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The Apostolic Fathers : comprising the epistles (genuine and spurious) of Clement of Rome, the epistles of S. Ignatius, the epistle of S. Polycarp, the martyrdom of S. Polycarp, the teaching of the Apostles, the epistle of Barnabas, the Sheperd of Hermas, PDF

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Preview The Apostolic Fathers : comprising the epistles (genuine and spurious) of Clement of Rome, the epistles of S. Ignatius, the epistle of S. Polycarp, the martyrdom of S. Polycarp, the teaching of the Apostles, the epistle of Barnabas, the Sheperd of Hermas,

. EXTRACT FROM vi "to bring out new editions of the same Works or any of them, "or to sell the copyright in the same or any of them, or "otherwise to deal with the same respectively, it being the " intention of these presents that the Trustees shall have and " may exercise all such rights and powers in respect of the said " Works and the copyright therein respectively, as they could or " might have or exercise in relation thereto if they were the •' absolute beneficial owners thereof.. "The Trustees shall from time to time, at such discretion as "aforesaid, pay and apply the income of the Trust funds for or "towards the erecting, rebuilding, repairing, purchasing, endow- "ing, supporting, or providing for any Churches, Chapels, " Schools, Parsonages, and Stipends for Clergy, and other " Spiritual Agents in connection with the Church of England "and within the Diocese of Durham, and also for or towards 'such other purposes in connection with the said Church of " England, and within the said Diocese, as the Trustees may in "their absolute discretion think fit, provided always that any "payment for erecting any building, or in relation to any other "works in connection with real estate, shall be exercised with " due regard to the Law of Mortmain; it being declared that "nothing herein shall be construed as intended to authorise any "act contrary to any Statute or other Law... " In case the Bishop shall at any time assign to the Trustees " any Workshereafter to be written or published by him, or any " Copyrights, or any other property, such transfer shall be held "to be made for the purposes of this Trust, and all the pro- "visions of this Deed shall apply to such property, subject "nevertheless to any direction concerning the same which the " Bishop may make in writing at the time of such transfer, and "in case the Bishop shall at any time payanymoney,ortransfer "any security, stock, or other like property to the Trustees, the " same shall in like manner be held for the purposes of this "Trust, subject to any such contemporaneous direction as afore- " said, and any security, stock or property so transferred, being "of a nature which can lawfully be held by the Trustees for the BISHOP LIGHTFOOT'S WILL. VU "purposes of these presents, may be retained by the Trustees, "although the same may not be one of the securities herein- "after authorised. "The Bishop of Durham and the Archdeacons of Durham "and Auckland for the time being shall be ex-officio Trustees, "and accordingly the Bishop and Archdeacons, parties hereto, "and the succeeding Bishops and Archdeacons, shall cease to be "Trustees on ceasing to hold their respective offices, and the "number of the other Trustees may be increased, and the "power of appointing Trustees in the place of Trustees other "than Official Trustees, and of appointing extra Trustees, shall "be exercised by Deed by the Trustees for the time being, pro- "vided always that the number shall not at any time be less "than five. "The Trust premises shall be known by the name of 'The "Lightfoot Fund for the Diocese of Durham.'" X INTRODUCTORY NOTE. rough notes found among his papers, but in the case of the Reliques of the Elders Keble's translation of Irenaeus in the Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church (Parker & Co. 1872) has been adopted with a few verbal alterations. Mr Harmer alone has fulfilled the task of seeing the volume through the press, and the Trustees are indebted to him in this and in other works not only for critical skill and constant care, but also for great generosity which is not further referred to only in deference to his own firmlyexpressedwish. Itshould however be added that the Bishop himselfrecorded in a writter memorandum 'his earnest desire that Mr Harmer's name should stand upon the title page, side byside with his own.' It is hoped that an index of words and phrases will be published separately. H. W. W. May 25, 1891. NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION. I am indebted to the Reverend J. O. F. Murray, M.A., Fellov and Dean of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and to other friends foi valuable suggestions, in accordance with which several misprints in th( Greek Text have been corrected, and verbal alterations made in threi places (pp. 86, 412, 529). The recently published volume by th( Master of St John's College, Cambridge, upon The Witness ofHerma. totheFour Gospels (1892), has enabled me to add to the list of Scrip tural passages which illustrate the Shepherd of Hermas. With thes< exceptions the second edition is a reprint ofthe first. R. H. . J. January 20, 1893.

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