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Preview The Antarctic Sun, November 30, 2003 - United States Antarctic

Published during the austral summer at McMurdo Station, Antarctica, for the United States Antarctic Program November 30, 2003 Eclipse 2003 Polar solar phenomena By Kristan Hutchison, Peter Rejcek and Brien Barnett Sun staff Wearing paper sunglasses and bulky parkas, Antarctic workers stepped out- side on their lunch break to watch the sun and moon align Monday. On a continent with 24-hour summer daylight, most people at the National Science Foundation research stations took time to watch the rare solar eclipse, an event that won’t recur in Antarctica until 2021. “It’s the closest thing we’re going to have to a sunset in a while,” said Dave Scherer, a carpenter at McMurdo Station. At Amundsen-Scott South Pole, McMurdo and Palmer stations, people shared glasses, filters, X-ray film, welders goggles and other improvised devices to safely look at the sun. Without protection, looking at the sun would burn through the retina of a per- son’s eyes. “This is your world. Take a look,” said McMurdo X-ray technician Lori Photo by Peter Recjek / Special to The Antarctic Sun People working at the South Pole watch and photograph the solar eclipse reflected in the ceremonial pole See Eclipse on page 9 marker Monday. Particle researchers learn from sun’s fury QQUUOOTTEE OOFF TTHHEE WWEEEEKK "I work for a teaching By Brien Barnett Research Institute, Bieber is the principal university. They like me Sun staff investigator for a project called Spaceship Solar storms like the ones coming back Earth, a network of neutron monitors that to be home once in a for round two this week can knock out com- detect particle showers from cosmic rays while." - an astrophysicist munications and send astronauts at the and solar events. Neutron sensors at space station scurrying for cover, but for McMurdo and South Pole are part of the 11 those who study cosmic rays, extreme solar sites in the Arctic and Antarctic that collect I N S I D E events can be exciting. data on the effects of cosmic rays and solar Why might somebody rejoice over activity. something as violent as a coronal mass ejec- “The more large geomagnetic storms we Penguins summer at tion, which seems painful just to read? Solar have the more we can get a handle on how the research ranch storms, like the ones John Bieber of the useful this network will be for space weath- University of Delaware studies, offer er predictions,” Bieber said. page 7 opportunities to learn and, perhaps, help The goal is to study cosmic rays origi- satellite operators and communications nating far outside our solar system. Cosmic Palmer cook serves up companies prepare for the inevitable torrent rays are accelerated in the Milky Way of solar radiation that follows extreme solar galaxy and even outside it by supernovae, food and fun events. neutron stars and black holes. Cosmic rays A professor at the university’s Bartol page 12 See Cosmic on page 3 2 • The Antarctic Sun November 30, 2003 Ross Island Chronicles By Chico Here comes the South Pole traverse. Prepare to attack. Cold, hard facts Antarctic ladies’ firsts lFirst woman ashore: Caroline Mikkelsen, wife of a Norwegian whaling Hey, John. You better OH MYGOD! We’re being attacked by captain, landing on the eastern coast look out the window. penguins gone mad. Circle the wagons. Feb. 20, 1935. lFirst women to spend a year here: Edith Ronne and Jennie Darlington in 1947-48 on Stonington Island near the Peninsula. lFirst woman to do research:Prof. Marie V. Klenova, a Russian marine geologist, in summer 1956 aboard the Russian icebreakers Ob and Lena and at Mirny. lFirst women at the South Pole: geochemist Lois Jones, Terry Lee LATER ... We have enough fuel here Tickhill, Eileen McSaveney, Kay to join OPEC if we want to. Lindsay, reporter Jean Pearson, and New Zealand biologist Pam Young in 1969. lFirst American woman to head an Antarctic research station:Dr. Mary Alice McWhinnie in 1974, after working on US research ships from 1962 to 1972. Sources: The New Explorers by Barbara Land and Colin Bull. The Antarctic Sunis funded by the National Matt Davidson Science Foundation as part of the United States Antarctic Program (OPP-000373). Its primary audience is U.S. Antarctic Program participants, their families, and their friends. NSF reviews and approves material before publication, but opinions and conclusions expressed in the Sun are not necessarily those of the Foundation. Use:Reproduction and distribution are encouraged with acknowledgment of source and author. Senior Editor:Kristan Hutchison Editors: Brien Barnett Kris Kuenning Copy Editor:Geoff Jolley Wendy Kober Mark Williams Publisher:Valerie Carroll, Communications manager, RPSC Contributions are welcome.Contact the Sunat [email protected]. In McMurdo, visit “We can’t send it ASAP. We only send it USAP, our office in Building 155 or dial 2407. Web address:www.polar.org/antsun which means you’ll get it ... whenever” November 30, 2003 The Antarctic Sun • 3 Cosmic From page 1 are also produced by the Sun during coronal mass ejections, which are storms of matter and energy unleashed by the sun From the cosmic rays, researchers learn more about the origins of the universe and cosmic ray traffic patterns. Studying the effects of what Bieber calls “energetic” solar storms, may help researchers better understand and predict space weather. The solar flares that blasted the planet at the end of October were among the largest on record and got Bieber’s attention. He said the project’s monitors picked up new information that may help scientists learn more about how to predict solar flares. The coronal mass ejection of Oct. 28 blew directly toward Earth and Bieber said it had some peculiar characteristics, name- ly that it was focused, lasted a long time and had an unusually wide energy spectrum. Photo courtesy Bartol Research Institute The event began with a large spike in radiation observed only Boxes containing neutron detectors sit outside Skylab next to the by the monitor in Norilsk, Russia. dome at South Pole station. Additional monitors are located “It was basically a narrow beam of particles,” Bieber said. inside Skylab. The monitors detect cosmic ray showers and give “Only a station that is viewing in the correct direction will see the scientists data about space weather. spike.” A second large spike was picked up 30 minutes later in McMurdo. When a boron atom in the gas absorbs a neutron, the resulting Bieber noted that the event took almost a full day for the par- boron isotope is unstable and disintegrates with a release of ener- ticle shower to subside. Typically, events last only a few hours. gy. This energy causes an electric current in the central wire, “It was the first time that events of this sort were detected which is what the computer records as a hit. since the year 2000 The scientists then study when Spaceship Earth the data to learn more became fully opera- “The more large geomagnetic about the rays and hope to tional,” Bieber said. recognize signs that will He said the shower storms we have the more we improve solar weather pre- would have continued dictions. much longer except the can get a handle on how use- The data also set base- ejection reached Earth ful this network will be for lines for basic research of and swept away the sun activities and particle stream of particles. space weather predictions.” shower dynamics. Papers When an ejection hits and analysis are available Earth the neutron moni- for download at Bieber’s tors typically notice a - John Bieber Bartol’s Website and decline in cosmic rays of Bieber anticipates publish- about 4 percent or less. ing further papers on the The Oct. 28th ejection dropped the peg some 20 percent. October events in the next six months. Data collected during the so-called Bastille Day Event of July Bieber noted another interesting change has been occurring at 2000 led to a paper concluding that the sun flung particles past the South Pole neutron monitor over the last 40 years or so. The Earth that were pushed back twoard the Earth by the magnetic monitor there has showed a decrease in cosmic rays of 8-10 per- fields, leading some of the detectors to notice the particles before cent. Until last year, Bieber said researchers wrote it off as being others. an effect of the harsh environment at the Pole. How did Spaceship Earth’s monitors know this? The answer After talking with some other people who study cosmic ray lies in the straightforward instruments, called neutron monitors, variations, Bieber said he’s now not sure what the variation used to track cosmic rays. means. He and others are reviewing data from the monitor to try Cosmic ray particles emanate from deep space and fire to ascertain what the trend may indicate and he plans to discuss through it at nearly the speed of light (just under 300,000 km/s). it during the December meeting of the American Geophysical As the rays pass through space, some follow a twisting and bend- Union in San Francisco. ing path along magnetic fields to reach Earth. These primary particles arrive at Earth and many of them col- For a related story, check the issue of Nov. 9 in the lide with molecules in the atmosphere to release what are called Antarctic Sun archive online at www.polar.org/antsun secondary particles, including protons, neutrons, pions, muons, electrons and photons. If the primary ray is strong enough, these Featured National Science Foundation funded research: byproducts can rain to the ground and sometimes they pass A-120-M/S, principal investigator Dr. John W. Bieber of the through one of Spaceship Earth’s monitors. University of Delaware, Bartol Research Institute The monitors themselves are rectangular. The shell is composed http://www.bartol.udel.edu/~neutronm/ of white polyethylene sheets. Inside, lead rings form three tunnels. Other related links: A poly liner is inside the tunnels. Within the liner are the detector http://www.bartol.udel.edu/~neutronm/catch/sse2.html: a short tubes, which are the heart of the system. The stainless steel tubes are tour of Spaceship Earth filled with boron trifluoride gas. A thin wire runs down the center http://previ.obspm.fr/previ/links_en.html: Links to more informa- of the tube through the gas and connects to an amplifier. tion about neutron monitors and data 4 • The Antarctic Sun November 30, 2003 Perspectives Burke family works, plays together By Katy Burke Now I know how my parents must have felt when they watched me take my first steps. I was bursting with pride as I watched them come off of the C-141 and take their first tentative steps onto Antarctic ice. Actually, I wasn’t positive it was them until I read the name tags on their coats. I had never had to pick them out of a sea of red coats, black pants, and white bunny boots before. Even though I couldn’t see their eyes through the program-issued 100-percemt ultraviolet protection sun- glasses, I knew they were as big and bright as the sun itself as they staggered in won- derment toward Ivan the Terra Bus. With every step they took, they got far- ther and farther away from their life of retirement in Colorado. They left behind two other children, a grandchild, friends, Photo courtesy of Katy Burke pets, a home, comforts, freedom and rou- Linda, Jim and Katy Burke are spending this summer season together at McMurdo tine, all to get a glimpse of life on the ice. Station. Linda and Jim came out of retirement to work on the Ice together this year. For five years they’d been hearing my sto- ries and they wanted to see for themselves curl up by the fireplace with my cat on my surprise and, “What are you doing here?” this place at the bottom of the Earth. I was lap and watch ‘Antiques Road Show.’” That has passed and now I am simply in awe of their faith, courageousness, and They have struggled with the challenges happy and comforted by the fact that we sense of adventure. of learning their new jobs, a utility divi- are all on the same continent. I like being I helped them arrange their room in sion apprentice and shuttle driver; some- part of a family on the ice. I think it’s cute Building 201, then showed them my room thing they haven’t had to do in about 20 that people have nicknamed us “the in 208 and giggled to myself because my years. I am accustomed to changing jobs Iceburkes.” And just this week as the three room was better than theirs. I pointed out every few years, but for my parents, this of us filed out of the building to go to din- the important buildings around town; their was a new experience. ner, looking like Adelie penguins headed work centers, 155, and the bars, showed Despite all of this, they are adapting out to the open water for a feed, my co- them how to go through the food line in very well and have immersed themselves worker Myrna Gary said, “Oh look! the galley, and how to separate their trash. into the community. My Dad volunteers Burke, Burke, Burke.” I told them some things that every new and washes pots in the kitchen every It’s an incredibly unique bonding expe- person should be told: walk carefully on Sunday and is training for the marathon. rience. How many other people’s parents the ice, do not start or listen to rumors, and My Mom is taking a class for credit and is would understand the jargon: “I had such a don’t hook up with anyone the first week. on a bowling team. I love it that every few busy day! After I stretched and attended Then, I stood back and watched as they days someone approaches me and says, the safety meeting at MCC, I had to finish acclimated. “Your Dad is so cute! He always has a my QA, EH&S, and metric reports. After There was a period of adjustment, as smile on his face.” Or, “Your Mom is that I did comms on HF with Pole at Mac there is any time a person starts a new life. incredibly sweet. She drove me around all Relay in 165. Then I heard the kiwi herc They were tired. It’s difficult to go from day and we had the best talk.” It’s like from Cheech boomeranged at PSR so I not working at all to working 54 hours a receiving progress reports from school- had to cancel the bag drag. After lunch in week. I know because I come back here teachers who do nothing but praise them. 155 I chatted with some beakers in from semi-retirement every year. They I have been asked repeatedly, “What is Highway 1 and then stopped by Rec to ask missed the conveniences of the real world. it like having your parents here?” The about the next Delta trip to Cape Evans. In We can all relate to that. My Dad has said answer is simple; it’s great. It was odd in the afternoon I helped shuttles transport repeatedly, “If only there was a Home the beginning to see my Dad walk through pax to LDB at Willy. We got back right Depot here.” My Mom hasn’t said it, but I the dining hall or run into my Mom in the before they called a Condition One for all know she is thinking, “All I want to do is store. My first reaction was always that of locations. I’m exhausted!” November 30, 2003 The Antarctic Sun • 5 around the continent SOUTH POLE A happy campin’ we go By Troy Wiles Pole correspondent A dozen people went to Happy Camper School at South Pole last week. The group was led by Matt Szundy, an accomplished mountain climber and guide. Many people at McMurdo know Szundy, and some have had the privilege of being tutored in alpine camping by the 30-year-old who hails from Girdwood, Alaska. He has climbed several Photo by Troy Wiles / Special to The Antarctic Sun peaks including Denali (6,193 m) in Alaska, South Pole happy campers pose in front of their snow wall. The wall cuts down on the wind. Ama Dablam (6,855 m) in the Himalayas, and Aconcagua (6,959 m) in Argentina. Eagle” Miller and Nick Salava, chose to PALMER Szundy led us off the beaten path, sleep outdoors under the washed out stars. beyond the end of the skiway. Camp was During the debriefing, there were sever- Recyclers in the system pitched in the white expanse known as the al recurrent themes. We all had cold Antarctic Plateau using anchor techniques moments, but were generally warm. We all By Kerry Kells such as the T-slot, or deadman, along with slept off and on. And there were some of us Palmer correspondent the trucker’s hitch knot. Our comfort from who wished they had brought a pee bottle. While the recent influx of pack ice pre- the wind was assured when we built a large We all agreed that the experience was vented sampling some days this past week, ice block wall carved from the frozen ice worth repeating and though no one expects its presence provided surface samples rich cap. The wall was placed no higher than the it, we got some know-how that could be in bacteria for Hugh Ducklow’s group. Our tent and at a distance of approximately 1.2 used in an emergency. A big thanks to two researchers currently on station, Lauren m, which is the approximate height of the Szundy for sharing several cold weather Rogers and Mary Turnipseed, collect sam- tent. Next came warm drinks of cocoa and camping strategies to keep spirits up. ples of water to study bacterioplankton ecol- apple cider to help fight off the chill of the It was a beautiful sight. No, not the ogy. They study the microscopic bacterial - 40 C. A Scott tent tripled as a kitchen, camp. Nor the ice wall. Not even the warm communities (nanoplankton and picoplank- sauna, and general warm-you-up hut. beverages served first thing in the morn- ton) that live in the water column of the When camp was set and secured, many ing. Yes! The tracked vehicles coming to Arthur Harbor area near Palmer Station. of us trekked to the old LC-130 that now take us home. We packed up and rode These plankton are so small that they can has been claimed by drifts of snow. Others back to the station all smiles. We enjoyed only be viewed with a microscope under trekked a short distance beyond the camp a hearty breakfast and most of us casually high magnification and are stained with a to get a feel for what early explorers had to drifted away to our warm, tiny spaces green dye. The scientists research the endure. In open expanse, the sastrugi throughout the South Pole station for a microbial component of the ecosystem as appeared endless. well-deserved nap. part of the Long Term Ecological Research The air sparkled Also, this week project at Palmer Station. with millions of tiny National Geographic Coordinating with the phytoplankton ice crystals as the arrived just in time researchers, Rogers and Turnipseed trav- rest of us were pro- to document the elled by Zodiac out to Stations B and E at tected by a brilliant solar eclipse. They about the same time to collect their samples. yellow halo. will be spending Because bacteria and phytoplankton are Some happy nine days document- interdependent, this study is linked with the campers stayed ing life here at the phytoplankton study. They take water sam- behind to maintain South Pole. It is sea- ples from four different depths at these sta- the camp and prep son one of a three- tions. The water samples are then brought for bed. Most slept season venture that back to station so they can run different in Scott tents or will culminate in a experiments that study bacterial activity and Tiros mountain one hour special on preserve samples to count the number of tents, but two brave InstructorP hMotoa btyt TSrzoyu Wndileys /w Sipeelcdiasl toa Tshne oAwnta rscaticw S.un PBS in 2007-2008. souls, “Mountain See Palmer on page 6 the week in weather McMurdo Station Palmer Station South Pole Station High: 27F / -3C Low: 5F / -15C Not Available High: -29F / -34C Low:-45F / -43C Wind: 25 mph / 40 kph Wind: 9 mph / 15 kph Windchill: -33F / -36C 6 • The Antarctic Sun November 30, 2003 Palmer TRACER passes test From page 5 Scientists and bacteria cells. balloon techni- In the radiation laboratory, Rogers and cians monitor the Turnipseed run experiments with the hang test of the radioisotope tritium. They add low-level telescope known radioactive amino acids to the sample sea- as TRACER at water, giving sustenance to the bacteria, Williams Field and then let the bacteria incubate at –0.5 C near McMurdo. for 6 hours. After 6 hours, they kill the Dietrich Muller, bacteria and wash the sample of the excess principal amino acids that were not incorporated investigator into the bacterial cells. An instrument and professor measures the radioactive emissions from at the University the nucleic and amino acids that were used of Chicago, said by the cells to make DNA and proteins, the test went well. He said the team respectively. The instrument gave a large found a few signal for the surface water collected minor things they recently near the pack ice. This signal indi- will correct for cates the surface water was full of healthy the launch of the bacteria. Transition The food web is a cyclical process. The Radiation Array phytoplankton are eaten by the herbivo- for Cosmic rious zooplankton. Both the phytoplankton Energetic and zooplankton excrete dissolved organic Radiation tele- material—which the bacteria feed upon— scope. It will be into the ocean’s system. The bacteria are deployed on a the recyclers; they convert the dissolved long duration organic material into inorganic material balloon sometime which the phytoplankton require to live. in December, Without bacteria in the oceans, dissolved depending on organic matter would not be converted and weather. TRACER the sustenance for phytoplankton would be is designed to lost from the food web. While bacteria are detect high ener- an unseen force in the Southern Ocean, gy particles from the galaxy. they have a profound effect on the chem- istry of the water. Without the presence of bacteria—the recyclers in the system—the Southern Oceans would not be able to sup- port life. National Science Foundation funded project featured in the story: B-045-L/P, Hugh Ducklow, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences. Photo by Brien Barnett /The Antarctic Sun What’s the one “Flannel sheets.” “Charmin toilet paper.” “My pillow from my bed comfort you Tim Kramer, Floyd Washington, and my pillowcase Palmer solid waste South Pole because I knew no matter brought to the Ice technician from maintenance how hard and uncomfort- that you can’t live Dubuque, Iowa, supervisor, able my bed was, I’d be second season from Manassas, Va, okay if I had my pillow.” without? fifth season Janet Myers, McMurdo janitor, from Chillicothe, Il, first season November 30, 2003 The Antarctic Sun • 7 Penguins check in to ranch Story and photos by Kris Kuenning Above, wild emperors are curious animals. Several walked up to the Penguin Ranch Sun staff to check it out. Below, Katsufumi Sato from the Japanese Institute of PolarResearch takes notes on penguins wearing dive recorders at the Penguin Ranch. I t was a typical evening at the Penguin Ranch. Tucked up in one of their colorful huts, 15 miles out on the sea ice, the researchers were eating dinner when a sudden ruckus erupted outside. “We heard a loud commotion,” said Paul Ponganis, a researcher from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. “When we went outside, all our birds were on one side of the corral and there were four birds on the other side looking in.” The team opened the gate and the four curious emperor penguins waddled right in and made themselves at home. “Emperor penguins are naturally curi- ous,” Ponganis said. “I always say if you want to take photos of them, the best thing to do is to park your snowmobile and wait.” Back at the ranch, the volunteers adapt to the routine easily. “These ones are not breeding, they’re just out to feed.” The two holes at the Penguin Ranch allow penguins to dive and fish. Because there are no other holes within their swim- ming range, the penguins always return to Ponganis splits his time between Ranch has focused on body temperature, research and medical anesthesiology. and heart rate. Investigators have learned the corral. After doing a PhD in marine mammal that emperors maintain normal body tem- Emperor penguins dive like no other biology, he became a medical doctor too. perature throughout the dive. Their resting birds. Holding their breath for as long as 22 minutes, they can reach depths of 500 “Physicians in diving medicine are heart rate is 60-70 beats per minute (bpm). always fascinated because the birds aren’t “That goes up to 180-200 just before meters in their search for squid and fish. affected by rapid pressure changes,” they dive,” Ponganis said. “You can see Ponganis has been studying the diving Ponganis said. them kind of charging up, loading up with abilities of emperor penguins since 1987. “We’re studying how they dive as deep Looking at changes in the blood and oxygen.” tissue, Ponganis is observing patterns that When the penguin dives, the heart rate and as long as they do and what changes may be relevant to treating patients. drops rapidly to 100 bpm and then gradu- occur in the body.” “Cellular mechanisms which allow ally reduces to a level near 20 bpm, much Ponganis and the team at the Penguin penguin tissues to tolerate low oxygen lev- lower than humans could tolerate. The Ranch are interested in how the penguins els could be relevant to preservation of slower heart rate allows the bird to process manage oxygen stores within the body organs for transplantation and how to opti- oxygen more slowly during the dive. during a dive, and how they tolerate the pressure of the deep ocean. Understanding mize an organ for transplantation. That “As soon as the bird hits the surface, could stem from our research,” Ponganis (the heart rate) pops back up to around these adaptations in penguins may provide said. clues for understanding more about human In past years, research at the Penguin See Penguin on page 8 physiology. 8 • The Antarctic Sun November 30, 2003 Photos by Kris Kuenning / The Antarctic Sun Photo by Brien Barnett / The Antarctic Sun Katsufumi Sato from the Japanese Institute of Polar Research with the swim measurement device he is testing at the Penguin Ranch this year. At left, emperor penguins hang out inside the corral at the ranch. see what the penguins are feeding on. “Crittercam is only used in the ranch situation because we only leave it on the bird for one hour,” Ponganis said. Another device, a finger-sized Japanese camera, is being evaluated at the ranch for possible use at Cape Washington. This would allow researchers to see what the penguins are eating during their foraging trips to sea. Live underwater penguin viewing is possible with the Penguin Ranch’s obser- vation tube, which allows researchers to climb below the 2.5 meters of ice and watch through windows. In the milky blue-green water, emper- ors finally look like birds. Agile and graceful, they spread their wings in full Penguin flight and zip through the water with a From page 7 speed that mocks their slow, awkward land movement. 200,” Ponganis said. acceleration and swimming speed shows The studies provide a more complete Just like in humans, oxygen is stored in how efficient a penguin is at swimming. It understanding of emperor penguin biolo- the blood, lungs and muscle. But unlike also gives clues to underwater behavior – gy – how and why they dive so deep and humans, where most of the oxygen is in how much gliding a penguin does and how they capture their prey. the lungs, penguins store about half the what happens differently in shallow and Understanding how much and what type oxygen in their muscle, 25-30 percent in deep dives. of food they catch will be key to under- the blood and the remaining 25-30 percent These recorders are being tested at the standing emperor penguins’ role in the in their lungs. The more oxygen an animal Penguin Ranch by Katsufumi Sato and Antarctic ecosystem and to their long- stores in its blood and muscle, the less the Yoshiaki Habara for future release on free- term conservation. heart has to work to deliver it to the rest of ranging penguins at Cape Washington. Just as happily as they came, the the body. Yoshi watches the penguins dive and research subjects will waddle off when the “The way the oxygen is distributed in records which of the two holes they used corral is taken down in mid-December. the body is one of the key mechanisms to and how long they were underwater. “It’s like ‘thanks for the fish, we’re help them dive deep,” Ponganis said. “The ranch is a perfect place to test off,’” Ponganis said. This year, a little device designed in equipment,” Ponganis said. “We can get Japan will help researchers understand so many more detailed measurements here Featured National Science Foundation more about how the penguins behave that we can then apply to a more remote funded research: underwater. The miniaturized recorder, situation.” B-197-M, principal investigator Dr. Paul commissioned by the Japanese National The Penguin Ranch is also a good place Ponganis of Scripps Institution of Institute of Polar Research, logs informa- to study behavior. For the last three sea- Oceanography tion while the penguin is swimming sons, a National Geographic Crittercam underwater. A record of stroke frequency, video camera has allowed researchers to November 30, 2003 The Antarctic Sun • 9 Composite photo by Ethan Dicks / Special to The Antarctic Sun Photo by Amanda Betz / Special to The Antarctic Sun Scot Jackson and Paddy Douglas watch the solar eclipse at the South Pole wearing eclipse sunglasses. At top, a composite photo of the sun moving in front of the moon taken through a fil- Photo by Kris Kuenning / The Antarctic Sun ter at the South Pole. Susan MacGregor looks through a square of welding glass at the solar eclipse from Hut Point, outside of McMurdo Station. Eclipse From page 1 Johnson, as she passed out strips of unique. Seeing an eclipse at the South Looking up from the bottom exposed film for people to look through. Pole is doubly fun,” said Al Baker, RPSC While the moon’s shadow made a dark “I became the most popular person there Science Support coordinator, who orga- swath across East Antarctica, it did not for a while. I was like the pied piper of X- nized a viewing of the eclipse at the quite reach the three U.S. research sta- ray.” Balloon Inflation Facility near Cargo. tions. The 230 workers and scientists at About 150 viewing glasses — not Hours before the event, electrician South Pole station watched the moon unlike 3D glasses handed out in movie Mountain “Eagle” Miller was already cover 87 percent of the sun. Polies gath- theaters, but with nearly opaque lenses devising how and where he would get his ered at the ceremonial pole where a instead of the funky red and green ones — eclipse pictures. “I want to get the eclipse National Geographic crew filmed the were handed out in the South Pole dining with part of the station behind it,” he said, event. Others viewed the near total eclipse hall the morning of the solar spectacle. carrying a half-torn pair of viewing glasses from the Balloon Inflation Facility or the “I got up to make sure I got sunglass- he planned to use as a filter for his camera. warmer confines of the new elevated sta- es,” said Dave Tashner, a carpenter on At Palmer, Dave Ensworth brought fil- tion. swing shift. Attempts to use pinhole view- ters from welders goggles to the dining “It looks like a giant lemon cookie ers at McMurdo Station didn’t work area. They also used the telescope to pro- someone took a bite out of,” observed though, probably because there were high ject the eclipse onto the ceiling. Rudy Haberl at the South Pole as the clouds. Other than that, the weather at “Even though it was only about 65 per- moon first began to creep across the sun. South Pole and McMurdo held out for the cent, it was quite spectacular,” wrote Cara The effect, while not the complete eclipse. Skies were blue at the South Pole Sucher. “It was a cloudy, nasty day, but darkness that perpetually shrouds the sta- and the temperature was –39 C, with a just as the eclipse began, the sun broke tion during the winter months, was both windchill of –51 C. through – and just after, the cloud cover “Being at the South Pole is pretty came back.” See Eclipse on page 10 10 • The Antarctic Sun November 30, 2003 A LanChile Airbus passes over the South Pole after the eclipse. The Sky & Telescope chartered flight made two passes. “This was almost as exciting as the eclipse itself. We never see commercial airliners down here!” wrote photographer Scot Jackson from the Pole. Photo by Kristan Hutchison / The Antarctic Sun Dining Attendant Heather Rowland, from Girdwood, Alaska, watches the solar eclipse through a strip of exposed X-ray film at McMurdo Station. Photo by Brien Barnett / The Antarctic Sun Bryn Clark, foreground, and Farin Wilson, observe the solar eclipse through special lenses out- side the Crary Laboratory at McMurdo Station. Observation Hill, the site of Scott's Cross, is in the background. Eclipse From page 9 eerie and awe-inspiring. ing bits.” them “like a wall of darkness from left to “It looks like nature gave the sun a After the eclipse, South Pole workers right,” Beatty said. The elliptical shadow black eye,” said Tom Piwowarski. continued to watch the sky, as a LanChile was 630 km by 150 km. Most of the pas- Normally a total eclipse like Monday’s Airbus jetted overhead. The jet was carry- sengers had seen previous eclipses and is a rare opportunity for scientists to study ing 63 tourists on a 14-hour round-trip one man had seen 23 full solar eclipses. the sun’s corona, the outermost region of flight from Punta Arenas specifically to “It is probably the most profound and the solar atmosphere. see the eclipse. spiritual natural phenomena that exists,” “It’s about the only time you can see “It was fabulous. We flew into totality Beatty said. “Once you’ve seen one, you the corona, because the sun’s so bright you at an altitude of 38,000 feet and at that get hooked.” can’t see it,” Baker said. altitude, were above the vast majority of After the eclipse, the jet went over the This time polar science took a backseat Earth’s atmosphere,” said Kelly Beatty, South Pole at 2,500 feet, and then circled to pleasure, since most of the astronomical executive editor for Sky and Telescope Vinson Massif on the way back to Punta equipment is in summer maintenance. magazine. “When we got into the shadow Arenas. Unofficially, Pole scientists at AS/TRO the sun’s corona was dazzlingly bright, “The serenity of the scene there belies (Astronomical Submillimeter Telescope/ much brighter than is usually seen at the fact that there’s so much activity going Remote Observatory) in the Dark Sector ground level.” on all the time,” Beatty said. were going to take a peek and see what Sky and Telescope had donated 150 McMurdo’s viewpoint they could find. eclipse glasses to the South Pole to allow The moon’s bite of the sun was smaller “We might as well take some data,” people there to watch safely. at McMurdo, where about 1,000 people said Nick Tothill, winter scientist-in-resi- From the air, the eclipse watchers could dence. “We might get a couple of interest- see the shadow of the moon sweep over See Eclipse on page 11

Nov 30, 2003 high magnification and are stained with a green dye. cates the surface water was full of healthy bacteria. The food web is a .. altitude, were above the vast majority of . night porter at Pavlova's, a backpackers lodge next to
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