THE ANGLO-SAXON VERSION OF THE STORY OF APOLLONIUS OF TYRE, UPON WHICH IS FOUNDED THE FLAT OF PERICLES, ATTRIBUTED TO SHAESFEARE; FROM A MS. IN THE LIBRARY OF C. C. C. CAMBRIDGE. WITH A LITERAL TRANSLATION, &c. BY BENJAMIN THORPE, F.S.A. LONDON: JOHN AND ARTHUR ARCH, 61 CORNHILL. 1834. PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. P R E F A C E . TH E object of the Editor in publishing the following fragment being purely philological, all matter relating to the original tale, and its se veral versions, is purposely avoided, and would, indeed, be superfluous, the subject having al ready been very amply and ably treated both by Dr. Thomas Warton \ and the late Mr. Douce*. The Latin version (of which the Saxon is a translation) forms the 153rd chapter of the Gesta Romanorum ; but a more ancient and better text is that given by Welser, from a ma nuscript in the Library of the Abbey of St. Ulrich and St. Afra at Augsburg1 2 3. Compositions in Anglo-Saxon upon profane subjects being so few, it is to be much regret ted that a fragment only of the Story op A pollonius of T yre has been preserved to us in that ancient dialect. 1 History of English Poetry, vol. i. p. clxxvii. 8vo edit. 2 Illustrations of Shakspeare, vol. ii. p. 135. 3 Marci Velseri Opera Historica et Philologien. Norimb. 1682, fol. p. 677. V PREFACE. The chasm in the Saxon text is supplied in the following translation (a few trifling altera tions excepted,) from the recent English version of th e Gesta1. The Anglo-Saxon version of Apollonius forms part of the matchless collection of manuscripts in that tongue preserved in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge; for the most liberal use of which (consistent with the restrictions of the devisor®), and for much kind attention during the time he was engaged in transcribing it, the Editor with pleasure offers his grateful acknowledgements to the Rev. Dr. Lamb, Master of the College. To the Rev. H. Calthrop, M. A., one of the Fellows, he also feels greatly indebted for his politeness during the same period : to his friend, John M. Kem ble, Esq., M.A., of Trin. Coll., he has likewise to offer his thanks, both for the share he kindly took in the transcription, and for collating the proofs with the manuscript, as they issued from the press. Oxford, May 30,1834. 1 Gesta Romanorum, &c., by the Rev. Charles Swann. 2 vols. 12mo. 1824. 3 Archbishop Parker. Her onginne¾ seo/ gerecednes be antióche J>am ungesæligan cingce J be apollonige fain1 [tiriscan eaidormen]. ' N antiochia pare ceastre wæs sum cyningc antiochus gehaten. æfter pæs cyninges naman wœs seo ceaster* antiochia ge- ciged. Dises cyninges cwén wearb of lie gewiten. be bare he hæfde áne swibe wlitige dohter ungelÓedlicre fægemesse. Mid pi pe heo bicom ixf giftelicre yldo. pi gymde h/re mœnig maere man. micele mœiba beodende. Ða gelamp hit sárlicum gelimpe. pi ba/ se fœder pohte hwam hi hi mihte heálicost forgðan. pa gefeol his ágen mod on hýre lufe mid unrihtre gewilnunge. to bun swiöe f he forgeât pa fæderlican árfæstnesse. 3 gewilnode his agenre dohtor him to gemæccan. ] pa gewilnunge naht lange ne ylde. ac sume dæge on séme mergen. pa he of slœpe awóc. he'abræc intopám 1 After pam there is an erasure in the MS. The words fol lowing are supplied from conjecture. 3 MS. ceastre· 2 biure far heo inné lœg. 3 het his hýred-men ealle him a weg gán. swilce he wið his dohtor sume digle spæce sprecan wolde. hwæt he ða on ðáre mánfullan scilde abisgode. *3 fa ongean-winnendan fæmnan mid mi- celre strengðe earfoðlice ofercom. and f gefremede mán gewilnode to bediglianne. Ða geweaið hit f f æs mædenes fostor-moäor into fun bure edcLe. j geseáh hiðar sittan on micelre ge- drefednesse. hire cwæð to*. Hwig eart fu hlæfdige swa gedrefedes modest Ðæt mœden hýre js wer ode. Leofe fostor-moclor. n\i to^dæg forwurdon twégen1 æðele náman on fisum biure. Seo^fostor-modor cwæð. Hlæfdige be hwam cwist fu f? Heo hýre 3 wir de 3 cwæð. Áx ðám dæge mmra bnd-gifta. ic eom mid mánfulre scilde besmiten. Ða cwæð se<ffostor-modor. Hwa wæs æfre swa dirstiges modes f dorste cynges dohtor gewæmman ær ðam dæge hýre brýcl-gifta. } him ne ondrede f æs cyninges irre. Ðæt mæden cwæð. Arleásnes fa scilde on me gefremode. Seo fostor-mo dor cwæð. Hwi ne segst fu hit finum fæder. Ðæt mæden cwæð. Hwar is se fæder?so⅜lice on me earmre is mines fæder námareowlice forworden. 3 me'nufor- ðáin deáð fearle gelicað. Seo^fostor-moäor soðlice fa ða heo'gehýrde f f mæden hire deáðes girnde. ða clio- podevheo^hi hire tcfmid li&ere spræce. j bæd f heo fram fare gewilnunge hyre mod gewænde. j to hire fæder willan gebuge. feáh ðe hed to-geneáiiod wære. 1 MS. twege. 3 . On pisum pingum soðlice purhwunode se ^-leas es ta cyngc antiochue. 3 mid gehywedan m&le hine sylfne ætywde his ceaster-gewarum, swilce he arfæst feeder were his dohtor. *3 betwux his hiw-cu&um man num. Yié blissode on bam f he his agenre dohtor wer wæs. *3 to t$am f he hi pe lengc bnican mihte his dohtor árleasan brici-beddes. -3 him fram adryfan psf ¾e hýre gimdon to rihtum gesynscipum. he asette ba rædels pus cwebende. Swa hwilc man swa minne rædels riht arside. onfo se mýnre dohtor tovrÚe. and se be hine misræde. sy he beheáfdod. Hwæt is nu mare ymbe f to sprecanne. buton f cyningas æg- hwanon1 comon8 3 ealdormen. for bam ungelðedlican wlite pæs mædenes. *3 pone deéfe hi oferhogodon. 3 pone rædels understodon to^ arædenne. ac gif heora hwilc ponne purh asmeagunge bóclicre snotomesse pone ridels ariht rædde. ponne weaib se to beheaf- dunge gelæd. swá same swa' se be hine ariht ne rædde. and pa heáfda ealle wurdon gesette on ufe- weardan pain geate. Mid pi soblice antáochus se wælreowa cyningc on pysse wælreownesse purhwunode. ba^wæs apollonius gehaten sum iung man se wæs swibe welig 3 snotor. 3 wæs ealdorman on tiro pare mægbe. se getruwode on his snotomesse j on ba boclican láre. 3 agan ro wan3 ob f he'becdm to antiochian. Eode pi intof bam 1 MS. œghwano. 8 MS. coman. * MS, rows. 2 B 4 cyninge 3 cwæ¾. Wei gesund cyningc. hwæt ic be- com nu t/¾e swa swa to godum fœder 3 óifæstum. Ic eom so&lice of cynelicum cynne cumen. 3 ic bidde pinre dohtor mó txf gemæccan. Ða ¾á se cyngc f geh/rde f hé his willes gehy- ran nolde. h^ swiðe irlicum andwláan beseáh to ¾aia iungan cnyhte (ealdormen1) 3 cwa⅛. Ðu iunga mann. canst ¾u pone dóm mÿnre dohtor gifta.* Apol lonius cwæ¾. Ic can pone dóm. 3 ic hine œt pain geate geseab. £)/cwa£$ se cyningc mid œbilignesse. Gehir nu )>one rædels. Scelere vereor, materna carae vescor, [(p) is on englisc. (e)cylde ic (p)olige. mod- dremini] 8 flæsce ic bnice. Eft he^cwaiS. Quero pa trem meum, mee matris virum, uxoris mee filiam, nec invenio. Ðæt is on englisc. Ic sece minne fæder. mÿnre modor wer. mines wies dohtor. 3 ic ne finde. Apollonius pafsd&lice. onfangenumrædelse. hinebe- wsende hwón iram ðáxn cyninge. 3 mid py pe he' f hé smeade ymbe ingehyd. hit gewan mid wisdome. 3 mid godes fultume he f só⅝ arædde. Bewafbde hine pa Ðu to ¾om cynincge 3 cw8⅞. goda cyningc. pu f asettest rædels. gehyT ðu pa onfundennesse ymbe pu cwæde. Ðæt pu scilde polodest. ne eart ðu leogende on f pu ¾ám. beseóh to^ ðe^ silfum. And cwæde· mod- drenum flæsce ic bnice. ne eart ðu on ðaSn leogende. beseóh to pmre dohtor. 1 Jn the MS. the wordxealdormen is written over cnyhte. 3 The words within brackets are from á marginal note. 5 Mid py pe se cyningc gehirde p apollonius pone ravels swi rihte arædde. pa ondred hi*p hit to wicl- cuð wære. beseah ða mid irlicum andwlftan té him 3 cwaeð. Ðu iunga man. pu eart feor fram rihte. pi dwelaet. 3 nis naht ⅜ pi/ segst. ac pi/ hæfst beheaSi- dunge ge-eamad. nu laite ic ðé^to prittigra dagafæce. p pi/ bepence ðone rædels ariht. 3 ðu siððan onfih minre dohtor to wie. 3 gif ðí/ f ne dest. pu scealt oncnawan pone gesettan dóm. ÐÍ wearð apollonius swiðe gedráed. 3 mid his geferum on scip astah. 3 reow oð f he becom to tirum. Sd&lice æfter pam. paapollonius afaren wæs. antio- chus se cyningc him to gecigde his dihtnere. se wæs thaliarcus gehaten. Thaliarce. ealra mynra digol- nessa myn se getrywesta pegn. wie ptf f apollonius ariht arædde mynne rædels. astih nil rædlice on scip 3 far æfter him. 3 ponne pu him to becume. ponne acwel ðu hine. mid isene. oððe mid attre. p pu mage freodom onfón ponne pu' ongean cymst. Thaliarcus sona swi he^p gehýrde. he genám mid him ge feoh ge attor 3 on scip astah 3 for æfter pam unscæððian apollonie. oð ðæt he to his eðle becom. Ac apollonius peáh-hwæðre air becom to his agenan. 3 into his hise eoäe. 3 his bóc-ciste untynde. 3 asmeide pone rædels. æfter ealra uðwitena 3 chaldea wisdome. Mid pi pe he náht elles ne onfunde. buton p hi sir gepohte. he cwæð pá to him silfum. Hwæt diet pii nu apolloni. ðæs cynges rædels pu asmeaäest. 3 pu his b 3 6 dohtor ne onfenge. forðam pu eart nu fordémed f pii ac weald wur¾e. 3 he pa út edcLe, 3 het his scip mid hwæte gehlæstan. j mid micclum gewihte goldes J seolfres. 3 mid mœnifealdum } genihtsumum rea&im. j swa mid feawum pám getrywestum mannum on scip astáh. on ðáre priddan tule pare nihte. 3 sldh út on $asæ. Ða'ðy æftran dæge wæs apollonius gesoht j geacsod. ac he' ne wæs náhwar hindern. Dar wearð ¾a micel morcnung "j ormœte wóp. swa' f se heaf swegde geond ealle pa ceastre. Soðlice swa micele lufe hœfde eal seoceaster-waru té him. f hf lange tid eo' don ealle unscdrene 3 sid-feaxe. j heora waforlican plegan forleton. 3 hedra baða belucon. Ða pas pingc ¾us gedone wæron on tiron. 8a becdm se foresæda thaliarcus. se wæs fram antiocho pam cynincge. he wæs asænd to ðain f he scolde apollonium acwellan. Ða he'geseáh f ealle pas pingc belocene wæron. psf cwæ8 hé tsS ánum cnapan. Swa 8u gesund sý. sege mé for hwilcum intingum peo⅜ ceaster wunige on swa micclum heafe 3 wope. Him ^swerode se cnapa 3 pus cwsfö. Ealá hu mánful man pu eart. 8u pe wást f pu æfter axsast. 088e hwæt is manna pe nyte. f peos ceaster-waru on heafe wu- na8. for8am 8e apollonius1 se ealdorman færinga na- hwar ne ætýwde. siððan he ongean cdm fram antiochio pain cyninge. Ða pa thaliarcus f gehýrde. he' mid micclan gefeán to'scipe gewænde. j mid gewisre segl- 1 MS. apollianus»