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The Aryan Origin of the Alphabet - Disclosing the Sumero-Phoenician Parentage of our Letters Ancient and Modern PDF

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Preview The Aryan Origin of the Alphabet - Disclosing the Sumero-Phoenician Parentage of our Letters Ancient and Modern

H NO A o ALP ABET DISCLOSIN ' If SUM iRO-PH N ARE TAG O · OUR ~T & AN I~ MOD ~R BY L. A. WA L LL.D., C.B.. Fellow of the Ro)",1Anthropological Institute, Linneanand Folk-LoreSocieties, Hono",ry Correspondt.lndi n n:b logi I.urot:y, E.·Pro~ :10<of Tibetan, London Unive hy. With Plate nd Illustrations LONDON LUZAC f$ C w.e. 46 GREAT RUSSELL STRE -1', 1927 THE ARYAN ORIGIN OF THE ALPHABET WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR THE PHlENICIAN ORIGIN OF THE BRITONS, SCOTS, AND ANGLO SAXONS. With over 100illustrationsand maps. Williams& Norgate, 1924, 2nd impression, 1925. 11Dr Waddell'sbookexercisesaconvincingeffect-hisconclusionsand discoveriesareremark able,and theyareadvanced in a manner essentiallythatofthe scientific historian. Deduction follows deduction until the complete edifice stands revealed with every stone in place." LiteraryGulde, Feb. 1925. INDO-SUMERIAN SEALS DECIPHERED: Discovering Sumerians of Indus Valley as Phamicians, Barats,Goths, and famous Vedic Aryans 3100-2300B.C. Withnumerousillustrationsand maps. Luzac& Co., London, 1925. I1Ofextraordinaryinterest from its historical, literary, linguisticand religious suggestions, and eventhe non-expertreadermay becaptivatedbyitsglimpses of 'the dark backward abysm oftime.'"-GlasgowHerald. ICAcontributiontoAncientHistorywhich studentscannotafford to ignore.It-/ttquirer. 11We think the Sumerian-Aryaninter-connection is a promising hypothesis."-Quest Hi11nSdtuimstualnatRinegviaenwd. thought-provoking toadegree .•• deservesspecial attentioninIndia." DISCOVERY OF THE LOST PALIBOTHRA OF THE GREEKS. With Platesandmaps. BengalGovernmentPress, Calcutta,1892. THE EXCAVATIONS AT PALIBOTHRA. With plates, plans and maps. GovernmentPress,Calcutta,1903. 1IThisinterestingstoryofthe discoveryof oneofthe mostimportantsites inIndian History istoldinCol. Waddell'sreport.I)-Timest.ifIndia Mar. 5,1904. J PLACE, RIVER AND MOUNTAIN NAMES IN THE HIMALAYAS. AsiaticSociety,Calcutta, 1892. THE BUDDHISM OF TIBET. With 150 illustrations. W. H. Alien & Co., 1895. U Thisisabook which considerablyextends the domain of human knowledge. Every page containsnewmaterials; manyofhis chaptersareentirelynew,and the wholeformsanenduring memorial of laborious original research. He is the first European who, equip,ped with the resourcesof modern scholarship) has penetratedtheesoteric Buddism of Tibet.'-Tlte Times, Feb.22,1895. AMONG THE HIMALAYAS. With numerous original illustrations and maps. Constable, 1899. 2nd edition, 1900. U Thisisoneofthemostfascinatingbookswehaveeverseen."-DailyChronicle,Jan.18,1899' 1IOneof the most valuable books that has been written on the Himalayas."-Saturday Review, Mar. 4,1899' WILD TRIBES OF THE BRAHMAPUTRA VALLEY. With Plates. Special No.ofAsiaticSoc.Journal, Calcutta, 1900. LHASA AND ITS MYSTERIES, With 200 original illustrations and maps. J. Murray, 1905. 3rdedition, 1906. " Rich in information and instinct with literarycharm. Every page bears witnessto first handknowledgeofthe country••. the author is masterorhissubject. Itisamineofquaint folk-lore, ofphilology and natural history, and the descriptions of scenery are delightful •.. there isscarcely a page without some droll suggestion."-Times Literary Supplement, Jan. 31:11f~~' foremost livingauthority on his subject. Well illustrated with original photographs, itcatersboth forthe expertand forthe ordinaryreader."-Dai(yChronicle, Mar.27, 1905. 1IOfallthe booksonTibetthisisthe mostcompleteandthemostauthoritative. Hisperpetual curiosity,hisdiligentresearch, his exceptional knowledge and hisvigorous styleofwritinggive tothiswork both authorityandbrightness."-ColJtemporaryReview,June1905. Contributor to ENCYCLOPJEDIA BRITANNICA, 1909. and to HASTINGS' ENCYCLOPJEDIA OF RELIGION AND ETHICS, 1908-1921. A SUMER-ARYAN DICTIONARY: Etymological Lexicon of the English and other Aryan Languages ancient and modern and the Sumerian Origin of EgyptiananditsHieroglyphs. Luzac8£Co., 1927. THE ARYAN ORIGIN OF THE ALPHABET DISCLOSING THE SUMERO-PHffiNICIAN PARENTAGE OF OUR LETTERS ANCIENT & MODERN BY L. A. WADDELL LL.D., C.B., C.I.E. Fellowof the Royal Anthropological Institute, LinneanandFolk-LoreSocieties,Honorary Correspondt.IndianArcbeeologicalSurvey, Ex-ProfessorofTibetan, London University. WITH PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS LONDON LUZAC & CO. 46 GREAT RUSSELL STREET, W.C. 19'1,7 Allright!reJeriled PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY THE EDINBURGH PRESS, 9 AND lJ YOUNG STREET, EDINBURGH CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTORY I I. ANCESTRY OF THE ALPHABETS re THE PHCENI- CANS 3 2. ALPHABETIC LETTERS IN PRE-DYNASTIC AND EARLy-DYNASTIC EGYPT AND THEORIES 5 THEREON • 3. How THE SUMERIAN ORIGIN OF THE ALPHABET WAS DISCOVERED 9 4. THE ALPHABETIC VOWEL AND CONSONANTAL SIGNS IN SUMERIAN WRITING ID 5. THE SO-CALLED "APHONIC OWNER'S MARK" SIGNSOFPRE-DYNASTICANDEARLy-DYNASTIC EGYPT ARE SUMERIAN LINEAR PICTOGRAMS 12 6. COMPARATIVE ALPHABETIC TABLES SHOWING SUMERIAN ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF THE ALPHABETIC LETTERS I4 7. INDIVIDUAL LETTERS AND THEIR EVOLUTION FROM SUMERIAN PARENTS. 23 8. NAMES OF THE LETTERS AND OBJECTS PICTURED 55 9. ORDEROFTHE ALPHABETOR ABC AND NUMERAL VALUES OF LETTERS • 56 10. AUTHORSHIP OF THE ALPHABETIC SYSTEM AND DnE fu 11. SOME HISTORICAL EFFECTS OF THE DISCOVERIES 70 ABBREVIATIONS FOR REFERENCES VU INDEX 75 v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE FACING PAGE I. Surner-Aryan Evolution of the Alphabet A-N . 14 o-z . II. " "" 54 FIGURES IN TEXT FIG. PAGE 1. The Forrnello Alphabet or ABC of about seventh century B.C. . 57 2. Scientific order of Alphabetic Letters (as on a " Horn-book" board) . 59 ABBREVIATIONS FOR REFERENCES AC. ArchzeologiaCambrensis. 1846. BB. Bismya,TheLostCityofAdab. E. J.Banks, NewYork. 1912. BC. Antiquitiesof Cornwall. W. Borlase, 1769. BD. AnEgyptianHieroglyphicDictionary. E. A.W. Budge, 1920. BIP. Indische Paleographie. G. Biihler, Strassburg, 1896. BO. Ogam Inscribed Monuments. R. R. Brash, 1879. Br. Classified Listof Ideographs. R. E. Brimnow, Leiden, 1889 BW. Origin and Developmentof Babylonian Writing. G. A. Barton, Leipzig, 1913. CA. The Alphabet. E. Clodd, 1913. CAH. Cambridge Ancient History. 1923 f. CCT. CuneiformTextsfromCappadociain BritishMuseum. 1921, etc. CIS. Corpus Inscript. Semiticarum. Paris, 1883f. CMC. Mission en Cappadoce. E. Chantre, Paris, 1898. CT. Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, etc., in British Museum. ECB. Ancient British Coins. J. Evans, 1864. Edda. Codex Regius af den lEldre Edda. L. F. A. Wimmer and F. ]onsson, Copenhagen, 1891. FBT. BoghazkoiTexts in umschriftii. E. Forrer, Leipzig, 1922. GH. Hieroglyphs. F. L. Griffith, 1898. GP. Scripturaelinguseque Phceniciae Monumenta. Leipzig, 1857. HB. Boghazkoi Studien. F. Hroznyand others, 1922. HG!. Catalogue of Greek Coins in British Museum. Ionia. B. H. Head,1892. HGP. Catalogue of Greek Coins in British Museum. Pheenicia, G. F. HiIl, 1910. HN. Indexof Hittite Names. L. Mayer and J. Garstang, 1923. HOB. Old Babylonian Inscriptions. H. V. Hilprecht, 1890. KID. Inscriptionsof Darius at Behistun. L. W. King, 1907. LE. Etudes Accadiennes. F. Lenormant,Paris, 1873-9. M. Selteneassyrische Ideogramme. B. Meissner, Leipzig, 1906. MD. Dictionary of the Assyrian Language. W. Muss-Arnolt, Berlin, 1905. MG. ElementaryEgyptianGrammar. M. A. Murray, 1914. PA. The Formationof the Alphabet. W. F. Petrie, 1912. PLo Sign-List of Babylonian Wedge-Writing. T. G. Pinches, 1882. VU Vlll ABBREVIATIONS PP. History of Art in Phrygia. G. Perrotand C.Chipiez, 1892. PRT. The Royal Tombsof the FirstDynasty. W. F. Petrie, 1900-1. PSL. Sumerian Lexicon. J. D. Prince, Leipzig, 1908. RB. Early Babylonian History. H. Radau, New York. 1900. RM. Memoire sur l'origine Egyptienne de l'alphabet Phenicien. J. de Rouge, Paris, 1874. RP. Historyof Phcenicia. G. Rawlinson, 1889. SKI. Karian Inscriptions. A. H. Sayce (in Trans, Soc. Biblical Archseology, 1893. 112f.) SR. RunicMonuments. G. Stephens, 1884. TA. The Alphabet. I. Taylor, 1883. TBA. Transact. Soc. Biblical Archseology, VD. IcelandicDictionary. G. Vigfusson, 1874. WBT. The Buddhism of Tibet. L. A. Waddell, 1895. WISD. Indo-SumerianSealsDeciphered. L. A. Waddell, 1925. WPOB. PhcenicianOriginof the Britons,Scotsand Anglo-Saxons. 1924. WSAD. Sumer-Aryan Dictionary: Etymological Lexicon of the English and other Aryan Languages ancient and modern and the Sumerian Originof Egyptian and its Hieroglyphs. 1927.

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