USISSN0006-9698 CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 17 DECEMBER 2008 NUMBER 514 THE AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES OF THE ESTACIO´N BIOLO´GICA JATUN SACHA IN THE LOWLAND RAINFOREST OF AMAZONIAN ECUADOR: A 20-YEAR RECORD GREGORY O. VIGLE1 ABSTRACT. The amphibian and reptile fauna within a small area in a lowland rainforest fragment reserve in Amazonian Ecuador was intensively surveyed over an initial 2- year period via removal sampling (1986–88), coincidingwiththeconstructionofaroadthroughtheareaandasubsequentsurgeofincreasedforestconversion andfragmentationinsurroundingareas.Atime-constrainedtransectsamplingtechniquewasemployedtofacilitate later,post-fragmentationvisual-encountermonitoringtogatherlong-termdataonspeciesrichnessandcomposition (onachronologicallycoarsescale).Between1998and2005,anapproximatelyequivalentquantityofsamplingeffort wasaccumulatedinthesamesmallareatocomparewithdatafrom1986–88,inanattempttoevaluatetheefficacyof thisreserveinconservingtheherpetofaunalcommunitydocumentedmorethan10yearsearlier. Basedonatotalof6,722individualrecordsobtainedover1,117effort-hoursofsamplingdividedintotwoprimary andfivesecondarysamplingperiods,herpetofaunalspeciesrichnesswasamongthehighestyetreportedfromasingle localityinAmazonia,with84amphibianand82reptilespeciesrecordedfrom1986through2007.Acompletespecies listisprovided,withcommentaryonnoteworthyrecords.Of73amphibianand46reptilespeciesrecordedin1986–88 sampling,68amphibians(93%)and40reptiles(87%)wererecordedagaininsamplingfrom1998through2007;11 amphibianand33reptilespeciesnotrecordedin1986–88wereaddedfrom1998to2007.Pairwisecomparisonsof species composition among all sampling periods using a similarity index revealed a . 50% similarity for both taxonomic groups across all periods; similarity of the two primary periods (1986–88 vs. 1998–2005) was 0.90 for amphibiansand0.70forreptiles. The present study provides another single-site reference point for the mega-diverse herpetofauna of the upper Amazon basin, but is distinct in offering long-term data on species persistence; results from the 20-year span of samplingsuggestthatthissmallreservehas,since1986,successfullyconservedthisfauna.Theseresultsconcurwith previouslong-termstudiesfromthecentralAmazonbasininsuggestingthatrelativelysmallreservesandotherforest remnants with sufficient habitat diversity may substantially contribute to the continued survival of species-rich Amazonrainforestherpetofaunalcommunitiesamidstwidespreadregionaldeforestation. KEYWORDS: Amazon;amphibians;biodiversity;conservation;Ecuador;Estacio´nBiolo´gicaJatunSacha;forest fragmentation;herpetofauna;monitoring;reptiles;reserve;speciesrichness;tropicalrainforest 1School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1501, U.S.A.; e-mail: vigle@imap2.,[email protected] EThePresidentandFellowsofHarvardCollege2008. 2 BREVIORA No.514 RESUMEN. Los anfibios y reptiles que se encuentran en un a´rea pequen˜a dentro de una reserva fragmentada de bosquelluviosoenlaAmazon´ıaecuatorianahansidointensivamenteinvestigadosenunper´ıodoinicialdedosan˜os mediantelarecoleccio´ndemuestras(1986–88).Estaactividadcoincidio´ conlaconstruccio´ndeuncaminoatrave´s dela´reaylasubsiguienteoleadadeconversio´nyfragmentacio´ndelbosqueenlasa´reascircundantes.Seempleo´ una te´cnicademuestreodetransectosdetiemporestringidoparafacilitarluegoelmonitoreodeencuentrovisualpost- fragmentacio´nyreunirdatosdelargoplazosobrelariquezaycomposicio´ndelasespecies(enunaescalacronolo´gica desigual). Entre 1998 y 2005 se acumulo´ un esfuerzo de investigacio´n y muestreo equivalente en la misma a´rea reducidaparacompararlaconlainformacio´nde1986a1988,enunintentoporevaluarlaeficienciadeestareserva enlaconservacio´ndelafaunaherpetolo´gicadocumentadama´sde10an˜osatra´s. Basada en un total de 6,722 registros individuales obtenidos durante 1,117 horas de recoleccio´n de muestras divididas en dos per´ıodos principales y cinco per´ıodos secundarios de muestreo, la diversidad herpetofaun´ıstica estuvoentrelasma´saltasreportadashastaelmomentoenunau´nicaubicacio´nenlaAmazon´ıa,con84especiesde anfibios y 82 especies de reptiles registrados de 1986 a 2007. Se provee una lista completa de especies, con comentariosenlosregistrosma´ssignificativos.Delas73especiesdeanfibiosy46especiesdereptilesregistradasde 1986a1988,68anfibios(93%)y40reptiles(87%)fueronregistradosnuevamenteenelmuestreode1998a2007;11 especies de anfibios y 33 especies de reptiles no registrados entre 1986 y 1988 fueron an˜adidos en 1998 a 2007. Medianteunana´lisisdecomposicio´ndeparejaentretodoslosper´ıodosdemuestreousandounindicedesimilitud revelaronun.50%desimilitudparaambosgrupostaxono´micosentreper´ıodos;lasimilituddeestosdosper´ıodos principales(1986–88vs.1998–2005)fue0.90poranfibiosy0.70porreptiles. Elpresenteestudioproveeotropuntodereferenciadesitiou´nicoparalaherpetofaunamegadiversadelazonaalta de la cuenca amazo´nica, pero es diferente ya que ofrece datos de largo plazo en la persistencia de especies; los resultados de un lapso de muestreo de 20 an˜os sugieren que esta pequena reserva, desde 1986ha conservado exitosamenteestafauna.Estosresultadoscoincidenconestudiospreviosdelargoplazadelacuencacentraldela Amazon´ıaensugerirquelasreservasrelativamentepequen˜asyotrosremanentesdebosqueconsuficientediversidad de ha´bitat pueden contribuir sustancialmente a la continua supervivencia de la alta diversidad de comunidades herpetofaun´ısticasdelosbosqueslluviososamazo´nicosenmediodelaextendidadeforestacio´nregional. INTRODUCTION Lamar, 2004; Dixon and Soini, 1986; Duell- man, 1999; Frost, 2007; Peters and Donoso- The rainforests of the Amazon basin Barros, 1970; Peters and Orejas-Miranda, harbor the highest concentration of biodi- 1970).Reportsonsingle-sitestudieshavebeen versityonEarth,yettheyarebeingdestroyed reviewedbyDuellman(1988,2005)andDuell- byhumanactivitiesatanalarmingpace;one man and Thomas (1996) (also see Doan and prominent threat is deforestation and the Ariza´bal, 2002; Lynch, 2005). Within the fragmentation of previously continuous for- immediate area of the Ecuadorian Amazon, estintosmallerislandremnantsofremaining published studies on the entire herpetofauna habitat (Bierregaard et al., 2001; Lovejoy et are available for several single or clustered al., 1984; Myers, 1984). sites, including Almenda´riz (1987), Cisneros- Regionally,andonthebasisofsurveysfrom Heredia (2003), Duellman (1978), Duellman singlelocalities,thelowlandrainforestsofthe andMendelson(1995),Izquierdoetal.(2000), westernAmazonbasinofEcuador,Peru,and andLescureandGasc(1986). Colombiaarehometothehighestconcentra- From these studies, there has been an tionofamphibianandreptilespeciesrichness increasing awareness of the geographic and knownfromanyareaonEarth(Campbelland ecological heterogeneity of the Amazonian 2008 AMAZONFORESTFRAGMENTHERPETOFAUNA 3 herpetofauna, and the need to survey addi- ous studies from single upper Amazonian tional localities to better understand both sites were conducted over relatively short local and regional distribution patterns of spans of time (5 years or less), and within this mega-diverse but still poorly known largely undisturbed expanses of continuous fauna (Doan and Ariza´bal, 2002; Duellman, forest. The present paper is distinct in 2005; Lynch, 2005). presenting data on the long-term composi- The Estacio´n Biolo´gica Jatun Sacha tion of the herpetofaunal community within (EBJS) is a small remnant of lowland a forest fragment remnant; as such, it is tropical wet forest located at the western offered as another single-site reference point edge of the Amazon Basin in eastern for the upper Amazon, in the form of a Ecuador, established as a reserve in 1985 traditional species checklist, and as a neces- shortly before the construction of a road sary preface to forthcoming accounts on through the area. species-level abundance and distribution In 1986, coinciding with the onset of road derived from the same sampling efforts. construction, an intensive survey of the This study was undertaken several years amphibian and reptile fauna was initiated. before widespread interest in reports of Although the first goal was to conduct a amphibian declines (Blaustein, 1994; Stuart standard inventory via removal sampling, et al., 2004); despite concerns over various the ultimate fate of this new reserve as ‘‘enigmatic’’ declines with causal factors eventually becoming an isolated habitat ranging from epidemic disease to global island was recognized at the time, and a climate change, the effects of habitat change simple time-constrained transect sampling are understudied and perhaps underempha- method was implemented to facilitate future sized for both amphibians and reptiles long-term monitoring via visual-encounter (Gardner et al., 2007), especially in the surveys (VES) and to attempt to assess the Neotropicallowlands,wherelong-termmon- long-term efficacy of the reserve in conserv- itoring data remain very rare (Duellman, ing the herpetofauna. A general initial 2005:49; Whitfield et al., 2007:8355). The prediction was that species richness would EBJS provides an established lowland re- eventually decline or otherwise exhibit obvi- serve with a well-known history as a forest ous changes in community composition. fragment, and is an appropriate site for Between1998and2005,asecondphaseof monitoring the effects of habitat change on sampling was undertaken, employing the an exceptionally species-rich Neotropical same methods over the same small area, herpetofauna. but with most individual records gathered via VES efforts and few collected aside from METHODS road-kill specimens. The 1986–88 and 1998–2005 periods are treated as equivalent Thefollowingsummaryofmethodologyis ‘‘primary’’ units for comparative purposes, divided into three sections, progressing from and each is further divided into equivalent (1) a detailed description of the physical shorter ‘‘secondary’’ periods on the basis of characteristics, history, and climate of the an arbitrary (and partially climate-based) EBJS; to (2) an account of the long-term division of total sampling effort (see Meth- division of sampling effort and major goals ods). within the context of this history; and to (3) With the exception of Cusco Amazo´nico thedescriptionofspecificsamplingprotocols in Peru (Duellman, 1995, 2005), most previ- employedinthefieldaswellasthescopeand 4 BREVIORA No.514 deposition of specimens and records thus obtained. Online material will be available through the journal’s website. I) Description of the study site: forest, history, and climate The EBJS is located in eastern Ecuador in NapoProvinceatelevationsof400to450 m (016049S, 776379W at main station complex; see Figs. 1–4); the reserve is owned and administered by Fundacio´n Jatun Sacha (FJS), an Ecuadorian conservation founda- tion. The EBJS was the first of several reserves established by FJS and originally (1985–88) consisted of 230 ha of preserved forestowned bythreeindependentlandown- ers.Afteraninitial150-haexpansionfunded by the Grateful Dead music group in 1989 (via their Rex Foundation), subsequent acquisitions of additional land have greatly increased the size of the reserve, and current total land holdings are 2,334 ha. Figure 1. CurrentlandholdingsoftheEBJSreserve The EBJS forest is classified as Tropical (gray shaded areas within dark borders); location in Wet Forest (Canadas, 1983; Holdridge, eastern Ecuadoris indicatedby arrowon inset mapat 1967) and lies between the confluence of top left. Star indicates EBJS main station complex at the Napo River to the north and smaller approximately 016049S, 776379W. The area located between land tracts A and B comprises the Central Arajuno River to the south (Figs. 1, 4). Study Area (CSA; see Fig.2); tract A is cleared cattle Forest within reserve boundaries consists of pasture, whereas tract B is a mixture of agricultural approximately 70% primary forest, with the fields and various secondary forest successional stages. remaining 30% composed of various succes- AlsoseetextandFigures3,4.Approximatelytoscale. sional stages of secondary forest growth, including approximately 95 ha of open-for- (datingfrom2000and2001)arepresentedin mation riparian habitats (Fig. 3). Figure 4 and online Figure 1. AlthoughtheEBJSpreservesasubstantial Before the early 1980s, the region was tract of lowland rainforest, since 1985 the sparsely populated and accessible only by upper Napo region has undergone substan- trails or river transport, although forest tialchangesresultingfromdeforestationand conversion through small-scale logging and forest fragmentation because of increasing agriculturalclearinghadalreadyaffectedthe colonization and development. Most adja- area for many years, especially along the cent bordering areas have been logged or banks of both major rivers. In March 1986, affected by agricultural activities, although the construction of a road (from the west) noprecisesurveydataareavailable.Satellite reached the north-central area of the EBJS images showing general overviews of forest (Figs. 1–4), and ongoing construction now cover at the EBJS and in adjacent areas extends approximately 30 km further east. 2008 AMAZONFORESTFRAGMENTHERPETOFAUNA 5 reserve is relatively small, the larger regional effect of increased development is the pre- dominant threat, as the EBJS has increas- inglybecomean‘‘island’’reservesurrounded by fragmented forest. The present study reports primarily on samplingconductedinasmall(approximate- ly 100 ha) central study area (CSA) border- ing the Napo River (Figs. 1–4); the CSA includesallmajorhabitatsrepresentedinthe area (primary forest, and various river- floodplain forests, swamps, and secondary forest; Fig. 3), in contrast to land acquisi- tions since 1990, which have focused almost entirely on additional primary forest to the south and west. This concentration of forest types provides the most appropriate site to sample the overall amphibian and reptile diversity, in that some species occupy only limited portions of the various habitats within the EBJS as a whole. The CSA is also the area most directly affected by the road (and forestclearing and Figure 2. The Central Study Area (CSA) in the fragmentation in adjacent areas) for the north-central region of the EBJS located between two longestperiodoftime.Twodeforestedtracts deforestedlandtracts,AandB(alsoseeFigs.1,4,and of land, in total area approximately equal in text).Allsamplingeffortsassummarizedinthetextand onlineTable1wereconductedontrailroutes(irregular sizetotheCSA,borderthisareadirectlyand linesincentralarea)extendingnorthandsouthfromthe entirely to both the east and west (see EBJS main station complex (star) and north from the Figs. 1, 2, 4); both of these adjacent areas LibrariusStudyCentercomplex(solidcircle),aswellas had already been partially cleared before along the margins of the road to a distance of 1986, although the largest (to the west) had approximately 300m to the east and west of the main station. The gray-shaded area is shown in detail in undergone 10 years of secondary growth Figure3.Approximatelytoscale. before being cleared again in 1990. Thus, although the total area of preserved The discovery of oil reserves in the region forestistodayfarlargerbytheacquisitionof hasacceleratedtheprocessofcolonizationin additional land, in keeping with the long- recentyears, constitutinganincreasedthreat term goals of the study begun in 1986 (see totheEBJSreserveintheformofadditional below), subsequent sampling efforts have road traffic, and deforestation in nearby focusedalmostexclusivelyonthissamesmall areas. In November 2003, a high-pressure area. crudeoilpipelinewasinstalledalongtheside The Ecuadorian Amazon region receives oftheroad(buriedtoadepthof2 m),andin one ofthehighest levelsofrainfall within all early2006,theroadwaswidenedby4 mand of lowland Amazonia. In contrast to more paved with asphalt. Although the immediate easterly areas, however (exhibiting pro- area affected by the road itself within the nounced wet and dry seasons), climate at 6 BREVIORA No.514 Figure 3. Map (bottom, approximately to scale), and diagrammatic cross section (top) showing relief and habitatdistributionwithintheCSA(alsoseeFigs.1,2,4).All1986–88periodsamplingwasconductedwithinthis narrowplotandalongthemarginsoftheroadtoadistanceof,300mtotheeastandwest;approximately70%of 1998–2005periodsamplingeffortwasalsoconductedwithinthissamesmallarea.AreasAtoDformthefloodplain oftheRioNapo,areaEincludestheroad(R)andearlysuccessionalgrowthandephemeralponds(EP)alongthe roadmargins,andareaFisclosed-canopyprimaryforestonsteeplyrollinghillsbisectedbysmallstreams(S).Within thefloodplainregion,areaAisanephemeralfluvialswampsurroundedbycroptreesandsuccessionalgrowth;area Bwas(until1990)clearedandplantedwithcornevery,6months;areaCisoldersecondaryforestwithmanylarge trees;areaDisapermanent(flowing)fluvialswampwithlowHeliconiagrowth.Asidefromincreasedsecondary growthinareasA,B,andC(secondaryforestinareaBisnowcontinuouswithareaC),thishabitatdistributionhas remainedlargelyunchangedsince1986. theEBJSisfarlessseasonal,andrainfallcan and 210 mm, respectively) was lower than be highly irregular within any given year. both November and December (335 mm in The yearly distribution of rainfall is relevant each month). to the distribution of sampling effort for the purpose of comparing faunal records be- II) Temporal distribution of sampling effort tween sampling periods (discussed below). and major goals RainfallhasbeenrecordedattheEBJSsince 1986,althoughdataareincompleteforsome A Coarse-Scale Sequence from ‘‘Before’’ years; for one 10-year period with complete to ‘‘After.’’ Collections and records of data for each month (1994–2003; see online observations of the amphibian and reptile Table 1), total rainfall per year averaged fauna of the EBJS include two major 3,711 mm(rangingfrom3,051to4,593 mm). (primary) sampling periods, each including This record also indicates that March– approximately equal sampling effort, the August are on average the wettest months, first from 15 March 1986 to 15 February and September–February show the lowest 1988 (536.0 hours total effort) and the average rainfall. Within any single year, second spanning 1 July 1998 through De- however, this general pattern can vary cember 2005 (581.0 hours). Each primary greatly; for example, in 1996 January had samplingperiodisarbitrarilysubdividedinto the highest rainfall of any month (510 mm), secondary sampling periods (discussed be- and in 1997 rainfall for June and July (255 low). The two primary sampling periods 2008 AMAZONFORESTFRAGMENTHERPETOFAUNA 7 Figure 4. Landsat 7 satellite image (30m/pixel resolution), captured 9 September 2001, showingforest cover withintheEBJSreserveandcloselyadjacentareas.RefertoFigures1–3forlocationofmajorlandscapefeatures relativetoreserveborders;thetwooutlinedrectanglesapproximatelyindicatedeforestedareasAandBtotheeast andwestoftheCSA.AlsoseeonlineFigure1showingforestcoveroveralargerarea.Atright,adultRanitomeya duellmani(Dendrobatidae),shown1.53naturalsize. reported here can be interpreted as ‘‘pre- to assess the overall stability and similarity fragmentation’’ (1986–88) and ‘‘postfrag- of the community over time (on a chrono- mentation’’ (1998–2005) data on the EBJS logically coarse scale). This is an ongoing fauna, although as previously noted, forest process; hypothetically, each sampling pe- conversion processes in the area had been riod(andallperiodscombined)canprovide ongoing even before 1985. a predictive ‘‘before’’ reference point to An initial program of removal sampling compare with subsequent equivalent sam- from 1986 to 1988 was undertaken as a pling efforts ‘‘after,’’ as one measure of the baseline inventory of the fauna to facilitate efficacy (or lack thereof) of the EBJS subsequent monitoring of the same area in reserve in preserving the herpetofauna at lateryears(1998–2005)viaVESefforts,with this increasingly isolated site (the third three major goals. The first goal was to major goal, with potential larger scale generate an initial species list (and a record relevance for conservation in the region as of museum specimens), while employing a a whole). Sorenson’s quotient of similarity sampling technique that could be accurately (SQ 5 2J[A + B]) is used to compare the repeated in later years. percent similarity among all sampling A second goal was to accumulate equiv- periods (see Results and Table 2). This alent amounts of sampling effort for each simple formula estimates similarity inde- sampling period, with the use of results pendent of the individual abundance of fromeachtomonitortrendsinthepresence each species, where A is the number of orabsence(persistence)ofthemanyspecies species in sample 1, B is the number in 8 BREVIORA No.514 TABLE1. DISTRIBUTIONOFNUMBERSOFAMPHIBIANANDREPTILESPECIES(TOP)ANDINDIVIDUALSPECIMENRECORDS (BOTTOM)FORALLSAMPLINGPERIODSFROMTHEEBJS(ALSOSEETEXT,APPENDIX1,ANDONLINETABLE1).SPECIES TOTALSFORTHE1998–2005PRIMARYPERIODINDICATETHENUMBEROFSPECIESRECORDED,FOLLOWEDBYTHENUMBEROF ADDITIONALSPECIES(+)RECORDEDLATERFROM2006OR2007.FARRIGHTCOLUMNPRESENTSTHETOTALNUMBEROF SPECIESFROMALLSOURCES(INCLUDING‘‘R’’SPECIES)FROM1986THROUGH2007,ASLISTEDINAPPENDIX1.INDIVIDUAL SPECIMENTOTALSINDICATETHENUMBEROFINDIVIDUALSRECORDEDINEACHPERIOD;NUMBERSINPARENTHESESINDICATE THEINDIVIDUALSPEREFFORT-HOURFOREACHPERIOD. No.bySamplingPeriod Total Total Total:AllSources 1986–19871987–19881986–19881998–20012002–2003 2004–2005 1998–2005* 1986–2007* Species: Amphibian: 63 63 73 63 54 61 78(+1) 84 Reptile: 33 39 46 34 31 55 66(+7) 82 Total: 96 102 119 98 86 116 144(+8) 166 Individuals: Amphibian: 1,298 1,329 2,627 1,407 989 831 3,227 5,854 (4.87) (4.92) (4.90) (6.54) (5.47) (4.47) (5.55) (5.24) Reptile: 152 170 322 157 155 234 546 868 (0.57) (0.62) (0.60) (0.73) (0.85) (1.26) (0.93) (0.77) Total: 1,450 1,499 2,949 1,564 1,144 1,065 3,773 6,722 *Individualtotalsinthe1998–2005and1986–2007columnsdonotincluderecordsfrom2006and2007. sample 2, and J is the number of species high rainfall (but also see Summary and common to both samples. These pairwise Discussion). comparisons result in SQ values between 0 Although the division of sampling effort and 1, 0 indicating no similarity and 1 presented in online Table 1 results in two indicating complete similarity (SQ 3 100 5 primaryperiodsapproximatelyequalintotal % similarity). effort-hours, the second primary period Additionalgoalsweretoassesspopulation spanned a far longer number of years. The fluctuations by gathering time-series abun- arbitrary division of sampling effort as dance (and ecological distribution) data for shown in Table 1 and online Table 1 is a all species individually at the EBJS. The compromise that uses theavailable sampling description and evaluation of species-level effort and climate data to provide the most patterns of abundance and distribution are, equivalentperiodsforcomparativepurposes. however,beyondthescopeofthispaper,and The first primary sampling period is Table 1 presents data solely on total num- divided into two secondary periods (see bers of individuals in each major group online Table 1), providingtwo approximate- (amphibians and reptiles) from each sam- ly equal units (in total effort-hours); this pling period. Interpretation of this coarse- division also approximately corresponds to scale data is problematic, in that multiple each of two annual climate periods (see variables influence abundance of the com- below). ponent species independently, especially The second, much longer primary sam- among amphibians, with fluctuations in pling period from 1998 to 2005 is divided activity and apparent abundance often de- intothree secondary periods,varyinggreatly pendent on brief and irregular periods of in the monthly distribution of effort-hours 2008 AMAZONFORESTFRAGMENTHERPETOFAUNA 9 TABLE2. PAIRWISECOMPARISONSOFALLPRIMARYANDSECONDARYSAMPLINGPERIODSFROMTHEEBJSFORAMPHIBIANS ANDREPTILES.THETOTALNUMBERSOFSPECIESFROMEACHPERIODAREINDICATEDINBOLDFACEINTHECOMMONCELL, ANDTHENUMBERSOFSPECIESSHAREDBYPERIODSAREINDICATEDATTHEUPPERRIGHT.SIMILARITYQUOTIENT(SQ)VALUES AREINDICATEDINITALICSATLOWERLEFT. SamplingPeriod 1986–1987 1987–1988 1998–2001 2002–2003 2004–2005 1986–1988 1998–2005 Amphibians 1986–1987 63 53 53 47 51 — 59 1987–1988 .85 63 53 45 49 — 60 1998–2001 .83 .83 64 45 48 59 — 2002–2003 .80 .77 .76 54 51 51 — 2004–2005 .82 .79 .77 .89 61 57 — 1986–1988 — — .86 .80 .85 73 68 1998–2005 .84 .85 — — — .90 78 Reptiles 1986–1987 33 26 23 17 25 — 30 1987–1988 0.72 39 25 19 34 — 34 1998–2001 0.69 0.68 34 18 27 27 — 2002–2003 0.53 0.54 0.55 31 24 20 — 2004–2005 0.57 0.72 0.61 0.56 55 33 — 1986–1988 — — 0.67 0.52 0.65 46 39 1998–2005 0.61 0.65 — — — 0.70 66 each year (online Table 1); this division, (consisting mostly of amphibians) and those however, results in the most equal partition- diurnal species of both amphibians and ing of the total sampling effort from the reptiles that typically rest at night within 1998–2005 period. the areas searched. Relative to annual climate variation, both Sampling at night consisted of carefully the 1986–88 and 1998–2005 primary periods searching the ground and vegetation, with each include in total approximately equal spotlights,alongtheperimetersofestablished proportions of sampling effort expended trails(transects)fromgroundleveltoaheight duringthewettermonths(MarchtoAugust) of approximately 2 m aboveground and to a and drier months (September to February) distance of approximately 2 m on either side (see online Table 1). of each trail. Although the actual lengths of trail segments searched per time unit of sampling effort were generally consistent III) Field sampling protocol, museum and (typically on the order of approximately 300 VES records, and taxonomy linearmetersperhour),thebaseunitusedfor Most amphibian species at the EBJS are comparisonsbetween samplingperiodsisthe nocturnal; some reptiles are also nocturnal, person-effort-hour, defined as the hourly whereas others may encountered resting at searcheffortexpendedbyasingleexperienced night, and sampling effort was almost person using the methods noted above. This exclusively concentrated on searches at wasthusaformoftime-constrainedsampling night, with very little total effort (24 hours; technique (Campbell and Christman, 1982; 2.1%) expended by day (these hours and Crump and Scott, 1994), applied to both records are lumped together with night removal and VES sampling efforts to facili- sampling efforts). Thus, this study focused tate comparisons between sampling periods. primarily upon the nocturnal herpetofauna Mostnightlysamplingperiodsrangedfrom2 10 BREVIORA No.514 to 5 hours in duration, and were conducted From August 2003–December of 2005, a between19:00and24:00. large portion of the total sampling effort Duringthefirstprimaryperiod(1986–88), (231.5 hours) was conducted by Park most specimens of most species encountered Guards employed by the EBJS. In a project were collected and preserved, with 2,810 of funded by the Declining Amphibian Popu- thetotal2,949individualrecordsrepresented lations Task Force (DAPTF), park guards by museum specimens. Collecting is now weretrainedon-siteinsearchtechniquesand restricted at the EBJS, and records from the theuseofdigitalcameras.ParkGuardsthen second primary period (1998–2005) are continued periodic sampling in the author’s basedalmostentirelyonVESefforts,includ- absence, and images of all individuals ing a total of 3,773 individuals. With only a encountered were saved on compact disc fewexceptions(seeAppendix1andResults), (CD) for later review and identification theauthorpersonallyidentifiedallspecimens (1,065 identified individuals). (from all sampling periods) via direct obser- Although most of the 6,722 individuals vation or examination of photographs (see from all sampling periods were recorded below). during regularly measured sampling efforts, Of the total 1,117 effort-hours of sam- a total of 376 records (5.6%) represent pling, 635 hours (56.8%) were conducted individuals that were randomly encountered personally by the author, whereas the re- outside the 1,117 hours summarized in on- maining 482 hours (43.2%) were conducted line Table 1. Appendix 1 also includes all by persons who were trained on-site and species known to the author from the EBJS supervised by the author, termed student since 1986 from all sources, including addi- collectors (SCs). Relative proportions of tionalrecordsfrom2006and2007,andafew sampling effort by the author versus SCs important records from other investigators were approximately equal for each primary (see Appendix 1, Table 1, and Results). period. Persons who assisted as SCs (and Themajority(75%)ofspecimenscollected EBJS Park Guards), and their respective during the 1986–88 removal sampling effort sampling effort contributions, are noted in are deposited in the herpetological collec- the Acknowledgments. tions of the Museum of Comparative Zool- For all sampling before August 2003, the ogy at Harvard University (MCZ); the author was present on-site with all SCs and remainder are housed in other collections reviewed the results of each night’s sampling (primarily in Ecuador). The following list of efforts immediately; for the 1986–88 period, additionalmuseumcollectionsispresentedin andfrom1998to2001,allspecimensencoun- approximate decreasing order of the total tered by SCs were captured and then identi- number of included specimens at each fied (in 1986–88, most were preserved; in museum (with acronyms): Museo Ecuator- 1998–2001,allwerereleasedwithin48 hours). iano de Ciencias Naturales, Quito (MECN); Beginning in March 2002, the physical Museo de Zoolog´ıa, Pontifica Universidad capture of specimens by SCs was discontin- CatolicadelEcuador,Quito(QCAZ);Amer- ued and digital cameras were used to ican Museum of Natural History (AMNH); photograph every amphibian and reptile Florida Museum of Natural History (UF); specimen encountered; all other aspects of United States National Museum (USNM); sampling methods remained the same, and University of Kansas Museum of Natural identifications were determined solely from History (KU). All specimens collected from photos. 1998 to 2007 are deposited at the QCAZ (all