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Preview The antioxidant response of the liver of male Swiss mice raised on a AIN 93 or commercial diet.

Caetanoetal.BMCPhysiology2013,13:3 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6793/13/3 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access The antioxidant response of the liver of male Swiss mice raised on a AIN 93 or commercial diet Aline C Caetano1, Lucimara F da Veiga2, Flávia R Capaldi3, Severino M de Alencar2, Ricardo A Azevedo3 and Rosangela MN Bezerra4* Abstract Background: Reactive oxygenspecies (ROS) are formedunder natural physiological conditions and are thought to play an importantrolein many humandiseases.A wide range ofantioxidants are involved in cellular defense mechanisms against ROS, which can be generatedin excess during stressfulconditions, these include enzymes and non-enzymatic antioxidants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant responses of mice to two diets control, commercialand thepurified AIN 93 diet, commonly used inexperimentswith rodents. Results: Malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogenperoxide(H O ) concentrations and superoxide dismutase (SOD) 2 2 and glutathionereductase (GR) activities determined intheliver were lower inthe group of mice fed with theAIN 93 diet,whilecatalase (CAT) activity was higher inthesame group, when comparedto the group fed on the commercial diet.Liver glutathioneperoxidase (GSH-Px) activity was similar inthe groups fed oneither AIN 93 or thecommercialdiets. Two SOD isoforms, Mn-SODII and a Cu/Zn-SODV, were specifically reduced intheliver ofthe AIN 93 diet fed animals. Conclusions: The clear differencesin antioxidant responses observed inthe livers of mice fed onthe two diets suggest thatthe macro- and micro-nutrient components with antioxidantproperties, including vitamin E, can promote changes in theactivityof enzymes involved in theremovalof the ROS generated by cell metabolism. Keywords: AIN 93 diet,Antioxidant enzymes, Commercialdiet, Lipid peroxidation, Liver, Mice, Oxidative stress, Reactive oxygen species Background accumulationofintracellularfreeradicals[4]andeventual Differences inthe compositionof antioxidantcompounds cellular damage. The presence of vitamins and other nu- in diets and nutritional supplements are known to cause trients with antioxidant activity, acting in conjunction changes in the responses of enzymes involved in cellu- withantioxidantenzymeshasbeenshowntohavebenefi- lar defense mechanisms against freeradicals[1,2]. Experi- cial effects against free radicals produced under normal mental studies using a commercial diet for rodents as a physiologicalandpathophysiologicalconditions[5]. control diet, revealed a smaller antioxidant response in Although an aerobic existence provides many advan- the control animals when compared to obese animals tages, the use of oxygen by cells results in the produc- grown on a high fat diet. It was suggested that such a tion of free radicals, which can be defined as molecules differencemay be due tothe amount of vitamins, suchas or molecular fragments containing one or more unpai- vitamin E in the diet [3]. Under normal metabolic condi- red electron in atomic or molecular orbitals [6]. Reactive tions, components of the defense mechanism of the liver, oxygen species (ROS) are defined as oxygen-containing such as the enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and molecules, which may or may not have unpaired elec- glutathione peroxidase, and non-enzymatic antioxidants trons, but are highly reactive in biological tissues. In re- such as glutathione, vitamin A, C and E, may prevent the centyearsithasbecomeapparentthatlowconcentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H O ) may be required for normal 2 2 *Correspondence:[email protected] cellular function and intracellular signaling. Physiological 4SchoolofAppliedSciences,UniversityofCampinas(UNICAMP),1300,Pedro ROS are generated at the plasma membrane and endo- ZaccariaSt,JdStaLuiza,13484-350Limeira,SãoPaulo,Brazil Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle membranesbyNADPHoxidase[7]. ©2013Caetanoetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Caetanoetal.BMCPhysiology2013,13:3 Page2of6 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6793/13/3 Studies have shown that the presence of antioxidants followingthemethodofHeath&Packer[10].Theconcen- inthedietincreasesthecellulardefensemechanisms,re- trationofmalondialdehyde(MDA)equivalentswascalcula- ducing the levels of ROS generated during cell meta- tedusinganextinctioncoefficientof1.55×10-5.mol-1.cm-1. bolism to normal cell conditions [8]. In this study, the effect of a purified AIN 93 diet and a commercial diet Hydrogenperoxideconcentration on the antioxidant responses of the liver of male Swiss H O was measured spectrophotometrically (Lambda 40, 2 2 strain mice,were compared. Perkin Elmer) after reaction with potassium iodide (KI) [11]. The reaction mixture consisted of 0.2 mL 0.1% tri- Methods chloroaceticacid(TCA)containingtheliverextractsuper- Animalsanddiets natant,0.2mLof100mMK-phosphatebufferand0.8mL Three-week-old male Swiss strain mice (Sw/Uni) free of reagent(1MKI(w/v)infreshdouble-distilledwater).The specific pathogens were obtained from the State Univer- blankconsistedof1%TCAintheabsenceofliverextract. sity of Campinas Breeding Center (CEMIB-UNICAMP, The reaction was developed for 1h in darkness at room Brazil); the animals were housed in individual cages at temperature and the absorbance measured at 390 nm. 20°C with a 12 h light/ 12h dark cycle and were given The amount of H O was calculated using a standard 2 2 free access to the diet and water. Six mice were fed with curve prepared with known concentrations of H O . 2 2 a commercial diet for rodents (CD) and six were fed with the AIN 93 purified diet for 56 days. The commer- Extraction,determinationofproteinconcentrationand cial diet contained 25.6% kcal protein, 62.6% kcal car- analysisofantioxidantenzymes bohydrate, 11.8% kcal lipid and 0.006% diet vitamin E Thefollowing stepswere carried out at 4°C unless stated (NUVILAB- CR1, Nuvital Nutrientes S/A), whereas the otherwise. The liver tissue was homogenized (5:1 buffer AIN93 purified diet contained 19.9% kcal protein,64.4% volume:fresh weight liver) inamortarwith apestlewith kcal carbohydrate, 15.7% kcallipid and 0.015% vitaminE 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) contain- [9] (Table 1). The animals were anesthetized, and after ing 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 3 loss of corneal and paw reflexes, the liver tissue was mM DL-dithiothreitol [12]. The homogenate was cen- collected. All mice experiments were approved by the trifuged at 12,100 × g for 30 min and the supernatant BioethicsCommitteeofOdontologyCollegeofPiracicaba was kept stored in separate aliquots at −80°C, prior to (FOP/UNICAMP),underprotocoln°CEEA888–1. the determination of protein concentration, superoxide dismutase (SOD),catalase (CAT), glutathioneperoxidase Lipidperoxidation (GSH-Px) and glutathione reductase (GR) activity. The Lipidperoxidationwasdeterminedbyestimatingthecon- protein concentration of all the samples was determined tent of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) by the method of Bradford [13] using bovine serum albumin as a standard. SOD activity was determined as described by Giannopolitis & Reis [14] and the SOD isoform determination was carried out as described by Table1CommercialandAIN93dietscompoundsand chemicalcomposition Azevedo et al. [12], following native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). CAT and GR activities were NUVILAB-CR1-Nuvital AIN93G/M assayedasdescribedbyCiaetal.[15].GSH-Pxwasdeter- wholecornground casein minedasdescribedbyFlohé&Günzler[16]. soybran dextrinizedcornstarch wheatbran cornstarch Statisticalanalysis calciumcarbonate cellulose The data are reported as means±standard error of dicalciumphosphate mineralmix the mean (SEM). Statistical analysis was performed by an unpaired two-tailed t test, Mann Whitney test using sodiumchloride vitaminmix GraphPadPrism6software.P<0.05wasconsideredstatis- vitaminandmineralmix L-cystine ticallysignificant. aminoacids cholinebitartrate soyoil Results sucrose The concentration of MDA was used as a biomarker of Proteins(min) 25.6%kcal Protein 19,9%/14.5%kcal lipid peroxidation (Figure 1A). The results revealed that the concentration of MDA was higher in the livers of Lipids(min) 11.8%kcal Lipids 15.7%/9.3%kcal thecommercialdietfedmice(P=0.0022)thanintheAIN Carbohydrate 62.6%kcal Carbohydrate 64.4%/76.2%kcal 93fed group. The concentration ofH O (Figure1B) was 2 2 VitaminE 0.006g% VitaminE 0.015g% alsohigherinthesamecommercialgroup(P=0.0152). Caetanoetal.BMCPhysiology2013,13:3 Page3of6 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6793/13/3 compared to those fed on the commercial diet, as shown A inTable2. ht) 4 Toassessthenext stageoftheantioxidantdefensesys- g h wei3.5 * tem, which is the degradation of H2O2 produced by the es 3 SOD reaction, or any other metabolic reactions that may mol/g fr2.25 epnrozdymuceeseixncethsseHliv2Oer2s,othfethaectmiviitcieessuobfjtehcrteeedatnotitohxeidtawnot n nt (1.5 diets were determined and are shown in Table 1. CAT e ont 1 activity was higher in the livers of the AIN 93 fed ani- MDA c0.5 0.92 3.16 minaalsstihmainlarinmthanenceormtomeCrAciTa,ledxiehtibfietdedananimianlcsr.eGasSeHd-Pacx-, 0 AIN93 Commercial tivity trend in the livers of AIN-93 fed animals when compared to the commercial fed animals, but such an B increase was not statistically significant. In contrast, GR weight) 11..68 * awchtievnitycowmapsalroewdetroitnhethceomlivmeresrcoifalthdeietAgINrou9p3.fed group h 1.4 s nmol/g fre 01..182 DAislacrugsesniounmber of studies have shown that ROS can act nt ( 0.6 as intracellular signaling molecules in many normal phy- e nt 0.4 siological processes; however, an increase in such ROS o Oc2 0.2 1.04 1.43 can lead to an imbalance causing oxidative stress [6]. H2 0 Several factors such as the diet composition, increased AIN93 Commercial energy intake, intense physical exercise, and hypercat- Figure1Lipidperoxidation(MDAcontent)andhydrogen abolic conditions are associated with increased cellular peroxideconcentrationintheliversofmaleSwissmicefedon levels of ROS and /or decrease in antioxidant defense twodifferentdiets.ThemicewerefedwithAIN93purifieddiet systems triggering a state of oxidative stress in different (AIN93)orcommercialdietforrodents(CT)for56days.Theanimals wereanesthetized,andafterlossofcornealandpawreflexes,the tissues/organs [17,18]. The oxidative process such as liverwascollected.Lipidperoxidationwasdeterminedbyestimating lipid peroxidation of biomembranes, produces several thecontentofthiobarbituricacidreactivesubstances(TBARS)and compounds that are used as molecular markers, among HO wasmeasuredspectrophotometricallyafterreactionwith 2 2 them MDA is one of the most widely used indicators of potassiumiodideinlivertissue.MDA(A)andhydrogenperoxide the cellularredox state[19].Inthisstudy,the concentra- content(B)oftheliversofanimalfedwithAIN93andcommercial dietfor56days.P<0.05,unpairedtwo-tailedttest,MannWhitney tion of the lipid peroxidation marker MDA in the liver test.Eachvalueisexpressedasmean±SEM. was higher in the group fed with the commercial diet. AccordingtoSohetetal.[3],commercialdietscontained Up to five distinct SOD isoforms were identified fol- lowing native PAGE of liver extracts of the mice fed on the two different diets (Figure 2). These were character- Standard AIN93 Control ized as: Mn-SOD (Bands I and II) that were resistant to Mn-SOD I KCN and H2O2, a class of SOD isoforms that has been Mn-SOD II shown to be present in mitochondria and three Cu/ Zn-SOD isoforms (III, IV and V), that were inactivated Cu/Zn-SOD III in the presence of KCN and H O , which are normally Cu/Zn-SOD IV 2 2 located in the cytoplasm. The SOD activity band inten- Cu/Zn-SOD V sity of Mn-SOD II, Cu/Zn-SOD Vand to a lesser extent Mn-SOD1 were considerably reduced if not absent, fol- Figure2SODisoformsofmaleSwissmicefedontwodifferent lowing PAGE of the liver extracts of AIN 93, when com- diets.ElectrophoresiswasperformedasdescribedinMaterialsand Methods.Thegelwasplacedinadarkboxwithdyesolutionfor pared to the commercial diet fed animals. Cu/Zn-SOD 30min.Afterincubation,thegelwasilluminatedandkeptinwater III and IV were present in the livers of mice fed on both untilthedevelopmentofcolorlessbandsofSODactivityinapurple- diets and did not exhibit any apparent differences in stainedgelwasvisible.Thepictureillustratestheidentificationof band intensity followingPAGE. Thereduced bandinten- SODisoformsintheliversofmicefedwithaAIN93orcommercial sity ofthe threeSOD isoformsdetected following PAGE, diet.FivepredominantSODisoformswereidentifiedintheliverof commercialdietfedanimals,whereasonlySODisoformsI,IIIandIV could readily explains the lower total SOD activity de- wereclearlyvisibleinAIN93dietfedanimals. tected in the liver extracts of the AIN 93 fed mice, when Caetanoetal.BMCPhysiology2013,13:3 Page4of6 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6793/13/3 Table2Superoxidedismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT),glutathione-peroxidase(GSH-Px)andglutathionereductase(GR) enzymeactivitiesintheliversofmaleSwissmicefedontwodifferentdiets Diet SOD(units/mgprotein) CAT(μmol/min/mgprotein) GSH-Px(μmol/min/mgprotein) GR(μmol/min/mgprotein) AIN93 654.9±5.3 203.1±5.8 7.2±0.3 0.4±0.0 Commercial 106.1±0.7 154.9±3.1 6.3±0.5 0.7±0.0 Pvalues 0.0022 0.0022 0.3052 0.0022 Resultsareexpressedasmean±standarderrorofthemean(SEM).n=6forbothdiets. lower levels of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E, diet group, suggesting that vitamin E might play an im- resulting in higher values of MDA in hepatic tissue of portant role in lipid peroxidation and, indirectly, in regu- animals. In another report using mice treated with 0.004, lating SOD activity by maintaining a reduced level of 0.008 and 0.032% vitamin E, a progressive decrease in superoxideinthecellsystem.TheSODisoformsIIandV MDA levels was detected [20]. In a study where male werehardlydetectablefollowingPAGEofliverextractsof Wistar rats were submitted to exhaustive stress and trea- micefedontheAIN93diet,whichcouldaccountforthe ted with gavage administration of vitamin E, decreased reduction in total SOD activity observed in Table 2. This production of MDA in the kidney tissue was observed is an important result, since the increased concentration whencomparedwiththecontrolgroup[2]. ofvitaminEandpossiblyothercompoundsoftheAIN93 As well as MDA, the concentration of H O has also diet clearly affected specific SOD isoforms, one located in 2 2 been used as an indicator of oxidative stress. High con- themitochondria(SODII)andmorestronglyonelocated centrations of H O are closely related with lipid peroxi- in the cytosol (SOD V), since the latter accounts for a 2 2 dation, where the H O in the cell can be converted by higher SOD activity when compared to SOD II. Within 2 2 theFentonreactiontothehydroxylradical,ahighlyreact- the cell,vitaminEpartitionsinto thehydrophobiccoreof ive compound involved in the initiation of lipid peroxida- thevariouscellmembranes,includingtheinnerandouter tion [21]. H O can be formed from the degradation of membrane ofthemitochondria [25],although the relative 2 2 superoxide produced during aerobic respiration, and by concentrationof vitaminEdiffersfrom onemembraneto the exposure of cells to physical, chemical and biological another [26]. Furthermore, α-tocopherol supplementation agents[7]. in human subjects and animal models has been shown to Venditti et al. [22] showed that vitamin E decreased decrease lipid peroxidation and superoxide production by H O release during basal respiration. This effect led to impairing the assembly of NADPH oxidase, as well as by 2 2 reduced ROS flow from the mitochondria to the cytosol, decreasing the expression of scavenger receptors (SR-A limiting oxidative damage to the liver. In this current and CD36) [27], to which our results appear to match study, the vitamin E content of the AIN 93 diet was 2.5- suchapossibility.ThereductionobservedinSODactivity fold higher (0.015%) than that of the commercial diet inthe livers ofanimals subjected totheincreasedvitamin (0.006%), which might suggest participationofVitamin E, E diet alsosuggests thatthe productionof the superoxide along with other nutrients in the diet, in the responses radicalislikelytobediminishedmorelikelyinthecytosol observed. For instance, in the livers of the animals fed and the mitochondria, which agrees and can be clearly with AIN 93 there was less accumulation of H O , when correlatedtothespecificdepletionofSODIIandSODV. 2 2 compared tothe animalson the commercialdiet, indicat- Moreover, vitamin E has also been shown to prevent the ingthatvitaminEmaybeinterferinginROSlevelsduring inductionofmetallothioneinsynthesisaswellaslipidper- normalcellmetabolism. oxidationinthe liverofmice administered the mitochon- Vitamin E is an important fat-soluble antioxidant in drial inhibitor 2,4-dinitrophenol [28], which agrees with the body and operates with some of the antioxidant the findingsobserved hereof the depletion of the specific enzymes tested in this study, such as superoxide dis- SOD isoforms and reduction in lipid peroxidation. More- mutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxid- over,Fe-SODisoforms,whichcanbefoundinlivingcells, ase (GSH-Px), to protect cells from attack by ROS [23]. but not necessarily in all living organisms, were not SOD provides the first line of defense against oxygen detectedfollowingPAGEinthiswork. derived free radicals [6]. Under stress conditions, high The enzymes CAT and GSH-Px are part of the next SOD activity reflects a compensatory mechanism to re- step of the antioxidant defense mechanism, converting duce the superoxide radical. Male rats Wistar fed with H O to water [29]. Alper et al. [30] reported a decrease 2 2 the control diet supplemented with 0.01% of vitamin E in CAT activity in rats fed with a diet deficient in vita- showed a reduction in SOD activity [24]. In the results min E. The authors suggested that the decrease in CAT presented here, there was lower SOD activity in the li- activitymightbedue tothesuppression of heme biosyn- versoftheAIN93fedgroupcomparedtothecommercial thesis. Heme is a prosthetic group that consists of an Caetanoetal.BMCPhysiology2013,13:3 Page5of6 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6793/13/3 iron atom contained in the center of a heterocyclic or- tested so that the effects on the antioxidant responses are ganic ring termed porphyrin, which is present in the moreclearlyunderstoodandtheputativekeyroleof vita- molecule of CAT, and is synthesized in the liver and min E is confirmed. Based on the composition of both erythroid tissues [31]. Studies with animals deficient in diets, it cannot be ruled out that other components may vitamin E showed a decrease in hepatic activity of heme have had an indirect effect on mouse metabolism, which proteins such as CATand microsomal cytochrome P450 might have resulted in a response by the antioxidant sys- andb [30].Inthisstudy,therewasasignificantincrease tem. Nevertheless, we must state that the fact that a high 5 in CATactivity in the livers of mice grown on the AIN vitamin E concentration was used and that among the 93 diet, which contained 2.5 fold higher more vitamin E componentsofthedietvitaminEisclearlytheonlydirect than the commercial diet, supporting a role for this vita- and the major non-enzymatic antioxidant included, we min in improving the rate of removal of H O in meta- mayassumethatVitaminE appearstohaveanimportant 2 2 bolically normal animals. Thus, the higher CATactivity participationintheresponsesobserved. observed in animals fed with the AIN 93 diet could explain the lower concentration of H2O2 observed Conclusion (Figure 1B). Similar results were described by Ryan Inconclusion,ourresultssuggestthatthedifferentcom- et al. [32] in a study on the muscles of rats fed with position of the two diets in particular the one with vita- supplemented vitamin E or normal non-supplemented min E included, with or without the co-participation of rat chow. GSH-Px can act directly on H O , however, 2 2 other diet components, appears to have a considerable this enzyme also acts in the inactivation of organic effectonthe defense mechanism againstfree radicals ge- hydroperoxides [33]. There was little difference in the nerated during normal metabolism in male Swiss strain activity of GSH-Px in the livers of the mice fed with mice. One key aspect of such an effect is likely to be the the two different diets. Similar results were reported generation of the superoxide radical in the mitochondria in a study with rats fed with diets supplemented with and cytosol, based on reduction in activity of specific vitamin E and a control diet [25]. GR is an enzyme isoforms of SOD present in the liver of animals fed on that is used for the regeneration of reduced glutathione the AIN 93 diet. Therefore, the results further suggest from oxidized glutathione, especially when the cell is ex- that a diet rich in vitamin E may naturally give extra posedtofreeradicals.Shireenetal.[34]workingwithrats protection to the liver against any oxidative stress condi- fed with an AIN 76 diet and AIN 76 supplemented with tion that may occur, leading to excess ROS production, vitaminEandC,demonstratedthattherewasasignificant as a result of metabolic changes produced if the animal increase in the activity of both GSH-Px and GR, in the issubjected toa stressfulcondition. animals fed with the vitamin supplemented diet. In this study, the activity of GR in the livers of animals fed with Abbreviations the AIN 93 diet was significantly lower than in animals AIN:Americaninstituteofnutrition;CAT:Catalase;GR:Glutathionereductase; GSH-Px:Glutathioneperoxidase;MDA:Malondialdehyde;ROS:Reactive fed with the commercial diet, suggesting that the AIN 93 oxygenspecies;SOD:Superoxidedismutase. dietgrouphasalowerdemandforreducedglutathionein thecellulardefensemechanisms,orthatGRmaynothave Competinginterests a major role as a defense enzyme under the conditions Theauthorsdeclarethatthereisnoconflictofinterestinthedissemination tested.Awiderangeofantioxidantenzymesexistinorder ofthisdata. to keep the redox state of the cell, so they are important Authors’contributions not only under normal metabolic conditions, but also ACCparticipatedintheacquisitionofdata,performedthestatisticalanalysis, whendealing withstressful conditions.Althoughinterest- interpretedthedataanddraftedthemanuscript.LFVparticipatedin ingresponsesinenzymeactivitiesweredetectedinthisre- conductingtheanimalexperimentsandtheacquisitionofdata.FRC participatedintheacquisitionofdata,interpretedthedataandrevisedthe search, the role of other peroxidases or antioxidant manuscript.SMAandRAAparticipatedintherevisionofthemanuscriptand enzymescannotberuledoutandshouldbe consideredin RMNBconceivedthestudy,determinedthedesign,interpretedthedataand futureresearch. draftedthemanuscript.Allauthorsreadandgavefinalapprovalforthe versionsubmittedforpublication. Before any major conclusions can be drawn, it is im- portant to state that this study did not investigate varying Acknowledgements concentrations of vitamin E or of any other individual WewouldliketothankProf.Dr.PedroLuizRosalenbygrantingtheroom components of the diets, which limits the impact of the forexperimentationanimalsattheCollegeofOdontologyofPiracicaba (FOP/UNICAMP)andFernandoPiottoforguidanceandsupervisiononthe results and how they are correlated with the major statisticalanalysisofallresults.ThisworkwassupportedbyFundaçãode changes observed. Even with such a limitation, the data AmparoàPesquisadoEstadodeSãoPaulo(FAPESP—Grantn°04/1381-0 obtained are not invalidated. 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