1 FRAMEWORK FOR FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS CHAPTER OUTliNE ------ INTRODUCTION PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Shc·d Balanc~ NEED FOR FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANAlYSIS -J he Income '>t.ltcmclll FOCUS ON INVESTMENT llECISIONS Fie men!\ of ;/J(' lm onw Si<ilt'tnt'.'// Statement of Cornprchcmi\·C Income ( of User' ")a,s~< Statement ,1· (_ a'h F lllmK 1.11 lnfonnatam ami ( ·1 p ita I M<ll k~t' Flow~ Stawment of Stockhold~r; Lq Uit y THE FI"'ANCIAL REPORTING SYSTEM ~oonwtc' C Pnlmgcncic:< Supplementary Schedule' THE U.S. FINANCIAL REPORTING SYSTEM and E.xchangc (_ omn11 "'"" Scntnlt~' OTHER SOURCES OF FINi\NClAL INFORMATION Accounting Standard' Board i"tn~Jl(l~[ Managemem lll>'Cu'""ll and Analy"' I '4S/I ( ""' Cf!l1ml f'rume11·ork Other llata Source' INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS ROlE OF THE AUDITOR I ntCJTIHltonal Organizalion c>f Sc·curitlc'> C ommi~'>t(m; Reporllng on Unccrtainltc' lntcrnillton<li Accounting Standdr<l' Floard Other Auditor Service' Luropc'm Ftnancml R~poning Standard' Changmg Audnor, Auditing Out>tdc of the I Jmte<.l States SEC REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR FOREIGN REGISTRANTS SUMMARY --··==---c==~ CHAPTER OBJECTIVES - - · · - - - - - Thl· oftbt> chapter arc to. 4. Rcviev. the' element' c)f thG FASFI'-; conc~ptual g<,~ls framework. I. Explain \\hy tlnanc al >tatcmGnt analJ,;t-;" needed. 5. D"euss the progrcs.1 in setting glob,il ac·countmg 2, the general pnnc1plcs o1thc Ammctal rcpon D"n'~' and the mk of the International Ac<.·ount st~nd<1rds mg system. tng Standards BoanL J. Ccnnparc tbc role' of th~ ~in;mc·t"l A.:<:ounttng Stan dards 13oard ami the Sc·curinc~ ami k>;d,angc (om 6. t-lne!ly dcsctihe th" princtpal ti11anetal >lal~mento: Balance Sheet, Income Statement_ Statement c>l' mJS,ton in scttmg l:.';, (j_\AP 1 I