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The Analogue Alternative: The Electronic Analogue Computer in Britain and the USA, 1930-1975 PDF

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The Analogue Alternative Copyrighted Material Studies in the HistDlY of Science, Technology and Medicine Edited by john Krige, CRHST, Paris, Frallce Studies ill the History of Science, Techl1o/ogy al1d Medicine aims to stimulate research in the field, concentrating on the twentieth century. It seeks to contribute to our understand- ing of science, technology and medicine as they are embedded in society, exploring the links between the subjects on the one hand and the cultural, economic, political and insti- tutional contexts of their genesis and development on the other. Within this framework, and while not favouring any particular methodological approach, the series welcomes studies which examine relations between science, technologv, medicine and society in new ways e.g. the social construction of technologies, large technical systems. Other Titles in the Series Volume 1 Technological Change: i'v1ethods and Themes in the History of Technology Edited by Robert Fox Volume 2 Technology Transfer out of Germanv after 1945 Edited by Matthias judt alld BUlxhard Ciesla Volume 3 Entomology, Ecology and Agriculture: The ,V1aking of Scientific Careers in North America, 1885-1985 Paolo Palladino Volume 4 The Historiography of Contemporary Science and Technologv Edited by Thomas Sijderquis/ Volume 5 Science and Spectacle: The Work of jodrell Hank in Post-war British Culture jO/1 Agar Volume 6 Molecularizing Hiology and Medicine: New Practices and Alliances, 191 Os-1970s Edited by Soraya de Chadareuial1 al/d Harl1lke Kammillga Volume 7 Cold War, Hot Science: Applied Research in Britain's Defence Laborarories 1945- 1990 Edited by Robert Bud and Philip Gammell Volume 8 Planning Armageddon: Britain, the United States and the Command of Western Nuclear Forces 1945-1964 Stephen Twigge and Lell Scoll Volume 9 Cultures of Control Edited by Miriam R. L.euin Volume 10 Science, Cold War and the American State: L10vd V. Berkner and the Balance of Professional Ideals A/an A. Needell Copyrighted Material Volume 11 Reconsidering Sputnik: Forty Years Since the Soviet Satellite Edited by Roger D. Launius Volume 12 Crossing Boundaries, Building Bridges: Comparing the History of Women Engineers 1870s-1990s Edited by Annie Canel, Ruth Oldenziel and Karin Zachmal1l1 Volume 13 Changing Images in Mathematics: from the French revolution to the New Millennium Edited by Umberco Bottazzini and Amy Dahan Dalmedico Volume 14 Heredity and Infection: The History of Disease Transmission Edited by jean-Paul Gaudilliere and Llana Lowy Volume 15 The Analogue Alternative: The Electronic Analogue Computer in Britain and the USA, 1930-1975 james S. Small Copyrighted Material To my parents Catherine a nd James, and to Marjan Copyrighted Material The Analogue Alternative THE ELECTRONIC ANALOGUE COMPUTER IN BRITAIN AND THE USA, 1930-1975 James S. Small formerly of The Universities of Mancheste~ England, and Maastricht The Netherlands London and New York Copyrighted Material First published 2001 by Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE Simultaneously publ ished in the USA and Canada by Routledge 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Croup ©2001 Routledge Typeset by Expo Holdings, Malaysia Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publ ishers. British Library cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0-415-27119-3 Copyrighted Material Content s List o fF igure si x List o f Table s x i Acknowledgement s xii i 1 Introductio n 1 2 Analogu e computin g device s i n th e 19t h an d earl y 2 9 20th centurie s 3 Th e origins , for m an d functio n o f electroni c analogu e6 3 devices an d computer s 1937-195 0 4 Electroni c analogu e compute r development , 1945-1955 :8 5 Military programmes , aeronautic s an d electronic s 5 Commercialisation , hybridisatio n an d competition : th e 11 9 electronic an d hybri d compute r industr y i n th e USA , 1945-197 5 6 Th e origins , commercialisatio n an d declin e o f electroni c 1 7 9 analogu e an d hybri d computin g i n Britain , 1945-197 5 7 Electroni c analogu e computer s an d engineerin g cultur e 22 5 8 Negotiatin g a plac e fo r electroni c analogu e computers : 24 5 the analogu e versus digita l debat e 9 Conclusio n 27 1 Bibliography 27 9 List o f Interview s 30 8 Index 30 9 THE ANALOGUEA LTERNATIVE vi i Copyrighted Material List of Figures Figure 2.1 AC network analyzer 37 Figure 2.2 The electrical ana logue of a mechanical system 38 Figure 2.3 The MIT differential ana lyzer 44 Figure 2.4 The Rockefeller differential analyzer 45 Figure 2.5 Manchester Meccano differential ana lyzer 47 Figure 2.6 The Manchester differential ana lyzer 48 Figure 3.1 Example of the use of operational amplifiers as analogue comput ing elements 74 Figure 3.2 Example of the use of ana logue comput ing 75 eleme nts to solve a second order differential equat ion Figure 3.3 Removable patchboard 76 Figure 3.4 CRT based function generator 77 Figure 4.1 The Typhoon computer installation 96 Figure 4.2 The Rand analogue computer 103 Figure 5.1 Reeves Instrument Co., REAC 132 Figure 5.2 Boeing Aircraft Co., BEAC 133 Figure 5.3 Goodyear Aircraft Co., GEDA 134 Figure 5.4 Electronic Associates Inc., EAI 16-31 R 135 Figure 5.5 Beckman InsL, Co., EASE 135 Figure 5.6 Donner Scientific Co., Donner 30 136 Figure 5.7 Electronic Associates Inc., EAI TR-20 159 Figure 5.8 Electronic Associates Inc., EAI TR-48 160 Figure 5.9 Electronic Associates Inc., HYDAC 2000 160 Figure5.10 Electronic Associates Inc., EAI 690 161 Figure5.11 Electronic Associates Inc., EAI 8945 161 Figure5 .12 Comcor Inc., Ci-175 162 Figure5.13 Comcor Inc., Ci-5000 162 Figure 5.14 Computer Systems Inc., SS-l 00 163 Figure 5.1 5 Applied Dynamics Inc., AD 4 164 Figure 6.1 English Electric Saturn 192 THE ANALOGUE ALTERNATIVE ix Copyrighted Material LIST OF FIGURES Figure 6.2 English Electric Mars 193 Figure 6.3 Short Brothe rs and Harland gene ral-purpose ana logue comp uter 195 Figure 6.4 Saunders-Roe general-purpose analogue 196 comp uter Figure 6.5 Fairey Aviation FACE 196 Figure 6.6 English Electric (GWs) LACE 197 Figure 6 .7 Ell iott Brothers G-PAC 198 Figure 6.8 Solartron SC 30 199 Figure 6.9 Red ifon RADIC 199 Figure 6.10 EAI 231-R at the UKAEA, Winfrith H eath, 1959 200 Figure 6.11 Solartron H7 Series 1 208 Figure 6.12 Solartron H7 Series 3 209 Figure 6.13 Solartron H 7 Series 7 210 Figure 7.1 Prepa ration of the patch panels for a large analogue comp uter set-up 240 Figure 8 .1 Analogue versus digital technology 245 THE ANALOGUE AL TERNATIVE Copyrighted Material

DEFICIENT COPY -- PP. 23, 72, 74, 75 and 77 are corrupt\blank by error. We are in the midst of a digital revolution - until recently, the majority of appliances used in everyday life have been developed with analogue technology. Now, either at home or out and about, we are surrounded by digital tech
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