(cid:3) (cid:6) (cid:2) (cid:5) (cid:7) (cid:3) (cid:1) (cid:5) (cid:2) (cid:4) (cid:3) (cid:6) (cid:3) THE NEW TESTAMENT 1:1 M A T T H E W 1 MATTHEW 3588* *-1161 1080 3588* *-1161 ton Eliakei¢mEliakei¢mdeege¢nnhse ton Azw¢r 1:14Azw¢rde Eliakim, andEliakim engendered Azor, andAzor 1080 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588 * CHAPTER1 ege¢nnhse ton Sadw¢k Sadw¢kde ege¢nnhse ton Acei¢m engendered Zadok, andZadok engendered Achim, *-1161 1080 3588 * *-1161 1080 TheGenealogyofJesusChrist Acei¢mde ege¢nnhse ton Eliou¢d 1:15 Eliou¢dde ege¢nnhse andAchim engendered Eliud, andEliud engendered 976 1078 * 5547 5207 * 1:1bi¢bloV gene¢sewV Ihsou¢ Cristou¢uiou¢Dabi¢d† 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588 * *-1161 ton Elea¢zar Elea¢zarde ege¢nnhse ton Matqa¢n Matqa¢nde ThebookofthegenealogyofJesusChrist, son ofDavid, Eleazar, andEleazar engendered Matthan, andMatthan 5207 * * 1080 3588* *-1161 uiou¢ Abraa¢m 1:2Abraa¢m ege¢nnhse tonIsaa¢kIsaa¢kde 1080 3588* *-1161 1080 3588* 3588 ege¢nnhse tonIakw¢b 1:16Iakw¢bdeege¢nnhse tonIwsh¢fton son ofAbraham. Abrahamengendered Isaac, andIsaac engendered Jacob, andJacobengendered Joseph the 1080 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588 * 2532 ege¢nnhse ton Iakw¢b Iakw¢bde ege¢nnhse ton Iou¢dan kai 435 * 1537 3739 1080 * 3004 a¢ndra Mari¢aVex hV egennh¢qhIhsou¢Vlego¢menoV engendered Jacob, andJacob engendered Judah and husbandofMaryfromoutofwhomwasborn Jesus, beingcalled 3588 80-1473 *-1161 1080 3588* 2532 touVadelfou¢Vautou¢ 1:3Iou¢daVde ege¢nnhse ton Fare¢Vkai 5547 3956 3767 3588 1074 575 * 2193 Cristo¢V 1:17 pa¢sai oun ai geneai¢ apo¢ Abraa¢m e¢wV hisbrothers, andJudahengendered Perez and Christ. All then the generations from Abraham unto 3588 * 1537 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588 * ton Zara¢ ek thV Qa¢mar Fare¢Vde ege¢nnhse ton Esrw¢m * 1074 1180 2532 575 * 2193 3588 Dabi¢d geneai¢ dekate¢ssareV kai apo¢ Dabi¢d e¢wV thV Zara from Tamar, andPerez engendered Esrom, David– [2generations 1fourteen]; and from David unto the *-1161 1080 3588* *-1161 1080 3588 Esrw¢mde ege¢nnhse ton Ara¢m 1:4Ara¢mde ege¢nnhse ton 3350 * 1074 1180 2532 575 metoikesi¢aV Babulw¢noV geneai¢ dekate¢ssareVkai apo¢ andEsromengendered Aram, andAramengendered displacementofBabylon–[2generations 1fourteen]; andfrom * *-1161 1080 3588* *-1161 Aminada¢bAminada¢bde ege¢nnhse tonNaassw¢nNaassw¢nde 3588 3350 * 2193 3588 5547 1074 thV metoikesi¢aV Babulw¢noV e¢wV tou Cristou¢ geneai¢ Aminadab,andAminadabengendered Naasson, andNaasson the displacement ofBabylon unto the Christ– [2generations 1080 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588 * ege¢nnhse ton Salmw¢n 1:5 Salmw¢nde ege¢nnhse ton Boo¢z 1180 dekate¢ssareV engendered Salmon, andSalmon engendered Boaz 1fourteen]. 1537 3588* *-1161 1080 3588* 1537 3588* ek thVRaca¢bBoo¢zde ege¢nnhse ton Wbh¢dek thVRou¢q from Rahab,andBoazengendered Obed from Ruth, TheNativityofJesusChrist *-1161 1080 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588-1161 * 5547 3588 1083 Wbh¢dde ege¢nnhse ton Iessai¢ 1:6 Iessai¢de ege¢nnhse 1:18 toude Ihsou¢ Cristou¢ h ge¢nnhsiV andObed engendered Jesse, andJesse engendered Andthe [2ofJesus 3Christ 1nativity] 3588 * 3588 935 *-1161 3588 935 1080 3779-1510.7.3 3423 1063 3588 3384-1473 * ton Dabi¢d ton basile¢a Dabi¢dde o basileu¢V ege¢nnhse ou¢twVhn mnhsteuqei¢shV gar thV mhtro¢Vautou¢ Mari¢aV David the king, andDavid the king engendered wasthus. [4beingespoused 1For 2hismother 3Mary] 3588 * 1537 3588 3588 * *-1161 3588 * 4250 3588 4905-1473 2147 ton Solomw¢nta ek thV tou Ouri¢ou 1:7 Solomw¢nde tw Iwsh¢f prin h sunelqei¢nautou¢V eure¢qh Solomon from thewife ofUriah. AndSolomon to Joseph, before theircomingtogether, wasfound 1080 3588* *-1161 1080 3588* 1722 1064 2192 1537 4151 39 ege¢nnhse tonRoboa¢m Roboa¢mde ege¢nnhse tonAbi¢a en gastri¢ e¢cousa ek pneu¢matoV agi¢ou engendered Rehoboam,andRehoboamengendered Abia, [2in 3thewomb 1havingone] of [2spirit 1holy]. *-1161 1080 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588 *-1161 3588 435-1473 1342-1510.6 2532 3361 Abia¢de ege¢nnhse ton Asa¢ 1:8 Asa¢de ege¢nnhse ton 1:19 Iwsh¢fde o anh¢rauth¢V di¢kaioVwn kai mh andAbia engendered Asa, andAsa engendered AndJoseph herhusband, beingrighteous, and not * *-1161 1080 3588 * *-1161 2309 1473-3856 1014 2977 630 Iwsafa¢t Iwsafa¢tde ege¢nnhse ton Iwra¢m Iwra¢mde qe¢lwn auth¢nparadeigmati¢saieboulh¢qhla¢qra apolu¢sai Jehoshaphat, andJehoshaphat engendered Joram, andJoram wantingtomakeheranexample, willed inprivatetodismiss 1080 3588* *-1161 1080 3588* 1473 3778 1161 1473 1760 2400 ege¢nnhse ton Ozi¢an 1:9Ozi¢aVde ege¢nnhse ton Iwa¢qam auth¢n 1:20 tau¢ta de autou¢ enqumhqe¢ntoV idou¢ engendered Uzziah, andUzziahengendered Jotham, her. [4thesethings 1And 2ofhis 3pondering], behold, *-1161 1080 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588 32 2962 2596 3677 5316 1473 3004 * Iwa¢qamde ege¢nnhse ton ¢Acaz ¢Acazde ege¢nnhse ton a¢ggeloVkuri¢ou kat' o¢nar efa¢nh autw¢ le¢gwn Iwsh¢f andJotham engendered Ahaz, andAhaz engendered anangel oftheLordby dreamappearedtohim,saying,Joseph * *-1161 1080 3588 * 5207 * 3361-5399 3880 * 3588 Ezeki¢an 1:10 Ezeki¢aVde ege¢nnhse ton Manassh¢ uio¢VDabi¢d mhfobhqh¢V paralabei¢n Maria¢mthn Hezekiah, andHezekiah engendered Manasseh, son ofDavid,youshouldnotfeartotaketoyourselfMary *-1161 1080 3588 * *-1161 1080 1135-1473 3588-1063 17221473 1080 15374151 Manassh¢Vde ege¢nnhse ton Amw¢n Amw¢nde ege¢nnhse gunai¢ka¢soutogar en auth¢ gennhqe¢n ek pneu¢mato¢V andManasseh engendered Amon, andAmon engendered yourwife; fortheonein her [2engendered 3of 5spirit 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588 * 2532 1510.2.339 5088-1161 5207 25322564 3588 ton Iwsi¢an 1:11 Iwsi¢aVde ege¢nnhse ton Ieconi¢an kai estin agi¢ou 1:21te¢xetaide ui¢on kaikale¢seiV to Josiah, andJosiah engendered Jechoniah and 1is 4holy]. Andsheshallbearason,andyoushallcall 3588 80-1473 1909 3588 3350 * 3686-1473 * 1473-1473 4982 35882992-1473 575 touV adelfou¢Vautou¢ epi¢ thV metoikesi¢aV Babulw¢noV o¢nomaautou¢Ihsou¢nauto¢Vgarsw¢sei tonlao¢nautou¢apo¢ hisbrethren unto the displacement inBabylon. hisname Jesus, forhe shalldeliver hispeople from 3326-1161 35883350 * * 1080 3588 266-1473 3778-1161 3650 1096 2443 1:12meta¢de thnmetoikesi¢anBabulw¢noVIeconi¢aV ege¢nnhse twn amartiw¢nautw¢n 1:22 tou¢tode o¢lon ge¢gonen i¢na Andafterthe displacementofBabylon, Jechoniahengendered theirsins. Andthis completely happened that 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588 * 4137 3588 4483 5259 3588 2962 ton Salaqih¢l Salaqih¢lde ege¢nnhse ton Zoroba¢bel plhrwqh¢ to rhqe¢n upo¢ tou kuri¢ou Salathiel, andSalathiel engendered Zerubbabel, shouldbefulfilled thething havingbeenspoken by the Lord *-1161 1080 3588* *-1161 1080 1223 35884396 3004 2400 35883933 1722 1:13Zoroba¢belde ege¢nnhse tonAbiou¢dAbiou¢ddeege¢nnhse dia¢ touprofh¢toule¢gontoV 1:23idou¢ h parqe¢noVen andZerubbabelengendered Abiud, andAbiudengendered throughthe prophet, saying, Behold,the virgin [2in 1064 2192 2532 5088 5207 2532 2564 gastri¢ e¢xei kai te¢xetai uio¢n kai kale¢sousi 1:1 †CP&Six.spelling Dauid. 3thewomb 1hasone], and sheshallbirth ason, and theyshallcall 2 M A T Q A I O S 1:24 3588 3686-1473 * 3739 1510.2.3 3177 1473 3588-1161 191 3588935 4198 to o¢nomaautou¢ Emmanouh¢l o esti meqermhneuo¢menon autw¢ 2:9oide akou¢santeV tou basile¢wVeporeu¢qhsan hisname Emmanuel; which is beingtranslated, tohim. Andthey,havingheardthe king, went. 3326 1473 35882316 1326 1161 3588 2532 2400 3588 792 3739 1492 1722 3588 395 meq' hmw¢no qeo¢V 1:24diegerqei¢V de o kai idou¢ o asth¢r on ei¢don en th anatolh¢ [2with 3us 1God]. [3havingbeenawakened1And And behold, the star which theybeheld in the east * 575 35885258 4160 56134367 1473 3588 4254 1473 2193 2064 2476 1883 3739 Iwsh¢f apo¢ touu¢pnouepoi¢hsenwV prose¢taxenautw¢ o proh¢gen autou¢Ve¢wV elqw¢n e¢sth epa¢nwou 2Joseph]fromthe sleep did as [4assigned 5tohim1the ledbeforethem, untilhavingcomeitstoodabove ofwhichplace 32 2962 2532 3880 35881135 1510.7.33588 3813 1492-1161 3588792 5463 a¢ggeloVkuri¢ou kai pare¢labe thngunai¢kaautou¢ hn to paidi¢on 2:10ido¢nteVde tonaste¢raeca¢rhsan 2angel 3oftheLord],andhetooktohimself hiswife. [3was 1the2child]. Andbeholdingthe star, theyrejoiced 2532 3756 1097 1473 2193 3739 5088 3588 5479 3173 4970 2532 2064 1519 1:25kai ouk egi¢nwskenauth¢ne¢wV ou e¢teken ton cara¢n mega¢lhn sfo¢dra 2:11 kai elqo¢nteV eiV And[3not 1heknew 2her] untilofwhichtimeshebore [2joy 1agreat], exceedingly. And havingcome unto 5207 1473 3588 4416 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473 3588 3614 1492 3588 3813 3326 * 3588 uio¢n auth¢V ton prwto¢tokon kai eka¢lese to o¢nomaautou¢ thn oiki¢an ei¢don to paidi¢on meta¢ Mari¢aV thV [3son 1her 2first-born]. And hecalled hisname the residence, theysaw the child with Mary * 3384-1473 2532 4098 4352 1473 2532 Ihsou¢n mhtro¢Vautou¢ kai peso¢nteV proseku¢nhsan autw¢ kai Jesus. hismother. And havingfallen, theydidobeisance tohim. And 455 3588 2344-1473 4374 1473 CHAPTER2 anoi¢xanteV touV qhsaurou¢Vautw¢n prosh¢negkan autw¢ havingopened theirtreasuries, theyoffered tohim 1435 5557 2532 3030 2532 4666 2532 TheVisitoftheMagi dw¢ra cruso¢n kai li¢banon kai smu¢rnan 2:12 kai 3588 1161 * 1080 1722 * 3588 gifts– gold and frankincense and myrrh. And 2:1 tou de Ihsou¢ gennhqe¢ntoV en Bhqlee¢m thV 5537 2596 3677 3361-344 And Jesus havingbeenborn in Bethlehem crhmatisqe¢nteV kat' o¢nar mhanaka¢myai * 1722 2250 * 3588 935 2400 3097 havingreceivedadivinemessage by dream, tonotreturn Ioudai¢aV en hme¢raiV Hrw¢dou tou basile¢wV idou¢ ma¢goi 4314 * 1223 243 3598 402 1519 3588 ofJudea, in thedays ofHerod the king, behold, magi proV Hrw¢dhn di' a¢llhV odou¢ anecw¢rhsan eiV thn 575 395 3854 1519 * 3004 to Herod, [2by 3another 4way 1theywithdrew] unto apo¢ anatolw¢n parege¢nonto eiV Ieroso¢luma 2:2 le¢gonteV 5561-1473 402 1161 1473 2400 from theeast came unto Jerusalem, saying, cw¢ranautw¢n 2:13 anacwrhsa¢ntwn de autw¢n idou¢ 4226 1510.2.33588 5088 935 3588 * theirplace. [3withdrawing 1And 2oftheir], behold, pou esti¢n o tecqei¢V basileu¢Vtwn Ioudai¢wn 32 2962 5316 2596 3677 3588 * 3004 Whereis theonehavingbeenbornking oftheJews? a¢ggeloV kuri¢ou fai¢netai kat' o¢nar tw Iwsh¢f le¢gwn 1492-1063 1473 3588792 17223588395 25322064 anangel oftheLord appeared by dream to Joseph, saying, ei¢domengar autou¢ ton aste¢raen th anatolh¢ kai h¢lqomen 1453 3880 35883813 253235883384-1473 Forwebeheldhis star in the east, andwecame egerqei¢V para¢labe to paidi¢onkaithnmhte¢raautou¢ 4352 1473 191-1161 * 3588935 Havingarisen,taketoyourselfthe child and hismother, proskunh¢sai autw¢ 2:3akou¢saVde Hrw¢dhVo basileu¢V 2532 5343 1519 * 2532 1510.5 1563 2193 302 todoobeisancetohim. Andhearing,Herod the king kai feu¢ge eiV Ai¢gupton kai i¢sqi ekei¢ e¢wV an 5015 2532 3956 * 3326 1473 2532 and flee into Egypt! and be there until whenever etara¢cqh kai pa¢sa Ieroso¢luma met' autou¢ 2:4 kai 2036 1473 3195 1063 * 2212 35883813 wasdisturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. And ei¢pw soi me¢llei gar Hrw¢dhVzhtei¢n to paidi¢on 4863 3956 3588 749 25321122 3588 Ishouldspeaktoyou![3isabout1For2Herod]toseekthe child sunagagw¢n pa¢ntaVtou¢Varcierei¢V kaigrammatei¢Vtou 3588622 1473 35881161 1453 3880 gatheringtogetherall the chiefpriestsandscribes ofthe touapole¢saiauto¢ 2:14o de egerqei¢V pare¢laben 2992 4441 3844 1473 4226 3588 5547 1080 todestroyit. Andhavingarisen,hetooktohimself laou¢ epunqa¢neto par' autw¢n pou o Cristo¢V genna¢tai 35883813 253235883384-1473 3571 2532402 1519 people, heinquired of them where the Christ isborn. to paidi¢onkaithnmhte¢raautou¢nukto¢V kaianecw¢rhseneiV 3588-1161 2036 1473 1722* 3588* 3779-1063 the child and hismother bynight,andhewithdrew into 2:5oide ei¢ponautw¢ en Bhqlee¢m thVIoudai¢aVou¢twVgar * 2532 1510.7.31563 2193 35885054 * 2443 Andtheysaid tohim,In Bethlehem ofJudea; forthus Ai¢gupton 2:15kai hn ekei¢ e¢wV thVteleuth¢VHrw¢dou i¢na 1125 1223 3588 4396 2532 1473 * Egypt. Andhewasthereuntilthe decease ofHerod,that ge¢graptai dia¢ tou profh¢tou 2:6 kai su Bhqlee¢m 4137 3588 4483 5259 3588 2962 ithasbeenwritten by the prophet, And you, Bethlehem, plhrwqh¢ to rhqe¢n upo¢ tou kuri¢ou 1093 * 3760 1646 1510.2.2 1722 3588 2232 shouldbefulfilled thething havingbeenspoken by the Lord gh Iou¢da oudamw¢V elaci¢sth ei en toiV hgemo¢sin 1223 35884396 3004 1537 * 2564 land ofJudea, [2notatall 3least 1are] in the governs dia¢ touprofh¢toule¢gontoVex Aigu¢ptoueka¢lesa * 1537 1473 1063 1831 2233 throughthe prophet, saying, FromoutofEgypt Icalled Iou¢da ek sou gar exeleu¢setai hgou¢menoV 35885207-1473 ofJudea. [2fromoutof 3you 1For] shallcomeforth oneleading, tonuio¢nmou 3748 4165 3588 2992-1473 3588 * 5119 * myson. o¢stiV poimanei¢ton lao¢nmou ton Israh¢l 2:7 to¢te Hrw¢dhV who shalltend mypeople Israel. Then Herod, HerodKillstheMaleBabies 2977 2564 3588 3097 198 3844 1473 la¢qra kale¢saV touV ma¢gouV hkri¢bwse par' autw¢n 2:16 5t1o¢1t9e *Hrw¢dhV 1id49w¢2n o3¢7t5i4 1e7n0e2pai¢cqh 5u2p59o¢ 3t5w8n8 inprivate havingcalled the magi, exacted from them Then Herod, knowing that hewasmocked by the 3588 5550 3588 5316 792 2532 3992 ton cro¢non tou fainome¢nou aste¢roV 2:8 kai pe¢myaV 3m0a9¢7gwn2e3q7u3mw¢qh 3l0i¢2a9n 2k5a3i2 6a4p9ostei¢laV3a3n7ei¢le the time ofthe [2appearing 1star]. And havingsent magi, wasenragedexceedingly.Andhavingsent, hedidawaywith 1473 1519 * 2036 4198 199 1833 autou¢VeiV Bhqlee¢m ei¢pe poreuqe¢nteVakribw¢Vexeta¢sate 3p9a5¢6ntaV3t5o8u8V3p8a16i¢daV3t5o8u8V 1e7n22*Bhqlee¢m 2k5a3i21e7n223p9a5¢6si3t5o8i8V them untoBethlehem,hesaid,Havinggone,exactly inquire all the boys, theonesin Bethlehem,andin all the 4012 3588 3813 1875-1161 2147 peri¢ tou paidi¢ou epa¢nde eu¢rhte 3o7r2i¢5oiV 1a4u7t3h¢V 5a7p5o¢ 1d3i3e2tou¢V 2k5a3i2 2k7a3t6wte¢rw 2k5a9t6a¢ concerning the child! Andwhen youshouldhavefound, borders ofit, from twoyearsold and below, accordingto 518 1473 3704 2504 2064 4352 apaggei¢late¢moi o¢pwV kagw¢ elqw¢n proskunh¢sw 3t5o8n8 5c5r5o0¢non 3o7n39 1h9k8ri¢bwse 3p8a44ra¢ 3t5w8n8 3m0a9¢7gwn 2:17 5t1o¢1t9e report tome,sothatIalsohavingcomeshoulddoobeisance the time which wasexacted from the magi. Then 2:18 M A T T H E W 3 4137 3588 4483 5259 * 3588 3751-1473 3588 1161 5160-1473 1510.7.3 200 2532 eplhrw¢qh to rhqe¢n upo¢ Ieremi¢ou tou osfu¢nautou¢ h de trofh¢autou¢ hn akri¢deV kai wasfulfilled thething havingbeenspoken by Jeremiah the hisloin. And hisnourishment was locusts and 4p3r9o6fh¢tou 3l0e¢0g4ontoV 2:18 5f4w56nh¢ 1e7n22 *Rama¢ 1h9k1ou¢sqh 2q3r5h¢5noV 3m1e9¢l2i a6¢6grion 3:55t1o¢1t9e 1e6x0e7poreu¢eto4p3r1o4V1a4u7t3o¢n*Ieroso¢luma prophet, saying, Avoice in Rama washeard, wailing [2honey1wild]. Thencameforth to him Jerusalem, 2k5a3i2 2k8l0a5uqmo¢V 2k5a3i2 3o6d0u2rmo¢V 4p1o8l3u¢V *Rach¢l 2k7l9a9i¢ousa 2k5a3i2 3p9a5¢6sa 3h588 *Ioudai¢a 2k5a3i2 3p9a5¢6sa 3h588 4p0e6r6i¢cwroV 3t5o8u8 and weeping, and [2grieving 1much], Rachel weepingover and all Judea, and all the placeroundabout the 3t5a88 5t0e¢4k3n-1a47a3uth¢V 2k5a3i2 3o7u5k6-2h¢3q0e9le 3p8a70raklhqh¢nai o3¢7t5i4 *Iorda¢nou 3:6 2k5a3i2 9e0b7apti¢zonto 1e7n22 3t5w88 *Iorda¢nh 5u2p59' herchildren, and shewantednot tobecomforted, for Jordan. And theywereimmersed in the Jordan by 3756-1510.2.6 5053 1161 3588 * 1473 1843 3588266-1473 1492-1161 oukeisi¢ 2:19 teleuth¢santoV de tou Hrw¢dou autou¢exomologou¢menoitaVamarti¢aVautwn 3:7idw¢nde theyarenot. [3havingcometoanend 1And 2Herod], him, acknowledging theirsins. Andbeholding 2400 32 2962 2596 3677 5316 3588 * 4183 3588 * 2532 * 2064 1909 idou¢ a¢ggeloV kuri¢ou kat' o¢nar fai¢netai tw Iwsh¢f pollou¢V twn Farisai¢wn kai Saddoukai¢wn ercome¢nouV epi¢ behold, anangel oftheLord by dream appears to Joseph many ofthe Pharisees and Sadducees coming upon 1722 * 3004 1453 3880 3588 3588 908-1473 2036 1473 1081 2191 5100 en Aigu¢ptw 2:20 le¢gwn egerqei¢V para¢labe to to ba¢ptismaautou¢ ei¢pen autoi¢V gennh¢mata ecidnw¢n tiV in Egypt, saying, Havingarisen, taketoyourself the hisimmersion, hesaid tothem, Offspring ofvipers, who 3813 2532 3588 3384-1473 2532 4198 1519 1093 5263 1473 5343 575 3588 3195 3709 paidi¢on kai thn mhte¢raautou¢ kai poreu¢ou eiV ghn upe¢deixen umi¢n fugei¢n apo¢ thV mellou¢shV orgh¢V child and hismother, and go into theland showedplainly toyou toflee from the abouttocome anger? * 2348-1063 1063 3588 2212 3588 5590 3588 4160 3767 2590 514 3588 3341 2532 Israh¢l teqnh¢kasingaroi zhtou¢nteVthn yuch¢ntou 3:8 poih¢sate oun karpou¢V axi¢ouV thV metanoi¢aV 3:9 kai ofIsrael![8havedied 1for2theones3seeking 4the5life 6ofthe Do then fruits worthy ofrepentance! For 3813 3588 1161 1453 3880 3588 3361 1380 3004 1722 1438 3962 2192 paidi¢ou 2:21 o de egerqei¢V pare¢laben to mh do¢xhte le¢gein en eautoi¢V pate¢ra e¢comen 7child]! And havingarisen, hetooktohimself the youshouldnot seem tosay in yourselves, [2father 1Wehave] 3813 253235883384-1473 25322064 1519 1093 * 3588* 3004-1063 1473 3754 1410-3588-2316 1537 paidi¢onkai thnmhte¢raautou¢ kai h¢lqeneiV ghn Israh¢l ton Abraa¢m le¢gwgarumi¢n o¢ti du¢nataioqeo¢Vek child and hismother, andcame intothelandofIsrael. Abraham.ForIsay toyou,thatGodisable [4fromoutof 191-1161 3754* 936 1909 3588* 3588 3037-3778 1453 5043 3588 * 2:22akou¢saVde o¢ti Arce¢laoVbasileu¢eiepi¢ thVIoudai¢aV twn li¢qwntou¢twn egei¢rai te¢kna tw Abraa¢m AndhavingheardthatArchelausreigned over Judea 5thesestones 1toraiseup 2children 3toAbraham]. 473 * 3588 3962-1473 5399 1563-565 2235-1161 2532 3588513 4314 35884491 3588 1186 anti¢ Hrw¢dou tou patro¢Vautou efobh¢qh ekei¢apelqei¢n 3:10h¢dhde kai h axi¢nhproVthnri¢zantwn de¢ndrwn insteadof Herod hisfather, hefeared togoforththere. Andalreadyeventhe axe to the root ofthetrees 5537-1161 2596 3677 402 2749 3956-3767 1186 3361 4160 2590 2570 crhmatisqei¢Vde kat' o¢nar anecw¢rhsen kei¢tai panoun de¢ndron mh poiou¢n karpo¢n kalo¢n Andhavingreceivedadivinemessage by dream, hewithdrew issituated. Forevery tree not producing [2fruit 1good], 151935883313 3588* 2532 2064 2730 1581 2532 1519 4442 906 1473-3303 eiV ta me¢rhthVGalilai¢aV 2:23kai elqw¢n katw¢khsen ekko¢ptetai kai eiV pur ba¢lletai 3:11 egw¢ men intothe parts ofGalilee. Andhavingcome,hedwelt iscutdown and [2into 3fire 1thrown]. ForasmuchasI 1519 4172 3004 * 3704 4137 907 1473 1722 5204 1519 3341 3588-1161 3694 eiV po¢lin legome¢nhn Nazare¢q o¢pwV plhrwqh¢ bapti¢zw uma¢V en u¢dati eiV meta¢noian ode opi¢sw in acity beingcalled Nazareth; sothat shouldbefulfilled immerse you in water for repentance, theone [2after 3588 4483 1223 3588 4396 3754 1473 2064 2478 1473 1510.2.3 3739 3756-1510.2.1 to rhqe¢n dia¢ twn profhtw¢n o¢ti mou erco¢menoV iscuro¢tero¢V mou esti¢n ou oukeimi¢ thething havingbeenspoken through the prophets,saying, For 3me 1coming 5strongerthan 6me 4is]; ofwhom Iamnot *-2564 2425 3588 5266 941 1473 1473-907 1722 Nazwrai¢oVklhqh¢setai ikano¢Vta upodh¢matabasta¢saiauto¢Vuma¢Vbapti¢sei en heshallbecalledaNazarene. fit [2the 3sandals 1tobear]. He shallimmerseyouin 4151 39 2532 4442 3739 3588 4425 CHAPTER3 pneu¢mati agi¢w kai puri¢ 3:12 ou to ptu¢on [2spirit 1holy] and fire– ofwhich the winnowingfan 1722 3588 5495-1473 2532 1245 3588 JohntheBaptistPreparestheWay en th ceiri¢autou¢ kai diakaqariei¢ thn isin hishand, and heshallthoroughlycleanse 1722-11613588 2250-1565 3854 * 3588 3:1ende taiVhme¢raiVekei¢naiVparagi¢netaiIwa¢nnhVo 257-1473 2532 4863 3588 4621-1473 Andin thosedays came John the a¢lwnaautou¢ kai suna¢xei ton si¢tonautou¢ histhreshing-floor, and shallgathertogether hisgrain 910 2784 172235882048 3588* 2532 Baptisth¢Vkhru¢sswn en th erh¢mw thVIoudai¢aV 3:2kai 1519 3588 596 3588-1161 892 2618 4442 Baptist, proclaimingin the wilderness ofJudea, and eiV thn apoqh¢khn tode a¢curon katakau¢sei puri¢ into the storehouse; butthe straw heshallincinerate [2fire 3004 3340 1448 1063 3588 932 3588 le¢gwn metanoei¢te h¢ggike gar h basilei¢a twn 762 saying, Repent! [6approaches 1for 2the 3kingdom 4ofthe asbe¢stw 1byinextinguishable]. 3772 3778-1063 1510.2.3 3588 4483 ouranw¢n 3:3 ou¢toVgar estin o rhqei¢V 5heavens]. Forthis is thething havingbeenspoken JohnImmersesJesus 5259 * 3588 4396 3004 5456 994 1722 3588 5119 3854 3588 * 575 3588 * upo¢ Hsa+ou tou profh¢tou le¢gontoV fwnh¢ bow¢ntoV en th 3:13 tote paragi¢netai o Ihsou¢V apo¢ thV Galilai¢aV by Isaiah the prophet, saying, Avoice yelling in the Then comes Jesus from Galilee 2048 2090 35883598 2962 2117 4160 3588 1909 3588 * 4314 3588 * 3588 907 5259 erh¢mw etoima¢satethnodo¢nkuri¢ou euqei¢aV poiei¢tetaV epi¢ ton Iorda¢nhn proV ton Iwa¢nnh tou baptisqh¢nai up' wilderness;Prepare the way oftheLord![2straight1Make] unto the Jordan to John, tobeimmersed by 5147-1473 1473-1161 3588* 2192 35881742-1473 1473 3588 1161 * 1254 1473 3004 1473 tri¢bouVautou¢ 3:4auto¢Vdeo Iwa¢nnhVei¢ceto e¢ndumaautou¢ autou¢ 3:14 o de Iwa¢nnhV diekw¢luen auto¢n le¢gwn egw¢ hisroads! Andhe, John, had hisgarment him. And John restrains him, saying, I 575 2359 2574 2532 2223 1193 4012 3588 5532 2192 5259 1473 907 253214732064 4314 1473 apo¢ tricw¢n kamh¢lou kai zw¢nhn dermati¢nhn peri¢ thn crei¢ane¢cw upo¢sou baptisqh¢nai kaisu e¢rch pro¢Vme from [2hair 1camel’s], and abelt madeofskin around [2need 1have4by 5you3tobeimmersed],andyoucometo me? 4 M A T Q A I O S 3:15 611-1161 3588* 2036 4314 1473 863 737 3588 932 3588 2889 2532 3588 1391-1473 2532 3:15apokriqei¢Vde o Ihsou¢Vei¢peproVauto¢na¢feV a¢rti taV basilei¢aV tou ko¢smou kai thn do¢xanautw¢n 4:9 kai Andanswering Jesus said to him, Allowitjustnow! the kingdoms ofthe world, and theirglory. And 3779-1063 4241-1510.2.3 1473 4137 3956 1343 3004 1473 3778-3956 1473-1325 1437 4098 ou¢twgar pre¢ponesti¢n hmi¢n plhrw¢sai pa¢san dikaiosu¢nhn le¢gei autw¢ tau¢tapa¢nta soidw¢sw ea¢n pesw¢n fortothis itisbecoming tous tofulfill all righteousness. hesays tohim, Allthese Iwillgivetoyou, if fallingdown 5119 863 1473 2532 907-3588-* 4352 1473 5119 3004 1473 3588 to¢te afi¢hsin auto¢n 3:16 kai baptisqei¢VoIhsou¢V proskunh¢shV moi 4:10 to¢te le¢gei autw¢ o Then heallows him. And Jesushavingbeenimmersed, youshoulddoobeisance tome. Then [2says 3tohim 305 2117.1 575 35885204 2532 2400 455 * 5217 3694 1473 * 1125-1063 2962 ane¢bh euqu¢V apo¢ touu¢datoVkai idou¢ anew¢cqhsan Ihsou¢V u¢page opi¢sw mou Satana¢ ge¢graptaigar ku¢rion ascendedstraightwayfromthe water. Andbehold,[3wereopened 1Jesus], Go behind me Satan! Foritiswritten, [2theLord 1473 3588 3772 2532 1492 3588 4151 3588 2316 3588 2316-1473 4352 2532 1473 3441 autw¢ oi ouranoi¢ kai ei¢de to pneu¢ma tou qeou¢ ton qeo¢nsou proskunh¢seiV kai autw¢ mo¢nw 4tohim 1the 2heavens], and hebeheld the spirit ofGod 3yourGod 1Youshalldoobeisanceto], and tohim alone 2597 5616 4058 2532 2064 1909 1473 3000 5119 863 1473 3588 1228 2532 katabai¢non wsei¢ peristera¢n kai erco¢menon ep' auto¢n latreu¢seiV 4:11 to¢te afi¢hsin auto¢n o dia¢boloV kai comingdown as adove, and coming upon him. youshallserve. Then [3left 4him 1the 2devil]; and 2532 2400 5456 1537 35883772 3004 3778 2400 32 4334 25321247 1473 3:17kai idou¢ fwnh¢ ek twnouranw¢nle¢gousaou¢to¢V idou¢ a¢ggeloiprosh¢lqon kaidihko¢nounautw¢ Andbehold,avoicefromoutofthe heavens, saying, This behold,angels cameforwardandserved tohim. 1510.2.335885207-1473 358827 17223739 2106 estin o uio¢Vmouo agaphto¢Ven w eudo¢khsa TheBeginningofJesus’Ministry is myson the beloved, in whomItakepleasure. 191 1161 3588 * 3754 * 4:12 akou¢saV de o Ihsou¢V o¢ti Iwa¢nnhV CHAPTER4 [3havingheard 1And 2Jesus] that John 3860 402 1519 3588 * 2532 paredo¢qh anecw¢rhsen eiV thn Galilai¢an 4:13 kai TheDevilTestsJesus wasdeliveredup, withdrew into Galilee. And 4:1 5t1o¢1t9e 3o588 *Ihsou¢V 3a2n1h¢cqh 1e5i1V9 3t5h8n8 e2¢0r4h8mon 5u2p59o¢ 2k6a4t1alipw¢n 3t5h8n8 *Nazare¢q 2e0l6q4w¢n 2k7a3t0w¢khsen 1e5i1V9 *Kapernaou¢m Then Jesus wasled into the wilderness by leaving Nazareth, coming hedwelt in Capernaum 3t5o8u8 4p1n5e1u¢matoV 3p9e8i5rasqh¢nai 5u2p59o¢ 3t5o8u8 1d2i2a8bo¢lou 4:2 2k5a3i2 3t5h8n83p8a64raqalassi¢an1e7n223o7r2i¢5oiV *Zaboulw¢n 2k5a3i2*Nefqalei¢m the spirit, tobetested by the devil. And bythesea, in thebordersofZebulunandNaphtali; 3n5h2s2teu¢saV 2h2m50e¢raV 5t0e6s2sara¢konta 2k5a3i2 3n5u¢7k1taV 5t0e6s2sara¢konta 4:14 i2¢n44a3 4p1l37hrwqh¢ 3t5o88 4r4h8q3e¢n 1d2i2a¢3 *Hsa+ou 3t5o8u8 hefasted [2days 1forty] and [2nights 1forty]; that [7shouldbefulfilled 1the 2word 3through 4Isaiah 5the u5¢3s05teron 3e9p8e3i¢nase 4:3 2k5a3i2 4p3r3o4se¢lqwn 1a4u7t3w¢ 4p3r9o6fh¢tou3l0e¢0g4ontoV 4:151g0h93 *Zaboulw¢n 2k5a3i21g0h93 *Nefqalei¢m afterwards hehungered. And havingcomeforward tohim, 6prophet], saying, LandofZebulunandlandofNaphtali, 3o588 3p9e8i5ra¢zwn 2e0i¢3p6en 1e4i87 5u2i0o¢7V-1e5i10.2.2 3t5o8u8 2q3e1o6u¢ 2e0i3p6e¢ 3o5d9o¢8n 2q2a8l1a¢sshV 4p0e0¢r8an 3t5o8u8 *Iorda¢nou *Galilai¢a theone testing said, If youareson ofGod, speak! way ofthesea, ontheotherside ofthe Jordan; Galilee i2¢n44a3 3o5i88 3l0i¢3q7o-1i4o73u¢toi a7¢4r0toi 1g0e¢9n6wntai 4:4 3o588 3t5w8n8 1e4q8n4w¢n 4:16 3o588 2l9a9o2¢V 3o588 2k5a2q1h¢menoV 1e7n22 4s6k55o¢tei that thesestones [2breadloaves 1shouldbecome]. ofthe nations. The people sitting in darkness 1d1e61 6a1p1okriqei¢V2e0i¢3p6e 1g1e¢2g5raptai 3o7u5k6 1e9p0'9a7¢4r0tw 3m4o4¢n1w 1e4i¢9d2e 5f4w57V 3m1e7¢g3a 2k5a3i2 3t5o8i8V 2k5a2q1hme¢noiV 1e7n22 5c5w¢61ra Andresponding hesaid,Ithasbeenwritten,Notby breadalone beheld [2light 1agreat]; and totheones sitting in aplace 2z1h¢9s8etai a4¢4n4qrwpoV 2a3l5l' 1e9p0i9¢ 3p9a56nti¢ 4r4h¢8m7ati 1e6k0p7oreuome¢nw 2k5a3i2 4s6k39ia¢ 2q2a8n8a¢tou 5f4w57V 3a9n3e¢teilen 1a4u7t3oi¢V 4:17 5a7p5o¢ 5t1o¢1t9e shall[2live 1aman], but by every word comingforth and shadow ofdeath light arose tothem. From then 1d2i2a¢3 4s7t5o0¢matoV 2q3e1o6u¢ 4:5 5t1o¢1t9e 3p8a80ralamba¢nei 1a4u7t3o¢n 3o588 h7¢5r6x-3a5t88o-*oIhsou¢V2k7h8r4u¢ssein2k5a3i23l0e¢0g4ein3m3e4t0anoei¢teh1¢4g4g8ike by themouth ofGod. Then [3takes 4him 1the Jesusbegan toproclaimandtosay, Repent! [6approaches 1d2i2a¢8boloV 1e5i1V9 3t5h8n8 3a9gi¢an 4p1o7¢l2in 2k5a3i2 i2¢s47t6hsen 1a4u7t3o¢n 1e9p0i9¢ 3t5o88 1g0a6r3 3h588 9b3a2silei¢a3t5w8n8 3o7u7r2anw¢n 2devil] unto the holy city, and hestands him upon the 1for2the3kingdom4ofthe5heavens]. 4419 3588 2413 2532 3004 1473 14875207-1510.2.2 pteru¢giontou ierou¢ 4:6kai le¢gei autw¢ ei uio¢Vei JesusGathersHisDisciples border ofthetemple. Andhesaystohim,If youareson 3t5o8u8 2q3e1o6u¢ 9b0a¢6le 4s5e7a2uto¢n 2k7a¢3t6w 1g1e¢2g5-r1a06p3taigar o3¢7t5i4 4:18 4p0e4r3ipatw¢n 1d1e61 3o588 *Ihsou¢V 3p8a44ra¢ 3t5h8n8 2q2a¢8l1assan ofGod, throw yourself below! forithasbeenwritten that, [3walking 1And 2Jesus] by the sea 3t5o8i8V 3a2g-1g4e7¢l3oiVautou¢ 1e7n8t1elei¢tai 4p0e1r2i¢ 1s4o7u3 2k5a3i2 3t5h8V8 *Galilai¢aV 1e4i¢9d2e 1d4u1o7 8a0delfou¢V *Si¢mwna 3t5o8n8 To hisangels heshallgivecharge concerning you; and ofGalilee, beheld two brothers– Simon theone 1e9p0i9¢ 5c4e9i5rw¢n 1a4r2ou¢si¢ 1s4e73 3m3h7¢9pote 4p3r5o0sko¢yhV 3l0e0g4o¢menon *Pe¢tron2k5a3i2*Andre¢an3t5o8n88a0d-1e4l7f3o¢nautou¢ 9b0a¢6llontaV by hands theyshalllift you, lestatanytime youshouldstumble beingcalledPeter, andAndrew hisbrother, throwing 4p3r1o4V 3l0i¢3q7on 3t5o8n84p2o2¢d8-a14s73ou 4:7e5¢3f4h6 1a4u7t3w¢ 3o588*Ihsou¢V 2a9m3fi¢blhstron 1e5i1V9 3t5h8n8 2q2a¢8l1assan h1¢5s10a.7n.6g-1a0r63 2a3l1iei¢V [2against3astone 1yourfoot]. [2said3tohim 1Jesus], acasting-net into the sea– fortheywere fishermen. 3p8a2¢5lin 1g1e¢2g5raptai 3o7u5k6-1e5k9p8eira¢seiV 2k9u¢6r2ion 3t5o8n8 4:192k5a3i2 3l0e¢0g4ei 1a4u7t3oi¢V 1d2e0u¢5te 3o6p9i4¢sw1m4o7u3 2k5a3i24p1o6i0h¢sw 1u4m73a¢V Again ithasbeenwritten, Youshallnotputtotest theLord Andhesaystothem,Comeafter me! andIwillmakeyou 2q3e1o¢6n-1s47o3u 4:83p8a2¢5lin3p8a80ralamba¢nei1a4u7t3o¢n3o588 1d2i2a¢8boloV1e5i1V9 2a3l1iei¢V 4a4n4qrw¢pwn 4:20 3o5i8d8-e1161 2e1u1q2e¢wV 8a6f3e¢nteV 3t5a88 yourGod. Again [3takes 4him 1the 2devil] unto fishers ofmen. Andthey immediately havingleft the o3¢7r3o5V 5u3y08hlo¢n3l0i¢2a9n 2k5a3i21d1e6i¢6knusin1a4u7t3w¢ 3p9a5¢6saV 1d3i¢5k0tua 1h9k0olou¢qhsan 1a4u7t3w¢ 4:21 2k5a3i2 4p2r6o0ba¢V 1e5k6e4i¢qen [3mountain2high 1anexceedingly],andshows tohimall nets followed him. And advancing fromthere, 4:22 M A T T H E W 5 1492 243 1417 80 * 3588 3588 * 2513 35882588 37541473 35882316-3708 3107 ei¢den a¢llouV du¢o adelfou¢V Ia¢kwbon ton tou Zebedai¢ou kaqaroi¢th kardi¢a o¢ti autoi¢tonqeo¢no¢yontai 5:9maka¢rioi hebeheld another two brothers– James the sonof Zebedee, clean inheart,for they shallseeGod. Blessedare 2532* 358880-1473 172235884143 3326 * 3588 1518 3754 1473 5207 2316 2564 kaiIwa¢nnhntonadelfo¢nautou¢en tw ploi¢wmeta¢ Zebedai¢ou oi eirhnopoioi¢ o¢ti autoi¢ uioi¢ qeou¢ klhqh¢sontai andJohn hisbrother, in the boat with Zebedee the peacemakers, for they [2sons 3ofGod 1shallbecalled]. 3588 3962-1473 2675 3588 1350-1473 2532 3107 3588 1377 1752 tou patro¢Vautw¢n katarti¢zontaV ta di¢ktuaautw¢n kai 5:10 maka¢rioi oi dediwgme¢noi e¢neken theirfather, readying theirnets; and Blessedare theones havingbeenpersecuted becauseof 2564 1473 3588 1161 2112 863 3588 1343 3754 1473 1510.2.3 3588 932 3588 3772 eka¢lesen autou¢V 4:22 oi de euqe¢wV afe¢nteV to dikaiosu¢nhV o¢ti autw¢n esti¢n h basilei¢a twn ouranw¢n hecalled them. And immediately havingleft the righteousness, for ofthem is the kingdom ofthe heavens. 4143 2532 3588 3962-1473 190 1473 2532 3107 1510.2.5 3752 3679 1473 2532 ploi¢on kai ton pate¢raautw¢n hkolou¢qhsan autw¢ 4:23 kai 5:11 maka¢rioi¢ este¢ o¢tan oneidi¢swsin uma¢V kai boat and theirfather, theyfollowed him. And Blessed areyou whenever theyshouldberate you, and 4013 3650 3588 * 3588 * 1321 1722 1377 2532 2036 3956 4190 4487 2596 1473 perih¢gen o¢lhn thn Galilai¢an o Ihsou¢V dida¢skwn en diw¢xwsi kai ei¢pwsi pan ponhro¢n rh¢ma kaq' umw¢n [2ledabout 3all 4Galilee 1Jesus] teaching in persecute, and shallsay every wicked saying against you 3588 4864-1473 2532 2784 3588 2098 3588 5574 1752 1473 5463 2532 21 taiV sunagwgai¢Vautw¢n kai khru¢sswn to euagge¢lion thV yeudo¢menoi e¢neken emou¢ 5:12 cai¢rete kai agallia¢sqe theirsynagogues, and proclaiming the goodnews ofthe inlying, becauseof me. Rejoice and exult, 932 25322323 3956 3554 25323956 3119 3754 3588 3408-1473 4183 1722 3588 3772 3779-1063 basilei¢aVkaiqerapeu¢wnpa¢sanno¢son kaipa¢sanmalaki¢an o¢ti o misqo¢Vumw¢n polu¢V en toiV ouranoi¢V ou¢twgar kingdom, andcuring every diseaseandevery infirmity for yourwage isgreat in the heavens! forso 1722 35882992 2532 565 3588189 1473 15193650 1377 3588 4396 3588 4253 1473 en tw law¢ 4:24kai aph¢lqen h akoh¢ autou¢eiV o¢lhn edi¢wxan touVprofh¢taVtouVpro umw¢n amongthepeople. Andwentforththereportofhimintoall theypersecutedthe prophets beforeyou. 3588* 2532 4374 1473 3956 3588 2560 thnSuri¢ankai prosh¢negkanautw¢ pa¢ntaVtouV kakw¢V SaltoftheEarth: LightoftheWorld Syria. Andtheybrought tohimall theones[2anillness 1473 1510.2.5 3588 217 3588 1093 1437-1161 3588 e2¢1c9o2ntaV 4p1o6i4ki¢laiV 3n5o¢5s4oiV 2k5a3i2 9b3a1sa¢noiV 4s9u12necome¢nouV 5:13 umei¢V este¢ to a¢laV thV ghV ea¢nde to You are the salt ofthe earth. Butif the 1having] withvarious diseases, and [2torments 1beingheldby], 217 3471 1722 5100 233 1519 2532 1139 2532 4583 2532 a¢laV mwranqh¢ en ti¢ni alisqh¢setai eiV kai daimonizome¢nouV kai selhniazome¢nouV kai salt becomesinsipid, by whatmeans shallitbesalted? For and onesbeingdemon-possessed, andones actingaslunatic, and 3762 2480 2089 1508 906 1854 3885 25322323 1473 2532 190 oude¢n iscu¢ei e¢ti eimh blhqh¢nai e¢xw paralutikou¢Vkaieqera¢peusenautou¢V 4:25kai hkolou¢qhsan [2nothing 1itisstrongfor]anylonger,unlesstobethrownoutside, paralytics; andhecured them. And[3followed 2532 2662 5259 3588 444 1473-1510.2.5 1473 3793 4183 575 3588* 2532 * kai katapatei¢sqai upo¢ twn anqrw¢pwn 5:14 umei¢Veste¢ autw¢ o¢cloi polloi¢apo¢ thV Galilai¢aVkai Dekapo¢lewV and tobetrampledupon by the men. Youare 4him 2multitudes 1great] from Galilee, andDecapolis, 3588 5457 3588 2889 3756 1410 4172 2928 2532 * 2532 * 2532 4008 3588 to fwV tou ko¢smou ou du¢natai po¢liV krubh¢nai kai Ierosolu¢mwn kai Ioudai¢aV kai pe¢ran tou the light ofthe world. [2isnot 3able 1Acity] tohide and Jerusalem, and Judea, and ontheotherside ofthe 1883 3735 2749 3761 2545 * epa¢nw o¢rouV keime¢nh 5:15 oude¢ kai¢ousi Iorda¢nou [2upon 3amountain 1beingsituated]; nor dotheyburn Jordan. 3088 2532 5087 1473 5259 3588 3426 235 1909 3588 lu¢cnon kai tiqe¢asin auto¢n upo¢ ton mo¢dion all' epi¢ thn CHAPTER5 alamp, and put it under the bushel, but upon the 3087 25322989 3956 3588 172235883614 3779 lucni¢an kaila¢mpei pa¢sitoiV en th oiki¢a 5:16ou¢tw JesusTeachesontheMount lamp-stand;anditradiatestoalltheonesin the house. So 5:1 1id49w¢2-n11d6e1 3t5o8u8V o3¢7c9l3ouV 3a0n5e¢bh 1e5i1V9 3t5o88 2l9a8m9ya¢tw3t5o885f4w57V-14731u4m73w¢n e1¢7m1p5rosqen3t5w8n84a4n4qrw¢pwno3¢7p0w4V Andbeholding the multitudes, heascended into the letradiatethe light ofyour’sbefore men, sothat o3¢7r3o5V 2k5a3i2 2k5a2q3-i¢1s47a3ntoVautou¢ 4p3r3o4sh¢lqon 1a4u7t3w¢ i1¢d49w2sin 1u4m73w¢n3t5a882k5a7l0a¢ e2¢0r4g1a 2k5a3i21d3o9x2a¢swsi mountain. And hehavingsat, therecameforward tohim theyshouldbeholdyour good works,andtheyshouldglorify 3o5i88 3m1a01q-h14t7a3i¢autou¢ 5:2 2k5a3i2 4a5n5oi¢xaV 3t5o88 4s7t5o0¢-m14a73autou¢ 3t5o8n83p9a62t-e1¢r47a3umw¢n3t5o8n8 1e7n223t5o8i8V3o7u7r2anoi¢V hisdisciples. And havingopened hismouth, yourfather, theonein the heavens. 1321 1473 3004 3107 35884434 3588 edi¢daskenautou¢Vle¢gwn 5:3maka¢rioi oi ptwcoi¢tw JesusTeachesConcerningtheLaw hetaught them, saying, Blessedarethe poor totheone 4p1n5e1u¢mati o3¢7t5i4 1a4u7t3w¢n 1e5s1t0.i2n.3 3h588 9b3a2silei¢a 3t5w8n8 3o7u7r2anw¢n 5:17 3m3h61 3n5o4m3i¢shte o3¢7t5i4 h2¢0l6q4on 2k6a4t7alu¢sai 3t5o8n8 inspirit, for ofthem is the kingdom ofthe heavens. Youshouldnot think that Icame todepose the 5:43m1a07ka¢rioi 3o5i88 3p9e9n6qou¢nteVo3¢7t5i41a4u7t3oi¢3p8a70raklhqh¢sontai 3n5o¢5m1on2h2283t5o8u8V4p3r9o6fh¢taV3o7u5k6-2h¢0l64qon2k6a4t7alu¢sai2a3l5la¢4p1l37hrw¢sai Blessedaretheonesmourning, for they shallbecomforted. law or the prophets. Icamenottodepose, but tofulfill. 5:5 3m1a07ka¢rioi 3o5i88 4p2r3a9ei¢V o3¢7t5i4 1a4u7t3oi¢ 2k8l1h6ronomh¢sousi 3t5h8n8 5:18 2a8m1-h¢10n63gar 3l0e¢0g4w 1u4m73i¢n e2¢1w9V3 3a0n2 3p9a28re¢lqh Blessedare the gentle, for they shallinherit the Foramen Isay toyou, until whenever shallpassaway 1g0h9n3 5:6 3m1a07ka¢rioi 3o5i88 3p9e8i3nw¢nteV 2k5a3i2 1d3i7y2w¢nteV 3t5h8n8 3o588 3o7u7r2ano¢V 2k5a3i2 3h588 1g0h93 2iw5¢0t3a 1e5n20 2h228 1m5i2¢a0 2k7e6r2ai¢a earth. Blessedare theones hungering and thirsting the heaven and the earth, [2iota 1one] or one dot 1d3i4k3aiosu¢nhn o3¢7t5i41a4u7t3oi¢5c5o2r6tasqh¢sontai 5:73m1a07ka¢rioi 3o5i88 3o7u66m.2h 3p9a28re¢lqh 5a7p5o¢ 3t5o8u8 3n5o¢5m1ou e2¢1w9V3 3a0n2 3p9a5¢6nta forrighteousness,for they shallbefilled. Blessedarethe innoway shouldpass from the law, until whenever all 1e6l5e5h¢moneV o3¢7t5i4 1a4u7t3oi¢1e6l5e3hqh¢sontai 5:8 3m1a07ka¢rioi 3o5i88 1g0e¢9n6htai 5:19 3o7V39 1e4a¢3n7 3o7u6n7 3l0u¢8s9h 1m5i2¢a0n 3t5w8n8 merciful, for they shallbeshownmercy. Blessedare the comestopass. Who ever then shoulduntie one ofthe 6 M A T Q A I O S 5:20 1785 3778 3588 1646 25321321 3779 entolw¢n tou¢twn twnelaci¢stwnkai dida¢xh ou¢twV AdulteryBeginsintheHeart [3commandments 2ofthese 1least], andshallteach[2so 191-3754 3754 4483 3588 744 3588 444 1646 2564 1722 3588 932 5:27 hkou¢sate o¢ti erre¢qh toiV arcai¢oiV touV anqrw¢pouV ela¢cistoV klhqh¢setai en th basilei¢a Youheard that itwassaid tothe ancients, 1men], [2least 1shallbecalled] in the kingdom 3756-3431 1473-1161 3004 1473 3754 3588 3772 3739-1161 302 4160 25321321 3778 oumoiceu¢seiV 5:28 egw¢ de le¢gw umi¢n o¢ti twn ouranw¢noVd' an poih¢sh kaidida¢xh ou¢toV Youshallnotcommitadultery. ButI say toyou that, oftheheavens. Andwhoevershoulddoandshouldteach,thisone 3956 3588 991 1135 4314 3588 1937 1473 3173 2564 1722 3588 932 3588 3772 paV o ble¢pwn gunai¢ka proV to epiqumh¢sai auth¢n me¢gaV klhqh¢setai en th basilei¢a twn ouranw¢n all lookingat awife for lusting her, [2great 1shallbecalled] in the kingdom ofthe heavens. 2235 3431 1473 1722 3588 2588-1473 3004-1063 1473 3754 1437 3361 4052 h¢dh emoi¢ceusen auth¢n en th kardi¢aautou¢ 5:20 le¢gwgar umi¢n o¢ti ea¢n mh periosseu¢sh already committedadulterywith her in hisheart. ForIsay toyou, that if [2shouldnot 3abound 1487-116135883788 1473 35881188 4624-1473 3588 1343-1473 4183 3588 1122 2532 5:29eide o ofqalmo¢Vsou o dexio¢Vskandali¢zeise h dikaiosu¢nhumw¢n plei¢on twn grammate¢wn kai Andif [3eye 1your 2right]causesyoutostumble, 1yourrighteousness] greaterthan ofthe scribes and 1807-1473 2532 906 575 1473 4851-1063 1473 * 3766.2 1525 1519 3588932 3588 e¢xeleauto¢n kai ba¢le apo¢ sou sumfe¢reigar soi Farisai¢wnoumh eise¢lqhte eiV thnbasilei¢antwn takeitout, and throwit from you! foritisadvantageous toyou Pharisees, innowayshouldyouenterintothe kingdom ofthe 2443 622 1722 3588 3196-1473 2532 3772 i¢na apo¢lhtai en twn melw¢nsou kai ouranw¢n that [3shouldbedestroyed 1one 2ofyourmembers], and heavens. 3361 3650 3588 4983 1473 906 1519 1067 mh o¢lon to sw¢ma¢ sou blhqh¢ eiV ge¢ennan MurderBeginsintheHeart [4shouldnot 2entire 3body 1your] bethrown into Gehenna. 2532 1487 3588 1188-1473 5495 4624-1473 5:211h9k1ou¢sateo3¢7t5i4 4e4r8r3e¢qh 3t5o8i8V 7a4r4cai¢oiV3o7u56 5:30 kai ei h dexia¢sou cei¢r skandali¢zeise And if yourright hand causesyoutostumble, Youheardthatitwassaidtotheancients, Youshallnot 5f4o07neu¢seiV 3o7V39d-'1161 3a0n2 5f4o07neu¢sh e1¢7n7o7c-1o5V10e¢.8s.3tai e1¢5k8k1-o1y47o3nauth¢n 2k5a3i2 9b0a¢6le 5a7p5o¢ 1s4o7u3 4s8u51m-1f0e6¢3reigar murder; andwho ever shouldmurder, shallbeliable cutitoff, and throwit from you! foritisadvantageous 3t5h88 2k9r2i0¢sei 5:22 1e4g7w¢3-1d1e61 3l0e¢0g4w 1u4m73i¢n o3¢7t5i4 3p9a56V 3o588 1s4o7i3 i2¢n44a36a2p2o¢lhtai 1e5n20 3t5w8n83m1e9l6-w¢14n73sou 2k5a3i2 tothe judgment. ButI say toyou, that all toyouthat[3shouldbedestroyed1one 2ofyourmembers],and 3o7r1g0izo¢menoV 3t5w88 8a0d-1e4l7f3w¢ autou¢ 1e5i0k0h¢ e1¢7n7o7c-1o5V10e¢.8s.3tai 3m3h61 o3¢6l5o0n 3t5o884s9w8¢3ma¢ 1s4o7u3 9b0l6hqh¢ 1e5i1V9 1g0e¢6e7nnan provokingtoanger hisbrother, invain, shallbeliable [4shouldnot2entire 3body1your]bethrownintoGehenna. 3588 2920 3739-1161 302 2036 3588 80-1473 th kri¢sei oVd' an ei¢ph tw adelfw¢ autou¢ DismissingaWife tothe judgment. Andwho ever shouldsay to hisbrother, 4483-1161 3754 3739 302 630 4469 1777-1510.8.3 3588 4892 3739-1161 302 5:31 erre¢qhde o¢ti oV an apolu¢sh raka¢ e¢nocoVe¢stai tw sunedri¢w oVd' an Alsoitwassaid that, Who ever shoulddismiss Worthless! shallbeliable tothe sanhedrin. Andwho ever 3588 1135-1473 1325 1473 647 2036 3474 1777-1510.8.3 1519 3588 1067 3588 thn gunai¢kaautou¢ do¢tw auth¢ aposta¢sion ei¢ph mwre¢ e¢nocoVe¢stai eiV thn ge¢ennan tou hiswife, lethimgive toher acertificateofdivorce. shouldsay Omoron! shallbeliable for the Gehenna 1473-1161 3004 1473 3754 3739 302 630 3588 4442 1437 3767 4374 3588 1435-1473 5:32 egw¢ de le¢gw umi¢n o¢ti oV an apolu¢sh thn puro¢V 5:23 ea¢n oun prosfe¢rhV to dw¢ro¢nsou ButI say toyou that, Who ever shoulddismiss offire. If then youshouldoffer yourgiftoffering 1135-1473 3924 3056 4202 4160 1473 1909 3588 2379 2546 1563 3403 3754 3588 gunai¢kaautou¢ parekto¢V lo¢gou pornei¢aV poiei¢ auth¢n epi¢ to qusiasth¢rion kai ekei¢ mnhsqh¢V o¢ti o hiswife, exceptfor thematter ofharlotry, makes her upon the altar, and there shouldremember that 3429 2532 3739 1437 630 80-1473 2192 5100 2596 1473 863 1563 3588 moica¢sqai kai oV ea¢n apolelume¢nhn adelfo¢Vsou e¢cei ti kata¢ sou 5:24 a¢feV ekei¢ to tocommitadultery. And who ever [2awomanbeingdivorced yourbrother has something against you, leave there 1060 3429 1435-1473 1715 3588 2379 2532 5217 gamh¢sh moica¢tai dw¢ro¢nsou e¢mprosqen tou qusiasthri¢ou kai u¢page 1shouldmarry]commitsadultery. yourgiftoffering before the altar, and goaway! 4p4r1w2¢ton 1d2i5a9lla¢ghqi 3t5w88 8a0d-1e4l7f3w¢ sou 2k5a3i2 5t1o¢1t9e 2e0l6q4w¢n JesusTeachesonOaths first toreconcile with yourbrother, and then havingcome 3825 191 3754 4483 3588 744 5:33 pa¢lin hkou¢sate o¢ti erre¢qh toiV arcai¢oiV 4374 35881435-1473 1510.52132 pro¢sfereto dw¢ro¢nsou 5:25i¢sqi eunow¢n Again, youheard that itwassaid tothe ancients, offer yourgiftoffering. Be well-disposedtowards 3756 1964 591-1161 3588 2962 3588 ouk epiorkh¢seiV apodw¢seiVde tw kuri¢w touV 3588 476-1473 5036 2193 3748 1510.2.2 1722 3588 3598 tw antidi¢kwsou tacu¢ e¢wV o¢tou ei en th odw¢ Youshallnot swearupon, butshallrender tothe Lord youropponent quickly! at wherever youare in the way 3727-1473 1473-1161 3004 1473 3361 3660 o¢rkouVsou 5:34 egw¢ de le¢gw umi¢n mh omo¢sai 3326 1473 3379 1473-3860 3588 476 met' autou¢mh¢pote¢ separadw¢ o anti¢dikoV youroaths. ButI say toyou, Donot swearbyanoath withhim, lestatanytime[3shoulddeliveryouup1the2opponent] 3654 3383 1722 3588 3772 3754 2362-1510.2.3 3588 2316 o¢lwV mh¢te en tw ouranw¢ o¢ti qro¢noVesti¢ tou qeou¢ 3588 2923 253235882923 1473-3860 3588 5257 tw krith¢ kaio krith¢Vseparadw¢ tw uphre¢th wholly; nor on the heaven, for itisthethrone ofGod; tothejudge,andthe judge shoulddeliveryouuptotheofficer, 3383 1722 3588 1093 3754 5286-1510.2.3 3588 4228-1473 5:35 mh¢te en th gh o¢ti upopo¢dio¢nesti twn podw¢nautou¢ 2532 1519 5438 906 281 3004 kai eiV fulakh¢n blhqh¢sh 5:26 amh¢n le¢gw nor on the earth, for itisthefootstool ofhisfeet; and [2into 3prison 1heshouldthrowyou]. Amen Isay 3383 1519* 37544172-1510.2.3 3588 3173 935 mh¢teeiV Ieroso¢lumao¢ti po¢liVesti¢tou mega¢loubasile¢wV 1s4o7i3 3o7u66m.2h 1e8x3e¢1lqhV 1e5k6e4i¢qen e2¢1w9V3 3a0n2 nor on Jerusalem, for itisthecityofthegreat king; toyou,Innowayshouldyoucomeforthfromthere,untilwhenever 3383 1722 3588 2776-1473 3660 3754 5:36 mh¢te en th kefalh¢sou omo¢shV o¢ti 591 35882078 2835 apodw¢V tone¢scatonkodra¢nthn nor on yourhead shouldyouswearbyanoath, for youshoulddeliveroverthe last quadrans. 5:37 M A T T H E W 7 3o7u56 1d4u¢1n0asai1m5i2¢a0n 2t3r5i¢9ca3l0e2u2kh¢n2h2283m1e8¢l9ainan4p1o6i0h¢sai CHAPTER6 youarenotable [2one3hair 4white 5or 6black 1tomake]. 1510.5-1161 3588 3056-1473 3483 3483 3756 3756 3588-1161 CharityDoneinSecret 5:37 e¢stwde o lo¢goVumw¢n nai nai ou ou tode Butletbe yourword– ayes, Yes! ano, No! but 4337 3588 1654-1473 3361 4160 6:1 prose¢cete thn elehmosu¢nhnumw¢n mh poiei¢n 4053 3778 1537 3588 4190 1510.2.3 perisso¢n tou¢twn ek tou ponhrou¢ estin Takeheed ofyourcharity! tonot act anythingextrathanthese[2of3the4wickedone1is]. 1715 3588 444 4314-3588 2300 1473 e¢mprosqen twn anqrw¢pwn proVto qeaqh¢nai autoi¢V infrontof men soas tobeaspectacle tothem, AnEyeforanEye 1490 3408 3756-2192 3844 3588 3962-1473 191 3754 4483 3788 473 3788 eidemh¢ge misqo¢n ouke¢cete para¢ tw patri¢umw¢n 5:38 hkou¢sate o¢ti erre¢qh ofqalmo¢n anti¢ofqalmou¢ otherwise [2awage 1youhavenot] from yourfather, Youheard that itwassaid, Aneye for aneye, 3588 1722 3588 3772 3752 3767 4160 2532 3599 473 3599 1473-1161 3004 1473 3361 tw en toiV ouranoi¢V 6:2 o¢tan oun poih¢V kai odo¢nta anti¢ odo¢ntoV 5:39 egw¢ de le¢gw umi¢n mh theone in the heavens. Whenever then youshoulddo and atooth for atooth. ButI say toyou, tonot 1654 3361 4537 1715 1473 5618 436 3588 4190 235 3748 1473-4474 1909 elehmosu¢nhn mh salpi¢shV e¢mprosqe¢n sou w¢sper antisth¢nai tw ponhrw¢ all' o¢stiV serapi¢sei epi¢ charity, youshouldnot trump before you, as oppose the wickedone. But whoever slapsyou upon 35885273 4160 17223588 4864 253217223588 4505 3588 1188-1473 4600 4762 1473 2532 3588 243 oi upokritai¢poiou¢sinen taiVsunagwgai¢Vkaien taiVru¢maiV thn dexia¢nsou siago¢na stre¢yon autw¢ kai thn a¢llhn thehypocritesdo in the synagogues andin the streets, yourright jaw, turn tohim also the other! 3704 1392 5259 3588 444 281 3004 2532 3588 2309 1473-2919 2532 3588 o¢pwV doxasqw¢sin upo¢ twn anqrw¢pwn amh¢n le¢gw 5:40 kai tw qe¢lonti¢ soikriqh¢nai kai ton sothat theyshouldbeglorified by men. Amen Isay And totheone wanting toarbitrateagainstyou, and 1473 566 3588 3408-1473 1473-1161 4160 5509-1473 2983 863 1473 25323588 2440 2532 umi¢n ape¢cousi ton misqo¢nautw¢n 6:3 soude poiou¢ntoV citw¢na¢sou labei¢n a¢feVautw¢ kai to ima¢tion 5:41kai toyou, theyreceive theirwage. Butyou doing [2yourgarment1totake],leavetohimalsoyourcloak! And 1654 3361 1097 3588710-1473 5100 4160 3588 3748 1473-29 3400 1520 5217 3326 1473 1417 elehmosu¢nhnmh gnw¢tw h aristera¢sou ti poiei¢ h o¢stiV seaggareu¢sei mi¢lionen u¢pagemet' autou¢du¢o charity, letnot[2know 1yourlefthand]what[2does whoeverconscriptsyoutogo[2mile 1one],go with him two! 1188-1473 3704 1510.3 1473 3588 1654 1722 3588 154 1473 1325 2532 3588 2309 575 1473 dexia¢sou 6:4 o¢pwV h sou h elehmosu¢nh en 5:42tw aitou¢nti¢se di¢doukai ton qe¢lontaapo¢ sou 1yourright]! sothat [3mightbe 1your 2charity] in Totheoneasking you,give! Andtheonewanting fromyou 35882927 253235883962-1473 3588 991 172235882927 1155 3361 654 191 3754 tw kruptw¢ kaio path¢rsou o ble¢pwnen tw kruptw¢ danei¢sasqai mh apostrafh¢V 5:43 hkou¢sate o¢ti the secret; and yourfather,theoneseeing in the secret, toborrow, youshouldnot turnaway. Youheard that 1473 591 1473 172235885318 4483 25 3588 4139-1473 2532 3404 auto¢Vapodw¢sei soi en tw fanerw¢ erre¢qh agaph¢seiV ton plhsi¢onsou kai mish¢seiV he willrecompensetoyouin the open. itwassaid, Youshalllove yourneighbor, and youshalldetest 3588 2190-1473 1473-1161 3004 1473 25 3588 PrayerandFasting ton ecqro¢nsou 5:44 egw¢ de le¢gw umi¢n agapa¢te touV yourenemy. ButI say toyou, Love 2532 3752 4336 3756-1510.8.2 5618 6:5 kai o¢tan proseu¢ch ouke¢sh w¢sper 2190-1473 2127 3588 2672 1473 2573 ecqrou¢Vumw¢n eulogei¢te touV katarwme¢nouV uma¢V kalw¢V And whenever youpray, youshouldnotbe as yourenemies! Bless theones cursing you! [2well 3588 5273 3754 5368 1722 3588 4864 oi upokritai¢ o¢ti filou¢sin en taiV sunagwgai¢V 4p1o6i0e¢ite 3t5o8u8V 3m4i0s4ou¢ntaV 1u4m73a¢V 2k5a3i2 4p3r3o6seu¢cesqe 5u2p28e¢r the hypocrites; for theyarefondofbeing in the synagogues, 1Do] totheones detesting you! and pray for 2532 1722 3588 1137 3588 4113 2476 4336 kai en taiV gwni¢aiV twn plateiw¢n estw¢teV proseu¢cesqai 3588 1908 1473 25321377 1473 3704 twn ephreazo¢ntwnuma¢Vkai diwko¢ntwn uma¢V 5:45o¢pwV and in the corners ofthe squares standing topray, theonesthreatening you andpersecutingyou! sothat 3704 302 5316 3588 444 281 3004 o¢pwV an fanw¢si toiV anqrw¢poiV amh¢n le¢gw 1096 5207 3588 3962-1473 3588 1722 ge¢nhsqe uioi¢ tou patro¢Vumw¢n tou en sothat theyshould appear tothe men. Amen, Isay youshouldbecome sons ofyourfather, oftheone in 1473 3754 566 3588 3408-1473 1473-1161 umi¢n o¢ti ape¢cousi ton misqo¢nautw¢n 6:6 sude 3772 375435882246-1473 393 1909 4190 2532 ouranoi¢V o¢ti tonh¢lionautou¢anate¢lleiepi¢ ponhrou¢V kai toyou that theyreceive theirwage. Butyou, theheavens.For hissun rises uponwickedonesand 3752 4336 1525 1519 3588 5009-1473 o¢tan proseu¢ch ei¢selqe eiV to tamei¢onsou 18 25321026 1909 1342 253294 1437-1063 agaqou¢V kai bre¢ceiepi¢ dikai¢ouVkai adi¢kouV 5:46ea¢ngar whenever youshouldpray, enter into yourinnerchamber, goodones,anditrainsuponthejust andunjust. Forif 2532 2808 3588 2374-1473 4336 3588 3962-1473 kai klei¢saV thn qu¢ransou pro¢seuxai tw patri¢sou 2a5gaph¢shte 3t5o8u8V 2a5gapw¢ntaV1u4m73a¢V5t1i¢0n0a 3m4i0s8qo¢ne2¢1c9e2te and havinglocked yourdoor, pray to yourfather, youshouldlovetheonesloving you, whatwage haveyou? 3588 1722 3588 2927 2532 3588 3962-1473 3588 tw en tw kruptw¢ kai o path¢rsou o 3o7u8c0i¢ 2k5a3i2 3o5i88 5t0e5l7w¢nai 3t5o88a-u14t7o¢3-p41o6i0ou¢si 5:47 2k5a3i2 1e4a¢3n7 totheone in the secretplace; and yourfather, theone Donot also the taxcollectors dothesame? And if 991 1722 3588 2927 591 1473 1722 3588 782 3588 80-1473 3440 5100 4053 ble¢pwn en tw kruptw¢ apodw¢sei soi en tw aspa¢shsqe touV adelfou¢Vumw¢n† mo¢non ti perisso¢n seeing in the secretplace shallrecompense toyou in the youshouldgreet yourbrethren only, what extra 5318 4336-1161 3361 945 4160 3780 2532 3588 5057 3588 1473 4160 fanerw¢ 6:7 proseuco¢menoide mh battologh¢shte poiei¢te ouci¢ kai oi telw¢nai to auto¢ poiou¢sin open! Andpraying, donot repeatoverandover doyoudo? Donot also the taxcollectors [2the 3same 1do]? 5618 3588 1482 1380-1063 3754 1722 3588 4180 1510.8.5 3767 1473 5046 5618 35883962-1473 w¢sper oi eqnikoi¢ dokou¢sigar o¢ti en th polulogi¢a 5:48e¢sesqe oun umei¢V te¢leioi w¢spero path¢rumw¢n as the heathen; fortheythink that by the manywords Youshallbethenyourselvesperfect,as yourfather, 1473 1522 3361 3767 3588 17223588 3772 5046-1510.2.3 autw¢n eisakousqh¢sontai 6:8 mh oun o en toiVouranoi¢Vte¢leio¢Vesti oftheirs theyshallbelistenedto. Youshouldnot then theonein the heavens isperfect. 3666 1473 1492 1063 35883962-1473 3739 5532 omoiwqh¢teautoi¢Voi¢de gar o path¢rumw¢n wn crei¢an belike them; [3knows1for 2yourfather]ofwhat[2need 5:47 †CP filouVumwn–yourfriends. 8 M A T Q A I O S 6:9 2192 4253 3588 1473 154 1473 3779 3767 1358 2532 2813 2343-1161 1473 e¢cete pro tou uma¢V aith¢sai auto¢n 6:9 ou¢twV oun dioru¢ssousi kai kle¢ptousi 6:20 qhsauri¢zetede umi¢n 1youhave] before you ask him. So then digthrough and steal. Buttreasureup toyourself 4336-1473 3962-1473 3588 1722 3588 3772 2344 17223772 3699 3777 4597 3777 1035 853 proseu¢cesqeumei¢V pa¢terhmw¢n o en toiV ouranoi¢V qhsaurou¢Ven ouranw¢ o¢pou ou¢te shV ou¢tebrw¢siVafani¢zei youpray! Ourfather, theone in the heavens, treasures in heaven!whereneithermothnor rust obliterate, 37 35883686-1473 2064 3588932-1473 2532 3699 2812 3756 1358 3761 2813 agiasqh¢twto o¢noma¢sou 6:10elqe¢tw h basilei¢asou kai o¢pou kle¢ptai ou dioru¢ssousin oude¢ kle¢ptousin sanctify yourname! Let[2come 1yourkingdom]! and where thieves donot digthrough nor steal. 1096 35882307-1473 561317223772 25321909 3588 3699-1063 1510.2.3 3588 2344-1473 1563 1510.8.3 2532 genhqh¢tw to qe¢lhma¢souwV en ouranw¢ kai epi¢ thV 6:21 o¢pougar estin o qhsauro¢Vumw¢n ekei¢ e¢stai kai Let[2cometopass 1yourwill] as in heaven alsouponthe Forwhere [2is 1yourtreasure], there willbe also 1093 3588 740-1473 3588 1967 1325 1473 4594 3588 2588-1473 3588 3088 3588 4983 1510.2.3 ghV 6:11 ton a¢rtonhmw¢n ton epiou¢sion doV hmi¢n sh¢meron h kardi¢aumw¢n 6:22 o lu¢cnoV tou sw¢mato¢V estin earth! Ourbread, the sufficient, give tous today! yourheart. The lamp ofthe body is 2532 863 1473 3588 3783-1473 5613 2532 1473 3588 3788 1437 3767 3588 3788-1473 573-1510.3 6:12 kai a¢feV hmi¢n ta ofeilh¢matahmw¢n wV kai hmei¢V o ofqalmo¢V ea¢n oun o ofqalmo¢Vsou aplou¢Vh And forgive us ourdebts! as also we the eye. If then youreye shouldbesincere, 863 3588 3781-1473 2532 3361 1533 3650 3588 4983 1473 5460 1510.8.3 1437-1161 afi¢emen toiV ofeile¢taiVhmw¢n 6:13 kai mh esene¢gkhV o¢lon to sw¢ma¢ sou fwteino¢n e¢stai 6:23 ea¢nde forgive ourdebtors. And donot insert [2entire 3body 1your 5givinglight 4willbe]. Butif 1473 1519 3986 235 4506 1473 575 3588 4190 3588 3788-1473 4190-1510.3 3650 3588 4983 1473 hma¢V eiV peirasmo¢n alla¢ ru¢sai hma¢V apo¢ tou ponhrou¢ o ofqalmo¢Vsou ponhro¢Vh o¢lon to sw¢ma¢ sou us for atest, but rescue us from the wickedone! youreye shouldbeevil, [2entire 3body 1your] 3754 1473 1510.2.33588932 253235881411 253235881391 4652-1510.8.3 14873767 35885457 3588 17221473 4655-1510.2.3 o¢ti†sou estin h basilei¢akai h du¢namiVkai h do¢xa skoteino¢ne¢staiei oun to fwV to en soi sko¢toVesti¢ For ofyouis the kingdom, andthe power, andthe glory, willbedark. If thenthe light,theonein you,isdarkness, 1519 3588 165 281 1437-1063 863 3588 3588 4655 4214 3762 1410 1417 2962 eiV touV aiw¢naV†† amh¢n 6:14 ea¢ngar afh¢te toiV to sko¢toV po¢son 6:24oudei¢V du¢nataidusi¢ kuri¢oiV into the eons, amen. Forif youshouldforgive [2the3darkness1howgreat]? Nooneisable [2two3masters 444 35883900-1473 863-2532 1473 3588 1398 2228-1063358815203404 253235882087 25 anqrw¢poiVta paraptw¢mataautw¢nafh¢seikai umi¢no douleu¢einhgar tone¢namish¢sei kaitone¢teronagaph¢sei men theirtransgressions, [4shallalsoforgive5you 1toserve];for theonehewilldetest,andtheother love; 3962 1473 35883770 1437-11613361 863 2228 1520 472 2532 3588 2087 2706 path¢r umw¢no oura¢nioV 6:15ea¢nde mh afh¢te h eno¢V anqe¢xetai kai tou ete¢rou katafronh¢sei 3father1your 2heavenly]. Butif youshouldnotforgive or theone hewillholdto, and the other hewilldisdain; 3588 444 3588 3900-1473 3761 3588 3962 3756-1410 2316-1398 25323126 toiV anqrw¢poiV ta paraptw¢mataautw¢n oude¢ o path¢r oudu¢nasqe qew¢ douleu¢einkaimammwna¢ men theirtransgressions, noteven [4father youarenotabletoserveGod andmammon. 1473 3588 3770 863 3588 3900-1473 umw¢n o oura¢nioV† afh¢sei ta paraptw¢mataumw¢n BeNotAnxious 2your 3heavenly 1shall]forgive yourtransgressions. 1223 3778 3004 1473 3361 3309 3588 3752-1161 3522 3361-1096 5618 6:25dia¢ tou¢tole¢gwumi¢n mh merimna¢teth 6:16 o¢tande nhsteu¢shte mhgi¢nesqe w¢sper Onaccountofthis Isay toyou,Benotanxious Andwhenever youshouldfast, benot as 5590-1473 5100 2068 25325100 4095 3366 3588 5273 4659 853-1063 3588 yuch¢umw¢n ti fa¢ghte kaiti pi¢hte mhde¢ oi upokritai¢ skuqrwpoi¢ afani¢zousigar ta foryourlife!whatyoushouldeat,andwhatyoushoulddrink;nor the hypocrites, lookingdowncast! fortheyobliterate 35884983-1473 5100 1746 3780 35885590 4183 4383-1473 3704 5316 3588 444 3522 tw sw¢matiumw¢nti endu¢shsqe ouci¢ h yuch¢ plei¢o¢n pro¢swpaautw¢n o¢pwV fanw¢si toiV anqrw¢poiV nhsteu¢onteV to yourbody, whatyoushouldputon.[2not 3life 4more theirfaces, soas toappear tomen asfasting. 1510.2.3 3588 5160 2532 3588 4983 3588 1742 281 3004 1473 3754 566 3588 3408-1473 esti thV trofh¢V kai to sw¢ma tou endu¢matoV amh¢n le¢gw umi¢n o¢ti ape¢cousi ton misqo¢nautw¢n 1Is] than nourishment, and the body morethan agarment? Amen Isay toyou, that theyreceive theirwage. 1689 151935884071 3588 3772 37543756 1473-1161 3522 218 1473 3588 2776 2532 3588 6:26emble¢yateeiV ta peteina¢ tou ouranou¢ o¢ti ou 6:17 sude nhsteu¢wn a¢leiyai¢ sou thn kefalh¢n kai to Look at the birds oftheheaven! for theydonot Butyou, fasting, anoint your head, and 4687 3761 2325 3761 4863 4383-1473 3538 3704 3361 5316 3588 spei¢rousin oude¢ qeri¢zousin oude¢ suna¢gousin pro¢swpo¢nsou ni¢yai 6:18 o¢pwV mh fanh¢V toiV sow, nor dotheyharvest, nor dotheygathertogether [2yourface 1wash]! sothat youshouldnot appear to 1519 596 2532 3588 3962 1473 3588 3770 444 3522 235 3588 3962-1473 3588 1722 3588 eiV apoqh¢kaV kai o path¢r umw¢n o oura¢nioV anqrw¢poiV nhsteu¢wn alla¢ tw patri¢sou tw en tw into storehouses; and [3father 1your 2heavenly] men asfasting, but to yourfather, totheone in the 5142 1473 3756-1473 3123 1308 1473 2926 2532 3588 3962-1473 3588 991 1722 3588 2926 tre¢fei auta¢ oucumei¢V ma¢llondiafe¢reteautw¢n kruptw¢ kai o path¢rsou o ble¢pwn en tw kruptw¢ maintainsthem.Areyouthereforerather different thanthem? secret. And yourfather, theone seeing in the secret, 5100-1161 1537 1473 3309 1410 4369 5a9p1odw¢sei 1s4o7i3 1e7n223t5w885f3a18nerw¢† 6:27 tAiVnddewho eoxf uyomuw¢n mbeeirnigmannw¢xnious disu¢anbalteai ptoraodsdqei¢nai shallrecompensetoyouin the open. 1909 3588 2244-1473 4083 1520 2532 4012 epi¢ thn hliki¢anautou¢ ph¢cun e¢na 6:28 kai peri¢ TreasuresinHeaven unto hisstature [2cubit 1one]? And concerning 3361-2343 1473 2344 1909 3588 1742 5100 3309 2648 3588 2918 3588 6:19 mhqhsauri¢zete umi¢n qhsaurou¢V epi¢ thV endu¢matoV ti merimna¢te katama¢qete ta kri¢na tou Treasurenot toyourself treasures upon the agarment, why areyouanxious? Study the lilies ofthe 1093 3699 4597 2532 1035 853 2532 3699 2812 68 4459 837 3756 2872 3761 3514 3004-1161 ghV o¢pou shV kai brw¢siV afani¢zei kai o¢pou kle¢ptai agrou¢pwVauxa¢nei ou kopia¢oude¢nh¢qei 6:29le¢gwde earth! where moth and rust obliterate, and where thieves field! howtheygrow;theydonottire nor spin. AndIsay 1473 3754 3761 * 1722 3956 3588 1391-1473 umi¢n o¢ti oude¢ Solomw¢n en pa¢sh th do¢xhautou¢ 6:13 †—††CPthistextinsertedinthemargin. toyou that noteven Solomon in all hisglory 4016 5613 1520 3778 1487-1161 3588 5528 6:15 †Ald.omits oouranioV. perieba¢leto wV en tou¢twn 6:30 eide ton co¢rton wasclothed as one ofthese. Butif the grass 6:18 †CPomits entwfanerw.