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The application of wood decay fungi to improve the acoustic properties of resonance wood for violins Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree Doctor rer. nat. of the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany Melanie Spycher Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany 2007 Dekan: Prof. Dr. Heinz Rennenberg Referent: Prof. Dr. Francis W. M. R. Schwarze Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gero Becker Datum der Disputation : 1. Februar 2008 CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................................................i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.........................................................................................................................v ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................................vi 1. INTRODUCTION AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1 1-1 VIOLIN AND VIOLIN MAKING: A BRIEF HISTORY..........................................................1 1-1.1 Violin: history and construction..............................................................................1 1-1.2 Physics of the violin...............................................................................................2 1-1.3 Stradivarius: mythos or reality?.............................................................................4 1-2 WOOD AND RESONANCE WOOD...................................................................................6 1-2.1 Wood structure.......................................................................................................6 1-2.2 Wood constituents.................................................................................................9 1-2.3 Wood for violin making..........................................................................................11 1-3 LITERATURE REVIEW ON ACOUSTICAL PARAMETERS..............................................14 1-3.1 Modulus of elasticity...............................................................................................16 1-3.2 Sound velocity........................................................................................................18 1-3.3 Radiation ratio........................................................................................................18 1-3.4 Damping factor and associated parameters..........................................................19 1-3.5 Parameters after orthotropic model.......................................................................20 1-3.6 Anisotropy factor....................................................................................................20 1-3.7 Acoustics invariants...............................................................................................21 1-4 WOOD DECAY...................................................................................................................22 1-4.1 Interactions between fungi and wood substrate....................................................22 1-4.2 Types of wood decay.............................................................................................24 1-4.3 Factors influencing the mode of decay..................................................................27 1-4.4 Wood decay fungi preserving stiffness..................................................................30 1-4.5 Wood decay fungi using in this study....................................................................30 1-5 HYPOTHESES AND OBJECTIVES...................................................................................33 1-5.1 State of the art.......................................................................................................33 1-5.2 Objectives and hypotheses....................................................................................34 1-5.3 Practical approach and construction of the thesis.................................................35 i 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 39 2-1 MEASUREMENTS OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES............................................................39 2-1.1 Measurements of the resonance frequency of wood strips...................................39 2-1.2 Measurements and calculation of the modulus of elasticity..................................43 2-1.3 Strength and rupture tests.....................................................................................46 2-1.4 Measurements of the resonance frequencies with vibrometer..............................47 2-1.5 Ultrasound measurements.....................................................................................50 2-2 FUNGAL TREATMENTS....................................................................................................52 2-2.1 Sterilization methods (gas sterilization and steam sterilization)............................52 2-2.2 Treatment for wood strips......................................................................................52 2-2.3 Histological studies (Test after EN 113)................................................................60 2-2.4 Treatment of wood samples for ultrasound measurements..................................62 2-2.5 Treatment for small plates.....................................................................................63 2-2.6 Treatment for violin blocks.....................................................................................64 2-3 OTHERS INVESTIGATIONS.............................................................................................66 2-3.1 Light microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy...........................................66 2-3.2 Artificial ageing process.........................................................................................66 2-3.3 Evaluation of the laccase activity...........................................................................66 3. EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY OF RESONANCE WOOD 69 3-1 RELIABILITY OF THE STRIP MEASUREMENT SYSTEM................................................69 3-1.1 Geometry of the specimen and density.................................................................69 3-1.2 Set-up and repetitions of measurements...............................................................72 3-1.3 Moisture content and measured resonance frequency.........................................75 3-1.4 Comparison of static and dynamic modules of elasticity.......................................76 3-2 PHYSICAL AND HISTOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE RESONANCE WOOD................79 3-2.1 Physical properties.................................................................................................80 3-2.2 Histological properties and structure of wood........................................................86 3-2.3 Analysis of a wood specimen from 1738...............................................................91 3-2.4 Analysis of an old fir specimen..............................................................................94 3-3 GLOBAL EVALUATION OF THE RESONANCE WOOD QUALITY..................................97 3-3.1 Acoustical parameters...........................................................................................97 3-3.2 Discussion of the Hypothesis n°1..........................................................................100 3-3.3 Anatomical considerations.....................................................................................101 ii 4. RESULTS: STRIPS MEASUREMENTS AND MICROSCOPIC INVESTIGATIONS 103 4-1 NORWAY SPRUCE WOOD...............................................................................................103 4-1.1 Norway spruce incubated with Climacocystis borealis and Phellinus hartigii.......103 4-1.2 Norway spruce incubated with Physisporinus vitreus............................................109 4-1.3 Norway spruce incubated with Phialocephala fortinii and Xylaria cubensis..........114 4-1.4 Norway spruce incubated with Deuteromycetes...................................................119 4-2 SYCAMORE WOOD...........................................................................................................130 4-2.1 Sycamore incubated with Schizophyllum commune.............................................130 4-2.2 Sycamore incubated with Xylaria longipes............................................................135 4-2.3 Sycamore incubated with Polyporus squamosus..................................................138 4-3 ADDITIONAL RESULTS....................................................................................................141 4-3.1 Control samples.....................................................................................................141 4-3.2 Histological studies................................................................................................143 4-3.3 Artificial ageing.......................................................................................................150 4-3.4 Evaluation of the laccase activity...........................................................................156 4-4 DISCUSSION.....................................................................................................................159 4-4.1 Norway spruce wood.............................................................................................159 4-4.2 Sycamore wood.....................................................................................................163 5. RESULTS: APPLICATION TO MUSIC INSTRUMENTS 167 5-1 ULTRASOUND MEASUREMENTS...................................................................................167 5-1.1 Results...................................................................................................................167 5-1.2 Comparison of resonance frequency and ultrasound measurements...................173 5-2 MEASUREMENTS ON SMALL WOOD PLATES..............................................................175 5-2.1 Results...................................................................................................................175 5-2.2 Comparison of vibrometer and resonance frequency measurements...................179 5-3 MEASUREMENTS ON VIOLIN WOOD BLOCKS..............................................................181 5-3.1 Results...................................................................................................................181 5-3.2 Comparison between strips specimens and violin blocks.....................................185 5-4 DISCUSSION.....................................................................................................................186 5-4.1 Comparison of measurements methods................................................................186 5-4.2 Incubation procedure.............................................................................................188 iii 6. DISCUSSION 189 6-1 DISCUSSION OF THE HYPOTHESES.............................................................................189 6-1.1 Alterations in acoustic properties (Hypothesis 2)..................................................189 6-1.2 Optimal stage of fungal degradation (Hypothesis 3).............................................195 6-1.3 Development of the parameters during incubation (Hypothesis 4).......................200 6-1.4 Application of the results to violin blocks (Hypothesis 5).......................................203 6-2 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS................................................................................................204 6-2.1 Modulus of rupture and density.............................................................................204 6-2.2 Fungal decay to substitute the climate..................................................................207 6-2.3 Remarks about aesthetics and sonority................................................................209 6-2.4 Resonance wood treated with wood decay fungi : An “adapted” material............211 7. CONCLUSIONS 213 7-1 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................213 7-2 FURTHER RESEARCH AREAS........................................................................................214 7-3 SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................216 7-3.1 Summary................................................................................................................216 7-3.2 Zusammenfassung................................................................................................218 8. LITERATURE 221 9. ANNEXES 239 9-1 GENERAL ASPECTS ON WAVE MOTION.......................................................................239 9-1.1 Mathematical description.......................................................................................240 9-1.2 Sound waves in the air..........................................................................................241 9-1.3 Sound waves in solids...........................................................................................243 9-2 SOURCE AND ORIGIN OF FUNGI USED IN THE THESIS..............................................245 9-2.1 Origin of the fungal isolates...................................................................................245 9-2.2 Growth media.........................................................................................................246 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Francis Schwarze for supervising me during my PhD at the EMPA in St-Gallen. I appreciate the encouragements he provided me during these three years. My special thanks also to Prof. Gero Becker for undertaking the co-supervision of this thesis. I am grateful to Prof. Siegfried Fink at the Forest Botany Institute in Freiburg in Breisgau for his support during my stay in Freiburg and for co-supervising this work, as well as Ms. Susanne Röske and Ms. Karin Waldmann to prepare the wood sections. I was also very interesting in the opportunity to visit some lectures at the University: many thanks to Prof. S. Fink, Prof. U. Seeling, Prof. G. Becker, and Prof. L. Jaeger to teach me basic knowledge about the forestry. I am particularly indebted to my colleagues from the EMPA, who made this work possible. Many thanks to Klaus Richter, head of Wood Laboratory at EMPA, who provide my helpful feed-back along my stay at the EMPA. I would like to mention Mr. Kurt Weiss and Mr. Michael Strässle for carrying out the experiments with static methods; Mr. Daniel Heer for the preparation of the wood specimens; Mr. Markus Heeb for conducting several pre-tests, and finally Ms. Margrit Conradin to facilitate my administrative tasks. A special thanks go to René Steiger for his support about the physical part of this research. I want also to thank my collegues for their daily support: Ms. Bettina Lanz, Mr. Alex Skyba, Mr. Helge Landmesser, Mr. Christoph Heuser and Mr. Mark Schubert. The experiments with the vibrometer were carried out with the invaluable support of the division of the Structural Engineering Research Laboratory at the EMPA in Dübendorf, in particular Dr. Daniel Gsell and Sandy Schubert. My special thanks go to my PhD colleague Arne Guelzow, who made the MATHLAB® program to evaluate the properties of the wood specimens. My doctoral studies were possible thank to the financial support of the EMPA. I want to acknowledge Prof. Louis Schlapbach and Dr. Peter Richner to believe in this project and allow its funding. I feel truly grateful to have had the opportunity to work with violinmakers and learn a little from their craft. Mr. Michael Rhonheimer from Baden (CH) provided my invaluable information about violins and all the violin blocks for my experiments. The other resonance wood specimens were offer by Mr. Bernard Michaud from “Le Bois de Lutherie” in Fertans (France). Finally, I want to thank Mr. Martin Schleske, from München (Germany) for his fruitful collaboration. Last but not least, I want to thank my family in Lausanne and in Bern to support my work with love and comprehension during these three years, in particular my parents. My deepest gratitude goes to my husband Adrian Spycher for, among other, his help for making the program for strip measurements. v ABREVIATIONS b Width of specimen c Sound velocity d Damping factor EMPAxxx refers to the number of the strain at the Empa (see Table 77 and 78 for details) EN European Norm E Modulus of elasticity in the x-direction x f Resonance frequency r G Shear modulus in the plane xy xy H Emission factor h Thickness of specimen L Loudness factor Longitudinal or axial direction Length of specimen MC Moisture content MEA Malt extract agar Mix refers to a fungal incubation with the five Deuteromycetes (C. globosum EMPA 569, H. grisea EMPA 571, P. setifera EMPA 572, P. mutabilis EMPA 573 and T. spiralis EMPA 574). MOE Modulus of elasticity (or Young’s modulus) MOR Modulus of rupture (also called bending strength or strength at rupture) R Radiation ratio Radial direction S , S , S refers to the secondary wall of the wood cell 1 2 3 STD Standard deviation T Tangential direction t Thickness of specimen We Weeks WL Weight loss vi 1. Introduction and theoretical background 1-1 Violin and violin making: a brief history 1-1.1 Violin: history and construction Throughout human history, music evolved together with the speech and the development of the human being on one side, and with the creation of new music instruments on the other side. At every stage of early human development, the spirit of new kinds of music instruments can be detected. The origin of all string instruments were bows with one single string made of animals’ catgut. Dating from the Neolithic age, reveal that pictures on the walls of caves show the use of traditional bows to make sounds, accompanied by drums and dance. During this age, different kinds of wood were used to make percussion and bow instruments, showing a first discovery in the relation between the material and a “better” sound. Before the Middle Ages, around the tenth century A.D., the “vielle” and the “rote” (Irish version of the modern lyre) were invented. A fingerboard was added to the instrument, allowing it to be bowed rather than simply plucked, as well as allowing the fingers to shorten the strings to produce various tones. Even during early days, the instrument was played on the left shoulder or breast, which was unusual, because most string instruments were still held on the knees for a few more centuries. The twelfth century brought the final evolution of the vielle. It was, at that time, similar to a modern guitar in cut. It was a widely used instrument during this period due to its ease of handling, its wide tonal range, and the ease of playing the scales. For this reason, the instrument was used with up to four strings instead of only one or two. Until the 16th century, some instruments even had five strings. Three other instruments appeared before 1500, one of which, the “viola da gamba” (held on or between the knees) is sometimes still played today. Another was a bowed instrument called the “lire da braccio”. The third is called the “viola da braccio” originally with three or four strings, which is the direct predecessor of the violin. Since the fifteenth century, it became a four-stringed instrument and adopted other modern characteristics, such as the peg box and tuning in fifths. This method of tuning allows the musician to use four fingers, which is ideal for short-arm instruments. The shape of the sound holes also changed from crescents to the f- shape used today, and became known as “f-holes” (Fletcher and Rossling, 1998). The violin we know today appeared between 1500 and 1550. Its actual shape (Figure 1) was first mastered by Italian violinmakers and has not changed since the last 400 years. The natural evolution, which led to the creation of the violin, reached its maximum with Stradivari and Guarneri at the end of the seventeenth century. Even today, their violins are considered among the best of the world. This evolution was also very strongly related to the demand of the composers each new difficulty in a music piece leading to an adaptation of the instrument, permitting the musician to reach the virtuosity requested from the composer. 1 C. A. B. Figure 1: Illustration of the shape of the different precursors of a modern violin (Michels, 1990) / (A) Vielle (B) Lire da braccio (C) Viola da gamba 1-1.2 Physics of the violin The actual construction of the violin is represented in Figure 2. The scroll, bridge, back plate and ribs are made of curly maple, which has a great aesthetic importance. The top, sound post and corners blocks are all made of Norway spruce (Veitl, 1987), which is used for all vibrating pieces. All parts are manufactured by hand, especially the top and back plates, whose curvatures are adapted to the natural structure of wood (Johnson and Courtnall, 1999). To create a sound, one of the strings has to be put into vibration, either with a bow or by plucking with fingers (Gough, 2000). This vibration is transmitted to the top plate through the bridge and through the sound-post to the back-plate (for mathematical description, cf. Cremer, 1981). The effect of this vibration on the violin body and the emitted loudness level varies strongly with the frequency of vibration (Figure 3). This loudness curve is specific for each violin and the way it has been played during recording. First, the Helmholtz resonance (also called “air resonance”) appears at a very low frequency - 275 Hz (Dünnwald, 1990) or 286 Hz (Schleske, 1990)-, which is the phenomenon of air resonance in a cavity (Schelleng, 1963). The second peak, which is called “main body resonance”, is evident when the top and back plates are vibrating simultaneously. The top and back plates are normally tuned so that their difference would be 3 semitones, leading to a broad resonance peak (Huchtins, 1981b). These two ways of resonance are mainly influenced by manufacturing and the curvatures of the plates and are responsible for the ground sonority of the violin (Dünnwald, 1990). The best violins are characterized by the Helmholtz resonance and the body resonance strongly correlated with the frequency of the two open middle strings (Hutchins, 1962). 2

RESULTS: STRIPS MEASUREMENTS AND MICROSCOPIC INVESTIGATIONS 103 .. It was, at that time, similar to a modern guitar in cut. The S2-layer contains also the most cellulose (Figure 7) and is therefore . 1 mm average ring width (0.8 to 2.5 is the limit); cellos - 3 mm; and double bass - 5.
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