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t h e A p o s to l i c c h r i s t i a n n et w o r k Converge m a g a z i n e www.theacn.net Third Quarter Volume 1, Issue 1 contents page 7 4 e g a p Editorial 2 Mel Linker Letter from Chairman 3 James Baker Women In Ministry 4 Laura Henry 1 Youth 5 Michael Davis Fat bones 6 Guest Speaker 7 Ben Linker Missions 8 Lynn Davis Classifieds 9 Calendar 10 Address Page 11 5 e g a p page 8 editorial DEFINITE PURPOSE W. Clement Stone, the acclaimed businessman, philosopher, and philanthropist once wrote, “Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.” This very philosophy has been a guiding principle from the very first meeting of the newly formed Converge News Magazine. While the task of creating a quarterly news magazine is fraught with many inherent challenges, it is also a worthy venture that, if anchored on a definite purpose and focus, can emerge as a work of excellence, in spite of the challenges. Converge is committed to this goal. This editorial staff’s definite 2 purpose is to offer accurate information, words of encouragement, opportunity for ministries and businesses to advertise, as well as innovative techniques to assist the ACN (Apostolic Christian Network) in providing its constituency with effective, relevant ministry tools. Ecclesiastes 9:10 states, Whatever you do, do well. A definite purpose of Converge As we roll out the first issue of Converge, it is with a grateful is to create a news magazine that is a reflection of this direc- heart. Our gratitude extends to every person who contributed to tive from Ecclesiastes, and, as such, we desire the prayers of the this first issue. We especially want to honor our Chairman, James ACN Fellowship so this Biblical imperative may be achieved. As Baker, as well as the ACN Executive Board for their vision and interim editor, it is my distinct honor to be working with the cur- foresight in determining that such a publication was needed, and rent Converge Staff, Sheila Penick and Laura Henry. Both Sheila for supporting the process to make sure this quarterly magazine and Laura bring a wealth of publishing experience to this project had the opportunity to become a viable achievement. Until our and each one’s unique talent is supportive in bringing to fruition next issue….. what we trust will be a blessing to the ACN. Blessings, Converge is designed to be a quarterly magazine and this staff Mel Linker would like to invite all ACN members and churches to submit articles, pictures, ideas, testimonials and advertisements for ----------------------------------------------------------------- future publication consideration. The ACN, in just a few short Mel, along with her husband Ben, oversees the House of Praise Ministries, years since its inception, has become a vibrant, growing entity in Lancaster, TX, acting as the ministry’s Senior Administrator. Mel has and Converge is just one of the tools this fellowship will be using a Master of Science degree in Human Relations and to further advance the mission and vision of the ACN. Your Business and has achieved many awards, including Cedar Valley College’s Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1998. contributions to upcoming issues will ensure a continued fresh- In addition to her ministry, Mel developed and provided ness of ideas, and, as such, are vital to this publication’s ability to oversight to an award-winning AmeriCorps National remain significant. Service Program for the Phoenix House Foundation, and has provided consultation services to many service organizations and ministries. McClellan, Vern (1998). Wise Words and Quotes. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. , Holy Bible. New Living Translation. NetworkiNg vs. chairman Net meNdiNg james baker By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, I can promise you that since that time, if ye have love one to another.  (John 13:35) I’ve experienced many storms and high seas in ministry. There are times when debris and Perhaps you are wondering what these weights are picked up into our nets as we have two words have in common. Networking is let down the net to reach the lost. One thing relatively a new word with its beginning in the for certain; if you are called to be in this fishing 20th century. The phrase “net mending” dates business, your nets will periodically require back to early Biblical days. mending. Truth is, all it takes is a piece of According to Webster’s dictionary, net- driftwood or something sharp to cut into one’s working is “the exchange of information or net. Even if you are blessed with a catch, left services among individuals, groups, or institu- unattended, the weight will put strain in the N tions.” weak areas of your net and cause the whole net to become unraveled and break. Net mending, on the other hand, is a a phrase in the New Testament that many min- For too long now, I have witnessed many isters have used in sermons concerning Jesus’ good fishermen who sit on forgotten beaches m miracles and his relationship with the disciples. wasting away in the sands of isolation. Perhaps You will not find the phrase “net mending or this was due to the rough edges left by the 3 net menders” in the dictionary. However, I pointed objects that caused a tear in their nets. R believe we are all aware of the function these Maybe it was the heaviness of circumstances two phrases provide. and there was no one around to help mend or I ease the hurt. Whatever the case, I am con- Mark 1:19 states, Jesus going on a little vinced more than ever that Paul was aware of a farther, saw James the son of Zebedee, and John this when he wrote in Romans 11:29, For the his brother, who were also in the boat mending gift and calling of God are without repentance.  h the nets. (NAS) From the beginning of their ministry, Jesus understood well that these men The Apostolic Christian Network endeav- were seasoned fishermen. It is interesting how ors to “go out a little further” and our vision c fishing and being in ministry is so much alike. is to be “Menders of the Net”. The strength of As ministers of the Gospel, we were called to this Network depends on the integrity of every be in the gathering business. Our mandate is strand that is connected to each other. We are E to cast the net and pull-in as many as we can a group that loves this apostolic truth and is for Christ. As it was with James and John, committed at the same time to explain God’s h there are times that you find yourself in situ- love by actually showing it. By this shall all men ations where your nets are in need of repair. know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one T Perhaps a tragic mistake or a situation beyond to another.  (John 13:35) your control caused a tremendous amount of In Awe of His Grace, damage to the most precious commodity God ever gave you. It’s the calling of God in your James Baker m life, your ministry.  Remember? I certainly Chairman do. I can take you to the exact place where The Apostolic Christian Network it all happened. The year was 1974, the city O -------------------------------------------- Belo Horizonte, Brazil. My father, Samuel Baker was the first missionary to establish the James D. Baker began his ministry in Brazil at the R age of 16 under the covering of his father. In full time apostolic work in 1955. He was building a ministry for over 27 years, he has planted and pastored brand new work and revival was beginning to two churches in Florida, along with two daughter works. F break in that city.  I vividly remember. I have In the summer of 2000, Chairman Baker founded gone back in my mind many times in prayer to LifeChangers International Ministries. Fluent in three the same church. The same old altar remains languages, he travels to many different countries. For the past 15 years, his vision has been to encourage and it was there that God placed the net or the ministers through seminars and conferences. Jim calling in my life. and his wife Pam reside in Mesquite, Texas and are Senior Pastors of Peace Church Ministries, a growing, multicultural, and spirit-filled church. women in ministry ThROw OUT a lIFElINE I am forgotten like a dead man: I am like a broken vessel. (Psalm 31:12) laura henry, women in ministry director, ACN Waiting at a red light one November evening, I put my face on the steering wheel and began to weep. Psalmist David’s cry became my cry. “Lord, does anybody know I’m alive?” Is there anyone who will take time to give some guidance or at least give me a crumb of encouragement? (As a child once said, “I need Jesus with some skin on.”) As I waited, I recalled the name of a woman pastor whom I had met several months before. She had shared some of her insights about being a woman in the ministry, so I decided to call her. Her first words, though not earth shat- tering or even memorable to anyone else, were a lifeline to a drowning heart. “Laura, I’ve been thinking about you! And, if the Lord saw fit to place you on my heart that means God is think- ing of you too.” All the hope I needed came in that moment. Just 4 to know I was NOT alone. I – was on God’s mind. The Call to ministry is that special one of a kind – no one else can under- stand – love for a people that God How could it be? David, ruler and places in the heart. Like the fire shut King of Israel - forgotten? We all work in the same field for the up in Ezekiel’s same cause. While I may not know your bones, no matter name or what region of the field God has what country, people or group you are called to, “The Call – Your called you to, I thought of you when writing this article. And this Calling” is the compelling fire that moves you and motivates you one thing I know without a shadow of doubt: Just as the pastor with a yearning that cannot be easily extinguished or deterred. said to me, “If the Lord saw fit to place you on my heart, you are on His mind too”. You are not forgotten. You are not alone. YOU While every calling to ministry has its own set of challenges are on God’s mind. Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen and rewards, even seasoned ministers will tell you they have had your heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24 a moment or two of feeling forgotten. For some, it’s led to physi- cal, mental and even spiritual brokenness. They too have cried Have faith in God. He has faith in you, or He would never out in anguish like David, I am forgotten like a dead man: I am have asked it of you. like a broken vessel. (Psalm 31:12) How alone David must have Laura Henry Ministries felt when he penned those words. How could it be? David, Ruler and King of Israel - forgotten? The man chosen by God to rule -------------------------------------------- over Israel; the King with untold wealth, lands and family, feels Having served as Women’s Ministry Director under the leadership of Pastor all alone and afraid? No way! But it’s true. David was so afraid James Baker at Peace Church in Mesquite, Texas, Laura has expanded her that he even feared for his life. (Psalm 31:13) own ministry, the Laura B. Henry Ministries, to mentor and encourage those who have a calling of God on their lives. There are times we all are in need of a lifeline of encourage- Laura is Director of Women In Ministry for the Apostolic ment and a word from the throne room of grace. Remember Christian Network, and she serves on the Executive Board those who labor with you in the Body of Christ. Encourage them as Vice President of Pearls of Shalom Ministries. with a phone call, card, email or whatever God places on your Laura, a native Texan, is happily married to her husband, Johnny Henry of 38 years. They reside in Allen, heart to do. Texas, and have two children and five grandchildren. youth POSITIONINg a SUPERNaTURal gENERaTION by michael davis At our South Central Regional Youth Do not grieve any longer for the Camp, Committed ‘09, this past June, one lack of God’s supernatural power hundred seventy- five excited teenagers in operation, but begin releasing gathered in Lueders, TX for five days and what God has put in you. Un- their lives were altered forever. With thirty- doubtedly, you are a generation one first time Holy Ghost baptisms and that understands what Jesus said countless healings and visions, it proved in John 4:48, Except you see signs to be a perfect display of God’s glory. The and wonders, you will not believe. heavens over the camp’s region literally We are living in the same condi- shifted with severe storms moving in every tions. Be encouraged. History night during evening sessions. All who were is replete with God’s desire and present attested they had never experienced delight to use young people in 5 anything so powerful. On Tuesday night of revivals, reformations and great the camp, Pastor Zack Langhamer, from Austin’s Promiseland spiritual movements. Follow in pursuit and you will shake na- Church, brought a timely word with the demonstration of the tions for Christ. power of God through many signs, wonders, and miracles. That Generation Y, Millennials, or Echo Boomers; what we call night, a mandate was issued from Heaven to this young genera- them matters little. Reaching and positioning them, matters tion. It was a divine release to begin operating in the supernatural a lot! According to Generational Learning Styles by Julie realm and to bring down the Kingdom of Heaven to this earth. Coates, they have exceeded the Baby Boomers and make up God is calling this generation to be a “supernatural generation.” twenty- six percent of the population. The church is in danger Jesus introduced and trained His disciples in the area of of becoming outdated, obsolete and irrelevant for today’s the supernatural. They saw the dead raised, lepers cleansed, societies and cultures. We must become indicative of aligning demons cast out, small food supply multiplied and many other with Heaven instead of current culture and become next- phenomenal sights. They were commissioned to go out under generation minded. Let’s begin to entrust responsibilities, Jesus’ authority to preach the gospel of salvation and announce mantles and impartations to young Heaven-sent leaders as we the Kingdom of Heaven by demonstration of His power. (Matt. invest, empower, position, and, perhaps, at some point, release 10:7-8) We are not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God them to walk in Kingdom purpose. Don’t be mistaken. We are unto salvation. (Romans 1:16) But it is not the will of God for not advocating for young people, but for the purpose and plan anyone to stop at the message of the cross only to avoid perish- of the Living God! (Hebrews 2:3-4) ing. Heaven is going to be great and I can’t wait to get there, but Love in Christ, what about the here and now? This is why Jesus wanted the Michael Davis Kingdom of Heaven preached. So that right in the middle of our messed up world, we could taste of Heaven. Isn’t God good? -------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, the twenty-first century church has been Born and raised in Texas, Michael Davis is no stranger to Youth Ministry. He has served in the trenches of local church ministry as Youth Pastor at House stricken with an unprecedented level of unbelief, masquerading of Praise Ministries for seven years. Three years ago he was instrumental in religious folly. The enemy has become more and more proac- in starting The One Project, a growing network of young tive in broadening the current “new age” movements, introducing church groups that has impacted thousands throughout young people across the nations to a false source of supernatural Texas. He joined the ACN five years ago and was ordained power. Satan knows the operation of “the fullness of the Spirit” and elected as Youth Director in 2006. His powerful testimony of deliverance and overcoming odds has inspired in the lives of fearless young leaders could confuse his plans over many. Not raised in church as a young person, Michael entire cities, nations, and regions. has a special passion and anointing to impact the young Young people, it’s time to realize that even though King Saul generation with a message of purpose. He currently resides in Midlothian, Texas with his wife and two children. was still in position when David was anointed, the anointing had shifted. It is now time to walk in your God ordained destiny. fat bones Pastor Jim Millsap Life Church, Paris, Texas Forgive me if this one is purely personal. Just yesterday I had lunch with my grandson, Cole, who is home on leave by michael davis from his duties with the U. S. Army. Just Bishop Ordination: a few months ago, he was at war in eastern Bishop Henry Arnold Fletcher, Sr. Afghanistan in the infamous Korengal Seguin, Texas Valley known as “The Valley of Death”. July 10, 2009 GOD DOES ANSWER PRAYER! Jesus said, “Men Bishop Henry Arnold Fletcher, Sr. ought always to pray and not faint”. (Luke has been in the ministry over 50 years 18:1) Where would we be if we couldn’t and retired from pastoring Calvary “call on the name of the Lord” in trying Gospel Church, now called New Abundant times? KEEP PRAYING! Life Pentecostal Church, for 33 years. ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Evangelist Jim Vanover Committed ‘09 Youth Camp Tuesday after Memorial Day, I was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat which caused extreme weakness, difficulty with breathing, and a danger of blood 6 clots. Doctors were trying to thin my “One hundred seventy-five excited blood to decrease the danger of blood teenagers gathered in Luders, Texas for clots until they could shock my heart back five days and their lives were altered into rhythm. While going through this forever.” process, I spent most of my time sitting in a chair or sleeping, unable to work or move without pain. On Sunday, July 5th, Bro. Terry Smith was moved by the Spirit to pray for someone with heart problems. He spoke specifically and described my diagnosis and symptoms to perfection, using the same terminology as the doctor. As we prayed, I felt an immediate touch and began to feel better by the day. On July 14th, I was scheduled for Cardio-version to shock my heart back into rhythm. As I looked at the monitor, I noticed that my rhythm was almost perfect. The doctor commented that it was so much better than before, but he still wanted to clean up the little clutter that was left. I am reporting a complete recovery without any complications or lingering weakness. I have returned to a full work schedule. Even in the excessive heat and humidity, I have more energy and strength than before. Only God can work like this. To God be ALL the glory. ----------------------------------- guest speaker ben linker Our current administration in Washington, D.C. has promised to focus on repairing and rebuilding our deteriorating highway systems in America. Even politicians seem to understand the importance of easy access roadways that help make our country connected and prosperous. Clear the way The old prophet Isaiah predicted this hundreds of years be- fore when he said, He is a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord’s coming! Clear the road for Him’! (NLT Isa. 40:3) God chose an uncomplicated man with an unproblematic lifestyle to introduce the “Lamb” to the world. (KJV Matt. 3:4) As ambassadors of Christ, you and I are called to announce the Kingdom of God to the earth with an easy, modest, and unsophisticated approach. May we learn from John’s example to live a straightforward life and declare the Savior in a humble, 7 guileless and ingenuous manner. Today’s society is infatuated with complex problems, puzzles, mysteries and conspiracies. Even religion has evolved over the centuries into confusing canons, difficult dogmas and compli- cated creeds. Let’s clear the way: Fill in the valleys and level the hills for the King to come! The genius of the Gospel is that it is so simple yet profound. 2 Corinthians 11:3 tells us that we should not corrupt the simplicity that is in Christ. In the Greek, “simplicity” means without disguise, singleness or focused on one thing. (KJV) Its root word means “fold into one”. (Strong 10) God told Isaiah to away those religious phrases of denominational origins that can speak tenderly to Jerusalem and to tell her the sad days are gone be identified by only a few of the in-crowd. Be a John the Baptist and her sins are pardoned for she received “double” for her sins. and break it down so anyone can comprehend the simplicity that (Expositor’s 1214) This was a Jewish practice called “possessing is in Jesus Christ! the double”. If a Jew went bankrupt, he was to list all his debts ----------------------------------------------------------------- and post them in a conspicuous place. At times, a sponsor would pass by and see the list of debts. He would then pull it down, Ben is currently Senior Pastor of House of Praise Ministries, in Lancaster, TX, a ministry Ben founded in 1987. Prior to this pastorate, fold it over or double it over and write his name on it. Then he Ben birthed the Gospel Lighthouse, in Berwick, PA, where would hide the list, stand good for the bankrupt person and pay he was Senior Pastor for almost 5 years. Ben is an avid the debts. (Expositor’s 1214) student of the Word and loves to teach and preach, and is a leader in mentorship. Along with a ministerial service Here’s our message and our voice preparing the way of salva- that spans almost 30 years, Ben has been a successful tion for the world: Jesus died on the cross; He took our sins upon entrepreneur and enjoys assisting others in business Himself and folded our iniquities over so they cannot be seen opportunities. again! Then he wrote His name on the front, paying the price Ben recently celebrated 36 years of marriage to Mel Linker. He has one in full! Clear the way so the good news can cleanly and easily daughter, a son-in-law, and three grandchildren, to whom he is totally devoted. be delivered. We need to clean up our message, by rejecting the He delights in the simple pleasures of a blessed life. temptation to preach a masterpiece of skill and knowledge, if that message cannot be easily understood by the un-churched. Cut The Bible. New Living Translation, The Expositor’s Study Bible. King James Version. Baton Rouge 2005, Strong, James. The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995. missions the least amoNg Us by r. lynn davis Bro. Fausto, a local pastor, came forward and said through Bro. Barley that he had been praying for us to come for two years. Bro. Linn had been telling the group the ACN was supporting them. This pastor lives in a house made of sticks plas- tered with cow dung.  Every time it rains every- 8 thing he has gets wet.  The next services were in Llera with Bro. Excited about our trip deep into Mexico, Bro. Steve Barley Rafael, who has a new work with about seventy and I left Houston for Brownsville on June 23, 2009. Mission- people. With benches set up outside the village, a PA system ary to Mexico, Randy Linn, met us there. We crossed the border that could be heard for miles, a band and singers, Bro. Barley then headed south.  Five hours later we arrived in Ciudad Victo- preached to villagers hungry for God.  Two dogs ran around ria, Mexico. Driving into the mountains, we located the village of digging holes during the service. Hens, roosters, and baby chicks Llera, where we held some of our services. by the dozens visited the service as well.  Nevertheless, the power of God came down and about twenty came to God that The village was small, but the power of God was great.  On night amid storm clouds, thunder, and lightning.  the first day before the services began, we received word some- one wanted to be baptized.  So, we drove a good distance to I don’t believe I have seen poverty any greater anywhere in find a cold mountain stream for Bro. Linn to baptize the new the world, nor a greater hunger for the Word of God. Several convert. What a wonderful sight! Bro. Barley preached the first pastors are asking for Bibles in Spanish. Mexico needs your help.  service and seven received the Holy Ghost.  This was just the Please pray.  This is a trip you could easily make and not “break beginning! the bank”.  You will return home changed, because, as Jesus said in Matthew 25, Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me. I don’t believe I have seen This was an awesome trip and I can’t wait to go back.  Bro. Randy Linn is a missionary who deserves your support. poverty any greater anywhere R. Lynn Davis ACN Missions Director in the world, nor a greater 936-648-6358 hunger for the Word of God. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Having served as a missionary to Zimbabwe, Africa, Lynn Davis understands the heart and calling of a missionary. Along with his wife Mary, he pastors Living Faith Church in In San Rafael, Bro. Barley interpreted as I preached.  He Conroe, Texas. Lynn Davis is the ACN Missions Director. became so anointed he almost took my message away from me. (You have to watch that man!) What a move of God. We shout- ed, danced, laughed, and cried as we rejoiced in the Spirit.  Bro. Randy Linn received a new name in that service, “Happy Feet”. classifieds 9 Contact Converge Magazine at [email protected] for ad prices. Sponsored by Cen-Tex Dental Lab, Inc., Waco, Texas

ACN (Apostolic Christian Network) in providing its .. noticed that my rhythm was almost perfect. The doctor . Christian Tabernacle of Pasadena.
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