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Accountancy Costa Rica, and pharmaceutical standards, and detection of fraud, 83-94 18-19 in the savings and loan industry, 40, 41 Cressey, Donald, 97, 101-3 ACCOUNTANCY AND WHITE-COLLAR CRIME IN THE PITS: THE REGULATION CRIME, Joseph T. Wells, 83-94 OF FUTURES TRADING, Kip Schlegel, Auditing, and detection of fraud, 83-94 59-70 Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ CRIMES AGAINST THE ENVIRONMENT: Association, Code of Conduct, 22-23 SUPERFUND ENFORCEMENT AT LAST, Harold C. Barnett, 119-33 Bank of Credit and Commerce International, CRIMINAL ENFORCEMENT OF ENVIRON- 80 MENTAL LAW, Joseph F. DiMento, 134- Earnett, Harold, 11 46 BARNETT, HAROLD C., Crimes against the Criminal law Environment: Superfund Enforcement at and corporate crime, 147-56, 157-69 Last, 119-33 and environmental protection, 134-46, 168 Benzene, regulation of in the workplace, 114-15 and fraud in Great Britain, 74-78 Boesky, Ivan, 79 and insider trading, 47, 52-54, 57-58 Braithwaite, John, 9, 166 and pharmaceutical regulation, 17, 27 BRAITHWAITE, JOHN, Transnational Reg- and punishment for causing occupational ulation of the Pharmaceutical Industry, disease and injury, 117-18 12-30 in the savings and loan industry, 41-44 Burford, Ann, 122, 123 Bush administration and the Environmental Differential association, 103-4 Protection Agency, 130 DiMento, Joseph, 11 DiMENTO, JOSEPH F.,, Criminal Enforce- Calavita, Kitty, 9 ment of Environmental Law, 134-46 CALAVITA, KITTY, see PONTELL, HENRY N., coauthor Embezzlement, 37-39, 95-106 Carl Karcher Enterprises, 46-58 Environmental protection Civil law civil law, 141-42 and compensation for occupational injury, criminal law, 134-46 110-11, 117-18 innovative ideas encouraging protection, 142-45 and environmental protection, 141-42 Superfund, 119-33 and insider trading, 47, 55-57 Environmental Protection Agency, 119-33 Chicago Board of Trade, 59-70 Equity Funding Corporation of America, 88-89 Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 59-70 ESM Government Securities, 90, 92-93 Ciba-Geigy, and pharmaceutical regulation, 23-24 Etzioni, Amitai, 11 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 63, ETZIONI, AMITAI, The U.S. Sentencing Com- 69, 70 mission on Corporate Crime: A Critique, Community service by corporations, 145, 155- 147-56 56 Comprehensive Thrift and Bank Fraud Prose- Federal Coal Mine Safety and Health Act cution and Taxpayer Recovery Act (1990), (1969), 112 42-43 Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and . Consumer activism, 22-26 Enforcement Act (1989), 42 Consumers’ Union, and pharmaceutical regu- Financial services fraud, 72-74 lation, 25 futures trading, abuses in, 59-70 Accountancy Costa Rica, and pharmaceutical standards, and detection of fraud, 83-94 18-19 in the savings and loan industry, 40, 41 Cressey, Donald, 97, 101-3 ACCOUNTANCY AND WHITE-COLLAR CRIME IN THE PITS: THE REGULATION CRIME, Joseph T. Wells, 83-94 OF FUTURES TRADING, Kip Schlegel, Auditing, and detection of fraud, 83-94 59-70 Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ CRIMES AGAINST THE ENVIRONMENT: Association, Code of Conduct, 22-23 SUPERFUND ENFORCEMENT AT LAST, Harold C. Barnett, 119-33 Bank of Credit and Commerce International, CRIMINAL ENFORCEMENT OF ENVIRON- 80 MENTAL LAW, Joseph F. DiMento, 134- Earnett, Harold, 11 46 BARNETT, HAROLD C., Crimes against the Criminal law Environment: Superfund Enforcement at and corporate crime, 147-56, 157-69 Last, 119-33 and environmental protection, 134-46, 168 Benzene, regulation of in the workplace, 114-15 and fraud in Great Britain, 74-78 Boesky, Ivan, 79 and insider trading, 47, 52-54, 57-58 Braithwaite, John, 9, 166 and pharmaceutical regulation, 17, 27 BRAITHWAITE, JOHN, Transnational Reg- and punishment for causing occupational ulation of the Pharmaceutical Industry, disease and injury, 117-18 12-30 in the savings and loan industry, 41-44 Burford, Ann, 122, 123 Bush administration and the Environmental Differential association, 103-4 Protection Agency, 130 DiMento, Joseph, 11 DiMENTO, JOSEPH F.,, Criminal Enforce- Calavita, Kitty, 9 ment of Environmental Law, 134-46 CALAVITA, KITTY, see PONTELL, HENRY N., coauthor Embezzlement, 37-39, 95-106 Carl Karcher Enterprises, 46-58 Environmental protection Civil law civil law, 141-42 and compensation for occupational injury, criminal law, 134-46 110-11, 117-18 innovative ideas encouraging protection, 142-45 and environmental protection, 141-42 Superfund, 119-33 and insider trading, 47, 55-57 Environmental Protection Agency, 119-33 Chicago Board of Trade, 59-70 Equity Funding Corporation of America, 88-89 Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 59-70 ESM Government Securities, 90, 92-93 Ciba-Geigy, and pharmaceutical regulation, 23-24 Etzioni, Amitai, 11 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 63, ETZIONI, AMITAI, The U.S. Sentencing Com- 69, 70 mission on Corporate Crime: A Critique, Community service by corporations, 145, 155- 147-56 56 Comprehensive Thrift and Bank Fraud Prose- Federal Coal Mine Safety and Health Act cution and Taxpayer Recovery Act (1990), (1969), 112 42-43 Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and . Consumer activism, 22-26 Enforcement Act (1989), 42 Consumers’ Union, and pharmaceutical regu- Financial services fraud, 72-74 lation, 25 futures trading, abuses in, 59-70 INDEX 209 Frank, Nancy, 10 Nader, Ralph, and pharmaceutical regulation, FRANK, NANCY, Maiming and Killing: Occu- 25 pational Health Crimes, 107-18 National Commission on Reform of Federai Crim- inal Laws (Brown Commission), 159-60 GEIS, GILBERT and PAUL JESILOW, Pref- ace, 8-11 Occupational disease and injury, 107-18 Gottfredson, Michael, 104-5 Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970), Great Britain, white-collar crime in, 71-82 112 Green, Gary, 10 Occupational Safety and Health Administra- GREEN, GARY S., White-Collar Crime and tion (OSHA), 112-14, 117-18 the Study of Embezzlement, 95-106 ORGANIZATIONAL PROBATION AND THE Guinness, takeover of Distillers, 78, 79, 81 U.S. SENTENCING CCMMISSION, William S. Lofquist, 157-69 Harvey, Ken, and pharmaceutical regulation, 25 Pharmaceutical industry, regulation of, 12-30 Health Action International, and pharmaceu- Police, fraud investigation by, 73, 78-79, 80 tical regulation, 25 Pontell, Henry, 9 Health Research Group, and pharmaceutical PONTELL, HENRY N. and KITTY CALA- regulation, 25 VITA, White-Collar Crime in the Savings Hirschi, Travis, 104-5 and Loan Scandal, 31-45 Propensity-event theory, 104-5 INSIDER TRADING: THE SEC MEETS CARL KARCHER, Elizabeth Szockyj, 46-58 Reagan administration International Federation of Pharmaceutical and the Environmental Protection Agency, Manufacturers’ Association, 23 122-23, 124 International investigation and control of and the Occupational Safety and Health Ad- crime, 12-30, 79-80 ministration, 113-14 International Organization of Consumers’ Reilly, William, 128-29 Unions, and pharmaceutical regulation, Ruckelshaus, William, 122, 124 25 Savings and loan industry JESILOW, PAUL, see GEIS, GILBERT, co- deregulation of, 34-45, 36, 42 author white-collar crime in, 31-45, 87 Schlegel, Kip, 10 Keating, Charles, 39, 87 SCHLEGEL, KIP, Crime in the Pits: The Reg- ulation of Futures Trading, 59-70 Legal pluralism, 12-30 Securities and Exchange Commission, 69-70 Levi, Michael, 10 Sentencing Reform Act, 159-60 LEVI, MICHAEL, White-Collar Crime: The Serious Fraud Office (U.K.), 75-77, 80 British Scene, 71-82 Superfund, 119-33 Lofquist, William, 11 Sutherland, Edwin, 96, 97-100, 103, 106 LOFQUIST, WILLIAM S., Organizational Szockyj, Elizabeth, 10 Probation and the U.S. Sentencing Com- SZOCKYJ, ELIZABETH, Insider Trading: mission, 157-69 The SEC Meets Carl Karcher, 46-58 MAIMING AND KILLING: OCCUPATIONAL Thomas, Lee, 122, 124 HEALTH CRIMES, Nancy Frank, 107-18 TRANSNATIONAL REGULATION OF THE Medical Lobby for Appropriate Marketing PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY, John (Australia), and pharmaceutical regula- Braithwaite, 12-30 tion, 25-26 Minkow, Barry, 84-85 Uniform Crime Reports, 100-101 210 THE ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY U.S. Sentencing Commission WHITE-COLLAK CRIME AND THE STUDY community service by corporations, 155-56 OF EMBEZZLEMENT, Gary S. Green, corporate crime, 147-56, 157-69 95-106 corporate rehabilitation, 154-55 WHITE-COLLAR CRIME IN THE SAVINGS organizational probation, 157-69 AND LOAN SCANDAL, Henry N. Pontell U.S. SENTENCING COMMISSION ON COR- and Kitty Calavita, 31-45 PORATE CRIME: A CRITIQUE, THE, WHITE-COLLAR CRIME: THE BRITISH Amitai Etzioni, 147-56 SCENE, Michael Levi, 71-82 Wolfe, Sidney, and pharmaceutical regulation, Wells, Joseph, 10 25 WELLS, JOSEPH T., Accountancy and White- Workers’ compensation, 110-12, 116-18 Collar Crime, 83-94 World Health Organization, and pharmaceuti- White-collar crime, 8-11, 12-30, 31-45, 46-58, cal regulation, 20, 23 59-70, 71-82, 83-94, 95-106, 107-18, 119- 33, 134-46, 147-56, 157-69 e o ) hy eeia Aen oS

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