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n w o T THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION Ul AFRICA: 1908 - 1980 e A CASE STUDY IN CHpURCH GROWTH a IN A SEGREGATED SOCIETY C Ph.D Thesis f o Submitted in Fulfilment of the y t Requireiments for the Degree of s r e PHILOSOPHIAE DOCTOR v iof the University of Cape Town n U by CHRISTIAAN RUDOLPH DE WET June 1989 Supervisor: Prof. John V/. de Gruchy - f\~-· ~~_,..:~~~."'--· -_:""--::-·<----~-~~4.i~..:r:--:e.-:-_~'._~.:'":"--'='~---· . Yr~s Uur1tiGrili[:l:y o.f Cc;;,:o: '.lrni'm . • \ ,!1 tfrtCJ r;::iM to ri;i1m:Juca this t~tcil!:~ t' ~~. ! : u• 1~ ~a~.:. CaGJyrit[M 1u ~rG: d iw ~<T::: ci ::r J . l~~~c--:-~_ ~·-c--· -,·-~-· -,,--,·-- "-_:- ----·-_---- - ' · n w The copyright of this thesis vests in the author. No o T quotation from it or information derived from it is to be published without full acknowledgeement of the source. p The thesis is to be used for private study or non- a C commercial research purposes only. f o Published by the Universit y of Cape Town (UCT) in terms y t of the non-exclusive license granted to UCT by the author. i s r e v i n U ABSTRACT TheA postolFiaci tXhi ssioinn A 1ric1a9:0 8-1980 A Case studiyn C hurchG rowtihn a SegregaStoecdi ety. Thisc ase-stoufdt yh eA postolFiaci tMhi ssio<nA FMi)n Africian r elatitoonC hurcGhr owtthh eorcyo vertsh ep eriod 1908- 1980I.t sg eographisccaolpi es S outAhf rica, includitnhgeb lacHko melands. Inc hapte1r asn d2 wee xamitnhee h istoroyr,i giannsd developmeonftt heA FMi nA frician r elatitoon Pentecostaalnidts hme whAiFtMe.I n c hapte3r asn d4 we researtchhe c ontextiusaslu eosf r acisamp,a rtheaindd,t he relationsbheitpw etehne A FMt,h eS tatea,n dp oliticFsr.o m chapt5e rt ot hee ndo urf ocuiss o nt hec hurcghr owtohf theA FMi nA frica. Ours tudhya ss hownt hatt heA FMi nA frichaa sg rown significadnutrliynt gh ep eriosdt udieSdi.g nificgarnotwt h factohrasv eb eent:h ep rioritizaotfie ovna ngelism accompanwiietdha ne mphasoinst hes upernatural manifestoanto ift heg iftosf t heS piritth;e a ctive involvemeonftt hel aityt;h eitrh eoloogfym issions revealian dgi stinctpinveeu :matoloagnye ,s chatological urgencayn,da sensoef d ivindee stintyh;e ierc clesiology; theicru lturarlellye valnitt urgayn;d h omogenegoruosu pings • J of Blacks. Conversely, factors hindering their growth have been the supeipaternalistic approach to mission of the white "Mother-church". The endorsement.of apartheid and lack.of a prophetic witness of the Apostolic Faith Mission towards the State have also harmed their credibility in the black community. By: Christiaan Rudolph de Wet n w P.O. Box 304, Kuilsriver, 7580, South Africa o T December 1989 CUniversity of Cape Toewn) p a C f o y t i s r e v i n U ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is with deep gratitude and appreciation that I wish to thank the following persons and institutions for the important part they played in helping me to complete this study. n The Apostolic Faith Mission that allowed me random w accesa to their archival materials, ando for their moral and T financial support. A special word o f appreciation to e p Pastors Joubert and Rudd who are responsible for the AFM a Archive. To the Missions DireCctor, Pastor Edgar Gschwend, missionaries and black pafstors of the AFM in Africa for o their trust and openneyss and warm cooperation. The AFM t i Casseldale and AFM sSasolburg South assemblies that I r e pastored while pursuing my studies, for their understanding. v i n U I am priviledged to have a friend like Phillip Kuypers who graciously supported us financially and helped to make this project possible. To my wife, Tharien, and daughters, Lydia and Marelize, for their love and support and willingness to sacrifice. I gratefully acknowledge the interest and encouragement of my supervisor, Prof. John W. de Gruchy. I found him to be an outstanding academician, but above all a person who loves the Lord dearly and who has a great compassion for the Church in Southern Africa. To the faculty of the Department of Religious Studies at Cape Town University, my sincere thanks for your hospitality. Above all, I wish to thank the Lord of the Church, for His grace extended to me, who called me to be His servant n and to whom I wish to remain faithful to wthe end. o T e p a C f o y t i s r e v i n U CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1: THE PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT AND ITS PLANTING IN SOUTH AFRICA 5 1. The Pentecostal Movement 9 Parham n 13 w Azusa Mission 15 o T Black Roots of Pentecostalism 20 e 2. The Pentecostal Xovement in Soupth Africa 25 a Ci) Christian Zionism in South Africa 25· C (ii) Poor-White problem 39 f o Missionaries to Afr ica 44 y t i s r CHAPTER 2: THE FOReMATION OF THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION v ANDi THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION IN AFRICA 51 n U 1. The Formation of the AFM: 51 Central Tabernacle 52 Church or Mission? 54 Name of the AFM 56 Johannes van der Wall 61 Black presence in the AFM 62 E. Letwaba 65 Ministry of healing and the use of medicine 71 Constitutional development of the ministry in the AFM 80/ Women workers 85 Leadership of P.L. Le Roux 88 2. The Development of the AFX in Africa: 93 Missionary policy of the AFM 93 Mission Superintendents 115 Condition of the black work n 120 w Bible school 129 o T General development of the AFM in Africa 132 e Richard Ngidi p 139 a Frank Chikane 143' C f o CHAPTER 3: RACISM, APART HEID A.RD MISSIONARY POLICY 150 y t i s r Pentecostalisem and Racism 150 v The AFM aind Racism 158 n U The Impact of Apartheid on the AFM 172 The Influence of the NGK's Mission's Policy 184 CHAPTER 4: THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION, THE STATE, AND POLITICS 194 The AFM and the State 194 The AFM and Political Involvement 205 ····~ CHAPTER 5: PEITECOST.ALISX ABD THE CHURCH GROWTH KDVEMEIT 216 Presuppositions of the Church Growth Movement 221 CHAPTER 6: A STATISTICAL EXCURSUS OF THE AFX II AFRICA: / 1908 - 1980 231 n w o CHAPTER 7: A CHURCH G·ROWTH EVALUATIOI OF THE AFK II T AFRICA 251 e p a CONTEXTUAL FACTORS: C 253 f Apartheid and the Soocio-Economic Status of Blacks in South Africa y 253 t i Apartheid in thse AFM in Africa, and the r e Homogeneous Principle 257 v i Urbaniznation 274 U INSTITUTIONAL FACTORS: '278 The Missions Policy of the AFM 278 The Indigeneity of the AFM in Africa 303 The Relationship Between the White AFM and the AFM in Africa 310 The AFM and Politics 314 Pentecostal Missiology 324 AFM Ecclesiology 349 Evangelistic Methodology 355 Church Facilities 379 Liturgy of the AFM in Africa 380 CHAPTER 8: COICLUSIOI 388 BIBLIOGRAPHY 393 APPBJIDIX 1: "Onze Iaturelle Ged.ragslijn" 410 n APPBJIDIX 2: Opinion Poll - Conference 198w3 413 o APPBJIDIX 3: Indigeneity Scales - Bbbie Smith 416 T e p List of Tables: a C 1. Growth in Assemblies per District: 1971-1980 248 f 2. Growth in Activitoies: 1971-1980 249 y 3. Socio-Economic Features of Blacks 253 t i s List of Graphs: r e 1. Ethnic vComposition in the RSA: 1980 238 i n 2. Ethnic Composition of Christians: 1980 239 U 3. Christian/Non-Christian Ratio Among Blacks: 1980 '240 4. Religious Composition of Blacks: 1980 241 5. Adherents of Some Churches: 1980 242 6. Numerical Growth of the AFM in Africa: 1920-1980 246 7. Growth in Assemblies: 1971-1980 248 8. Growth in Activities: 1971-1980 249 9. Growth of AFM Non-White Assemblies: 1971-1980 250

published without full acknowledgement of the source. The thesis is to be used .. Wagner, C. Peter: Spiritual Power and Church Growth. Altemonte
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