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TheA nalysoifFs e edbaScyks tems TheA nalysoifFs e edbaScyks tenls Jan CW.i llems ResearMcohn ograpNho .6 2 THE M.LT.P RESS CambridgMea,s sachusaentdtL so,n donE,n gland Copyrig©ht 1 971b y TheM assachusIentsttsi otfuT teec hnology Seti nM onotyTpeim esR oman Printaenddb ounidn t heU nitSetda toefsA meribcya TheC olonPiraels Isn cC.l,i ntMoans,s achusetts Allr ights reNsoep ravreotdf t. h ibso okm ayb e reproduicnae ndy f orom rb ya nym eans, electroornm iecc haniicnacll,u dpihnogt ocopying, recordoirnb gy,a nyi nformasttioornaa gned retriseyvsatle wmi,t hopuetr missiilwlor ni tifnrgo tm hep ublisher. ISBN0 262230416 (hardcover) LibraorfyC ongrecsast alcoagr ndu mbe7r7:- 113730 Thimso nogriasdp ehd ictaoMt aerdg herita. Contents Preface xi Chapte1:rI ntroduction 1 1.1O.r ientation 1 1.2M.a thematiPcraell iminaries 2 1.3T:r ansfoTrhme ory 6 Chapt2er:N onlineOpaerr ators 10 2.1I.n troduction 10 2.2O.p eratoGresn:e ralities 11 2.3E.x tendSepda ces 12 2.4C.a usaOlp erators 14 2.5A.l gebraGse:n eralities 16 2.6O.p eratAolrg ebras 19 2.7C.o ntractiCoonnsi,Oc p erators, POopseirtaitvoer s 24 2.8C.o nditifoonrIs n vertiboifNJ ointlyi neOapre rators 28 2.9C.o nditifoonrNs o ninvertiobfiN lointlyi neOapre rators 40 Chapt3er:P ositive Operators 45 3.1.I ntroduction 45 3.2P.o sitiCvoen volutiOopne ratoarnsd PositiMveem oryless Operators 49 3.3M.e moryleTsism e-InvarNioannlti neOapre rators 51 3.4P.e riodGiaci n 53 3.5P.o sitiOvpee ratowrist hM onotonoer O dd-MonoonteN on- linearities 57 vii viii CONTENTS 3.6F.r equency-PRoewleart ifoonrNs o nlineRaers istors 66 3.7F.a ctorizaotfOi poenr ators 72 3.8P.o sitOipveer atoornsE xtendSepda ces 81 Chapt4er:F eedbaScyks tems 86 4.1I.n troduction 86 4.2M.a thematiFcraalm ework 87 4.3W.e ll-PosedonfFe esesd baScyks tems 93 4.4S.t abilaintdIy n stability 101 4.5C.o ntinuaintdyD iscontinuity 110 4.6C.o ncludRienmga rks 114 Chapt5er:T heN yquiCsrti terainodtn h eC ircle Criteri1o2n2 5.1M.a thematiDceaslc riptoifto hne F eedbaScyks tem 122 5.2W.e ll-Posedness 124 ' 5.3S.tabilaintdIy n stabiilnti hteyT ime-InvarCiaasnet 125 5.4S.t abilaintdIy n stabiilnti hteyT ime-Varying Case 130 Chapt6e:rS tabiClriittye Orbitaa inUesdi nMgu ltipliers 136 6.1I.n troduction 136 6.2T.r ansformatoifto hneFs e edbacLko op 138 6.3A. StabilCirtiyt erifoonrL ineaFre edbacSky stemwsi tha PeriodGiaci ni nt heF eedbaLcok op 140 6.4A. StabilCirtiyt erfioorFn e edbaScyks tewmist ah M onotonoer anO dd-MonotoNnoen lineairnit thyeF eedbaLcok op 155 Chapt7e:rL inearizaantdiS otna bility 161 7.1L.i nearization 161 7.2L.i nearizaSttiaobni,l aintdyC ,o ntinuity 166 7.3T.h eD escribFiunngc titohne,T otaGla inL inearizaatnidto hne, IncremenGtaailnL inearization 169 7.4A.v eragiTnhge ory 173 7.5C.o unterexamtpoAl iezse rmaCno'nsj ecture 177 Index 185 Foreword Thiiss t hes ixty-sevcoolnudmi en t heM .I.TR.e searMcohn ograph Seripeusb lisbhyet dh eM .LT.P ressT.h eo bjectoiftv hei sse riiests o contribtuott heep rofessilointaelr aat nuurmeb eorf s ignificpainetc es ofr esearlcahr,g ienrs copteh anj ournaarlt icbluetsn ormayl lless ambititohuasfin n ishbeodo ksW.e belietvheas tu csht udideess erav e widre circulatthiaoncn a nb e accomplisbhyei dn formcahla nnels, andw e hopet hatth ifso rmo fp ublicawtiilomlna ket hemr eadily accessitbol ree searocrhg anizatliiobnrsa,r ainesd, i ndependent workers. HowarWd .J ohnson Preface Theraer tew ow aysd,i stiinnpc rti nciopfml aet,h ematidceaslclryi bing physiscyaslt eTmhse.fi rsotn ei sc alltehde" input-oudtepsuctr iption" sinciter elaetxetse rvnaarli abTlheesm .a thematmiocdaeltl h euns ually taketsh ef ormof a ni ntegerqaula ti(otnhG er eenf'usn ctaipopnr oach) orm oreg eneraolfla yn,o perateoqru atieoxnp resstihnerg e latshiiopn betwetehne i nput(st hvea riabwlheisc cha nb em anipulaatneddt )h e outpu(ttsh vea riabolfei sn terest-tytphierc eaaldliyn ogfas seto f sensorSsu)c.ha ni nput-oudtepsuctr ipctainou ns ualbleyo btained froms omer epresenteaxtpievriem eTnhtisas.p proarcehq uimriensi mal knowledogfte h ep hysilcaawlgs o verntihnegs ysteamn do ft hei nter­ connectwiiotnhsti hne " blacbko x." Fort he" interdneaslc riptoifao pnh"y siscyaslt eomn,t hec ontrary, oneu setsh espeh ysilcaawlas n di nterconneacstt ihoebn ass iosft he mathematimcoadle lT.h isg eneratlalkye tsh ef ormo fa n ordinary differenetqiuaalt ioorna partidailff erenetqiuaalt iIonnt .h ep rocess leaditnogt himso deoln ew orkwsi tah seotf i ntermedviaartiea bles, relatteotd h ec onceopfts tatTeh.e raer teh utsw op arttsom athemtiacal modelosf i nternadlelsyc ribseysdt emas :d ynamicpaalr t-which descritbheees v olutoifot nh es tatuen dre thei nfluenocfet hei nputs, anda memorylepsasr t-whircehl attehseo utputto t hes tat(ea nd sometimteots h ei nstantanveaoluuoseft hei npuatsw ell). Whicho ft het wod escriptiismo onrsec onvenideenpte ndosn t he applicaatnidto hnep urpoosfet hae nalyosrit sh sey nthesiosn eth haast inm indM.o dersny stetmh eorreyl iheesa violnyt hes taftoer mulation xi xii PREFACE fors ynthetseicsh niqausee sx emplibfiyet dh eh ighligohfmt osd ern contrtohle orPyo:n tryagmianx'ism upmr incitphlreee ,g ulaptroorb lem forl inesayrs temasn,dt heK alman-Buficlyt ertihnego ry. Int hea nalyosfic so ntrsoyls teomnse u sualilnyv estiqguaetsetsi ons relatteosd t abilciotnyt,i nuaintyds, e nsitoifva i ctlyo sed-slyosotpe m. Thesqeu esticoannsb et reatferdo mb otha ni nput-ouotrpa u stt ate­ spacpeo inotfv iewb,u ti ti so nly vreercye ntthlayst u ccesrsefsuull ts havbee eonb tainaenddt haat s ufficiengteInyerfarla mewohraksb een developteotd r eatth emi na ni nput-ousteptutti Tnhge.p ioneering worki nt hidse velopmheansbt e epne rformbey1d .W .S andbeartBg e ll LaboratoarnidGe .sZ amesa tN ASA-ERTeh.e saeu thofrosr mulated thes tabiqluietsyt i(otnhm eo sti mportdaensti cgonn strianif nete dback contrionla )n i nput-ousteptutti Tnhge.i deoaf i nput-ousttpaubti lity findsi tsr ootisn t hec oncepotf bounded-inbpouutn,d ed-output stabialnidit ynt hweo rko fN yquisNty.q uitsatk etsh fien itien tegrability oft hei mpulrsees ponasste h eb asirce quiremfeonrst t abilwihteyr,e as thec onceopftb ounded-inbpouutn,d ed-ousttpaubti rleiqtuyi trheast boundeidn puptrso duce bouonudtepdu tTsh.ei deoaf N yquigsitv es ane xcellteynptoe f s tabibluittu yn fortunaaptpelliyoe nsl tyo a very restriccltaesdos f s ystemtsh,el inetairm e-invariantT hsey stems. conceopftb ounded-inbpouutn,d ed-ousttpaubti lnietvyeh ra sh ad muchs ucceasns,dv erfye ws pecirfiecs ulhtasv eb eenb aseodn i t. Moreoveirth, a sb eenno s impmlaet tteora nalyfzeee dbascyks teimns thicso nteixntw ,h icthh eayr ed escribbyei dm pliecqiuta tioTnhsek. e y int hgee neralizoaftt hieosmnee thodtsof eedbascyks tehmassb eetnh e introducotfie oxnt endsepda ceTsh.i sw ilble emphasiziendt he subsequcehnatp teorfts h imso nograph. Thimso nograipsah na ttemtpotd evelfoupr thaenrdr efinmee thods baseodn input-oudtepsuctr iptfiooran nsa lyzfienegd bascyks tems. Contratropy r eviwooursk i nt hiasr eat,ht er eatmheenatv ielmyp hasizes ande xplotihtesc ausaloiftt yh eo perationrvso lvTehdi.sb rintghse worki ntcol osceorn tawcitt thh et heoroyfd ynamicsayls teamnsd automat(aI.fn a cittc, a nb ea rguetdh atth ev erdye finitioofsn tsa bility ande xtendsepda caersei ll-concuenilveetsdhs eo perationrvso lvaerde explicaistsluym etdob ec ausal.) Them onograpihs b uilatr ounCdh apte4r, w heret her elevant concepotfsw eII-posedsnteasbsi,lc iotnyt,i nuaintdys ,e nsitiavriet y introduTcheedm .a thematfiocuanld atfioortn hsi sst udwyi lble f ound inC hapte2r asn d3 .I nC hapt2e nro nlinoepaerr ataorreis n troduced andg enercaoln ditifoonrts h ei nvertiobrit lhietn yo ninvertiobfi lity nonlinoepaerr ataorreds e rivTehde.s ceo nditiroenlhsye aviolnyt he PREFACE xiii theoorfyB anacahl gebarnadse xplociatu salciotnys ideraitngi roenast detaCihla.p t3ei rs f ort hem ostp ardte votteodt hee stablisohfma e nt serioefsi nequaliatniu ensp,l eastaansttk h amta thematicuisaunasl ly leavteo a pplimeadt hematicainadne sn gineeIrnse.q ualiatriete hse workhorosfae nsa lysist-hanids monoigsrn aoep xhc epttioto hnre u le, sincteh esien equalairteei sesse nitnigarle difeonrtt hses pecisfitca bility andi nstabiclriittyed reisac riibneC dh apte5r as nd6 .T heu seo f lineariztaetcihonni qiunse tsa bitlhietoyir sty h edni scusisnCe hda pt7e.r Them onograipsih n tendperdi marfiolrrye searcihnse yrsst tehme ory. Thea uthohro petsh aittw ilall sboe e njoybeydc ontreonlg inewehros aree agetrofi nda u nifiemdo dertnr eatmoefnt th aen alyosfif se edback systemasn,d b ym athematicwihaon asp precitahteae p plicaotfi on relatiavdevlayn cmeadt hemattieccahln iqtuoee sn gineeqruiensgt ions. Partosft himso nograapphp earientd h ea uthodro'cst ordailss erta­ tioenn tit"lNeodn linHeaarrm oniAcn aylsisa"n ds ubmittienJd u ne 196t8o t heD epartmeonfEt l ectrEincgailn eeroiftn hge M assachusetts InstitoufTt eec hnoloCgaym,b ridgMea,s sachusetts. Novemb1e9r6 9 JanW illems

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