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1 2 The Astral Plane C., W. Leadbeater 2 The Astral Plane Books iRead http://booksiread.org http://apps.facebook.com/ireadit http://myspace.com/ireadit Author: C. W. Leadbeater ReleaseDate: April15, 2007[EBook#21080] Language: English ProducedbyBryanNess, SankarViswanathan, http://booksiread.org 3 and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net THEOSOPHICAL MANUALS. No. 5 ITS SCENERY, INHABITANTS AND PHENOMENA C. W. LEADBEATER London: Theosophical Publishing Society 7 Duke Street, Adelphi, W.C. BENARES:THEOSOPHICALPUBLISHINGSO- CIETY, MADRAS: -The Theosophist- OFFICE, AD- YAR. 1895 * * * * * 4 The Astral Plane PREFACE. -Few words are needed in sending this little book out into the world. It is the fifth of a series ofManualsdesignedtomeetthepublicdemand for a simple exposition of Theosophical teach- ings. Some have complained that our litera- ture is at once too abstruse, too technical, and too expensive for the ordinary reader, and it is our hope that the present series may succeed in supplying what is a very real want. Theos- ophy is not only for the learned; it is for all. Perhaps among those who in these little books catch their first glimpse of its teachings, there 5 6 The Astral Plane may be a few who will be led by them to pen- etrate more deeply into its philosophy, its sci- ence and its religion, facing its abstruser prob- lems with the student’s zeal and the neophyte’s ardour. But these Manuals are not written for the eager student, whom no initial difficulties can daunt; they are written for the busy men and women of the work-a-day world, and seek to make plain some of the great truths that ren- der life easier to bear and death easier to face. Written by servants of the Masters who are the Elder Brothers of our race, they can have no other object than to serve our fellow-men.- * * * * * CONTENTS. Introduction. Scenery.–TheSevenSubdivisions–Degreesof Materiality–Characteristics of Astral Vision–The Aura–The Etheric Double–Power of Magnifying Minute Objects–The ”Summerland”–Records of the Astral Light. Inhabitants.–I.Human. (1)-Living-:–TheAdept or Chela in Mayavirupa–The Psychically Devel- opedPerson–TheOrdinaryPersoninAstralBody– TheBlackMagician. (2)-Dead-:–TheNirmanakaya– TheChelaawaitingReincarnation–TheOrdinary Person after Death–The Shade–The Shell–The 7 8 The Astral Plane Vitalized Shell–The Suicide–The Victim of Sud- denDeath–TheVampire–TheWerewolf–TheBlack Magician after Death. II. Non-human:–The El- emental Essence–The Kamarupas of Animals– VariousClassesofNature-Spirits, commonlycalled Fairies–Kamadevas–Rupadevas–Arupadevas–The Devarajahs. III. Artificial:–Elementals formed Unconsciously–GuardianAngels–Elementalsformed Consciously–HumanArtificials–TheTrueOrigin of Spiritualism. Phenomena.–ChurchyardGhosts.–Apparitions oftheDying–HauntedLocalities–FamilyGhosts– Bell-ringing, Stone-throwing, etc.–Fairies–Communicating Entities–AstralResources–Clairvoyance–Prevision– Second-Sight–Astral Forces–Etheric Currents– EthericPressure–LatentEnergy–SympatheticVibration– Mantras–Disintegration–Materialization–WhyDark- nessisrequiredata-Seance—SpiritPhotographs– Reduplication–PrecipitationofLettersandPictures–

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