AnI nsideGru'isdt eot heB est Practifcreostm h eI ndustry AnI nsideGru'isdt eot heB est Practifcreostm h eI ndustry Marie-LoJuaicsoeb sen ~ WILEY JohWni leyS on(sA siPat)eL .t d. & Copyrig©h 2t0 09b yJ ohnW iletty Sons( AsiPat)e L.t d. Publishien2d 0 09b yJ ohnW iletty Sons( AsiPat)e L.t d. 2 ClemenLtoio p#,0 2-0S1i,n gapo1r2e9 809 Alrl ighrtess erved. No parotf t hipsu blicatmiaoyn b er eproduced, isnta o rreetdr iesvyaslt eomr t ransmitted ina nyf ormo rb y anym eanse,l ectromneicch,a nicpahlo,t ocopyirnegc,o rdisncga,n ning or otherwiesxec,e pats expresspleyr mittbeyd l aw,w ithoueti thetrh ep riowrr itten permissioofn t he Publishoerr ,a uthorizattihorno ugpha ymento f thea ppropriate photocopfye et o theC opyrigChlte aranCceen terR.e questfsor p ermissisohno ulbde addressteodt heP ublishJeorh,nW ileytt Sons( AsiPa)t eL.t d.2, C lemenLtoio p#,0 2-01, Singapo1r2e9 80t9e,l 6:5 -646324f0a0x,6: 5 -646469e1-2m,a ieln:q [email protected]. Thisp ublicatiisod ne signteodp rovidaec curaatned a uthoritaitnifvoer matiinor ne gard tot hes ubjemcatt tecro vereIdt.i ss old wtihtehu nderstandtihnagtt heP ublishiesnr o t engageidn r enderipnrgo fessisoenravli cIefps r.o fessiaodnvailc oer o theerx perats sistance isr equirtehdes, e rvicoefas c ompetepnrto fessipoenraslos nh oulbde s ought. Photofsr om© GettIym ageasn dL engP engF®a shiBoon okC entre OtheWri leEyd itorOifafli ces JohnW ileEty SonsI,n c.1,1 1R iveSrt reeHto,b okeNnJ,0 7030U,S A JohnW ileEty SonsL tdT.h,e A trium SoutGhaetreCn,h ichesPt0e1r98 SQE,n gland JohnW iletty Sons( CanadLat)d 5.3,5 3D undaSst reWeets tS,u it4e0 0T,o ronto, OntariMo9,B 6HB,C anada JohnW iletty SonsA ustralLitad4,. 2,M cDougaSltlr eeMti,l toQnu,e ensla4n0d6 4, Australia Wiley-VCBHo,s chstr1a2s0s,-e6 946W9e inheiGme,r many LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-PuDbaltiac ation ISBN9:7 8-0-470-82322-4 Typesient1 1p ointRso,t iSse ribfyH otF usion PrintiendS ingapobryeM arkonPor inMte diaP teL td 109876543 Dedication vii Acknowlemdegn ts ix ntroudc tion xi I RetaFiolr mats Chapt1e:r Qualifications-Qualities-Abilities Chapt2e:r 11 TheB uyerR'osl es Chapt3e:r 29 Chapt4e:rM anagemenEtx pectations 39 RetaMialt h Chapt5e:r 53 Budgeting Chapt6e:r 75 AssortmePnlta nning Chapt7e:r 95 AnticipaCtoinnsgu meTrr ends Chapt8e:r 127 ForecastCiunsgt omeDre mands Chapt9e:r 139 CentrBauly ing Chapt1e0r: 157 The TrueE ssencoefB uying Chapt1e1r: 171 BuyinMge rchandise Chapt1e2r: 195 BranSdt rategy Chapt1e3r: 243 Managing Suppliers Chapt1e4r: 265 Negotiation Chapt1e5r: 273 RetaSihlr inTkh:e B areT ruth Chapt1e6r: 287 LeadinBgy E xample Chapt1e7r: 307 BusineCsosm munication Chapt1e8r: 317 InternatTiroandaFela irs Append1i:x 341 CommonT ermfsr omT he Worlodf F ashion Append2i:x 347 CataloofgC olors Append3i:x 365 CommonS hippiTnegr ms Append4i:x 375 Glossary 387 Index 393 , \ �, '\} £0vkJ".'\-C n' 'tents Jfl< ) � \ .'0\ To StepheWna yneJ ohnsomny, h usband, myb esftr ieanndd m yh ero PatriCchka i-E utM arketing LengP eng®F ashioBno okC entre ArthuYren KelvOiune k- Goldlion DeirdBrael l