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495 Pages·1959·15.776 MB·English
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The Anal~s of Variance f\ HENR Y SCHEFFE Professor of Statistics University of California, Berkeley UNDP/SF/FAO FlSHERIES P"OJECT NO. 70 LIBRARY New York· John Wiley &: Sons, Inc. London . Sydney The Analysis of Variance A WILEY PUBLICATION IN MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS - Copyright © 1959 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. AU Rights Reserved This book or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Copyright, Canada, 1959, International Copyright, 1959 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Proprietor All Foreign Rights Reserved Reproduction in whole or in part forbidden. FIFTH PnIN'rlNO, JANUARY, 1967 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 59-14994 Printed in the United States of America 'fo Maud Susan Sherwood (1 f~ - ,'6. WILEY SERIES IN PROBABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS ESTABLISHED BY WALTER A. SHEWHART AND SAMUEL S. WILKS Editors Ralph A. Bradley David G. Kendall J. Stuart Hunter Geoffrey S. 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Statistical Methods for Chemists Tracts on Probability and Statistics BILLINGSLEY· Ergodic Theory and Information CRAMER and LEADBETTER· Stationary and Related Stochastic Processes TAKACS· Combinatorial Methods in the Theory of Stochastic Processes Preface In this book I have tried to elucidate in a unified way what appears to me at present to be the basic theory of the analysis of variance. This necessitates considering several different mathematical models for the subject. The theory of Part I, namely that for fixed-effects models with independent ohservations of equal variance, I judge to be jelled into a fairly permanent form, but th theory of Part II, namely that under other models, I expect will undergo considerable extension and revIsIon. Perhaps this presentation will help stimulate the needed growth. What I feel most apologetic ahout is the little I have to offer the read('r on the unbalanced cases of the random-effects models and mixed models. These cannot be generally avoided in planning bio logical experiments, especially in genetics, the situation being unlike that in physical science. This gap in the theory I have not been able to fill. The mathematical background necessary for the reader to under stand this book is a course in calculus at some time in the past, and at least occasional usc of some mathematical notation in the present. Very little of the calculus is actually employed, but the reader who never had it would be unlikely to have developed sufficient ease in the necessary language of mathematics. Most of the derivations in the book are of an algebraic nature. To facilitate the derivations in Chs. 1, 2, and 6, vector and matrix methods arc extensively employed. The exposition of the needed vector and matrix algebra in Apps. I and II should make the book self-contained for the reader with the minimal mathematical background indicated above. The reader not at home with matrix notation should write out in longhand without this nota tion some of the first equations he encounters in this notation. Then soon he will reach the stage where matrix formulations are not only easi r to look at and to write, but also to think in. My decision to use matrix notation may be further justified in the following way. It is well known that one unifying and insightful way of regarding the analysis of variance is from the geometrical viewpoint: it may be viewed as a method of resolving the vector of observations vii VIII PREFACE into vectors lying in certain specifi d spaces corresponding to different sources of variation in the observations, and to I;!ach of which a mean ingful interpretation can be given. For understanding the geometry of such resolutions and the geometrical interpretation of the statistics used to test whether the magnitudes of some of the component vectors associated with different sources are significant, the concept of orthogo nality of vectors and spaces is indispensable. The easiest way of defining, applying, and manipulating this geometric concept is, I believe, through the use of matrix notation. The statistical background necessary for the reader is knowledge equivalent to that aimed at in a sound year course in statistics stressing the concepts of elementary probablility, confidence intervals, and the power (or operating characteristics) of tests, and including use of the t-, x2, and F-distributions. This book contains 117 problc:ms at the ends of the chapters and appendices, of which 38 require numerical computations with "real" data. The variety of applications in these 38 problems should give some idea of the·broad applicability of the analysis of variance, even though the problems were chosen only because they furnish suitable examples of the methods described in the text, and with no conscious attempt at inclusion of many substantive fields. The importance of carrying through a considerable amount of numerical work is greater here than it is in learning most branches of statistics. Indeed, some practitioners of the analysis of variance would regard the computa tional techniques as the most important part of the subject, and con sider as perverted my emphasis on the choice of mathematical models. I realize that many practitioners have developed reliable intuitive and verbal paths to the correct analysis in given situations without defining the model, but I find it easier to follow the path to which I am con strained by the choice of model; the approach of choosing the model and then making the analysis dictated by it seems to me also to be simpler to teach, as well as more appropriate for a book on the theory of the subject. The book is intended as a text for a one-semester or two-quarter course at the senior or graduate level, and for self-study. At Berkeley in a semester graduate course meeting for three lecture hours and two laboratory sessions per week the material in the book is covered except for ehs. 5,8, and 9, which are included with other topics in a course on the design of experiments for which this course is prerequisite. In future we will·expect the student before starting this course to have acquired a knowledge of matrix algebra at least equal to that obtain able from an elementary course, or to have worked his way through PREFACE IX Apps. I and II of this book. For a shorter course eh. 6 and parts of Ch. 7 might also be omitted. The following topics are omitted, since one purpose of the book is to serve as a text for a Course in the analysis of variance, and these omissions are usually cov red in other courses in statistics depart ments: the multivariate generalization of the exclusively univariate tl.eory developed here, sequential methods in the analysis of variance, and non parametric t hpory, except for the permutation tests based on the F-statistics for the Latin-square and incomplete-blocks designs. For the same reason the design of experiments is touched on only incidentally, and the theories of confounding, fractional replication, response-surface exploration, and the more complicated experimental designs receive no mention. However, the omission of the decision throry approach to the subject is mainly for another reason: Except possibly for one problem (experiments designed for choosing the best of a set of treatments, see sec. 3.7), this approach seems to me to have yielded as yet no important new useful methods in this, perhaps the most widely used, branch of statistics, where typically many possible decisions from a set of data are considen:d. * I earnestly hope this book will be suitable for self-study, the route which many users of statistical methods have had to follow because the subject is still not available, or not encouraged, in many college and university programs of training for scientific and engineering pro fessions. For the reader wishing to master the subject in this way the above remark about the importance of some numerical computation is especially pertinent, and I urge him to work most of the 38 problems involving data. If he cannot find access to a desk calculating machine he will generally have to calculate directly from the definitions of the various sums of squares and not, because of the consequent loss of significant figures, from the computing formulas given in the book and intended for use on machines, as explained at the end of sec. 3.1. As for the remaining problems, the reader without benefit of a teacher should not feel discouraged if he cannot solve them all, for they vary in mathematical difficulty from being easy for all to being easy only for professional mathematicians. The lone reader may also find it helpful. when the argument is geometrical or permits a geometrical interpreta tion, to sketch figures, like Fig. 2.9.1. which suggest the n-dimensional· geometrical relationships in a two-dimensional representation. I am also hopeful that the reader will not experience the abundance • However, recent work by Kiefer and Wolfowitz (1958) opens the possibility that a game-theoretic approach to the problems of optimum experimental design may yield new solutions which are useful and computable.

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