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TheA nthropoloofg y Economy CommunitMya,r keta,n dC ulture StephGeund eman l3B LACI<WELL Publishers Copyr©i gShttepGhuedne m2a0n0 1 Ther igohfSt t epGhuedne mtaobn e i dentaisaf uitehodof tr h is hwaosr k beeans seirnta ecdco rdwainttchhe Ce o pyriDgehstia,gn nPd a teAnctts 1988. Firpsutb li2s0h10e d 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 BlackPwuebllelir ssh Inc. 35M0a iSnt reet Malden, Mas0s2a1c4h8us etts USA BlackPwuebllli Lsthde rs 10C8o wlReoya d OxfoOrXd4 1 JF UK Alrli grhetsse rEvxecdef.po ttrh qeu otaotfsi hoonpr ats safgoterhs e purpoosfce rsi tiacnirdse mv ineopw a,r otft hpiusb licatbieo n may reproduceidna,r esttroisreyevsdat let mr,a nosrm iinat ntfyeo dr,om r bya nmye anesl,e ctmreocnhiacn,pi hcoatlo,c oopry iontgh erwise, withtohtpelr ti poerr misosfti hpoeun b lisher. Exceipnt the UnoiftA emde rSittchaabit,ose o iskss o lsdue bcjttot he conditthiaostnh ainlto ltb ,yw ayo ft raodre othebrelw einrstee,s, o ld, hiroeudto ,ro thercwiirsceu wliatthetodhu petu blisphreicroo'rns s ent ina nfyo romfb indoirn gc ootvheterhr at nh aitnw hicihps u ibtl ished anwdi thaos uitm icloanrd iitnicolnut dhicinosgn dibteiioinnmg p osed ont hseu bqsueepnutr chaser. LibroafCr oyn grCeastsa loging-iDna-thPaau bsbe leainpc palftioierod.n ISB0N-6 3-12256(6h-a8r db0a-c61k3-)2;27 5-66( paperback) BritLiisbhrC aartoyag luiinnPg u blicDaattiao.n A CIcPa talroegcuofero tdrh bioso ikas v ailfarbotlmhe Be r itish Library. Typeisn1e t0. 5on 1 2p tS abon byA cFei mlsettLitndFg,r ome, Somerset PrinitnGe rde Barti tbayTi JnI nternaPtaidosntCaoolwr,,n wall Thibso oikps r inotnae dc irde-pefa per. Contents Acknowledgments vii 1 CommunityM,a rketa,n dC ulture 1 TheV aluoefsE conomy 5 TwoT ranscatioRne alms 9 Commenusraotni:P anamai nt he1 960s 12 p SearatiaonnsdD ilaectsi:Oc thePre rsecptives 15 FromC ommunittyo G lobalization 20 2 Economayt t heB ase 25 TheB ase 27 CommonC onsttriuocns 34 SituatReeda son 38 Self-fsiucfiency 43 A FragmenteWdo rld 47 3 Sharitnhge B ase 52 Allmotent 53 FromS toctko F low 55 Apporotniment 56 Realloncgat thieB aes 57 Sharianngd S ocailV alue 58 Reapoprtoinmenatn dE xhcangRea teAsr:i stotle's Solution 60 ManaginGge nerosiattHy o me 63 4 TheG reaEts tatPeo:w erE,x tractainodn , Expansion 68 Modelasn dH istoriCchaanlg e 69 vi CONTENTS Self-sufcfyiR,c aiiteonns,a ndR eason 75 ContemporEasrtyea st 78 5 Reciproacnidtt yh eG iftE:x tenditnhgeB ase 80 Genaelogioefts h eG ift 81 Exetndinagn dR ertactitnhgeB ase 86 Sister-nEgxech a 90 TheB adeg ofS ociety 92 6 Tradaen dP rofit 94 TheT rdaeD omain 94 TheP uzzloef P rofit 97 A Theoroyf P rofit 102 Accmuualtion 104 7 Profointt heS mall 101 A PottePrr'osf it 110 InnvoatiionnG ropus 113 Exetndintghe B asea ndP rofit 116 ProfiBta,s ea,n dC apital 117 8 Realmasn dD ialectViaclsu:ei snP roduction, Tradea,nd U se. 121 FromB aset oB aes:T rnasfrominOgb jects, RelationsahnidTp rsda,e 122 FromB aset oC apitaAlp:p ropriaPtrioodnu,c tion, Trdae 126 FromC apittaolB ase:R esiliaenncdRe e sinsctae 132 TrdaeW ithitnh eB aseC:i rcuaintdsB udgets 133 TheB asei nT rdae 137 9 PolitiEccaoln omTyo day 144 InnovaitngR elations 146 TheR atinoailtoyf C apitalainsdmS ocialism 149 TheQ uestinosT oday 155 References 165 Index 183 Acknowledgments Ib geanr esefaortrch hbi oso wkh eio lna s inqgulaer lteeafrvr eot mh e UniveorfMs iintsnyoe taan,Ida mg rtaeftuotl hU en ivearsws eilatlsy thCeo lloefLg ieb eArratflso r theiirnt hspeua psypteo arTrths e. inidtriaaoflftt h beo owka wsr itdtuernit nhge Iyw eaaasrF ellaotw thCee ntfeoArrd vanced tShBteeu hdayv Siicnoi reanIltc heastn;hk e Centetrh safptoe rco ipapluo nritatnytd,h e NaStciioenFnaoclue n da­ tifoonfr i nncaisaulp p(ogrrt#a SnEtS0 -229192). Thbeo okth'es-s tihswaetl iivnme u ltciopmlmeu nwihtiinceohsu r­ isehn dea-viossru sppobryt eidt hsi sotwfonorI ray m,i ndebttoe d mancyol leagaunefdsr ieMnyds sp.e ctihaalng kots oA lbeRritvoe ra, witwhh omIh avuen dertfaikeelnd iwno rCko laonmdGb uiaat e­ malWae.h avpeu bliasrhteiadcn ladbe oso k tobguettth hpaeutr b,l ic authordsohenisop st u fficeixepnrmteylsd yse bttoh imT.h ee th­ nography ona nGCduo altoemmcbaoilmaafe rso omu srh arfeide ld­ worwkh,i hcehh aasl lomweet do uasnIedh , a vgea ineendo rmloyu s froomu r mdainsyc usasbiotouhntees t hnogarnaldpa hryig sesru es. InJ un1e99 5A,r jKol amaenrPd h Miilr owsspkeianh tu mwiede kend inM inneawphoilwlieeds i scuescsoendoa mnitch roptohlewoyig lyl; recogtnhiezmfeer sot mh acto nverisnat thviioosnl uImnet .hp ea st decaIdh ea,v ael shoa de xceldliesnctus sw siitohn scholars from othdeirs cipalnidItn heasJn,ak c Akm ariglio, Stephen Cullenberg, AntonCiaol lJa.r iGK,i. bo sn-GraLhaarmLr,oy h manDnei,d re McClosJkoehRyni, c haDradvsRi,ud c cVieor,nR ount taannJd,a mes ScoIta tl.os woes pectihaalna knasdp prectioFa rteidoenAr pipqfueel ­ Margalnidn StMeaprhgeflnoi trnh esiurp paonrsdt u ggesItni ons. anthropIho alvorege yc,ee invceodu ragienmteernretef,se tr,ce rnic­es, tiqauneds, u ggeisdteifavrseo N mu rit BirJda-mDeCasav rirdi,e r, ScarElpestttAe ritnu,r o EAsdcaoKmbu apreK,re ,iH tahr Mti,c hael HerzfAelHlfod r,n bMoarrgMk,o skBoe,On r loGvfesP,la il sRsiocnk, ShwedaenrRd,i chWairldMl yeM innecsooltlae JaoghuInen sg ham anMdi scPhean hna vbee eenv er-supapnoIdra tpipvree,tc hieaitre viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS helapng do ocdo lleagAutMe isnhniepsI.ao ltwsaao,n ttot haAnmky PoratneKdra thlSeaeunn dAethr osm.Re o,x aRneeb,e cEclaia,sn ed, Kerheanv bee en cgormemaetn tlaitsotreasnn,red er asd,oe vrelsro ng perioofd st ime. Thea uthaonrpd u bliasrhgeer raustl te osf evesroaulrf coers per­ misstioo nr peruesvei pouubslliyms ahteedrs ioamoleft: h mea terial inc hap7tw earfs i rst pres1e99n2at retdi "ciRelnme o,md ye tlhien g HouseE coofn omCiuclst:u rIen naoinvoda"n At ,meriEctahnn olo­ gisvot1l,9. n ,o 1.1: 41 -5a4ne; a rvleiresroi fso onm oeft he informa­ tion ofcfhearpetd1e ,2ri ,7sn ,a nd8 w asp uibslhienSd t ephen GudemaannAd l berto" RSiuvsietnartgiah Cn,eo mmunRietsyi,s ting thMea rkGeuta:t emPaelracsntp ise"v,i ejn ohFn.R i cha(reddLs.a )n,d , Propaenrtdth yEe n viro(nOmkaelnaItnC dPS:r easv se)r;so ifco hna p­ te5rw apsu bliass"h Tehde PosGtimtfo,id"nSe trenp Chuelnl enberg, Jack AmaarniDdga lvRiiuodc, c (ieo)dP ,sos tmodeErcnoinscmos,m i anKdn oewdlg(eL ondRoonu:t l2ed00g1e),. ChatperO ne CommunitMya,r keatn,d Culture : Econoamnitch ropolotgoiy n dautsttearnswid easlal lse ltihfnoeg raphic situabteicoancusos,me p arparbolcee ssseecsu ariinnmnd ga nagin valutehdian rgfeso uenvde rhyewrBeue.tc onyow,mh ircehv oalbvoJeust makihnogl,d uisnigsn,hg a,r eixncgh,a nagniadnc gc,u mulvaatli­ng ueodb jeacntsdse rviinccelsmu,od retesh asnt andmaarrdkt ehte ory suggeAsnttsh.r oppollaaoys gspy e crioaillneb rdoeanionugur n der­ stanodfmi antge lriifaelt, hl eef sosr- repcroogcneaisrzdseeie dss p layed witshp eccilaalir ni tstyih teu aettihonnosg rsatpuhIdentyr h.sbi oso k Io ffaec rr oss-cmuoldtoeufler caoln odmrya wfnr oamn thropology, writttheeno raincedos n,t emploirMfayer .yp uriptsoo ds eev eal op lexiocrlo ann gufaodgrie s cuescsoinnogpm riocc easss ewasese l nl­ vironmweenltfadalir,se t,r ibauntodit ohcneoarnl t,e mpiosrsaureys . Ia rgtuheea cto nocmoyn soifts wtos rewahlimIccs ha, cl olm munv ity anmda rkBeottf.ha cmeatksue pe conofmohyru, m aanrsme o tivated bys ocfiuallf ilclumreinoatsn,itd th pyel, e aosfmu arset aesrw ye,la ls instrupmuernptcoaoslme p,e tainttdih oaenc ,c umuloafgt aiiBonyns . communIir teyft,eor r e aoln,- the-agsrsoaoutcniidao nntdso i mag­ inesdo lidtahrpaietto ipeelxsep ecreiM.ea nrkdeets igannaotneysm ous, shorte-xtcehram.n gWmeeis gchattl hle tsweoa speocfet cso nomy, thUep -claonstdeh F ea r-diIsnot nagenu ti.es ceo,n oimlsyo caanld specific,t hcroonsusogtchiri teaullta etdi aonncdso hnitpesx dteu­ally fined Ivna lotuthehesie .tr ,i s imepveegrnls oobananaladl,b , s tracted frosmo ccioanlt ext; this doifsm eepnasrbiauotitnen dtc eornascits­ts inagg enBtostr.he alamresev er-pbruewtse be rnitnn ogwo nen,o w thoet hienrt of otrheeg rionpu rnadc atniidcd ee olTohgery e.l ation­ shiicpso mplseoxm:e ttihmee sft awcooef es c onoamrsyee parated, at other tiamrmeeus t utahlelyy doepppeonosdree dni tn,t eractive. But alwatyhses ihri frteilnagit fsii olwnli ettdhe nsTihoins. ibasob ooku t thdei alercetliacotafeil co onn otmwyro'e sa lms. Is haelslp ectiratylop l oyr ttrhameyu ltipolfti hcceio tmym unity reawlimti htg sr ounidnli oncga l avnasdlh uohewos w,i atn mda rket 2 COMMUNITYM,A RKETA,N D CULTURE arceo nneicnit nesdt itaunptdir oancstT ihcmeeo st.oo frc apitiasl ism profit-bmuaItks ihnasglu,lg gtehsaettv etnh e most market-driven act-otrhnea tioorng alloc boarlp or-amtiixtoehnste w roe alamnsd relointe hspe r esoefnc coem murnealla tainrdoe nsso ufroicrtes ssu c­ cesEsc.o noamnitch ropIot lhoigunynk,i, q uelyt hddeio supbllaey s facoefe conoamnytd h iem portoaftn hcueep -clTohsepe o.l iotfi cs thbioso skt efmr otmh diesm onstrtahtieim opno rotfat nhcceoe m ­of munrael atlhmu,os bi lgiunstg o reotuhwria nyoksfd istrinbeuwt ing wealth. Ia rriavte dtm hoidsse llo wfloyar,s,I f ouinnd ctohuer se of my studeiceosn,oa mnitch ropiotlsioedsgli yfv ided thMeyoo rwent ically. intelltercaltiemuldea lr tihgrhottu hgdehi scicpnlolfiincett'hisne go ­ retical pbeercsapeueascctethi i mIvte eh so,uI gh hatsd o lvap eudz zle ine conoamnitch roptohleo gayn,s wern epwqr uoemsptttiehodan ts leda s thoii fnt c moyu ranstdeof reisnhq uiarbioteuhstce o nnections between asnoidcm ipaelristoyn alA b erxirceehfucan ontgioenft.g h ese experiaennpdce ersp lepxriotviaime disen si amtaupor fte h fei eld and itfsi ss.u res Myf irrsets eairntc h1he69, 0 wsa,cs a rroiuetd s imna vlail l loafg e rurPaaln amIwa e.n t tfhilewlrieetdc h no fidetnhcamety b usiness schotorla iinni ndge cthiesoiaronyngd a mteh eocroym,b iwnietdh anthropwooluoylgidye d,le dei pn siignhtttholse o ceaclo noWmeya.r ­ intgh hea ta n oefo claescsoincoaImli i nstte,nt doae pdp ly concepts frotmh teh eoorfmy a rkteott sha ec tivoifst buiseiss tfeanrrcmsee. 1 Myg oawla tso e litchieatig rr icuclhtouiarcnaepdlsl tohte omnd eci­ siotnr eaetst,a cthhiesniugreb cjtviavleu aatnipdo rnosb laibttiioe s thoeu tcoIma enst.i citphtaahttei exsde ricnitseetn,ode exdp lain their behaviinto erro mfrs a ticohnoaialcn ed selfw-oiunlotdpe etrnhe es t, wayt oaf uelxlp loroaftt hieoinr econotmhye.ow roSyut lbaden dard myg uidew heivIlea end apitte tdth loeo ccaoln ditIino nltsah.ne ­ guaogfee c onoamnitch ropIwo olouglbydea, " o frmsat"lb, iecaIu se wapsr esutmhiantg smeovdeerrtanhlie sotwr eirueens i vearpspallil­y cabTlheea. s sumpItt ihoonu,wg ahastr ,e escptofnuefl,o I ri nferred thraatt icohnoawilac sseh araecdrc ouslst aunrtdeh sha utm amnasd e reasosneaqbuleeon fsc eelse crteigoanro dfcl oenstse xt. Emboldbeynt ehde oarncyde rtoafmi ent hIos de,t tow iwtohrikn af edwa yosfm oviinngtt ohv ei llIwa eglerl.e memtbheferi risntt er­ viewwi tmhy P anamanneiiagnh wbhoofr a,r mreidac nemd a ifzoer housechoonlsdu mpHtipisuo znz.l eamnegdne tni tnlcer eadtum ly ity questsieomten t sow ondehri asic ft iovfbi utryn ing tahned earth pokihnogli ensf oisrte eding wouldb ybc eo miplalirtutiom n ign ated aM ontCea rsliom ulaWthiahotan hd.a ppetnoae r do bucsotn cern withhu mainn tensthiaorpnersda, c taincvdee sr,mb eaaln i?In k gespt COMMUNITYM,A RKETA,N D CULTURE 3 hearMienygeF ro rtweasr'nsai bnogtu htle i mitoaft" iibolnlbsia alrld" socio(lHomege ya.ns ete sioncgp iraalc atsip hcyes oiruc nsi ntended actiaonnrdse ac.ti2Ao)fn tsseorm sel eephloeusrIqss u, it th astt udy the dnaeyxb;tut th eIwn a asd rifItl ,a cfkaote rhd e oraentcihcoarl. WhiilneP anaImc ao lleagc rteemadat n dya taab oeucto noemvye,n adminisatd eertiaenicglo endo qmuiecs tiotnoanr aainrdseoa mm ple oft h9e1 h ousehiontl hdvesi llBaugItec .o unlodmt a ksee nosfe thien formaantmdiy oi nn,t erestsc otmumrunnfeiadtm yita,lon y d, godpahroeonTdth.er ultehsas te pasraactrgeeo dd parenthood rela­ tionshiepcso nfotrmroiamcn sadcrteiwoa nmtsyt enftoiro nt,h is sepa­ ratpiroont etchteseiadrn catnipdte yr manyeenptcr eo,v iadb eads is for atnrcduo smtm ittmheacntot u fludr tohtehree xrc hgaenIsn .o w seteh mayts tru(ghgvalien\J ge erna iisnaew do rolfcd o mmeracnida l Deweyapnr agmattoin sdmue)r sthaonw,d p eocpoluefl edte hla at pureslayc riendv,i siinbtlaent,gic ieob mlmei tthteetmdoo na.neo ther, in ftahcoeef c ontrsaerlyfe -sitnpstl,ea ryaer do liend evelompyi ng understoafcn odmimnugne ictoyn omy. WheInl atdeirs coverAemde rLidacetapinen n dtehnecoMyra yr,x ­ isma,n dn eoRicaercdoinaonmt ihceesc o,n oimnifco rmfaortmi on Panasmuad ndlemya dsee nasneId,w roats et uodnyt he devastating consequoeftn hcee sc fhraonsmgle ef -sufafgirciicetunlomtt a urrkee t cronpgpI.its3 e emteomd e t hatt htrhteehe e otrhioeusdg,eh v eloped inL atAimne riacnadn ineteentEhu-rcoepnet,u royf fered building blofcokcrso nstraug cetnieenrcgao ln oamnitch ropTohleotsgheye .o ­ rieusn,lti hkmeeo raebt sraacntid n dividounaeslsti,asw rtititc chl ass strucotru drtiehef erf enctoimamla onfrd e souarncsdeh soh,wo wt his control influenocfwe esa littnmhh ae r kaeelxtlc ohcaTanhtgeieyo. n suggtehsamtta telriimfaaelyb ef ilwlietcdho nfelxipclto,i atnadt ion, inconsissutceahnsf c airemsi,n fgo srbu obtshi satnfedo ngrca ei n. For thPea nasmtau tdhyu,Is u ,s edde veltohpeeotdrou y n dersltoacnadl practaincvdeo si cbeusItd ; i ndo cto nsider why wtehrees e theories generaaplpllyi ncoahrbo lwae t heoirtysm ealyrf e floerbc eit n flu­ encbeydt hseo ccioanld iitnwi hoinicsdth e vpesl.o Upocno mpletthisintsgu Idr ye,c onsmiyd eprwaehtdeh In a sked mysehlofwa ctorsa'n mdve oainciecnsog ucslo dn trtioab nuu tned er­ stangod fei cnonolmiaifncetd h eoIrnyf.l ubeynt chweeod r okfG eertz (1793)a nSda hl(i17n96)sI ,w ondehroewtd h aen thropocloong­ical cepotfc ultcuoruebl edf itttoee cdo nomEivcesn.t uIha olnletyhd,e isstuoaes inqgulees twihoaintcs: u lteucroanlo ?mT ihcipssu zzsleet meo ffa onnt erwa Iiw lo.r kmeydw ayt hrotuhg"ehus bstantivist" vieowfK arPlo laannydti h ien stitutoifTo hnoarlsiVtseembi lne n. Botwhr itaerirens s tituotriioennatlebldoy,to hfa fgneedrn etrhaelo ­ rioefse cono-moyn bea soendt huen iverosfha ulmiatinyn stincts, 4 COMMUNITYM,A RKETA,N D CULTURE thoet hoenrt hwea ytsh at alnadln adb aorrse h apaenddu sed in socieOtfti hetesw .oo ,n lVye bl-epnr agmaatnisdsy tm bo-liins­t quiriendta oc tomresa'n iWnigtsth.h tihse maen da nthropaosl ogy myg uiIdb ee,g taon esceoen omcyo nasst rtuhcrtoefudogm lhko dels anmde tap.hT4oh reds eveloping lpeedr tsmoqpe ue ecstttiihvoeen way uwseu adlelfyti hneeec ono-amsyc onsiosfgt oionadgns sd e rv­ ictersa nsianmc atrekd-e atnstd o b es cepotfie csasle ntialist theories ine conomOintc hsoe.n sei dIae r,g utehdam ta tearcitamilao ynb e constrtuhcrtoerudeg lhi gsioocuisa,l , or other "non-economic" prac­ ticfersow mh itchh ey cannot obnte h oest ehpIeap rrr,ao tpeodse;d thtahte wraens o u nderl"yrtiu"nem go,d oefle conobmuymt,u ltiple, meanngiffuolr mulwaittihopinansr ticcuulltauTrro de esm.o nstrate thber eaodftt hhci lsa Iia mn,a lyszoemtdeh eorwertiitciianWnl eg sst ­ ern ecoansco umlitcusr al cIotfnh steth reuoocrfDti aievosRin idsc .a rdo ort heei ghteenth-centuryf rpochmuy lstiuofrarcamrlealdty s derived experiaenandcc hei,e ved thpeoiwrpe aprr ebtrylrs yeu faassihvieo ning acceppeterdc ephtoiwdo infsf,ew reertneht ef yr otmh eet hnographic modeWlhsy?s houwlead c ceWpets tern atsbh eeiocnrrgio esss -cul­ turally cooran shv aivniacsn ipgne gcg iraals epc oonno emsisce ntials, thsee arfocwrhh ich bmeaam yo deWrens,t oebrsne ssion? Evewnh iflien isthhieinnsgd eahvoowre,vI he artd,o a dmitI that nowh aadc olleocfst eipoanmr oadtee-li sllusttrhea tihnugma n cul­ turcaalp a-cibtunytow ayt od evealc oopm pareactoinvoeam ni­c thropoIal loksgnoye .tw h laotc parla ctiincteewsri stethch te epcrtosj oft hose aoc uotmsmiudnweih tomy a yp rovpiowdeer fpuelr suasions anldi mointw sh amta yb ea chieEvceodn.o mniole ests,hs at nh eories v abotuhte nme,v eexrtii sni sola(tdieostnph ireet aed itnhgam to dern economgiisvtteots hR eo binCsrounss oteoa rnyrd e proidntu hceei r bounded wmiotedhxe olgse vnaoruis)a b.l es Iw enbta ctkot h fei etlhde,r eafnoudrn ed,e ratr oeoske parrocjhe ct inr urCaoll omwbiitah ARlibveer-rftiraoe nadn fdo rmsetru dent.5 Undtehrue m breclolnac ecpotn voefr scaotmimounnaiwlte si teusd,­ ieldo claaln guaangdpe r acttihcceeo sn,s trainwthsi cthuh nedye r opetaatnetd,h r ee laotfci hoann gtienxigtnm s o deercno notmoi cs botWhe�f 6o utnhda t thea nlpdar nagcutoaiftgc heee s rduwrelalle rs resemsbolmeWede steecronn omic otfeh aerolriieerss u ctahis m es, physiocrdaicsyc.o bvTrehoriaysd oeuncreo dn versfaowtrei s ounr,­ mistehdaE tu ropeecaonn otmhieco rtihsetmss ewlervieen sf luenced bym odeilnts h eliorcc aolm muniatntidhe esss,ae mc eo nstwreurcet s convetyote hdNe e wW orltdh rotuhgpehr acticalo ffb aerhma­vior erlsa,b orseorlsda,in eJdre ss,u wihtesr,e thbeeye nh aavlet ered but remarienc ogneiszpaebcilinaea g lrlaycr oinatneT xhtetssh.ee owreirees parotfo ulre arnaiswn agsp, a sfti eldswoow rebk e,g taon osuere

University of Minnesota, and I am grateful to the University as well as from our many discussions about the ethnography and larger issues (He meant seeing social practice as physics or unintended in Latin America and nineteenth-century Europe, offered building categories in philosophy.
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