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ITHE ASSYRIAN DICTIONARY OF THE ORIENTAL INSTITUTE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO EDITORIAL BOARD IGNACE J. GELB, BENNO LANDSBERGER, A. LEO OPPENHEIM 1962 PUBLISHED BY THE ORIENTAL INSTITUTE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U.S.A. AND J. J. AUGUSTIN VERLAGSBUCHHANDLUNG, GLUCKSTADT, GERMANY oi.chicago.edu INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER: 0-918986-18-4 (SET: 0-918986-05-2) LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 56-58292 COPYRIGHT UNDER THE INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT UNION, 1962 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED by THE ORIENTAL INSTITUTE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Fifth Printing 2004 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COMPOSITION BY J. J. AUGUSTIN, GLUCKSTADT, GERMANY oi.chicago.edu THE ASSYRIAN DICTIONARY VOLUME 16 A. LEO OPPENHEIM, EDITOR-IN-CHARGE ERICA REINER, ASSOCIATE EDITOR WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF RIVKAH HARRIS, BURKHART KIENAST, AND RONALD F. G. SWEET ASSISTANTS TO THE EDITOR ELIZABETH BOWMAN AND MARIE-ANNE HONEYWELL oi.chicago.edu oi.chicago.edu Foreword Sections of the basic manuscript of this volume were prepared by Rivkah Harris, Burk- hart Kienast and Ronald F. G. Sweet. Thanks are due to Professor W. G. Lambert, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, who has again suggested a number of improvements. The present volume owes very much to Dr. H. Hirsch, University of Vienna, whose careful reading of the manuscript and constructive criticisms are here gratefully acknowledged. A. LEO OPPENHEIM Chicago, Illinois, October 1, 1961 oi.chicago.edu oi.chicago.edu Provisional List of Bibliographical Abbreviations The following list of text editions, periodicals, standard publications, etc., is meant to supplement the list of abbreviations contained in von Soden's Grundriss der akkadischen Grammatik p. xviiif., as well as those offered by the Archiv fur Orientforschung and the Zeitschrift fir Assyriologie. This provisional list will be kept a jour in the subsequent volumes of the CAD until a complete list is published with all bibliographical information. The present list also contains the titles of the lexical series as prepared for publication by B. Lands- berger, or under his supervision, or in collaboration with him. A lexical series a A = ndqu Assur field numbers of tablets excavated A tablets in the collections of the at Assur Oriental Institute, University of A-tablet lexical text Chicago Augapfel J. Augapfel, BabylonischeRechts- Abel-Winckler L. Abel and H. Winckler, Keil- urkunden aus der Regierungs- schrifttexte zum Gebrauch bei zeit Artaxerxes I. und Darius II. Vorlesungen Bab. Babyloniaca Acta Or. Acta Orientalia Balkan Kassit. K. Balkan, Kassitenstudien e Actes du 8 Con- Actes du 8 e Congres International Stud. (= AOS 37) gres Interna- des Orientalistes, Section S6mi- Balkan Letter K. Balkan, Letter of King Anum- tional tique (B) Hirbi of Mama to King War- AGM Archiv fir Geschichte der Medizin shama of Kanish AHDO Archives d'Histoire du Droit Balkan K. Balkan, Observations on the Oriental Observations Chronological Problems of the AHw. W. von Soden, Akkadisches Karum Kanis Handworterbuch Barton RISA G. A. Barton, The Royal In- Ai. lexical series ki.KI.KAL.bi.se = scriptions of Sumer and Akkad ana ittisu, pub. MSL 1 Bauer Asb. Th. Bauer, Das Inschriftenwerk An lexical series An = Anum Assurbanipals Andrae W. Andrae, Die Festungswerke Belleten Tirk Tarih Kurumu, Belleten Festungswerke von Assur (= WVDOG 23) Bezold Cat. C. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cunei- Andrae W. Andrae, Die Stelenreihen in form Tablets in the Kouyunjik Stelenreihen Assur (= WVDOG 24) Collection of the British Mu- Angim epic Angim dimma, cited from seum MS. of A. Falkenstein Bezold L. W. King, Catalogue of the AnSt Anatolian Studies Cat. Supp. Cuneiform Tablets of the British Antagal lexical series antagal = saq Museum. Supplement AO tablets in the collections of the Bezold Glossar C. Bezold, Babylonisch-assyri- Musee du Louvre sches Glossar AOS American Oriental Series Bilgic Appel- E. Bilgig, Die einheimischen Ap- ARMT Archives Royales de Mari (texts lativa der kapp. pellativa der kappadokischen in transliteration and trans- Texte Texte ... lation) BM tablets in the collections of the Aro Glossar J. Aro, Glossar zu den mittel- British Museum babylonischen Briefen (= StOr Bohl F. M. T. Bohl, Akkadian Chres- 22) Chrestomathy tomathy Aro Gramm. J. Aro, Studien zur mittelbaby- Bohl Leiden F. M. T. Bohl, Mededeelingen uit lonischen Grammatik (= StOr Coll. de Leidsche Verzameling van 20) Spijkerschrift-Inscripties ArOr Archiv orientalni Boissier Choix A. Boissier, Choix de textes rela- ARU J. Kohler and A. Ungnad, Assy- tifs a la divination assyro-baby- rische Rechtsurkunden lonienne vii oi.chicago.edu ProvisionalL ist of BibliographicalA bbreviations Boissier DA A. Boissier, Documents assyriens Craig AAT J. A. Craig, Astrological-Astro- relatifs aux presages nomical Texts Bollenriicher J. Bollenricher, Gebete und Craig ABRT J. A. Craig, Assyrian and Baby- Nergal Hymnen an Nergal (= LSS 1/6) lonian Religious Texts BOR Babylonian and Oriental Record Cros Tello G. Cros, Mission fran9aise de Chal- Borger Esarh. R. Borger, Die Inschriften Asar- dee. Nouvelles fouilles de Tello haddons Konigs von Assyrien Deimel Fara A. Deimel, Die Inschriften von (= AfO Beiheft 9) Fara (= WVDOG 40, 43, 45) 3 Boson Tavolette G. Boson, Tavolette cuneiformi Delitzsch AL F. Delitzsch, Assyrische Lese- sumere ... stiicke. 3rd ed. Boudou Liste R. P. Boudou, Liste de noms geo- Delitzsch HWB F. Delitzsch, Assyrisches Hand- graphiques (= Or 36-38) worterbuch Boyer Contri- G. Boyer, Contribution a l'histoire Diri lexical series diri DIR siaku = bution juridique de la Ire dynastie ba- (w)atru bylonienne Dream-book A. L. Oppenheim, The Interpre- Brockelmann C. Brockelmann, Lexicon syria- tation of Dreams in the Ancient 2 Lex. Syr. cum, 2nd ed. Near East (= Transactions of the BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental American Philosophical Society, and African Studies (London) Vol. 46/3) CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the D. T. tablets in the collections of the Oriental Institute of the Univer- British Museum sity of Chicago Ea lexical series ea A = ndqu CBM tablets in the collections of the EA J. A. Knudtzon, Die El-Amarna- University Museum of the Uni- Tafeln (= VAB 2) versity of Pennsylvania, Phila- Eames Coll. A. L. Oppenheim, Catalogue of delphia the Cuneiform Tablets of the CBS tablets in the collections of the Wilberforce Eames Babylonian University Museum of the Uni- Collection in the New York versity of Pennsylvania, Phila- Public Library (= AOS 32) delphia Eames tablets in the Wilberforce Eames CH R. F. Harper, The Code of Ham- Collection Babylonian Collection in the murabi ... New York Public Library Chantre E. Chantre, Recherches arch6olo- Ebeling E. Ebeling, Die akkadische Ge- giques dans l'Asie occidentale. Handerhebung betsserie Su-ila "Handerhebung" Mission en Cappadoce 1893-94 (= VIO 20) Christian Festschrift fur Prof. Dr. Viktor Ebeling KMI E. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte medi- Festschrift Christian zinischen Inhalts (ig-Kizilyay- M. Qig, H. Kizilyay (Bozkurt), Ebeling Neu- E. Ebeling, Neubabylonische Kraus Nippur F. R. Kraus, Altbabylonische bab. Briefe Briefe Rechtsurkunden aus Nippur Ebeling Neu- E. Ebeling, Neubabylonische (ig-Kizilyay- M. Qig, H. Kizilyay, A. Salonen, bab. Briefe Briefe aus Uruk Salonen Puzris- Die Puzris-Dagan-Texte aus Uruk Dagan-Texte (= AASF B 92) Ebeling E. Ebeling, Parfiimrezepte und Clay PN A. T. Clay, Personal Names from Parfiimrez. kultische Texte aus Assur, Son- Cuneiform Inscriptions of the derdruck aus Orientalia 17-19 Cassite Period (= YOR 1) Ebeling E. Ebeling, Stiftungen und Vor- Coll. de Clercq H. F. X. de Clercq, Collection de Stiftungen schriften fur assyrische Tempel Clercq. Catalogue ... (= VIO 23) Combe Sin E. Combe, Histoire du culte Ebeling E. Ebeling, Bruchstiicke einer de Sin en Babylonie et en Wagenpferde mittelassyrischen Vorschriften- Assyrie sammlung fur die Akklimati- Contenau G. Contenau, Contribution a sierung und Trainierung von Contribution l'histoire economique d'Umma Wagenpferden (= VIO 7) Contenau G. Contenau, Umma sous la Dy- Edzard D. O. Edzard, Die "Zweite Umma nastie d'Ur Zwischenzeit Zwischenzeit" Babyloniens Corpus of an- E. Porada, Corpus of ancient Near Eilers Beamten- W. Eilers, Iranische Beamten- cient Near Eastern seals in North American namen namen in der keilschriftlichen Eastern seals collections tberlieferung (= Abhandlungen CRAI Acad6mie des Inscriptions et fiur die Kunde des Morgen- Belles-Lettres. Comptes rendus landes 25/5) viii oi.chicago.edu ProvisionalL ist of BibliographicalA bbreviations Eilers Gesell- W. Eilers, Gesellschaftsformen im Gilg. O. I. OB Gilg. fragment from Ishchali schaftsformen altbabylonischen Recht pub. by Th. Bauer in JNES 16 Emesal Voc. lexical series dimmer = dingir 254ff. = ilu, pub. MSL 4 3-44 Goetze LE A. Goetze, The Laws of Eshnunna Erimhus lexical series erimhus = anantu (= AASOR 31) Erimhus Bogh. Boghazkeui version of Erimhus Golenischeff V. S. Golenischeff, Vingt-quatre Eshnunna Code see Goetze LE tablettes cappadociennes ... Evetts Ev.-M. Evil-Merodach (texts pub. by Gordon C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Hand- B. T. A. Evetts) Handbook book (= AnOr 25) Evetts Lab. Laborosoarchod (texts pub. by Gordon Smith C. H. Gordon, Smith College B. T. A. Evetts) College Tablets ... (= Smith College Evetts Ner. Neriglissar (texts pub. by B. T. A. Studies in History, Vol. 38) Evetts) Gordon Sumer- E. I. Gordon, Sumerian Proverbs Explicit Malku synonym list malku = sarru, ex- ian Proverbs plicit version G6ssmann Era P. F. G6ssmann, Das Era-Epos Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Das Sumerische Grant Bus. Doc. E. Grant, Babylonian Business Das Sumerische (= Handbuch der Orientalistik, Documents of the Classical Erste Abteilung, Zweiter Band, Period Erster & Zweiter Abschnitt, Grant Smith E. Grant, Cuneiform Documents Lieferung I) College in the Smith College Library Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Die neusumeri- Gray Samas C. D. Gray, The Samas Religious Gerichts- schen Gerichtsurkunden Texts ... urkunden (= ABAW Phil.-hist. Klasse, Guest Notes E. Guest, Notes on Plants and N. F. 39-40 and 44) on Plants Plant Products with their Collo- Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Grammatik der quial Names in CIraq Grammatik Sprache Gudeas von Lagas Guest Notes E. Guest, Notes on Trees and (= AnOr 28 and 29) on Trees Shrubs for Lower Iraq Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Die Haupttypen Hallo Royal W. W. Hallo, Early Mesopota- Haupttypen der sumerischen Beschworung Titles mian Royal Titles (= AOS 43) (= LSS NF 1) Haupt P. Haupt, Das babylonische Figulla Cat. H. H. Figulla, Catalogue of the Nimrodepos Nimrodepos Babylonian Tablets in the Bri- Haverford E. Grant ed., The Haverford tish Museum Symposium Symposium on Archaeology and Finet L'Accadien A. Finet, L'Accadien des Lettres the Bible de Mari Herzfeld API E. Herzfeld, Altpersische In- Frankena R. Frankena, Takultu de sacrale schriften Takultu Maaltijd in het assyrische Ritueel Hewett Anni- D. D. Brand and F. E. Harvey Friedrich J. Friedrich, Die Hethitischen versary Vol. ed., So Live the Works of Men: Gesetze Gesetze (= Documenta et mo- seventieth anniversary volume numenta orientis antiqui 7) honoring Edgar Lee Hewett Friedrich J. Friedrich, HethitischesWorter- Hg. lexical series HAR.gud = imrz = Heth. Wb. buch ... ballu Gadd Early C. J. Gadd, The Early Dynasties HG J. Kohler et al., Hammurabi's Dynasties of Sumer and Akkad Gesetz Gadd Ideas C. J. Gadd, Ideas of Divine Rule Hh. lexical series HAR.ra = hubullu in the Ancient East (Hh. I-IV pub. Landsberger, Gautier Dilbat J. E. Gautier, Archives d'une MSL 5; Hh. V-VII pub. Lands- famille de Dilbat ... berger, MSL 6; Hh. VIII-XII Gelb OAIC I. J. Gelb, Old Akkadian Inscrip- pub. Landsberger, MSL 7; Hh. tions in Chicago Natural History XIII-XIV pub. Landsberger, Museum MSL 8; Hh. XXIII pub. Op- Genouillac H. de Genouillac, Premieres re- penheim-Hartman, JAOS Supp. Kich cherches archeologiques a Kich 1022-29) Genouillac H. de Genouillac, La trouvaille de Hilprecht H. V. Hilprecht, The Earliest Ver- Trouvaille Drehem Deluge Story sion of the Babylonian Deluge 17 Gesenius W. Gesenius, Hebraisches und Story and the Temple Library Aramijisches Handw6rterbuch, of Nippur 17th ed. Hinke Kudurru W. J. Hinke, Selected Babylonian Gilg. Gilgames epic, cited from Thomp- Kudurru Inscriptions, No. 5, son Gilg. p. 21-27 ix oi.chicago.edu Provisional List of BibliographicalA bbreviations Hirsch Unter- H. Hirsch, Untersuchungen zur JESHO Journal of Economic and Social suchungen altassyrischen Religion. (= AfO History of the Orient Beiheft 13/14) Jestin Suruppak R. Jestin, Tablettes sumeriennes Holma H. Holma, Kleine Beitrage zum de Suruppak ... K1. Beitr. assyrischen Lexikon Johns Dooms- C. H. W. Johns, An Assyrian Holma H. Holma, Die Namen der Kor- day Book Doomsday Book Korperteile perteile im Assyrisch-Babyloni- K. tablets in the Kouyunjik collec- schen tion of the British Museum Holma Quttulu H. Holma, Die assyrisch-babylo- Kagal lexical series k agal = abullu nischen Personennamen der Kent Old R. G. Kent, Old Persian ... Form Quttulu ... Persian (= AOS 33) Holma Weitere H. Holma, Weitere Beitrage zum Ker Porter R. Ker Porter, Travels in Georgia, Beitr. assyrischen Lexikon Travels Persia, Armenia, ancient Baby- Hrozny Code F. Hrozny, Code hittite provenant lonia, etc. ... Hittite de l'Asie Mineure Kh. tablets from Khafadje in the col- Hrozny Getreide F. Hrozny, Das Getreide im alten lections of the Oriental Institute, Babylonien ... University of Chicago Hrozny Kultepe F. Hrozny, Inscriptions cunei- Kienast ATHE B. Kienast, Die altassyrischen formes du Kultepe (= Monogr. Texte des Orientalischen Semi- ArOr 14) nars der Universittt Heidel- Hrozny F. Hrozny, Die Keilschrift- berg und der Sammlung Erlen- Ta'annek texte von Ta'annek, in Sellin meyer Ta'annek King Chron. L. W. King, Chronicles Concern- HS tablets in theHilprecht collection, ing Early Babylonian Kings ... Jena King Hittite L. W. King, Hittite Texts in the HSM Harvard Semitic Museum Texts Cuneiform Character in the Hussey Sumer- M. A. Hussey, Sumerian Tablets British Museum ian Tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum Kish tablets in the collections of the (= HSS 3 and 4) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford IB tablets in the Pontificio Istituto Knudtzon J. A. Knudtzon, Assyrische Ge- Biblico, Rome Gebete bete an den Sonnengott ... IBoT Istanbul Arkeoloji Miizelerinde Kocher F. Kocher, Keilschrifttexte zur Bulunan Bogazkoy Tabletleri Pflanzenkunde assyrisch-babylonischen Drogen- Idu lexical series A =idu und Pflanzenkunde (= VIO 28) IEJ Israel Exploration Journal Koschaker Birg- P. Koschaker, Babylonisch-assy- IF Indogermanische Forschungen schaftsrecht risches Burgschaftsrecht Igituh lexical series igituh = tamartu. Koschaker P. Koschaker, Uber einige grie- Igituh short version pub. Lands- Griech. chische Rechtsurkunden aus den berger-Gurney, AfO 18 81ff. Rechtsurk. ostlichen Randgebieten des Hel- IM tablets in the collections of the lenismus Iraq Museum, Baghdad Koschaker P. Koschaker, Neue Keilschrift- Imgidda to see Erimhus NRUA liche Rechtsurkunden aus der Erimhus el-Amarna-Zeit Istanbul tablets in the collections of the Kramer En- S. N. Kramer, Enmerkar and the Archaeological Museum of Istan- merkar and the Lord of Aratta bul Lord of Aratta Izbu Comm. commentary to the series summa Kramer S. N. Kramer, Lamentation over izbu, cited from MS. of B. Lands- Lamentation the Destruction of Ur (= AS 12) berger Kramer SLTN S. N. Kramer, Sumerian Literary Izi lexical series izi = isatu Texts from Nippur (= AASOR Izi Bogh. Boghazkeui version of Izi 23) Jacobsen T. Jacobsen, Cuneiform Texts in Kraus Edikt F. R. Kraus, Ein Edikt des Konigs Copenhagen the National Museum, Copen- Ammi-Saduqa von Babylon hagen Kraus Texte F. R. Kraus, Texte zur babylo- Jastrow Diet. M. Jastrow, Dictionary of the nischen Physiognomatik (= AfO Targumim ... Beiheft 3) JEN Joint Expedition with the Iraq KT Blanckertz J. Lewy, Die Kiiltepetexte der Museum at Nuzi Sammlung Blanckertz ... JENu Joint Expedition with the Iraq KT Hahn J. Lewy, Die Kiiltepetexte der Museum at Nuzi, unpub. Sammlung Hahn ... oi.chicago.edu

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