T H f ARCHITfCTURf OfV ISIOn W R I T I N G S & INTE R VIEWS O N C I N E M A ffiiCHflRnGflO nnTontont CONTENTS Prefatcote h eA mericeadni tiboyMn a rgaC ottino-]onVeIsI Prefatcote h ef tresdti tiboyCn a rldoiC arlo X TheG azea ndt heS torbyyG iorgTiion azzi XIII MY CINEMA My Experience 5 MakinagF ilims M y Wayo fL ife 14 Actoransd P aradoxes 18 A Talkw itAhn tonioonnH ii sW ork 21 Reflectoinot nhseF ilAmc tor 48 TheE venatn dt heI mage 51 RealiatnydC inemVae rite 54 PrefatcoSe i x Films 57 MY FILMS AttemptSueidc iSduei:c iidnet sh eC ity TheG ir(frienLdosy: alttoPy a vese L' avevnturTah:e A dventuorfeL s'a vventura RedD eserMty: D esert TheW hitFeo rest Blowu pI:t w asb orinn L ondobnu,t i ti sn ot anE nglifislhm 89 ZabriPsokiineWt h:a tT hisL andS aytso m e 92 A Convesratiaobno uZta briPsokiinet 94 ChunKgu oG.i naI:si ts tiplols sitbolfi el ma d ocumnetaryI?0 7 China athnedC hinese I 4I TheP assenTghee"r. P aesnsgetrh"a yto ud idns'ete I2 0 Antonioonnti h eS even-MinSuhtoet I 52 TheM ysterOyb eofr waAlldm:o satc onfession 1 72 INTERVIEWS A Convesratiwoint Mhi chelangAenltoo nioni 133 An IntervwiietwMh i chelangAnetloon ioni 141 ApropoosfE roticism 148 IAm Tireodf TodayC'isn ema !68 TheW orlIds o utsitdheeW indow 173 Myselafn dC inemMay,s elafn dW omen 185 TheH istoorfyC i nemIas M adeo nF ilms 193 ProfeosnAs giainst 217 TenQy estions 226 Conversation 230 Identificoafta iF oinl mmaker 245 INTERVIEWSO N FILMS Stoorfya L ovAeffa ir TheVa nquished L' avventura Lan otte TheE clipse RedD esert 283 TheN ightth,eE cliptsheeD, a wn 287 TheA mericDaens ert 298 ZabriPsokiinet 304 TheA mericaEnx perinece 313 A ConstaRnetn ewal 319 TalkinofgM ichelangelo 326 AntoniioD niscussTehseP assenger 333 An iDne-pthS earch 344 TheD irectaonrdT echnology 352 A FilmB aseodn C onflict 356 Idetnifaitcioonfa Woman 361 My Method 365 Interview 381 L1bouttheL1uthor 389 Filmography 391 SelecBtiebdl iography 393 Index 397 PREAFCET OT HEA MERICAN EDITION byM argCao tot-i}nones Int hSep rionfI9g 9 5 ,M ichelaAnngteolnowi aopsnr ie sewnittoehnd e t ohfe moscto veptreidz aem so tipoinc tduirree ccatenovr e rre cetihvheeo :n orary Oscfaorar l eitficmoem mitmteocn itn eTmhai.rs e cognhiathsii ognh lighted Antonsiu onqniuiec' ontritbout thwieoo rnol fdc ineamnad choansf irmed his reputaasta inao rnt wihsotm ,t hiweno rdRso land B"atrotuuhtneees ,c ollectiv itse'c acorpdoeur re ncnoiatraed,imr eari,m er." Antoniporneoisf'ssi coanraehlea rbs e ecnh atrearcibzyea fd i rcmo nviction thafti lmmahkaitdno bg ec onsltyra enntewebdo,ts hui bnj meacttta enrtd e ch niquienos r,d feorcr i netmoka e euppw itthh ceh anagneidsnn ovattiaoknisn g plaicnte h ree waol rlAd d.i recrtooliresc' osm partaoab w lrei twehro'c so,m munichaitvsei se owfst hweo rldh irtseo a dtehrrso wuoghr dAsn.t onhiaonsi admitsteevdet riamlte hsah tii ssa w orolfdi magneosot,fw ordasn,td h aitit s throiumgah gtehsah tec ommuantihecisis d eaansfd ee litnogh sia su dieAntc e. thsea mtei mheeh, a osf tuesne hdip se ann hdi vso itcose p eoafhk i fsi lhmiss, interheicssht osi,hc ievssi ,e ownsc inema. Thicso llewcatsi otpn1u rbsltii snIh teadl iinI9a 9n4a st hfei rst ovfo lau me larsgeerrti oeb sei ssuuenddt ehra ee goifCs i nceitIrnat ernaatsti hooenff al sprionftg hF er necehd itporroijaielnsc ixvt o luamlerse ianpd uyb loinc*T.a htei writpirnegsse ntmeods htwe horifech ,ha v bee etnr anslated fiortn hteo English firtsitmb er,i tnotg h Een glish-srpeeaadkeiarnv sgeh rpiyrp e citoeusst iomfo ny 1 SeCea rldoi C arlPor'esf taoct eh per esveonltu fmorem ore deitnaofirlmeadtT ihoen . secovnodl uomeft hIet alsiearnih eabsse epnu blisatht ehdee ndo f1 99b5y M arsilio Editwoirtith,h tei tI.fil le mne c!a ss[ettFoi limnts h der awearn]d contAanitnoinnisgo ni' scriapntdss u bjectfsor v tahrairtoe,ua ss onsn,ewvemerared ien tfoi lms. Vlll\ TilE ARCHITECET UORFV ISION Antoniocnoim'psla enxdm ultifvoiremow f h iwso rkasn do ft hew orltdh aits behitnhd emT.h ee ssahyasv bee egnr oupiendf oupra rttsh:ef irtswto ",M y Cine"ma and" MyF ilmcso,n"s oifsA tn tonioonwinw' rsi tiTnhgeso .t hetrwo , "nItervioenwC si nemaan"d" IenrtvieownsF ilmcso,n"t atihnet exotfss everal ofh iisn etrviewwisti hm portIatnatl ainadFn r nechj ournaalnidcs rtist ics. CarldoiC arlop'rse ftaoct eh Iet alian eexdpiltahiioonwnts h ei deoaft hceo l lectioena bcoaumatn,dh owi ti sc onnecwtietdoh t heirin tivaetsti akebnyt he filcmo mmunittocy e lebArnattoen isow noir'ka ndm akei tb ettkenro wtno h is viewearnsdt her eadipnugbi lcG.i orgTiionz azii'nst rodu"cTthieGo anz,ea nd theS torpyr,e"p arreeasd feorwrsh atth ewyi lfli nidnt hivso lumbeyi ntroduc intgh em aitno piAcnst onidoinusisc siesnh iwsr itianngdis n etrviews. This matgeirvireaesla dtehrosep portyut nosi etpea sste veorfat lh mei scon ceptiaobnosuA tn toniaonndhi i wso rtkh ahta ve been maitnhtpear iensesd. by Ita lsoof fearb se ttuenrd erstaonfdh iiensx gt raordpienrasroyn aasla id tiyr ec toarn da h umabne inagn,da b etter apporfeh ciicsar tiitoinc al sahnadr pness hiisns atiacbulrei ofsoirnt eyw p ersonalp roafneds seixopnearli eMnacneys . readeorfAs n toniownrii'tsih navge b eeanm azetdof insdu cahn i mportant direcstouo nrp retenttoiwoauhrsid msealnfdh iasc hievesm,ae nndat tt hsea me timseo g eenrouisne valuatthiewno gr kosfo thedri recotros rors e stnreadii n commnetinugp ont heo ften uvnifeawoisfhr i csr itics. Antonihoansoi f tebne eanc cusoef"d c oldnoeros fs" "t echni.c"Sae lviesrmal ofh ise ssacyhsa lletnhgeve a lidoifts yu cha ccuisoantsIn. thwersiet ings J\ntOildlOinSlC hUlSdS hS!leCLa snh' pt dfesSalfn0T!o1tiV<1:tf01y1nSq.crortflrd"atCSiYL ingw ithhi csh aracotref rosrc, h oosicnegr tatienc hnitqhuaeptsu rpofuslley drwa attenttoit ohne mselFvoeres x.a mpilneT ,h eV aqnuiesdha,n e arlfyi lm in whichhe i nvestitghaeit sesduo efc rimaem onygo utthh,e d irecttooorak stropnrgo fesssitoannadl agsayimnpsatt hiwziitnchgh aracitvneorlsdv weith crimteh,u ssh owihnigse thiocpaplo sittoiv oinon lcee".Ia bsoludtiednl oyt wanmty h eroteosb el ikabhleee ,x"p la"iInitsss . oe asyt om akea ni ndividual witahg uni n hhiasn ldi ka.b.lTe.h .ed etachmtehnaItta mb einagc cusoefd wasa imeadta voiditnhgep ossibtihlaittth eys tocroyu lidn fluenthcepe u blic eveinn a ni nvolunnteagraitlwiyav ye.." SimliarAlny,t oniopneir'sso enxapll anaftoirho inusss eo ft echniinncoavla tiosnhso wt hree ansionbge hihnidrs e peautseoedf t hes pectieaclh nioqftu hee "lontga kien"S toorfayL ovAejf ai�rae asontihnargte vehaildsse termtiinoan toi nnvoatoen t raditciionneam"laI w: a s ablfer emety os eflrfo imt [ traditional cine'mosa ldm ethobdy]w ,a yo fa v erlyo ncgr anmeo vementth afto llowtehde PREFAC/E ix charaucntteIirf llestt h nee etdos toHpi.cs"o mpluesoxef c oliosmr a dcel ear byw hahtes ayisnh iisne trviweiwtJ he aLnu-cG odaarbdo RuetDd e sewrhte,r e heu sed fcorot lhoferi rtsitmA es.h ee xplianit nhisen terAvniteown,si aown i colaosarv eriym portteacnhtn tihqaoutpe e nuepcd o mplenteewpl oys sibilities inf ilmmaeksipnegc,ii nra elllaytt oic ohna raacntdde ira lo"gLueets:a' tysh at the[yt hpeaa sgseosfd ilaoguhea]vb ee erne dutcoet dhb ea rmei nimaunmid,n thasten tsheea yr e litnhkuees doe fc t oolF oorer.x ampltehs,ec ieinnnt e h heu t wherteh eayrt ea lkaibnogu t drugs aInc do uslntdoinut'ms rtue el Idan.nb tlsa,c k anwdh iittwe o ulnde vhearv weo rkTehde.r epdu ttshv ei ewienrta so t aotfe mintdh aatl lohwism atcoc esputcd hi aloIgttu'hesre. i gchotl foorrt hceh arac ters-wihnto u,ra nre,en tabiylt ehcdeo lor-aalnfsdorot hvei ew"e r. Antoniaolnsrioee valhsip sr eerfenccoensc ertnhisenu gb jmeacttteo rf his filamnshd,i osw n yeafrornw ihnaigtdss i ffearnendne twi nt hweo rlHdeo. f ten stretshsieem sp orctoannnte cbteitownen eanr raatnifdv ielF mo.Ar n toniiotn i, isa lwaayq su estoiffo inn dai sntgo irnyt hree awlo rld tealndli itwn egl l, whethienwr r itoiron ngf ilHme.h imlsifes av ergyo ofdi ctwirointh eehr a;s nootn lwyr itmtoesnot fh issc ribputhtsa ,as l saou thosreevdes rhaoslr tto ries, publiisnhc eoadl lectiTohnaB toc wallAillnelgode n ty h Tei bAenrt.o niiasol nsio greaftsalcyi nbayta elndle wf ormosf t echn,oa lnoedgv yebnyt hweo rolfds ci encfei ct"iTohrnea. n ogfep ossibwihliictthei cehsn ogliovtgeoyas f tlmmaker isi nfinihtese a,y""sW .ec adno a bsolwuhtaewtle yw anwti t.h. th.e nseew techno.l.oIg.tin.'eoss at l imidteivnigjc uets;ht o ep posHiotwee.v"he era ,l so feelhsi osw nl imitawthiefonca neswd i tthh ceh angwionrgol fdt echno"lIo gy: reawlilsyIwh e rael repaadroytft hante w woUrnolfrdt.u enlwayet,a rneo tth ere yeatn,fd or o lder gnesns,eu rcaahsmt iinooert haotfp eopbloerj nu st tahfet er war, itashr aettarl a g"e dy. Throuoguhatl olft heesses aaynsdi ntervAinetwosn,ip oenris'otsyn·h,a i lsi thougahnthdsi b se lsic,eo fmael iivnae ne ndeaarniednn gg agwianyTg.h rough therme adweirlbsela blteor eaacn he wl evoefal p precainardte isopnfeor tc hti s uniq"umeao nfi mages." Augurs9 t9 5 LoAsn geles PREFACET O THE AILTIANE DITION byC ardlioC arlo The" AntoniPornoij ewcats"f irpsrte senitnMe ady I9 88a tt heXL IC annes FilmF esvtaila sa multimepdrioaj eIctwt a.s p romotiendia tlilbyy t heE nte AutonomGoe stioCnien emaan dl atbeyrC iencitItnt�e.r natiUonndaelmr.y curatortshhepi rpo,j ercetc eipvaretdi fuanld infgro m theM inistorfTy ou rism andt hePe rofrminAgr ts. Itw as dectihdaettdh ep rojweocutl edm barukp onaj ourntehyr oughtohuet worlmda,k intgw entsyt oposve trh es paonf f ivyee arTsh.i jso urnweoyu ltda ke thep rojefrocmt C annetsoIvl ontrefaorlm, M ontpeltloiI esrt antborumlP ,a ris to NeYwo rkf,ro m Romet oL osA ngeleansd,f rom GenevtaoF erraNreaw. prinwtesr ies suoefad l olf tfhiel bmysM icheglealnAon toni(obnoith his sh ort filmasnd fheiast urlee ngftihl misna) d,d ittioos no muen relefaisleamdns dt he documentathraitteh sed riecthoarsp roducienrd e ceyneta rssi,n hcieis l lness.2 Twoh underda ndt wenitmya geasm,o ntgh meo ssti gniffirocma hnitfs i lwmesr,e presenitnea d p hotograepxhhiicbt ihtao tff ereda visuraela dionfhg i s work. Thirteseenm inwaerrspe romotuendd etrh ea uspiocfte sh ep rojeacmto;n tgh e mossti gnifoinceawsno,tr tmhe ntionairneg o tnhete hatto opkl aactet hLe ouvre Auditorcihuami,rb eyAd l aiRno bbe-Grainldlt ehteo, n et hatto opkl aactet he ItalCiualnt uIrnaslt iotfuN teewY orkc,hi arebdyF uriCoo lombo. Alongstihdere e reloefaA snet oniocniin'estm oagrapwhoirck( ivne rsiwointsh Frencahnd E nglissuhb tistilnetcshe,ee ntiprreo jehcatsb enefiftroem dp ublic 2 Aftesrfu efrifnrgo amn i cstt uhactas uesde rsii omuepdimteonh ti s alnesdgp sce he, Antonihoansdi e crehaisfisel dm makaicntgtiy Hv.oi wevheerj ,u scto pmletweidt,h Germdainr eWcitmoW ren dearf si,le mn tiAtIdl Iieadd elnelu v[oBelyeo ntdhC eol uds.] PREFAC/Ex i fundi"nofgrt hdei ssemionlfattailcoiinan nea mbar oaadp "u)b,l ipsrhoijniegsc t abotuobt e c omplTehteec de.n teropfti hepicrseo jiessc itax -vosleurcmiaeel sl ed L'CEuvdreMe i chelAanntgoenl(iofo tonvfite h evsoel uhmaevsae l rebaedeyn pub lishtehsdei; x itsth ob ec omplient1 e9d9 w5h)i,c ahl sion cloutdhepesur b lica tionnosot,ft hsiesr wiheiscw,eh r perv eiouasvllayai bolneli ynF rench. TheC enrtoS perimedniCt ianletemo agrianftR ao mes houblecd r edfiort ed thtei mepluyb licoaftt hiteoh niv rodl uomfte h see ries-AAnltbounmiU onnei : biograipmhpioes seidbiitbleyRed e, n zRoe nzi-dtuhrReio nmga lne ogft hper o jeicnDt e cemobfe1 r9 9l2ti. csl etahrat thp er ojoefrc eti ssAunitnogn iwoonrik' s asaw holiena,s eruineisq ubea tishnie az necd o mposition,f ucnodnastitutes a mental conttotr hiaebn uatlaiynosddnii ss setmiioannlloa fi tass pects. Todatyh,I et aleidaintf imoanrl elly eiatfssie rvsos lteu .maIgnr eeenwmti tthh e publiasnhtdeh drei recotfto hrsese rwieeh sa,vm eo difiitoesvd e ralwlh ipclha n, wiwlli lhlav ea fdefiresnetq uefonrmct eh Fer necohn e.b eWlei ienfvca ett,,h at thfiisrv sotl udmeed,i ctaoAt netdo nioni'asnh di cfsii nlesmmhsao, u plrde cede thoet heirnos r,d teofr i al lg ianop u cri naetmogrcauplhtiucr e. Unlimkaen oyt hgerre aautt hMoircsh,ae nlgeAlnot onihoaansvi io,d etde lling hisst otrhyr oughhiloseiu a,ftn d thhaesr aevboyi ddeebda taibnohgui tme sl,af nd abotuhtse i gnifoifhc iacsni cneea mnawd o r"kW.h aIth atdo s ayh,eh" a asl ways mainta"iIsn aeitddh, r omuygfi hl ms,I h aanvndeo h tintgoa dtdo t hese." Besitdheaesr titchlahetesw rotaesa c ritriocm-1 f93t6o1 95w0h,e hne madhei fsl ffaeSttu ftrlemS ,t oorfayL ovAeff air-tahnawdti bllep ubliisnh ed thnee xvto luminet sh siesr Ainetso,n iworniit'oisnnc g isn enmuam bneorm ore thatnh iwrrtiyt,ot veetnrh s ep aonft hirtyye-afrisv.e Att hsea mtei mwee,h avree altihzaehtdii sn terviewosf-a ge eintehrearl natuarned,/c oorn cerasn niignlfget lm-aalrmeo sotfg raelialmt p ortTahnecye . aruen suspseocutreocdfie nsf ormoabtrsiveoianot,na sn,ed v eonfr arreeev lations abohuitos w nl iafnewd o rwkh,i ccho mplaentdee n rihcibhsi ograaspm hayn anadsa rtIincs otll.e ctthienfmgor p ublicwaeht aivoceno mteo ctohnec lusion that thebyec osnhsoiudledr werdi t."io"nr gasl Ther eseatrhcaGhti orTgiinoa aznzIidh avcea rroiuehtda asl louwsed betoerveer iynteghl ser-etncoso itdhecero mposoiftt hivioosnl uamned, t ohfe nexotn ei,nl igohftt h efscaet s. Thivso luhmaets h,e orrebefe,e snu bvdiidientd h feol lowmianngn tehrfte:r st par"tM,yC inemcao,n"t aeisnssa ys, anadrr etfilocenlcsets ci,oi nn ema, along with steweomg ilyna nomaltoeux-st" sMyE xperiaenndc" eAT "a lk with MichelaAnngteolnoi oHniiWs o rokn' '-wohriicghi innta wtmoee de tiwnigtsh Xll \TilEA RCHITECTUROE F VISION studeonftt hseC entrSo perimleedn tiCa inetmoagraBte1caa.ut sheea yr aet t he samtei mnea rraatnivdte e stniymt,oh ehya vbee comtew oa bsoluftiemldya men tarle efrencfoeras n yownheo w ishteosu ndersAtnatnodn iaonndhi i csi nema. Thed ire'cswt roirtionngh si fst lamrsge a theirnet dh see copnadr "tM,y F ilms." Generianltv eirewasp peianrt hteh ipradr "tI,tn ervioenwt sh Cei nemwah,e"r e as" ItnervioenwF si lmasp"p eianrt hfeo urth. Alolf A ntoniownrii'tsih nagvse bpeuebnl isihn[e adnt dr anslfroamt]eI dt alian orF rnechw,i tthh eex ceptoifto hno steex wthsi cAhn toniroensie rfvorei dn itial publicaetiitohinen r Engolarin ntd h e UnSittaetdTe hse.c ritefroric olna ssifi catiwoint heianc pha ritsc hronological.