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The Anti-Christ-World-Government-01-17-14 PDF

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Miracle Deliverance Antichrist World Government http://www.blogtalkradio.com/drpatholliday/2014/01/18/antichrist-world-governmentdr-pat- hollidaydr-sabrina-sessionsmarshall-perot WHY IS WILLIAM HOLDING A CLOVEN HIND HOOF IN THE PHOTOGRAPH? Leviticus 11 - Clean and Unclean Animals PRINCE WILLIAM BORN ON RARE SOLSTICE ECLIPSE AND DURING THE 666 SAROS CYCLE On the eve of June 21 1982, Satanic witches from all over the world celebrated at the birth of William Arthur, the Future King, with his birthday not coincidentally falling upon the day of the pagan's Summer Solstice, a day that has been celebrated for centuries within the Pagan calendar. As such, the Summer Solstice of 1982 was indeed unique within England for it was also prophesied by the ancient Druids that their Sun-King will return to them, upon some future Solstice to bring the balance back (explained later). Therefore, much like Christ's own birth that was foretold by certain prophecies as well as signs in the heavens, so was his. Where Christ was known to have an alignment of stars foretelling His own birth as the new King of Israel, those celestial signs from 1982 announcing William's arrival were no less telling. At precisely 9:03pm, June 21st, Princess Diana of Wales gave birth to Prince William, thus England was given its next King. Some hours earlier that day was the Solstice celebration at Stonehenge, with Pagans, in keeping the ancient tradition of their Druid ancestors (who worshipped there centuries earlier by sacrificing a child just as those first bloody rays of dawn came over the horizon) do so even today to honor both the Druid ways, as well as their most ancient Sun-God (ultimately, Lucifer) being reborn. Sunset and night came late that day, as it being the longest day of the year, did not go by without another event in the heavens taking place. Specifically, William's birth took place just after a Solar Eclipse on the Summer Solstice, an especially powerful moment when the Sun, Moon, and North node aligned in the Prince’s 7th House under Cancer. Eclipses are the great power points of the Zodiac. They run through space and time in regular series called Saros cycles. The Saros cycles take about 1200 years to travel from the North to the South Pole, and vice-versa, each series has a different founding horoscope as well as a different theme. William was born into a series called 2 Old North, which began in 792 AD, just before the first recognized English King was crowned. It is due to end in 2036 AD, when King William is 54 years old. This raises many questions. The most obvious is whether William, if he becomes the King of Great Britain, might in fact be the last. The meaning of the Saros 2 Old North Series is said to be that of “separation or ending of unions,” a recurring theme clearly lived out in William's young life thus far. [The time allotted for this period of 'Saros' is 18x37, the equivalent of 666 years]. 1 Just hours after his birth that night, came an unusually dark night in the form of a completely blacked-out New Moon, a time traditionally known since ancient times to be a time of death, murder, war, and anything else evil needs to carry out its nefarious act during the darkest of nights once every month. These events occurring all on the same day seemed to herald something of extra significance was indeed taking place. As mentioned, Pagans from all over the world descended upon the UK for various celebrations. To them, the fact that a Diana was giving birth, Diana being the name of their epic Moon Goddess, even as she was said to be giving birth to her son (making the Moon/Sun eclipse that day all the more significant), with William born as a "Sun-King" with ties to not only the rumored Occult connections within the British Royal Family, themselves seen as the Grand Royalty of all Witch Covens worldwide, but also Diana's son was believed to be a literal reincarnation of the ancient Anglo-Welsh Pagan King Arthur himself. This of course was largely kept secret within only Occult circles, however, one news item that did get widely reported in the British media at the time was when Prince Charles was visiting his new wife and newborn child at St. Mary's hospital, a member of the public shouted out to ask him the boy's name. The Prince of Wales is quoted as rather hastily replying, "You'll have to ask my wife, we're having a bit of an argument over that!" The name William was finally given and made public to a waiting world, yet not until several days after his birth. It has been speculated that had Charles had his way, his son would have been touted much too early on as King Arthur II (The Second). However, in the article "No More Sacrifice," the London Psychogeographical Association Newsletter reminds us that there are some British Christians who have already pointed out that should William become King, he would be called King William V yet by taking the W as two V's with the I's as Roman numerals for one, they have constructed a most unsettling anagram for the future King of England: I AM VI VI VI or I AM 666. The Antichrist will be possessed by the First Beast that rises up from the Abyss of the Sea. “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority,” (Rev.13:1-2). “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. (Rev.17:8). And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. 37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. 38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his father’s knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. 39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.(Dan.11:36-39). And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. 24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. 25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand, (Dan. 8:23-25) 2 DOES THIS LOOK LIKE AN ANGLICAN ROBE? OR A SUN GOD ROBE? Rowan Douglas Williams, Baron Williams of Oystermouth preformed the wedding ceremony of Prince William and Kate Middleton. He was the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, Metropolitan of the Province of Canterbury and Primate of All England, offices he held from December 2002 to December 2012.[3][4] Performing the Royal wedding for Prince William, He wore a golden pagan robe with druidic symbols which relates to the sun. He is a druidic priest. He was criticized in the press for allegedly supporting a 'pagan organization', the Welsh Gorsedd of Bards, (he is a member, see below) which promotes Welsh language and literature and uses druidic ceremonial but is actually not religious in nature.[17] 3 However, since 2012 all these ranks are treated as equal, with new members all being called 'Druids' and with the colour of their robes reflecting the area of their contribution rather than an ascending order of honour. The head of a Gorsedd is known as an ''Archdderwydd+'' (English: Archdruid), and wears a golden robe, and is elected for a term of three years, and is responsible for conducting the Gorsedd ceremonies during Eisteddfod week. These ceremonies are held to honour literary achievements amongst Welsh poets and prose writers. The ranks within the Breton Gorsedd are the same. In the Cornish Gorsedd (Cornish: ''Gorseth'') there is only one rank, that of bard, and all robes are blue. Link: Gorseth Kernow - The Gorseth of Cornwall: Ceremonies and Regalia In the Welsh Gorsedd, a person may become an ovate or a bard by passing an examination+ in the Welsh language+. Druids may only be nominated by existing druids. Often a new inductee will take a pseudonym, called a "bardic name+." To become an Archdruid, an individual must have won one of the Eisteddfod's three highest awards: the Crown+, the Chair+, or the Literature Medal. In 2003, Robyn Lewys+ (Robin Llŷn) became the first winner of the Literature Medal to be elected Archdruid, and the first Archdruid to be elected by a vote of all Gorseddogion. People are also made ovates or druids as an honour to reward their contributions to Welsh culture+. In 1946, Queen Elizabeth II+ was inducted into the Welsh Gorsedd at the National Eisteddfod of Wales+. In recent years, Ron Davies+, Rowan Williams+, Matthew Rhys+, Ioan Gruffudd+ and Rebecca Evans+ have been honoured in this way.4 For his designs Herkomer researched early engravings of mythological 'Archdruids', among them the picture of the 'archdruid' in Henry Rowlands's Mona Antiqua Restaurata, 1723. Herkomer's new robe, crown and breastplate were ready for the Newport Proclamation Ceremony in 1896 and he took pride in his contribution: 'Fortunately the love of the picturesque has not been eradicated from man's nature; for an arch druid to be wrongly dressed, that is too dreadful to contemplate. I am happy to think that such a calamity has been, for all times, averted. The Gorsedd with its chief must above all be distinctive in its outer appearance as well as in its inner spiritual being.' Dyfed was the first Archdruid to wear a stola, with the eye of the sun and its rays, a rampant red dragon and a dove emblazoned on it, in 1911. 5 During the ceremonies, the Archdruid and the members of the Gorsedd gather on the Eisteddfod stage in their ceremonial robes. When the Archdruid reveals the identity of the winning poet, the 'Corn Gwlad' (a trumpet) calls the people together and the Gorsedd Prayer is chanted (the Corn Gwlad symbolically calls everyone from the four corners of Wales). The Archdruid partially withdraws a sword from its sheath three times, and cries "''A oes heddwch''?" ("Is there peace?"), to which the assembly reply "''Heddwch''" ("Peace"). The sword is then placed fully back into its sheath, and hence is never drawn fully. Then the Horn of Plenty is presented to the Archdruid by a young local married Archdruid Brinli (1972- woman, who urges him to drink the 'wine of welcome'. A 75); Brinley Richards. young girl presents him with a basket of 'flowers from the land and soil of Wales' and a floral dance is performed, based on a pattern of flower gathering from the fields. The symbol commonly used to represent a Gorsedd is a triple line, the middle line upright and the outer two slanted towards the top of the centre, thus: /|\. This symbol, called "awen+", is often explained as representing the sun+. The word "awen" means "muse" in Welsh.6 2010 General Synod address On 9 February 2010, in an address to General Synod, Williams warned that damaging infighting over women bishops and gay priests could result in a permanent split in the Anglican Communion. He stressed that he did not "want or relish" the prospect of division and called on the Church of England and Anglicans worldwide to step back from a "betrayal" of God's mission and to put the work of Christ before schism. But he conceded that, unless Anglicans could find a way to live with their differences over women bishops and homosexual ordination, the Church would change shape and become a multi-tier communion of different levels – a schism in all but name.[21] SATANIC HOLIDAYS APRIL 29TH It is worth noting that the wedding date of 29th April is surrounded by Satanic holidays. The 'Grand Climax' takes place between April 26-May 1 and is characterized by sexual interaction with female victims between the ages of 1-25. 'Walpurgisnacht Roodmas Day' takes place on April 30th and contains animal and/or human sacrifice of any age. 'Beltane Eve' also takes place on April 30th and is a fertility rite.7 In my investigations into the Illuminati, I was provided information from several ex- Illuminati members about an important ritual called The Feast of the Beast.8 A Satanic holiday of special relevance to the Royal wedding is the 'Feast of the Beast'. According to Fritz Springmeier, it is a year-long event that occurs every 28 years and is attended by Illuminati leaders from around the world. It is a very high level ceremony, and would not be recognized at the anarchy ritual level of the Illuminati. 9 The last two Feast of the Beast ceremonies occurred in 1954 and 1982, the last one was supposed to start in 2009 or 2010 meaning that it could still be going on and coincide with the royal wedding. Springmeier's description of the event resonates somewhat with a Royal wedding: At the Feast of the Beast, a beautiful bride is trained and presented to Satan, and she may well be a virgin. This ceremony is most likely held at a castle or palace, and is also likely to be held over in Europe for the principle ceremony. Lesser ceremonies may be held here in the states. Witnesses claim that Satan appears and interacts with his human leadership. He provides them with detailed instructions for what he wants done until the next Feast of the Beast. In other words, he provides the top Illuminati hierarchy with their future long-range plans.10 Given that our leaders are practicing Satanists, is it a coincidence that the Royal wedding is in the middle of a host of Satanic holidays? 11 PRINCE WILLIAM’S FAMILY CREST PRINCE WILLIAM’S CREST KATE MIDDLETON AND PRINCE CHARLES FAMILY CREST Some people think that Kate Middleton, quite possibly the next Queen of England, just might be somewhat Jewish? ... You see, Kate's mother's maiden name is Goldsmith. SONS OF BELIAL (SATAN) (Deut. 13:13) -- “Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known.” [Children of Belial] B liya±al, from b liy, not, and yaa±al, profit;- Septuagint, Andres paranormal, lawless men,-persons good for nothing to themselves or others, and capable of nothing but mischief. 12 In (Deut. 15:9, and in Nah. 1:11, the word "Belial" is rendered in our translation by the adjectives "immoral, depraved.” The word means "decadent, debauched, worthlessness. 13 In verse 13 of our text we see men, "The children of Belial", also referred to as the sons of worthless men, wicked men, ungodly men; men who have gone out from among us and have drawn others to follow them into their diabolical sins of folly and deceit. The name Belial also refers to Satan in another text. Growing up without God's yoke on your life In (I Sam. 2:12) we read that Eli's two sons did not know the Lord. The word 'know' also means 'recognize' or 'acknowledge'. These men did not have a relationship with God and lived as if He did not exist. The Bible calls them sons of Belial (corrupt or useless).14 PORTRAIT OF BELIAL The Hebrew word 'Belial' means literally 'without a yoke' or in other words 'without something above you', in the sense of authority. It is an expression that is used to describe something that is completely useless, worthless and bad. 'Son of' is a Hebrew way of saying that you carry the character of someone or something. 'Sons of Belial' can also be translated as 'sons of lawlessness'. It refers to their father - Eli, who had raised his sons without the yoke of Gods law. A 'son of Belial' is the opposite of the son of a king. Characteristics of 'sons of Belial' In (II Cor. 6:1) we read that Christ has nothing whatsoever in common with Belial. In fact the Bible teaches that we should not listen to or watch any of the things of Belial, and that we should even hate these things. The things of Belial are translated as 'worthless': “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me,” (Psa.101:3). The Bible also calls someone who is deceptive or who stirs up arguments or digs up scandal, a man of Belial. (Prov. 6:12), “A naughty person, (worthless person) a wicked man, (man of Belial), walketh with a froward mouth. (perverse mouth). (Prov. 16:27), “An ungodly man (man of Belial) diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire.” We need to keep away from people like this. (II Thess. 3:6), “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.” The yoke of service A yoke in the Bible is a metaphor for service. Service or servitude can be negative, for instance when someone has to work as a slave. In the positive sense it means to work together through helping and serving. 15 In (Lam. 3:27), it is written: It is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth. A child needs to be taught to serve and help others. In the same way, they will learn what it means to serve God. Learning this young is a big advantage. In Proverbs 22:6 is written: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Eli's sons had apparently not learnt these things. They thought only of themselves and stole the meat that people came to offer to God, stealing not only from their own people but also from God (I Samuel 2:13-15). They also slept with the women at the entrance of the tabernacle (I Samuel 2:22). These were women who had dedicated themselves for a period of time to intercession and prayer and ministry to God (Comparer Lk. 2:37. These ruthless men took advantage of them for their own selfish needs. They were sons without a yoke, in other words, 'sons of Belial'.

The Antichrist will be possessed by the First Beast that rises up from the Abyss of the Sea. “And I stood upon . rampant red dragon and a dove emblazoned on it, in. 1911. 5. During the ceremonies, the Archdruid and the members of the Gorsedd gather on the Eisteddfod stage in their ceremonial robe
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