An Innovative Antenna Design Tool: The Antenna Design Software BY Michael Sluter A Thesis in The Department of Electrical Engineering Presented in partial fùlfïUment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science Concordia University, Montreal Quebec, Canada May 200 1 O Mi ke S later, 200 1 Bibliothèque naîionale du Canada AÇquWons and Acquisit'ins et Bibliogtaphic Services services bibliiraphiques 395 w.lurgQri Street 395. nie welingm OctawaON KlAON4 OUawaON K 1 A W canada canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence dowing the exclusive permettant à la National Libfary of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distniute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de aaicrofiche/fdm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur fomat électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial exbracts &om it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. An lnnovative Antenna Design Tool: The Antenna Design Software Michael David Slater Antenna design starts with a desired electrical performance, stating the minimum gain, beamwidth andor other parameters, across a specified bandwidth. An antenna type is chosen, and then trial-and-error is used to choose the dimensions. An initial set of dimensions is used to find the antenna's performance, either by cornputer simulation or by measurement. If the performance fails to meet the specification, the dimensions are adjusted, and performance again found, the process is repeated until suitable dimensions are found. This thesis presents a realization of an antenna design zoo1 created with MATLAB, called the Anrenna Design Sofiware. The Antenna Design Software cm be used to study any antenna system that cm be designed using two primary geometrical design parameters. The ADS effectively reverses the approach of antenna simulation programs. The ADS accepts the desired electrical performance as the input then determines al1 the possible combinations of geometrical dimensions that meet this performance for one antenna type. There may be many possible sets of dimensions, or conversely there may be no set of dimensions that rneets the required performance. The thesis illustrates a repertoire of related antenna types, with databases for a simple helix antenna, a helix tenninated with a matching section and a helix having a ground cup. The power of the ADS can be greatly increased by developing a library of antenna types that are then at the design engineer's fingertips. Dedication In this dedication 1 would like to acknowledge and thank al1 the people who helped me to realize this thesis. There are so many people w ho contributed in their own way that 1 am sure 1 will omit some narnes. To those people 1 apologize. The first people 1 would like to thank are al1 the people who helped me achieve my undergraduate degree. Without that, this thesis would never have existed. Thanks to my schoolmates Ken Deegen, Les Raschkowen, Ted Obuchowicz, Don Davis, Iain Bryson and al1 my fellow undergraduates from '95. Thanks to dl my professors, notably Dr. Paknys, Dr. Landsberger, Dr. Ai-Khalili and al1 the professors who helped me dong the way. 1 heartil y thank Pam Fox and David Gaudine h m t he EMC lab at Loyola for their invaluable support and patience. Thanks to my pareants, Jean & Chuck, and sisters, Judy & Adeie, for appreciating my efforts and understanding my reclusiveness. Thanks to my children Alexander, Ryan and Madeleine. "Daddy's coming home!". Thanks to Dr. Stan Kubina for providing the environment, opportunity and encouragement for me to pursue a graduate degree. Thanks to my mentor and partner, Dr. Trueman. Your insight, encouragement and belief in my abilities have helped us contribute a practical and innovate tool for antenna designers. We started with a small seed and it blossomed into this thesis. 1 am pteful. Last but not least 1 thank my wife Lesley, the thesis widow. Your [ove, encouragement and support have been the foundation this thesis was built on. 1 love you. ............................................................................................. Table of Contents v 1. The Antenna Design Roblem .................................. .. ......................... 1 1.1 Introduction ...................... ... .......................................................................... 1 ............................ .. ..........*.................... 1.2 Two-Parameter Anienna Systems 6 1.2.1 The Cylindrical Helix Antenna .......................... .. .............................. 6 1.2.2 The Two Dipole Array ............................................................................ 7 1.3 Antenna Specifications ...................................................................................... 8 ..................................................................................... 1.4 Overview of the Thesis 9 ................ ....... . ............................... The Antenna Design Software 11 ..................................................................................................... 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 The Design Window ......................................................... ... ............................ 12 ............................................................................................... 2.3 Design Controls 13 ................................................................................ 2.4 The Operational Controls 14 ............................................................................ 2.4.1 The Check Pushbutton 14 ............................................................................... 2.4.2 The Exit Pushbutton 15 ..................................................................... 2.4.3 The Freq-Plots Pushbutton 15 2.5 Display Controls. .............................................................................................1 7 ........................................................................ 2.5.1 The Contour Pushbutton 17 ........................................................................... 2.5.2 The Movie Pushbutton 19 ...................................................................................... 2.6 Database Controt 2 0 ............................................................................................ 2.7 Menu Bar Control 20 2.7.1 Resolution Control. .................................................................................2 0 3 . Cylindrical Helix Antemas ................................................................ 22 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 22 .............................................................................. 3.2 Simple Cylindrical Helices 23 3.3 Complex Helix Antennas ................................................................................ 30 .................................................................................... 3.4 Matching sections 3 1 3.5 Ground Systems .................................................. .. ...................................... 33 .......................................................................... 3.5.1 Infinite Ground Plane 3 4 ........................................................................................... 3.5.2 GroundDisk 35 ............................................................................................ 3.5.3 Ground Cup 36 3.5.4 Including a Ground System in the ADS Database ................................. 36 3.6 Helical Antenna Design using Parametric Design Curves ............................. . 37 ......................................................................................................... 3.7 Surnrnary 41 . ......................................... 4 Building the ADS Database 4.1 Introduction ...................................... ................... 4 2 .- ............................................... 4.2 The Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) 42 4.3 Modelling a Helix Antenna .......................................................................... 46 4.4 Frequency Scaling ........................................................................................ 49 4.5 Creating the Database for the Helix Above Perfect Ground ......................... 52 4.6 Database Structure. ...................................................................................... 5 3 4.7 Sumrnary ......................................................................................................... 54 ....................... ... ............. . ................................ How The ADS Works -55 .................................................................................................... 5.1 Introduction 5 5 .................................................... 5.2 Design Window & Performance Metrics 5 5 5.3 The Database ................... .. .......................................................................... 56 5.4 Interpolation .................................................................................................... 58 5.5 Frequenc y Range .............. .... .................................................................. 5 9 5.6 Finding the Solution Space ............................................................................. 59 ................................................................ 5.7 Contour Maps and Frequency Plots 61 5.8 Summary .................................... .... ................................................................. 62 6 . Helix Antenna Design Using The ADS ........................... .... ............. -63 6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 63 6.2 A Simple Design Exarnple .............................................................................. 64 6.2.1 Gain. Axial Ratio and Bearnwidth Contour Maps ............... .. .............. 65 6.2.2 Frequency Plots ...................................................................................... 67 6.3 Exploring the Limiting Factors ................................................................ 6 9 6.4 Choosing a Specific Design ........................................................................... 71 6.5 A Simple Design Example Revisited .............................................................. 71 6.6 Developing a Performance Specification with the ADS ................................. 73 6.6.1 Applying the ADS .................................................................................. 74 6.7 Design Choices ............... .. ..........................................................................8 0 6.8 Sununary ......................................................................................................... 81 7. User Databases: Helix Antema With A Ground Cup ........................ 82 ................................................................................................... 7.1 Introduction 8 2 .............................................................................. 7.2 The Standard Ground Cup 8 2 7.3 Creating the Database. ..................................................................................... 83 ......................................................................... 7.4 A Simple Design Cornparison 84 7.5 A Compiex Design Cornparison ..................... ....... . ..................................... 86 7.6 Summary .........................................................................................................8 7 8 . The ADS Applied To Another Two-Parameter Antenna Sy stem .......8 8 ..................................................................................................... 8.1 Introduction 88 ................................................................................ 8.2 The Performance Metrics 89 8.3 Creating the Database ............... .... ..................................................... 9 0 ............................................................................................. 8.4 An Initial Design 91 ............................................................................................... 8.5 The Refinement 93 8.5.1 Bandwidth Refinement .......................................................................... 94 8.5.2 Beamwidth Refinement ......................... .... ..................................... 9 4 ............................................................................... 8.5.3 Gain Refinement 9 6 8.6 Final Design .................................................................................................... 98 8.7 Summary ......................................................................................................... 99 9 . Conclusion ......................................................................................... 100 ................. ........ .......................................................................... 9.1 Introduction 100 ............................................................ 9 Recommendations For Further Work 103 ...................................................................... 9.2.1 Stand Alone Application 103 9.2.2 Database Support ....................................... . .......................................... 103 ................................................................................... 9.2.3 Database Library 104 ............ 9.2.4 Optimizing The Data-Grid Density For The Database Library 104 .................... ... ..... 9.2.5 Increasing The Number of Performance Metrics 105 ................................................................. 9.2.6 Three Parameter Simulation 105 9.2.7 User Dialogs ...... ................ . ........................................................... 106 9.3 Summary ....................................................................................................... 106 ................................................................................................... References 107 ...................................................................................................... Glossary 1 10 List of Figures and Tables Figure 1. 1 : Traditional Design-Performance Relationship. .......................................... 3 Figure 1-2: The Design Space Region .......................................................................... 5 Figure 1-3: The Simple Cylindrical Helix Geometry. . ................. . ....................... 6 Figure 1-4: Geornetry for a Two-Dipole Array with Reflectors. .................................. 7 Figure 1-5: Subset Relationship for the ADS Input-Otput. ............. .. ................ 8 Figure 2- 1: The Generalized Design Window ........................................................ 13 Figure 2-2: A Design Window for a Genenc Antenna. ..................................... . . . 1 4 Figure 2-3: The Solution Space for a Genenc Antenna. ............................................. 15 Figure 2-4: The Generalized Frequency Plot Window ...................................... . . .1 6 Figure 2-5: Frequency Plot Window for the Genenc Antenna .......................... ......... 17 Figure 2-6: 1000 MHz View Frequency Contour Plots .................... ..........,.... ........ 18 Figure 2-7: 1000 MHz View Frequency Contour Plots & Solution Space ........ .. ....... 18 .......................................... Figure 2-8: Contour Movie Window for a Helix Antenna 19 Figure 2-9: Resolution Control Menu and Pop-Up Window ........................... .. ...... 20 Figure 3-1 : The Simple Cylindrical Helix Geometry. ..................... .. ................. 2 4 Figure 3-2: Axial-Mode Radiation of the Helix Antenna .......................................... 25 ........................................ Figure 3-3: Normal-Mode Radiation of the Helix Antenna 26 Figure 3-4: Performance Metrics: Axial Ratio and Beamwidth ........................ ......... 27 ........................... .. .......... Figure 3-5: The Operation Regions for a Helical Antenna 28 Figure 3-6: Cornplex Helix Antennas ......................................................................... 31 ........................ Figure 3-7: A Cylindncal Helix with the Standard Matching Section 33 Figure 3-8: Helix Antenna Ground Systems. .............................................................. 34 Figure 3-9: The Design Process Steps. ....................................................................... 38 Figure 4-1 : Procedure used to Create the Helix Database. ........ . ................................ 48 ................................................... Figure 4-2: Directive Gain Scaling Comparison 5 1 Figure 4-3: Axial Ratio Scaling Cornparison ............................................................. 52 Table 4- 1: The ADS Database Fi le Format ................................................................ 5 3 Table 4-2: The Helix Database File Format ................................................................ 53 Figure 5- 1: One Database Frequency Page ............................................................. 5 6 Figure 5-2: The ADS Database of Frequency Pages ................... ... ...................... 57 Figure 6-1: Design Window & Solution Space for Example 1. ......... . .................... .... 65 Figure 6-2: Contour Maps for Exarnple 1. .................................................................. 66 ......................................... Figure 6-3: 12.5" 18-Tum Frequency Plots for Example 1 67 Figure 6-4: 1l .SO1 4-Tum Frequency Plots for Exampie 1. ....................... ... ......... 68 ................... Figure 6-5: Gain Contours at 850 MHz View Frequency for Example 1 69 Figure 6-6: Beamwidth Contours at 11 50 MHz View Frequency for Example 1. ..... 70 viii Figure 6-7:D esign Window & Solution Space for Exarnple 2 ................................... 72 Figure 6-8:F requency Plots for Example 2 ................................................................ 73 Figure 6-9: Design Window and Solution Space for Example 3. ............................... 75 Figure 6-1 0: Design Window & Solution Space for a Refined Specification. ........... 75 Figure 6-11 : Gain & Bearnwidth Contours for a Refined Specification. .................... 76 Figure 6-12: Solution Space for the Axial Ratio Refinement. .................................... 77 Figure 6-13:B eamwidth Contours with Axial Ratio Refinement. ............... ....... 78 Figure 6-14:D iscrete Gain Contours for the Beamwidth Refinement ....................... 79 Figure 6-15 : Solution Space & Frequency Plots for the Final Design .............. .. ..... 80 Figure 7-i:C ylindrical Helix with the Standard Ground Cup. ................................... 83 Figure 7-2:D atabase Menu in the Design Window .............. .. .................................. 84 Figure 7-3: Solution Space Cornparison 1. ............................................................... 85 Figure 74: Solution Space Cornparison 2 ................................................................. 86 Figure 8-1 : Geometry for a Two-Dipole Array with Reflectors. ................................ 88 Figure 8-2: Design Window for Dipole Array & Reflectors. ................................... 90 ..................... Figure 8-3:D esign Window and Solution Space for the Initial Design 92 Figure 84: Frequency Plot and Solution Space for H = 0.295A, S = 0.17h. .............. 92 Figure 8-5: Frequency Plot and Solution Space for H = 0.291Â, S = 0.195h. ............ 93 Figure 8-6: Contour Plots at 10 MHz ...................................................................... 95 Figure 8-7:B earnwidth Contour at 8 MHz ................................................................. 96 Figure 8-8: Gain Refinement Contour Plots ............................................................... 97 Chapter 1 The Antenna Design Problem 1.1 Introduction It is not uncommon for an antenna engineer to have a complete vision of the performance required from an antenna in order to solve a specific transmission problem. The antenna engineer intuitively knows how the antenna should perfonn over a given frequency range. That is, the antenna must achieve a certain directive gain andor have a specific beamwidth. An acceptable range of values for each performance metric, such as the gain and beamwidth, is fonnulated and defines the b4performan~spee cification"'. The antenna engineer can visualize this desired performance but may not know of an antenna type that achieves these goals. The antenna engineer's task is to choose an antenna type that can meet the desired electrical performance requirements as well as satisQ other considerations such as physical and cost restrictions. There may be several antenna types that are able to satisfy the desired performance specification. An experienced engineer has some insight into antenna charactenstics required to solve the problem and with a Iittle research the antenna engineer will choose an antenna type. Once an antenna type is selected the objective is to identify the antenna dimensions, the "design specification", that achieve the required performance specification. The antenna engineer may use a "simulation tool", which is a computational software program that calculates the electrical performance of an antenna, for a given set of dimensions. An alternate method is to build physical models and mesure their performance to arrive at a design ' This terrn and others are used in a specid sense and their definitions can be found in the glossary at the end of the thesis.