ray Spectral Variations in 4U 1820—30. BELLONI, T. Phase Lag Variability Associated with the 0.5-10 Hz P. F. Bloser, J. E. Grindlay, P. Kaaret, W. Zhang, A. P. Smale, & D. Barret. Quasi-periodic Oscillations in GRS 1915+105. P. Reig, T. Belloni, M. van 542, 1000 (2000) der Klis, M. Méndez, N. D. Kylafis, & E. C. Ford. 541, 883 (2000) BARTH, AARON J. The Frequency of Polarized Broad Emission Lines in Type 2 BELLOor Rusio, L. R. Luminous Efficiency in Hypervelocity Impacts from the Seyfert Galaxies. Edward C. Moran, Aaron J. Barth, Laura E. Kay, & 1999 Lunar Leonids. L. R. Bellot Rubio, J. L. Ortiz, & P. V. Sada. 542, Alexei V. Filippenko. 540, L73 (2000) L65 (2000) BARTHELMY, S. See AKERLOF, C., et al. Rapid Optical Follow-up Observations BENABED, K. Lensing Effect on the Relative Orientation between the Cosmic of SGR Events with ROTSE-I. Microwave Background Ellipticities and the Distant Galaxies. L. Van Bary, JEFFREY S. Detection of Quiescent Molecular Hydrogen Gas in the Waerbeke, F. Bernardeau, & K. Benabed. 540, 14 (2000) Circumstellar Disk of a Classical T Tauri Star. David A. Weintraub, BENNETT, D. See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project Large Joel H. Kastner, & Jeffrey S. Bary. 541, 767 (2000) Magellanic Cloud Variable-Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of BASTIEN, PIERRE. Highly Polarized Thermal Dust Emission in the Bok Globule the First-Overtone RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial CB 068. Jacques P. Vallee, Pier e Bastien, & Jane S. Greaves. 542, 352 Pulsations. (2000) BENNETT, D. P. See ALcock, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the BASU, SARBANI. Temporal Variations of the Rotation Rate in the Solar Interior. MACHO Project. H. M. Antia & Sarbani Basu. 541, 442 (2000) See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Optical Depth BASU, SHANTANU. Magnetic Fields and the Triaxiality of Molecular Cloud toward the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis. Cores. Shantanu Basu. 540, L103 (2000) See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results from BauGu, C. M. The Infrared Side of Galaxy Formation. I. The Local Universe 5.7 Years of Large Magellanic Cloud Observations. in the Semianalytical Framework. G. L. Granato, C. G. Lacey, L. Silva, BENSON, JOHN M. Measurement of the Parallax of PSR B0950+08 Using the A. Bressan, C. M. Baugh, S. Cole, & C. S. Frenk. 542,710 (2000) VLBA. Walter F. Brisken, John M. Benson, A. J. Beasley, Edward B Baum, STEFI A. Face-on Dust Disks in Galaxies with Optical Jets. William B. Fomalont, W. M. Goss, & S. E. Thorsett. 541, 959 (2000) Sparks, Stefi A.B aum, John Biretta, F- Duccio Macchetto, & André R. BEREZHKO, E. G. Galactic Gamma-Ray Background Radiation from Supernova Martel. 542, 667 (2000) Remnants. E. G. Berezhko & H. J. Valk. 540, 923 (2000) BAUMGARTE, THOMAS W. The Bar-Mode Instability in Differentially Rotating BEREZHKO, EvGENY G. Nonlinear Shock Acceleration and Photon Emission Neutron Stars: Simulations in Full General Relativity. Masaru Shibata, in Supernova Remnants. Donald C. Ellison, Evgeny G. Berezhko, & Thomas W. Baumgarte, & Stuart L. Shapiro. 542, 453 (2000) Matthew G. Baring. 540, 292 (2000) Bautz, M. W. See HORNSCHEMEIER, A. E., et al. X-Ray Sources in the Hubble BEREZHNOY, A. A Search for Nontriggered Gamma-Ray Bursts in the BATSE Deep Field Detected by Chandra. Continuous Records: First Results. B. E. Stern, Ya. Tikhomirova, M. Stepanov, D. Kompaneets, A. Berezhnoy, & R. Svensson. 540, L21 See MARKEVITCH, M., et al. Chandra Observation of Abell 2142: Survival of Dense Subcluster Cores in a Merger. (2000) BERGER, E. See GALAMaA, T. J., et al. The Bright Gamma-Ray Burst BEASLEY, A. J. Measurement of the Parallax of PSR B0950+08 Using the 991208: Tight Constraints on Afterglow Models from Observations of the VLBA. Walter F- Brisken, John M. Benson, A. J. Beasley, Edward B. Early-Time Radio Evolution. Fomalont, W. M. Goss, & S. E. Thorsett. 541, 959 (2000) BERGIN, E. A. A Study of the Physics and Chemistry of L134N. J. E. Dickens, BECKER, A. See ALcock, C., et al. The MACHO Project Large W. M. Irvine, R. L. Snell, E. A. Bergin, F- P. Schloerb, P. Pratap, & M. P. Magellanic Cloud Variable-Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of Miralles. 542, 870 (2000) the First-Overtone RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial BERLIND, P. See PETERSON, B. M., et al. X-Ray and Optical Variability in Pulsations. NGC 4051 and the Nature of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies BECKER, A.C. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the BERNARDEAU, F. Lensing Effect on the Relative Orientation between the MACHO Project. Cosmic Microwave Background Ellipticities and the Distant Galaxies. See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Optical Depth L. Van Waerbeke, F- Bernardeau, & K. Benabed. 540, 14 (2000) toward the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis. BERNSTEIN, M. P. H, C, N, and O Isotopic Substitution Studies of 2165 See ALcock, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results from Wavenumber (4.62 Micron) “XCN” Feature Produced by Ultraviolet 5.7 Years of Large Magellanic Cloud Observations. Photolysis of Mixed Molecular Ices. M. P. Bernstein, S. A. Sandford, & BECKER, R. H. Search for the Identification of 3EG J1835+5918: Evidence L. J. Allamandola. 542, 894 (2000) for a New Type of High-Energy Gamma-Ray Source. N. Mirabal, J. P. BERTOLDI, F. See GALAMA, T. J., et al. The Bright Gamma-Ray Burst Halpern, M. Eracleous, & R. H. Becker. 541, 180 (2000) 991208: Tight Constraints on Afterglow Models from Observations of the BECKLIN, E. E. See LOWRANCE, PATRICK J., et al. A Candidate Substellar Early-Time Radio Evolution. Companion to HR 7329. BERTRAM, R. See PETERSON, B. M., et al. X-Ray and Optical Variability in See TEPLiITz, HARRY I., et al. Measurement of [O 11] Emission in NGC 4051 and the Nature of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies. Lyman-Break Galaxies. BerTScH, D. L. A Systematic Search for Short-Term Variability of EGRET BEEMAN, J. See SILver, E., et al. Laboratory Astrophysics Survey of Key Sources. P. M. Wallace, N. J. Griffis, D. L. Bertsch, R. C. Hartman, D. J. X-Ray Diagnostic Lines Using a Microcalorimeter on an Electron Beam Thompson, D. A. Kniffen, & S. D. Bloom. 540, 184 (2000) Ion Trap. BESKIN, VASILY S. Grad-Shafranov Equation with Anisotropic Pressure. BEERS, TIMOTHY C. Primordial Lithium Abundance as a Stringent Constraint Vasily S. Beskin & Inga V. Kuznetsova. 541, 257 (2000) on the Baryonic Content of the Universe. Takeru Ken Suzuki, Yuzuru Best, Jason S. An Examination of the Large-Scale Clustering of the Las Yoshii, & Timothy C. Beers. 540, 99 (2000) Campanas Redshift Survey. Jason S. Best. 541, 519 (2000) Extremely Metal-poor Stars. VII. The Most Metal-poor Dwarf, BeTHE, H. A. Hypercritical Advection-dominated Accretion Flow. G. E. CS 22876—032. John E. Norris, Timothy C. Beers, & Sean G. Ryan. 540, Brown, C.-H. Lee, & H. A. Bethe. 541, 918 (2000) 456 (2000) BETTONI, DANIELA. The Evolution of the Galactic Morphological Types in BEIERSDORFER, P. See TRABERT, E., et al. Experimental M1 Transition Rates Clusters. Giovanni Fasano, Bianca M. Poggianti, Warrick J. Couch, of Coronal Lines from Ar x, Ar XIV, and Ar xv. Daniela Bettoni, Per Kjaergaard, & Mariano Moles. 542, 673 (2000) BEKKI, KENJI. Merging between a Central Massive Hole and a Compact Stellar BHATNAGAR, A. Solar Cycle-induced Variations in GONG p-Mode Frequen- System: A Clue to the Origin of M31’s Nucleus. Kenji Bekki. 540, L79 cies and Splittings. Kiran Jain, S. C. Tripathy, & A. Bhatnagar. 542, 521 (2000) (2000) Formation and Evolution of Dusty Starburst Galaxies. I. A New Method for BHATTACHARYYA, SuDIP. Temperature Profiles of Accretion Disks around Deriving Spectral Energy Distribution. Kenji Bekki & Yasuhiro Shioya. Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars in General Relativity and Implications for 542, 201 (2000) Cygnus X-2. Sudip Bhattacharyya, Arun V. Thampan, Ranjeev Misra, & BELL, J. F. Discovery of Two High Magnetic Field Radio Pulsars. F. Camilo, Bhaskar Datta. 542, 473 (2000) V. M. Kaspi, A. G. Lyne, R. N. Manchester, J. F- Bell, N. D’Amico, N. P. F- BICKNELL, GEOFFREY V. Jet-induced Emission-Line Nebulosity and Star McKay, & F. Crawford. 541, 367 (2000) Formation in the High-Redshift Radio Galaxy 4C 41.17. Geoffrey V. Biemont— Brinkmann Bicknell, Ralph S. Sutherland, Wil J. M. van Breugel, Michael A. Dopita, Bonp, I. A. See SAHu, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart and Arjun Dey, & George K. Miley. 540, 678 (2000) Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. BiEMONT, E. Experimental and Theoretical Radiative Lifetimes, Branching BONIFACIO, PIERCARLO. UVES Observations of QSO 0000—2620: Oxygen Fractions, and Oscillator Strengths for Lu 1 and Experimental Lifetimes and Zinc Abundances in the Damped Lya Galaxy at zaps = 3.3901. Paolo for Lu m and Lu m. J. A. Fedchak, E. A. Den Hartog, J. E. Lawler, Molaro, Piercarlo Bonifacio, Miriam Centurién, Sandro D’Odorico, P. Palmeri, P. Quinet, & E. Biémont. 542, 1109 (2000) Giovanni Vladiio, Paolo Santin, & Paolo Di Marcantonio. 541, 54 (2000) BILDSTEN, Lars. Coronal X-Ray Emission from the Stellar Companions to BONOMETTO, S. A. Cluster Correlation in Mixed Models. A. Gardini, S. A. Transiently Accreting Black Holes. Lars Bildsten & Robert E. Rutledge. Bonometto, G. Murante, & G. Yepes. 542, 9 (2000) 541, 908 (2000) BORKOWSKI, KAZIMIERZ. See MICHAEL, ELI, et al. Hubble Space Telescope Nearly Coherent Oscillations in Type I X-Ray Bursts from KS 1731—260. Spectroscopy of Spot 1 on the Circumstellar Ring of SN 1987A. Michael P. Muno, Derek W. Fox, Edward H. Morgan, & Lars Bildsten. BOROZDIN, KONSTANTIN N. On the Integrated Spectrum of the X-Ray Binaries 542, 1016 (2000) and the Origin of Soft X-Ray Emission from the Bulge of M31. BirRETTA, JOHN. Face-on Dust Disks in Galaxies with Optical Jets. William B. Konstantin N. Borozdin & William C. Priedhorsky. 542, L13 (2000) Sparks, Stefi A. Baum, John Biretta, F- Duccio Macchetto, & André R. BortorFF, MARK. Observational Constraints on the Internal Velocity Field Martel. 542, 667 (2000) of Quasar Emission-Line Clouds. Mark Bottorff, Gary Ferland, Jack BIRKINSHAW, M. See ScHwarTz, D. A., et al. Chandra Discovery of a 100 Baldwin, & Kirk Korista. 542, 644 (2000) Kiloparsec X-Ray Jet in PKS 0637—752. BourKE, A. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the See Cuartas, G., et al. The Chandra X-Ray Observatory Resolves the MACHO Project. X-Ray Morphology and Spectra of a Jet in PKS 0637—752. Bower, R. See SAHU, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart and BIRKINSHAW, Mark. A Merger Scenario for the Dynamics of Abell 665. Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. Percy L. Gomez, John P. Hughes, & Mark Birkinshaw. 540, 726 (2000) Boyp, PaTrRiciA T. Canonical Timing and Spectral Behavior of LMC X-3 in BIRN, JOACHIM. Simulations of Three-dimensional Reconnection in the Solar the Low/Hard State. Patricia T. Boyd, Alan P. Smale, Jereon Homan, Corona. Joachim Birn, John T. Gosling, Michael Hesse, Terry G. Forbes, Peter G. Jonker, Michiel van der Klis, & Erik Kuulkers. 542, L127 (2000) & Eric R. Priest. 541, 1078 (2000) BOYLAN-KOLCHIN, M. A 700 Year-Old Pulsar in the Supernova Remnant BJORNSSON, G. See Fynso, J. U., et al. Hubble Space Telescope Kesteven 75. E. V. Gotthelf, G. Vasisht, M. Boylan-Kolchin, & K. Torii. Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Imaging of the Host Galaxy of 542, L37 (2000) GRB 980425/SN 1998bw. BRADA, RAFAEL. Dwarf Satellite Galaxies in the Modified Dynamics. Rafael BJORNSSON, GUNNLAUGUR. The Polarization Variability in the Optical Brada & Mordehai Milgrom. 541, 556 (2000) Afterglow of GRB 990712. Gunnlaugur Bjérnsson & Elina J. Lindfors. BRADLEY, PAUL A. Driving the Gravity-Mode Pulsations in y Doradus 541, L55 (2000) Variables. Joyce A. Guzik, Anthony B. Kaye, Paul A. Bradley, Arthur N. BLANDFORD, ROGER D. Compton Echoes from Gamma-Ray Bursts. Piero Cox, & Corinne Neuforge. 542, LS7 (2000) Madau, Roger D. Blandford, & Martin J. Rees. 541, 712 (2000) BRAGAGLIA, A. See SAHU, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart Butz, LEO. Noncircular Gas Kinematics and Star Formation in the Ringed and Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. Galaxy NGC 4736. Tony Wong & Leo Blitz. 540, 771 (2000) BRAGE, Tomas. Spectral Lines for Polarization Measurements of the Coronal Gas-rich Dwarf Spheroidals. Leo Blitz & Timothy Robishaw. 541, 675 Magnetic Field. III. Atomic Data for Si Ix. Tomas Brage, Philip G. Judge, (2000) Per Jonsson, & D. P. Edwards. 540, 1114 (2000) BLocnu, J. See AKERLOF, C., et al. Rapid Optical Follow-up Observations of BRAKEL, A. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the SGR Events with ROTSE-I. MACHO Project. BLoom, E. See Cuaput, C., et al. A Search for Aperiodic Millisecond Variability in Cygnus X-1. BRANCH, D. Spectrum Analysis of the Type Ib Supernova 1999dn: Probable Identifications of C 11 and Ha. J. S. Deng, Y. L. Qiu, J. Y. Hu, K. Hatano, BLoom, J. S. See GALAMA, T. J., et al. The Bright Gamma-Ray Burst & D. Branch. 540, 452 (2000) 991208: Tight Constraints on Afterglow Models from Observations of the Early-Time Radio Evolution. BRANCHINI, ENZO. Measuring the Nonlinear Biasing Function from a Galaxy BLoom, S. D. A Systematic Search for Short-Term Variability of EGRET Redshift Survey. Yair Sigad, Enzo Branchini, & Avishai Dekel. 540, 62 Sources. P. M. Wallace, N. J. Griffis, D. L. Bertsch, R. C. Hartman, D. J. (2000) Thompson, D. A. Kniffen, & S. D. Bloom. 540, 184 (2000) BRANDT, W. N. See HORNSCHEMEIER, A. E., et al. X-Ray Sources in the BLOSER, P. F. RXTE Studies of X-Ray Spectral Variations with Accretion Rate Hubble Deep Field Detected by Chandra. in 4U 1915—05. P. F Bloser, J. E. Grindlay, D. Barret, & L. Boirin. 542, {O 1] Emission, Eigenvector 1, and Orientation in Radio-quiet Quasars. 989 (2000) J. Kuraszkiewicz, B. J. Wilkes, W. N. Brandt, & M. Vestergaard. 542, 631 RXTE Studies of Long-Term X-Ray Spectral Variations in 4U 1820—30. (2000) P. F Bloser, J. E. Grindlay, P. Kaaret, W. Zhang, A. P. Smale, & D. Barret. BREGMAN, JOEL N. Maximum Entropy Reconstruction of the Interstellar 542, 1000 (2000) Medium. I. Theory. John S. Arabadjis & Joel N. Bregman. 542, 829 BODENHEIMER, PETER. On the Interaction between Protoplanets and Protostellar (2000) Disks. G. Bryden, M. Rozyczka, D. N. C. Lin, & Peter Bodenheimer. 540, BREMER, M. See GALAMA, T. J., et al. The Bright Gamma-Ray Burst 1091 (2000) 991208: Tight Constraints on Afterglow Models from Observations of the Boccgss, A. A Lya Bright Jet from a Herbig Ae Star. David Devine, C. A. Early-Time Radio Evolution. Grady, R. A. Kimble, B. Woodgate, F. C. Bruhweiler, A. Boggess, J. L. BRESSAN, A. The Infrared Side of Galaxy Formation. I. The Local Universe Linsky, & M. Clampin. 542, L115 (2000) in the Semianalytical Framework. G. L. Granato, C. G. Lacey, L. Silva, BOHME, DIETHARD K. Laboratory Studies of Ion Molecule Reactions A. Bressan, C. M. Baugh, S. Cole, & C. S. Frenk. 542, 710 (2000) of Fullerenes: Chemical Derivatization of Fullerenes within Dense BRICENO, CESAR. High-Resolution, Wide-Field Imaging of the HL Tauri Interstellar Clouds and Circumstellar Shells. Simon Petrie & Diethard K. Environment in 'CO (1-0). Wm J. Welch, Lee Hartmann, Tamara Helfer, Bohme. 540, 869 (2000) & Cesar Bricerio. 540, 362 (2000) Borin, L. RXTE Studies of X-Ray Spectral Variations with Accretion Rate in BRICKHOUSE, N. See SILVER, E., et al. Laboratory Astrophysics Survey of Key 4U 1915—05. P. F Bloser, J. E. Grindlay, D. Barret, & L. Boirin. 542, X-Ray Diagnostic Lines Using a Microcalorimeter on an Electron Beam 989 (2000) Ion Trap. BoLaTTo, ALBERTO. See SMITH, NATHAN, et al. Thermal Infrared Imaging of BriGGs, MICHAEL S. Detailed Analysis of the Pulsations during and after Ultracompact H 11 Regions in W49A. Bursts from the Bursting Pulsar (GRO J1744—28). Peter M. Woods, BoLatTo, ALBERTO D. First Detection of Submillimeter [C 1] Emission in Chryssa Kouveliotou, Jan van Paradijs, Thomas M. Koshut, Mark H. the Small Magellanic Cloud. Alberto D. Bolatto, James M. Jackson, Finger, Michael S. Briggs, Gerald J. Fishman, & W. H. G. Lewin. 540, Kathleen E. Kraemer, & Xiaolei Zhang. 541, L17 (2000) 1062 (2000) Bompacl, IGNAZIO. Rapidly Rotating Strange Stars for a New Equation of BRINKMANN, J. See YANNY, BRIAN, et al. Identification of A-colored Stars and State of Strange Quark Matter. Ignazio Bombaci, Arun V. Thampan, & Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Bhaskar Datta. 541, L71 (2000) Commissioning Data. Brinkmann—Cen Vv BRISKEN, WALTER F. Measurement of the Parallax of PSR B0950+08 Using CaIRNS, IveR H. Pickup Ion-driven Turbulence in the Polar Heliosphere: A the VLBA. Walter F. Brisken, John M. Benson, A. J. Beasley, Edward B. Stochastic Growth Model. G. P. Zank & Iver H. Cairns. 541, 489 (2000) Fomalont, W. M. Goss, & S. E. Thorsett. 541, 959 (2000) CALDER, ALAN C. Numerical Models of Binary Neutron Star System Mergers. Broos, P.S. See HORNSCHEMEIER, A. E., et al. X-Ray Sources in the Hubble I. Numerical Methods and Equilibrium Data for Newtonian Models. Deep Field Detected by Chandra. F. Douglas Swesty, Edward Y. M. Wang, & Alan C. Calder. 541, 937 BROWN, ALEXANDER. The Mg 1 and Lya Lines of Nearby K Dwarfs: (2000) ISM Components and Flux Measurements. Brian E. Wood, Carol W. CALDWELL, J. A. R. See Sanu, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Ambruster, Alexander Brown, & Jeffrey L. Linsky. 542, 411 (2000) Counterpart and Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. Brown, G. E. Hypercritical Advection-dominated Accretion Flow. G. E. CALKINS, M. See PETERSON, B. M., et al. X-Ray and Opiical Variability in Brown, C.-H. Lee, & H. A. Bethe. 541, 918 (2000) NGC 4051 and the Nature of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies. Brown, G. V. See TRABERT, E., et al. Experimental M1 Transition Rates of CamILo, F. Discovery of Two High Magnetic Field Radio Pulsars. F. Camilo, Coronal Lines from Ar x, Ar XIV, and Ar xv. V. M. Kaspi, A. G. Lyne, R. N. Manchester, J. F. Bell, N. D’Amico, N. P. F. Brown, J.C. Hard X-Rays from Neutralized Ion Beams in Solar Flares. J. C. McKay, & F. Crawford. 541, 367 (2000) Brown, M. Karlicky, N. Mandzhavidze, & R. Ramaty. 541, 1104 (2000) CAMPANA, SERGIO. On the Bolometric Quiescent Luminosity and Luminosity Brown, R. H. Compositional Variation on the Surface of Centaur 8405 Swing of Black Hole Candidate and Neutron Star Low-Mass X-Ray Asbolus. S. D. Kern, D. W. McCarthy, M. W. Buie, R. H. Brown, Transients. Sergio Campana & Luigi Stella. 541, 849 (2000) H. Campins, & M. Rieke. 542, L155 (2000) CAMPBELL-WILSON, D. Radio Emission from GRO Ji655—40 During the Brown, THOMAS M. Ultraviolet Galaxy Counts from Space Telescope Imaging 1994 Jet Ejection Episodes. D. C. Hannikainen, R. W. Hunstead, Spectrograph Observations of the Hubble Deep Fields. Jonathan P. D. Campbell-Wilson, K. Wu, D. J. McKay, D. P. Smits, & R. J. Sault. 540, Gardner, Thomas M. Brown, & Henry C. Ferguson. 542, L79 (2000) 521 (2000) BROWN, TIMOTHY M. Multicolor Observations of a Planetary Transit of CAMPINS, H. Compositional Variation on the Surface of Centaur 8405 Asbolus. HD 209458. Saurabh Jha, David Charbonneau, Peter M. Garnavich, S. D. Kern, D. W. McCarthy, M. W. Buie, R. H. Brown, H. Campins, & Denis J. Sullivan, Tiri Sullivan, Timothy M. Brown, & John L. Tonry. 540, M. Rieke. 542, L155 (2000) L45 (2000) CanuTO, V. M. The Physics of Subgrid Scales in Numerical Simulations of BROWN, WARREN R._ Ultraviolet Excess Galaxies: Wolf-Rayet Galaxies. Stellar Convection: Are They Dissipative, Advective, or Diffusive? V. M. Warren R. Brown, Scott J. Kenyon, Margaret J. Geller, & Daniel G. Canuto. 541, L79 (2000) Fabricant. 540, L83 (2000) CARLBERG, R. G. Galaxy Clustering Evolution in the CNOC2 High-Luminosity BRUHWEILER, F.C. A Lya Bright Jet from a Herbig Ae Star. David Devine, Sample. R. G. Carlberg, H. K. C. Yee, S. L. Morris, H. Lin, P. B. Hall, C. A. Grady, R. A. Kimble, B. Woodgate, F- C. Bruhweiler, A. Boggess, D. Patton, M. Sawicki, & C. W. Shepherd. 542, 57 (2000) J. L. Linsky, & M. Clampin. 542, L115 (2000) CARLSTROM, JOHN E. See PATEL, SANDEEP K., et al. The Distance and Mass of BRUNNER, ROBERT J. Evolution in the Clustering of Galaxies for z < 1.0. the Galaxy Cluster Abell 1995 Derived from Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Robert J. Brunner, Alex S. Szalay, & Andrew J. Connolly. 541, 527 (2000) and X-Ray Measurements. BRYAN, GREG L. The Formation and Fragmentation of Primordial Molecular CARPENTER, JOHN M. Constraints on the Steilar/Substellar Mass Function Clouds. Tom Abel, Greg L. Bryan, & Michael L. Nerman. 540, 39 (2000) in the Inner Orion Nebula Cluster. Lynne A. Hillenbrand & John M. BRYDEN, G. On the Interaction between Protoplanets and Protostellar Disks. Carpenter. 540, 236 (2000) G. Bryden, M. Rozyczka, D. N. C. Lin, & Peter Bodenheimer. 540, 1091 CARR, JOHN S. From Stars to Superplanets: The Low-Mass Initial Mass (2000) Function in the Young Cluster IC 348. Joan R. Najita, Glenn P. Tiede, & BUCHLER, J. ROBERT. RR Lyrae: Theory versus Observation. Zoltan Kollath, John S. Carr. 541, 977 (2000) J. Robert Buchler, & Michael Feuchtinger. 540, 468 (2000) CARRAMINANA, ALBERTO. Optical Spectrum of Main-, Inter-, and Off-Pulse Buie, M. W. Compositional Variation on the Surface of Centaur 8405 Asbolus. Emission from Crab Pulsar. Alberto Carramifana, Andrej Cadez, & S. D. Kern, D. W. McCarthy, M. W. Buie, R. H. Brown, H. Campins, & Tomaz Zwitter. 542, 974 (2000) M. Rieke. 542, L155 (2000) CASINI, ROBERTO. A Classical Theory of Coronal Emission Line Polarization. BURDERI, L. The Broadband Spectrum of MXB 1728—34 Observed by Haosheng Lin & Roberto Casini. 542, 528 (2000) BeppoSAXx. T. Di Salvo, R. laria, L. Burderi, & N. R. Robba. 542, 1034 CaSPERSON, D. See AKERLOF, C., et al. Rapid Optical Follow-up Observations (2000) of SGR Events with ROTSE-I. BURDULLIS, Topp. The Effects of Superoutbursts on TOADs. Paula Szkody, CASSE, MICHEL. Testing Spallation Processes with Beryllium and Boron. Vandana Desai, Todd Burdullis, D. W. Hoard, Robert Fried, Peter Brian D. Fields, Keith A. Olive, Elisabeth Vangioni-Flam, & Michel Garnavich, & Boris Gdnsicke. 540, 983 (2000) Casse. 540, 930 (2000) BuRGH, Eric B. On the Correlation between CO Absorption and CASSEN, PATRICK. Protostellar Disk Instabilities and the Formation of Far-Ultraviolet Nonlinear Extinction toward Galactic OB Stars. Eric B. Substellar Companions. Brian K. Pickett, Richard H. Durisen, Patrick Burgh, Stephan R. McCandliss, B-G Andersson, & Paul D. Feldman. 541, Cassen, & Annie C. Mejia. 540, L95 (2000) 250 (2000) CASTRO-TIRADO, A. J. See SAnu, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Burke, D. J. See MARKEVITCH, M., et al. Chandra Observation of Abell 2142: Counterpart and Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. Survival of Dense Subcluster Cores in a Merger. See GALAMA, T. J., et al. The Bright Gamma-Ray Burst 991208: Tight BURKERT, ANDREAS. A Proposed Functional Form for the Upper Mass Constraints on Afterglow Models from Observations of the Early-Time Spectrum of Old Globular Cluster Systems. Andreas Burkert & Radio Evolution. Graeme H. Smith. 542, L95 (2000) CATANESE, M. See TAKAHASHI, T., et al. Complex Spectral Variability from Burrows, D. N. See HORNSCHEMEIER, A. E., et al. X-Ray Sources in the Intensive Multiwavelength Monitoring of Markarian 421 in 1998. Hubble Deep Field Detected by Chandra. CeLorti, A. See Fossati, G., et al. X-Ray Emission of Markarian 421: New BurTON, M. G. High-Resolution Imaging of Photodissociation Regions in Clues from Its Spectral Evolution. I. Temporal Analysis. NGC 6334. M. G. Burton, M. C. B. Ashley, R. D. Marks, A. E. Schinckel, See Fossati, G., et al. X-Ray Emission of Markarian 421: New Clues from J. W. V. Storey, A. Fowler, M. Merrill, N. Sharp, 1. Gatley, D. A. Harper, Its Spectral Evolution. II. Spectral Analysis and Physical Constraints. R. F. Loewenstein, F. Mrozek, J. M. Jackson, & K. E. Kraemer. 542, 359 Cen, R. The Mass-to-Light Function: Antibias and Qn. N. A. Bahceall, (2000) R. Cen, R. Davé, J. P. Ostriker, & Q. Yu. 541, 1 (2000) BUTTERWORTH, P. See AKERLOF, C., et al. Rapid Optical Follow-up CEN, RENYUE. Luminosity Density of Galaxies and Cosmic Star Formation Observations of SGR Events with ROTSE-I. Rate from A Cold Dark Matter Hydrodynamical Simulations. Kentaro CapezZ, ANDREJ. Optical Spectrum of Main-, Inter-, and Off-Pulse Emission Nagamine, Renyue Cen, & Jeremiah P. Ostriker. 541, 25 (2000) from Crab Pulsar. Alberto Carramifiana, Andrej Cadez, & Tomaz Zwitter. Properties of Cosmic Shock Waves in Large-Scale Structure Formation. 542, 974 (2000) Francesco Miniati, Dongsu Ryu, Hyesung Kang, T. W. Jones, Renyue Cen, CaIDONG. See AMENOMORI, M., et al. A Study of the Shadowing of Galactic & Jeremiah P. Ostriker. 542, 608 (2000) Cosmic Rays by the Sun in a Quiet Phase of Solar Activity with the Tibet Quasar Strémgren Spheres before Cosmological Reionization. Renyue Cen Air Shower Array. & Zoltan Haiman. 542, L75 (2000) vi Centurion— Connolly CENTURION, MIRIAM. UVES Observations of QSO 0000—2620: Oxygen and CHILDERS, JEFFREY D. See TEGMARK, MAXx, et al. Cosmic Microwave Zinc Abundances in the Damped Lya Galaxy at zaps = 3.3901. Paolo Background Maps from the HACME Experiment. Molaro, Piercarlo Bonifacio, Miriam Centurién, Sandro D’Odorico, CHIN, CHAO-WEN. A Clue to the Extent of Convective Mixing inside Massive Giovanni Vladilo, Paolo Santin, & Paolo Di Marcantonio. 541, 54 (2000) Stars: The Surface Hydrogen Abundances of Luminous Blue Variables CuHasriER, G. Evolutionary Models for Very Low-Mass Stars and Brown and Hydrogen-poor Wolf-Rayet Stars. Richard B. Stothers & Chao-wen Dwarfs with Dusty Atmospheres. G. Chabrier, I. Baraffe, F- Allard, & Chin. 540, 1041 (2000) P. Hauschildt. 542, 464 (2000) CuoE, G. S. A Model of Solar Flares and Their Homologous Behavior. G. S. Deuterium Burning in Substellar Objects. G. Chabrier, I. Baraffe, F- Allard, Choe & C. Z. Cheng. 541, 449 (2000) & P. Hauschildt. 542, L119 (2000) Cxol, M. Interferometric Observation of the L483 Molecular Core. ¥.-S. Park, CHAE, JONGCHUL. The Magnetic Helicity Sign of Filament Chirality. Jongchul J.-F. Panis, N. Ohashi, M. Choi, & Y. C. Minh. 542, 344 (2000) Chae. 540, L115 (2000) CuuTHAN, A. Electron Excitation Cross Sections for the 3s73p” >P—3s3p> CHALLIS, PETER. See MICHAEL, ELI, et al. Hubble Space Telescope 5S° Transition in S2+. §. J. Smith, J. B. Greenwood, A. Chutjian, & S. S. Spectroscopy of Spot | on the Circumstellar Ring of SN 1987A. Tayal. 541, 501 (2000) CHANG, HEON-YOUNG. Power Density Spectra of Gamma-Ray Burst Light CIARDI, BENEDETTA. Expected Number and Flux Distribution of Gamma-Ray Curves: Implications on Theory and Observation. Heon-Young Chang & Burst Afterglows with High Redshifts. Benedetta Ciardi & Abraham Insu Yi. 542, L17 (2000) Loeb. 540, 687 (2000) Cuaput, C. A Search for Aperiodic Millisecond Variability in Cygnus X-1. CLamPIN, M. A Lya Bright Jet from a Herbig Ae Star. David Devine, C. A. C. Chaput, E. Bloom, L. Cominsky, G. Godfrey, P. Hertz, J. Scargle, Grady, R. A. Kimble, B. Woodgate, F- C. Bruhweiler, A. Boggess, J. L. G. Shabad, H. Wen, K. Wood, & D. Yentis. 541, 1026 (2000) Linsky, & M. Clampin. 542, L115 (2000) CHARBONNEAU, Davip. Multicolor Observations of a Planetary Transit of CLARK, GEORGE W. An X-Ray Spectroscopic Study of the SMC X-1/Sk 160 HD 209458. Saurabh Jha, David Charbonneau, Peter M. Garnavich, System. Patrick S. Wojdowski, George W. Clark, & Timothy R. Kallman. Denis J. Sullivan, Tiri Sullivan, Timothy M. Brown, & John L. Tonry. 540, 541, 963 (2000) L45 (2000) CHARMANDARIS, VASSILIS. High-Resolution Imaging of Molecular Gas and The Orbit of the Binary X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1538—52 from Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations. George W. Clark. 542, L131 (2000) Dust in the Antennae (NGC 4038/39): Super Giant Molecular Complexes. Christine D. Wilson, Nicholas Scoville, Suzanne C. Madden, & Vassilis CuarK, J. Simon. Discovery of a Bipolar Shell around G25.5+0.2. J. Simon Charmandaris. 542, 120 (2000) Clark, lain A. Steele, & Norbert Langer. 541, L67 (2000) Cuartas, G. See ScHwartz, D. A., et al. Chandra Discovery of a 100 CLAUSSEN, MarK J. A Microjet: A Protostar’s Cry at Birth. Ray S. Furuya, Kiloparsec X-Ray Jet in PKS 0637—752. Yoshimi Kitamura, H. Alwyn Wootten, Mark J. Claussen, Masao Saito, See HORNSCHEMEIER, A. E., et al. X-Ray Sources in the Hubble Deep Field Kevin B. Marvel, & Ryohei Kawabe. 542, L135 (2000) Detected by Chandra. CLayTon, D. D. Molybdenum and Zirconium Isotopes from a Supernova The Chandra X-Ray Observatory Resolves the X-Ray Morphology and Neutron Burst. B. S. Meyer, D. D. Clayton, & L.-S. The. 540, L49 (2000) Spectra of a Jet in PKS 0637-752. G. Chartas, D. M. Worrall, CLEMENS, DAN P. Two Distant Embedded Clusters in the Outer Galaxy. M. Birkinshaw, M. Cresitello-Dittmar, W. Cui, K. K. Ghosh, D. E. Harris, Carlos A. Santos, Jodo L. Yun, Dan P. Clemens, & Rui J. Agostinho. 540, E. J. Hooper, D. L. Jauncey, D.-W. Kim, J. Lovell, S. Mathur, D. A. L87 (2000) Schwartz, S. J. Tingay, S. N. Virani, & B. J. Wilkes. 542, 655 (2000) CLEMENT, C. See Atcock, C., et al. The MACHO Project Large CHEN, BING. See YANNY, BRIAN, et al. Identification of A-colored Stars and Magellanic Cloud Variable-Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from Sloan Digital Sky Survey the First-Overtone RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial Commissioning Data. Pulsations. CHEN, C. The Dust Ring around AC Herculis. M. Jura, C. Chen, & M. W. Cine, T. See AKERLOF, C., et al. Rapid Optical Follow-up Observations of Werner. 541, 264 (2000) SGR Events with ROTSE-I. CHEN, H. The Initial Mass Function of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in CLINE, T. L. Transient Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Observations of Gamma-Ray Young Clusters. K. L. Luhman, G. H. Rieke, Erick T. Young, Angela S. Lines from Novae. II. Constraining the Galactic Nova Rate from a Survey Cotera, H. Chen, Marcia J. Rieke, Glenn Schneider, & Rodger I. of the Southern Sky during 1995-1997. M. J. Harris, B. J. Teegarden, Thompson. 540, 1016 (2000) T. L. Cline, N. Gehrels, D. M. Palmer, R. Ramaty, & H. Seifert. 542, 1057 See TRABERT, E., et al. Experimental M1 Transition Rates of Coronal Lines (2000) from Ar x, Ar xiv, and Ar xv. CLosE, LAIRD M. A High-Resolution Polarimetry Map of the Circumbinary CHEN, HANGJUN. High-Cadence Observations of an Impulsive Flare. Haimin Disk around UY Aurigae. Daniel E. Potter, Laird M. Close, Francois Wang, Jiong Qiu, Carsten Denker, Tom Spirock, Hangjun Chen, & Roddier, Claude Roddier, J. E. Graves, & Malcolm Northcott. 540, 422 Philip R. Goode. 542, 1080 (2000) (2000) CHEN, XINZHONG. The Radiative Stress Tensor. Xinzhong Chen & Edward A. COHEN, M. Wide-Field J- and K-Band Galaxy Counts in the European Spiegel. 540, 1069 (2000) Large-Area Infrared Space Observatory Survey Fields. P. Vdisdnen, E. V. CHENG, C. Z. A Model of Solar Flares and Their Homologous Behavior. G. S. Tollestrup, S. P. Willner, & M. Cohen. 540, 593 (2000) Choe & C. Z. Cheng. 541, 449 (2000) Coxe, S. The Infrared Side of Galaxy Formation. I. The Local Universe in CHENG, F.H. Temporal Variations of the White Dwarf and Disk in OY Carinae the Semianalytical Framework. G. L. Granato, C. G. Lacey, L. Silva, Following the 1992 Superoutburst. F. H. Cheng, Keith Horne, T. R. A. Bressan, C. M. Baugh, S. Cole, & C. S. Frenk. 542, 710 (2000) Marsh, Ivan Hubeny, & E. M. Sion. 542, 1064 (2000) Cocate, S. A. Poynting Jets from Accretion Disks: Magnetohydrodynamic CHENG, S. Lifetime Measurements in Sn 1. R. M. Schectman, S. Cheng, L. J. Simulations. G. V. Ustyugova, R. V. E. Lovelace, M. M. Romanova, H. Li, Curtis, S. R. Federman, M. C. Fritts, & R. E. Irving. 542, 400 (2000) & S. A. Colgate. 541, L21 (2000) CHEVALIER, ROGER. See MICHAEL, ELI, et al. Hubble Space Telescope CoLin, PEDRO. Substructure and Halo Density Profiles in a Warm Dark Matter Spectroscopy of Spot | on the Circumstellar Ring of SN 1987A. Cosmology. Pedro Colin, Vladimir Avila-Reese, & Octavio Valenzuela. CHIABERGE, M. See Fossati, G., et al. X-Ray Emission of Markarian 421: 542, 622 (2000) New Clues from Its Spectral Evolution. I. Temporal Analysis. See Fossati, G., et al. X-Ray Emission of Markarian 421: New Clues from CoLLey, WESLEY N. Hourly Variability in Q0957+561. Wesley N. Colley & Its Spectral Evolution. II. Spectral Analysis and Physical Constraints. Rudolph E. Schild. 540, 104 (2000) CHIANG, E. I. Apse Alignment of Narrow Eccentric Planetary Rings. E. 1. CoLuigr, S. J. See PETERSON, B. M., et al. X-Ray and Optical Variability in Chiang & P. Goldreich. 540, 1084 (2000) NGC 4051 and the Nature of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies. CuiappeTTi, L. See Fossati, G., et al. X-Ray Emission of Markarian 421: COLLINS, NICHOLAS R. See PALUNAS, POVILAS, et al. Wide-Field Imaging of New Clues from Its Spectral Evolution. I. Temporal Analysis. the Hubble Deep Field-South Region. I. Quasar Candidates. See Fossati, G., et al. X-Ray Emission of Markarian 421: New Clues from Cominsky, L. See Cuaput, C., et al. A Search for Aperiodic Millisecond Its Spectral Evolution. II. Spectral Analysis and Physical Constraints. Variability in Cygnus X-1. See TAKAHASHI, T., et al. Complex Spectral Variability from Intensive CONNOLLY, ANDREW J. Evolution in the Clustering of Galaxies for z < 1.0. Multiwavelength Monitoring of Markarian 421 in 1998. Robert J. Brunner, Alex S. Szalay, & Andrew J. Connolly. 541, 527 (2000) Conselice— Desai Vii CONSELICE, CHRISTOPHER J. Seeing Galaxies through Thick and Thin. I. D’ Amico, N. Discovery of Two High Magnetic Field Radio Pulsars. F Camilo, Optical Opacity Measures in Overlapping Galaxies. Raymond E. White V. M. Kaspi, A. G. Lyne, R. N. Manchester, J. F. Bell, N. D’Amico, N. P. F. III, William C. Keel, & Christopher J. Conselice. 542,761 (2000) McKay, & F- Crawford. 541, 367 (2000) CONTOPOULOS, G. Gaseous Vortices in Barred Spiral Galaxies. Martin N. Dan, J. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the MACHO England, J. H. Hunter, Jr, & G. Contopoulos. 540, 154 (2000) Project. Cook, K. H. See ALcock, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the DANZENGLUOBU. See AMENOMORI, M., et al. A Study of the Shadowing of MACHO Project. Galactic Cosmic Rays by the Sun in a Quiet Phase of Solar Activity with See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Optical Depth the Tibet Air Shower Array. toward the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis. Dar, A. See SAnu, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart and See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project Large Magellanic Cloud Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. Variable-Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of the First-Overtone DaTTA, BHASKAR. Rapidly Rotating Strange Stars for a New Equation of State RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial Pulsations. of Strange Quark Matter. /gnazio Bombaci, Arun V. Thampan, & Bhaskar See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results from Datta. 541, L71 (2000) 5.7 Years of Large Magellanic Cloud Observations. Temperature Profiles of Accretion Disks around Rapidly Rotating Neutron Cooray, ASANTHA. Large-Scale Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect: Measuring Stars in General Relativity and Implications for Cygnus X-2. Sudip Statistical Properties with Multifrequency Maps. Asantha Cooray, Wayne Bhattacharyya, Arun V. Thampan, Ranjeev Misra, & Bhaskar Datta. 542, Hu, & Max Tegmark. 540, 1 (2000) 473 (2000) Copp, P. See TAKAHASHI, T., et al. Complex Spectral Variability from Dave, R. The Mass-to-Light Function: Antibias and Qm. N. A. Bahcall, Intensive Multiwavelength Monitoring of Markarian 421 in 1998. R. Cen, R. Davé, J. P. Ostriker, & Q. Yu. 541, 1 (2000) CORBALLY, CHRISTOPHER J., S.J. The Maximum Age of Trapezium Systems. Davib, L. P. See MARKEVITCH, M., et al. Chandra Observation of Abell 2142: HelmutA . Abt & Christopher J. Corbally, S.J. 541, 841 (2000) Survival of Dense Subcluster Cores in a Merger. CorRADI, ROMANO L. M. Knots in the Outer Shells of the Planetary Nebulae Davies, GEORGE. A Possible Mechanism for Generating Galactic Magnetic IC 2553 and NGC 5882. Romano L. M. Corradi, Denise R. Gongalves, Fields. George Davies & Lawrence M. Widrow. 540, 755 (2000) Eva Villaver, Antonio Mampaso, & Mario Perinoito. 542, 861 (2000) Davis, D. See MARKEviTCH, M., et al. Chandra Observation of Abell 2142: Costa, E. See FRONTERA, F., et al. Prompt and Afterglow Emission from the Survival of Dense Subcluster Cores in a Merger. X-Ray-Rich GRB 981226 Observed with BeppoSAX. DayAL, ADITYA. See SMITH, NATHAN, et al. Thermal Infrared Imaging of COSTELLO, RACHEL M. Compton Scattering in Ultrastrong Magnetic Fields: Ultracompact H 11 Regions in W49A. Numerical and Analytical Behavior in the Relativistic Regime. Peter L. Mid-Infrared Imaging of the Massive Young Star AFGL 2591: Probing the Gonthier, Alice K. Harding, Matthew G. Baring, Rachel M. Costello, & Circumstellar Environment of an Outflow Source. Massimo Marengo, Cassandra L. Mercer. 540, 907 (2000) Ray Jayawardhana, Giovanni G. Fazio, William F- Hoffmann, Joseph L. CorerA, ANGELA S. The Initial Mass Function of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Hora, Aditya Dayal, & Lynne K. Deutsch. 541, L63 (2000) Dwarfs in Young Clusters. K. L. Luhman, G. H. Rieke, Erick T. Young, DEGRANGE, B. See TAKAHASHI, T., et al. Complex Spectral Variability from Angela S. Cotera, H. Chen, Marcia J. Rieke, Glenn Schneider, & Rodger I. Intensive Multiwavelength Monitoring of Markarian 421 in 1998. Thompson. 540, 1016 (2000) DEKEL, AVISHAI. Measuring the Nonlinear Biasing Function from a Galaxy Couch, WARRICK J. The Evolution of the Galactic Morphological Types in Redshift Survey. Yair Sigad, Enzo Branchini, & Avishai Dekel. 540, 62 Clusters. Giovanni Fasano, Bianca M. Poggianti, Warrick J. Couch, (2000) Daniela Bettoni, Per Kjaergaard, & Mariano Moles. 542, 673 (2000) DEL BurGO, C. High-Ionization Clouds in the Circumnuclear Region of M31. CourBIN, F. See SAHu, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart and C. del Burgo, E. Mediavilla, & S. Arribas. 540, 741 (2000) Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. DeLuca, E. E. The Topology and Evolution of the Bastille Day Flare. Cox, ARTHUR N. Driving the Gravity-Mode Pulsations in - Doradus Variables. G. Aulanier, E. E. DeLuca, S. K. Antiochos, R. A.M cMullen, & L. Golub. Joyce A. Guzik, Anthony B. Kaye, Paul A. Bradley, Arthur N. Cox, & 540, 1126 (2000) Corinne Neuforge. 542, LS7 (2000) Determination of Flare Heating and Cooling Using the Transition Region CRAWFORD, F. Discovery of Two High Magnetic Field Radio Pulsars. and Coronal Explorer. S. K. Antiochos, E. E. DeLuca, L. Golub, & R. A. F. Camilo, V. M. Kaspi, A. G. Lyne, R. N. Manchester, J. F. Bell, McMullen. 542, L151 (2000) N. D’Amico, N. P. F. McKay, & F- Crawford. 541, 367 (2000) De Marcui, Guipo. Very Large Telescope Observations of the Peculiar CRESITELLO-DITTMAR, M. See CHARTAS, G., et al. The Chandra X-Ray Globular Cluster NGC 6712: Discovery of a UV, Ha-Excess Star in the Observatory Resolves the X-Ray Morphology and Spectra of a Jet in Core. Francesco R. Ferraro, Barbara Paltrinieri, Francesco Paresce, & PKS 0637-752. Guido De Marchi. 542, L29 (2000) Crook, B. See ALcock, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the DenG, J. S. Spectrum Analysis of the Type Ib Supernova 1999dn: Probable MACHO Project. Identifications of C 11 and Ha. J. S. Deng, Y. L. Qiu, J. Y. Hu, K. Hatano, CroucH, A. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the & D. Branch. 540, 452 (2000) MACHO Project. Den Hartoc, E. A. Experimental and Theoretical Radiative Lifetimes, CsaBal, ISTVAN. See YANNY, BRIAN, et al. Identification of A-colored Stars Branching Fractions, and Oscillator Strengths for Lu | and Experimental and Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from Sloan Digital Sky Lifetimes for Lu 11 and Lu mi. J. A. Fedchak, E. A. Den Hartog, J. E. Survey Commissioning Data. Lawler, P. Palmeri, P. Quinet, & E. Biémont. 542, 1109 (2000) Cui, W. See Cuartas, G., et al. The Chandra X-Ray Observatory Resolves DENKER, CARSTEN. High-Cadence Observations of an Impulsive Flare. Haimin the X-Ray Morphology and Spectra of a Jet in PKS 0637—752. Wang, Jiong Qiu, Carsten Denker, Tom Spirock, Hangjun Chen, & Curry, CHARLES L. Embedded, Self-gravitating Equilibria in Sheetlike and Philip R. Goode. 542, 1080 (2000) Filamentary Molecular Clouds. Charles L. Curry. 541, 831 (2000) DE OLIVEIRA-CosTA, ANGELICA. See TEGMARK, MAX, et al. Cosmic Microwave Curtis, L. J. Lifetime Measurements in Sn ul. R. M. Schectman, S. Cheng, L. J. Background Maps from the HACME Experiment. Curtis, S. R. Federman, M. C. Fritts, & R. E. Irving. 542, 400 (2000) Galactic Contamination in the QMAP Experiment. Angelica de Oliveira- CUSUMANO, GIANCARLO. X-Ray Timing of the 34 Millisecond Binary Pulsar Costa, Max Tegmark, Mark J. Devlin, L. M. Haffner, Tom Herbig, SAX J0635+0533. Philip Kaaret, Giancarlo Cusumano, & Bruno Sacco. Amber D. Miller, Lyman A. Page, Ron J. Reynolds, & S. L. Tufte. 542, LS 542, L41 (2000) (2000) CZERNY, B. Radiation Pressure Instability as a Variability Mechanism in the De Pree, C. G. Ultracompact H 11 Regions in W49N at 500 AU Scales: Shells, Microquasar GRS 1915+105. A. Janiuk, B. Czerny, & A. Siemiginowska. Winds, and the Water Maser Source. C. G. De Pree, D. J. Wilner, W. M 542, L33 (2000) Goss, W. J. Welch, & E. McGrath. 540, 308 (2000) CZERNY, BOZENA. What Do the Ultraviolet Spectra of Narrow-Line Seyfert | De Rosa, A. See Petrucci, P. O., et al. Testing Comptonizing Coronae on a Galaxies Tell Us about Their Broad-Line Regions? Joanna Kuraszkiewicz, Long BeppoSAX Observation of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 5548. Belinda J. Wilkes, Bozena Czerny, & Smita Mathur. 542, 692 (2000) Desal, VANDANA. The Effects of Superoutbursts on TOADs. Paula Szkody, DaLaL, N. See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results Vandana Desai, Todd Burdullis, D. W. Hoard, Robert Fried, Peter from 5.7 Years of Large Magellanic Cloud Observations. Garnavich, & Boris Gdansicke. 540, 983 (2000) Viil Deutsch— Falcke DeuTSCH, LYNNE K. See SMITH, NATHAN, et al. Thermal Infrared Imaging of Bicknell, Ralph S. Sutherland, Wil J. M. van Breugel, Michael A. Dopita, Ultracompact H 11 Regions in W49A. Arjun Dey, & George K. Miley. 540, 678 (2000) Mid-Infrared Imaging of the Massive Young Star AFGL 2591: Probing the DRAKE, A. See ALcock, C., et al. The MACHO Project Large Circumstellar Environment of an Outflow Source. Massimo Marengo, Magellanic Cloud Variable-Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of Ray Jayawardhana, Giovanni G. Fazio, William F- Hoffmann, Joseph L. the First-Overtone RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial Hora, Aditya Dayal, & Lynne K. Deutsch. 541, L63 (2000) Pulsations. Devine, Davip. Hubble Space Telescope Planetary Camera Imaging of HH 29. Drake, A. J. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the David Devine, John Bally, Bo Reipurth, John Stocke, & Jon Morse. 540, MACHO Project. L57 (2000) See ALCocK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Optical Depth A Lya Bright Jet from a Herbig Ae Star. David Devine, C. A. Grady, toward the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis. R. A. Kimble, B. Woodgate, F. C. Bruhweiler, A. Boggess, J. L. Linsky, & See ALcock, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results from M. Clampin. 542, L115 (2000) 5.7 Years of Large Magellanic Cloud Observations. DEVLIN, MARK J. See DE OLIVEIRA-COSTA, ANGELICA, et al. Galactic DRAKE, JEREMY J. Extreme-Ultraviolet Flare Activity in Late-Type Stars. Contamination in the QMAP Experiment. Marc Audard, Manuel Giidel, Jeremy J. Drake, & Vinay L. Kashyap. 541, DEWDNEY, PETER E. A New View of Cold H 1 Clouds in the Milky Way. 396 (2000) Steven J. Gibson, A. Russell Taylor, Lloyd A. Higgs, & Peter E. Dewdney. DuLey, W. W. Normal Coordinate Analysis and Vibrational Spectra of 540, 851 (2000) Aromatic Carbon Nanostructures. S. S. Seahra & W. W. Duley. 542, 898 Dey, ARJUN. Jet-induced Emission-Line Nebulosity and Star Formation in the (2000) High-Redshift Radio Galaxy 4C 41.17. Geoffrey V. Bicknell, Ralph S. Duntop, J. S. An Excess of Submillimeter Sources near 4C 41.17: A Sutherland, Wil J. M. van Breugel, Michael A. Dopita, Arjun Dey, & Candidate Protocluster at z = 3.8? R. J. Ivison, J. S. Dunlop, lan Smail, George K. Miley. 540, 678 (2000) Arjun Dey, Michael C. Liu, & J. R. Graham. 542, 27 (2000) An Excess of Submillimeter Sources near 4C 41.17: A Candidate DURISEN, RICHARD H. Protostellar Disk Instabilities and the Formation of Substellar Companions. Brian K. Pickett, Richard H. Durisen, Patrick Protocluster at z = 3.8? R. J. Ivison, J. S. Dunlop, lan Smail, Arjun Dey, Michael C. Liu, & J. R. Graham. 542, 27 (2000) Cassen, & Annie C. Mejia. 540, L95 (2000) DWARKADAS, VIKRAM V._ Interaction of Type Ia Supernovae with Their Duawan, V. Small-Scale Structure in Galactic H 1 Absorption toward Surroundings. II. The Exponential Profile in Two Dimensions. Vikram V. GRS 1915+105. V. Dhawan, W. M. Goss, & L. F: Rodriguez. 540, 863 Dwarkadas. 541, 418 (2000) (2000) Dwek, ELI. Soft X-Ray Scattering and Halos from Dust: Erratum. Randall K. DickeL, J. R. Radio Properties of the Supernova Remnant N157B. J. S. Smith & Eli Dwek. 541, 512 (2000) (Orig. paper in 503, 831 (1998)) Lazendic, J. R. Dickel, R. F- Haynes, P. A. Jones, & G. L. White. 540, 808 (2000) Epmunps, M. G. On the Cosmic Origins of Carbon and Nitrogen. R. B. C. G328.4+0.2: A Large and Luminous Crab-like Supernova Remnant. B. M. Henry, M. G. Edmunds, & J. Képpen. 541, 660 (2000) Gaensler, J. R. Dickel, & A. J. Green. 542, 380 (2000) Epwarbs, D. P. Spectral Lines for Polarization Measurements of the Coronal Dickens, J. E. A Study of the Physics and Chemistry of L134N. J. E. Dickens, Magnetic Field. III. Atomic Data for Si Ix. Tomas Brage, Philip G. Judge, W. M. Irvine, R. L. Snell, E. A. Bergin, F- P. Schloerb, P. Pratap, & M. P. Per Jénsson, & D. P. Edwards. 540, 1114 (2000) Miralles. 542, 870 (2000) Euias, N. M., II. ¢ Orionis A Is a Double Star. C. A. Hummel, N. M. White, D1 MARCANTONIO, PAOLO. UVES Observations of QSO 0000—2620: Oxygen N. M. Elias II, A. R. Hajian, & T. E. Nordgren. 540, L91 (2000) and Zinc Abundances in the Damped Lya Galaxy at zaps = 3.3901. Paolo ELLISON, DONALD C. Nonlinear Shock Acceleration and Photon Emission Molaro, Piercarlo Bonifacio, Miriam Centurion, Sandro D’Qdorico, in Supernova Remnants. Donald C. Ellison, Evgeny G. Berezhko, & Giovanni Vladilo, Paolo Santin, & Paolo Di Marcantonio. 541, 54 (2000) Matthew G. Baring. 540, 292 (2000) Di MatTEO, TIZIANA. Synchrotron Emission from Hot Accretion Flows and the ELMEGREEN, BRUCE C. A Pressure Anomaly for H 1 Regions in Irregular Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy. Rosalba Perna & Tiziana Di Galaxies. Bruce C. Elmegreen & Deidre A. Hunter. 540, 814 (2000) Matteo. 542, 68 (2000) Etvis, M. See ScHwartz, D. A., et al. Chandra Discovery of a 100 Kiloparsec Dinc, L. K. See AMENOMORI, M., et al. A Study of the Shadowing of Galactic X-Ray Jet in PKS 0637—752. Cosmic Rays by the Sun in a Quiet Phase of Solar Activity with the Tibet EmsLigE, A. GORDON. Ha Polarization during a Well-observed Solar Flare: Air Shower Array. Proton Energetics and Implications for Particle Acceleration Processes. Di Satvo, T. The Broadband Spectrum of MXB 1728—34 Observed by A. Gordon Emslie, James A. Miller, Etienne Vogt, Jean-Claude Henoux, BeppoSAX. T. Di Salvo, R. laria, L. Burderi, & N. R. Robba. 542, 1034 & Sylvie Sahal-Brechot. 542, 513 (2000) (2000) ENGLAND, MartTIN N. Gaseous Vortices in Barred Spiral Galaxies. Martin N. Di STEFANO, ROSANNE. On the Nature and Location of the Microlenses. England, J. H. Hunter, Jr, & G. Contopoulos. 540, 154 (2000) Rosanne Di Stefano. 541, 587 (2000) EraAcLeous, M. Search for the Identification of 3EG J1835+5918: Evidence D’Oporico, SANDRO. UVES Observations of QSO 0000—2620: Oxygen and for a New Type of High-Energy Gamma-Ray Source. N. Mirabal, J. P. Zine Abundances in the Damped Lya Galaxy at zaps; = 3.3901. Paolo Halpern, M. Eracleous, & R. H. Becker. 541, 180 (2000) Molaro, Piercarlo Bonifacio, Miriam Centurién, Sandro D’Odorico, ERACLEOUS, MICHAEL. Double-peaked Broad Emission Lines in NGC 4450 and Giovanni Vladilo, Paolo Santin, & Paolo Di Marcantonio. 541, 54 (2000) Other LINERs. Luis C. Ho, Greg Rudnick, Hans-Walter Rix, Joseph C. Dol, MAMoRU. See YANNY, BRIAN, et al. Identification of A-colored Stars and Shields, Daniel H. McIntosh, Alexei V. Filippenko, Wallace L. W. Sargent, Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from Sloan Digital Sky Survey & Michael Eracleous. 541, 120 (2000) Commissioning Data. Evans, N. Wyn. Dynamical Mass Estimates for the Halo of M31 from Keck DOLPHIN, ANDREW E. See KARACHENTSEV, IGorR D., et al. Hubble Space Spectroscopy. N. Wyn Evans, Mark I. Wilkinson, Puragra Guhathakurta, Telescope Photometry of the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy ESO 410—G005. Eva K. Grebel, & Steven S. Vogt. 540, L9 (2000) DOMINGUE, DONOVAN L. Mapping Infrared Enhancements in Closely Exaruos, G. An Estimation of the Shape and Location of the Heliospheric Interacting Spiral-Spiral Pairs. I. /SO CAM and JSO SWS Observations. Termination Shock. G. Exarhos & X. Moussas. 542, 1075 (2000) Cong Xu, Yu Gao, Joseph Mazzarella, Nanyao Lu, Jack W. Sulentic, & FABRICANT, DANIEL. Hubble Space Telescope Photometry and Keck Donovan L. Domingue. 541, 644 (2000) Spectroscopy of the Rich Cluster MS 1054—03: Morphologies, Dominik, M. See SAH, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart and Butcher-Oemler Effect, and the Color-Magnitude Relation at z = 0.83. Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. Pieter G. van Dokkum, Marijn Franx, Daniel Fabricant, Garth D. DONNELLY, R. H. See MARKEVITCH, M., et al. Chandra Observation of Illingworth, & Daniel D. Kelson. 541, 95 (2000) Abell 2142: Survival of Dense Subcluster Cores in a Merger. FABRICANT, DANIEL G. Ultraviolet Excess Galaxies: Wolf-Rayet Galaxies. Dopita, M. A. A Theoretical Recalibration of the Extragalactic H 11 Region Warren R. Brown, Scott J. Kenyon, Margaret J. Geller, & Daniel G. Sequence. M. A. Dopita, L. J. Kewley, C. A. Heisler, & R. S. Sutherland. Fabricant. 540, L83 (2000) 542, 224 (2000) FALCKE, HEINO. Radio Sources in Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Dopita, MICHAEL A. Jet-induced Emission-Line Nebulosity and Star VLA Detections of Compact, Flat-Spectrum Cores. Neil M. Nagar, Heino Formation in the High-Redshift Radio Galaxy 4C 41.17. Geoffrey V. Falcke, Andrew S. Wilson, & Luis C. Ho. 542, 186 (2000) Falcke— Fragile ix Radio Sources in Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Very Long FEUCHTINGER, MICHAEL. RR Lyrae: Theory versus Observation. Zoltdn Baseline Interferometry Detections of Compact Radio Cores and Jets in a Kollath, J. Robert Buchler, & Michael Feuchtinger. 540, 468 (2000) Sample of LINERs. Heino Falcke, Neil M. Nagar, Andrew S. Wilson, & FIELDS, BRIAN D. Testing Spallation Processes with Beryllium and Boron. James S. Ulvestad. 542, 197 (2000) Brian D. Fields, Keith A. Olive, Elisabeth Vangioni-Flam, & Michel Fatco, E. E. See KEETON, C. R., et al. The Host Galaxy of the Lensed Quasar Casse. 540, 930 (2000) Q0957+561. FIGER, DONALD F. See Tepuitz, Harry I., et al. Measurement of [O 11] FALOMO, RENATO. The Hubble Space Telescope Survey of BL Lacertae Emission in Lyman-Break Galaxies. Objects. III. Morphological Properties of Low-Redshift Host Galaxies. FIGUEIREDO, NEWTON. See TEGMARK, MAX, et al. Cosmic Microwave Renato Falomo, Riccardo Scarpa, Aldo Treves, & C. Megan Urry. 542, Background Maps from the HACME Experiment. 731 (2000) FILIPPENKO, ALEXEI V. The Frequency of Polarized Broad Emission Lines in Fan, Y. The Three-dimensional Evolution of Rising, Twisted Magnetic Flux Type 2 Seyfert Galaxies. Edward C. Moran, Aaron J. Barth, Laura E Tubes in a Gravitationally Stratified Model Convection Zone. W. P. Kay, & Alexei V. Filippenko. 540, L73 (2000) Abbett, G. H. Fisher, & Y. Fan. 540, 548 (2000) Double-peaked Broad Emission Lines in NGC 4450 and Other LINERs. The Three-dimensional Evolution of Rising, Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes Luis C. Ho, Greg Rudnick, Hans-Walter Rix, Joseph C. Shields, Daniel H. in a Gravitationally Stratified Model Convection Zone: Erratum. W. P. McIntosh, Alexei V. Filippenko, Wallace L. W. Sargent, & Michael Abbett, G. H. Fisher, & Y. Fan. 542, 1119 (2000) (Orig. paper in 540, 548 Eracleous. 541, 120 (2000) (2000)) See MICHAEL, ELI, et al. Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy of Spot | on FASANO, GIOVANNI. The Evolution of the Galactic Morphological Types in the Circumstellar Ring of SN 1987A. Clusters. Giovanni Fasano, Bianca M. Poggianti, Warrick J. Couch, FINGER, MARK H. Detailed Analysis of the Pulsations during and after Bursts Daniela Bettoni, Per Kjaergaard, & Mariano Moles. 542, 673 (2000) from the Bursting Pulsar (GRO J1744—28). Peter M. Woods, Chryssa Fazio, GIOVANNi. See SMITH, NATHAN, et al. Thermal Infrared Imaging of Kouveliotou, Jan van Paradijs, Thomas M. Koshut, Mark H. Finger, Ultracompact H 11 Regions in W49A. Michael S. Briggs, Gerald J. Fishman, & W. H. G. Lewin. 540, 1062 Fazio, GIOVANNI G. Mid-Infrared Imaging of the Massive Young Star (2000) AFGL 2591: Probing the Circumstellar Environment of an Outflow FISHER, G. H. The Three-dimensional Evolution of Rising, Twisted Magnetic Source. Massimo Marengo, Ray Jayawardhana, Giovanni G. Fazio, Flux Tubes in a Gravitationally Stratified Model Convection Zone. W. P. William F: Hoffmann, Joseph L. Hora, Aditya Dayal, & Lynne K. Deutsch. Abbett, G. H. Fisher, & Y. Fan. 540, 548 (2000) 541, L63 (2000) The Three-dimensional Evolution of Rising, Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes FEDCHAK, J. A. Experimental and Theoretical Radiative Lifetimes, Branching in a Gravitationally Stratified Model Convection Zone: Erratum. W. P. Fractions, and Oscillator Strengths for Lu 1 and Experimental Lifetimes Abbett, G. H. Fisher, & Y. Fan. 542, 1119 (2000) (Orig. paper in 540, 548 for Lu 1 and Lu ui. J. A. Fedchak, E. A. Den Hartog, J. E. Lawler, (2000)) P. Palmeri, P. Quinet, & E. Biémont. 542, 1109 (2000) FISHMAN, GERALD J. Detailed Analysis of the Pulsations during and after Bursts from the Bursting Pulsar (GRO J1744—28). Peter M. Woods, FEDERMAN, S. R. Lifetime Measurements in Sn 11. R. M. Schectman, S. Cheng, Chryssa Kouveliotou, Jan van Paradijs, Thomas M. Koshut, Mark H. L. J. Curtis, S. R. Federman, M. C. Fritts, & R. E. Irving. 542, 400 (2000) Finger, Michael S. Briggs, Gerald J. Fishman, & W. H. G. Lewin. 540, FEGLEY, B., JR. Molecular Abundances in the Atmosphere of the T Dwarf 1062 (2000) Gl 229B. D. Saumon, T. R. Geballe, S. K. Leggett, M. S. Marley, R. S. FIuME, D. DAL. See FRONTERA, F., et al. Prompt and Afterglow Emission from Freedman, K. Lodders, B. Fegley, Jr., & S. K. Sengupta. 541, 374 (2000) the X-Ray—Rich GRB 981226 Observed with BeppoSAX. FEIBELMAN, WALTER A. The JUE and Hubble Space Telescope GHRS FLETCHER, S. See AKERLOF, C., et al. Rapid Optical Follow-up Observations Spectrum of the “Hybrid’/PG 1159-Type Central Star of the Planetary of SGR Events with ROTSE-I. Nebula NGC 7094. Walter A. Feibelman. 542, 957 (2000) FOMALONT, EDWARD B. Measurement of the Parallax of PSR B0950+08 Using FEIGELSON, E. D. See ScHwartz, D. A., et al. Chandra Discovery of a 100 the VLBA. Walter F- Brisken, John M. Benson, A. J. Beasley, Edward B Kiloparsec X-Ray Jet in PKS 0637—752. Fomalont, W. M. Goss, & S. E. Thorsett. 541, 959 (2000) See HORNSCHEMEIER, A. E., et al. X-Ray Sources in the Hubble Deep Field ForRBES, TERRY G. Simulations of Three-dimensional Reconnection in the Detected by Chandra. Solar Corona. Joachim Birn, John T. Gosling, Michael Hesse, Terry G. FEKEL, FRANCIS C. Two K Giants with Supermeteoritic Lithium Abundances: Forbes, & Eric R. Priest. 541, 1078 (2000) HDE 233517 and HD 9746. Suchitra C. Balachandran, Francis C. Fekel, Forp, E. C. Phase Lag Variability Associated with the 05-10 Hz Gregory W. Henry, & Han Uitenbroek. 542, 978 (2000) Quasi-periodic Oscillations in GRS 1915+105. P. Reig, T: Belloni, M. van FELDMAN, PAUL D. On the Correlation between CO Absorption and der Klis, M. Méndez, N. D. Kylafis, & E. C. Ford. 541, 883 (2000) Far-Ultraviolet Nonlinear Extinction toward Galactic OB Stars. Eric B. Forp, Eric C. Relations between Timing Features and Colors in the X-Ray Burgh, Stephan R. McCandliss, B-G Andersson, & Paul D. Feldman. 541, Binary 4U 0614+09. Steve van Straaten, Eric C. Ford, Michiel van der 250 (2000) Klis, Mariano Mendez, & Philip Kaaret. 540, 1049 (2000) FENDER, R. P. Orbital Dynamics of Cygnus X-3. M. M. Hanson, M. D. Still, & FORMAN, W. R. See MARKEVITCH, M., et al. Chandra Observation of R. P. Fender. 541, 308 (2000) Abell 2142: Survival of Dense Subcluster Cores in a Merger. FENG, Z. Y. See AMENOMORI, M., et al. A Study of the Shadowing of Galactic Fossati, G. X-Ray Emission of Markarian 421: New Clues from Its Spectral Cosmic Rays by the Sun in a Quiet Phase of Solar Activity with the Tibet Evolution. I. Temporal Analysis. G. Fossati, A. Celotti, M. Chiaberge, Air Shower Array. Y. H. Zhang, L. Chiappetti, G. Ghisellini, L. Maraschi, F- Tavecchio, FERGUSON, HENRY C. Ultraviolet Galaxy Counts from Space Telescope Imag- E. Pian, & A. Treves. 541, 153 (2000) ing Spectrograph Observations of the Hubble Deep Fields. Jonathan P. X-Ray Emission of Markarian 421: New Clues from Its Spectral Evolution. Gardner, Thomas M. Brown, & Henry C. Ferguson. 542, L79 (2000) II. Spectral Analysis and Physical Constraints. G. Fossati, A. Celotti, FERLAND, GARY. Observational Constraints on the Internal Velocity Field M. Chiaberge, Y. H. Zhang, L. Chiappetti, G. Ghisellini, L. Maraschi, of Quasar Emission-Line Clouds. Mark Bottorff, Gary Ferland, Jack F. Tavecchio, E. Pian, & A. Treves. 541, 166 (2000) Baldwin, & Kirk Korista. 542, 644 (2000) See TAKAHASHI, T., et al. Complex Spectral Variability from Intensive Feroci, M. See FRONTERA, F., et al. Prompt and Afterglow Emission from the Multiwavelength Monitoring of Markarian 421 in 1998. X-Ray-Rich GRB 981226 Observed with BeppoSAX. FOWLER, A. See BurToN, M. G., et al. High-Resolution Imaging of FERRARO, FRANCESCO R. Very Large Telescope Observations of the Peculiar Photodissociation Regions in NGC 6334. Globular Cluster NGC 6712: Discovery of a UV, Ha-Excess Star in the Fox, DEREK W. Nearly Coherent Oscillations in Type | X-Ray Bursts from Core. Francesco R. Ferraro, Barbara Paltrinieri, Francesco Paresce, & KS 1731—260. Michael P. Muno, Derek W. Fox, Edward H. Morgan, & Guido De Marchi. 542, L29 (2000) Lars Bildsten. 542, 1016 (2000) FERRERAS, IGNACIO. How Young are Early-Type Cluster Galaxies? Quantifying FRAGILE, P.C. See ALcock, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the the Young Stellar Component in a Rich Cluster at z = 0.41. /gnacio MACHO Project. Ferreras & Joseph Silk. 541, L37 (2000) FRAGILE, P. Curis. Reconstruction of Stellar Orbits Close to Sagittarius A*: FESEN, ROBERT A. An Ultraviolet Fe 11 Image of SN 1885 in M31. Andrew J. S. Possibilities for Testing General Relativity. P. Chris Fragile & Grant J. Hamilton & RobertA . Fesen. 542, 779 (2000) Mathews. 542, 328 (2000) X Frail— Geha FRAIL, D. A. See FRONTERA, F., et al. Prompt and Afterglow Emission from M. I. Andersen, B. Thomsen, J. Hjorth, G. Bjdrnsson, A. O. Jaunsen, the X-Ray—Rich GRB 981226 Observed with BeppoSAX. P. Natarajan, & N. Tanvir. 542, L89 (2000) See GALAMA, T. J., et al. The Bright Gamma-Ray Burst 991208: Tight GANSICKE, Boris. The Effects of Superoutbursts on TOADs. Paula Szkody, Constraints on Afterglow Models from Observations of the Early-Time Vandana Desai, Todd Burdullis, D. W. Hoard, Robert Fried, Peter Radio Evolution. Garnavich, & Boris Gdnsicke. 540, 983 (2000) FRANCO, JOSE. The Density Structure of Highly Compact H 1 Regions. GAENSLER, B. M. G328.4+0.2: A Large and Luminous Crab-like Supernova José Franco, Stan Kurtz, Peter Hofner, Leonardo Testi, Guillermo Remnant. B. M. Gaensler, J. R. Dickel, & A. J. Green. 542, 380 (2000) Garcia-Segura, & Marco Martos. 542, L143 (2000) Detection of a Compact X-Ray Source in the Supernova Remnant FRANK, A. The Propagation of Magnetocentrifugally Launched Jets. I. G29.6+0.1: A Variable Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar? G. Vasisht, E. V. A. Frank, Thibaut Lery, T. A. Gardiner, T. W. Jones, & D. Ryu. 540, 342 Gotthelf, K. Torii, & B. M. Gaensler. 542, L49 (2000) (2000) GaieR, Topp. See TEGMARK, MAX, et al. Cosmic Microwave Background FRANSSON, CLAES. See MICHAEL, ELI, et al. Hubble Space Telescope Maps from the HACME Experiment. Spectroscopy of Spot 1 on the Circumstellar Ring of SN 1987A. Gaama, T. See SAHU, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart and FRrANTTI, TAPIO. Fuzzy Classifier for Star-Galaxy Separation. Petri Mahdénen Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. & Tapio Frantti. 541, 261 (2000) GaLama, T. J. The Bright Gamma-Ray Burst 991208: Tight Constraints on FRANX, MARUN. Hubble Space Telescope Photometry and Keck Spectroscopy Afterglow Models from Observations of the Early-Time Radio Evolution. of the Rich Cluster MS 1054—03: Morphologies, Butcher-Oemler Effect, and the Color-Magnitude Relation at z = 0.83. Pieter G. van Dokkum, T. J. Galama, M. Bremer, F. Bertoldi, K. M. Menten, U. Lisenfeld, D. S. Shepherd, B. Mason, F- Walter, G. G. Pooley, D. A. Frail, R. Sari, S. R. Marijn Franx, Daniel Fabricant, Garth D. Illingworth, & Daniel D. Kulkarni, E. Berger, J. S. Bloom, A. J. Castro-Tirado, & J. Granot. 541, Kelson. 541, 95 (2000) L45 (2000) FRAYER, D. T. The Distribution of HCO* J = 4-3 and HCN J = 4-3 in the GALLANT, Y. A. Particle Acceleration at Ultrarelativistic Shocks: An Nuclear Region of M82. E. R. Seaquist & D. T. Frayer. 540, 765 (2000) FREEDMAN, R. S. Molecular Abundances in the Atmosphere of the T Dwarf Eigenfunction Method. J. G. Kirk, A. W. Guthmann, Y. A. Gallant, & Gl 229B. D. Saumon, T. R. Geballe, S. K. Leggett, M. S. Marley, R. S. A. Achterberg. 542, 235 (2000) Freedman, K. Lodders, B. Fegley, Jr., & S. K. Sengupta. 541, 374 (2000) GaAL-YAM, A. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the FREEMAN, K. See ALcock, C., et al. The MACHO Project Large MACHO Project. Magellanic Cloud Variable-Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of Gao, Yu. Mapping Infrared Enhancements in Closely Interacting Spiral-Spiral the First-Overtone RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial Pairs. I. ISO CAM and JSO SWS Observations. Cong Xu, Yu Gao, Joseph Pulsations. Mazzarella, Nanyao Lu, Jack W. Sulentic, & Donovan L. Domingue. 541, FREEMAN, K.C. See ALcock, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the 644 (2000) MACHO Project. CO in Stephan’s Quintet: First Evidence of Molecular Gas in the Intragroup See ALCock, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Optical Depth Starburst. Yu Gao & Cong Xu. 542, L83 (2000) toward the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis. GarCiA-SEGURA, GUILLERMO. The Density Structure of Highly Compact See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results from H 1! Regions. José Franco, Stan Kurtz, Peter Hofner, Leonardo Testi, 5.7 Years of Large Magellanic Cloud Observations. Guillermo Garcta-Segura, & Marco Martos. 542, L143 (2000) FRENK, C. S. The Infrared Side of Galaxy Formation. I. The Local Universe GARDINER, T. A. The Propagation of Magnetocentrifugally Launched Jets. I. in the Semianalytical Framework. G. L. Granato, C. G. Lacey, L. Silva, A. Frank, Thibaut Lery, T. A. Gardiner, T. W. Jones, & D. Ryu. 540, 342 A. Bressan, C. M. Baugh, S. Cole, & C. S. Frenk. 542,710 (2000) (2000) FrieD, RoBERT. The Effects of Superoutbursts on TOADs. Paula Szkody, GarpDINI, A. Cluster Correlation in Mixed Models. A. Gardini, S. A. Vandana Desai, Todd Burdullis, D. W. Hoard, Robert Fried, Peter Bonometto, G. Murante, & G. Yepes. 542, 9 (2000) Garnavich, & Boris Gdnsicke. 540, 983 (2000) GARDNER, JONATHAN P. See PALUNAS, POVILAS, et al. Wide-Field Imaging of Fritts, M. C. Lifetime Measurements in Sn i. R. M. Schectman, S. Cheng, the Hubble Deep Field-South Region. I. Quasar Candidates. L. J. Curtis, S. R. Federman, M. C. Fritts, & R. E. Irving. 542, 400 (2000) Ultraviolet Galaxy Counts from Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph FRONTERA, F. See SAnu, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart Observations of the Hubble Deep Fields. Jonathan P. Gardner, Thomas M. and Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. Brown, & Henry C. Ferguson. 542, L79 (2000) Prompt and Afterglow Emission from the X-Ray-Rich GRB 981226 GarmirE, G. P. See HORNSCHEMEIER, A. E., et al. X-Ray Sources in the Observed with BeppoSAX. F- Frontera, L. A. Antonelli, L. Amati, Hubble Deep Field Detected by Chandra. E. Montanari, E. Costa, D. Dal Fiume, P. Giommi, M. Feroci, G. Gennaro, GARNAVICH, PETER. The Effects of Superoutbursts on TOADs. Paula Szkody, J. Heise, N. Masetti, J. M. Muller, L. Nicastro, M. Orlandini, E. Palazzi, Vandana Desai, Todd Burdullis, D. W. Hoard, Robert Fried, Peter E. Pian, L. Piro, P. Soffitta, M. Stornelli, J. J. M. in ’t Zand, D. A. Frail, Garnavich, & Boris Gdnsicke. 540, 983 (2000) S. R. Kulkarni, & M. Vietri. 540, 697 (2000) See MICHAEL, ELI, et al. Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy of Spot 1 on FRYER, CHRIS L. Core-Collapse Simulations of Rotating Stars. Chris L. Fryer the Circumstellar Ring of SN 1987A. & Alexander Heger. 541, 1033 (2000) GARNAVICH, PETER M. Multicolor Observations of a Planetary Transit of Fu, Y. See AMENOMORI, M., et al. A Study of the Shadowing of Galactic HD 209458. Saurabh Jha, David Charbonneau, Peter M. Garnavich, Cosmic Rays by the Sun in a Quiet Phase of Solar Activity with the Tibet Denis J. Sullivan, Tiri Sullivan, Timothy M. Brown, & John L. Tonry. 540, Air Shower Array. L45 (2000) Fusil, Y. The Discovery of a Faint Glow of Scattered Sunlight from the Dust GaTLEY, I. See Burton, M. G., et al. High-Resolution Imaging of Trail of the Leonid Parent Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle. R. Nakamura, Photodissociation Regions in NGC 6334. Y. Fujii, M. Ishiguro, K. Morishige, S. Yokogawa, P. Jenniskens, & GAZOL, ADRIANA. Is Thermal Instability Significant in Turbulent Galactic T. Mukai. 540, 1172 (2000) Gas? Enrique Vazquez-Semadeni, Adriana Gazol, & John Scalo. 540, FUKUGITA, MASATAKA. See YANNY, BRIAN, et al. Identification of A-colored 271 (2000) Stars and Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from Sloan Digital Sky GEBALLE, T. R. Molecular Abundances in the Atmosphere of the T Dwarf Survey Commissioning Data. Gl 229B. D. Saumon, T. R. Geballe, S. K. Leggett, M. S. Marley, R. S. FURUSAWA, KYOKO. Simulation of the Collision of Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Freedman, K. Lodders, B. Fegley, Jr, & S. K. Sengupta. 541, 374 (2000) Quiet Solar Photosphere. Kyoko Furusawa & Jun-Ichi Sakai. 540, 1156 The Onset of Methane in L Dwarfs. Keith S. Noll, T. R. Geballe, S. K. (2000) Leggett, & Mark S. Marley. 541, L75 (2000) Furuya, Ray S. A Microjet: A Protostar’s Cry at Birth. Ray S. Furuya, GeEHA, M. See ALCOCK, C., et al. Binary Microlensing Events from the Yoshimi Kitamura, H. Alwyn Wootten, Mark J. Claussen, Masao Saito, MACHO Project. Kevin B. Marvel, & Ryohei Kawabe. 542, L135 (2000) See ALCOCK, C., et al. The MACHO Project: Microlensing Optical Depth Fynso, J. U. See SAnu, K. C., et al. Discovery of the Optical Counterpart and toward the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis. Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712. See ALcock, C., et al. The MACHO Project Large Magellanic Cloud Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Imaging of Variable-Star Inventory. IX. Frequency Analysis of the First-Overtone the Host Galaxy of GRB 980425/SN 1998bw. J. U. Fynbo, S. Holland, RR Lyrae Stars and the Indication for Nonradial Pulsations.

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