Title Section and Volume Contents for Volume 41 (1997) The Annals of Occupational Hygiene AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL PUBLISHED FOR THE BRITISH OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE SOCIETY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DR T. L. OGDEN NORTH AMERICAN EDITOR PROF. S. M. RAPPAPORT EDITORIAL ASSISTANT MRS TANYA BULL NORTH AMERICAN EDITORIAL ASSISTANT MS REBEKKAH COTE Supplement to The Annals of Occupational Hygiene © PERGAMON ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF EDITORS Dr A. BuRDoRF, Erasmus University, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Dr J. T. CARTER, 41 Clarence Road, St Albans AL\ 4NP, U.K. Professor K. DONALDSON, Department of Biological Sciences, Napier University, Merchiston Campus, 10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 SDT, U.K. Dr G. W. Gisss, No. 14, 51221 Rge Road, 265, Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada T7Y 1E7 Dr J. J. VAN HEMMEN, 7NO Nutrition & Food Research Institute, Occupational Toxicology & Nutrition, Utrechtseweg 48, P.O. Box 360, 3700 AJ Zeist, The Netherlands. Dr J. R. JoHNsTON, AECI Operations Services (Pty) Ltd, Modderfontein, Transvaal 1645, Republic of South Africa Dr T. KAupPINEN, /nstitute of Occupational Health, Topeliuksenkatu 41 aA, SF 00 250 Helsinki, Finland. Dr N. Konyama, Chief, Department of Work Environment Evaluation, National Institute of Industrial Health, 6-2\-1, Nagao, Tama-ku Kawasaki 214, Japan. Dr L. S. Levy, Institute for Environment & Health, University of Leicester, 94 Regent Road, Leicester LE1 7DD, U.K Ms M. M. T. MoreiRA-LiMA, SHIN-Q1 5—Conjuncto 9, Casa 18—Lago Norte, CEP 71505—790 Brasilia DF, Brazil. Dr H. Mune, Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Aerosol Research, Nikolai-Fuchs Str. 1, D-30625 Hannover, Germany. Professor W. R. Myers, West Virginia University, P.O. Box 6107, Morgantown, WV 26506-6107, U.S.A Professor D. P. NoGUERIA, Universidaded eSa do Paulo, Faculdaded e Suade Publica, CRM 1723, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dr P. J. OLDERSHAW, Health and Safety Executive, Magdalen House, Stanley Precinct, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HE, U.K Mr A. RoGers, P.O. Box 2128, Clovelly, NSW 2031, Australia. Professor R. RYLANDER, University of Gothenburg, Box 33031, S-400 33 Géteborg, Sweden. Professor G. SCANSETTI, Universita Degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Traumatologia, Ortopedia e Medicine del Lavoro, CTO—via Zuretti 29, 10126 Torino, Italy. Dr NAM WoNn Paik, Division of Industrial Health, School of Public Health, Seoul National University, 28 Yunkeun-Dong, Chongro-Ku, Seoul 110-460, Korea. Professor J. H. VINCENT, Box 807 Mayo, University of Minnesota, 420 Delaware Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455, U.S.A AUTHOR SERVICE DEPARTMENT For queries relating to the general submission of articles (including electronic text and artwork) and the status of accepted manuscripts, please contact the Author Service Department: e-mail: [email protected]; fax: +44 (0) 1865 843905; tel. +44 (0) 1865 843900 PUBLISHING OFFICE Elsevier Science Ltd, Bampfvlde Street, Exeter EX1 2AH, U.K. Annual Institutional Subscription Rates 1998: Europe, The CIS and Japan 1278 Dutch Guilders. All other countries U.S. $734 Associated Personal Subscription Rates are available on request for those whose institutions are library subscribers. Dutch Guilder prices exclude VAT. Non-VAT registered customers in the European Community will be charged the appropriate VAT in addition to the price listed. 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The Annals of Occupational Hygiene (ISSN 0003-4878) is published 8 issues per year in January, February, April, May, July, August, October and November, by Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OXS 1GB, U.K. The annual subscription in the U.S.A. is $734. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene is distributed by Mercury Airfreight International Ltd, 2323 Randolph Avenue, Avenel, NJ 07001- 2413. Postmaster: Please send address corrections to The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, c/o Elsevier Science RSO, Customer Support Department, 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, U.S.A. [Tel: (+1) 212-633-3730/1 888 4ES-INFO. Fax: (+1) 212-633-3680. E-mail: [email protected]]. © 1998 British Occupational Hygiene Society Whilst every effort is made by the publishers and editorial board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appear in this journal, they wish to make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and advertisements herein are the sole responsibility of the contributor or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, The British Occupational Hygiene Society, the publishers, the editorial board and editors and their respective employees, officers and agents accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. VOLUME 41 CONTENTS NUMBER 1 The Quebec asbestos cohort F. D. K. LIDDELI Magic, menace, myth and malice F. D. K. LippeELtt, A. D. MCDONALD The 1891—1920 birth cohort of Quebec chrysotile miners and and J. C. MCDONALD millers: development from 1904 and mortality to 1992 K. Luoto, M. HOLOPAINEN, Comparison of cytotoxicity of man-made vitreous fibres M. SARATAHO and K. SAVOLAINEN J. A. Hoskins, R. C. BROWN, The construction and validation of a high containment nose- K. CAIN, A. CLOUTER only rodent inhalation facility C. E. HouGHTON, C. A. BOWSKILI and L. R. HIBBs R. H. Lyves, L. L. Kuprer and A lognormal distribution-based exposure assessment method S. M. RAPPAPORT for unbalanced data A. D. MAYNARD, C. NORTHAGE, Measurement of short-term exposure to airborne soluble M. HEMINGWAY and S. D. BRADLEY platinum in the platinum industry J. H. DENNIS, S. B. MORTAZAVI, The effects of welding parameters on ultra-violet light emis- M. J. FRENCH, P. J. HEwitt and sions, ozone and Cr¥! formation in MIG welding C. R. REDDING R. BHATTACHARYYA and L. A. Topp 105 Spatial and temporal visualization of gases and vapours in air using computed tomography. Numerical studies NUMBER 2 C. A. SouTAR, B. G. MILLER, Assessment of human risks from exposure to low toxicity N. Greco, A. D. JONES, occupational dusts R. T. CULLEN and R. E. BOLTON L. C. KENNY, R. AITKEN, A collaborative European study of personal inhalable aerosol C. CHALMERS, J. F. FABRIES, sampler performance E. GONZALEZ-FERNANDEZ, H. KROMHOUT, G. LIDEN, D. MARK, G. RIEDIGER and V. Propt G. WIESLANDER, D. NORBACK Airway symptoms among house painters in relation to exposure and C. EDLING to volatile organic compounds (VOC)—a longitudinal study M. KuILUNEN, J. UTELA, Exposure to soluble nickel in electrolytic nickel refining IT. RANTANEN, H. Norppa, A. TOSSAVAINEN, M. KOPONEN, H. PAAKKULAINEN and A. AITIO M. KIILUNEN, A. AITIO and Occupational exposure to nickel salts in electrolytic plating A. TOSSAVAINEN J. KILDES@ and B. H. NIELSEN Exposure assessment of airborne microorganisms by fluorescence microscopy and image processing ili Contents A. SEARI A comparative study of the clearance ofr espirable para-aramid, chrysotile and glass fibres from rat lungs W.-J. VAN MUISWINKEL, Monitoring and modelling of exposures to ethanol in hairdressing H. KROMHOUT, T. ONOS and salons W. KERSEMAEKERS NUMBER 3 A. MORGAN Acid leaching studies of chrysotile asbestos from mines in the Coalinga region of California and from Quebec and British Columbia A. MorGAN and R. J. TALBOT Acid leaching studies of neutron-irradiated chrysotile asbestos S. KUMAGAI, Y. KUSAKA and Log-normality of distribution of occupational exposure S. GoTo concentrations to cobalt R. Housa, D. HEEDERIK and Grouping strategies for exposure to inhalable dust, wheat H. KROMHOUT allergens and a-amylase allergens in bakeries M. W. RoFt Dermal exposure of amateur or non-occupational users to wood-preservative fluids applied by brushing outdoors M. W. ROFF Accuracy and reproducibility of calibrations on the skin using the FIVES fluorescence monitor E. M. NIELSEN, N. O. BREUM, Bioaerosol exposure in waste collection: a comparative study B. H. NIELSEN, H. WURTZ, on the significance of collection equipment, type of waste and O. M. POULSEN and U. MIDTGAARD seasonal variation V. FISEROVA-BERGEROVA and Timing of sample collection for biological monitoring of J. VLACH occupational exposure K. Y. K. CHUNG, R. J. AITKEN and Development and testing of a new sampler for welding fume D. R. BRADLEY P. SPANEL, J. COCKER, B. RAJAN Validation of the SIFT technique for trace gas analysis of and D. SMITH breath using the syringe injection technique NUMBER 4 Editor’s Note Letters to the Editor W. J. NICHOLSON ‘Magic, menace, myth and malice’ M. GREENBERG ‘Magic, menace, myth and malice’ Hugh Dalrymple, President, The British Occupational Hygiene Society, 1996-1997 A.-L. SUNESSON, C.-A. NILSSON, Production of volatile metabolites from Streptomyces R. CARLSON, G. BLOMQUIST and albidoflavus cultivated on gypsum board and tryptone glucose B. ANDERSSON extract agar—influence of temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels iv Contents P. H. REINKE and L. M. BROSSEAU Development of a model to predict air contaminant concentrations following indoor spills of volatile liquids A. P. BIANCHI and M. S. VARNEY Volatilisation processes in wastewater treatment plants as a source of potential exposure to VOCs R. Cary, S. CLARKE and J. DELIC Effects of combined exposure to noise and toxic substances —critical review oft he literature J. MALCHAIRE and A. PIETTE A comprehensive strategy for the assessment of noise exposure and risk of hearing impairment C. PERETZ, P. GOLDBERG, The variability of exposure over time: a prospective longitudinal E. KAHAN, S. GRADY and A. GOREN study Book Reviews D. SAGAR The Manager’s Guide to Control of Hazardous Substances, by BOHS TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE T. L. OGDEN Occupational Hygiene, 2nd Edition. Edited by J. M. HARRINGTON and K. GARDINER NUMBER 5 D. W. STANTON Obituary, R. E. G. RENDALL, 1921-1995 K. TAKAGI, S. KUMAGAI, Application of inverse Gaussian distribution to occupational I. MATSUNAGA and Y. KUSAKA exposure data Z. ADAMIS, E. TATRAI, K HONMA, A study on lung toxicity of respirable hard metal dusts in rats J. KARPATI and G. UNGVARY E. GOELEN, M. LAMBRECHTS European sampling intercomparisons for aromatic and and F. GEYSKENS chlorinated hydrocarbons in workplace air G. S. HALL, C. H. RIcE, A comparison of exposures to refractory ceramic fibres over J. E. Lockey, G. K. LEMASTERS multiple work shifts and P. S. GARTSIDE BD: . Dyson, M. A. BUTLER, The de-vitrification of alumino-silicate ceramic fibre materials— Ri . HUGHES, R. FISHER and the kinetics of the formation of different crystalline phases G. W. HIcKs N.S. SErxas, N. J. HEYER, Quantification of historical dust exposures in the diatomaceous E. A. E. WELP and H. CHECKOWAY earth industry Short Communication T. SCHNEIDER, G. W. GIBBS, Testing fibre release from insulation products: report on a G. BURDETT, U. DRAEGER, workshop H. D. JUHL, M. ScHUMM, R. C. Brown, G. REVELL and A. TOSSAVAINEN Contents NUMBER 6 I. BURSTYN, K. TESCHKE and 609 Exposure levels and determinants of inhaiable dust exposure in S. M. KENNEDY bakeries A. LENNERT, F. NIELSEN and 25 Evaluation of evaporation and concentration distribution models— N. O. BREUM a test chamber study W. KC. MorGan, R. B. REGER Health effects of diesel emissions and D. M. TUCKER P. J. A. BoRM 5 Toxicity and occupational health hazards of coal fly ash (CFA). A review of data and comparison to coal mine dust N. V. MCCULLOUGH, Collection of three bacterial aerosols by respiratoanrd surgical mask L. M. BROSSEAU and D. VESLEY filters under varying conditions of flow and relative humidity K. J. M. Niven, J. W. CHERRIE and 691 Estimation of exposure from spilled glutaraldehyde solutions in a J. SPENCER hospital setting J.C. MCDONALD and 699 Chrysotile, tremolite and carcinogenicity A. D. MCDONALD A. D. McDONALD, B. W. CASE, Mesothelioma in Quebec chrysotile miners and millers: A. CHURG, A. DUFRESNE, epidemiology and aetiology G. W. Gisss, P. SEBASTIEN and J.C. MCDONALD Short Communication A. SEARL and R. T. CULLEN An enzymatic tissue digestion method for fibre biopersistence studies Letter to the Editor J. J. VAN HEMMEN : Dermal exposure and risk assessment Book Reviews R. J. SHERWOOD a Modern Industrial Hygiene, Volume 1. Recognition and Evaluation of Chemical Agents. By J. L. PERKINS gs ‘aae , eens