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The Anatomy and Biology of the Human Skeleton The Anatomy and Biology of the Human Skeleton D. GENTRY STEELE CLAUD A. BRAMBLETT Photographs by Virginia K. Massey, Jean M. Christiansen, and D. Gentry Steele TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY PRESS College Station Copyright © 1988 by D. Gentry Steele and Claud A. Bramblett All rights reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Steele, D. Gentry. The anatomy and biology of the human skeleton. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Human skeleton. 2. Forensic anthropology. I. Bramblett, Claud A. II. Title. [DNLM: 1. Bone and Bones—anatomy & histology. WE 101 S814a] GN70.S78 1988 611'.71 86-14394 ISBN 0-89096-300-2; Paper, 0-89096-326-6 The paper used in this book meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, Z39, 48-1984. Binding materials have been chosen for durability. Manufactured in the United States of America Seventh Printing, 2003 Contents Preface, xi Individual Bones of the Skull, 30 The Frontal Bone, 30; The Parietal Bones, 32; The Temporal Bones, 33; The Sphenoid I. Introduction TO THE Study OF Human Bone, 37; The Ethmoid Bone, 38; The Skeletal Anatomy, 3 Occipital Bone, 40; The Nasal Bones, 42; The Maxilla Bones, 42; The Lacrimal Bones, Why Study the Skeleton? 3 45; The Zygomatic Bones, 46; The Palatine The Human Skeleton as Part of the Living Bones, 47; The Inferior Nasal Conchae, 48; Organism, 4 The Vomer, 49; The Mandible, 50; The Anatomical Terms and Definitions, 4 Hyoid Bone, 52 The Care of Anatomical Specii^iens, 5 Applicatiotts, 53 Gender, 53; Age, 56; Biological Affinities, The Estimation of Gender, 5 58; Disorders, 62; Cultural Modifications, The Estimation of Age, 6 65; Measurements, 65 The Estimation of Stature, 7 Biological Affinities, 7 V. The Dentition, 70 The Evaluation of Disorders, 7 The Measurement of Bone, 8 Introduction to the Human Dentition, 70 General Tooth Form, 72 II. Bone Biology, 20 Development of Teeth, 73 Individual Tooth Structure, 74 Bone Structure, 10 Permanent Incisors, 74; Permanent Bone Cells, 12 Canines, 80; Permanent Premolars, 82; Cartilage Cells, 13 Permanent Molars, 87; Deciduous Incisors, 97; Deciduous Canines, 98; Deciduous Bone Growth, 13 Premolars, 98 Bone Physiology, 14 Applications, 100 Bone Reaction to Disorders, 15 Gender, 200; Age, 102; Biological Affinities, 205; Disorders, 205; Attritional and III. The Skull, 20 Cultural Modification, 209; Intentional Modification, 220; Measurements, 220 The Skull as a Whole, 20 Frontal View, 21; Lateral View, 22; Vertical V. The Vertebral Column, 111 Superior View, 23; Occipital View, 24; Basilar View, 25; Medial (Sagittal) View, 26; Structure, 111 View of the Floor of the Cranial Cavity, 28; Common Variations, 113 View of the Roof of the Cranial Cavity, 29 Viii CONTENTS True Vertebrae, 114 IX. The Pelvic Girdle, 190 Cervical Vertebrae, 225; Thoracic Vertebrae, 119; Lumbar Vertebrae, 225 The Pelvis, 190 False Vertebrae, 127 The Ilium, 190 The Sacrum, 227; The Coccyx, 230 Medial View, 290; Lateral View, 294 Applications, 130 The Ischium, 194 Gender, 230; Age, 232; Biological Affinities, Medial View, 294; Lateral View, 295 135; Disorders, 235; Measurements, 237 The Pubis, 195 Medial View, 295; Ventral View, 295 VI. The Chest and Shoulder Girdle, 138 Applications, 197 Gender, 297; Parturition, 202; Age, 204; The Thorax, 138 Biological Affinities, 224; Disorders, 224; Central Ribs (III through IX), 239; Ribs I Measurements, 225 and II, 240; Ribs X through XII, 242; The Sternum, 243 X. The Leg, 226 The Pectoral Girdle, 144 The Clavicle, 244; The Scapula, 246 The Femur, 216 Applications, 148 The Patella, 220 Gender, 148; Age, 249; Disorders, 252; The Tibia, 222 Measurements, 252 The Fibula, 225 Applications, 226 VII. The Arm, 153 Gender, 226; Age, 228; Estimation of the Length of Long Bones, 229; Stature, 236; The Humerus, 154 Biological Affinities, 240; Disorders, 240; The Ulna, 158 Cultural Modification, 242; Measurements, The Radius, 160 242 Applications, 163 Gender, 263; Age, 264; Reconstruction of XI. The Ankle, Foot, and Toes, 243 the Length of Long Bones, 265; Stature, 267; Disorders, 270; Measurements, 272 The Tarsals, 245 The Talus, 246; The Calcaneus, 247; The Navicular, 248; The Medial Cuneiform, 248; VIII. The Wrist, Hand, and Fingers, 173 The Intermediate Cuneiform, 249; The The Carpus, 174 Lateral Cuneiform, 250; The Cuboid, 250 The Scaphoid, 275; The Lunate, 276; The The Metatarsals, 252 Triquetral, 276; The Pisiform, 277; The Metatarsal I, 252; Metatarsal II, 253; Trapezium, 2 77; The Trapezoid, 27S;The Metatarsal III, 254; Metatarsal IV, 254; Capitate, 279; The Hamate, 180 Metatarsal V, 255 The Metacarpus, 181 The Phalanges, 256 Metacarpal I, 282; Metacarpal II, 182; The Proximal Phalanges, 256; The Middle Metacarpal III, 183; Metacarpal IV, 183; Phalanges, 257; The Distal Phalanges, 257 Metacarpal V, 284 The Sesamoid and Accessory Bones, 257 The Phalanges, 185 Applications, 259 The Proximal Phalanges, 185; The Middle Gender, 259; Age, 262; Disorders, 262; Phalanges, 185; The Distal Phalanges, 185 Measurements, 262 The Sesamoid Bones, 186 Applications, 186 Age, 186; Stature, 187; Disorders, 187; Glossary, 263 Measurements, 189 References, 274 Author Index, 281 Subject Index, 283 Preface T-L.HIS anatomy text has developed from our experi- Anatomy (Lewis 1936), Cunningham's Anatomy (Brash ence in studying human anatomy from an anthro- 1951), A New System of Anatomy (Zuckerman 1981), pological perspective and teaching human skeletal Color Atlas ofHuman Anatomy (McMinn and Hutchings anatomy to anthropologists and biologists for more 1977), Anatomy for Surgeons (Hollinshead 1982), and than fifteen years. Both authors were introduced to the excellent description of bone prepared by Trotter human osteology by Dr. Thomas W. McKern while and Peterson in Morris' Human Anatomy (Anson 1966). undergraduates at the University of Texas at Austin. Many colleagues have assisted with this project. The love of anatomy and the excitement of forensic re- Editorial assistance was provided by Jana R. Hellier, construction were as integral to Tom's lab as were the Virginia K. Massey, and Sharon S. Bramblett. Re- timed bone quizzes that his students feared. The class- search assistance came from Robert Franciscus, Ben room handouts and Osteotnetry for Physical Anthropolo- W. Olive, and Diane Young. Illustrations were pre- gists (McKern n.d.) were the beginnings of an osteol- pared by Marianne Marek, J. E. Bolkman, and ogy book that Tom intended to write. Later, after both D. Gentry Steele. Graphs were produced by Microsoft authors earned graduate degrees at other campuses, Chart (Microsoft Corporation 1984). Photographic as- we prepared similar class materials. At the University sistance was provided by Kevin Dworaczyk, Robert of Texas, Bramblett used separate guide sheets for Franciscus, Jana R. Hellier, Richard G. HoUoway, each bone that were extensions of Tom's materials. At Marianne Marek, and Ben W. Olive. The manuscript the University of Alberta, Steele prepared an elabo- was typed by Claud A. Bramblett with the assistance rate set of handouts with the assistance of G. C. Nicks; of Sharon S. Bramblett. this was later distributed in mimeograph as a hand- Special thanks are extended to Jerome C. Rose, book by R. D. E.MacPhee and D.Gentry Steele (1972). who provided a critical review of the dentition chap- This text follows the chapter formats for describing ter, and to Marcella H. Sorg, who provided a critical the human skeleton utilized in that manual. review of the complete manuscript. Members of the This volume took shape when two of Tom's stu- 1986 class in human osteology (Anthropology 425) at dents decided to write the book that his untimely Texas A&M University provided additional critical death prevented him from writing. It was undertaken review of the manuscript, for which we are grate- with that special combination of admiration and re- ful. Special thanks are also extended to Douglas H. spect that students have for their professor, and we Ubelaker and T. Dale Stewart for granting permission trust that it contains enough merit to meet, in a small to use illustrations from their published work. Sup- measure, the need that his text would have filled. port has been generously provided by the depart- In the preparation of the text we have been influ- ments of anthropology at Texas A&M University and enced by several excellent anatomy texts and have the University of Texas, Austin. taken the liberty of drawing freely from them: Gray's Any errors or omissions in the contents are solely the responsibility of the authors.

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