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THE U K R A I N I A N S U N E X P E C T E D N A T I O N ANDREW WILSON “Expect the unexpected in this compelling and highly original reinterpretation of Ukraine’s past and present.” The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine —Serhii Plokhy, author of F O U R T H E D I T I O N The Ukrainians Andrew Wilson is a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, and Professor in Ukrainian Studies at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London. He has published widely on the politics of Eastern Europe, including Ukraine’s Orange Revolution and Virtual Politics: Faking Democracy in the Post- Soviet World, both published by Yale University Press and joint winners of the Alexander Nove Prize in 2007. More recently he has published Belarus: The Last European Dictatorship (2011) and Ukraine Crisis: What the West Needs to Know (2014), again both with Yale University Press. His recent publications at the European Council on Foreign Relations (www.ecfr.eu) are Protecting the European Choice and What does Ukraine think? i ii The Ukrainians Unexpected Nation Fourth Edition Andrew Wilson Yale University Press New Haven and London iii Copyright © 2000, 2002, 2009, 2015 by Andrew Wilson Copyright©2000,2002,2009byAndrewWilson First published in 2000 FSeircsotnpdu ebdliisthioend pinub2l0is0h0ed in 2002 STehciordn dedeidtiiotino npupbulbislihsehde dini n20200902 TFohuirrdthe deditiitoionnp puubblilsihshededi nin2 2000195 Allrightsreserved.Thisbookmaynotbereproducedinwholeorinpart,inany form(beyondthatcopyingpermittedbySections107and108oftheU.S. CopyrightLawandexceptbyreviewersforthepublicpress)withoutwritten permissionfromthepublishers. ForinformationaboutthisandotherYaleUniversityPresspublications,please contact: U.S.office [email protected] www.yalebooks.com Europeoffice [email protected] wwwwww..yyaalleebuopo.ckos..ucko.uk SetinSabonbyFakenhamPhotosetting,Norfolkand IDS (UK) Data Connection PrintedinGreatBritainbyHMoPbGbsB tohoek PsrLintdte,rBs,o Tdomttionn,,C Horanmwpaslhlire LibraryofCongressCatalogControlNumber2009934897 ISBN:978-0-300-2115742756--44 AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 iv To Ella and Alfie v vi Contents List of Illustrations ix Preface to the Fourth Edition xi Chronology xv 1 Contesting National Origins: Lays of Ancient Rus 1 2 The Armies of Gog and Magog: Myths of Ukrainian Antiquity 21 3 Neither Fish nor Fowl: Between Poland and Russia 40 4 The Cossacks: Defenders of the Wild Field, Defenders of the Faith 58 5 Ukraine, Russia and Rossiia 72 6 The Habsburg Alternative 101 7 The Twentieth Century: Peasants into Ukrainians? 119 8 Independence: Gained or Gifted? 152 9 Politics: Developing the Rules of the Game 172 10 Imagining Ukrainians: One Ukraine or Many? 207 11 Angels and Pins: Ukrainian Religion 234 12 The IMF’s Red Pencil: Ukraine’s Economic Black Hole 253 13 Imagining Ukraine: Towards a Theory of Ukrainian Geopolitics 279 14 The Orange Revolution and its Aftermath 311 15 Yanukovych’s Disastrous Presidency: Another Attempt at Revolution Ends in War 342 Bibliographical Essay 359 Notes 365 Index 399 vii viii Illustrations Illustrations in the text page 1.AndreiBogoliubskiitakingtheVyshhorod/VladimirIcon(JaroslawPelenski, TheContestfortheLegacyofKievanRus’,1998) 16 2.TheassassinationofBogoliubskii,1175(Pelenski,ibid.) 16 3.LevSylenko,‘GuestfromtheTombofourForefathers’(Hist’zKhramuPredkiv, 1996) 25 4.‘TwoSovereigns,1654’and‘TwoSovereignties,1990’(Rukh-presscartoon,1991) 64 5–7.Ukrainiannationalistcartoons(SamostiinaUkraïna,1991,Post-postup, 1991–5) 180 8–12.Ukrainianleftistcartoons(Tovarysh,Komunist,1994–9) 188–9 13.Kuchmaattackedforabandoningtheprogrammeonwhichhewaselected (Tovarysh,1998) 194 14.‘TheTreeoftheChristianChurch’(posterfromPochaïvmonastery,1998) 242 15.TheUkrainianwayofinflation(Post-postup,1992) 255 16.YuriiLypa’smapofUkrainianandRussianenergysources(Rozpodil’Rossiï,1941) 276 17.ThedevelopmentofUkrainiannationalterritory,1200–1910(adaptedfrom VolodymyrKubiiovych,HistorischerAtlasderUkraine,1941) 283 18.RudolfKjellén,‘TheNationalityMapofEurope’(adaptedfromDiepolitischen ProblemedesWeltkrieges,1916) 289 19.ZbigniewBrzezinski,‘AGeostrategyforEurasia’,1997(ForeignAffairs, September/October1997) 293 20.AleksandrDugin’smapofUkraine(Osnovygeopolitiki.Geopoliticheskoe budushcheeRossii,1997) 300 21.Ukraineshownasasetofsub-ethnosesoftheGreatRussianpeople (RusskiiGeopoliticheskiiSbornik,1997) 301 22.AlexeiMitfrofanov,‘TheWestandSouthofEuropeanRussia’(adaptedfrom Shaginovoigeopolitiki,1997) 303 23.HalfordMackinder’splanforanewEurope,1919–20(GeographicalJournal, 1976) 305 24.YuriiLypa’smapofRussia,1941(Rozpodil’Rossiï,1941) 309 Maps 1.RusintheTwelfthCentury 3 2.TheSeventeenthCentury:Ruthenia,Poland,Muscovy,Zaporozhia 59 3.UkraineintheNineteenthCentury 73 4.Ukraine,1917–20 122 5.UkraineBetweentheWars 130 6.IndependentUkraineafter1991 173 ix

The approach is also, where necessary, reconstructivist. Significant aspects of the past are often now overlooked and need to be written back into the .. 'This great waterway', one Russian historian has argued,. 'was able to overrule all the local centres of crystallisation and to unite the various
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