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Memoirs ofthe Museum ofVictoria 56(2):467-473 (1997) 28 February 1997 https://doi.org/10.24199/j.mmv.1997.56.40 A CONSERVATION ASSESSMENT OF THE AQUATIC MACROINVERTEBRATE FAUNA IN THE GRAMPIANS NATIONAL PARK Doeg T.J. Freshwater Ecology Section, Flora and Fauna Branch, Department ofNatural Resources and Environment. Vic. 3001. Australia Abstract Doeg,T.J., 1997. Aconservationassessmentoftheaquaticmacroinvertebrate faunainthe Grampians National Park. Memoirs oftheMuseum ofVictoria 56: 467-473. A total of236 aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa were identified at 32 riverine sites in the Grampians National Park. At least 23 ofthe taxa may represent species restricted to the park.ThegenusAustrophlebioides(Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae)was missingfrom all sites surveyed, despite suitable habitat. Ordination indicated three distinct groups ofsites within the park, primarily based on the stream-bed substrate type. Standard conservation measures were attempted (diversity, uniqueness, rarity, etc) with limited success. Twenty sites showed some characteristics ofconservation significance. One site was shown to be more diverse than all others, sixsites had more than threeendemic species present, seven sites had the only record ofan endemic species, the Mackenzie River was shown to be a uniquearea inthepark(with an associateddistinctfauna)andothersitesscored highlyon statistical conservation indices. None ofthe conservation measures used could, by them- selves, identify all the significant sites within the park. Introduction edge of the taxonomy and distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates is not sufficiently Traditional methods of assessing the conser- detailed in Victoriato allow correct assignment vation status ofriverine sites revolve primarily of a conservation status (e.g., Doeg and Reed, around the lack ofhuman disturbance at a par- 1995). Yen and Butcher (1994) suggest that ticular site or within a catchment (Mitchell, single species conservation may be inappropri- 1990) or are based on the presence of species ate for the majority of invertebrates and that withhighconservationstatus(e.g., CNR, 1995). other techniques or criteria should be applied. However, assessments of the 'naturalness' of These include habitat-based or community- individualsitesorcatchmentsdonotnecessarily based approaches. translate immediately to the equivalent signifi- A number of alternative methods have been cancefortheinvertebratecommunity. Meredith suggestedfortheseotherapproaches.Thispaper et al. (1989) evaluated stream segments in East evaluatessomeofthesemethods,usingdatacol- Gippsland according to the presence of lected as part of a National Estate survey of impoundments, in-stream works, pollution streams in the Grampians National Park. sources, reading, and the percentage oftimber harvestingandnon-nativevegetation. However, Methods the impact ofthese disturbances is site depend- ant and such a simplistic evaluation may not Atotalof60 sites was sampled(Fig. 1)through- reflect the impact onthe fauna. In fact, patterns outtheGrampiansNationalParkfromallmajor in the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of the drainage areas. Sites ranged from wide veg- area (derived from multivariate groupings) do etation-choked channels, small slow-flowing not correspond to the on-ground patterns silty tributaries, faster flowing sand to cobble derived from 'naturalness' evaluation (T. Doeg, bed streams to steep boulder dominated rivers. Freshwater Ecology Section, unpublished cAotlleeacctehdsfitreo,mstthaendmaaridinsecdhankincekl ussaimnpgleasn wFeBrAe data). Where individual species are used to identify net (150 urn mesh net). Macroinvertebrates sites of significance, the identification of the were picked from a one-tenth subsample and species of conservation significance is often identified.Thefundingprovidedforthisproject based on a well established knowledge ofboth allowed only 32 sites to be completed (Fig. 1). thetaxonomyand distributionofcertaingroups Samples from the remaining sites are currently offlora and fauna (e.g., fish). However, knowl- beingprocessedand afullanalysisoftheresults, 467 DOEG 468 T.J. vertebratesi—nconservationanalysisfallintofive main types diversity, presence of rare and Grampians endangered species, presence of local endemic National species, groupings of sites with distinct com- VJPark \[ munity compositions, and proposed statistical tests ofrarity. Diversitypatterns Generally, sitesareconsideredtobeofsignifi- cancebased ondiversity measures iftheyhavea V large number of species present, or more cor- f( •,0 a* \ >5 rectly, a higher number ofspecies present than would be expected. There are insufficient data on the Victorian fauna to establish (in a formal sense)theexpectednumberofspeciesatanypar- ticular site. Current work elsewhere under the RiverHealth Initiativeisattemptingtoproduce a predictive model, where the likely compo- sition and diversity ofa site can be estimated from a series ofenvironmental variables. However, diversity measures alone may not always indicate the true nature of the site. Numerous examples exist where clearly dis- turbed sites are not distinguished from undis- turbedsites, basedsimplyonthenumberoftaxa present (e.g., Doeg, 1985). Inan overall sense, the 236taxaoffreshwater —FsiagmuprleinIg.Msiateps.o1f—thesisttesudpyroacreesassehdodwuirnigngthtehilsocsattuidoyn;omf cmaocmrpoairnevserftaevboruartaebslyrewciotrhdeodtheart itnhteens3i2vessiutre-s sites sampled but not processed during this veys in Victoria. For example, in East Gipps- study. land, similar kick samples collected at 48 sites resultedin269taxa(T. Doeg, unpublisheddata) while similarordersoftotal diversity havebeen includingthe speciescollectedwill be presented recorded in the upper Goulburn River (Doeg elsewhere. 1985), the Thomson River (Doeg et al., 1987), the Yarra River (Pettigrove 1989) and the Conservation analysis Latrobe River (Metzeling et al., 1984). Care The traditional conservation analysis of using should betaken in comparing regional diversity between surveys due to differences in the distri- land use characteristics to identify significant bution ofsite characteristics, samplingmethods esiltiemsin(aMteermeduicthhoeftthael.G,ra1m98p9i)ansshoNualtdi,onianlPfaacrtk, and taxonomic discrimination, but there is no fromahighconservationrating.Thepresenceof reason to suspect that the total fauna collected major reservoirs (Lake Wartook and Moora was any more orless diverse than other aquatic Moora Reservoir), the extensive networks of sites sampled throughout Victoria. roads and tracks, historical grazing and timber Thenumberoftaxafoundat eachsite(from 8 harvestingwouldautomaticallyreducethevalue to72)was broad(Fig. 2). The sitewith the high- of most park streams. Despite this, the LCC estnumberoftaxawasatSite21 onFyansCreek identified the Victoria Range, Serra Range and on the Grampians Tourist Road (72 taxa). This the Major Mitchell Plateau as having Remote was substantially higher than any of the other and Natural attributes worthy of note (LCC, sites, the site with the nearest diversity, also on Fyans Creek, having only 56 taxa. 1991). Noprevious attempt has been made to assess Rare, endangeredandendemicspecies the conservation status of the Grampians in Thepresenceofrareandendangeredspeciesis terms of the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna. a valid determinantofhigh conservation status. Suggestedmethodsofusingfreshwatermacroin- However, the lack ofadequate taxonomic and MACROINVERTEBRATES IN THE GRAMPIANS NATIONAL PARK 469 distributional knowledge restricts our ability to identify species that are truly rare or restricted (Butcher and Doeg, 1995). However, no taxon Number ofTaxa present on the official lists of rare and endangered species (CNR, 1995) was located in o o o c *o». Wol 0o\ -oJ 0o0 this survey. Given the paucity ofsamplingcon- M39 HI ducted previously in the Grampians, it is not VR48 surprising that rare or endangered species llllllllllllll described from elsewhere in the state were not G5 IHIIIIIIIIIIIIHII located there. G9 IlllllllliilHUIIIIII The majority of species collected have been Gil lllllllllllllllllllllll recorded in other work in other places in Vic- G7 toria. Significantly, 23 of the taxa (10% of the G4 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll fauna) were identified as either unrecorded in G2 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll recognised voucher collections, or as distinct G10 from a known ordescribed species, and may be new species restricted to the Grampians (herein F26 JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII G12 1 Illllll ccaaltleegdor'yendoefmihca'vitnaxga).liAmsitseudchd,itshteryibfuatllioinnstoatnhde M41 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll could possibly qualify for inclusion in lists of M44 1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll rare species. The unique nature of the Gram- M43 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll piansbiotarevealed inboth floraand vertebrate 2n2 WR36 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll II) surveysisthereforealsoreflected inthepresence ZB F20 lllllllllll!llllll||||||||||||||||| llll II of a large proportion of new and possibly 3 VV28 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll liIIhi endemic freshwater taxa. no- VR49 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll inn Twenty seven of the 32 sites processed con- WM43G208 lnlilllllll!llllllllllll!lllllllll!lllllllll!llllllllllllllhlllllllll imiiiili1I1I1!1 tn6,auimannbedeurnato-fnlsaeuamscethdtoatnxreiabaeuttnaadresyminoigfcletthsaeixtoeGnlw.eansTehl6,geaRtmiSovisettre :illl!lllllllllll!!lllllllllllllllll innlllllllllllll on Hines Track. Nine ofthe potential endemic VR51 l]llll!]lll[lllllli]llllllllllllll[l inn [minimi taxa were located at single sites within the WR38 iiiiiiiiiiiium|]||[|]|j||||j||l| innllllllllllllllll park. M45 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll inn imiiniiiiiii Of particular interest, the major genus of Gfi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mayfly, Austrophlebioides, was absent from any Gl ofthe sites sampled. Austrophlebioides is com- F22 IIIIINIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIINIIIINI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mon on rocks in stony upland streams but 'are W33 not commonly found at lowland sites or sandy inniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii W29 sites' (Marchant et al., 1994), and are often reduced in abundance due to the impact of WR34 mm iiiii iiiii human disturbance (Doeg, 1985, Doeg and F25 |||||||||l|||llllipillllllllllllll iiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Koehn 1994). However, members ofthe genus F21 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll iiiii areknownthroughoutVictoriaatalmostallalti- tudes,andoftenformasignificantcomponentof the freshwater fauna. Even in some ofthe more disturbedstreams,suchastheMittaMitta River in north-east Victoria (Blyth et al., 1984), Aus- trophlebioides were still located, albeit in reduced numbers. While it is not unreasonable forthe genus to be absent from the silt or sand- basedsites,manyothersiteshadconditionssuit- able for the taxon (particularly at cobble sites). Figure2. Numberoftaxarecordedateachsite,sorted Given the number of sites sampled, the genus efFryreaonnmcselCotrwoeeteshkte;—tfWoolhi—lgohweWisnatg.ncnNaoutcnmhbmReiervnestrs;f:rWGoRm—F—iGg—l.Metn1ewWligit;lhlFirea—fm- sithohualsdnheavveerbbeeeennlporceasteendtifiintwthaesGprreasmepnit.anEsi,theorr Range; M McKenzie River; VR Victoria some (possibly natural or cyclical) event in the Range. past has lead to its elimination. 470 T.J. DOEG Sitegroupings all the remaining sites primarily with a sand or The use of multivariate analyses can enable pebble component (mainly the Glenelg River, the identification of distinct groupings of sites and William and Victoria Range sites). Such that have adistinctive faunawithin a smallgeo- sites are widespread throughout the park. graphic area, like the Grampians. Classification In general, ordination by Reciprocal Averag- by TWINSPAN indicated the formation of 4 ing (Fig. 4) reflected the major groupings distinct groups of sites (Fig. 3). The first div- outlined by the classification, but with little ision, indicatingthemost distinctgroup(Group discrimination between the mixed substrata 1), separated a group of 7 sites on the Glenelg sites. Significantly,theordinationindicatedthat River and one site on the McKenzie River the community composition at Site 43 (located upstream of Wartook Reservoir. Seven of the immediately below a popular tourist complex Group 1 siteswerethosewithpredominantlysilt with a defective sewage system) was distinct and/or vegetation substrata. Unusually, Site 12 from the remaining Mackenzie River sites, (Moora Creek) has a substrate of cobbles and which showed ahigherdegreeofsimilarity. Site boulders,butanearbyparallelroad,suggestinga 43wasnotclearlydistinctfromtheothersiteson sedimentation impact. the basis ofdiversity measures alone (a total of Even though the majority of Group 1 sites 26 taxa compared to 24-43 at the other sites in were located in the Glenelg River catchment, the group), but had a distinctly disturbed fauna other sites (that have not been processed yet) dominated by oligochaetes and chironomids. with similar substrates can be found in other catchmentsinthepark. Hence,theseparationof theGroup 1 probablyreflectsthedistributionof a habitat-type and not a particular area of JSU Q significance. 5 onTthhee sMeccKoenndzmiaejRoirvdeirvdisoiwonnssterpeaarmatoefdtthheeWsaitre-s 325000 AOFGyleanneslgCrReievker 9 WannonRiver t2)o.oTkhReesseersvitoeisrwferroemianllaohfitghhegortahdeirensti,tehsi(gGhrfoluopw SAcxo2irse 210500 39H 10 iHO£jWMViiaclctlkoieranimzaiRReaanRniggveeer stream, generallywith the highest proportion of 100 larger particle sizes (cobbles through to 12 boulders). This division is ofmore significance, 50 £d7a o 41 *- as while this may also be substrate based, there o 42 arenosimilarhabitatswithinthepark,andsimi- -50 lar faunal compositions at sites outside the 100 G McKenzie River catchment are unlikely to be -50 50 100 150 200 250 found. Thus, the McKenzie River downstream Axis1Score ofLakeWartookmaybeseenasanareaofsome Figure4. ReciprocalAveraging(RA)plotshowingthe local conservation significance (despite the relationship between sites. Only site numbers for presence ofthe reservoir upstream). Groups 1 and 2 from the TWINSPAN analysis are Group 3 contained sites on Fyans Creek and shown. the Wannon River (substrates composed pri- marily ofcobbles), with Group 4 comprised of Rarity measures While the techniques or measurements employed to evaluate conservation significance above are relatively widespread and accepted, the evaluation offreshwater macroinvertebrate communities using statistical indices does not 4.5,7,9,10,12,39 appear to have been used for freshwater 41,42,43.44,43 macroinvertebrates in Victoria or Australia. 2t8.,23,46,,386,,1318,,2468,, 20,292,1,302,2,332S, Such indices were developed to enable an 49,51 objectiveassessmentofsitevalues, freefromthe Group1 drawbacks of more subjective value Figure 3. TWINSPAN dendrogram showing the judgements. relationship between sites and site groupings. Objective tests on conservation criteria were Numbers as for Fig. I. based on the methods described in Eyre and MACROINVERTEBRATES IN THE GRAMPIANS NATIONAL PARK 471 Rushton (1989). Each of the 236 taxa was Species Rarity Total assigned a score on a geometric scale (1-16) — — © K©i (si u©> u» *©>. based on the number of sites out of the 32 at © © <©J\ © © © V©I © wspheiccihesitowcacsurcorlilnegcteatd,faewwaerrdisnigtesh.igThehreschoirgehsestto Gl Tllll^lllllllllllllllIlllIllIllll|||l||||I||T||-||.|||||||I||||||||||||||||ll1l!lllllll ' score (16) was assigned to species occurring at G2 !l|||n||l!llllll!llll!llll!lllllll only one ofthe sites sampled, with 8 points to G4 IIIIIIIIMIIIIIUIillllll speciesoccurringat 2-4sites, 4tospeciesat4-7 G5 llllllllllllllllllllllllIUIll sites, 2tospeciesat8-15 sitesand 1 tospeciesat G6 I!IIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIII!IIIII>IIIIUIIIIIIIIII1II|||!I|III]INIIIIIIII!>IIIIIIIIIIII 16-32 sites. G7 —A site score (termed the Species Rarity Total IIIIIII1IIIII1IIIIUI SRT) was calculated asthe simple sum ofall G8 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUl||||||||llll i i Illil the scores ofall the species present at the site. G9 1 Each of the SRT indices were divided by the G10 numberofspeciesateachsitetoobtainasecond Gil IIIIIIIIPIIIIPii sitescore,theSpeciesQualityFactor(SQF).The G12 SRTandSQFweregraphedandanalysedbyeye F20 to detect sites of outlying low or high rarity F21 imillllllll!l!llllllllllllllll!llllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllillllhlllliillllllllllllllHIIIIIIII valWuheis.le such indices have some appeal as a CZ! F22 lllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||||l||||||l||l|lllll| a F25 lllllll!lllllllllllllllllll||||||||||||||||||||||lllllllllllllllllllllllll simple estimateofsite significance, it isimport- Z F26 ant to understand exactly what the indices s reflect. The SRT is a simple sum ofthe individ- 3 W28 ual species score, so that a site with many rare IT W29 species scores higher than a site with fewer rare T W30 lllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIINIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIllllllHlllll.ini species. W33 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii||iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii However, the SRT score will also be affected WR34 by the total number oftaxa, so that a site with WR36 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUDI manytaxawillscorehigherthanasitewithfewer WR38 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii taxa, even ifthey have the same numberofrare M39 ii orrestrictedspecies.Thisisdemonstrated inthe M41 present case. Site 21 clearly had the highest lllllllllllllllllllllllllll M42 values forSRT(Fig. 5)ofallthesitesexamined. This site also had the highest numberoftaxaof M43 any site. But that site did not have the highest M44 Diimiipiiiniiiiii number, or proportion, of taxa unique to that M45 llllllllllllllllllllllllllll]||||||]]|||llllllllllllll!lllllllll site. There were 6 taxa found only at Site 21 VR48 mm (8.3%ofthetotalatthesite),thesamenumberas VR49 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sisitceo8mp(6arouetdowfi4t0ht9axaat,Si1t5e%s 6of(t4h4ettaoxtaa,l)2,0b%u)ttahnids VR51 iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii|1!I1!I||||1I||!!11I||11I 30 (38 taxa, 23%). Site 9 had 5 unique taxa Figure 5. Species Rarity Total for each site. (representing 31% ofthe 16 taxa collected, the highest proportion ofall sites). uniqu—e taxa (31%, 23%, 21% and 20% respect- WhileSites 6and 30hadthesecond andthird ively thefourhighestproportionsofallsites). highest SRT respectively, Site 8 was ranked This provides a more intuitively satisfying sixth, and 9wasranked 15thamongallthesites. solution to the use ofindices, downplaying the Hence, the calculation ofSRT values does not presence ofcommon taxa and identifying sites seemtoreflectallthepossiblecriteriathatcould with the largest proportion of the fauna be used to determine the rarity ofa site. composed ofrestricted taxa. The Species Quality Factor (the SRT divided by the number oftaxa) overcomes many ofthe Conclusions problems ofusingthe raw score. By standardis- ing the score, the SQF more reflects the pro- Dependingon thetype ofmeasure used, twenty portionoftaxaatasitethatarerare.Hence,Sites sites with some significance status could be 96,),3i0n,t5hiasncdal6caulllastcioornerhefilgehcetsitn,gitnhtehpartooprodretrio(Fniog.f imdoernteifdiievder(sTeabtlhean1)a.llOonteherssi,tesiwxassitseshohwand tmoorbee . 472 DOEG T.J. Species Quality Factor References Blyth, J.D., Doeg, T.J. and St Clair, R.M., 1984. Response ofthe macroinvertebrate fauna ofthe Mitta Mitta River, Victoria, to the construction and operation ofDartmouth Dam. Construc- 1: tion and initial filling period. OccasionalPapers from the Museum ofVictoria 1: 83-100. Butcher,R.andDoeg,T., 1995.Conservationoffresh- waterinvertebrates. VictorianNaturalist 112: 15- 19. — CNR, 1995. Threatenedfauna in Victoria 1995. Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: Victoria. Doeg, T.J., 1985. Macroinvertebrate communities in the Goulburn River and tributaries above Lake Eildon,Victoria.BulletinoftheAustralianSociety forLimnology 47-6 1 1: 1 Doeg, TJ. and Koehn, J.D., 1994. Effectsofdraining anddesiltingasmallweirondownstreamfishand macroinvertebrates. Regulated Rivers 9: 263- V5 277. nZ Doeg, T. and Reed, J., 1995. Distribution of the endangered Otway stonefly Eusthenia nothofagi Zwick (Plecoptera: Eustheniidae) in the Otway Ranges. Proceedings ofthe RoyalSociety ofVic- toria 107: 45-50. Eyre,M.D.andRushton,S.P., 1989.Quantificationof conservationcriteria usinginvertebrates.Journal ofAppliedEcology 26: 159-171. LCC, 1991. Wilderness: Special Investigation. Einal Recommendations. Land Conservation Council, Victoria. Marchant, R., Barmuta, L.A. and Chessman, B.C., 1994. Preliminary study of the ordination and classification ofmacroinvertebrate communities from running waters in Victoria, Australia. Aus- tralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 45: 1-18. Meredith,C,Goss,H.andSeymour,S., 1989. Nature conservation valuesoftheriversandcatchmentsof Gippsland. Report No. 44. Department ofWater Resources, Victoria. Metzeling, L., Graesser, A., Suter, P. and Marchant, Figure 6. Species Quality Factor for each site. R., 1984.Thedistributionofaquaticmacroinver- tebrates in the upper catchment ofthe Latrobe than 3 endemic species present, seven sites had River, Victoria. Occasional Papers from the the only record of an endemic species, the Museum ofVictoria 1: 1-62. Mackenzie Riverwasshowntobeauniquearea Mitchell, P.A., 1990. Theenvironmentalcondition of in the park (with an associated distinct fauna) RVeiscotuorricaens, Msetlrbeaomusr.ne.Department of Water acensd. oNtohneresiotfesthsecorceodnsheirgvhaltyioonn smteaatissutriceasl iunsdeid- PettiYgarorvrea,RVi.vJe.r, u1s9i8n9g.mBaicorlooignivcearltembornaitteos.riSncgieontfiftihce- could, by themselves, identify all of the sites Report Series No. 88/104. Environment Protec- within the park with characteristics of conser- tion Authority, Victoria. vation significance. It is clear that for aquatic Yen,A. and Butcher, R., 1994.Anoverviewofthecon- macroinvertebrates to be used to identify areas servation status of non-marine invertebrates in or sites of conservation significance, far more Australia. Endangered Species Unit and Aus- information on the characteristics of natural tralian Nature Conservation Agency, Canberra. undisturbed communities needs to be col- lected. MACROINVERTEBRATES IN THE GRAMPIANS NATIONAL PARK 473 Table 1. Summary ofsites displaying some degree ofuniqueness based on each ofthe types of analysis used in this report. Site Diversity Endemic species Only site for Members of SRT SQF present endemic species distinct group 4 1 2 1 5 3 6 6 2 2 4 8 1 9 2 1 10 1 11 21 + 4 1 1 25 5 30 3 2 33 4 34 1 36 4 + 41-45 49 4 — E—xplanationofcodes:Diversity Thesitewiththehighestnumberoftaxa;Ende—micspeciespresent More than 3 possibleendemic species present; Onlysite—forendemicspecies Numberofloc—al SRT taxarestricted to only that site; Membersofdistinctgroup Mckenzie River sites; Rarity Topfourranked scores forSpeciesRarityTotal; RaritySQF—lopfourranked scoresfor Species Quality Factor.

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