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THE AMSTERDAM ARGUMENTATION CHRONICLE VOL. 5, NO. 1, March 2009 Department of Speech Communication, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric University of Amsterdam Dear friends, It is our pleasure to send you the new issue of the Amsterdam Argumentation Chronicle. As usual, we have tried to bring you the latest news and updates from our participation in the world of argumentation. We are proud to report in this issue on the first results of our collaboration with our colleagues from the University of Lugano, the University of Lausanne and the University of Neuchâtel, which has culminated in the inauguration of the Argupolis doctoral programme, as well as on our academic exchange with the Department of Communication Studies of Northwestern University. Also enclosed are interviews in which two distinguished scholars talk about their past, current, and future research, and reports by students and young researchers on their work in argumentation. We hope that you will enjoy reading this issue. With kind regards, Frans van Eemeren Argupolis PhD students, Lugano, Switzerland, January 2009 2 Amsterdam Argumentation Chronicle, vol. 5, no. 1 In this issue Students about their study programme A nice and interesting programme By Renske Wierda……………………………………………………………...……3 Voice from within Interview with José Plug…………………………………………………………….4 Career story Memoirs and updates of a Ph.D. student in the USA By Leon Laureij………………………………………………………………………8 Work in progress Internet political discussion forums as an argumentative activity type By Marcin Lewinski………………………………………………………………….9 Thesis summary Analyzing problem-solving in negotiations By Alex Thirlwall……………………………………………………………………11 Voice from without Interview with Michael Leff……………………………………………………..….12 News………………………………………………………………………………….15 Book publications of the Amsterdam School………………………………………………………………………………...20 Call for papers for the 7th ISSA Conference………………………………………..21 3 Amsterdam Argumentation Chronicle, vol. 5, no. 1 STUDENTS ABOUT countries and different backgrounds) and the research colloquia of the department. It showed THEIR STUDY that my minor in Argumentation provided a good background for me; I didn’t have to spend much PROGRAMME time on getting acquainted with all the aspects of pragma-dialectics while this proved to be harder for some of my international fellow students. I A nice and interesting programme particularly enjoyed the Fallacies course in which I By Renske Wierda designed and carried out a pilot study to investigate the intuitive evaluation by ordinary language users of a certain fallacy. A few months into the programme, I realized that I wanted to switch to the Research Master’s programme Rhetoric, Argumentation theory & Philosophy (RAP). While DASA and RAP students basically follow the same courses in the first year and therefore have all their classes together, the RAP students have an extra course in Logic and Philosophy of Language in the second semester while DASA students are already working on their master’s thesis by then. Besides, while DASA only lasts one year, RAP has an extra year in which students can follow tutorials and electives and get to write a more extensive thesis based on research they have conducted. These differences made it clear to me that I wanted to take part in the RAP programme, since argumentation theory appealed to me in such a way that I would gladly spend another year working on it rather than already having to write a thesis after one year. So I decided to apply for the RAP programme per Renske Wierda (from the Netherlands) graduated in 2009 from September, 2007 and to take the extra course on the Research Master Rhetoric, Argumentation Theory and logic and philosophy instead of starting on a DASA Philosophy, University of Amsterdam. thesis. Though I had already encountered much of the topics in this class on logic and the philosophy When I started the DASA (Discourse & of language in my BA, I really enjoyed it. The way Argumentation Studies Amsterdam) programme in it was taught was interesting, fun and motivating. I September, 2006, I had just finished a BA could certainly recommend DASA students (for programme of Philosophy at the University of whom it is not an obliged course) to take it as an Amsterdam. As part of a minor in Argumentation, extra course, since it introduces a lot of interesting I had followed four courses of the BA Language & theories that serve as a background to Communication, organized by the Department of argumentation theory. Speech Communication, Argumentation Theory When I started the second year of RAP, I and Rhetoric. These courses were my first also started a job as student assistant to Frans van introduction to both pragma-dialectics and the Eemeren, together with a fellow student. This teachers of this department, and both left a good brought me into contact with the faculty members impression on me. When I had to decide which and the PhD students of the department on a more MA programme I was to enroll in, I realized that I personal basis. This led me to appreciate the would rather continue my academic career in atmosphere in the department even more and made argumentation theory than in philosophy. This led me wonder if it would be possible to continue a me to choose the DASA programme. career at this department. During the year, I had help I enjoyed the courses, the international from Bart Garssen and Frans van Eemeren in writing atmosphere (with students from many different a research proposal on the argument by authority in 4 Amsterdam Argumentation Chronicle, vol. 5, no. 1 medical advertisements for a possible PhD position, On February 13, 2009, she had the following interview with Bilal Amjarso. but I did not manage to get such a position. I did, however, get a good idea of a subject for my master’s thesis from this. Supervised by Bart Garssen, I started working on a characterization of Amjarso: Dr. Plug, welcome to this interview. I want the argument by authority in medical to start from where your journey into the world of advertisements, the critical questions that could be argumentation theory actually started. So who is José asked regarding the use of this argument and the Plug, first as a student? way advertisers could use these soundness conditions to anticipate certain critical questions in Plug: I started studying Dutch Language and their strategic manoeuvring. This took me longer Literature, with an interest in literature mainly. That than expected; I finished my RAP programme in is explainable in the sense that the subjects at high two and a half years rather than two, but I was school at that time were literature or linguistics. And pleased with the result. things like speech communication and applied I graduated in January 2009. At the linguistics did not exist as such in educational moment, I am teaching a number of courses related programmes. Then, at the UvA, I came across a to argumentation theory to first year’s students in subject that was completely new to me, and that was Language & Communication and Philosophy. I speech communication and, within speech hope to find a PhD position in the near future, to communication, the focus on argumentation. My first carry out the rest of the research project that I have class was with Rob Grootendorst, and I became very started with my master’s thesis. much interested in argumentation theory. What also was new to me was empirical research that was done by Bert Meuffels at that time. So I did both classes: VOICE FROM WITHIN argumentation theory and empirical research. As a preparation for my MA thesis I did a minor on Interview with José Plug, methodology at the Department of Psychology. After finishing that, I wrote my thesis on what could be translated as the fear of writing, which was a project within the research that Bert was working on at that time. At the same time I was working as a student assistant. And with Rob Grootendorst I had published the bibliography of argumentation theory, which was then one of the tasks of student assistants. This was, by the way, in the mid-eighties. What attracted you the most in (legal) argumentation? Was the choice a natural consequence of your educational background or was it a step in a new direction? The analytical aspect of argumentation theory attracted me very much. I mean the idea that you did not focus only on the sentence, as we were taught to do in linguistics classes, but that you, as it were, take a helicopter view over the whole text and see what happens in it. I liked the idea that an argumentative analysis of such a text had to be thoroughly justified. José Plug (Ph.D., Erasmus University Rotterdam) is lecturer and Add to this the fact that the kind of texts that we researcher at the Department of Speech Communication, were working on were about what was going on in Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric of the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests include legal argumentation, society. political argumentation and the theory of debate. 5 Amsterdam Argumentation Chronicle, vol. 5, no. 1 The legal aspect came somewhat later. new edition of Argumenteren voor Juristen. But Eveline Feteris was already working on her PhD there had to be more teaching material. So we really thesis on legal argumentation when she taught a could do research into what was needed and what course on the subject and I participated as a student could be developed to make a serious and coherent in that course. At first I was interested in legal programme that was focusing on analysing and argumentation from a practical point of view writing legal texts. The analysing part concerned in because I was more or less squatting at that time. I particular legal decisions: students had to read a lot of was involved in all kinds of legal procedures legal decisions. But in the past, there was not an because the owner of the house wanted us to get analytical instrument to help them with that. That out. So that was my only connection with legal just did not exist. For students it turned out that they argumentation up to then. In the meantime, Frans appreciated the programme very much, although van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst, Eveline Feteris some colleagues from the legal faculty were a bit and Tjark Kruiger were working on a textbook on skeptical at the beginning. That was maybe because legal argumentation, in which the Pragma- they did not have this subject in their own dialectical theory was translated into the legal educational programme. The need was made very context. This was the book Argumenteren voor explicit by people who were working in the legal Juristen. And we, as students, had the opportunity field because they observed that graduates who – and that was very special – to contribute to the started their career knew a lot about law but when it book. When the book was finished, there were came to analysing and writing legal texts, there were post-doctoral courses organised for people from the serious deficiencies. legal field. Two of the participants in that course were from Erasmus University in Rotterdam. They found the course interesting not just for them but At the EUR Law Faculty you developed the so-called also for their law students in Rotterdam. That was Moot Court programme. What was this programme to be the beginning of my connection with the Law about? Faculty of the Erasmus University. The Moot Court (oefenrechtbank, in Dutch) was the next step because the analytical and writing skills This brings me to my third question. Before you that were taught in the first courses that we gave joined the University of Amsterdam as a lecturer were evaluated as being very effective and very you had taught at the Erasmus University in interesting. But oral communication skills were Rotterdam. How do you describe your years at the missing. The idea of the Moot Court originated from EUR? the United States. Students are taught to start from a legal case and a court of law, as it were, was organised It was really a fantastic time. In the first place it for them so that they had to participate either as a was very special to find a position at a university at lawyer or as a judge. There still was the analytical that time. It was extremely difficult to get a job. aspect of legal argumentation because students had to Frans and the two professors from Rotterdam who analyse the texts that they had to work with but they were in the course had all of kinds of meetings in also had to prepare a memorandum of oral pleading order to see whether there could be positions and to present the oral pleading. So the discursive created at the Erasmus University. So, after they argumentative aspect and legal content were succeeded in that, I applied for a position there and integrated and made into a programme that was I was very lucky to get it. This must have been in taught to second year students. 1987. I started together with Harm Kloosterhuis, who had studied argumentation theory in Amsterdam, and Ton van Haaften, who had studied You also taught briefly at the University of the at the University of Amsterdam as well, but who Netherlands Antilles. What are your recollections was a linguist. The three of us, together with a from this period? colleague from the law faculty, had the opportunity to develop an educational programme for law It was an interesting place to be because at the Law students. What was particularly challenging was faculty of the University of the Netherlands Antilles, that there was hardly any teaching material. Dutch Law is taught. The students that I taught were Together with Eveline, Frans and Rob, we wrote a a special kind of students. Many of them had already 6 Amsterdam Argumentation Chronicle, vol. 5, no. 1 a job. Some of them were working in politics, some interest and my work in the theory and in research as police officers, and in order to further their are not so very different now from then, apart from career, they had to study law. Only a few students the fact that my focus now is more on political came straight from high school. Like all law argumentation. When I worked at the Law faculty in students, they had the difficulty resulting from Rotterdam, we had formed a group of researchers differences between legal language and everyday who shared the same interests. It was of course, language because the structure of sentences and the Eveline Feteris, Harm Kloosterhuis, Henrike Janssen words that are used in law may be much more and Ton van Haaften. We worked together then and complex. But some of them had an extra difficulty we are still working together. So in that respect, because the language that they used in their there is not so much of a difference. In terms of everyday life was Papiamento, so for some of them research, we continue to organise conferences and to Dutch was like a second language. That was why prepare joint publications. the Law Faculty of the University of the Netherlands Antilles wanted to have a programme somewhat similar to the one developed at the In your work on argumentation theory, you have Erasmus University Rotterdam. At first, students addressed different aspects of legal argumentation. were a bit surprised that argumentation came in. For instance, you have done some work on But it turned out to be quite successful: they liked counterarguments in legal argumentation. How in the idea of combining insights into the your view does the nature of counterarguments (and particularities of the linguistic aspects of law with of dealing with them) in legal argumentation differ the argumentative aspect. from it in other types of argumentation? What was also very nice was that students were highly motivated and hard-working. Apart In principle, I think, there is no difference between from our regular courses, we did courses often at counterargument in whatever context. There is the end of the day, in the evenings, for people who though a very serious difference in how they are had a job. Students also organised small groups of used. There are all kinds of constraints in the legal people who were very dedicated to getting their procedure and that may have very serious diploma and really wanted to prepare very well, so consequences. There are all kinds of laws and they often asked me to come to the university on procedures that dictate, as it were, how and when Sundays – unlike in the Netherlands, the buildings counterarguments can be brought forward and how of the university were open every day of the week one can deal with them. And in that sense if – to work together. That made it a very intensive counterarguments are overlooked or ignored, the and fruitful period, in which I also completed my procedure may prescribe when, for instance, it is too PhD thesis. late to deal with them, which may have very serious consequences on the final decision. So the difference is not in the theoretical concept of counterargument, What is for you the key-difference between but more in the procedure of how it is used and in working on legal argumentation from a legal that sense it is very important for the arguer to perspective – e.g. when you are working within a anticipate counterarguments but also to identify law department – and working on legal them and for the opponent to present them in a argumentation from an argumentation-theory certain way. You can easily see that there is a way of perspective – e.g. when you are working within an strategic manoeuvring in that because it can have argumentation department? advantages to be clear about your counterarguments or not to present them as clearly as you should from In a law department it is necessary to primarily the other party’s perspective. integrate all the insights from legal argumentation theory into practical skills. So there are not so many possibilities to work with students on the In an article on genetic arguments you state, and I development of the theory as many as there are quote: “Standpoints or arguments put forward in the possibilities to convert the insights into practical legislative process are transferred from a political aspects, how to analyse a text, how to write a legal context to a legal context.” I can imagine that the text, and how to prepare your pleading using reliance of the meaning and goals of legal rules on argumentative structures, for example. But my such fuzzy and dubious considerations as the 7 Amsterdam Argumentation Chronicle, vol. 5, no. 1 intention of the legislator and political arguments into account empirical observations regarding given during parliamentary debates puts the argumentative practices or preconditions that are transparency and independence of the legislative sometimes formulated in rules, we are not able to see process into question. From an argumentation how strategic manoeuvring is affected by the theory perspective, this state of affairs offers the opportunities and constrains of the activity type. So analyst the opportunity to study the legislative in order to deal with what is going on in real life, we process as a field of strategic manoeuvring. To what have to develop the concept of activity type. That it is extent do you think the concept of strategic a fruitful and promising concept is already manoeuvring can be useful in unravelling the demonstrated in what has been done in some of our subtleties characterising legislative discussions? PhD projects. If you look at the activity type of the legislative debate or prime minister question time, It may indeed be very difficult to decide which then you see already that it really offers a lot for arguments from a legislative debate could be analysing and evaluating the actual argumentative referred to in order to justify the meaning of a rule. practice. You can imagine why, in some countries, this kind of argument is not allowed to justify a particular interpretation of a rule. However, when this so- We have now talked about your interests, but as an called genetic argument is allowed, as is the case in engaged argumentation theorist who has been the Netherlands, I think the concept of strategic actively involved in the development of her study manoeuvring is pre-eminently useful for the discipline you must have some concerns regarding analysis of legal and legislative discussions. It is self what is happening within the field. Are there any evident that there are opposing parties – process issues that you think still need attention from both parties or politicians – involved in the discussion political and/or legal argumentation theorists? on the interpretation of a rule and that all the parties involved will try to have the discussion Yes, with respect to discussions in society on the settled in their own favour but that at the same coarsening of political debates, for instance, the topic time they have to be reasonable as well. So the of personal attacks that may occur in these debates is reasonableness should be guaranteed as it were. worth studying. I think we should be concerned with Sometimes it is explicitly stated in the rules, but in that, but still from an analytical perspective. The one a political context there are no explicit rules that politician can easily say to the other that what the one should be reasonable, but then you could say other has said or done is not acceptable or accuse him that it is expected from the politicians by the voters of committing a fallacy, but we as analysts have an and the public that there are boundaries on what instrument to say more about that, apart from only could be done in argumentation, particularly in accusing others of committing fallacies. It is, after all, lawmaking debates. So you see immediately that by not necessarily the case that if the one party accuses using the concept of strategic manoeuvring that it the other party or the public thinks that a is useful to see what happens in the argumentation contribution to the discussion is unreasonable or that and to evaluate the practice of legislative one should not do that, it is not clear on the basis of discussions. what kind of norm they come to a judgment like that. Because I think the pragma-dialectical theory is very well articulated and the norms are very clear, you You have done some work on political debates as can say much more about not only the fallacies that well, for instance, on apologies for inadequate uses occur in a discussion but also about the accusations, of metaphors in political debates. With this work because they themselves can be a tactical manoeuvre. in mind, how do you think the introduction of the Apart from the political or the legal field, I concept of activity type into the pragma-dialectical think that there are many other argumentative analytical framework can benefit the analysis and practices that we can contribute to and that we are evaluation of political debates? already making some progress on. If you, for example, look into a new field that we are currently The concept of activity type is of great interest to working on, the field of medical communication, you study the argumentation that is going on in specific see that the work that has been done has been contexts and institutions, such as political or focused on the linguistic or the semantic aspects of parliamentary debates, because if we don’t take discourse, whereas – and this is the result of a 8 Amsterdam Argumentation Chronicle, vol. 5, no. 1 development in society I think – this kind of CAREER STORY practice is becoming more and more argumentative. For this reason, it is very useful to Memoirs and updates of a Ph.D. student in the USA study the argumentation that is going on in there. By Leon Laureij Of course, the linguistic, the semantic, and the grammatical aspects are still of interest and can also be used in the analyses, but it is very important to focus on the argumentative aspect, and that is in a sense new to the people working within the specific field. It is not always so very clear to people working within a particular field that the centre of what is going in there is actually argumentation. Finally, what are your future projects? Obviously, there has still a lot to be developed in the field of legislative discussions, especially – and I have written about this already, as you just mentioned – where the legal and the political fields come together. The actual practice that is very Leon Laureij (from the Netherlands) graduated in 2007 from the much of interest and that I would like to go into in Research Master Rhetoric Argumentation Theory and Philosophy, more detail than I have until now is the legislative University of Amsterdam. process in the European Parliament. The tension between the argumentation for legislation on the “Ipsy Dipsy!” I smile inwardly as Continental flight national level and on the European level, for CO70 brushes Canadian air space at an altitude of 10 instance, is an interesting topic to study for kilometers. About to visit The Netherlands for my argumentation theorists. second winter break, I’m reminiscing the fun and Currently, I am working on the project games with which my classmates and I used to ‘Argumentation in legislative discussions’. The approach (and offset) our serious study of central goal of this project is to develop a model for argumentation – that strangely elegant scholarship, the analysis and evaluation of argumentation that is with its erudite spokespersons and Latin lingo, brought forward in the law making process. This bespeaking its (at times mistaken) ancient legacy. model should form the basis for a detailed analysis “You said so Yourself! You’re Wrong!” -“Tell me and evaluation of strategic manoeuvres in why” -“Because I have blue eyes and you are a bad legislative discussions and it could offer a starting dancer on top of that”. Outright reasonable point for a comparative study of legislative circumstantial arguments, if only for those privy to decisions taken by different legislatures in various our adapted standards of conventional validity at the countries regarding similar issues. time. The fact that we would ‘debrief’ our class meetings in Café Van Zuylen resulted in much more Thank you for this interview. than lasting new friendships and ridicule of newly acquired theoretical insights into argumentation (both of which enjoy my due respect). It also generated an academic climate that was and is in many ways uniquely conducive to creative and intellectual growth. Hikmet Unlu for instance would deliberate over the ways in which one could precizate the emptiness of his beer glass. Sitting with us in Van Zuylen, he adduced his provocative ideas with theoretical arguments borrowed from Crawshay- 9 Amsterdam Argumentation Chronicle, vol. 5, no. 1 Williams and the Norwegian scholar Arne Naess. coursework and passing the qualifying exams in Then he heard us out as we tried taking stabs at his September this year. argumentation. A week later he delivered his As for the professionalization that started in presentation on precization in the class on Verbal Amsterdam, at Rutgers I have been a teaching Communication, talking just as he had when he assistant in the Intro to Communication course with was hovering over his glass. He simply delighted 400+ students. And after two summers of Agnès van Rees and wrote an excellent paper independently teaching the same class in a smaller building on the refutations of both his own and his setting, this Fall I will start co-teaching the big classmates’ arguments. lectures with a classmate. The social aspect in my I am looking back at my studies in the Programme is different, with a 100+ PhD student RAP programme out of sheer nostalgia, but it is body dispersed over three academic tracks. However, also where my career story begins. At TAR I some fellow students and I started the Doctoral independently taught an undergraduate course for Student Association, through which we organize the first time (Kritiek en Argumentatie, as part of socials, student colloquia, publishing workshops, the Journalism Minor). Leah Polcar helped me etcetera, and a nearby bar was already selected for prepare a paper on online strategic manoeuvring after-class drinks that are increasing in frequency. for my first conference paper submission (I Now all I need to do is warm them to bitterballen! presented it at NCA in Chicago in 2007). And Bert Meuffels gave me additional feedback on my WORK IN PROGRESS Master thesis so I can adapt it for submission to a journal. Although I did present my thesis in poster format at ICA in Montréal last year, my continued Internet political discussion forums as an career story may serve as the argument for why I argumentative activity type. A pragma-dialectical have not yet managed to actually revise and submit analysis of online forms of strategic manoeuvring it for publication. with critical reactions After graduating from RAP (and enjoying By Marcin Lewinski an amazing last Summer in Amsterdam) I moved to New Jersey, USA, where I started the PhD Programme in Communication at Rutgers University in September 2007. My academic advisor is Mark Aakhus, former advisee of Scott Jacobs. Alongside my coursework (the mandatory two years of PhD courses typical in the US model) Mark has been introducing me to exciting work in the field of Language & Social Interaction, mostly related to the mediation and organizing of human interaction. Together we are exploring theory and research about how objects, tools and shared concepts feature in communication when people jointly pursue a specific form of purposeful interaction, such as negotiating or brainstorming. This spring semester I am starting a study in the Purchasing Department of a large North- American organization, investigating how business contracts mediate the communication processes involved in purchasing interactions. I will use ethnographic observation and discourse analysis to Marcin Lewinski (from Poland) is PhD student in the Department empirically understand purchasers and vendors’ of Speech Communication, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric. normative ideals about their various work interactions and investigate how contracts and In my research I take under close scrutiny one of the other tools for mediation function to realize those contexts of computer-mediated communication, ideals. I’m hoping to continue this study for my namely, political online discussion forums, in which dissertation research after completing my 10 Amsterdam Argumentation Chronicle, vol. 5, no. 1 Internet users debate political issues by posting through its special formal rules, informal messages in a form similar to e-mails. conventions, and other constraints of design – affects Ever since the inception of the Usenet discussion the way arguers can manoeuvre strategically with system in the late 1970s, and particularly after the their argumentation, i.e., the way they can be both introduction of the World Wide Web system in the reasonable and persuasive in a given context. For this early 1990s, online discussion forums have been very reason, a detailed analysis of an argumentative surrounded by quite a hype regarding the new activity type under question is necessary for a well- opportunities they create for public discourse. One justified analysis and evaluation of concrete pieces of of the most important hopes was that these argumentation. topically structured, asynchronous, open, (usually) Political online discussion forums are treated unmoderated and, most importantly, largely in my work as one of such activity types. In these anonymous discussions would allow thousands of forums arguers advance their standpoints under Internet users from around the world to overcome conditions of expected, open and often severe some well-known obstacles – such as face-concerns criticism, as ordinary rules of politeness and charity or power inequalities – to open, uninhibited are largely ineffective. There is, however, no need for argumentative discussions, thus giving way to a any decision to be taken in result of critical ‘pure exchange of arguments.’ exchanges, which gives online forums an open-ended At the same time, researchers have pointed and autotelic character (arguing for the sake of to a somewhat chaotic, if not anarchic, character of arguing) alien to many institutionalised activities the forums. They note that many online discussions with their clearly prescribed goals. Still, these are not only open, but also open-ended, and thus discussions among many anonymous users are potentially endless and fruitless activities where regulated by the technological design of the forums discussants are involved in a futile recycling of (division into topical threads, record of ongoing similar, and often aggressive, arguments. The exchanges kept, lack of procedural stages) and some pessimistic conclusion is that online forums are norms of the net etiquette (don’t be abusive, avoid very ineffective in terms of purposeful exchanges posting ‘me too’ messages, be to the point). Moreover, of arguments leading to some reasonable results. arguers make use of some informal conventions, such And such reasonable results are what one would as an implicit requirement to support the factual expect from properly regulated types of content of their arguments with hyper-links to some institutionalised activities of high argumentative online sources of data (news reports, statistics, value, such as legal disputes or academic Wikipedia articles). discussions. Having described the peculiarities of political In my dissertation, I tackle the issue of online forums in terms of an argumentative activity argumentative conditions that political online type, I turn to analysing some of the argumentative discussion forums create for debaters, but without strategies online arguers employ in their debates. In attempts at making general evaluative claims like general, owing to their open-ended and critical the ones mentioned above. Instead, employing the character, online forums can be seen as involving concepts and tools developed within the pragma- some kind of agonistic and sceptical bias, which dialectical theory of argumentation, I analyse some allows for a truly uninhibited performance of critical details of online argumentation vis-a-vis the design reactions to others’ argumentation. Bearing this in of online forums. To do so in a theoretically well- mind, I concentrate on the ways arguers criticise grounded way, I first endeavour to grasp the issue argumentation of others, rather than on the ways of the contextuality of argumentation. It is one of they construct their own arguments. the focal points of various contemporary Pragma-dialectics is a theory well-equipped approaches to argumentation – such as the ones for a comprehensive study of critical reactions: as an developed by Walton & Krabbe or Jacobs, Jackson approach based on dialectical and critical principles, & Aakhus –that the type of context in which actual it conceptualises argumentation in terms of responses discourse takes place has a significant impact on the to actually advanced (or merely anticipated) shape and quality of argumentation. Pragma- criticisms. Consequently, the theory recognises that dialectics conceptualises some fixed the structure and quality of argumentation depends institutionalised contexts of argumentation, such as directly on the structure and quality of critical legal disputes of parliamentary debates, in terms of reactions. Moreover, pragma-dialectics provides a argumentative activity types. Each such type –

asked regarding the use of this argument and the . everyday life was Papiamento, so for some of them Colloquium on Rhetroic and Argumentation in the.
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