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THE ANALYSES OF IMAGERY, FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE, AND THEME IN MODERN ENGLISH POETRY A PAPER Submittedto the FacultyofAdab and Humanities In a Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirements For The DegreeofStrataI(S1) By PUTRAFAJAR NI~.102026024605 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2007 APPROVAL SHEET OF THE ADVl[SOR THE ANALYSES OF IMAGERY, FIGURATIVKLANGUAGE, AND THEME IN MODERN ENGLISH POETRY A PAPER Submittedto the Faculty ofAdab and Humanities In aPartial Fulfillment ofthe Requirements For The DegreeofStrata I(SI) By PUTRAFAJAR NI~. 102026024605 Advisor: r~ -' ----- InayatuI Chusna, 8.8.,M.Hum. NIP. 150331 233 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2007 APPROVAL SHEET OF THE EXAMINATllON BOARD A Paper entitled "The Analyses of Imagery, FigUl'ative Language, and Theme in Modern English Poetry" was examined by The Examination Board of Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, on Tuesday, March 06, 2007. This Paper has been accepted as a Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requiremeuts for acquiring the Degree ofStrata I (S1) in English Department. Jakarta, March 06, 2007 THE EXAMINATION BOARD: -I;;'!:J Chief, DR. M. khan M.Pd. Drs. ASllp Saefuddin,M.Pd. NIE 0299 480 NIP. 150261902 MEMBERS: Examiner I, ExaminerII, \ CCt.V~ ~ nini Masitah, S.S., M.Hum. Drs. H.Abdul Hamid,M.Ed. NIP. 150317724 NIP. 150 181 922 IA~ InayatulChusna, S.S., M.Hum. NIP. 150331233 This Paper is dedicated to my Mother: IbundaDra. Nurfahdriana, and to my Father: Ayahanda Drs. Asril Djoni, M.Si. "thankyou for beingmy inspirations" - Putra Fajar, 2007- In endless rain I've been walking Like apoetfeelingpain Trying to find the answers Tlyingto hidethetears Butitwasjustacircle Thatneverends Am Iwrongto be hurt? r Am wrongtofee!plIin? Am Iwrongto be in therain? Am I wrongtowish thenightwon'tend? Am I wrongtocry? ButI know, It's notwrongto singThe LastSong Causeforeverfades Isee red Isee blue But the silverlining graduallytakes over When the morning begins I'll be in thenextchapter -X Japan "TheLastSong" ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe. And Peace and Prayers be upon His final Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad. First, the writer would like to give thanks to his pan:nts: Dra. Nurfahdriana (mother), and Drs. Asril Djoni, M.Si. (father). Thank you for supporting the writer, and always give everything in the writer's life. The writer is deeply grateful to his advisor, Mrs. Inayatul Chusna, M.Hum., for the great contributions, and helps the writer in finishing this paper. Thanks for all that she has given to the writer, and may Allah SWT bless her and her family. Moreover, the writer wishes to say gratitude to these following persons: I. DR. H. Abdul Chaer, M.A., the Dean ofFaculty ofAdab and Humanities, SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. 2. DR. M. Farkhan, M.Pd., the Head ofDepartment ofEnglish Literature. 3. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd., the Secretary of Department of English Literature. 4. All lecturers in Department of English Literature: who had taught arld educated the writer during his study at SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. 5. To the writer's good friends at Department of English Literature, especially: Junaedi, S.S (Omponk), Tatang Suryana (Nana-choy), Yaman (Q-mhoy), Ahmad Muzamil (Samil); Sandi Adrian (Bule), Ikhsan Wahyudi (I-can), Agus SaefuITohman (Ustad Agus), Mustika Dendi (Sinyo), and to all ofthe writer's iiiends who cannot be mentioned one by one for giving spiritand motivation. 6. To all the writer's inspirational musicians: Led Zeppelin (Jimmy Page), Nirvana (Kllli Cobain), U2 (Mr. Bono), Smashing Pumpkins, Garbage, Ranlmstein, Dream Theater, Metallica, Helloween, Joe Satriani, Rage Against The Machine, X Japan, Luna Sea, L'Arc~·en-Ciel, and Dewa 19 (Dhani-Jenggot). Thank you for the music, spirit and motivation that they all give to the writerduringthe regression andthe writer's boringtime. May Allah SWT bless us all, and finally, the writer is sure that this paper is far from being perfect. Honestly, the writerhopes iliatally suggestiollor criticismcan enrich this paper more scientifically. Jakarta, January 2007 PutraPajar ABSTRAK Putra Fajar. "The An:l!yses of Imagery, Figurative Language and Theme in Modern English Poetry". Strata I (S1). Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Hl1111aniora, Universitas IslanlNegeri SyarifHidayatullahJakarta, 2007. Peneliti membahas mengenai tiga puisi Inggris moderen pada awal dan pertengahan abad ke-dua puluh. Puisi-puisi tersebut antara lain adalah: "The Lake Isle of bmi.\ji'ee" oleh William Butler Yeats, "Fern Hill" oleh Dylan Thomas, dan "The Horses" oleh Edwin Muir. Dalam penelitian ini, pl:neliti ml:nggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu analisa mengenai unsur-unsur intrinsik yang diglmakan oleh seorang penyair untuk membuat penafsiran yang lebih sederhana, dan mempunyai pemahaman yang baik dalanl memaharni arti dari sebuah puisi. Penulis juga membatasi penelitian ini dengan menganalisa Ul1sur imajinasi, penggunaan gaya bahasa, dan tema yang ada didalam puisi-puisi tersebut. Untuk memahami puisi seeara mendalarn, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Dari analisa imajinasi dan gaya bahasadidalarn penelitian ini, peneliti menemukantema dari "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" adalah "melepaskan did dari rutinitas kehidupan urban di perkotaan, dan kembali ke alarn yang membuat hidup seseorang terasa darnai dan lebih berarti". Kemudian tema dari "Fern Hill" adalah "peIjalal1ankehidupan seorang manusia dari sejak masa keeil, menjadi dewasa, dan akhirnya tua, selia realisasi dari kematian yang seeara keseluruhan di representasikan oleh penyair melalui simbol simbol alam". Dan tema dari "The Horses" adalah "kembali pada alam dan kepada kehidupan awal mal1usia yang mumi dan sederhana". ABSTRACT Putra Fajar. "The Analyses of Imagery, Figurative Language and Theme in Modern English Poetry". Strata I (SI) Degree. English Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University Jakmta, 2007. The researcher discusses three-modern English poetry in early and the middle of2010 century. The poems and poets are as follows: "The Lake Isle ofInnisfree" by William Butler Yeats, "Fern Hill" by Dylan Thomas, and "The Horses" by Edwin Muir. [n this research the writer uses the qualitative approach, which lmalyzes about intrinsic elements that used by a poet to make an easier interpretation and have good understanding about the meaning of the poems. The writer also limited the research on analyzing imagery and figurative language, and the theme ofthe poem. To analyze the data, the writer uses the descriptive analysis technique. From the analysis of imagery, figurative language ai1d theme, the writer fuund thatthe theme of"The Lake Isle of Innisfree" is about "escaping from the rush of modem living in the city and longing for the living in the village that closes to nature". Thetheme of"FernHill" is represents "the definite-movement of human life from childhood to adulthood, until the realization ofhis mortality, which represented by the symbols ofnature". And the thcme of "The Horses" is "retum to nature and to a simple and innocent way of human life". TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL SHEET OF THE ADVISOR APPROVAL SHEET OF THE EXAMINATION BOARD ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS v CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION I A. Background ofThe Research I B. Focus ofThe Study... 7 C. Research Question ,.................... 7 D. Significance ofThe Research 7 E. Research Methodology 7 1. Objective ofThe Research 7 2 The Method ofThe Research 8 3. Tec1mique ofData Analysis 8 4. InstIumentofThe Research 8 5. Unit Analysis 8 6. Place And Time 9 CHAPTERII: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 10 A. Romantic Poetry . 13 B. Modem Poetry . 14 C. Imagery .. 15 D. Figurative Language .. 16

poets a search for a spiritual reality.12 According to John Keats,13 in the .. enjoy seven years offfruitfulness and prosperity followed by seven years offamine. 39 . speaker uses "purple:' as a symbol of the softness and the musical
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