The Anarchist Cookbook, 2012, 162 pages, William Powell, 1607965232, 9781607965237, Igal Meirovich, 2012 DOWNLOAD The Anarchist Cookbook will shock, it will disturb, it will provoke. It places in historical perspective an era when "Turn on, Burn down, Blow up" are revolutionary slogans of the day. Says the author" "This book... is not written for the members of fringe political groups, such as the Weatherman, or The Minutemen. Those radical groups don't need this book. They already know everything that's in here. If the real people of America, the silent majority, are going to survive, they must educate themselves. That is the purpose of this book." In what the author considers a survival guide, there is explicit information on the uses and effects of drugs, ranging from pot to heroin to peanuts. There i detailed advice concerning electronics, sabotage, and surveillance, with data on everything from bugs to scramblers. There is a comprehensive chapter on natural, non-lethal, and lethal weapons, running the gamut from cattle prods to submachine guns to bows and arrows. The section on explosives and booby traps ranges from TNT to whistle traps. One hundred and eleven drawings supplement the recipes. "This book is for anarchists," says William Powell, "Those who feel able to discipline themselves on all the subjects from drugs, to weapons, to explosives) that are currently illegal in this country." Techniques, disciplines, precautions, and warnings pervade what may be the most disquieting "how-to" book of contemporary times. DOWNLOAD Serial Killers , , 2003, Serial murderers, 192 pages. There is no such thing as a profile of serial killers - no single description that covers in all cases who they are and why they kill. The behavioural scientists who study them. Silent Death , Uncle Fester, May 1, 1997, Reference, 136 pages. This is already a book of significant historical impact. It was the lab manual used by the Aum cult for their nerve gas manufacturing operation. This celebration of that. MySQL Cookbook , Paul DuBois, 2003, Computers, 992 pages. DuBois organizes his cookbook's recipes into sections on the problem, the solution stated simply, and the solution implemented in code and discussed. The implementation and. Anarchy , Errico Malatesta, 1949, Anarchism, 40 pages. . Encyclopedia of Political Anarchy , Kathlyn Gay, Martin Gay, Jan 1, 1999, Biography & Autobiography, 242 pages. Examines the ancient roots of the movement, key individuals, and important organizations, events, laws, court cases, and theories.. Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture Including Recipes for MDA, Ecstasy, and Other Psychedelic Amphetamines, Fester, Jan 1, 2002, Medical, 189 pages. This title is out of print as of 03/02/2005. A new revised and updated edition: Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture, 7th Edition, will be available as of 03/08/2005.. 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