THEANTHROPOGENICGREENHOUSEERA BEGANTHOUSANDSOFYEARSAGO WILLIAMF.RUDDIMAN DepartmentofEnvironmentalSciences,UniversityofVirginia,Charlottesville,VA22904,U.S.A. E-mail:[email protected] Abstract. Theanthropogenic eraisgenerally thought tohavebegun 150 to200years ago, when theindustrialrevolutionbeganproducingCO2andCH4atratessufficienttoaltertheircompositions in the atmosphere. A different hypothesis is posed here: anthropogenic emissions of these gases firstaltered atmospheric concentrations thousands of years ago. Thishypothesis isbased on three arguments. (1) Cyclic variations in CO and CH driven by Earth-orbital changes during the last 2 4 350,000 years predict decreases throughout theHolocene, but theCO2 trendbegan ananomalous increase8000yearsago, andtheCH4 trenddidso5000yearsago.(2)Publishedexplanations for thesemid-tolate-Holocenegasincreasesbasedonnaturalforcingcanberejectedbasedonpaleocli- maticevidence.(3)Awidearrayofarcheological,cultural,historicalandgeologicevidencepoints to viable explanations tied to anthropogenic changes resulting from early agriculture in Eurasia, includingthestartofforestclearanceby8000yearsagoandofriceirrigationby5000yearsago.In recentmillennia,theestimatedwarmingcausedbytheseearlygasemissionsreachedaglobal-mean value of ∼0.8◦C and roughly 2◦C athigh latitudes, largeenough tohavestopped aglaciationof northeasternCanadapredictedbytwokindsofclimaticmodels.CO oscillationsof∼10ppminthe 2 last 1000 years are too largeto be explained by external (solar-volcanic) forcing, but they can be explained by outbreaks of bubonic plague thatcaused historicallydocumented farmabandonment inwesternEurasia.Forestregrowthonabandonedfarmssequesteredenoughcarbontoaccountfor the observed CO2 decreases. Plague-driven CO2 changes were also a significant causal factor in temperaturechangesduringtheLittleIceAge(1300–1900AD). 1. Introduction CrutzenandStoermer(2000)calledthetimeduringwhichindustrial-erahumanac- tivitieshavealteredgreenhouse gasconcentrations intheatmosphere (andthereby affectedEarth’sclimate)the‘Anthropocene’.Theyplaceditsstartat1800A.D.,the timeofthefirstslowincreases ofatmospheric CO andCH concentrations above 2 4 previous longer-term values. Implicit in this view is a negligible human influence ongasconcentrations andEarth’sclimatebefore1800AD. The hypothesis advanced here is that the Anthropocene actually began thou- sands of years ago as a result of the discovery of agriculture and subsequent technological innovations in the practice of farming. This alternate view draws ontwolines ofevidence. First, theorbitally controlled variations inCO and CH 2 4 concentrationsthathadpreviouslyprevailedforseveralhundredthousandyearsfail toexplaintheanomalousgastrendsthatdevelopedinthemiddleandlateHolocene. ClimaticChange 61: 261–293,2003. ©2003KluwerAcademicPublishers. PrintedintheNetherlands. 262 WILLIAMF.RUDDIMAN Second, evidence from palynology, archeology, geology, history, and cultural an- thropology shows that human alterations of Eurasian landscapes began at a small scale during the late stone age 8000 to6000 years ago and then grew muchlarger during the subsequent bronze and iron ages. The initiation and intensification of these human impacts coincide with, and provide a plausible explanation for, the divergence of the ice-core CO and CH concentrations from the natural trends 2 4 predicted byEarth-orbital changes. 2. EarlyAnthropogenicMethaneEmissions Several studies have inferred anthropogenic methane emissions in pre-industrial centuries(forexample,Etheridgeetal.,1996),butRuddimanandThomson(2001) proposedthatlarge-scale generation ofmethanebyhumansactuallybeganbackin the middle Holocene, when natural processes lost control of methane trends. For hundreds of thousands of years, CH concentrations in Vostok ice had followed 4 the 23,000-year orbital insolation cycle (Figure 1a). The highly coherent match between methane and insolation reveals this natural orbital control. Age offsets betweenthetimescaleshown(fromRuddimanandRaymo,2003)andearliertime scales based on ice-flow models (Jouzel et al., 1993; Petit et al., 1999) lie within theestimatederrorsofthelatter. This coherent relationship supports the view that orbital-scale methane varia- tions primarily reflect changes in the strength of tropical monsoons (Chappelaz et al., 1990; Blunier et al., 1995; Brook et al., 1996). The orbital monsoon theory of Kutzbach (1981) posits that increases in summer insolation heat land masses and cause airto rise, andthe rising air lowerssurface pressures anddrawsinmoist air fromtheocean.Astheincomingoceanairrisesoverhightopography andcools,it dropsmoistureinheavymonsoonrains.Themonsoonrainsfloodwetlands,which release methane. Themethane signal follows a23,000-year tempobecause orbital precessiondominatessummerinsolationchangesatlowlatitudeswheremonsoons occur. Differences in CH concentrations in Greenland versus Antarctic ice indicate 4 that ∼2/3 of the CH flux on orbital time scales comes from tropical monsoon 4 sources, and the remaining third from high northern latitudes (Chappellaz et al., 1997; Brook et al., 2000). Both of these sources follow the same 23,000-year tempo, because the insolation peaks that heat low-latitude landmasses and create monsoonsalsowarmhigherlatitude wetlandsthatreleaseadditional CH . 4 Annually layered GRIP ice in Greenland provides a more stringent test of these proposed controls (Figure 1b). The most recent CH maximum is centered 4 between 11,000 and 10,500 years ago (Blunier et al., 1995), coincident with the last maximum in July (mid-summer) insolation. This timing agrees both with the orbitalmonsoontheoryandwithsimultaneousprecessioncontrolofboreal(mainly Siberian) CH sources. Although brief CH minima interrupted this trend during 4 4 THEANTHROPOGENICGREENHOUSEERABEGANTHOUSANDSOFYEARSAGO 263 Figure1. Comparisonof JulyinsolationvaluesfromBergerandLoutre(1996) withice-corecon- centrationsofatmosphericCH .(a)Long-termVostokCH recordofPetitetal.(1999),usingtime 4 4 scaleof RuddimanandRaymo(2003). (b) GRIPCH4 recordfromBlunieretal.(1995), datedby counting annual layers. Early Holocene CH4 trend projected in late Holocene to values reached duringpreviousearly-interglacialCH4minima. 264 WILLIAMF.RUDDIMAN theYounger Dryasand near8100 yrsBP,CH values then returned tothebroader 4 trendpredicted bytheEarth-orbital forcing. This expected pattern continued until 5000 years ago, with the decline in CH 4 values matching the decrease of insolation. Near 5000 yrs BP, however, the CH 4 signal began a slow increase that departed from the continuing decrease expected from the orbital-monsoon theory (Figure 1b). This increase, which continued through thelateHolocene, culminated inacompletely anomalous situation bythe startoftheindustrialera.Withinsolationforcingataminimum,CH valuesshould 4 also have reached a minimum, yet they had instead returned to the 700-ppb level typical of a full monsoon (Figure 1b). The late-Holocene CH trend cannot be 4 explained by the natural orbital CH control that had persisted for the previous 4 350,000years(Figure1a). DecreasesintheCH concentrationgradientbetweenGreenlandandAntarctica 4 indicate that the late Holocene CH increase came from north-tropical sources 4 rather than from boreal sources near the latitude of Greenland (Chappellaz et al., 1997; Brook et al., 2000). Chappellaz et al. (1997) concluded that the increased tropical CH emissions since 5000 BP could have come from natural or human 4 sources, orsomecombination ofthetwo. Ruddiman and Thomson (2001) pointed out that the broad-scale moisture pat- terns assembled by COHMAP (1988) from large arrays of pollen and lake-level data overwhelmingly confirm an ongoing drying trend after 9000 yrs BP across tropical Africa, Arabia, India, and Asia. As a result, natural (monsoonal) sources could not possibly have been responsible for the CH increase and should in- 4 stead have caused afurther decrease. Theyconcluded that the CH increase could 4 only have been anthropogenic in origin. They further noted that humans had adaptedwildricetocultivationby7500yrsBP(Chang,1976;GloverandHigham, 1996) and had begun to irrigate rice near 5000 yrs BP (Roberts, 1998). By 2000 years ago, advanced civilizations in China and India had organized large-scale water-management projectsforirrigation andotheruses. Ruddiman and Thomson (2001) proposed that the actual size of the anthro- pogenicCH anomalyjustpriortotheindustrialeramusthavebeenlargerthanthe 4 observed increase (Figure 1b). They reasoned that the full anomaly must include not just the 100-ppb CH rise observed since 5000 years BP, but also the natural 4 decrease thatwouldhaveoccurred hadtheCH trendcontinued falling alongwith 4 summer insolation. One basis for estimating the full anomaly is evident from the long Vostok CH record in Figure 1a. Most CH minima are ‘clipped’ (truncated) 4 4 near a value of 450 ppb, except for lower values near large glacial maxima. The fullCH anomalycausedbyhumansistherefore∼250ppb,thedifferencebetween 4 the‘natural’450-ppb valueandthe700-ppblevelactuallyreachedjustpriortothe industrial era. The measured CH increase of 100 ppb can be explained by a simple linear 4 scaling of 1990 population and anthropogenic CH emissions to 1750 population 4 levels, but the full 250-ppb anomaly requires an early anthropogenic CH source 4 THEANTHROPOGENICGREENHOUSEERABEGANTHOUSANDSOFYEARSAGO 265 that was disproportionately large compared to human populations in 1750 AD. Ruddiman and Thomson (2001) suggested that the most likely such source is the inefficiencyofearlyriceirrigation:extensivelyfloodedwetlandsharboringnumer- ous weeds would have emitted large amounts of methane while feeding relatively fewpeople. In summary, the ‘anomalous’ late Holocene CH increase cannot be explained 4 by natural forcing, but it coincides closely with innovations in agriculture that produce methane in abundance. The anthropogenic greenhouse era began at least 5000yearsago. 3. TheHoloceneCO TrendIsAlsoAnomalous 2 Carbondioxideisamuchmoreabundantgasthanmethane,anditsvariationshave hadalargerclimaticimpactoveralltimescales.Theissueaddressedinthissection is whether or not the late-Holocene CO trend exhibited the ‘natural’ behavior 2 typical of longer orbital time scales or became ‘anomalous’. Natural orbital-scale CO trends are more complicated than those of methane. CO variations occur at 2 2 allthreeorbitalperiods,withthe100,000-yearcycledominant(Loriusetal.,1985; Petitetal.,1999).TheoriginsoftheseCO cyclesarenotyetclear.Thisuncertainty 2 complicates effortstoproject natural CO trends intotheHolocene anddetect any 2 ‘anomalous’ trend(similartothatofmethane) OnewaytodetectanyanomalouspatternistocompareHoloceneCO trendsto 2 previous interglaciations, the timesthatprovide the closest climatic analogs inthe naturalrecord(Figure2a).Eachofthelastfourdeglaciationshasbeenmarkedbya rapidCO risetoamaximumtimedjustahead ofanicevolume(δ18O)minimum. 2 Forthethreeprevious interglaciations, CO valuesthendropped steadily formore 2 than 10,000 years (Figure 2b). Attimes, the CO decreases leveled offbriefly, but 2 innocasedidtheyreversedirectionandreturntothelate-deglacialCO maximum. 2 The Holocene trend is different. Indermuhle et al. (1999) published a high- resolution, high-precision CO record of the last 11,000 years at Taylor Dome, 2 Antarctica (Figure 2c). Thisrecord confirmed atrend in thelower-resolution Vos- tokrecordofFigures2a,b.CO valuesreachedapeakof268ppmbetween11,000 2 and 10,000 years ago. This late-deglacial peak has the same relative placement as the CO peaks reached during the three previous deglaciations. CO values then 2 2 decreased to 261 ppm by 8000 years ago, initially following a downward trend similartothethreeearlierinterglaciations. Near8000yearsago,however,theCO trendbeganananomalousincreasethat 2 hasnocounterpart inanyofthethreeprecedinginterglaciations, withvaluesrising in recent millennia to 280–285 ppm, some 15 ppm above the late-deglacial peak. This20–25ppmCO increaseduringthelast8000yearsisanomalousinamanner 2 similartotheCH increase ofthelast5000years. 4 266 WILLIAMF.RUDDIMAN Figure 2. Concentrations of atmospheric CO2 in Antarcticice cores. (a) CO2 trends fromVostok ice record of Petit et al. (1999) using time scale of Ruddiman and Raymo (2003). Marine δ18O signalfromSPECMAP(Imbrieetal.,1984).(b)CO2trendsduring4deglacial-interglacialintervals. Asterisksmarklate-deglacialCO maxima;circlesshowpositionsofearly-interglacialCH minima 2 4 that follow 11,000 years later during insolation minimasimilar to today. (c) High-resolution CO 2 recordfromTaylorDomeofIndermuhleetal.(1999).Early-HoloceneCO trendprojectedduring 2 lateHolocenetowardcircledvaluesreachedduringpreviousinterglaciations. THEANTHROPOGENICGREENHOUSEERABEGANTHOUSANDSOFYEARSAGO 267 As was also the case for CH , the full Holocene CO anomaly must actually 4 2 be larger than the observed increase, because it should also include the amount bywhichtheCO concentration wouldhavefallenhaditcontinued thedownward 2 trend typical of previous interglaciations. The natural 23,000-year ‘metronome’ embedded inthe CH record at Vostok (Figure 1a) provides away to estimate the 4 sizeofthisexpectedCO decrease. 2 Today, summer insolation is at a minimum at low latitudes (Figure 1b). If an- thropogenic CH emissions had not over-ridden the natural monsoon control for 4 thelast5000years,presentCH valueswouldalsobeatanorbital-scale minimum 4 trailing one half-cycle (11,000 years) behind the late-deglacial CH maximum. 4 This insolation/CH link allows us to pinpoint the analogous levels in the ice- 4 corerecord ofthethreeearlier interglaciations. Theselevelsoccur atthefirstCH 4 minimumaftertheprominent late-deglacial CH maxima. 4 The positions of these previous early-interglacial CH minima are marked by 4 open circles in Figure 2b. The CO concentrations at these levels range from 235 2 to251ppmandimplythatCO concentrationsshouldnaturallyhavefallento240– 2 245 ppm by pre-industrial times. Instead, CO values slowly rose to the observed 2 range of 280–285 ppm. The full Holocene CO anomaly is then ∼40 ppm, rather 2 thanthe25-ppm increaseobserved. A potentially more insightful way to evaluate the possibility of anomalous CO behavior in the Holocene is to examine the CO trends at each of the three 2 2 major orbital cycles, define their natural phasing with respect to changes in the corresponding orbital parameters, and thenproject this average long-term phasing forward into the Holocene. The CH -tuned time scale of Ruddiman and Raymo 4 (2003) shown in Figure 1a provides an objective way to do this, because it was created without using CO in the tuning process. The average phases between 2 CO and the orbital parameters in this time scale also match those determined 2 byShackleton(2000)basedonorbitaltuningoftheice-corerecordofatmospheric δ18O (agas)tothemarineδ18Osignal. atm The phase of the 23,000-year CO signal lags northern hemisphere summer 2 insolation by less than 1000 years. This phasing predicts a CO maximum near 2 10,000 years ago, followed by a continuous CO decrease until the present. The 2 observedCO recordmatchesthispredictionuntil8000yearsago,buttheCO rise 2 2 sincethattimeisanomalous.Thephaseofthe41,000-yearCO signallagssummer 2 insolation by an average of 6,500 years and predicts a CO decrease beginning 2 3500 years ago. The observed rise in CO disagrees with this prediction during 2 the last 3500 years. At the dominant 100,000-year cycle, CO is nearly in phase 2 witheccentricity,althoughlargevariationsinrelativephasingoccurbetweencycles (Raymo, 1997). Because the last eccentricity maximum occurred ∼13,500 years ago, a CO maximum should have occurred at or near that time, followed by a 2 long-term decrease. The observed CO increase since 8000 yrs BP disagrees with 2 this prediction. In summary, separate analysis of CO signals at all three orbital 2 cycles confirms the conclusion derived from a direct comparison of the last four 268 WILLIAMF.RUDDIMAN interglaciations: the observed 20–25 ppm CO increase since 8000 years ago is 2 anomalous. This conclusion might be challenged based on the argument that insolation changes at the precession cycle have been smaller in the last 10,000 years than in previous interglaciations because of weaker amplification by the 413,000-year eccentricity cycle. Such a conclusion can be refuted by two arguments. First, the amplitude of insolation changes at the precession cycle varied by comparable amountsamongthethreepreviousinterglaciationsforthesamereason,yetallshow decreasingCO trends.Itisdifficulttoseewhyanadditionaldecreaseininsolation 2 attheprecession cycleshould causeacompletereversalintheCO trend.Inaddi- 2 tion,changesofinsolation attheobliquity cyclehavebeennearlyidenticalinboth direction and amplitude during all four intervals. The late Holocene CO trend is 2 anomalous. 4. PreviousExplanationsfortheCO Increase 2 Twoexplanations based onnatural processes have been proposed fortheCO rise 2 since8000BP.Thissectionevaluates (andrejects)thoseexplanations. 4.1. NATURAL LOSS OF TERRESTRIAL BIOMASS Indermuhleetal.(1999)proposedthatthe20–25ppmCO increaseduringthelast 2 8000 years resulted from a slow natural loss of terrestrial biomass. They chose terrestrial carbon as the likely explanation because of a negative trend in δ13C values of atmospheric CO during that interval. Terrestrial carbon has an average 2 δ13C value near –25(cid:1), whereas the large ocean carbon reservoirs average close to 0(cid:1). As a result, an atmospheric trend towards negative δ13C values indicates a growing influx of terrestrial carbon. Indermuhle and colleagues used the Bern carbon-cycle model to assess possible combinations of carbon release from the land and uptake by the ocean because of surface-water cooling. The best model fittothese constraints indicated a terrestrial biomass loss ofslightly less than 200 GtCbetween7000and1000yearsago. Indermuhleetal.(1999)notedthatresultsfromonebiomemodelpointedtothe north tropics as a potential source of terrestrial carbon. The model indicated a 30 GtClossintheSahelregionofnorth-tropical Africawheremonsoonmoisturewas decreasing. However, 85% of the inferred biomass loss remained unexplained by this result. More importantly, other vegetation modeling spanning a global scale argues against majorbiomass lossesfromnatural causes during theHolocene. Fo- ley(1994) published anestimate ofbiomass changes between 6000 years agoand today,usingaprocess-basedecosystemmodelcalledDEMETER.First,changesin surface climateweresimulated bydriving theGenesis global climatemodelusing changesinorbitalparametersbetween6000yearsagoandthepresent.Then,major THEANTHROPOGENICGREENHOUSEERABEGANTHOUSANDSOFYEARSAGO 269 vegetation groups were simulated using the global biome model of Prentice et al. (1992). Finally, the DEMETER model was used to convert the simulated biome changestoestimatesofcarbon-budget changes. In the tropics, the estimated net change in carbon storage between 6000 yrs BP and today was negligible (Table Ia). As in Indermuhle et al. (1999), carbon losses occurred where deserts advanced into grasslands as the northward limit of the summer monsoon retreated. But these losses were canceled by larger carbon gains along the northern margins of the tropical forests where rainfall increased becauseofthemorepersistent year-round presence ofmonsoonrains. Holocene biomass losses might also be anticipated in boreal regions because decliningsummerinsolationcausedexpansionoftundraintoareasofformerboreal forest and taiga (Nichols, 1975). But again, the net change in carbon simulated by DEMETERwas minimal: increased carbon storage in soils beneath advancing tundra offset above-ground carbon losses from retreating taiga and boreal forest (Table Ia). Overall, the DEMETER model simulated a natural global carbon de- creaseof36Gtfrom6000yrsBPuntiltoday,equivalent tojust∼1.5%ofthetotal terrestrial carbon biomass estimated for both 6000 yrs BP and today (Table Ib). The 36 GtC loss accounts for only ∼18% of the ∼200-GtC change calculated by Indermuhle et al. (1999) as necessary to explain the observed 20–25 ppm CO 2 increase. And if the full CO anomaly is actually ∼40 ppm, proportional scaling 2 puts the full carbon requirement at ∼320 GtC. In that case, natural changes in carbon since 6000 years ago can explain only ∼11% of the required terrestrial loss. ThePMIP project examined results of experiments comparing natural changes between 6000 yrs BPand today using ten general circulation models (Harrison et al., 1998). The climatic output from each model was used as input to the biome model of Prentice et al. (1992) to predict global-scale changes in biome groups. Althoughthesecomparisons didnotattempttoestimatecarbonbiomass,theypro- vide an indication ofwhether or not the biome-model results used in the Demeter modelarereasonable. Alltenmodelsgavethesamedirectionofbiomechangesin thetropicalandborealregionsdiscussedabove,andtheestimatesfromtheGenesis modelusedbyFoleyfallclosetothemiddleofthemodelrange.Theseresultsindi- catethatthebiomeestimatesusedbyFoley(1994)arerepresentativeofthecurrent state of such models. The model-to-model variations also suggest that the small change in the global carbon budget from 6000 yrs BP to today simulated by the DEMETERmodelisnotlikelytobesignificantlydifferentfromzero.Insummary, natural changes invegetation cannot bethemajorcause ofthelate-Holocene CO 2 increase. ChangesinOceanCarbonate Chemistry Broeckeretal.(1999)proposedthattheoceancouldhavecausedthelate-Holocene CO increase (Figure 3).Theynoted thatprior to 8000 years ago forests had been 2 expanding across vast areas where ice sheets had just melted. They proposed that 270 WILLIAMF.RUDDIMAN TableI Estimatesofcarbonstorage(inGtC)fromDEMETERmodel(Foley,1994) Vegetation Litter Soils a.NetCbiomasschangesfrom6000BPtotoday Tropics Tropicalrainforest +5 0 +3 Tropicalseasonalforest +19 +1 +13 Tropicaldryforest +1 –1 0 Warmgrassandshrub(C4?) –5 –5 –22 Total +20 –5 –6 Nettropicalchange:+9GtC Borealregions Tundra +3 +I +48 Borealforest/taiga –23 –4 –29 Coolconifer 0 0 0 Total –20 –3 +19 Netborealchange:–4GtC Globaltotal –33 –16 +13 Netglobalchange:–36GtC b.Carbonavailableinforestbiomesat6000BP Borealforest/taiga 124 23 229 Coolconifer 65 7 55 Coldmixed 9 1 13 Coolmixed 67 13 91 Broad-leafevergreen/mixed 77 12 104 Colddeciduous 28 4 63 Temp.deciduous 72 13 84 Tropicaldryforest 73 18 128 Tropicalseasonalforest 92 4 71 Tropicalrainforest 129 3 65 Total 736 98 903 TotalGlobalForestcarbon:1737Gt