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The Arabian Nights: An Encyclopedia (Two Volume Set) PDF

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The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia Volume 1 By Ulrich Marzolph and Richard van Leeuwen With the collaboration of Hassan Wassouf With fourteen introductory essays by internationally renowned specialists Santa Barbara, California Denver, Colorado Oxford, England COPYRIGHT2004 BYULRICHMARZOLPH All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The Arabian nights encyclopedia / by Ulrich Marzolph and Richard van Leeuwen; with the collaboration of Hassan Wassouf; with fourteen introductory essays by internationally renowned specialists. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-57607-204-5 (hardcover: alk. paper) ISBN1-85109-640-X (e-book) 1. Arabian nights I. Marzolph, Ulrich. II. Leeuwen, Richard van. III. Wassouf, Hassan. PJ7737.A73 2004 398.22dc22 2004006536 08 07 06 05 04 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 This book is also available on the World Wide Web as an eBook. Visit abc-clio.com for details. ABC-CLIO, Inc. 130 Cremona Drive, P.O. Box 1911 Santa Barbara, California 93116-1911 I This book is printed on acid-free paper . Manufactured in the United States of America Contents List of Illustrations, xxi Introduction, xxiii The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia Volume 1 Part I: Introductory Essays 1 Literary Style and Narrative Technique in the Arabian Nights, by David Beaumont, 1 Situation, Motivation, and Action in the Arabian Nights, by Aboubakr Chraïbi, 5 The Oral Connections of the Arabian Nights, by Hasan El-Shamy, 9 Poetry and the Arabian Nights, by Geert Jan van Gelder, 13 The Manuscript Tradition of the Arabian Nights, by Heinz Grotzfeld, 17 The Arabian Nights in Film Adaptations, by Robert Irwin, 22 The Arabian Nights as an Orientalist Text, by Rana Kabbani, 25 Illustrations to the Arabian Nights, by Kazue Kobayashi, 29 The Arabian Nights and the Popular Epics, by Remke Kruk, 34 Homosociality, Heterosexuality, and Shahrazâd, by Fedwa Malti-Douglas, 38 The Arabian Nights and the Jews, by Joseph Sadan, 42 Images of Masculinity in the Arabian Nights, by Reinhard Schulze, 46 Social Life and Popular Culture in the Arabian Nights, by Boaz Shoshan, 50 Modern Arabic Literature and the Arabian Nights, by Wiebke Walther, 54 Part II: The Phenomenon of the Arabian Nights 63 ‘Abbâs, 537 The Story of, 63 ‘Abdallâh ibn Fâdil and His Brothers, 261, 63 ‘Abdallâh the Fisherman and ‘Abdallâh the Merman, 256, 65 ‘Abdallâh ibn Ma‘mar with the Man of Basra and His Slave-girl, 106, 66 ‘Abd al-Rahmân al-Maghribî’s Story of the Rukhkh, 139, 67 Abu ’l-Aswad and His Slave-girl, 114, 67 Abu ’l-Hasan and Abû Ja‘far the Leper, 175, 67 Abû Hasan Brake Wind, 144 How, 68 Abu ’l-Hasan of Khorasan, 259, 68 Abû Hasan, the Old Man Who Bemoans Ja‘far, 530 The Story of. The anecdote is closely linked to The Story of the Barmakids, 69 Abû Hassân al-Ziyâdî and the Khorasan Man, 97, 70 v vi Contents Abû ‘Îsâ and Qurrat al-‘Ayn, 148 The Loves of, 70 Abû Muhammad Hight Lazybones, 78, 71 Abû Niyya and Abû Niyyatayn, 382 The History of, 73 Abû Nuwâs with the Three Boys and the Caliph Hârûn al-Rashîd, 105, 74 Abû Qâsim Became a Qâdî, 372 How Drummer, 75 Abû Qîr the Dyer and Abû Sîr the Barber, 255, 75 Abû Sâbir, 271 The Story of, 77 Abû Suwayd and the Pretty Old Woman, 152, 77 Abû Yûsuf with Hârûn al-Rashîd and Queen Zubayda, 119 The Qâdî, 78 ‘Adî ibn Zayd and the Princess Hind, 140, 78 ‘Adîla, 432 Story of, 79 Adulteress, 501 The Story of the Admonished, 79 Adulteress Who Tested Her Husband’s Trust, 427 The Story of the, 80 Ahmad and the Fairy Perî Bânû, 355 Prince, 80 ‘Alâ’ al-Dîn; or the Wonderful Lamp, 346, 82 ‘Alâ’ al-Dîn Abu ’l-Shâmât, 63, 85 Alexander and a Certain Tribe of Poor Folk, 161, 88 Alexander the Great, 527 The Story of, 88 Alexander the Great and the Search for the Water of Life, 524, 88 ‘Alî Bâbâ and the Forty Thieves, 353, 89 ‘Alî ibn Bakkâr and Shams al-Nahâr, 60 Tale of, 92 ‘Alî the Cairene and the Haunted House in Baghdad, 155, 93 ‘Alî the Fisherman, 447 The Story of, 95 ‘Alî Jawharî, 423 The Story of, 95 ‘Alî al-Khawâjâ, 533 The Story of, 96 ‘Alî Khawâjâ and the Merchant of Baghdad, 354, 96 ‘Alî with the Large Member, 505 The Story of, 97 ‘Alî Nûr al-Dîn and Maryam the Girdle-girl, 233, 98 ‘Alî the Persian, 74, 99 ‘Alî Shâr and Zumurrud, 82, 100 ‘Alî ibn Tâhir and the Girl Mu’nis, 153 The Emir, 101 ‘Alî and Zâhir from Damascus, 442 The Story of, 101 Ameny, 421 The Story of Princess, 103 Al-Amîn ibn al-Rashîd and His Uncle Ibrâhîm ibn al-Mahdî, 149, 103 Angel of Death and the King of the Children of Israel, 160 The, 104 Angel of Death with the Proud King and the Devout Man, 158 The, 104 Angel of Death and the Rich King, 159 The, 104 Anklet, 461 The, 105 Anûshirwân, 162 The Righteousness of King, 105 Anûshirwân and the Village Damsel, 121 King Kisrâ, 106 Ardashîr and Hayât al-Nufûs, 226, 106 Al-Asma‘î and the Girls of Basra, 216, 107 Astute Qâdî, 454 The Tale of the, 108 ‘Attâf, 415 Tale of, 108 Aylân Shâh and Abû Tammâm, 276 The Story of, 110 Âzâdbakht and His Son, or The Ten Viziers, 268 The History of King, 110 ‘Azîz and ‘Azîza, 41 The Tale of, 111 Bâbâ ‘Abdallâh, 350 The Story of the Blind Man, 113 Badawî and His Wife, 219 The, 114 Bahrâm and the Princess al-Datmâ, 202 Story of Prince, 114 Bakhtzamân, 274 The Story of King, 115 Contents vii Barber’s Tale of Himself, 28 The, 115 Barber’s Tale of His First Brother, 29 The, 117 Barber’s Tale of His Second Brother, 30 The, 117 Barber’s Tale of His Third Brother,31 The, 118 Barber’s Tale of His Fourth Brother, 32 The, 119 Barber’s Tale of His Fifth Brother, 33 The, 119 Barber’s Tale of His Sixth Brother, 34 The, 120 Barmakids, 529 The Story of the, 121 Baybars, 446 The Adventures of Sultan, 121 Baybars al-Bunduqdârî and the Sixteen Captains of Police, 319 Al-Malik al-Zâhir Rukn al-Dîn, 123 Benasir, 429 Story of Prince, 124 Bhang-eater and His Wife, 371 History of the, 124 Bihkard, 275 The Story of King, 125 Bihzâd, 272 The Story of Prince, 126 Birds and Beasts and the Carpenter, 44 Tale of the, 126 Blacksmith Who Could Handle Fire without Hurt, 168 The, 127 Blind Man and the Cripple, 247 The, 127 Blue Salama the Singer, 488, 127 Boy and the Thieves, 249 The, 128 Buhlûl the Jester, 451, 128 Bull and the Ass, 2 Tale of the, 129 Bulûqiyâ, 177 The Adventures of, 130 Al-Bunduqânî, or the Caliph Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Daughter of Kisrâ, 410 The History of, 132 Cairene Youth, the Barber and the Captain, 392 The, 133 Caliph’s Night Adventure, 349 The, 134 Captain of Police, 466 The, 134 Captain’s Tale, 470 The Second, 136 Captain’s Tale, 471 The Third, 136 Captain’s Tale, 472 The Fourth, 137 Captain’s Tale, 473 The Fifth, 137 Captain’s Tale, 474 The Sixth, 138 Captain’s Tale, 475 The Eighth, 139 Captain’s Tale, 476 The Ninth, 140 Captain’s Tale, 477 The Tenth, 140 Captain’s Tale, 478 The Eleventh, 141 Captain’s Tale, 479 The Twelfth, 142 Cat and the Crow, 50 The, 142 Cheat and the Merchants, 311 The Tale of the, 142 Chick-pea Seller’s Daughter, 464 The, 143 Chief of the Bûlâq Police, 90 The Story of the, 144 Chief of the Old Cairo Police, 91 The Story of the, 144 Chief of Police of Cairo, 89 The Story of the, 144 Chief of the Qûs Police and the Sharper, 93 The, 145 Christian King’s Daughter and the Moslem, 171 The, 145 City of Brass, 180 The, 146 Clever Thief, 335 A Merry Jest of a, 150 Cock and the Fox, 413 The Pleasant History of the, 150 Cœlebs the Droll and His Wife and Her Four Lovers, 398, 151 Concubine and the Caliph, 343 The, 151 viii Contents Concubine of al-Ma’mûn, 344 The, 152 Confectioner, His Wife, and the Parrot, 183 Story of the, 152 Constable’s History, 320 The First, 153 Constable’s History, 321 The Second, 154 Constable’s History, 322 The Third, 154 Constable’s History, 323 The Fourth, 154 Constable’s History, 324 The Fifth, 155 Constable’s History, 325 The Sixth, 155 Constable’s History, 326 The Seventh, 155 Constable’s History, 327 The Eighth, 156 Constable’s History, 329 The Ninth, 156 Constable’s History, 330 The Tenth, 157 Constable’s History, 331 The Eleventh, 157 Constable’s History, 332 The Twelfth, 157 Constable’s History, 333 The Thirteenth, 158 Constable’s History, 334 The Fourteenth, 158 Constable’s History, 337 The Fifteenth, 159 Constable’s History, 338 The Sixteenth, 159 Contest in Generosity, 467 A, 159 Coward Belied by His Wife, 502 The Story of the, 160 Craft and Malice of Women; or the Tale of the King, His Son, His Concubine and the Seven Viziers, 181 The, 160 Crone and the Draper’s Wife, 314 The Story of the, 161 Crow and the Serpent, 240 The, 162 Crows and the Hawk, 243 The, 162 Dâdbîn and His Viziers, 273 The Story of King, 162 Dalîla the Crafty and Her Daughter Zaynab the Coney-Catcher, 224 The Rogueries of, 163 Dâmir and al-‘Anqâ’, 549 The Story of, 165 Darwîsh and the Barber’s Boy and the Greedy Sultan, 387 Story of the, 165 David and Solomon, 297 The Story of, 166 Debauchee and the Three-year-old Child, 206 The, 166 Devotee Accused of Lewdness, 306 The Tale of the, 167 Devotee Prince, 134 The, 167 Devotee to Whom Allah Gave a Cloud for Service and the Devout King, 169 The, 168 Devout Israelite, 96 The, 168 Devout Tray-maker and His Wife, 166 The, 169 Devout Woman and the Two Wicked Elders, 128 The, 169 Diamond, 468 The Splendid Tale of Prince, 170 Di‘bil al-Khuzâ‘î with the Lady and Muslim ibn al-Walîd, 141, 171 Disciple’s Story, 300 The, 171 Drop of Honey, 189 The, 171 Durayd, His Generosity, and His Love for Tumâdir al-Khansâ’, 482 The Poet, 172 Ebony Horse, 103 The, 172 Eldest Lady’s Tale, 19 The, 174 Enchanted Spring, 191 The, 175 Ensorcelled Prince, 13 The Tale of the, 176 Envier and the Envied, 17 The Tale of the, 176 Eunuch, Bukhayt, 37 Tale of the First, 178 Eunuch, Kâfûr, 38 Tale of the Second, 178 Contents ix Fakir and His Jar of Butter, 238 The, 179 Falcon and the Locust, 312 The Story of the, 180 Falcon and the Partridge, 48 Tale of the, 180 Fâris al-Khayl and al-Badr al-Fâyiq, 546 Story of the Two Princes, 180 Fatal Collar, 491 The Tale of the, 181 Al-Fath ibn Khâqân and the Caliph al-Mutawakkil, 150, 181 Fâtima and the poet Muraqqish, 484 The Love Story of Princess, 181 Fellah and His Wicked Wife, 402 The, 182 Ferryman of the Nile and the Hermit, 173 The, 182 Fîrûz and His Wife, 285, 183 Fisherman and the Jinnî, 8 The Story of the, 183 Fisherman and His Son, 380 Tale of the, 184 Fishes and the Crab, 239 The, 185 Flea and the Mouse, 52 The, 186 Foolish Dominie, 136 The, 186 Foolish Fisherman, 248 The, 187 Foolish Weaver, 58 The, 187 Forty Viziers, 434 The Story of the, 187 Fox and the Crow, 51 The, 188 Fox and the Folk, 208 Story of the, 188 Francolin and the Tortoises, 254 The, 188 Fuller and His Son, 184 The, 189 Fuller and His Wife and the Trooper, 293 The Tale of the, 189 Gardener, His Son, and the Donkey, 436 The, 191 Gate-keeper of Cairo and the Cunning She-thief, 399 The, 191 Ghânim ibn Ayyûb, the Distraught, the Thrall of Love, 36 The Tale of, 192 Gharîb and His Brother ‘Ajîb, 210 History of, 193 Goldsmith and the Cashmere Singing-girl, 194 The, 196 Goodwife of Cairo and Her Four Gallants, 393 The, 196 Habîb and What Befell Him with the Lady Durrat al-Ghawwâs, 416 History of Prince, 197 Al-Hajjâj and the Pious Man, 167, 198 Al-Hajjâj and the Three Young Men, 266, 199 Al-Hajjâj ibn Yûsuf and the Young Sayyid, 385 History of, 199 Al-Hâkim and the Merchant, 120 The Caliph, 200 Hammâd the Badawî, 43 Tale of, 200 Hard-Head and His Sister Little-Foot, 460, 200 Hârûn al-Rashîd and Abû Hasan the Merchant of Oman, 257 Tale of, 201 Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Arab Girl, 215, 202 Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Barmakids, 281, 202 Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Damsel and Abû Nuwâs, 85, 203 Hârûn al-Rashîd and Queen Zubayda in the Bath, 111 The Caliph, 203 Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Slave-girl and the Imâm Abû Yûsuf, 75 Tale of, 204 Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Three Poets, 112, 204 Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Three Slave-girls, 116 The Caliph, 205 Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Two Slave-Girls, 115, 205 Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Woman of the Barmakids, 267, 205 Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Youth Manjâb, 386 Night Adventure of, 206 Hasan of Basra, 230, 207 Hasan al-Habbâl, 352 History of Khawâjâ, 211 Hasan, the King of Egypt, 545 The Story of, 212

The whole story of One Thousand and One Nights is Persian and the characters are Persian, including pure Persian names, however its better known as "Arabian Nights". This book advocates this inaccurate name and therefore is not a trustworthy source for studying the "One Thousand and One Nights".Whil
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