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Preview The Antarctic Sun, November 14, 2004 - United States Antarctic

Published during the austral summer at McMurdo Station, Antarctica, for the United States Antarctic Program November 14, 2004 With new gear, traverse sets sights on Pole Story and photos by by Kristan Hutchison Sun staff The South Pole traverse team drove five tractors away from the ice runway Nov. 11, with re-engineered gear, revamped plans and a better under- standing of the terrain they hope to cross. The route, indicated by a red line on planning maps, crosses the Ross Ice Shelf, climbs the Leverett Glacier to pass over the Transantarctic Mountains, and then continues across the plateau to Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. It’s a total of 1,600km Photos by Emily Stone / The Antarctic Sun Emperor penguins line up to dive into the water through a hole at Penguin Ranch on the sea ice and 3,000m elevation gain. near McMurdo Station. Below, a penguin swims through the water beneath the sea ice. “The red lines go over places nobody has ever stood before,” said Scientists test project manager John Wright. “The only thing we know about it is it’s white and cold.” new tools to study The last successful traverse from the Ross Ice Shelf to the South Pole was Edmund Hillary’s historic journey emperor penguins in 1958, when his team became the first to drive to the Pole. Hillary’s team was frequently slowed by deep snow, By Emily Stone large sastrugi and tractors falling into Sun staff crevasses. Studying emperor penguins in the winter is no easy task. It’s the kind of work that Despite all the challenges, the tra- inspires memoirs with inauspicious titles like, “The Worst Journey in the World.” verse holds great potential for the Paul Ponganis is hoping for better luck than than the memoir’s author Apsley Antarctic program. If the trial run Cherry-Garrard had in 1911. He’s running a pilot project this summer that could even- shows it’s feasible, surface transport tually let his team monitor penguins at Cape Washington over the winter. could carry enough fuel to the Pole Ponganis, of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, is testing a custom-built cam- each season to replace a number of era that takes panoramic shots of the birds at Penguin Ranch four times a day. If the LC130 flights, making those flights camera works this summer, he plans to try it at Cape Washington next summer, with available to take scientists into the field the ultimate goal being a winter project, possibly the following year. See Penguins on page 9 See Traverse on page 7 INSIDE Quote of the Week Personal Web sites Never say ‘never’ “It’s cold down there. Are they give peek at Ice life to Antarctica ... going to give you furs?” - South Pole resident’s grandfather on Page 3 Page 4 hearing his grandson was headed to Antarctica www.polar.org/antsun 2 • The Antarctic Sun November 14, 2004 Ross Island Chronicles By Chico Listen, leopard Hello there. seal, you don’t scare me. Cold, hard facts Palmer Station Sits: On Anvers Island Original site: Built in 1965 I’m an emperor So come on, bring it on. Present site: Moved there in 1968 penguin. We’re Let’s see what you got. Named for:American sealer not afraid of Nathaniel B. Palmer who was, by anything. some accounts, the first to see Antarctica, in 1820 Rainfall: avg. 76cm a year Latitude:64.5 degrees S., two degrees north of the Antarctic Circle Daylight:Year-round, ranging from five hours in winter to 19 hours in summer Getting there: Only by ship Accessible:Year-round, unlike That’s right, chump. I just wanted to let you Pole and McMurdo Where to watch the glacier calve: You and me, know that you hooked a From the fish tank-turned-hot tub mano a mano. newborn orca and its Worst environmental disaster: mama looks pissed. When the Bahia Paraiso ran into a reef near Palmer in 1989, ripping open its hull and spilling 645,000 liters of fuel that created a slick over 30 sq. km. Sources: The Idiot’s Guide to the Arctic and Antarctic, Palmer Station guide, Lonely Planet guide to Antarctica The Antarctic Sunis funded by the National It’s a harsh cartoon Matt Davidson Science Foundation as part of the United States Antarctic Program (OPP-000373). Its primary audience is U.S. Antarctic Program participants, their fami- lies, and their friends. NSF reviews and approves material before publication, but opinions and conclusions expressed in The Sun are not necessarily those of the Foundation. Use:Reproduction and distribution are encouraged with acknowledgment of source and author. Senior Editor:Kristan Hutchison Editors: Brien Barnett, Emily Stone Copy Editors:Karl Horeis, Hunter Slaton, Wendy Kober, Amanda Barnett, Rebecca Hollobon Publisher:Valerie Carroll, Communications manager, RPSC Contributions are welcome.Contact The Sun at [email protected]. In McMurdo, visit our office in Building 155 or dial 2407. Me? Ten years for mailing a box with styrofoam Web address:www.polar.org/antsun peanuts in it to Antarctica. And you...? November 14, 2004 The Antarctic Sun • 3 Personal web sites share Ice with world Here are a few Web sites by Antarctic residents this year: Beth Bartel, GPS specialist Photo by Brien Barnett / The Antarctic Sun http://iceblog.puddingbowl.org Mike Poole checks on his Web site, Antarctic Memories, at the computer lab at McMurdo Station. Poole hosts a bulletin board on his site and frequently answers questions about life on the Ice for many first-time U.S. Antarctic Program participants. By Brien Barnett NSF.gov contain useful information about Sun staff Antarctica, from quick facts to a photo The international traveling sensation library of images from around the conti- Flat Stanley can get no flatter than a nent. There are dozens of unofficial Web bunch of electrons, but at Glen sites spawned each season by Antarctic Kinoshita’s South Pole Web site, Stanley program participants. These sites typical- may be at his coolest. ly include journals with daily entries and Flat Stanley is a children’s book char- photo galleries. Some feature poetry and acter who found he could travel the world music inspired by their creators’ experi- Zondra Skertich, VMF supply through the mail if he was as flat as a ences on the Ice. www.zondra.org sheet of paper. The winter season had Like the Flat Stanley page, nearly all already started and flights discontinued the sites have some level of quirky Ice when Kinoshita heard that a kid had sent behavior. For example, the opening page him a Flat Stanley. With the original stuck of dining attendant Allison Barden’s site somewhere in the mail, Kinoshita down- features a photo of her standing by the loaded and printed off Flat Stanley, then McMurdo Station sign during a snow- created a fun and extensive site about Flat storm in beach attire. It’s a far cry from Stanley’s adventure at the South Pole. San Francisco where she lives when not in As a wintering research scientist work- Antarctica. Her nickname, Sandwich, was ing with weather and climate monitoring, earned by her custom of toting a sand- Kinoshita had access to much of the sta- wich-shaped lunchbox everywhere she tion. He used his access to create a fun site went. It carries over to the name of the featuring photos of Flat Stanley working site: sandwichgirl.com. Glen Kinoshita, 2004 South Pole winterer all over the station. Stanley even sported A few strokes of the keyboard will get http://gcrgweb.sdsu.edu/penguin/index.html extreme cold weather gear similar to surfers to computer tech Holly Troy’s Antarctic participants. It was a Flat Web site, southpoledudes.com. There, Stanley follower’s dream come true and visitors can review dozens of photos from showed off some of the station resident’s several seasons spent in Antarctica. creativity during the long, cold winter. “It’s basically so people can live vicar- Kinoshita is one of many people who iously through my pictures,” Troy said. maintain Web sites and online journals During the week, Troy collects his dedicated to their experiences in photographs and creates his Web pages. Antarctica. Using the keyword On Sundays, he spends about 15 minutes “Antarctica,” Google, MSN and other at the Coffee House updating his site from search sites reveal tens of thousands of his personal laptop. sites. The Ice can be explored online. Troy first came down to the Ice with a USAP.org is the official United States friend in 2001 and the two were supposed Antarctic Program Web site. That site and to work together on the site (hence the Allison Barden, prep cook - sandwiches www.sandwichgirl.com the Office of Polar Programs site at See Web on page 11 4 • The Antarctic Sun November 14, 2004 Perspectives sevitcepsreP Ex-DA is done with the dishes But he can’t escape the pull of Antarctica By Phil Jacobsen “I’ll be back.” That’s what Arnold Schwarzenegger said in “The Terminator” If there were an and he meant it. “I’ll never be back.” That’s what I said English-to-Antarctica/ about Antarctica and I meant it. When I finished my 2002-2003, 14- Antarctica-to-English month stint as a dishwasher in McMurdo, I burnt my blue shirt, pureed my Chefwear phrase book, the sentence pants and flung my non-latex gloves into construction debris. With more absolute “I’LL NEVER BE BACK,” determination than that girlie man Arnold, I’m here to tell you, I meant it when I said, would translate to, “See “I’ll never be back.” you next season!” Guess what Mr. Governor—I’m back. What are you going to do? Impeach me? Photo by Phil Jacobsen / Special to The Antarctic Sun Never. Not in my lifetime. Or in the Phil Jacobsen holds up the toy given to him by a lifetime of any item lost, petrified or 5-year-old girl in Salt Lake City. frozen on this continent or in Mapcon did Ivan the Terra Bus—the slow-moving, big- my return, the BFC said, “BFD you’re I plan to return to Antarctica. And that my wheeled version of mass transit, Antarctic back” and a plumber said, “Oh crap, we’re friends, is the problem — I said, “Never.” style—I had plenty of time to reflect on why knee deep in it now.” It’s as though if you look up the word I was never, ever going to return to Hey, it’s not just me. I’m seeing people “Never” in the nearest Antarctic dictionary McMurdo and I drew a blank. whom I thought I’d never see again. the definition would say: 1. Certainly 2. I looked at the volcano, Mount Erebus. Around the station I’ve run into a couple You bet. 3. Can’t wait. The lake of lava at the top of Erebus was of friends who, after spending six months If there were an English-to-Antarctica/ pluming a long, streaking mist of steam in the dark said, “Never again.” Antarctica-to-English phrase book, the sen- across the sky. She was absolutely beauti- We had joy. We had fun. We had sea- tence “I’LL NEVER BE BACK,” would ful. For this reason alone, I should never sons in the sun. And then one really long, translate to, “See you next season!” The have said, “never.” The cross on Ob Hill long winter. clichéd phrase, “I’ll only come back when spoke to me of the history and the chal- The last time I was here I felt like I was Hell freezes over” would mean the Devil lenges others have seen in these parts. watching the worst reality TV show ever was dressed in thermal insulated Carhartts Soon, I thought, I’ll climb to that cross imagined, but it was my life. I washed and his heat-burnt red skin was replaced and apologize for prematurely saying dishes for 14 months. with a Raytheon-issued Big Red Parka. goodbye. The Royal Society Mountains The thrill of living at the bottom of the One minute I’m landing in were majestic. And McMurdo was world disappeared after watching the Christchurch, New Zealand, onboard a C- McMurdo. 1,143rd drain spin counter-clockwise in a 17 after spending about 13 months too A wintering friend once described this windowless room 10 hours a day. long as Madge the Dishboy saying “Never little town of McMurdo in the darkness of I’ve left dishes in my apartment sink again,” and the next minute it’s as though noon as looking like “an all-night truck for nearly as long as I worked as a dish- the New York Air Guard did a touch-and- stop in Nebraska.” Well, this stop was now washer because of a hatred for all things go and brought me right back for another going to be home, again. Palmolive, dishpan hands, suds and hard season. Even though I’d made the decision to work. If I knew then what I know now, “I’ll never see you again, Antarctica” come back to McMurdo many months when I left Antarctica I would have said, was quickly replaced with “I’ll C-17 you ago, McMurdo hadn’t made peace with “I’ll be back. soon.” my return. Our safety manager saw me “BUT—This time … wash your own After landing on the ice runway, I was and said he thought it was a safe bet I’d dishes.” whisked to the National Science Foundation never return. The electricians were Chalet for the “Welcome To Antarctica” shocked to see me, the mechanics at the Phil Jacobsen works in the supply speech: “Here’s a Thousand Ways for You heavy shop dropped their trannies when I department at McMurdo Station. He has to Die.” Since the “whisking” took place on passed by, the carpenters were bored with also written for the Salt Lake City Weekly. November 14, 2004 The Antarctic Sun • 5 around the continent SOUTH POLE 100 — have been collected so that experi- ments can begin. Krill are plentiful right Polies face cold and flu now as they congregate in groups beneath the sea ice. On Tuesday, Palmer Station waited for By Brenda Everitt the election results. Some people voted Pole correspondent before deployment and some voted by They’re working around the clock at absentee ballots sent from Punta Arenas, South Pole Station now that people have Photo by Brien Barnett /The Antarctic Sun Chile. They followed election updates and become acclimated and settled into their Water vapor condenses into ice crystals, final results via the Web. routines, despite a rash of the flu and polar fogging the air behind an LC-130 as it lands On Wednesday, Brett Pickering, who “crud.” at the South Pole. works with Bill Fraser’s LTER Seabird Temperatures have remained low. The al hand lotion. Research group, gave a slide show on average temperature for the week ending on The situation seemed to be improving “Trekking in Suriname.” The photos fol- South Pole Meteorology reports is about slightly as of Wednesday. lowed his river journey through Suriname in seven degrees lower than the usual temper- In other news, the station plans to offer December 1996 to January 1997 to collect ature for this time of year, based on records support to the South Pole GPS reference parasites and miscellaneous invertebrates. going back to 1958. Sundogs and halos station for a Chilean-Brazilian expedition in On the Corantijn and Maratakka Rivers, have been observed on several occasions November and December. The planned their guides took him and five other travel- since the beginning of November, and the round-trip tractor traverse from Patriot Hills ers from the capital city of Paramaribo low temperatures have continued to yield to Pole will be making a contribution to through the roadless wilderness of impressive contrails on the incoming and ITASE, the International Trans-Antarctic Suriname. Brett showed slides of their outbound airplanes. Scientific Expedition. They will be collect- Heavy equipment has been running ing core samples and performing GPS and around the clock in order to move snow gravity measurements along the route. away from the new station and dome areas, Also, opportunities for working out, per- and also to create several snow roads. One sonal training sessions and swing dance of the new snow roads will lead out to the classes are increasing. Basketball, climbing Dark Sector, where the Ice Cube project will and other activities that take place in the be busy setting up and drilling holes in the gym are on hold until the stacks of outgoing ice. package mail can be loaded onto planes. Soon after summer season kicked off, an That will happen when the temperatures outbreak of influenza-A and cold-like ease and the contrails break. symptoms knocked dozens of workers at Sun staffer Brien Barnett contributed to Photo by Cara Sucher / Special to The Antarctic Sun South Pole Station off their feet for several Members of the Long Term Ecological this report. Research team use the new aluminum boat to days. While the station’s population hov- cross through brash ice near Palmer Station. ered around 220 for the week ending PALMER Nov. 7, medical staff reported seeing more camps, the wilderness and the wildlife of than 100 people for various flu-like symp- Sea ice weakens the area. toms. Those who were thought to have the Also this past week, Palmer held another flu were asked to stay away from work, and By Kerry Kells community event, the annual Tag and Bag. some had their meals brought to their Palmer correspondent Because Palmer Station receives a large rooms. With so many sick, the station A substantial calving of the glacier on number of cruise ship and yacht visitors, we declared a half-day safety stand-down in Anvers Island, behind Palmer Station, broke have a well-stocked station store. Tag and order to give people there a chance to rest apart the sea ice and sent cracks in all direc- Bag is a get-together to fold, tag and store and get well. The station did not order a tions like a spider’s web. However, the sea all the merchandise for the summer season. quarantine as was rumored. ice has continued to cling around station, The event becomes a party in which every- The outbreak, though, did prompt repeat- halting the efforts of the researchers to take one helps out. A barbeque behind the car- ed messages from management and kitchen samples from their station sites. Members of penter shop followed on Saturday staff for personnel to wash their hands as Langdon Quetin’s Long Term Ecological to celebrate Palmer Station’s successful often as possible. This led to a new South Research (LTER) project tested their dive ISO (International Organization for Pole greeting: an elbow-to-elbow touch that gear and were able to punch holes in the thin Standardization) certification. replaced the hesitant handshake. Diners ice for scuba diving. Enough krill — about were greeted by two bottles of anti-bacteri- See Palmer on page 6 the week in weather McMurdo Station Palmer Station South Pole Station High: 21F / -6C High: 45F / 7C High: -39F / -40C Low: -3F / -19C Low: 22F / -6C Low: -58F / -50C Max. sustained wind: 46mph / 74kph Max. sustained wind: 39mph / 63kph Peak wind: 25mph / 40kph Windchill: -40F / -40C Precipitation: 14mm Max. Physio-altitude: 3,366m 6 • The Antarctic Sun November 14, 2004 Palmer islands. The return proved to be an adven- From page 5 ture as they spotted four orca whales near receiving satellite images aboard ship. the island of Christine, including one that Those aboard thanked people in Denver and Over the weekend strong winds brought swam under the boat. McMurdo who helped provide satellite enough force to break up and soften the images in the interim. sea ice around the station. While the ice SHIPS The NBPis now at sea again and headed remains, it has weakened. On Monday, generally south toward the Ross Sea. Whale several researchers borrowed a new alu- sightings were a bit more common in the Nathaniel B. Palmer minum landing craft from marine opera- relatively smooth seas, though fog limited tions. Hugh Ducklow’s group managed to visibility at times. get to Bonaparte Point across from Palmer Compiled from reports by Karl Newyear A swell, running from the southwest on for plankton and water samples. His group After three weeks at sea, the Nathaniel B. Nov. 8, suggested weather was coming, will take samples throughout the summer Palmerarrived in Timaru, New Zealand on which it did the next day, with winds of 35 season from there and a second sampling Nov. 6, and everyone enjoyed a chance to to 45 knots and 15- to 20-foot seas. The sea site which is nearly two miles away. stretch their legs on dry land. Fueling began and spray made it nearly impossible to spot Several of the scientists helped the two the next morning just after 8 a.m. and was marine mammals, though there were a few seabird researchers and assisted them on completed by mid-afternoon. Meanwhile, seabirds around. the islands of Torgeson, Litchfield, the ships crew received a number of cargo “The ship speed is correspondingly Cormorant and Christine — all sites for items, including spare parts for the inopera- slower in these conditions and it sometimes penguin and seabird counts. The “birders” ble TeraScan satellite receiving system. The seems like it’s taking forever to get back to measured the snowfall and counted the electronic technicians were able to make the the ice,” wrote marine projects coordinator penguins, skuas and cormorants at the necessary repairs and the NBP is again Karl Newyear. Crossword: Antarctic Life Across: 10. This life form demonstrates 2. A red crustacean found in large the symbiosis of algae and fungi. quantities south of the Antarctic 11. The substance Antarctic fish Convergence. produce, allowing them to live in 3. This seal is the southernmost cold water. ranging marine mammal in the Down: world. 1. The largest of the Antarctic 4. Minute free-floating flora that seals form the base of the food chain in 2. A subantarctic penguin that has the Southern Ocean. similar markings to the emperor 5. A large, sharp-witted and obser- penguin vant gull-like bird common in 3. This taxonomic order consists McMurdo. of marine mammals that spend 6. A whale of the suborder odonto- their lives entirely in the water. ceti found in Antarctic waters. 4. This seal ranges far out to sea 7. This whale composes complex and is a notorious predator. vocalizations or “songs” that are 5. Fossils of this 230 million year repeated year after year. old mammal-like herbivore are 8. The mysticeti suborder are found in Antarctica. often referred to as _____ whales 6. Organisms living on or in the 9. This bird sometimes visits sea floor belong to the _______ McMurdo and has a bat-like flight. environment/community. What do you miss from home? “The smell of rain “Going out for a “I miss my wife in the Alaskan drive.” because she works rainforest.” at McMurdo and I live at Palmer.” Nicole Huck, Tony Black, Ken Navarro, McMurdo janitor Pole meteorologist Palmer asst. supervi- from Girdwood, from San Diego, sor of logistics from Alaska, first season Calif., third season Connifer, Colo., 16 seasons November 14, 2004 The Antarctic Sun • 7 A Y-shaped tongue attaches fuel sleds to the tractor that will pull them on the traverse, allowing the sleds to glide on either side of the tractor tracks. Traverse From page 1 “They’re going to go as far as half their fuel or half or bring other supplies to the Pole. The their time will allow them to go safely.” French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and - David Bresnahan, German Antarctic programs all use traverses McMurdo Station National Science Foundation representative to bring supplies from the coast to inland sta- tions or camps. The goal of the three-year U.S. project is Glacier, the tractors turned around 320km our best efforts and thought about how we to determine whether it is practical to haul short of the glacier’s base. were going to go out were just not going to supplies to the South Pole over the ice. The However, the traverse took less than half work,” Wright said. “One hundred miles original plan was to arrive at the South Pole the time to make the 680km return trip to down the road we said ‘that’s enough of this year. At the annual planning conference McMurdo than it had taken on the way out, that. If we’re going to make any progress at in May, Wright announced they probably demonstrating that the plan to break a trail all we’re going to have to start shuttling our won’t make it that far. How far they do go that will be easier to travel could work, load.’ ” will depend on how far they can get with Wright said. For every mile they went forward with 90,850 liters of fuel. half the load, the tractors had to go another “They’re going to go as far as half their The first two years mile back and do it again with the second fuel or half their time will allow them to go The traverse team exceeded their goals half of the load. The traffic did help compact safely,” said David Bresnahan, the National the first year, finding and filling crevasses in the route and the return trip was twice as fast. Science Foundation representative currently the treacherous shear zone to create a safe at McMurdo Station. Lessons learned crossing. The shear zone is the section from The first year went well, but last year soft Minna Bluff to Cape Crozier where the In the intervening months, the traverse snow bogged down the traverse. Instead of Ross Ice Shelf comes roaring past the team has taken the lessons from last season reaching their goal at the top of the Leverret McMurdo Ice Shelf “like a freight train,” and turned them into improvements. Each Wright said. member of the crew contributed ideas to “If there were heroes in crossing the improve the fleet, Wright said. shear zone, they were surely the dozer oper- One of the problems last year was with ators who took an 86,000 (pound) D8 right the sleds being pulled behind the tractors. up to the edge of the crevasses as they filled The skis on the sleds followed the tracks left them full of snow and made them safe for by the tractors pulling them and plowed into crossing,” Wright said. softened snow stirred up by the tractor’s That first year, the traverse made it passage. This produced inordinate drag on 160km beyond their goal in two and a half the tractor. Initial field tests by traverse days, but it was not far enough to prepare crews showed that on turns, when the sleds them for what was to come in year two. rode out of the tractor tracks, they floated In the second year, two days out of the lightly on the untracked, virgin surface. shear zone, the sleds were caught in soft Later tests by engineers from the Cold snow and several were knocked off their Regions Research and Engineering carriages. The team remounted the sleds and Laboratory, CRREL, verified that the tow- continued, but from then on much of their ing resistance with the skis outside the trac- time was spent pulling vehicles out of the tor tracks was roughly half that of the skis snow and making repairs. The team worked inside the tracks. outside in pits dug in the snow to fix and “Did that affect our design for the com- replace parts. ing year? You bet it did,” Wright said. “Last year our heroes were surely our Traverse crews also noted that the front mechanics, who saw us through day after tip of the skis acted like a plow, creating day of planned and unplanned repairs and ridges that increased the problems further maintenance,” Wright said. down the sled train. The crew determined The soft snow continued for 400km, the problem was with the curve of the ski making them think it was caused by a tip, which would work better with a more Image courtesy of the South Pole traverse weather pattern particular to that area. gradual “decreasing radius curve” rather The planned route of the traverse team “When we encountered soft snow, we than the constant radius curve in use. crosses crevasses, the Ross Ice Shelf, the Leverett Glacier and the polar plateau. knew that all our load planning tools and all See Traverse on page 8 8 • The Antarctic Sun November 14, 2004 Traverse From page 7 In March, the project crews met with CRREL engineers and NSF representatives to consider design improvements. CRREL engineers Jason Weale and Lever provided a description of the desired curve for the ski tips, and master sled-maker Herb Setz from Alberta, Canada, designed the ski to implement that curve. Some of the plastic-lined skis also were widened and length- ened. On some of the sleds the skis were moved farther apart so they will run to the outside of the tractor tracks. The fuel sleds, which originally ran one behind the other like train cars, have been attached to a Y-shaped tongue so two fuel tanks can glide side by side, each on one side of the tractor tracks. In all, four of the sleds have the new skis. The others still have the old skis. The traverse will use both this year to determine which truly work better, and if the cost of getting all new skis is worth- Heavy equipment operator Judy Goldsberry checks a tractor while. Another Challenger tractor was added to the lineup of vehi- as the South Pole traverse team prepares to leave Nov. 11. cles, bringing the total to five tractors pulling 13 sleds. New challenges continue to appear. The ice the traverse crosses is always moving and chang- ing. A 15cm-wide crack they “We’re building this found the first year, dubbed “Baby,” has grown to 76cm route across the wide since then. Last year, five Ross Ice Shelf, but new crevasses had opened in the shear zone. This year the the Ross Ice shelf total is up to nine new ones, along with five older crevasses is a dynamic piece that show signs of widening. of ice.” “We’re building this route across the Ross Ice Shelf, but - John Wright, the Ross Ice Shelf is a dynamic project manager, piece of ice,” Wright said. South Pole traverse The marker they’d set at a point 160km beyond the far Heavy equipment operator Brad Johnson secures blocks to the side of the shear zone at the end of the first year had moved nearly tongue of a sledge. Behind him is John Penney, who is work- a kilometer when they returned 10 months later. The Ross Ice Shelf ing on a tractor. at that point moves almost 2m a day in a northeast direction, while the shear zone moves about 1m daily, mostly north. Even when they reach the other side of the shear zone, the tra- verse isn’t home free. Satellite imagery and an aerial flight to close- ly examine the route showed potential crevasse areas on the Ross Ice Shelf, at the base of the Leverett Glacier, and as they climb the glacier, Wright said. The traverse planners moved the red route line they’ll follow to avoid some of those crevassed areas. A ground- based radar system extended in front of a PistenBully warns the tra- verse vehicles of other crevasses in time to stop and assess them. Heading out After a month of preparations at McMurdo Station, the traverse team was ready to go. The eight-member traverse crew includes three heavy equipment operators, Richard Vaitonis, Judy Goldsberry and Brad Johnson; two mechanics, Russ Magsig and John Penney; mountaineer Mike Roberts; CRREL engineer Russ Alger and project manager Wright. They’d written “thuh list,” as they call it, and checked it more than twice to make sure they have all the spare parts and supplies needed. “We have a lot of experience in the repair business from last year,” Wright said. Wright compares the traverse to the mule trains that used to carry supplies to his hometown of Silverton, Colo., back when it was a rough-and-tumble mining town; or, to the caravans of camels carrying goods across the desert. “All of them have in common not just the distance they’re cross- Mechanic Russ Magsig sits in the bunkroom, where the eight ing, but the need to take something someplace it’s needed,” Wright members of the traverse team sleep. said. “This is what our project’s all about.” November 14, 2004 The Antarctic Sun • 9 Photo by Emily Stone / The Antarctic Sun Penguins swim below the sea ice near their dive holes. This view is from the underwater observation tube at Penguin Ranch. Penguins testing platform to make sure everything is Hansen and assistant Jeff Blair built the From page 1 working so we have the best chance of penguin camera, which can pan across an success when we put them on the birds at area and take 16 pictures in a cycle. These The unmanned camera would let scien- Cape Washington,” Ponganis said. pictures are either stitched together to create tists record the birds’ behavior when they a panoramic view of the penguin colony or return to the colony in March and April – Strike a penguin pose used to create a series of close-ups. An something which researchers know little Kathi Ponganis, Paul’s wife and fellow example of a panoramic picture is on dis- about. The camera also would allow scien- researcher, said she is normally skeptical of play at Crary Lab. tists to understand how sea ice conditions high-tech science meant to replace human The camera is sitting near Penguin relate to the date the penguins return to the observations. Ranch now, snapping away. The pictures are colony site, and to the overall success of “I’m hesitant about gee-whiz science,” stored on a one-gigabyte flash memory the colony in a given year. It could also she said. “I think boots on the ground are the card, which the scientists will retrieve at the provide continuous observations of the way to do it. But the emperor penguin lives end of the camera’s anticipated three-month movement and huddling patterns of the in such a harsh environment that it’s just not test run. The camera needs to weigh less colony during the winter and spring. possible.” than 50 pounds so it can be backpacked into The camera is one of four devices being Winter observations with a camera won’t a colony, and has to be sturdy enough to tested at Penguin Ranch this season. The endanger people, who would otherwise withstand a tough hike, which means no second is a sensor that will show how the have to suffer through the cold and dark- fragile solar panels. It runs off battery birds regulate oxygen during long dives. ness, she said. power, which has to last the full three The study could shed light on how humans The Ponganises asked Tony Hansen of months. The main batteries are conserved handle oxygen depletion. The scientists Magee Scientific Company to make the because the camera only “wakes up” every also are testing a new recorder that will camera. Hansen is principle investigator on six hours to take its round of pictures, give a three-dimensional account of a pen- another project and an engineer who has Hansen explained, and then goes back to guin’s dive instead of the current sensors made specialized equipment for a number sleep until it’s time for the next set. that only record depth, not direction. And of Antarctic projects, including an underwa- If the camera proves itself a success in they’re experimenting with a camera that ter camera that is being tested this season. the summer, Hansen will try to modify it. will show what the penguins eat underwa- He said he enjoys asking scientists what “The real test is to set up a camera that ter. their challenges are in the field. could go through a winter,” he said. “The Penguin Ranch is a corral on the “I’d say, ‘I think I could come up with a technological challenge is much more McMurdo Sound sea ice that holds about a gadget to do that for you,’” he said. daunting.” dozen emperor penguins. The birds waddle around inside the fence and have two div- See Penguins on page 10 ing holes to slide into when they get hun- gry. They have to return to those holes when their swim is over because there are no other holes close enough for them to reach. The setup gives the scientists a way to experiment with devices before using them in the field. “Penguin Ranch is really sort of a 10 • The Antarctic Sun November 14, 2004 Penguins From page 9 The camera would have to withstand temperatures down to –57C. That’s a hur- dle given that batteries tend to shatter below –46C. Hansen said he’s working on a strategy to solve that problem. The cam- era would also likely be set to an astro- nomical table so it would snap pictures when the moon is out, to provide some illumination in the polar night. Making due with low O2 While the camera is sitting in the snow doing its job, the researchers at Penguin Photo courtesy Kathi Ponganis / Special to The Antarctic Sun A camera nicknamed “R2D2” is staked out beside emperor penguin researcher Kathi Ranch are busy working with the birds. Ponganis as she observes the colony at Beaufort Island. The camera, which is being tested Researchers are interested in penguins at Penguin Ranch, is designed to take regular photos in the field for up to three months. in large part because they are such excel- lent divers. They routinely stay underwa- ter for five to 12 minutes and dive 500m Giant icebergs continue to hamper Ross Sea colonies deep. The longest recorded emperor pen- guin dive was 22 minutes. By Emily Stone found a good piece of flat ice to claim as The key to diving for any animal, Sun staff their own. whether a penguin or a human, is how well In addition to their work at the Penguin “The birds that are there seem to be it uses the oxygen stored inside its body Ranch this summer, Paul Ponganis’ team doing pretty well,” he said. while underwater. Penguins are able to is monitoring the recovery of the emperor Not so at Beaufort Island as B-15 has stay underwater when their oxygen levels penguin colonies at Cape Crozier and effectively blocked the birds’ route to open are so low that it would cause humans to Beaufort Island. water. The colony is at about 25 percent its pass out, Ponganis said. The team at The enormous iceberg known as B-15 normal population, and Ponganis’ team Penguin Ranch wants to better understand ran into Cape Crozier in 2001 and then found more than 300 dead chicks there last how the birds accomplish this. They are lodged there, devastating the emperor month. using sensors to monitor the level of oxy- colony. The chicks were somewhat developed, gen in the animals’ blood as they dive. “All we found were a few dead chicks which leads Ponganis to believe that the Part of the penguins’ strategy is to slow and dead adults who had starved to death,” parents had been able to feed the chicks down their heart rate underwater. Ponganis said of the 2001 season. It’s not initially, but then got stuck at sea when the Research in previous years shows that the known if the birds abandoned the colony open water around the colony closed up. birds’ heart rate starts at 150 to 200 beats because they couldn’t get to it or if they “I think they had a difficult time getting per minute just before a dive and then were smothered in the ice. back to feed their chicks,” Ponganis said. immediately drops to 50 or 60 beats per The colony is at about 20 percent its The team will continue to monitor the minute underwater. normal population this year, Ponganis effects of the large icebergs on the colonies “As soon as it hits the surface, boom, it said, and the penguins finally seem to have over the coming seasons. goes back up again,” Ponganis said. This is exactly the opposite of what humans do. Our heart rate goes up as we Human tissue is damaged if it is de- hunting strategies. The monitors will also exercise and falls back down when we’re prived of oxygen for a period of time and record speed, acceleration and stroke fre- done. then has oxygen-rich blood come back quency to see how much work the birds do A penguin’s heart rate is tied into its use into it. This causes biochemical changes while diving. of oxygen during a dive. The birds store that severely harm the tissue by oxidizing A separate diving camera will record more than half their oxygen in their mus- it. Antioxidants can prevent this. A what the birds are eating underwater. This cles, with the rest split between their blood researcher is at Penguin Ranch for part of will give researchers a fuller idea of which and lungs. Humans, on the other hand, the season specifically to study antioxi- species of fish and squid the emperors feast store most of their oxygen in the lungs. dants in the birds. upon and how much of each species they When the birds are underwater, their eat. The goal is to put the cameras on birds hearts don’t have to race in order to pump Spying below the surface at Cape Washington next year to see what oxygen to their swimming muscles. the birds eat during their deepest, 500m “There’s no need for them to have a The scientists are also hoping to get a dives, which they only do at sea. high heart rate because they don’t need to bird’s eye view of dives this year. “What they’re eating out there, no one deliver oxygen (to muscles),” Ponganis Katsufumi Sato with the University of knows,” Ponganis said. said. “It’s already there.” Tokyo will test a device that gives the sci- Understanding the penguins’ role in the The oxygen sensors will help Ponganis entists a three-dimensional picture of where food chain helps scientists more fully under- and his team better understand this the penguins go when they leave the sur- stand the ecology of the Ross Sea, Ponganis process. face. Previously, scientists had to settle for a said. Their results could help doctors with simple measurement of how deep the birds patients whose organs or tissues have been dived. NSF-funded research in this story: Paul deprived of oxygen, as happens during a The researchers will be able to see at Ponganis, Scripps Institution of heart attack or stroke, or when an organ is what angle the birds are swimming, which Oceanography, transplanted. will tell them much about the penguins’ http://antarctic.ucsd.edu/index.htm

Nov 14, 2004 Studying emperor penguins in the winter is no easy task. It's the kind of Heavy equipment operator Brad Johnson secures blocks to the.
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