T h e A century has come and gone since Florence A Crawford stepped off the train in Portland, Oregon, p bearing the message that Pentecost had come. The o images and accounts on the pages of this book are s t the threads that, woven together, form the history of the o The Apostolic Faith Apostolic Faith work which originated that day in 1906. l i c The band of zealous believers who gathered with Florence F Crawford in the mission hall at Front and Burnside, and the a faithful saints of God who followed them, were instrumental in i t History, Doctrine, and Purpose shaping a God-given message into a worldwide ministry. These h Gospel pioneers proclaimed without fear or compromise God’s ~ power to save the repentant heart, sanctify the converted soul, H and pour out the Holy Spirit on sanctified believers. The Apostolic Faith Church is pleased to present this i s keepsake book chronicling its 100-year history. In words and t o To learn more about our organization or images, it portrays the organization’s journey from a r to purchase additional copies of this book, y ramshackle wooden building on Azusa Street in Los Angeles to please contact us at: , an international ministry that spans six continents. D As you retrace the events that shaped the Apostolic Faith o work and review its method of operation today, we pray that Apostolic Faith Church c t reading about God’s guidance of this organization will create International Headquarters r i a hunger in your heart. May you be inspired, challenged to n 6615 S.E. 52nd Avenue a deeper walk of holiness, and motivated to seek God for a e Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. , greater anointing of the Pentecostal fire that blazed on Azusa a Street in 1906. 97206-7660 n d Phone: (503) 777-1741 P u Fax: (503) 777-1743 r Email: [email protected] p o s e We invite you to visit our website at www.apostolicfaith.org. You will find a variety of inspirational reading material including: • News and events from around the world • A daily devotional and Bible study • Sunday school curriculum ISBN 1-59725-040-6 • Current issue of Higher Way magazine • Insightful sermons from God’s Word • Special youth and children’s pages 9 781597 250405 $29.00 A century has come and gone since Florence Crawford stepped off the train in Portland, Oregon, bearing the message that Pentecost had come. The images and accounts on the pages of this book are the threads that, woven together, form the history of the Apostolic Faith work which originated that day in 1906. The band of zealous believers who gathered with Florence Crawford in the mission hall at Front and Burnside, and the faithful saints of God who followed them, were instrumental in shaping a God-given message into a worldwide ministry. These Gospel pioneers proclaimed without fear or compromise God’s power to save the repentant heart, sanctify the converted soul, and pour out the Holy Spirit on sanctified believers. The Apostolic Faith Church is pleased to present this keepsake book chronicling its 100-year history. In words and images, it portrays the organization’s journey from a ramshackle wooden building on Azusa Street in Los Angeles to an international ministry that spans six continents. As you retrace the events that shaped the Apostolic Faith work and review its method of operation today, we pray that reading about God’s guidance of this organization will create a hunger in your heart. May you be inspired, challenged to a deeper walk of holiness, and motivated to seek God for a greater anointing of the Pentecostal fire that blazed on Azusa Street in 1906. The Apostolic Faith History, Doctrine, and Purpose ISBN: 1-59725-040-6 Copyright 2005, The Apostolic Faith Mission of Portland, Oregon All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from The Apostolic Faith organization and by the publisher. Address all inquiries to: The Apostolic Faith, 6615 SE 52nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97206, U.S.A. or through the organization’s website at www.apostolicfaith.org Published by Pediment Publishing, a division of The Pediment Group, Inc. www.pediment.com Printed in Canada This book is dedicated to the veterans of the faith who preserved for us the wonderful Gospel we enjoy today. Table of Contents Origin of the Organization...................................... 10 Azusa Roots .......................................................... 26 Early Days in Portland ............................................ 38 Campground and Camp Meetings ........................... 50 Portland Headquarters Church ................................. 70 Church Services ..................................................... 88 Expansion in the United States ............................... 100 Expansion Worldwide .......................................... 118 Outreach Efforts .................................................. 148 Headquarters Office Publication Ministry ................ 174 A Closing Challenge ............................................ 202 Foreword by Darrel Lee Superintendent General of The Apostolic Faith Church On March 17, 1974, I entered an Apos- in prayer before, let alone so many people at tolic Faith Church for the first time. the same time in the same place. The pastor Six years earlier, my eleven-year-old was an unassuming man, who was friendly and sister had encouraged me to invite Jesus into my unpretentious. He seemed ordinary, a lot like I heart. While I had mocked her then, this time viewed my own family. There was the reverence I accepted her invitation to church. No one else with which the service was conducted. A portion in our family of nine seemed to take an interest of it was devoted to what they called “testimony in her church attendance, and I felt sorry for her. time.” Several people stood up and told their sto- What happened that spring day forever changed ries. One lady spoke softly of having been quite my life and impacted our entire family. That day sick, but said that now she was well in answer to I was saved. prayer. I found that interesting. Another smiling Lacking familiarity with church ways, my young man enthusiastically told of how God had introduction to the small group in Roseburg, Or- “saved” him. I had never heard that term before. egon, calling themselves the Apostolic Faith, left Later, I asked my sister if the people who spoke many impressions upon me. It was apparent from were paid to tell their stories. “No,” she replied, the beginning that prayer was very important to “they were just spontaneously getting up to these people. I had never seen anyone kneeling declare how God had answered their prayers.” There was no doubt in my mind that these people children were saved, married Christians, and have had experienced something. Then there was the had children of their own. Now, there are over pianist, the organist, the instrumentalists, and three dozen of us spanning four generations in the vocalists. Their music was reverent, and I was this church. told they also participated voluntarily, as unto the I am thankful for those who faithfully labored Lord. I found that amazing. How was the work to provide the conservative atmosphere where supported, since they didn’t ask for money? My so many of us could be saved and then grow in sister told me about the small tithes and offerings the Lord. The loyalty and appreciation we feel box near the sanctuary entrance where people for them cannot be overstated. They bought could quietly put whatever they felt led to contrib- property and built our churches. They paid for ute. So many aspects of the service were foreign to the literature that has benefited us, and has also me, yet they reflected such common sense. circled the planet and impacted millions of oth- What I did not know then was that, around ers. Most importantly, they hallowed our altars the world, there were scores of other Apostolic with their prayers. People we never met or heard Faith groups just like that one in Roseburg. Over of sacrificed energy, time, and money so that we the years, the people had come into the organiza- could step into that first meeting to see and hear tion one by one, much like me. Somebody had what we saw and heard. invited them, and they came and experienced the The Latter Rain Gospel, as I learned it was saving grace of God. Then they brought a family called, is as relevant today as it was in 1906 when member, who brought someone else. No matter Florence Crawford first experienced it. She and where the geographic location, the message, the many others who left Los Angeles with that Spirit, and the manner in which the Gospel was message, sparked a revival of global proportion. presented was the same. Yet, the message was not new. The teachings em- If you have been in an Apostolic Faith service, phasized then and now are rooted in the second you know what I am talking about. If not, we pray chapter of the Book of Acts. God still calls and that this book will inspire you to capture the spirit saves penitent sinners, dramatically transforming of the Gospel and find the same God we found their lives. New converts are still encouraged to through this organization. The church did not consecrate their hearts to God in order to receive save any of us. However, for the past one hundred the instantaneous experience of entire sanctifica- years, God has used people attending here to tion and begin a walk of holiness. The Holy Ghost provide an environment where He could speak is still freely given to those who have been saved to hearts—not only when people first entered, but and subsequently sanctified, empowering them for years afterward. to witness with evangelistic zeal. Like so many others, my family has benefited Our prayer is that the readers of this book by the guidance and wholesome teachings of will accept the challenge of experiencing and this ministry. In my case, it began with one little then telling others of the Gospel of Jesus Christ sister. The same year I was saved, my younger in its fullness. The mandate to every Christian brother was also born again. The following year, is to spread the news. God will bless you and my parents were saved. Soon, other siblings and those whose paths cross yours as you renew your their spouses were converted. Over the years, our determination to live for Him.