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The Arnold-Gelfand Mathematical Seminars y.1. Arnold I. M. Gelfand Y. S. Retakh M. Smimov Editors Birkhauser Boston • Basel • Berlin V.I. Arnold I. M. Gelfand Ceremade Department of Mathematics Universite Paris-Dauphine Rutgers University 75775 Paris Cedex 16 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 France V. S. Retakh M. Smirnov Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics Harvard University Columbia University Cambridge, MA 02139 New York, NY 10027 Printed on acid-free paper cr»«> © 1997 Birkhauser Boston Birkhiiuser HI»> ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-8663-9 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-4122-5 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4612-4122-5 Copyright is not claimed for works of U.S. Government employees. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission to photocopy for internal or personal use of specific clients is granted by Birkhauser Boston for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), provided that the base fee of $6.00 per copy, plus $0.20 per page is paid directly to CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, U.S.A. Special requests should be addressed directly to Birkhauser Boston, 675 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. ISBN 0-8176-3883-0 ISBN 3-7643-3883-0 Typeset by TEXniques, Boston, MA 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Preface ............................................................... vii Discriminants and Local Invariants of Planar Fronts Francesca Aicardi ...................................................... 1 Crofton Densities, Symplectic Geometry and Hilbert's Fourth Problem J.C. Alvarez, 1.M. Gelfand, and M. Smirnov ........................... 77 Projective Convex Curves S. Anisov ............................................................. 93 Topological Classification of Real 'Irigonometric Polynomials and Cyclic Serpents Polyhedron V. Arnold ........................................................... 101 Singularities of Short Linear Waves on the Plane Ria A. Bogaevski ..................................................... 107 New Generalizations of Poincare's Geometric Theorem Yu. V. Chekanov .................................................... 113 Explicit Formulas for Arnold's Generic Curve Invariants S. Chmutov and S. Duzhin ........................................... 123 Nonlinear Integrable Equations and Nonlinear Fourier 'Iransform A.S. Fokas, 1.M. Gelfand, and M. V. Zyskin .......................... 139 Elliptic Solutions of the Yang-Baxter Equation and Modular Hypergeometric Functions Igor B. Frenkel and Vladimir G. Turaev .............................. 171 Combinatorics of Hypergeometric Functions Associated with Positive Roots Israel M. Gelfand, Mark 1. Graev, and Alexander Postnikov .......... 205 Local Invariants of Mappings of Surfaces into Three-Space Victor V. Goryunov ................................................. 223 Theorem on Six Vertices of a Plane Curve Via Sturm Theory L. Guieu, E. Mourre, and V. Yu. Ovsienko .......................... 257 vi Contents The Arf-Invariant and the Arnold Invariants of Plane Curves S.M. Gusein-Zade and S.M. Natanzon ............................... 267 Produit cyclique d'espaces et operations de Steenrod Max Karoubi ........................................................ 281 Characteristic Classes of Singularity Theory M.E. Kazarian ...................................................... 325 Value of Generalized Hypergeometric Function at Unity A. Kasarnovski-Krol ................................................. 341 Harish-Chandra Decomposition for Zonal Spherical Function of type An A. Kazarnovski-Krol ................................................. 347 Positive Paths in the Linear Symplectic Group Franfois Lalonde and Dusa McDuff .................................. 361 Invariants of Submanifolds in Euclidean Space V.D. Sedykh ......................................................... 389 On Combinatorics and Topology of Pairwise Intersections of Schubert Cells in SLn/ B Boris Shapiro, Michael Shapiro, and Alek Vainshtein ................. 397 Preface It is very tempting but a little bit dangerous to compare the style of two great mathematicians or of their schools. I think that it would be better to compare papers from both schools dedicated to one area, geometry and to leave conclusions to a reader of this volume. The collaboration of these two schools is not new. One of the best mathematics journals Functional Analysis and its Applications had I.M. Gelfand as its chief editor and V.I. Arnold as vice-chief editor. Appearances in one issue of the journal presenting remarkable papers from seminars of Arnold and Gelfand always left a strong impact on all of mathematics. We hope that this volume will have a similar impact. Papers from Arnold's seminar are devoted to three important directions developed by his school: Symplectic Geometry (F. Lalonde and D. McDuff), Theory of Singularities and its applications (F. Aicardi, I. Bogaevski, M. Kazarian), Geometry of Curves and Manifolds (S. Anisov, V. Chekanov, L. Guieu, E. Mourre and V. Ovsienko, S. Gusein-Zade and S. Natanzon). A little bit outside of these areas is a very interesting paper by M. Karoubi Produit cyclique d'espaces et operations de Steenrod. Papers from Gelfand's seminar are complimentary to a recent Gelfand seminar volume and are more or less related by the notion of integral trans forms. An application of Radon transforms to a solution of Hilbert's fourth problem is given by J.C. Alvarez, I. Gelfand and M. Smirnov, nonlinear integrable equations and nonlinear Fourier transform are considered by A. Fokas, I. Gelfand and M. Zyzkin. Two papers (I. Gelfand, M. Graev and A. Postnikov, A. Kazarnovski-Krol) are devoted to hypergeometric functions - a cornerstone of modern theory of such functions developed by Gelfand's school - is also a Radon transform of homogenous functions. The Arnold-Gelfand Mathematical Seminars Discriminants and local invariants of planar fronts Francesca Aicardi Introduction The aim of this study is the description of all the local additive invari ants of the plane wave fronts. A generic wave front is a curve whose only singularities are the transversal self-intersections on the semicubi cal cusps (see fig. la,b). The invariants that we shall find are "dual" to different strata of the discriminant formed by the nongeneric wave fronts. For instance, our results imply the following minoration of the num bers of different events of nongenericity on any path connecting the two curves W3,O and K3,o shown in fig. Ib: i) the number of self-tangencies with parallel coorientations is at least 2; ii) the number of self-tangencies with antiparallel coorientations is at least one; iii) the number of cusp crossings is at least 4, provided that the triple points are avoided; iv) the number of triple points is at least 2, provided that the cusp crossings are avoided. QQ K3,u W3,O (a) (b) Figure 1. Oriented and cooriented planar fronts The proofs are based on the introduction of some topological in variants of the generic wave fronts, whose jumps at the crossing of the corresponding nongeneric events are fixed. The calculation of the val- 2 F. Aicardi ues of these invariants on the curves W3,O and K3,o provides the above minoration. There are five basic invariants (independent of the orientations of the front and plane as well as of the co orientation of the front: n (the number of double points), A (the number of cusp points), J+ (responsible for the parallel co orientations tangencies), J- (responsible for the antiparallel co orientations tangencies), Sp (responsible of the triple points and cusp crossing). The invariants J+, J- and Sp of wave fronts reduce to the invari ants J+, J- and St for those wave fronts which have no cusps, i.e., to the Arnold invariants of smooth closed plane curves. The number of the independent local additive invariants of generic oriented and cooriented wave fronts on the oriented plane (counting both those invariants, like J±, which are independent of the orienta tions and those which depend on the orientations of the front and plane as well as of the coorientation of the front) is equal to 10. One of these invariants is the Maslov index f1. We introduce 6 new basic invariants (1+, f-, Xf, Al, pT, pl). The invariant f+ (1-) is counting the double points where two pos itive (negative) branches of the front do intersect (the branch is positive if its orientation and coorientation define the positive orientation of the plane). The invariant AT (Al) is counting the number of cusps at which the orientation of the plane defined by the two branches of the oriented curve leaving the cusp point (first along the coming branch, second along the outgoing branch) is positive (negative). The invariants p T, pl are responsible for the cusp crossings taking some sign rule into account (see §3). These six new invariants verify the relations: hence only 4 of them are really new. A planar front is the projection to R2 (with coordinates x,y) of a legendrian curve. A legendrian curve is the image of a Cl-immersion of SI in the space M3 (with coordinates x, y, <p(mod27r) for cooriented fronts, (mod7r) for noncooriented fronts) of the contact elements of the plane, with its natural contact structure + (cos<p)dx (sin<p)dy = O. We call such an immersion of Sl into M3 an L-immersion. Discriminants and local invariants of planar fronts 3 The front is cooriented, if the contact element is cooriented, i.e., if a choice of one of two half-planes into which it divides the tangent plane is made. We shall now consider the cooriented fronts, and M3 will be the space of the co oriented contact elements. The front is oriented if the preimage circle SI is oriented. A front class is a class of L-immersions having generic fronts up to diffeomorphisms of the plane and preimage circle. In the space of L-immersions the immersions having nongeneric fronts form a hypersurface (a subvariety of codimension one) called the discriminant. A coorientation on a smooth hypersurface in a functional space is a choice of one of the two parts separated by this hypersurface in a neighborhood of any of its points. This part is called positive. The discriminant (or a connected component of it) is called coorientable if the coorientations of its parts separated by strata of codimension 1 on it (of co dimension 2 in the ambient space) are consistent. This means that the intersection index of any generic small oriented closed curve with the cooriented hypersurface should vanish. In the functional space the connected components of the comple ment to the discriminant are the front classes. A local invariant of a front class is a function constant over each of such components. Local means that its increment under a generic crossing of the discriminant depends only on the behavior of the family of immersions in the neigh borhoods of the points of the preimage circle sent to the points involved in the singularity. A local invariant is thus defined up to an additive constant in terms of its jump at the crossing of the discriminant, provided that such discriminant is coorientable and that it defines in the ambient space a trivial 1-cocycle. In fact every cooriented stratum of codimension 1, provided with a jump at its crossing in the positive direction (Le., from the negative to the positive side defined by the coorientation), gives a 1-cocycle. A 1- co cycle is a function defined on generic curves in the ambient space: the value of a 1-cocycle on a generic curve is defined by the sum of the jumps (with signs) on all the crossings of the curve with the corresponding stratum. The study using this approach of the immersion of a circle in the plane [2] leads to the definition of three basic invariants. One proves that the space of immersions with a given index is connected. In this space the discriminant has three different components, all coorientable, corresponding to three different types of degenerations (see fig.2): 1) self-tangency point with parallel orientations,

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