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The Anthropometry of the Manual Work Spuce for the Seated Subject' WILFRID TAYLOR DEMPSTER, W. CREIGHTON GABEL2 AND WILLIAM J. L. FELTS3 Department of Anatomy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor This paper is an exploration of the isms involved. (A link is the straight line space-geometry of hand motions as they or core line through a body segment be- relate to young men in the seated posture. tween adjacent joint hinge points; it is the It is primarily a presentation in functional mechanical unit of body motion.) Older anthropometry, but the information de- sources that cannot be ignored in a func- rived should have practical use in improv- tional-anatomical-anthropometric study of ing the design of work areas. The pilot of this type are: Fischer ('07), Fick ('ll), an airplane, the driver of an automobile, Strasser ('17), Braus ('21), Lanz and the assembly worker or the machine oper- Wachsmuth ('35),a nd Mollier ('38). The ator all perform critical tasks with their Albert-Strasser globographic technique (Al- hands. Controls and switches or objects bert, 1876; Dempster, '56) for demonstrat- upon which work is to be done must not ing the range of individual joint move- merely be within reach, they should also ment has provided useful background ma- terial. Equivalent work on living subjects be placed in the best possible spatial posi- is not available. Joint range studies on tion relative to the operator. This ideal living subjects are typified by papers by position has not yet been prescribed. Gilliland ('21 ) , Sinelnikoff and Grigoro- A detailed job analysis of a specific man- witsch ('31 ) , Glanville and Kreezer ( '37 ) , ual operation should of course improve the Dempster ('55a) and Barter, Emanuel and work area materially, but this information Truett ('57). These studies are rather in- has little transfer value to another situa- complete for certain joints and are not tion. Our work is concerned with the gen- wholly satisfactory. Further work relating eral range of hand motion, and we have to age, sex, race, and occupation is war- attempted to find principles applicable to ranted. all work situations involving the seated During the past decade or so, various position. authors have touched on aspects of the The approach is anthropometric-but in work place. Motion and time study work- an entirely different sense from traditional ers (Barnes, '49; Branson, '52), psycholo- anthropometry. Our measurements of the gists (Chapanis, Garner and Morgan, '49; space within reach of the seated subject Hick and Bates, '50; McFarland, '53), en- for all possible upper limb postures repre- gineers ( Wallichs and Hulverscheidt, '35; sent an approach to a dynamic anthro- Davis, '49; MacNeil, '54), and physiolo- pometry. The method of measurement is gists (Taylor and Blaschke, '51) have di- indirect, and it involves a certain novelty rected attention to spatial aspects of hand in anthropometric procedure; this shows action. Dynamometric studies on hand up especially in the methods of gathering forces by Hugh-Jones ('45) and by Darcus raw data, of making measurements, and of treating data. 'This work was conducted under contracts A study of the functional-anatomical with the Wright Air Development Center (An- background for limb motion paralleled this thropometry Section), Wright-Patterson Air Force study. Relevant work (Dempster, '55a, Base, Ohio. '55b, '56) involved a study of the motions Present Address: Department of Anthropol- ogy, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. of the major limb joints and a clarification Present Address: Department of Anatomy, of the characteristics of the link mechan- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 289 290 W. T. DEMPSTER AND OTHERS ('51), Salter and Darcus ('52), Darcus in effect, is the zero point on an x, y, z and Salter ('53), Gaughran and Dempster coordinate system, to which are related ('55), Whitney ('58), and Dempster ('58) the variable distance and angulation of are relevant also. Randall, Damon et al. the hand point as it travels in its outermost ('46) and especially King, Morrow and range over the surface of the space en- Vollmer ('47), King ('48, '52), McFarland velope. et al. ('53) and McFarland, Damon and The hand is a complex anatomical struc- Stout ('55, '58) have considered dimen- ture; if a part of it is to be a reference sional problems of the seated subject. point, a precise posture must be assumed. Commonly these references relate to em- Our approach starts with the recognition pirical studies designed to meet specific that the hand in a position of rest reflects problems of military and industrial per- a balanced system of minimal forces. This sonnel. is a sort of mean hand posture from which other postures, including those involving Orientation finger activities, are deviations. Of course, If a part of the body such as the feet or there is no one rest position; it varies with buttocks is placed motionless on a support- how the hand rests with relation to the ing surface, the relative range of motion forearm and with the degrees of wrist of some more mobile part, as the hand, flexion or extension. When, however, the may be defined in terms of a space geome- hand and forearm lie passively and supine try related to the immovable region. In on a horizontal support with the wrist effect, the body can be regarded as if it straight, the rest position is fairly average. were within a three-dimensional Cartesian This rest posture is approximately the coordinate system which has its origin at same as when the hand lightly grips a a point on the supporting surface; the po- cylindrical rod of about 30 mm (1 1/8") tential motion of any moving point-for diameter. In our work the gripping of a instance some point on the hand-may be standard rod proved an easy way of getting located within a region or space envelope the hand to assume a position comparable with boundaries that may be scaled off to the mean rest posture. Now, when the relative to the x, y, and z coordinates. In hand gripped such a rod and the hand and the present study, the subjects were al- forearm hung inert and vertically, the grip ways seated. The envelope has a specific angle for 40 men relative to the long axis size, shape, and relation to the seat, trunk of the forearm was found to be 102" 6" and legs; like the atom or solar system, (obtuse angle on the radial side). (The however, it is bounded by an intangible grip axis was also about 14" more supine surface which in this instance represents than a line between the radial and ulnar the extreme range of motion of the refer- styloids in the semi-prone position [Demp- ence point of the hand in different direc- ster, '55al. ) The grip angulation increased tions. The space itself is merely the re- as rods of notably larger diameters were gion of potential position of the hand point. grasped, but it was little changed for ob- In order to visualize the space envelope jects down to the size of a pencil. and its modifications for different condi- In this study the axis of the grip was tions, both the seat and the hand refer- regarded as the core line of a 30 mm rod ence points must be clearly identified. held in the hand. The thumb, or radial For the seated subject the most stable end of the rod, was used as a pole of refer- body region is that part touching the seat. ence. A point on the axis of the rod at the In our procedures the subject's head lay level of the third finger was arbitrarily in contact with a dental head rest, the taken as the hand point or grip center- back was against the wooden seat back, hereafter called "grip point." the buttocks were well back on the seat, It is the outermost range of this grip and the thighs were directed forward; point which, according to our usage, con- thus the trunk was relatively stable for all stitutes the surface of the space envelope. hand positions. We have selected the mid- At the surface of the space envelope as sagittal point of the junction of the seat defined by the grip point, the fingers or and back as a reference ("R") point. This, any other part of the hand may momentar- ANTHROPOMETRY OF THE WORK SPACE 291 ily lie exterior to the grip point and to this We employ the term kinetosphere, from extent they will project outside of the hineto, movement, plus sphere, region of, space envelope; similarly, the subject’s as an aid in analyzing the work area. body, and parts of the arm in certain posi- The term applies to the total range of tions, lies outside. Since the position of translational movement of the end member rest of the hand is a generalized mean of a series of links relative to an “ Rp oint; posture, the space envelope for the index moreover it applies only to the arbitrary finger tip of the pointing hand, or for the situation in which the end member is pinch position of the fingers, can be de- continually maintained in a constant an- rived by adding appropriate dimensions gular orientation relative to a system of to the front surface of the space envelope reference coordinates. In this study the for the resting hand (and subtracting from hand was always directed straight for- the rear surface). ward; other kinetospheres could be defined The hand mass of the seated subject for study with the hand pointing up, to the may be moved in either of two ways; it left, or down. can move by rotation or by translation. In One should appreciate the nominal char- rotational or angular movement, the hand acter of the kinetosphere. It is not merely may be turned or twisted so that the angle another word for the work area but a con- of the grip axis is changed relative to the cept which defines the space-shape which Cartesian system (or the floor or walls of a encloses a specific class of hand motion, room). In translational movements, how- translational movement only, so that it ever, the grip angle remains constant; the can be analyzed. The dimensions of such hand in translational movement may be an envelope may be measured, and its moved in a straight or curved line in any shape may be reconstructed. The bound- direction, but there is no angular change ary outlines of sections through the kineto- in the grip axis relative to the room. The spheres can be grouped and compared, and hand may move through three degrees of similar kinetospheres from different indi- freedom for translational movement-up viduals can be combined and averaged. and down, right and left, forward and The variability from subject to subject can backward. It may also move through three be treated statistically. But kinetospheres additional degrees of rotational freedom- have no existence apart from a rigidly im- rotation in the sagittal plane, rotation in posed set of conditions, which limit the a coronal plane, or rotation in a transverse hand to purely translatory types of mo- plane; but it has only these 6 degrees of tion. The value of the concept is both in freedom for potential movements. In our its use as an analytical tool for exploring approach, translational movements of the body motion and in its ability for defining hand, it will be seen, will receive primary the space requirements for types of hand attention. motion. The designer of planned work When the hand, as the end member of areas should thus be aided practically. a chain of extremity links, is kept in a Each arbitrary hand orientation has on- constant angular orientation relative to a ly one kinetosphere. When a group of fixed “ R point, movements at the wrist, kinetospheres representing a related ser- elbow and shoulder permit an extensive ies of hand orientations, i.e., different range of translational hand movement. classes of grip rotation for the same direc- The space envelope enclosing the total tion of hand pointing (viz., forward), are range of such translational movements added to one another, we call the cumula- has a distinctive shape, which results from tive pattern a strophosphere from strophe, the unique combination of both the range a turning or twisting, plus sphere, region and freedom of joint rotation by all of the of. The related series of hand grip orien- upper limb joints and the limitation im- tations may represent a series of discrete posed by the constant orientation of the wrist tilts in the sagittal plane (relative hand. The relative dimensions of the limb to the room); the series may involve a segments in different people, of course, prone to supine twist about an antero- also have a determinant relation to the posterior hand axis (again relative to the shape but this effect is small. room), or a wrist movement may be con- 292 W. T. DEMPSTER AND OTHERS cerned with side-to-side hand postures it described a circuit at the extreme limit about a vertical axis. The term applies of movement. In his hand he held an to the space envelope, which permits three appliance consisting of a screen grid and degrees of translational freedom for the an adjustable hand grip (referred to later) hand plus one degree of rotational free- which assured that the grip axis was main- dom relative to fixed coordinates. (Other tained in some standard orientation strophospheres, not studied, can be visual- throughout the circuit. Then the seat ized-the hand and forearm pointing up, and subject were advanced a measured in, out, or down, in each instance includ- distance relative to the plane of the screen, ing a systematic grouping of rotational and a new hand circuit was photographed. motions.) When one or two additional The subject was moved forward progres- degrees of rotational freedom are included, sively in this step-wise fashion and addi- the complexity increases, since the se- tional hand circuits were recorded for quence of adding involves 6 possibilities each position of the seat and subject until of combinations; thus the value of the each level of the whole kinetosphere had analysis breaks down. been photographed. The photographic re- Through kinetospheres and stropho- cords provided a group of equally spaced spheres, however, one may dissect the frontal serial sections through the kineto- work area in terms of the hand positions sphere. From these, a variety of data could which are possible in different regions of be derived, including three-dimensional the total space within reach. models. A more extensive term ergosphere, from The seat on which the subject sat was ergo, work, plus sphere, region of, or work of wood, and it had a back and a headrest. area, may apply to the total range of pos- The basic plan was that of the Air Force sible hand positions relative to an “R” fighter cockpit of the early 1950’s. The point; we would apply the term ergosphere seat was 15 in. deep and 11 in. wide; be- to the hand space representing wholly un- cause of the narrow seat back, the sub- restricted movement for any and all hand ject’s elbows and shoulders were unim- and forearm orientations-the only con- peded, thus the posterior range of the dition would be that the subject’s back grip point was not artificially reduced. The and buttocks had the constant relationship seat was tilted 6” to the horizontal. The to the “ R point. back was 26 in. high, and it tilted back METHODS 17” from the vertical. At the top of the Twenty-two male college students (ages seat back, an adjustable dental headrest 17-33) formed the study sample. In build was mounted. The position of the foot- they ranged from median to muscular; rest and foot platform relative to the seat rotund and thin types were excluded. The could be adjusted by oblique upward and more significant mean dimensions were : forward movements as in the airplane stature-175.7 +- 4.5 cm (69.4 in.); sitting cockpit, so that individuals of different height-91.5 2 3.2 cm (36.1 in.); acro- heights could be accomodated comfortably. mial height (sitting)-61.3 -C 3.2 cm Through adjustments of the height of the (24.2 in.); and upper limb length (acro- foot platform, the vertical distance be- mion to dactylion 111-arm straight, hori- tween eye level and heel was made a stand- zontal, and forward)-72.8 c 2.9 cm ard 39.5 in. for each subject. (28.7 in.). As shown in figure 1, several wire grids Our primary records (fig. 1) were a (1 X 2 in. mesh) were suspended from an series of photographic negatives-time ex- overhead horizontal bar parallel to the posures in the dark-which showed the picture plane of the camera to provide a path of movement of a small light at the frontal reference plane behind which the hand (i.e., over the “grip point”) as it hand could move. A large 5 X 7 ft. mirror was moved by the subject. The subject sat set at 45”-0n the subject’s left-showed facing the camera in a special seat and, a side view of the grid, subject and seat. €or the first record, he moved his hand The hand appliance (fig. 2), which was over a wire screen at arm’s length so that constructed for the left hand only, con- ANTHROPOMETRY OF THE WORK SPACE 293 sisted of a handle-a 30 mm aluminum be attached at one or another of a number rod-and a small rectangular orientation of selected angulations relative to the hand grid. Scotch-lite reflective tape was added grip. When the grip was held firmly in to the vertical midline and the horizontal the subject’s left hand and the forearm, borders of the grid to enhance visibility wrist and grip were aimed straight ahead, in the photographs. Dental moulding com- with the grip vertical, the grid was initially pound was shaped about the aluminum set upright in the frontal plane (i.e., 0’). rod to provide a good fit for the thumb, After this initial adjustment, 7 other grid palm and fingers of the left hand; thus positions (fig. 2) were obtained by screw- the handle could be grasped in only one ing the grid to the ball at other standard way. An aluminum ball at the thumb end angulations. In each position the grid of the grip had a series of threaded taps and the grip were oriented at a specific an- by which the small rectangular grid could gulation to one another. When the grid Fig. 1 Method for recording extreme movements of the “grip point” of the hand in the plane of the wire screens. The figure at the right is a 45” mirror image of the subject shown front view. Dur- ing a time exposure a flashing light at the level of the grip point marks out a path of movement. The hand grid assures a vertical hand grip orientation. Fixed reference lights lie over the sternum; other moving lights are attached to the shoulder and elbow. 294 W. T. DEMPSTER AND OTHERS PRONE Fig. 2 Hand grip and reference grid designed to keep the hand in a fixed orientation while hand movements were recorded. The 8 standard hand orientations studied are illustrated. was held upright in the frontal plane (for over the shoulder and elbow joints. A instance, behind and parallel to the hang- flashing rate of 6 per second, controlled ing grids of figure l), the hand grip axis by an electronic system, allowed easy dif- of necessity assumed some fixed angula- ferentiation of traces when more than one tion to the vertical. Five grip orientations appeared on the film. A Graflex camera at in the sagittal plane (relative to the room) 15 ft. distance from the reference plane were permitted and these were: 30" back of the suspended wire grids included a field (i.e., -30"; upper end of the grip directed like figure 1. A red lens-filter transparent backward and upward), 0" vertical, 30" to neon light was fitted to the camera, and forward, 60" forward and 90" forward a low-intensity blue light that did not re- (i.e., the grip was horizontal and directed cord through the filter was used for gen- forward). In adidtion to the 0" position, eral illumination of the otherwise dark- three other positions in the coronal plane ened room. Dark backgrounds were pro- were permitted by the ball at the hand vided for both the direct and mirror-image grip. These were the prone and supine views. positions and a vertical position with the For the record-taking, the subject sat thumb downward-the invert or 180" squarely against the seat back and head- position. rest, and he directed his arm straight for- A 1/25 watt neon glow lamp was ad- ward with the shoulder protruded and the justed to the hand grid, so that its position grid of the hand grip held behind and par- in photographic records lay at or near the allel to the suspended reference grids. center of the grip, i.e., the "grip point." While the arm was in this position, the Sometimes other lamps also were fitted seat was moved forward or back until the ANTHROPOMETRY OF THE WORK SPACE 295 distance between the grid plane and the Since the records were intended to show “R” point of the seat was as short as pos- the range of hand motion, it was import- sible-a three-inch or less clearance was ant that adventitious trunk movements did permitted for the movements of the hand not augment the motion. Figure 1 shows grip. The actual seat-to-grid distance was a yoke of sheet lead lying on the sternum measured and recorded. When this ad- with flashing neon lights over the manu- justment was made, the reference grid at brium and xyphoid. Where the photo neg- the hand was 3 in. or closer to the zero atives showed that the lights had moved as grids. much as 1.5 in. during the clockwise and The first photo record was taken with counterclockwise movements of the hand, the neon lights flashing as the subject the record was later repeated. slowly moved his hand clockwise in the The photo negatives for each subject- frontal plane-then counterclockwise- grid distance were projected in an enlarger through the widest possible complete cir- to exactly 1/5 natural size. Tracings of cuit. The hand grid was to be kept con- each negative were made on paper sep- stantly in its upright orientation just be- arately, including neon light paths as well hind the reference grid; this was critical as orienting landmarks and dimension since a constant grip orientation was es- marks in the background. Next, as a sep- sential if the hand motion were to be arate operation, a mean circuit was drawn strictly translational. In the faint blue in between the tracings of the clockwise light of the room, the camera operator and counterclockwise circuits of the neon could see both the direct and mirror-view light; this mean circuit was thereafter of the subject; the mirror-view showed the taken arbitrarily as the definitive record reference grid edge-on, and any deviations of “extreme” hand movement in the plane from the frontal plane could be seen. Any of reference. sidewise tilting of the grid could be seen Planimeter measurements of the area of directly. If any significant deviations were each mean circuit were then made from seen, the camera operator could direct the the tracings. These areas were next plotted subject to repeat the record. After prac- as ordinates on graph paper (fig. 5) with tice runs in both the clockwise and count- a spacing along the abscissa comparable erclockwise directions, the camera was to the distance between sections; the loca- opened and the path of both circuits of tion of the “ R point and reference grid the neon lamp was recorded. At some time was also drawn on the graph. Two correc- during the movement, a speed-lamp (= tions were necessary before the graph was strobe) flash was set off to illuminate the strictly accurate; first, the mean antero- whole view including an instantaneous posterior distance between the hand light image of both the direct and side views of and the reference grids (as seen side view, the subject (fig. 1). fig. 1) had to be measured; secondly, the When a new film (super XX, film pack) distance between the light (or reference was in place for a second exposure, the grid) and the grip point-different for seat and subject were moved a fixed stand- each grip orientation-had to be added. ard distance (three or 6 in.) closer to the After these corrections had been plotted reference grid, and a new pattern of hand relative to the reference grid position, the movement was photographed. After each plot was properly related to the grip point. exposure, the seat and subject were ad- An accurate area-to-distance curve could vanced by the standard distance until the now be constructed (fig. 5). The area un- subject no longer had space to move his der the curve, as measured by planimeter, hand between the reference grids and his corresponded (at one-fifth scale) to the body. One or another panel of the grid volume of the kinetosphere. in front of the subject was then raised or, In addition, through a treatment of mo- if they touched him, removed. Movements ments along an antero-posterior axis (i.e., of the hand at the side of or behind the areas of sections x distances from a zero body were traced over a single grid at the point) the fore-to-back distance of the cen- left of the body. troid, or center of gravity, of the kineto- 296 W. T. DEMPSTER AND OTHERS sphere could be calculated and located rel- ing” of the contours of two section cut- ative to the grid plane and to the “ R p oint outs-the ones just anterior to and poste- of the seat. rior to the centroid. Next through the suspension of card- The three sections cutting the kineto- board cutouts, the locations of the centers sphere in mutually perpendicular planes of gravity were found for two sections- that intersected the centroid could be in- that just directly ahead of and that im- terpreted as easily as three-dimensional mediately behind the kinetosphere cen- plastic reconstructions; the shapes could troid. The centers of gravity of the two be compared, by superimposing section sections were located relative to a vertical outlines; the contours could be superim- coordinate corresponding to the mid-sagit- posed and summated to give generalized tal plane of the subject and a standard patterns for a group of individuals, or they transverse coordinate near the shoulder could be grouped to show strophosphere level; then tracings of the two sections patterns. were superimposed and, by appropriate Actual three-dimensional reconstructions “weighting,” a new “mean” section con- were made from tracings through repre- tour with its center of gravity was drawn sentative kinetospheres. Much like the in for the correct antero-posterior distance wax plate reconstructions of embryologists, of the kinetosphere centroid. We assumed these models were made from slices of that this section-centroid would have ver- Styrofoam plastic (12 X 12 X 0.6 or 1.2 tical and horizontal coordinates compar- in.); the thicknesses of the plates of foam able to those of the whole kinetosphere. plastic were just 1/5 of the three or 6-in. With this approximation, it became pos- distance that the subject was moved be- sible to relocate the centroid of the whole tween records. kinetosphere relative to the “R” point of In the initial photography, each of the the seat-anteriorly, laterally, and ver- 22 subjects went through the procedures tic ally. 8 times; each time represented a different A convenient way of comparing kineto- hand orientation and hence a different spheres involved the use of sagittal, front- kinetosphere. From each group of records al, and horizontal sections through the (i.e., one kinetosphere for one subject), centroid. This required a reconstruction we had as working data: (1) a group of of contours from measurements derived 7 or 8 (or more) frontal tracings of mean from the sections. The technique involved hand range having a known antero-poste- first the marking of the horizontal fore- rior spacing, (2) plots representing sagit- and-aft projection of the centroid of a ki- tal, frontal and transverse sections through netosphere upon each tracing in a series the kinetosphere at centroid level, and (3) of sections. Then, at points directly above area and volume data based on planimet- and below the centroid on each section, ric measurements. the distances to the section outline were Since the data relating to a single in- measured. These measurements were next dividual were of limited practical inter- plotted as ordinates on graph paper (above est, our data were typically summated or and below a horizontal line indicating cen- averaged in some way. For numerical troid level) ; the horizontal spacing was data, such as planimeter measurements of comparable to that between sections. sections, kinetosphere volumes, and dis- When the points were connected, the plot tances, individual records were simply av- represented a sagittal section through a eraged. Where shapes were involved, com- kinetosphere at centroid level. The “R” posite mean section contours were neces- point, kinetosphere centroid, and other sary. The sagittal, horizontal, or frontal points were added also. Comparable plots plots (through a centroid) of different in- showing transverse measurements at cen- dividuals, as mentioned above, were super- troid level permitted the development of imposed relative to the seat coordinants a horizontal section through the kineto- (and other landmarks in the original pho- sphere. A coronal section through cen- tographs) and traced in different colors, troid level was determined, as mentioned to avoid confusion, on tracing paper or on above (previous paragraph), by a “weight- translucent plastic; centroid locations ANTHROPOMETRY OF THE WORK SPACE 297 were indicated also. The mean centroid mean deviation rather than standard de- location for all of the similar kinetospheres viation has been used as a simple measure together could be found through a con- to compare the variability of one region sideration of their moments. After this of the space-shape with another; M.D. = point had been located, 8-10 lines were VD/n). drawn radiating out from the common cen- In gathering and processing the data, troid to the contours of the superimposed utmost attention was paid to obtaining cor- colored tracings. Along each of the radi- rect orientations and dimensions. For this ating lines, measurements were made of reason, the results obtained from the ma- the distance from the centroid to each of terial at one-fifth scale could be projected the intersecting contours. These distances back to natural size with no appreciable were then averaged to give a mean dis- loss of accuracy. tance, and this was marked as a point on All our records were taken from the left the radiating line. A mean contour could hand. Since the two hands should have then be drawn through the points. In ad- about the same range of movement, the dition to the average contour, the distances mirror image is roughly comparable to a of the individual contours from the aver- age were measured along the radii, and direct record. Thus, when right-hand ki- the mean deviation was calculated. It netospheres are implied, they are simply should be noted that the plus and minus mirror images. 4 Fig. 3 Seven contour outlines show the range of movement of the prone hand over a series of frontal planes spaced at 6-inch intervals. The relative position of the seat and subject are shown also; the lights attached to the yoke over the sternum indicated whether or not trunk movement contributed to hand range. 298 W. T. DEMPSTER AND OTHERS RESULTS knee and thigh contact intruded. The Section contours and kinetosphere highest contour came to lie above the left shapes shoulder. At the next section, there was not room for forearm and wrist movement Since the basic data for this study con- between the body and the reference plane. sisted of a group of mean tracings of This limitation to hand movement pro- frontal-plane serial sections through each duced a definite posterior surface to that of the 8 kinetospheres of 22 different men, portion of the kinetosphere in front of the the general character and implications of trunk region. Until the trunk hindered the sections themselves must be appre- movement, knee and thigh contact and the ciated. The sections illustrated (fig. 3) maximum amount of abduction, flexion, represent the range of motion of the grip extension, or adduction permitted at the joint of the prone hand directed forward wrist joint were the limiting features to for one of our subjects. movements in the coronal plane. After trunk contact with the wrist and Superimposition of sections forearm, the only territory free for addi- The sections were superimposed rela- tional limb and hand movement was later- tive to both the midline of the seat and a al to the trunk on the test-limb side of the transverse line (near shoulder level) body. These contours became narrow ver- through a landmark at camera height in tical ellipses, with the upper pole tending the background of the original photo. One to deviate toward the head. Movement sees a series of 7 rounded or irregular was restricted on the left because of in- closed outlines which varied in size and ability to increase wrist abduction. Other orientation relative to the subject’s body. boundaries were due to limited wrist flex- The contours in this instance represented ion (above), to the amount of wrist ex- sections at a 6-inch spacing through the tension permitted (below), and to body kinetosphere. The first section, that far- contact (medially). At the extreme poste- thest forward from the body, was ordi- rior range, shoulder retraction and elbow narily roughly circular. If the subject flexion reached a maximum. It should could scarcely reach the grid, the diameter be noted that the narrow seat back used was small; in a larger contour, the first sec- did not restrict movement of the shoulder tion could, as shown, have an irregular and elbow and that the hand could move lower boundary over the knees. The limits about at the side of and even slightly of forward movement for the maximally behind the body without artificial contact protruded shoulder were determined by the restraints. fact that the hand, because of the obliqui- Total shape ty of the arm in a wider circuit, would move away from the plane of the hanging Although serial sections are informative, reference grids. the three-dimensional character of the ki- As the subject-to-grid distance was short- netospheres can be shown initially to better ened, the size of the circuits increased- advantage by reconstructed plastic mod- particularly in the upper range. As the els, such as that in figure 4. The model seat-grid distance was further reduced, represented a smoothed composite of the ligamentous restraints to wrist abduction mean space envelope for the prone hand. on the test-limb side and limits to adduc- The principal bulk of the kinetosphere lay tion on the far side defined medial and in front of the trunk and above the knee lateral boundaries for movements of the and thighs, extending a full head higher prone hand. At the same time, a lower than the mean sitting height, and its max- limit was imposed by contact with the imum height was again above the left knees or thighs. An upper limit was de- shoulder. The kinetosphere bulged medi- termined by maximum shoulder elevation ally and laterally-mainly laterally-and and by the tendency of the raised limb to it had a “wing” projecting to the left and retract from the grid plane. The limita- backward to a point a little behind the seat tions mentioned restricted movements to R-point. For the prone hand, much of the broad, elliptical contours, except where restraint medially and laterally was caused

The Anthropometry of the Manual Work Spuce for the Seated Subject'. WILFRID TAYLOR DEMPSTER, W. CREIGHTON GABEL2 AND. WILLIAM J. L. FELTS3.
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