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spe438-12 page 1 The Geological Society of America Special Paper 438 2008 The ancestral Cascades arc: Cenozoic evolution of the central Sierra Nevada (California) and the birth of the new plate boundary Cathy J. Busby Jeanette C. Hagan Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA Keith Putirka Department Earth and Environmental Sciences, California State University, Fresno, California 93710, USA Christopher J. Pluhar Department Earth Science, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064-1077, USA Phillip Gans Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA David L. Wagner California Geological Survey, 801 K Street, Sacramento, California 95814-3500, USA Dylan Rood Steve B. DeOreo Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA Ian Skilling Department of Geology and Planetary Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, 200 SRCC, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260, USA ABSTRACT We integrate new stratigraphic, structural, geochemical, geochronological, and magnetostratigraphic data on Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the central Sierra Nevada to arrive at closely inter-related new models for: (1) the paleogeography of the ancestral Cascades arc, (2) the stratigraphic record of uplift events in the Sierra Nevada, (3) the tectonic controls on volcanic styles and compositions in the arc, and (4) the birth of a new plate margin. Previous workers have assumed that the ancestral Cascades arc consisted of stratovolcanoes, similar to the modern Cascades arc, but we suggest that the arc was composed largely of numerous, very small centers, where magmas frequently leaked up strands of the Sierran frontal fault zone. These small centers erupted to produce andesite lava domes that collapsed to produce block-and-ash fl ows, which were reworked into paleocanyons as volcanic debris fl ows and streamfl ow deposits. Busby, C.J., Hagan, J.C., Putirka, K., Pluhar, C.J., Gans, P., Wagner, D.L., Rood, D., DeOreo, S.B., and Skilling, I., 2008, The ancestral Cascades arc: Cenozoic evolution of the central Sierra Nevada (California) and the birth of the new plate boundary, in Wright, J.E., and Shervais, J.W., eds., Ophiolites, Arcs, and Batho- liths: Geological Society of America Special Paper 438, p. XXX–XXX, doi: 10.1130/2008.2438(12). For permission to copy, contact [email protected]. ©2008 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved. 1 spe438-12 page 2 2 Busby et al. Where intrusions rose up through water-saturated paleocanyon fi ll, they formed peperite complexes that were commonly destabilized to form debris fl ows. Paleo- canyons that were cut into Cretaceous bedrock and fi lled with Oligocene to late Miocene strata not only provide a stratigraphic record of the ancestral Cascades arc volcanism, but also deep unconformities within them record tectonic events. Preliminary correlation of newly mapped unconformities and new geochrono- logical, magnetostratigraphic, and structural data allow us to propose three episodes of Cenozoic uplift that may correspond to (1) early Miocene onset of arc magmatism (ca. 15 Ma), (2) middle Miocene onset of Basin and Range faulting (ca. 10 Ma), and (3) late Miocene arrival of the triple junction (ca. 6 Ma), perhaps coinciding with a second episode of rapid extension on the range front. Oligocene ignimbrites, which erupted from calderas in central Nevada and fi lled Sierran paleocanyons, were deeply eroded during the early Miocene uplift event. The middle Miocene event is recorded by growth faulting and landslides in hanging-wall basins of normal faults. Cessation of andesite volcanism closely followed the late Miocene uplift event. We show that the onset of Basin and Range faulting coincided both spatially and temporally with eruption of distinctive, very widespread, high-K lava fl ows and ignimbrites from the Little Walker center (Stanislaus Group). Preliminary magnetostratigraphic work on high-K lava fl ows (Table Mountain Latite, 10.2 Ma) combined with new 40Ar/39Ar age data allow regional-scale correlation of individual fl ows and estimates of minimum (28,000 yr) and maximum (230,000 yr) time spans for eruption of the lowermost latite series. This work also verifi es the existence of reversed-polarity cryptochron, C5n.2n-1 at ca. 10.2 Ma, which was previously known only from seafl oor magnetic anomalies. High-K volcanism continued with eruption of the three members of the Eureka Valley Tuff (9.3–9.15 Ma). In contrast with previous workers in the southern Sierra, who interpret high-K volcanism as a signal of Sierran root delamination, or input of subduction-related fl uids, we pro- pose an alternative model for K O-rich volcanism. 2 A regional comparison of central Sierran volcanic rocks reveals their KO levels to 2 be intermediate between Lassen to the north (low in KO) and ultrapotassic vol canics 2 in the southern Sierra. We propose that this shift refl ects higher pressures of fractional crystallization to the south, controlled by a southward increase in the thickness of the granitic crust. At high pressures, basaltic magmas precipitate clinopyroxene (over olivine and plagioclase) at their liquidus; experiments and mass-balance calculations show that clinopyroxene fractionation buffers SiO to low values while allowing K O 2 2 to increase. A thick crust to the south would also explain the sparse volcanic cover in the southern Sierra compared to the extensive volcanic cover to the north. All these data taken together suggest that the “future plate boundary” repre- sented by the transtensional western Walker Lane belt was born in the axis of the ancestral Cascades arc along the present-day central Sierran range front during large-volume eruptions at the Little Walker center. Keywords: Cascades arc, Basin and Range, Sierra Nevada, latites, volcanic stratig- raphy, paleomagnetism, magnetostratigraphy, geochronology. INTRODUCTION 1988; Unruh, 1991; Wakabayashi and Sawyer, 2001; Jones et al., 2004). More recent papers, however, have proposed a The Sierra Nevada is the longest and tallest mountain chain more complex uplift history for the Sierra Nevada, and some in the conterminous United States. It has also long been consid- have argued for the antiquity of the range; these workers use dif- ered to be among the youngest, undergoing uplift through late ferent types of data sets, including U-Th-He thermochronology, Cenozoic tilting of a rigid block about faults along its eastern fi ssion-track analyses, paleobotanical studies, dating of cave margin (Whitney, 1880; Lindgren, 1911; Christensen, 1966; sediments, oxygen isotope analysis of authigenic minerals, and Hamilton and Myers, 1966; Huber, 1981; Chase and Wallace, analysis of relict landscape, to arrive at seemingly contradictory spe438-12 page 3 The ancestral Cascades arc 3 models (Wolfe et al., 1997; House et al., 1998, 2001; Poage and small laccolithic structures (Roullet, 2006); we do not fi nd the Chamberlain, 2002; Horton et al., 2004; Stock et al., 2004; Clark plumbing systems typical of stratovolcanoes. Instead, we suggest et al., 2005; Cecil et al., 2006). Similarly, controversy abounds here that the arc consisted largely of numerous, very small cen- regarding the forces driving Cenozoic uplift, but possibilities ters, where magmas frequently leaked up strands of the Sierran include removal of a lithospheric root, passage of a slab window, frontal fault zone. upwelling astheno sphere, or surface uplift related to Basin and The possible controls of arc magmatism on Sierran uplift Range faulting (Ducea and Saleeby, 1998; Manley et al., 2000; have not been evaluated, probably because so little was previ- Farmer et al., 2002; Saleeby and Foster, 2004; Clark et al., ously known about the arc. The Sierra Nevada are the ideal place 2005; Le Pourhiet et al., 2006). Two major National Science to study the effects of volcanic arc initiation on continental crust, Foundation (NSF) projects, the Sierra Nevada EarthScope because the arc activity ceased within 10 m.y. of its birth here, so Project and the Sierra Drip Continental Dynamics Project, are it is not heavily overprinted by intrusions or alteration. currently using dominantly geophysical techniques to understand 2. What can Tertiary strata preserved in paleochannels tell the Sierra. However, some of the best constraints on our under- us about the evolution of the central Sierran landscape, and how standing of Sierran landscape evolution have come from fi eld does its evolution compare with the rest of the range? studies of dateable Cenozoic strata in the Sierra (Lindgren, 1911; The geophysical and topographic expression of forces driv- Bateman and Wahrhaftig, 1966; Christensen, 1966; Huber, ing uplift are commonly transient, but the stratigraphic record is 1981, 1990; Axelrod, 1980; Unruh, 1991; Wakabayashi and not. Sediments and the unconformities that divide them directly Sawyer, 2001; Garside et al., 2005; Faulds et al., 2005). These refl ect surface conditions and thus provide the best possible Cenozoic strata were largely deposited and preserved within record of landscape evolution. We use our preliminary data paleochannels or paleocanyons that crossed the present-day from paleochannels to propose that three episodes of Cenozoic Sierra Nevada before Basin and Range faulting began there. uplift may have occurred in the central Sierra, corresponding to This paper summarizes the initial results of a multidisci- early Miocene onset of arc magmatism, middle Miocene onset plinary collaborative research project on Cenozoic volcanic and of Basin and Range faulting, and late Miocene arrival of the volcaniclastic rocks of the central Sierra Nevada. These rocks triple junction. may have formed in response to a variety of events, includ- 3. What were the tectonic controls on volcanic styles and ing Cascadian subduction, hotspot magmatism, triple junction compositions in the arc? migration, Basin and Range extension, and Sierran root delami- We show here that the onset of Basin and Range faulting in nation (Fig. 1; McKee and Noble, 1976; Brem, 1977; Priest, the central Sierra coincided with the development of the only large 1979; Dickinson and Snyder, 1979; Glazner and Supplee, center we identifi ed within the andesite arc, a high-K volcanic 1982; Christiansen et al., 1992; Wernicke et al., 1996; Ducea center referred to as the Little Walker center (Noble et al., 1974; and Saleeby, 1996; Dickinson, 1997; Atwater and Stock, 1998; Priest, 1979). We report new 40Ar/39Ar and magnetostratigraphic Ducea and Saleeby, 1998; Feldstein and Lange, 1999; Manley age controls on the timing and duration of this volcanism, and we et al., 2000; Farmer et al., 2002; Stock et al., 2004; Saleeby and propose a new model for its petrogenesis. Previous workers have Foster, 2004; Jones et al., 2004; Busby et al., 2007; Garrison proposed that high-K volcanism in the Sierra records lithosphere et al., this volume). However, prior to our work, very little was delamination, or an arc-postarc transition through passage of the known about the spatial and temporal distribution and nature Mendocino triple junction (Manley et al., 2000; Farmer et al., of Cenozoic magmatism in the central and northern Sierra 2002; Roelofs and Glazner, 2004). In our new model, a south- Nevada. This gap in our understanding of western U.S. geology ward increase in crustal thickness, from Lassen to the southern is particularly acute when the large volumes of well-preserved Sierra, yields a southward increase in depths of magma stagna- but poorly studied eruptive materials in the central and north- tion (and therefore increased K O values) that is independent of 2 ern Sierra are compared with the small volumes of well-studied time of eruption. volcanic rocks in the southern Sierra. On the basis of preliminary structural work in the area, we We integrate new stratigraphic, structural, geochemical, propose that the Little Walker center formed at a releasing step- geochronological, and magnetostratigraphic data on Cenozoic over on dextral transtensional faults at the western edge of the vol canic rocks in the central Sierra Nevada (Figs. 2 and 3) to Walker Lane belt at its inception. We speculate that this fault sys- address the following inter-related questions: tem penetrated a lithospheric plate with a thick crustal section, 1. What can Neogene volcanic and intrusive rocks centers tapping magmas generated at relatively great depths. If so, this in the central Sierra Nevada tell us about the paleogeographic high-K center records the birth of the future plate boundary. evolution of the ancestral Cascades arc? Previous workers have assumed that the ancestral Cascades CENOZOIC ROCKS OF THE SIERRA NEVADA arc in the Sierra Nevada consisted of stratovolcanoes, similar to the modern Cascades arc, where dipping strata represent the Early work in the central Sierra Nevada concluded that eroded remnants of major edifi ces. However, we map dipping much of the Tertiary rock (gravels, volcanics, and volcani- strata as slide sheets or growth-faulted strata (presented here), or clastics) were deposited into, and are preserved in, paleo- spe438-12 page 4 4 Busby et al. 120° 110°W Miocene Ancestral Cascades Arc 50° Walker Lane belt Eastern California CANADA Shear Zone Mid-Miocene USA Juan Columbia nonarc volcanism de River (ca. 16 Ma) Fuca Basalts Miocene continental Plate arc volcanism e FMigioucreen 1e. Pteacltionnspica steilce mreecnotnss taruncdt iomna ogf- subduction zon 16 Ma Yellowstone H otspotTrack EofaBstaesrinn-eRdagnege matic provinces, modifi ed after Dick- Northern Province inson (1997). Reconstruction depicts Nevada 40°N offshore ridge crests and transforms at 40° TJ-3 Rift (present) ca. 16 Ma, with approximate positions of triple junction at 16 and 10 Ma (TJ-1 Figure 3 and TJ-2, respectively) (after Atwater Figure 2 and Stock, 1998). M—McDermitt cal- TJ-2 dera (of Snake River Plain–Yellowstone (10Ma) Colorado Plateau hotspot track, shown for reference). The segment of the ancestral Cascades Rio described here (Fig. 2) is dominated by Grande Rift 14–6 Ma andesites (Fig. 3A) but also TJ-1 includes 10.3–9.2 Ma latitic (high-K (15 Ma) trachyandesitic) volcanic rocks (Fig. 3B). Coastal California S MioceneMexican Arc 30°N Traan nsfAn ordr mea s Pacific N Plate s u b d ucti 0 250 500 Guadalupe on Microplate zo Km ne 120°W 110° channels (Lindgren, 1911). Eocene paleochannel fi ll is present of which (an estimated 620–1240 km2) is preserved north of the only in the lower reaches of the central Sierra and consists of Tuolumne River (Fig. 2; Curtis, 1954). Voluminous Miocene “auriferous” river gravels (Lindgren, 1911). Oligocene paleo- deposits accumulated in, and eventually buried, older bedrock channel fi ll in the northern to central Sierra consists of silicic river courses (Curtis, 1954; Wagner et al., 2000), causing many ignimbrites that originated from large calderas in present-day Miocene river channels to be cut into older Tertiary rocks rather Nevada (Davis et al., 2000; Hinz et al., 2003; Faulds et al., 2005; than pre-Cenozoic basement rock. Miocene paleochannel fi ll of Garside et al., 2005). Miocene paleochannel fi ll is composed of the central to northern Sierra Nevada is considered part of the dominantly andesitic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, most ancestral Cascades arc (Fig. 1). spe438-12 page 5 The ancestral Cascades arc 5 H o Moha ney Lake Flt zone 0 Late Cenozo7ic0 fkaumlt N wk Valley Flt z 40° WCraelskte or fL Saineerra Nevada o Feather R. neaben Figure 3 Gr Yuba R. hoe 122° W Ta 39° N m erican R. Nevada A Sacramento 119° Mokelumne R. 121° Mono Lake 38° 38° Figure 2. Generalized late Cenozoic StanisTluaousl uRm. ne R. 118° ffaroumlt mWaapk oafb tahyea Sshiei raran dN eSvaawdyae, rm (o2d0i0fi 1e)d. Flt—fault. Merced R. California Bishop 120° O w C 37° en entral ValleySan JoFareqsunino RKings. R. Kaweah R. s Valley Flt zone 119° 36° Kern R. 118° 35° Recent plate-tectonic reconstructions for the location of the in the Sonora Pass to Ebbetts Pass area of the central Sierra (Dal- migrating Mendocino fracture zone (Atwater and Stock, 1998) rymple, 1963; Slemmons, 1966; Noble et al., 1974), and there have suggested that subduction-related continental arc volcanism were scattered K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages on calc-alkaline volcanic should have continued until ca. 10 Ma at the latitude of the cen- rocks in adjacent parts of western Nevada (Golia and Stewart, tral Sierra Nevada. Prior to our studies, however, there were very 1984; John et al., 1999; Trexler et al., 2000; Castor et al., 2002). sparse age data on Miocene calc-alkaline intermediate volcanic Our new 40Ar/39Ar age data, presented here and by Busby et al. rocks in the region. Only scattered K/Ar dates with relatively (2007), suggest that arc magmatism in the central Sierra occurred large errors existed for calc-alkaline and high-K volcanic rocks from ca. 14 to 6 Ma. spe438-12 page 6 8°′5 8°′0 34N 30 ′119°00 A Key Tertiary Volcanics Faults Roads Rivers Sierra Nevada Crest reviR reBodie HillsklaW tsaE dgeportBodie Hills Mono Lake ′119°00 ke Tahoe and Bridge- Bri La n US-395 etwee b ada Figure 3B yellaV epWalker RiveroletnA US-395 LittleWalkerCenterreviR reklaW elttiL al Sierra Nevada ′120°00 tluLake TahoeaFT aahoSioneer erVa GalNleevay dFa aCruleCA-4tstCaliforniaNev reviRUS-50 noSouth Fork American RiversraC kroyF etslalaEVCA-88 epoHCarson PassCA-89 Nobel CCaarnsroyevno iRRn ie vnFmerauluelkCA-4otMEbbetts Pass kroF htroNArnot Peak reviR sualsinkraotFS k krrareolCvF ihRtr osNualCA-108sinSonora PassatS kroF elddi?MrRelief PeakeviR sualsinatS kroF htuoS ′120°00 W nd following page). (A) Distribution of Tertiary volcanic rocks in the centrcribed in text are shown here and in part B. as on this 3 (calities de Figure port; lo 8°′5 8°′0 34 30 spe438-12 page 7 N N ′5 ′0 38°4 38°3 ellent arson cC e exed (14. ′′120°00 W120°30 W reBFigure 13vWalker RiveriR US-50nNevadaoWest Fork Carson RiversrkaCaKey ekrPo yFeTertiary VolcanicsN etksBusby et al. (2007)laalaEyLVCastle Point/e Faultsd leMelissa Coray PeakleapRVoRoads eHpKirkwood Valley/oCarson PassCA-89RiversThe SentinelsletnMarkleeville PeakSierra Nevada CrestACA-88N o bSeile rrCCa aarNnseroyevvnao iRdRUS-395n iea vnFmeCrraueluesltkCA-4otMCaliforniaEbbetts Pass kroF htroNFigure 14Arnot PeaktNlutBull Run PeakaluFa wDisaster PeakFr eowtvlidRuo sadaueFaalsM einDardanellesnMao ttS iRed Peakte tStanislaus kkirsrvcoouFnaF kohPeakeruraterlrLCJBald PeakoGv Ni-aR rn soSonora PeakounanUS-395loLittleCA-108sniSnSonora PassaWalkeraCtS trCenter kserovoLFiR e lrdedki?MlaWreviRRelief Peak s uaelsinatSl krtoF httuoSiL ′′120°00 W120°30 W continuede 3 (). (B) Our work is concentrated along the range crest and range front between Carson Pass and Sonora Pass, where exposures arolcanic strata are abundant. The stratigraphy shown on Figure 4 is based on geologic mapping west of the modern crest, where strata are unfaultbox labeled Busby et al. 2007) to weakly faulted strata (Sonora Pass). Range front faults affect strata in the map areas shown in Figures 13 and ′5 ′0 gurd vss, °4 °3 FianPa 8 8 3 3 spe438-12 page 8 8 Busby et al. STRUCTURAL SETTING OF THE MODERN modeled thermochronological data to infer a 15°W tilting of the SIERRA NEVADA Carson Range, between ca. 10 and 3 Ma. This supports the model that the Tahoe-Truckee depression is an asymmetric half graben The modern Sierra Nevada lies within a microplate bounded bounded by the West Tahoe fault on the west side of the depres- to the west by the San Andreas fault and to the east by the Walker sion (Figs. 2 and 3; Lahren and Schweickert, 1995; Schweickert Lane belt, an ~150-km-wide belt of active seismicity along the et al., 1999, 2000, 2004). This estimate for the timing of exten- western edge of the Great Basin (Figs. 1 and 2). The Walker sion also broadly agrees with estimates that make use of Tertiary Lane belt currently accommodates ~20%–25% of Pacifi c–North strata just to the north of the Carson range and the Tahoe-Truckee America plate motion (Bennett et al., 1999; Thatcher et al., 1999; area, where a small-magnitude extensional episode occurred at Dixon et al., 2000; Oldow, 2000), and the Sierra Nevada block ca. 12 Ma and signifi cant extension began at ca. 3 Ma (Henry and is currently moving 11–14 mm/yr toward the NW, in a more Perkins, 2001). westerly direction than the trend of the Walker Lane belt and The transition zone between the Basin and Range and the cen- the Sierra Nevada frontal fault system (Dokka and Travis, 1990; tral Sierra had not been mapped and dated prior to our study. The Savage et al., 1990; Sauber et al., 1994). Much of the present-day central Sierra Nevada is ideal for determining the long-term history to Quaternary displacement between the Sierra Nevada block and of the range front faults because it contains an areally extensive, the rest of the Great Basin is being taken up along the western dateable Neogene volcanic-volcaniclastic stratigraphy. edge of the Walker Lane belt (Wallace et al., 1984; Eddington et al., 1987; Dokka and Travis, 1990; Dixon et al., 1995, 2000; STRATIGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK FOR THE Bennett et al., 1998; Thatcher et al., 1999; Oldow, 2003). The CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA Sierra Nevada frontal fault zone lies at the westernmost margin of the Walker Lane belt (Figs. 1 and 2; Wakabayashi and Sawyer, Since the groundbreaking work of Ransome (1898), described 2001; Schweickert et al., 1999, 2000, 2004). further later in this paper, strata of the central Sierra have been The eastern escarpment of the Sierra Nevada forms the little studied. Previous work in the Carson Pass to Ebbetts Pass boundary between the Basin and Range Province and the unex- area includes the Ph.D. research of Curtis (1951), the 1:62,500 tended Sierran block (Fig. 2), and it is one of the most prominent Freel Peak quadrangle (Armin et al., 1984) and 1:62,500 Mar- topographic and geologic boundaries in the Cordillera (Surpless kleeville quadrangle (Armin et al., 1984), and an M.S. thesis in et al., 2002). This boundary is relatively simple, straight, and the Markleeville Peak area (Mosier, 1991). Previous work in the narrow along the southern Sierra Nevada range front fault zone Sonora Pass to Ebbetts Pass area includes the research of Slem- (Owens Valley fault zone, Fig. 2), but it becomes more complex mons (1953, 1966, 1975), the 1:62,500 Carson-Iceberg Wilder- in the central Sierra (between Bishop and Lake Tahoe, Fig. 2). ness Map (Keith et al., 1982), and 15′ reconnaissance maps by There, it has been interpreted to form a northwest-trending zone Giusso (1981) and Huber (1981), and research largely to the east of en echelon escarpments produced by normal or oblique fault- of Sonora Pass by Brem (1977) and Priest (1979). These previous ing (Wakabayashi and Sawyer, 2001; Schweickert et al., 2004), workers grouped diverse volcanic-volcaniclastic and subvolcanic and it has focal plane mechanisms suggestive of oblique normal lithofacies into groups, formations, tuffs, and fl ows (Fig. 4), the faulting (Unruh et al., 2003). ages of which were poorly determined by scattered K/Ar dates The structural nature of the transition between the Basin and with relatively large uncertainties (Dalrymple, 1963; Slemmons, Range and the Sierran physiographic provinces has been inves- 1966; Noble et al., 1974). We follow their terminology because it tigated in detail in the southern Sierra (Jones and Dollar, 1986; is widely used in the literature. Jones et al., 1994; Wernicke et al., 1996), although the long-term Miocene andesitic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the history of this segment is not well understood because Neogene central Sierra Nevada are commonly referred to as the Merhten volcanic rocks are generally lacking there. The long-term history Formation (Fig. 4B; Piper et al., 1939; Curtis, 1951, 1954). In of the northern transition zone is better understood where it has the Sonora Pass region, however, distinctive high-K volcanic been studied in detail at the latitude of Lake Tahoe (Schweickert rocks, referred to as the Stanislaus Group, lie within the andesite et al., 1999, 2000, 2004; Surpless et al., 2002). An ~110-km-long, section (Fig. 4B); the underlying andesites are referred to as the E-W transect there shows that Basin and Range extension has Relief Peak Formation, and the overlying andesites are referred encroached ~100 km westward into the former Sierran magmatic to as Disaster Peak Formation (Fig. 4B; Slemmons, 1953, 1966). arc since the middle Miocene, along east-dipping normal faults Although this nomenclature works well where the high-K vol- that have accommodated >150% extension in the east (Surpless canic rocks are present, we recognize no distinction between the et al., 2002). In the west, the Genoa fault forms the east boundary Relief Peak and Disaster Peak Formations that can be made on of the Carson Range (Figs. 2 and 3) and records <10% exten- lithologic, mineralogic, or geochemical grounds. On the basis of sion (Surpless et al., 2002). The Carson Range locally contains our work in this and adjacent regions, we believe that the dis- west-tilted volcanic strata (Schweickert et al., 2000), but Tertiary tinction between the Relief Peak Formation and Disaster Peak strata useful for determining direction and timing of tilting are Forma tion can only made by reference to its stratigraphic or missing in much of the range. However, Surpless et al. (2002) intrusive position relative to the Stanislaus Group. For example, spe438-12 page 9 s- canic ± 0.20 mities6 desite d debriMa) A B Sonora Pass RegionCarson Pass Region Olivine basalt flowsnoTbat - basaltic andesite iTbattTddTdd - dacite domeablock-and-ash-flow tuffmrTvdf2 - Little Round top volAndesitic block-and-ash-oTaba3 - Sentinels andesite block-and-ash- Tvdf2FTaba3debris-flow depositsflow tuffs, debris-flow, and flow tuff (6.05 ± 0.12 Ma) kastreamflow depositseP?6 ?3r noei Tbl - basalt lava flows (6.80 ?sTblicniteR?Tvdf1sTvdf1 - Kirkwood volcanic debris-flow Ma)?asdeposits intruded by 10.6± 0.2 Ma iDDardanelles Formation: Latite Tappeperitic andesite dikelava flows, minor debris-flow and streamflow depositsTad2pTad2, Tad1 - lava domesuoTad1rEureka Valley Tuff: quartz latite G signimbrite, 3 membersua5lTaba2 - East Kirkwood andesites?inTaba2 block-and-ash-flow tuffatTable Mountain Latite lava SUnconfor?4flows and minor sandstoneTfuTfu - upper fluvial deposits1 through 1????Trt - reworked pumice lapilli tuffTrtReincision 2noiTfl - lower fluvial deposits TfltamAndesitic block-and-ash- r3oflow tuff, debris-flow, and Tbai - Round Top basaltic andesite intrusions F Tbaistreamflow depositsk(13.4±1.5 Ma, Morton et al., 1977)aeP fTsb - Elephant's Back stratified cobble Tsbeilbreccia-conglomerate and sandstone eRReinTaba1 - Red Lake trachyancision 1?Tfdf - interstratified debris-flow deposits sblock-and-ash-flow tuff an?Taba1Tfdfg?nand fluvial deposits of Castle Pointn?flow deposits (14.69±0.06 oi?irtpRhyolite ignimbrites (up to 6)aSm2 yreo Ti - welded and nonwelded rhyolite ignimbritesTilFlBasal unconformitya V1Pre-Tertiary granitic and KguKgu - undifferentiated granitic rocksmetamorphic basement JTRm - undifferentiated metamorphic rocksJTRm Figure 4. Generalized lithostratigraphic columns showing Tertiary volcanic rocks of the central Sierra Nevada. (A) Sonora Pass region: strati-graphic nomenclature of Slemmons (1953, 1966) and Brem (1977), where high-K volcanic rocks (Stanislaus Group) intervene between Miocene andesites of the Relief Peak Formation (below) and the Disaster Peak Formation (above). Shown here are new lithofacies interpretations (Figs. 5, 40396, 7, 8, and 9) and Ar/Ar ages (Fig. 11). (B) Carson Pass region: undivided strata of the Miocene Mehrten Formation (Curtis, 1954) between 4039the Sierran crest and the Kirkwood Valley (Fig. 3) are here divided into lithofacies, using detailed mapping and Ar/Ar ages presented in Busby et al. (2007). Basal Oligocene ignimbrites in the Sonora Pass area are referred to as Valley Springs Formation (Slemmons, 1953, 1966) and correlated with basal ignimbrites at Carson Pass. Mappable erosional unconformities between map units are recognized and numbered on both columns. Tentative correlations of the three deepest unconformities are given here, labeled reincision 1, 2, and 3. 7.12 ± 0.06 Ma 9.15 ± 0.03 Ma 9.31 ± 0.03 Ma 10.14 ± 0.06 Ma 10.25 ± 0.06 Ma 10.17 ± 0.18 Ma 23.8 ± 0.20 Ma 6 5 4 3 2 1 e)?n( eecn ooettcsoieillPP )o?t( ee ennteeaccLooiiMlP enecoiM etaL etaLe noet c)o?(i MylraE e onte ecnoeiMco yglirlaOE spe438-12 page 10 10 Busby et al. rocks at Ebbetts Pass that have no demonstrated stratigraphic locally obvious between lithofacies, or between members within relation to the high-K rocks were referred to as Relief Peak For- formations. We use unconformity surfaces as sequence bound- mation by Armin et al. (1984), even though they reported K/Ar aries without specifying a mechanism for their formation (e.g., dates similar to those of the Disaster Peak Formation. We there- Pekar et al., 2003; Bassett and Busby, 2005; Busby and Bassett, fore refer to those rocks, and to all andesites of the central Sierra 2007), such as tectonics, base-level change, or climate change. It Nevada that do not lie in stratigraphic continuity with the high- is impossible to map within these subaerially deposited volcanic- K volcanic rocks, as Merhten Formation (Fig. 4). Even in areas volcaniclastic successions without mapping the obvious, deep where Stanislaus Group is present, careful mapping must be done erosional unconformity surfaces that divide the strata into distinct to distinguish Relief Peak Formation from Disaster Peak Forma- packages. We further contribute to the stratigraphic framework tion where contact relations are complicated by paleotopographic by reporting new 40Ar/39Ar dates (Fig. 11) and new magneto- effects, faults, or intrusions. stratigraphic data (Fig. 12). For the Sonora Pass region, we follow the stratigraphy defi ned by previous workers (Fig. 4A; Slemmons, 1953, 1966; LITHOFACIES DATA Brem, 1977), even though the names do not all follow strati- graphic code, because this stratigraphy is fi rmly established in Before the present study, most of the volcanic-volcaniclastic the literature, and it is useful. All the unconformities and their rocks of this area were undivided, and, in some instances, those correlations (Figs. 4A and 4B) are proposed here on the basis that were divided were misidentifi ed (e.g., intrusions were inter- of our mapping and dating. Basal Oligocene ignimbrites, widely preted to be lava fl ows, block-and-ash-fl ow tuffs were called referred to as Valley Springs Formation, are cut by a deep ero- debris-fl ow deposits, sedimentary breccias were called volcanic sional unconformity that we refer to as reincision 1 (Fig. 4A). rocks, and so on). For this reason, we give very detailed criteria Overlying andesitic rocks of the Relief Peak Formation are in for recognition of lithofacies present in the ancestral Cascades turn cut by a deep erosional and, in places, angular uncon formity arc and believe that this will be useful to other workers in arc ter- (reincision 2) below high-K volcanic rocks of the Stanislaus ranes. The volcanic-volcaniclastic terminology used in this paper Group. The Stanislaus Group includes the Table Mountain Latite, largely follows that of Fisher and Schmincke (1984), Heiken and the Eureka Valley Tuff, and the Dardanelles Formation, all sepa- Wohletz (1985), and Sigurdsson et al. (2000). Lithofacies names rated by minor erosional unconformities. The Stanislaus Group is are assigned based on mineralogy and/or chemical compositions, in turn cut by a deep erosional unconformity (reincision 3) that is depositional structures and textures, and inferred volcanic or overlain by the andesitic Disaster Peak Formation (Fig. 4A). Cor- sedimentary eruptive and depositional processes. The mineral- relations of unconformities between the Sonora Pass and Carson ogy of these lithofacies is based on visual examination of about Pass areas, and their signifi cance, are discussed later. three-hundred thin sections by the fi rst author; the geochemistry The Stanislaus Group at Sonora Pass forms the type localities of selected samples is described in a following section. for “latite” and “quartz latite,” as defi ned by Ransome (1898). The Ignimbrites of the Valley Springs Formation form the oldest geochemistry and K/Ar geochronology of the Stanislaus Group strata along the central Sierran crest (Figs. 4A and 4B), so those were described by Noble et al. (1976). The Table Mountain Latite are briefl y described fi rst. Andesite lithofacies are described sec- lava fl ows have distinctive large plagioclase with sieved textures, ond; except for minor interstratifi ed basalts, these make up all of plus or minus large augite crystals (Ransome, 1898). The Eureka the Merhten, Relief Peak, and Disaster Peak Formations. Litho- Valley Tuff consists of three mineralogically distinctive welded facies of the high-K Stanislaus Group (Fig. 4) are described next, to nonwelded ignimbrites, referred to as members by Slemmons in order to point out how they differ from the andesites. Basalt (1966; Fig. 4A). The Eureka Valley Tuff is described geochemi- lava fl ows, though rare, occur within all the andesitic formations cally as quartz latite by Ransome (1898) and Noble et al. (1974, as well as the high-K section, so they are described last. Chemi- 1976) but plots in the trachyandesitic to trachydacitic fi elds of cal compositions are described later. Le Bas et al. (1986) (Brem, 1977; Priest, 1979). It is inferred The geographic distribution of each lithofacies is included to have erupted from the Little Walker caldera (Fig. 3B; Noble in its description in this section (with reference to Fig. 3B), et al., 1974), which we refer to here as the Little Walker center and in the last section, we integrate these data with geochrono- because we do not believe it has been proven to be a caldera. logical, magnetostratigraphic, geochemical, and structural The Dardanelles Formation is defi ned as latitic volcanic and vol- data (Figs. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16) to provide a preliminary caniclastic rocks that overlie the Eureka Valley Tuff (Slemmons, paleogeographic and tectonic reconstruction of the ancestral 1953, 1966; Fig. 4A). Cascades arc in the central Sierra Nevada (Fig. 17). Litho facies In this paper, we describe and interpret the lithofacies descriptions and interpretations are based on detailed mapping “building blocks” that make up the previously defi ned forma- at Carson Pass, both west of the crest (Busby et al., 2007) and tions of the central Sierra Nevada (Figs. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10). east of it (Fig. 13), on Busby’s unpublished reconnaissance We also emphasize the importance of erosional unconformities mapping at Ebbetts Pass, on Busby and Rood’s unpublished by numbering the major unconformity surfaces that bound the mapping west of the crest at Sonora Pass, and on mapping east formations (Fig. 4). Additional erosional unconformities are also of the crest at Sonora Pass (Fig. 14).

The ancestral Cascades arc: Cenozoic evolution of the central Sierra Nevada to arrive at closely inter-related new models for: (1) the paleogeography of.
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