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The Andhra Pradesh General Sales Tax PDF

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Bare Acts & Rules Free Downloadable Formats Hello Good People ! saLaL THE ANDHRA PRGDESH GENERAL SALES TAX (AMENDMENTJACT, 1986.* .- Aef No. 19 OF 1986 [lsfA ugust, 1986 1 ! An Act further to amend the Addhra Pradesh beneral Sales Tax Act, 1957. Be it enacted by fhe Legislative Assembly of the ~ b t e of Aniihra Pradesh in .the Thirty-seventh Year of .the Republic of India as .follows :- Short tit10 1. (1) This Act may be called the Andhra ~rade&a nd cornmen- General Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 1986. C C ~ C ~ L (2) (a) Section 17 shall be dcemed to have come into force on the I st JuIy, 1985 ; (b) Sub-clause (a) of clause (ii), clauses (iii) to (vi), cIause (viii), sub-clause (a) of clause (ix) of section 14 and items 166 and 167 inserted by clause (xi) of section 14 shall be d~med..t o have come into force on the 1st June, 1986 ; and [c) the remaining provisions shall come into force at once. 2. In the Andhra Pradesh General Sales Tax Act, Amondmtnt 1957, (hereinafter referred to as the prhcipaI Act), in oAfCS ~V~EI ~oIOf 2D,1 section 2, in sub-seation (I),-- 1957 (i) in clause (b) far the -words "areas of . the State", the r9ords " areas or the whole of rho State'' shall h substituted ; (ii)- in ~ l a (XuI),~ , 'a ' (a) in explanation VLI, for the words a mount '~vhiohh as bees paid .by the hbscr iber if suoh subscriber had not won the prize till the end of the series of draw", thc words "the amount which--would have bmn payable bj the subscriber had he not woo . . - *Received the assent of the Governor on the 31st July, 1986. For Statcmznt of Objects and Reasons, please s-ee tho - An&a Prodesh Gazette, Part LV -A, Extraordinary, dated the 24th Tdy, . . 1986, at page 17. 115 the prize till the end of the series of draw" shall be substituted ; \ (b) after explanation VII, the following r cxplamiion shall be added, namely : . , " Explanation VII : Bvery transfer of ,property in goods by the Central Government or the State Government for cash or for deferred payment or for my oiher valuable considcraiion, whether or .not in the oourse of business shall be deemed to be a sale for the purpose of this Act. ". . (iii) in clausl: (s), in item (a) of sub-clause . , (ii), for the'words "the cost of any goods",the words . .. . . . "the valuc of any goods" shall be substituted. 1 .. .. . . . 3. Xu scction 5 of the principal Act, in sub- . section (1) for the .expregsion "Rs.'I, OO,O#" the II expression RF.2 ,00,000", shall be substituted. 4. For sec~ion 5-A of the prb-cipal Act, the I fotlowing section shall bc substitukd; namely :- Every dealer who is 'Gable to pay tax under sec- a"5d-Ad ~ffo~tanoxlf tion~5 , ,5-C,' 5-B, 6, 6-A and 6-C shall, 4 ontumovcr. in addition to the tax payable under those sections, pay for each year a tax on his turnove~ liable to tax a,( thc rate of- . II -, ' , (a) one half paise on every rupee where tE.e I total turno~~fcorr the ypar is t h e l akh qqxes or more but less ilun fifty likh rupees ; and (b),o ne paise on evcry rupee' where the -total turnover is fifty lakh rupees or more : Proviaed that in respect of d-eclarcd goods ;he total rate of +ax togelher with the rate cjf addiliorml [ax . specified in this section shall not kxcked four percent." I 5. In seciion5-Cofthe~ri1ici~alAcf:,o rihe =of- proviso the following proviso shall be substituted, . namely :- - . . . . . . . ... .. .. .. .. ,,.. . . , .. , ., . . . " Provided that no such tax sbau be levied if the . , . -. .. .. .. total turnover of 1-he dealer including such aggregate 'A' - dtlring 'the year is less than Rs. 2,W,000." , I 6. After secion 5-E of *the principal Act, the== - followir--g sec:ion sha tl be inscrtcd, namely :-- s -F. . .* I <~Qptiont o SF. (I) In lieu of the tax payable under pthaey ggtaxh arat tes. s~lb:si.c-,in~l (I) 0f sccion 5 and sec';ion 5-C, cvely dealer ( other than a casual ~rader)m ay xi his opiion pay 111e amount of tax as spccificd in the TabIe given below on his turnover liable to tax undsr sub-section (1) of section 5 d r d stqclion 5-C. THE TABLE Turflover sZub linder secfiort 5 (1) ortd Amount of tax section 5-C, payable per ' . , - - . ... .. .--. - . year. UI (2 1 Rs . I. Turnover not exceeding 500 Rs-20,000. 7. Turnover exceeding Rs. 20,000 1,500 but nbt exceeding R. 30,000. 3. Turnover exceeding Rs.49,000 2,500 but not,excaeding Rs.60,0011. 4. Turnover exceeding Rs. 60,000 3,500 I but not exceeding Rs- 80,000. 5. Turnover exceeding Rs, 80,000 4,500 A but not exceeding Rs-1,00,000. / - 6 Tucnover exceeding Rs. f ,00,000 6,250 but not exceeding Rs. 1,50,000. 7. Turnover exceeding Rs. 1,50,000 8,8 50 but nof exceeding Rs. 2,09,000. 8. Turnover excekding Rs. 2 lakhs 11,250 .but not exceeding Rs. 2.5 lakhs. 9. Turnover exceeding Rs, 2,5 13,750 - lakhs but not.exwing Rs. .3 hkbs. . 10. ~urnov&w eeding Rs. 3 lakhs 16,250 ' but not exceeding Rs. 3.5 lam. '\ -. Rs.. 1 1. Turnover exceeding Rs.3.5 lakhs 18,750 but not exceeding Rs. 4 lakhs. 12. Turnover exceeding Rs. 4 lakhs 2 I ,250 but not exceeding Rs. 4.5 lakhs - 13. Turnover exceeding Rs.4.5 lakhs 23,750 . but not exwcding Rs. 5 lakh., 14. Turnover exceeding Rs. 5 lakhs Amount of Rs. 23; 750 a tax at the rate of fiw paise on every Rupee of. thc turn over exceed- Ing rupees five lakhs. Provided that ;he dealers who have opted- to paj thc arnsunt of the tax under ibis sub-section shall not - be 1iable.to tax under section 5-A and 6-B if the turn- over referred- to above docs not exceed -rupees ,fivz Iskhs. (2) Any deaIer who opts to pay any tax under ' subsection (I) shall apply in the prescribed forrn to the assessjug authority to be permitted10 pay the tax-under sub-section (I) and on being permitted be shall pay the tax due in advanm .during the' year in monthly or prescribed instalments and for t&t purpose shall sub* such returns in such manner as may be prescribed. (3) The permission grated by the assessing authority under sub-section (2) shall continue, . to be in force till the dealer withdraws his, o6tjon. . - (4) The tax ~a'dun der sub-section (2) shall. be ' subject to such adjustment as may be prescribed-on uompleti6n of final assessme.n t in the manger prescribed. . ' L . (5) The assessing authority ,may by an wder in mting . cancel the permission granted under sub- section (2) for podk nd ssuEcient reasons.a fter giving th2 dealw conoerned an opportrmity of being heard". 7. lo section 9 of the principal Act ,- ~mandmtmt of *letion 9. in sub-section (I) fir the words (#any tax payable un&r this Act" the words auy tax or interest " payable under this Act", shall be substituted ; (ii) in sub-section (21, for rhr: word "tax" in the two places where it occurs, the words "tax or interest" shall be substituted : (iii) in the marginal heading, the words "0;. interest" shall be added at the end. 8. For sectiod 12 of the principal Act,the followhg substitution section shall be substituted, namc1y:- of new d o nf or d m12 . I 12. (I) Every dealcr (other than casual 'Regstration of dwlrrs- trader) whose total turnover in any 'year is not less than Rs. 50,000 shall and any othcr dealer may get himself registered under this Act. . . - . (2) Notwithstanding anything coat ained in sub- section (1) every deal:r- (a) carrying on business in all or any of .the god.mentioned in the First, Second, Tbird, Fifth and Sixth Scheduks ; (b) carrying on or executing an) woi ks codtmcts; (c) who transfers the right to the use of any goods for any purpose whatsoever (whether or not for a specified period) in the course of busiuess to any other person ; (d) registered under subsection (3) of section 7 of the Centrat Sales Tax Act, ,1956; . 00m1A @ 74 of 1956. . (e) residinh outside the State but car0 ing on ' business in this State:-- (f) every agent of aon-resident dealex .; (g) every commission ageat, brbker, del credere . agent; auctioner or any other mercantile agent, by whatever -name called, who carries ont he business 'of buyag,.s elling, supplying, distribuf hg or delivering:t he gods on behalf of any principal ; thall.get himself registered under this Act irrespective- . uf the quantum of his turnover . (3) Ev:ry miller whether he is n dealer or not . - . shall get himself registered under this Act. (4) rvhere a registered dcaIer- (i) dies, or (ii) transfers or othcrwisc disposes of his business 1n whole or in part, or (iii) effects any change in the ownership of his busincss ; in consequence of which he is suceedcd in the business or part th~reofb q any other pnson, such succcssor in business shall unless hc already holds a certificate of registraiion get himsclf registered under this Act. (5) No dealer who is liable to gct himsclf regisg tered under sub-scciion (1) or sub-seciion (2) or sub- section (4) shall carry on business as a dcalcr unlcss he has been registered and is in possession of a cer ti- ficate Of registration. (6)A11 application for registration shall be made to the prcscr-ibed authority, in such manner and within such time as may be presc~ibeda nd shall .b c amom- panic6 by a fee of one hundred rupees. (7) Where it appears necessary to the authority to whom an application is made under sub-section (6j so $0 do for the pfoper walisation of the tax a~ldot hcr - dues payable under this Act or for the proper custody and use-o f the forms referred to in thi; Act, the rules: made and the notification issued.t hereunder, he may . . . . . . . by an order in writing and for reasons to: bc recorded :, ' therein, impose as a condition fur the issue of a ceiti- hate of registration a requirement that the dealer shall furnish in the prescribed manner and within such time -as may be specified in the order such security as 'may be specEed,for all or any of the aforesaid purposes* \ (8) If the aulhorio to whom an appli~atioii s ; . cmaat&io nu nisd erh nsufibq-es eaatniodn (i6s )i nis osradtiesrf iaedn dth iant cothnefo armppitlyi, ' ... .... .. , ... . . .. ... . . . . ... .. -. .... . with the provisions of this Act and the rules made ' thereunder and the coaditions, if any, imposed under t . sub-section (7) has been complied with, he shall regis- tcr the applicai~a~n d grant him a certificate of regis- tratio:~i n thc prescribed form. (9) Where any such dealcr has more than one shop or place of business (olher than a placc used merely for the stolage of goods) he F hall apply for rcgistraiion and obtain a sepal atc registration certiii- catc in respect of cach such shop or place of business on payment of a sum of twenty rupees for each such shop & place of business. (1 0) Where it appears necessary to the authority granting a certificate of registration under this section so to do for the proper realisation of tax and other dues payable under this Act or for the proper cus- tody and use of the forms referred to in sub-sec- tion (7) he may, at any time while such certificate is in force, by an order in writing and for reasons to be recorded therein. require the dealer, to whom the certificate of registration has been granted, to furnish within such time as may be specified in ihe order and in the prescribed manne,r such security, or if the dealer has already furnished any security in putsuance of an order under this sub section or sub-section (7) such additional security, as may be specified in the order for a11 or any of the aforesaid purposes. (I I) No dealer shall be required to furnish any security under sub-srclion (7) or any security or addl- tional security under sub-secrion (10) unless he has been given an opportunity of being heard and the momt of such security or additio~als ecurity that may be required to be furnished, shall not exceed the mount equal to the tax payable under this Act, in accordance with the estimate of such authority, on the turnover of such dealer for the year in which such security or as the case may be, additional wurity is required to be furnished. - (1 2) Where the seourity furnished by s deple'j under sub-seaion (7) or sub-section (10) is in the form 'bf a surety bond and the surety dies or becomas insglvent, the dealer shali, within thirty days of the ommame of swuchl ,e vent, inform the prescribed authority am within ninety days of m h . - . .k k~ance, execute a fresh surety bond for the mount of ~ h bca nd. (1 3) The authority granting t hc certificate of , regisiration - under this rccrion. may by ordm and for good.a nd sufficient cause, and aftei giving ihe cie,aler an bpportunity: of being heard forefeit the hole or - my:.part of the security furnished by a dealer,- la) for rearising any amount of tax or penalty or interest or other dues payable b] the dealer ; . (b), -if the dealer'i s found:t o.h ave xnisused any of ,ae.f orms :refe~edto in sub~seuito ns.f 7) and (1 0) or to have failed to keep them in prdpei custody. Where ;b y nsson. of an order under sub-' , 3). the :security:.f,u r aistred by any dealer is - rendered insufficient, he: shall make-u: p the deficie~q - ip .such:,manner and .within such .time as may be .premibed.- : 1 -- . i , I (15) The -authority.. issuing: the: forms: referred LO in s u b d o n (7) may refuse: to .issue-s wh-f, ormss.toa , ' .whoh as failed t oc omply .with-a n order. under thatt sub-se~tion:d r sub-sation :. (1 0) i or with , tkk. provisions of sub-seon. (12) :o r ,sub-sectiom (14). until : . &a dder has complied with such order or such pro- , - Piaions as: the case may be; ' (I 6) The authority granting. a ~ertificatc. of mgh&ation: u nd-er:. this:d o n m ay- on.- an,-a pphtion: by ?tbad aaleE,to whom;a :c ertihtee of hn:p.&ted order: &e refund-d f my,a mount QS pad. tttereqf. \deppsitdr .by the, dealer by: way of' security< Wrn Ws4@&ionijf it is not.r equ~ad.fotrh.e plupoky of thir-.A@i. . , J (1 ThC,m csmibed authoaw,s hall have power . ' : Q for go and sdiient reawns 30 aid, mod1 anrand .any ~;ert@ate-o f r:egktgti~tils:s ued1 b9- . . - .Proei&&iW T:no oid+~,shdl:&.p,s4eudn der-t hii. sub: + &in,ti&~t'giving,,the ,deal& comein& an: bppor- .tat@ of'b eing.h eard'. ' Jor every year subsequent to that in which he applied. for registration: ' . Provided that when a dealer has ceased to do business in any year, he shall not be liable to pay any registration fee from the commencement of the following year unless he resumes' bhsinsss. . ... . I I= (19) Nothing contained. in this section shall apply.t o the State Government:'o r Central 'Oouern- ment or any depar'ment of any such Government carrying on business as a dealer. 9. In section 21 of the principal Aci, in sub- Amadmen t section (6) for ,the expression "suo-mofu under sub- fl. section PC) of section 14 or" the. expression &&under sub-sect~on(4 -C) of section 24 or suo-mofu" ,shall be substituted. ! : 10. Afier section 33 B of the pri-ncipal Ac;, ! ' the following section shall be inserted, nahe1y.:- 3s BB. I 'Non:refund 33BB. Mere .a levy and:cokotion of tvin certam cascr. - of tstx is held invalid by any judgement or order of a court or Tribunal, it shall not be necessary to refund dny such tax to the dcaler unless it is prot-cd by the dealer to the satisfaction ,of thk asiessing . authority that the tax has not been colleoted. from - the purchaser: Provided that where any court or' .Tribunal holds 1 -the levy and collection of tay.as invalid and orders I refund of.a ny tax collected 'the. . refund shall be . I : restricted to the period of three years immediatdly i p r d h g the judgement or order".: ! - . 11. In section 33-E of ihe prhcipal A c t , h h n d m n t subsection (I), for the words "six .',peroept", a-E. d- , words "twelve percent'' shall be substituted. 12; In socti'on-33-~o,f -*thep rincipal Act, ib - section (1) for. the words ':six percent", -the words dmior , .+ '"twelve pemnt'' shall:.& -s ubstituted.: SF. * -... . --.. . , 13. Insection;39 ~f:..the.~~iiuo~ic~ta;:l. k-sub:- - .. .: -: . . .: -. , , .. . .. .. .. ... . .. .. .., ._. .gctiop,..@J.,.afctlaa use (a). the tbllowing clause shalldum* , . . . . . . . .. .. ' be hseaed. na;mely :2 . . -.. -. the . , ! \ "(aa) luannsr of detcrminstion of the -out ! payable by the dealer for-the transfer ofproperty in I

payable un&r this Act" the words " auy tax or interest work conlract:- Rovidcd further that no tzx shzll bc Ievied an the turnover of transfcr of propcrty io goocrs, spsified in the Fourth Schbdult .- to the Act, invoIv4 in the execution of works cantract,# if such to be the fir.it s :lC in ti12
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