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Preview The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2002: Vol 323 Index

Author Index Abu-Alfa AK. See Cosgrove CJ Risk in Young Adult African Americans, Two Cases and Review of the Literature, Aghai E. See Froom P 323(5):231-237 323(1):54—-58 Agrawal M, Stouffer GA. Contrast In- Carwile JM. See Anstadt MP Freyberg R. See Kant KS duced Nephropathy after Angiography, Chang S-C. See Chou C-W Froom P, Elmalah I, Braester A, Aghai 323(5):252-258 Chau T. See Lin S-H E, Quitt M. Clodronate in Myelofibrosis: Akhter N. See Bhojo AK Chou C-W, Chang S-C. Pleuritis as a A Case Report, 323(2):115-116 Alpert MA. See Calderon EG; Rentoukas Presenting Manifestation of Rheuma- Fruchter O, Blich M, Jacob G. Fatal E toid Arthritis: Diagnostic Clues in Pleu- Acute Myocardial Infarction during Se- Anstadt MP, Carwile JM, Guill CK, ral Fluid Cytology, 323(3):158-161 vere Thrombocytopenia in a Patient Conklin LD, Soltero ER, Lucci A, Clements B. See Evans RG with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Pur- Kroll MH. Relapse of Thrombotic Cohen S. Diffuse Pulmonary Hemorrhage: pura, 323(5):279—280 Thrombocytopenic Purpura Associated Evolutionary “Flaw” or Consequence of with Decreased VWF Cleaving Activity, Evolutionary Progress?, 323(3):130—139 Gaston RS. See Young CJ 323(5):281-284 Conklin LD. See Anstadt MP Gaynes R. See Leonard MK Azar ST, Salti I, Zantout MS, Shahine Cook EF. See Kant KS Ghobrial MW. See Narasimhan KL CH, Zalloua PA. Higher Serum Leptin Cornea P. See Greenfield RA Gidding SS. See Campbell KL Level in Women than in Men with Type Cosgrove CJ, Abu-Alfa AK, Perazella Giglio P, Bakshi R, Block S, Ostrow P, 1 Diabetes, 323(4):206—209 MA. Observations on HIV-Associated Pullicino PM. Primary Central Ner- Renal Disease in the Era of Highly Active vous System Lymphoma Masquerading Bakshi R. See Bhojo AK; Giglio P Antiretroviral Therapy, 323(2):102—106 as Herpes Encephalitis: Clinical, Mag- Bentancur AG, Rieck J, Koldanov R, Crook ED. See Boyte WR netic Resonance Imaging, and Patho- Dankner RS. Acute Pulmonary Edema Crook ED. Diabetic Renal Disease in Af- logic Findings, 323(1):59-61 in the Emergency Department: Clinical rican Americans, 323(2):78—84 Gilmore MS. See Greenfield RA and Echocardiographic Survey in an Crook ED, Tucker JK. Renal Disease in Greene EL. See Neal L Aged Population, 323(5):238-243 African Americans: Introduction, Beutner EH. See Neughebauer BI 323(2):63-—64 xreenfield RA. See Bronze MS Bhojo AK, Akhter N, Bakshi R, Wasay Crutcher JM. See Evans RG xreenfield RA, Bronze MS. Symposium M. Thoracic Myelopathy Complicating Cunningham JA. See Calderon EG Introduction: Bioterrorism, 323(6):289— 290 Acute Meningococcal Meningitis: MRI Greenfield RA, Brown BR, Hutchins Findings, 323(5):263-265 Daido H. See Morita H JB, Iandolo JJ, Jackson R, Slater Blackston JW. See Boyte WR Dankner RS. See Bentancur AG LN, Bronze MS. Microbiological, Bio- Blevins LS Jr. See Shome B Daugherty A. Mouse Models of Athero- logical, and Chemical Weapons of War- Blich M. See Fruchter O sclerosis, 323(1):3-10 fare and Terrorism, 323(6):326-—340 Block S. See Giglio P Deftereos S. See Rentoukas E Greenfield RA, Drevets DA, Machado Blumberg HM. See Franco-Paredes C; Douglas S. See Boyte WR LJ, Voskuhl GW, Cornea P, Bronze Rezende NA Drevets DA. See Greenfield RA MS. Bacterial Pathogens as Biological Borde-Perry WC. See Campbell KL Duncan H. See Kant KS Weapons and Agents of Bioterrorism, Boyte WR, Blackston JW, Douglas S, Dyer CB. See Harrell R 323(6):299-315 Crook ED. Caring for Adolescent Fam- Greenfield RA, Lutz BD, Huycke MM, ily Members of Physician Colleagues, 323(1):49-53 Elmalah I. See Froom P Gilmore MS. Unconventional Biologi- Brady D, Schuitz L, Spell N, Branch Evans RG, Crutcher JM, Shadel B, cal Threats and the Molecular Biological WT Jr. Iterative Method for Learning Clements B, Bronze MS. Terrorism Response to Biological Threats, 323(6): Skills as an Efficient Outpatient from a Public Health Perspective, 350-357 Teacher, 323(3):124-—129 323(6):291-—299 Guill CK. See Anstadt MP Gupta K, Krishnaswamy G, Karnad A, Braester A. See Froom P Peiris AN. Insulin: A Novel Factor in Branch WTJr. See Brady D Falkner B. See Campbell KL Carcinogenesis, 323(3):140—-145 Brick J. See Ogershok PR Fernandez BB Jr. A Rational Approach Bronze MS. See Evans RG; Greenfield RA to Diagnosis and Treatment of Intermit- Bronze MS, Huycke MM, Machado LJ, tent Claudication, 323(5):244-251 Habib GS, Saliba WR. Tumor Lysis Syn- Voskuhl GW, Greenfield RA. Viral Ferrario CM, Smith R, Levy P, Strawn drome after Hydrocortisone Treatment in Agents as Biological Weapons and W. The Hypertension-Lipid Connection: Metastatic Melanoma: A Case Report and Agents of Bioterrorism, 323(6):316—325 Insights into the Relation between An- Review of the Literature, 323(3):155-157 Brown BR. See Greenfield RA giotensin II and Cholesterol in Athero- Hardy KJ. See Jenkins JK; McMurray genesis, 323(1):17-24 RW Calderon EG, Khawar S, Cunningham Ferrario CM, Strawn W. Hypertension- Harisdangkul V. See McMurray KW; JA, Russell LD, Alpert MA. Pulmo- Lipid Connection: Introduction, 323(1):1—2 Sanders S nary Artery Thrombus and Subcapsular Flannery MT, Winters L. Relapsing Harrell R, Toronjo CH, McLaughlin J, Liver Hematoma in a Patient with Group B Streptococcal Bacteremia in an Pavlik VN, Hyman DJ, Dyer CB. HELLP Syndrome: A Therapeutic Co- Adult, 3 112-114 How Geriatricians Identify Elder Abuse nundrum, 323(3):151-154 Foukarakis M. See Rentoukas E and Neglect, 323(1):34-38 Campbell KL, Borde-Perry WC, Mur- Franco-Paredes C, Leonard M, Ju- Hogan DE, Kellison T. Nuclear Terror- taugh KH, Gidding SS, Falkner B. rado R, Blumberg HM, Smith RM. ism, 323(6):341—349 Glucose Tolerance and Cardiovascular Tuberculosis of the Pancreas: Report of Hutchins JB. See Greenfield RA 358 June 2002 Volume 323 Number 6 Author Index Abu-Alfa AK. See Cosgrove CJ Risk in Young Adult African Americans, Two Cases and Review of the Literature, Aghai E. See Froom P 323(5):231-237 323(1):54—-58 Agrawal M, Stouffer GA. Contrast In- Carwile JM. See Anstadt MP Freyberg R. See Kant KS duced Nephropathy after Angiography, Chang S-C. See Chou C-W Froom P, Elmalah I, Braester A, Aghai 323(5):252-258 Chau T. See Lin S-H E, Quitt M. Clodronate in Myelofibrosis: Akhter N. See Bhojo AK Chou C-W, Chang S-C. Pleuritis as a A Case Report, 323(2):115-116 Alpert MA. See Calderon EG; Rentoukas Presenting Manifestation of Rheuma- Fruchter O, Blich M, Jacob G. Fatal E toid Arthritis: Diagnostic Clues in Pleu- Acute Myocardial Infarction during Se- Anstadt MP, Carwile JM, Guill CK, ral Fluid Cytology, 323(3):158-161 vere Thrombocytopenia in a Patient Conklin LD, Soltero ER, Lucci A, Clements B. See Evans RG with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Pur- Kroll MH. Relapse of Thrombotic Cohen S. Diffuse Pulmonary Hemorrhage: pura, 323(5):279—280 Thrombocytopenic Purpura Associated Evolutionary “Flaw” or Consequence of with Decreased VWF Cleaving Activity, Evolutionary Progress?, 323(3):130—139 Gaston RS. See Young CJ 323(5):281-284 Conklin LD. See Anstadt MP Gaynes R. See Leonard MK Azar ST, Salti I, Zantout MS, Shahine Cook EF. See Kant KS Ghobrial MW. See Narasimhan KL CH, Zalloua PA. Higher Serum Leptin Cornea P. See Greenfield RA Gidding SS. See Campbell KL Level in Women than in Men with Type Cosgrove CJ, Abu-Alfa AK, Perazella Giglio P, Bakshi R, Block S, Ostrow P, 1 Diabetes, 323(4):206—209 MA. Observations on HIV-Associated Pullicino PM. Primary Central Ner- Renal Disease in the Era of Highly Active vous System Lymphoma Masquerading Bakshi R. See Bhojo AK; Giglio P Antiretroviral Therapy, 323(2):102—106 as Herpes Encephalitis: Clinical, Mag- Bentancur AG, Rieck J, Koldanov R, Crook ED. See Boyte WR netic Resonance Imaging, and Patho- Dankner RS. Acute Pulmonary Edema Crook ED. Diabetic Renal Disease in Af- logic Findings, 323(1):59-61 in the Emergency Department: Clinical rican Americans, 323(2):78—84 Gilmore MS. See Greenfield RA and Echocardiographic Survey in an Crook ED, Tucker JK. Renal Disease in Greene EL. See Neal L Aged Population, 323(5):238-243 African Americans: Introduction, Beutner EH. See Neughebauer BI 323(2):63-—64 xreenfield RA. See Bronze MS Bhojo AK, Akhter N, Bakshi R, Wasay Crutcher JM. See Evans RG xreenfield RA, Bronze MS. Symposium M. Thoracic Myelopathy Complicating Cunningham JA. See Calderon EG Introduction: Bioterrorism, 323(6):289— 290 Acute Meningococcal Meningitis: MRI Greenfield RA, Brown BR, Hutchins Findings, 323(5):263-265 Daido H. See Morita H JB, Iandolo JJ, Jackson R, Slater Blackston JW. See Boyte WR Dankner RS. See Bentancur AG LN, Bronze MS. Microbiological, Bio- Blevins LS Jr. See Shome B Daugherty A. Mouse Models of Athero- logical, and Chemical Weapons of War- Blich M. See Fruchter O sclerosis, 323(1):3-10 fare and Terrorism, 323(6):326-—340 Block S. See Giglio P Deftereos S. See Rentoukas E Greenfield RA, Drevets DA, Machado Blumberg HM. See Franco-Paredes C; Douglas S. See Boyte WR LJ, Voskuhl GW, Cornea P, Bronze Rezende NA Drevets DA. See Greenfield RA MS. Bacterial Pathogens as Biological Borde-Perry WC. See Campbell KL Duncan H. See Kant KS Weapons and Agents of Bioterrorism, Boyte WR, Blackston JW, Douglas S, Dyer CB. See Harrell R 323(6):299-315 Crook ED. Caring for Adolescent Fam- Greenfield RA, Lutz BD, Huycke MM, ily Members of Physician Colleagues, 323(1):49-53 Elmalah I. See Froom P Gilmore MS. Unconventional Biologi- Brady D, Schuitz L, Spell N, Branch Evans RG, Crutcher JM, Shadel B, cal Threats and the Molecular Biological WT Jr. Iterative Method for Learning Clements B, Bronze MS. Terrorism Response to Biological Threats, 323(6): Skills as an Efficient Outpatient from a Public Health Perspective, 350-357 Teacher, 323(3):124-—129 323(6):291-—299 Guill CK. See Anstadt MP Gupta K, Krishnaswamy G, Karnad A, Braester A. See Froom P Peiris AN. Insulin: A Novel Factor in Branch WTJr. See Brady D Falkner B. See Campbell KL Carcinogenesis, 323(3):140—-145 Brick J. See Ogershok PR Fernandez BB Jr. A Rational Approach Bronze MS. See Evans RG; Greenfield RA to Diagnosis and Treatment of Intermit- Bronze MS, Huycke MM, Machado LJ, tent Claudication, 323(5):244-251 Habib GS, Saliba WR. Tumor Lysis Syn- Voskuhl GW, Greenfield RA. Viral Ferrario CM, Smith R, Levy P, Strawn drome after Hydrocortisone Treatment in Agents as Biological Weapons and W. The Hypertension-Lipid Connection: Metastatic Melanoma: A Case Report and Agents of Bioterrorism, 323(6):316—325 Insights into the Relation between An- Review of the Literature, 323(3):155-157 Brown BR. See Greenfield RA giotensin II and Cholesterol in Athero- Hardy KJ. See Jenkins JK; McMurray genesis, 323(1):17-24 RW Calderon EG, Khawar S, Cunningham Ferrario CM, Strawn W. Hypertension- Harisdangkul V. See McMurray KW; JA, Russell LD, Alpert MA. Pulmo- Lipid Connection: Introduction, 323(1):1—2 Sanders S nary Artery Thrombus and Subcapsular Flannery MT, Winters L. Relapsing Harrell R, Toronjo CH, McLaughlin J, Liver Hematoma in a Patient with Group B Streptococcal Bacteremia in an Pavlik VN, Hyman DJ, Dyer CB. HELLP Syndrome: A Therapeutic Co- Adult, 3 112-114 How Geriatricians Identify Elder Abuse nundrum, 323(3):151-154 Foukarakis M. See Rentoukas E and Neglect, 323(1):34-38 Campbell KL, Borde-Perry WC, Mur- Franco-Paredes C, Leonard M, Ju- Hogan DE, Kellison T. Nuclear Terror- taugh KH, Gidding SS, Falkner B. rado R, Blumberg HM, Smith RM. ism, 323(6):341—349 Glucose Tolerance and Cardiovascular Tuberculosis of the Pancreas: Report of Hutchins JB. See Greenfield RA 358 June 2002 Volume 323 Number 6 Huycke MM. See Bronze MS; Greenfield Metzger BS. See Rezende NA coccus aureus Bacteremia at the Time of RA Moore H. See Voinescu GC Hospital Admission, 323(3):117—123 Hyman DJ. See Harrell R Moore MA. Improving the Managed Care Rieck J. See Bentancur AG of Hypertension with Angiotensin II An- River Y. See Schiff E Iandolo JJ. See Greenfield RA tagonists, 323(1):25-33 Ruby EB. See Narasimhan KL Isaji M. See Morita H Morita H, Isaji M, Mune T, Daido H, Runge T.. See Patterson KB Ishizuka T. See Morita H Isomura Y, Sarui H, Tanahashi T, Russell LD. See Calderon EG Isomura Y. See Morita H Takeda N, Ishizuka T, Yasuda K. Transient Graves Disease Developing Sakhnini E, Weissmann A, Oren I. Ful- Jackson R. See Greenfield RA after Surgery for Cushing Disease, minant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Jacob G. See Fruchter O 323(3):162-165 Soft Tissue Infection in Imnmunocompro- Jenkins JK, Hardy KJ. Biological Mod- Mune T. See Morita H mised Patients: An Outbreak Transmit- ifier Therapy for the Treatment of Rheu- Murrow JR. See Leonard MK ted via Tap Water, 323(5):269-—272 matoid Arthritis, 323(4):197-205 Murtaugh KH. See Campbell KL Saladino AJ. See Oursler KA Jenkins JK, Hardy KJ, McMurray Salem M. End-Stage Renal Disease Sur- RW. The Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Nadeau J. See Shome B vival in Blacks and Whites, 323(2):100-—101 Arthritis: A Guide to Therapy, 323(4): Narasimhan KL, Ghobrial MW, Ruby Saliba WR. See Habib GS 171-180 EB. Hyperthyroidism in the Setting of Salti I. See Azar ST Jurado R. See Franco-Paredes C; Leo- Gestational Trophoblastic Disease, Sanders S, Harisdangkul V. Lefluno- nard MK 323(5):285-287 mide for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Neal L, Greene EL. Pathophysiology of Arthritis and Autoimmunity, 323(4): Kant KS, Cook EF, Duncan H, Frey- Chronic Progressive Renal Disease in 190-193 berg R. Parathyroid Hormone Suppres- the African American Patient with Hy- Sarui H. See Morita H sion by Intravenous Calcitriol: Role of pertension, 323(2):72-—77 Schiff E, River Y, Oliven A, Odeh M. Phosphate, Calcium, Race and Diabetes, Negron G. See Neughebauer BI Acupuncture Therapy for Persistent 323(4):210-215 Nestor S. See Ogershok PR Hiccups, 323(3):166-168 Karnad A. See Gupta K Neughebauer BI, Negron G, Pelton S, Schultz L. See Brady D Kellison T. See Hogan DE Plunkett RW, Beutner EH, Magnus- Shadel B. See Evans RG Khanna R. See Voinescu GC sen R. Bullous Skin Disease: An Un- Shahine CH. See Azar ST Khawar S. See Calderon EG usual Allergic Reaction to Vancomycin, Shoemaker M. See Voinescu GC Koldanov R. See Bentancur AG 323(5):273-278 Shome B, Nadeau J, Blevins LS Jr. Krishnaswamy G. See Gupta K Nikas D. See Rentoukas E Hypertension in an Adolescent Boy, Kroll MH. See Anstadt MP Nolph KD. See Voinescu GC 323(4):227—230 Norris KC. See Martins D Slater LN. See Greenfield RA Larsen NM. See Rezende NA Smith R. See Ferrario CM Lazaros G. See Rentoukas E Odeh M. See Schiff E Smith RM. See Franco-Paredes C Lea JP. Lupus Nephritis in African Amer- Ogershok PR, Rahman A, Nestor S, Soltero ER. See Anstadt MP icans, 323(2):85-—89 Brick J. Wernicke Encephalopathy in Spell N. See Brady D Leonard M. See Franco-Paredes C Nonalcoholic Patients, 323(2):107-111 Stouffer GA. See Agrawal M Leonard MK, Murrow JR, Jurado R, Oliven A. See Schiff E Strawn W. See Ferrario CM Gaynes R. Salmonella Meningitis in Oren I. See Sakhnini E Adults Infected with HIV: Case Report Ostrow P. See Giglio P Takeda N. See Morita H and Review of the Literature, 323(5): Oursler KA, Saladino AJ. A 75-Year- Tanahashi T. See Morita H 266-268 Old Man with Right Upper Quadrant Tareen N. See Martins D Levy P. See Ferrario CM Pain and Gallstones, 323(3):146—-150 Toronjo CH. See Harrell R Levy PJ. Premature Lower Extremity Tucker JK. See Crook ED Atherosclerosis: Clinical Aspects, Patterson KB, Runge T. Smallpox and Tucker JK. Focal Segmental Glomerulo- 323(1):11-16 the Native American, 323(4):216—222 sclerosis in African Americans, 323(2): Lin S-H, Chau T, Wu C-C, Yang S-S. Pavlik VN. See Harrell R 90-93 Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome after Peiris AN. See Gupta K Correction of Chronic Hyponatremia Pelton S. See Neughebauer BI Voinescu GC, Shoemaker M, Moore H, with Normal Saline, 323(5):259-262 Perazella MA. See Cosgrove CJ Khanna R, Nolph KD. The Relation- Lucci A. See Anstadt MP Plunkett RW. See Neughebauer BI ship between Urine Osmolatity and Spe- Lutz BD. See Greenfield RA Pullicino PM. See Giglio P cific Gravity, 323(1):39—42 Voskuhl GW. See Bronze MS; Greenfield Machado LJ. See Bronze MS; Greenfield Quitt M. See Froom P RA RA Magnussen R. See Neughebauer BI Rahman A. See Ogershok PR Wasay M. See Bhojo AK Martins D, Tareen N, Norris KC. The Ray SM. See Rezende NA Weissmann A, See Sakhnini E Epidemiology of End-Stage Renal Disease Rentoukas E, Alpert MA, Deftereos S, Winters L. See Flannery MT among African Americans, 323(2):65—71 Foukarakis M, Nikas D, Lazaros G, Wu C.-C. See Lin S-H McGowan JE Jr. See Rezende NA Zacharoulis A. Anomalous Left Coro- McLaughlin J. See Harrell R nary Artery Arising from the Right Si- Yang S-S. See Lin S-H McMurray RW. See Jenkins JK nus of Valsalva in a Man with Unstable Yasuda K. See Morita H McMurray RW. A New Century of Anti- Angina Pectoris and Right Coronary Ar- Young CJ, Gaston RS. African Ameri- rheumatic Therapy, 323(4):169-170 tery Stenosis, 323(4):223-226 cans and Renal Transplantation: Dis- McMurray RW, Hardy KJ. Cox-2 Re RN. The Origins of Intracrine Hor- proportionate Need, Limited Access, Inhibitors: Today and Tomorrow, 323(4): mone Action, 323(1):43-—48 and Impaired Outcomes, 323(2):94—99 181-189 Rezende NA, Blumberg HM, Metzger McMurray RW, Harisdangkul V. Myco- BS, Larsen NM, Ray SM, McGowan Zacharoulis A. See Rentoukas E phenolate Mofetil: Selective T Cell Inhi- JE Jr. Risk Factors for Methicillin-Re- Zalloua PA. See Azar ST bition, 323(4):194—196 sistance among Patients with Staphylo- Zantout MS. See Azar ST THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES Subject Index Acupuncture therapy, for persistent Animal studies, mouse models of athero- bacterial pathogens as biological weap- hiccups, 323(3):166—168 sclerosis, 323(1):3-10 ons and agents of, 323(6):299-315 Adolescents Ankle-brachial index, rational ap- microbiological, biological, and chemical caring for adolescent family members of proach to diagnosis and treatment weapons of warfare and terrorism, physician colleagues, 323(1):49-53 of intermittent claudication, 323(5): 323(6):326-340 hypertension in adolescent boy, 323(4): 244-251 nuclear terrorism, 323(6):341—349 227-230 Anthrax, bacterial pathogens as biologi- symposium introduction, 323(6):289- Adult Protective Services, how geria- cal weapons and agents of bioterror- 290 tricians identify elder abuse and ne- ism, 323(6):299-315 terrorism from public health perspec- glect, 323(1):34-38 Antihypertensive agents, improving tive, 323(6):291—298 Adverse drug effects managed care of hypertension with unconventional biological threats and bullous skin disease: unusual allergic angiotensin II antagonists, 323(1): the molecular biological response to reaction to vancomycin, 323(5):273- 25-33 biological threats, 323(6):350—357 278 Antimicrobial agents viral agents as biological weapons and contrast induced nephropathy after an- bullous skin disease: unusual allergic agents of, 323(6):316-325 giography, 323(5):252-258 reaction to vancomycin, 323(5):273- Bisphosphonates, clodronate in myelofi- African Americans 278 brosis, 323(2):115-116 diabetic renal disease in, 323(2):78—84 risk factors for methicillin-resistance Botulism, microbiological, bi’ ical, and end-stage renal disease survival in among patients with Staphylococ- chemical weapons of warfare and blacks and whites, 323(2):100-101 cus aureus bacteremia at time of terrorism, 323(6):326—-340 epidemiology of end-stage renal disease hospital admission, 323(3):117-123 Brain in, 323(2):65-71 Antiretroviral therapy, HIV-associated primary central nervous system lym- focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in, renal disease in era of highly active phoma masquerading as herpes en- 323(2):90-93 antiretroviral therapy, 323(2):102- cephalitis, 323(1):59-61 glucose tolerance and cardiovascular 106 Salmonella meningitis in adults in- risk in young adult African Ameri- Antirheumatic agents fected with HIV, 323(5):266—268 cans, 323(5):231-237 biological modifier therapy for treat- thoracic myelopathy complicating acute lupus nephritis in, 323(2):85-89 ment of rheumatoid arthritis, meningococcal meningitis: MRI parathyroid hormone suppression by in- 323(4):197-205 findings, 323(5):263-265 travenous calcitriol: role of phos- Cox-2 inhibitors: today and tomorrow, Wernicke encephalopathy in nonalco- phate, calcium, race and diabetes, 323(4):181-189 holic patients, 323(2):107-111 323(4):210-215 leflunomide for treatment of rheuma- Brucellosis, bacterial pathogens as bio- pathophysiology of chronic progressive toid arthritis and autoimmunity, logical weapons and agents of biot- renal disease in patients with hy- 323(4):190-193 errorism, 323(6):299-315 pertension, 323(2):72—-77 mycophenolate mofetil: selective T cell renal disease in: introduction, 323(2): inhibition, 323(4):194—196 63-64 new century of antirheumatic therapy, Calcitriol, parathyroid hormone suppres- and renal transplantation, 323(2):94—-99 323(4):169--170 sion by intravenous calcitriol: role Agnogenic myeloid metaplasia, clodr- pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis: of phosphate, calcium, race and di- onate in myelofibrosis, 323(2):115- guide to therapy, 323(4):171—180 abetes, 323(4):210-215 116 Atherosclerosis Cancer Agroterrorism, unconventional biologi- hypertension-lipid connection insulin: novel factor in carcinogenesis, cal threats and the molecular bio- introduction, 323(1):1-2 323(3):140-145 logical response to __ biological relation between angiotensin II and primary central nervous system lym- threats, 323(6):350-—357 cholesterol in atherogenesis, 323(1): phoma masquerading as herpes en- Alcoholism, Wernicke encephalopathy in 17-24 cephalitis, 323(1):59-61 nonalcoholic patients, 323(2):107- mouse models of, 323(1):3-10 tumor lysis syndrome after hydrocorti- 111 premature lower extremity atheroscle- sone treatment in metastatic mela- Allergy, bullous skin disease: unusual al- rosis: clinical aspects, 323(1):11-16 noma, 323(3):155-157 lergic reaction to vancomycin, Autoimmunity Cardiology Grand Rounds, contrast in- 323(5):273-278 leflunomide for treatment of rheuma- duced nephropathy after angiogra- Angina pectoris, anomalous left coro- toid arthritis and, 323(4):190-193 phy, 323(5):252-258 nary artery arising from right sinus mycophenolate mofetil: selective T cell Cardiovascular health and disease of Valsalva in man with unstable inhibition, 323(4):194—-196 anomalous left coronary artery arising angina pectoris and right coronary from right sinus of Valsalva in man artery stenosis, 323(4):223-226 with unstable angina pectoris and Angiography, contrast induced nephrop- Bacteremia right coronary artery stenosis, athy after, 323(5):252-258 relapsing group B streptococcal bactere- 323(4):223-226 Angiotensin II antagonists mia in adult, 323(2):112—114 contrast induced nephropathy after an- hypertension-lipid connection: relation risk factors for methicillin-resistance giography, 323(5):252-258 between angiotensin II and choles- among patients with Staphylococ- fatal acute myocardial infarction during terol in atherogenesis, 323(1):17—24 cus aureus bacteremia at time of severe thrombocytopenia in patient improving managed care of hyperten- hospital admission, 323(3):117-123 with idiopathic thrombocytopenic sion with, 323(1):25-33 Bioterrorism purpura, 323(5):279—280 360 June 2002 Volume 323 Number 6 glucose tolerance and cardiovascular Cyanides, microbiological, biological, and of end-stage renal disease in African risk in young adult African Ameri- chemical weapons of warfare and Americans, 323(2):65-71 cans, 323(5):231-237 terrorism, 323(6):326—340 fulminant Stenotrophomonas malto- hypertension in adolescent boy, 323(4): Cytokines philia soft tissue infection in immu- 227-230 biological modifier therapy for treat- nocompromised patients: outbreak hypertension-lipid connection ment of rheumatoid arthritis, transmitted via tap water, 323(5): introduction, 323(1):1-2 323(4):197-205 269-272 relation between angiotensin II and pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis: Etanercept, biological modifier therapy cholesterol in atherogenesis, 323(1): guide to therapy, 323(4):171—180 for treatment of rheumatoid arthri- 17-24 Cytology, pleuritis as presenting mani- tis, 323(4):197-205 improving managed care of hyperten- festation of rheumatoid arthritis: Ethical issues, caring for adolescent fam- sion with angiotensin II antago- diagnostic clues in pleural fluid cy- ily members of physician col- nists, 323(1):25-33 tology, 323(3):158-161 leagues, 323(1):49-53 mouse models ofa therosclerosis, 323(1): Etoricoxib, Cox-2 inhibitors: today and 3-10 tomorrow, 323(4):181—189 premature lower extremity atheroscle- Diabetes mellitus rosis: clinical aspects, 323(1):11-16 diabetic renal disease in African Amer- Case Records of the VA Maryland icans, 323(2):78-84 Gallstones, 75-year-old man with right Healthcare System/University epidemiology of end-stage renal disease upper quadrant pain and, 323(3): of Maryland Medicine, 75-year- in African Americans, 323(2):65-71 146-150 old man with right upper quadrant glucose tolerance and cardiovascular Gender differences, higher serum leptin pain and gallstones, 323(3):146- risk in young adult African Ameri- level in women than in men with 150 cans, 323(5):231-237 type 1 diabetes, 323(4):206—209 Case Studies in Ethics from the G.V. higher serum leptin level in women than Geriatric patients “Sonny” Montgomery VA Medi- in men with type 1 diabetes, 323(4): acute pulmonary edema in emergency cal Center and the University of 206-209 department: clinical and echocar- Mississippi Medical Center, car- parathyroid hormone suppression by in- diographic survey in aged popula- travenous calcitriol: role of phos- ing for adolescent family members tion, 323(5):238—-243 phate, calcium, race and diabetes, of physician colleagues, 323(1): how geriatricians identify elder abuse 323(4):210-215 49-53 and neglect, 323(1):34-38 renal disease in African Americans: in- Celecoxib, Cox-2 inhibitors: today and to- 75-year-old man with right upper quad- troduction, 323(2):63-64 morrow, 323(4):181—-189 rant pain and gallstones, 323(3): Diagnosis Central nervous system lymphoma, 146-150 how geriatricians identify elder abuse masquerading as herpes encephali- Gestational trophoblastic disease, hy- and neglect, 323(1):34-388 tis, 323(1):59-61 perthyroidism in setting of, 323(5): pleuritis as presenting manifestation of Chlorine, microbiological, biological, and 285-287 rheumatoid arthritis: diagnostic chemical weapons of warfare and Glanders, bacterial pathogens as biologi- clues in pleural fluid cytology, terrorism, 323(6):326-340 cal weapons and agents of bioterror- 323(3):158-161 Cholesterol, hypertension-lipid connec- ism, 323(6):299-315 primary central nervous system lym- tion: relation between angiotensin Glomerulosclerosis, focal segmental, in phoma masquerading as herpes en- II and cholesterol in atherogenesis, cephalitis, 323(1):59-61 African Americans, 323(2):90—-93 323(1):17-24 rational approach to diagnosis and Glucose tolerance, and cardiovascular Cilostazol, rational approach to diagnosis treatment of intermittent claudica- risk in young adult African Ameri- and treatment of intermittent clau- tion, 323(5):244-251 cans, 323(5):231-237 dication, 323(5):244-251 75-year-old man with right upper quad- Goodpasture syndrome, diffuse pulmo- Clodronate, in myelofibrosis, 323(2):115- rant pain and gallstones, 323(3): nary hemorrhage, 323(3):130-—139 116 146-150 Graves disease, transient, developing af- Complementary and alternative med- ter surgery for Cushing disease, icine, acupuncture therapy for per- 323(3):162-165 sistent hiccups, 323(3):166-168 Echocardiography, acute pulmonary Growth factors, origins of intracrine hor- Computed tomography, pulmonary ar- edema in emergency department: mone action, 323(1):43—48 tery thrombus and_ subcapsular clinical and echocardiographic sur- liver hematoma in patient with vey in aged population, 323(5):238—- HELLP syndrome, 323(3):151-154 243 Hantaviruses, viral agents as biological Confidentiality, caring for adolescent Emergency department, acute pulmo- weapons and agents of bioterror- family members of physician col- nary edema in: clinical and echocar- ism, 323(6):316-—325 leagues, 323(1):49-53 diographic survey in aged popula- Hematology Coronary arteries, anomalous left coro- tion, 323(5):238—-243 fatal acute myocardial infarction during nary artery arising from right sinus Encephalitis severe thrombocytopenia in patient of Valsalva in man with unstable primary central nervous system lym- with idiopathic thrombocytopenic angina pectoris and right coronary phoma masquerading as herpes en- purpura, 323(5):279—280 artery stenosis, 323(4):223-226 cephalitis, 323(1):59-61 relapse of thrombotic thrombocytopenic Corticosteroids, tumor lysis syndrome viral agents as biological weapons and purpura associated with decreased after hydrocortisone treatment in agents of bioterrorism, 323(6):316- VWF cleaving activity, 323(5):281- metastatic melanoma, 323(3):155- 325 284 157 Encephalopathy, Wernicke, in nonalco- Hematoma, pulmonary artery thrombus Cox-2 inhibitors, today and tomorrow, holic patients, 323(2):107-111 and subcapsular liver hematoma in 323(4):181-189 Enterotoxins, microbiological, biological, patient with HELLP syndrome, Cushing disease, transient Graves dis- and chemical weapons of warfare 323(3):151-154 ease developing after surgery for, and terrorism, 323(6):326—340 Hemorrhage, diffuse pulmonary, 323(3): 323(3):162-165 Epidemiology 130-139 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES 361 Hemorrhagic fevers, viral agents as bi- relapsing group B streptococcal bactere- Lower extremity atherosclerosis, ological weapons and agents of bio- mia in adult, 323(2):112-—114 premature: clinical aspects, 323(1): terrorism, 323(6):316-—325 risk factors for methicillin-resistance 11-16 Herpes encephalitis, primary central among patients with Staphylococ- Lung function and disease nervous system lymphoma mas- cus aureus bacteremia at time of acute pulmonary edema in emergency querading as, 323(1):59-61 hospital admission, 323(3):117-123 department: clinical and echocar- Hiccups, persistent, acupuncture therapy Salmonella meningitis in adults in- diographic survey in aged popula- for, 323(3):166—-168 fected with HIV, 323(5):266—-268 tion, 323(5):238-243 Histology, diffuse pulmonary hemor- smallpox and the Native American, diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage, 323(3): rhage, 323(3):130-—139 323(4):216—-222 130-139 Hormones symposium introduction: bioterrorism, Lupus nephritis, in African Americans, origins of intracrine hormone action, 323(6):289—290 323(2):85—-89 323(1):43-48 terrorism from public health perspec- Lymphoma, primary central nervous sys- transient Graves disease developing af- tive, 323(6):291—298 tem lymphoma masquerading as ter surgery for Cushing disease, thoracic myelopathy complicating acute herpes encephalitis, 323(1):59-61 323(3):162—-165 meningococcal meningitis: MRI Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) findings, 323(5):263-265 infection tuberculosis of pancreas, 323(1):54-58 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) HIV-associated renal disease in era of unconventional biological threats and primary central nervous system lym- highly active antiretroviral ther- the molecular biological response to phoma masquerading as herpes en- apy, 323(2):102—106 biological threats, 323(6):350—357 cephalitis, 323(1):59-61 Salmonella meningitis in adults with, viral agents as biological weapons and thoracic myelopathy complicating acute 323(5):266 -268 agents of bioterrorism, 323(6):316— meningococcal meningitis: MRI Hyperinsulinemia, insulin: novel factor 325 findings, 323(5):263—265 in carcinogenesis, 323(3):140—145 Infliximab, biological modifier therapy Managed care, improving managed care Hypertension for treatment of rheumatoid arthri- of hypertension with angiotensin II in adolescent boy, 323(4):227—230 tis, 323(4):197-205 antagonists, 323(1):25-33 diabetic renal disease in African Amer- Influenza, unconventional _ biological Medical education, iterative method for icans, 323(2):78—84 threats and the molecular biological learning skills as an efficient outpa- epidemiology of end-stage renal disease response to biological threats, tient teacher, 323(3):124—129 in African Americans, 323(2):65-71 323(6):350—357 Melanoma, metastatic, tumor lysis syn- glucose tolerance and cardiovascular Insulin, novel factor in carcinogenesis, drome after hydrocortisone treat- risk in young adult African Ameri- 323(3):140-145 ment in, 323(3):155-157 cans, 323(5):231-237 Interleukin-1, biological modifier ther- Melioidosis, bacterial pathogens as bio- hypertension-lipid connection apy for treatment of rheumatoid ar- logical weapons and agents of biot- introduction, 323(1):1—2 thritis, 323(4):197—205 errorism, 323(6):299-—315 relation between angiotensin II and Intermittent claudication, rational ap- Meningitis cholesterol in atherogenesis, 323(1): proach to diagnosis and treatment Salmonella meningitis in adults in- 17-24 of, 323(5):244-251 fected with HIV, 323(5):266-—268 improving managed care of hyperten- Intracrine hormone action, 323(1): thoracic myelopathy complicating acute sior with angiotensin II antago- 43-48 meningococcal meningitis: MRI nists, 323(1):25-33 findings, 323(5):263-265 pathophysiology of chronic progressive Methicillin resistance, risk factors renal preandtaii!se enta dsiews ietaihns ,e Af3ri2in3 c(aA2nf) r:i7Ac2ma-en7 r7i cAamnesr:i cainn- Laboracbtiefoitcrw yeg erna ivintvuyre,is nte3i 2g3ao(ts1mi)oo:ln3a,9l -i—t4ry2e laatnido nsshpiep- Minoricahtuomysso pnihagteua alr leputaashtd imeinbstassci otnew,ri etmh3i 2a3 S(t3aa)tp :h1yt1li7om—ce1o 2c3-o f troduction, 323(2):63-—64 Leflunomide, for treatment of rheuma- African Americans and renal transplan- Hyperthyroidism, in setting of gesta- toid arthritis and autoimmunity, tation, 323(2):94-99 tional trophoblastic disease, 323(5): 323(4):190-193 diabetic renal disease in African Amer- 285-287 Leptin, higher serum level in women than icans, 323(2):78—84 Hyponatremia, osmotic demyelination in men with type 1 diabetes, 323(4): end-stage renal disease survival in syndrome after correction of chronic 206-209 blacks and whites, 323(2):100-101 hyponatremia with normal saline, Lewisite, microbiological, biological, and epidemiology of end-stage renal disease 323(5):259 -262 chemical weapons of warfare and in African Americans, 323(2):65-—71 terrorism, 323(6):326-—340 focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in Lipids and lipoproteins African Americans, 323(2):90-93 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic pur- hypertension-lipid connection glucose tolerance and cardiovascular pura, fatal acute myocardial infarc- introduction, 323(1):1-2 risk in young adult African Ameri- tion during severe thrombocytope- relation between angiotensin II and cans, 323(5):231-237 nia in patient with, 323(5):279-280 cholesterol in atherogenesis, 323(1): lupus nephritis in African Americans, Infection 17-24 323(2):85-—89 bacterial pathogens as biological weap- mouse models of atherosclerosis, 323(1): pathophysiology of chronic progressive ons and agents of bioterrorism, 3-10 renal disease in African American 323(6):299-315 Liver patient with hypertension, 323(2): fulminant Stenotrophomonas malto- pulmonary artery thrombus and sub- 72-77 philia soft tissue infection in immu- capsular liver hematoma in patient renal disease in African Americans: in- nocompromised patients, 323(5): with HELLP syndrome, 323(3):151- troduction, 323(2):63-64 269-272 154 Mycobacterium tuberculosis infec- microbiological, biological, and chemical 75-year-old man with right upper quad- tion, of pancreas, 323(1):54-58 weapons of warfare and terrorism, rant pain and gallstones, 323(3): Mycophenolate mofetil, selective T cell 323(6):326-340 146-15 inhibition, 323(4):194-196 June 2002 Volume 323 Number 6 Myelofibrosis, clodronate in, 323(2):115- Peripheral vascular disease African Americans and renal transplan- 116 premature lower extremity atheroscle- tation, 323(2):94-99 Myocardial infarction, fatal, during se- rosis: clinical aspects, 323(1):11-16 contrast induced nephropathy after an- vere thrombocytopenia in patient rational approach to diagnosis and giography, 323(5):252-258 with idiopathic thrombocytopenic treatment of intermittent claudica- diabetic renal disease in African Amer- purpura, 323(5):279-—280 tion, 323(5):244-251 icans, 323(2):78-—84 Myocardial ischemia, anomalous left Phosgene, microbiological, biological, end-stage renal disease survival in coronary artery arising from right and chemical weapons of warfare blacks and whites, 323(2):100-101 sinus of Vaisalva in man with un- and terrorism, 323(6):326-—340 epidemiology of end-stage renal disease stable angina pectoris and right cor- Plague, bacterial pathogens as biological in African Americans, 323(2):65—71 onary artery stenosis, 323(4):223- weapons and agents of bioterror- focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in 226 ism, 323(6):299-315 African Americans, 323(2):90—-93 Pleuritis, as presenting manifestation of HIV-associated renal disease in era of rheumatoid arthritis: diagnostic Native Americans, smallpox and, 323(4): clues in pleural fluid cytology, highly active antiretroviral ther- 216-222 323(3):158-161 apy, 323(2):102—106 Neisseria meningitidis, thoracic my- Pregnancy hypertension in adolescent boy, 323(4): elopathy complicating acute menin- hyperthyroidism in setting of gesta- 227-230 gococcal meningitis: MRI findings, tional trophoblastic disease, 323(5): lupus nephritis in African Americans, 323(5):263-265 323(2):85-89 Nerve agents, microbiological, biological, pulmonary artery thrombus and sub- parathyroid hormone suppression by in- and chemical weapons of warfare capsular liver hematoma in patient travenous calcitriol: role of phos- and terrorism, 323(6):326-—340 with HELLP syndrome, 323(3):151-— phate, calcium, race and diabetes, Neurology 154 323(4):210-215 primary central nervous system lym- Public health, terrorism from public pathophysiology of chronic progressive phoma masquerading as herpes en- health perspective, 323(6):291—298 renal disease in African American cephalitis, 323(1):59-61 Pulmonary edema, acute, in emergency patient with hypertension, 323(2): Salmonella meningitis in adults in- department: clinical and echocar- 72-77 fected with HIV, 323(5):266-268 diographic survey in aged popula- Residents, iterative method for learning thoracic myelopathy complicating acute tion, 323(5):238—-243 skills as an efficient outpatient meningococcal meningitis: MRI Pulmonary hemorrhage, diffuse, 323(3): teacher, 323(3):124-129 findings, 323(5):263-265 130-139 Rheumatoid arthritis Wernicke encephalopathy in nonalco- biological modifier therapy for treat- holic patients, 323(2):107-111 Neutronipnae sn iimama,lmt uonpfohuicllomiimanp arnsotofm ti Ssttieesdns uoet rpioanptfhieoecmtnitoos-n, feverwi,s e,m a,bp aboca3nct2tsee3rr i(ia6al la) n:d2 9pa9ptaa-htg3oheg1oeng5net sns s aosfa s bbiibooitloeolrgogriioccraa-l Cox-23m 2e3ni(tn 4h)iob:fi1,t 8o31r2-s3:1 (849t) o:d1a9y7 —2a0n5d tomorrow, 323(5):269-272 leflunomide for treatment of rheuma- Nipah virus, viral agents as biological toid arthritis and autoimmunity, weapons and agents of bioterror- 323(4):190-193 Race/ethnicity ism, 323(6):316-325 mycophenolate mofetil: selective T cell African Americans and renal transplan- Nitrogen dioxide, microbiological, bio- inhibition, 323(4):194-—196 tation, 323(2):94—-99 logical, and chemical weapons of new century of antirheumatic therapy, diabetic renal disease in African Amer- warfare and terrorism, 323(6):326- 323(4):169-170 icans, 323(2):78-—84 340 end-stage renal disease survival in pathogenesis: guide to therapy, 323(4): Normal saline, osmotic demyelination blacks and whites, 323(2):100-101 171-180 syndrome after correction of chronic epidemiology of end-stage renal disease pleuritis as presenting manifestation of: hyponatremia with, 323(5):259-262 in African Americans, 323(2):65—71 diagnostic clues in pleural fluid cy- Nuclear terrorism, 323(6):341—349 focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in tology, 323(3):158-161 African Americans, 323(2):90—93 Risk factors Obesity, higher serum leptin level in glucose tolerance and cardiovascular glucose tolerance and cardiovascular women than in men with type 1 risk in young adult African Ameri- risk in young adult African Ameri- diabetes, 323(4):206—209 cans, 323(5):231-237 cans, 323(5):231-237 Osmotic demyelination syndrome, af- lupus nephritis in African Americans, methicillin-resistance among pa- ter correction of chronic hyponatre- 323(2):85-89 tients with Staphylococcus aureus mia with normal saline, 323(5): parathyroid hormone suppression by in- bacteremia at time of hospital ad- 259-262 travenous calcitriol: role of phos- mission, 323(3):117-123 phate, calcium, race and diabetes, Rofecoxib, Cox-2 inhibitors: today and 323(4):210-215 tomorrow, 323(4):181—189 Pancreatic tuberculosis, 323(1):54-58 pathophysiology of chronic progressive Parathyroid hormone, suppression by renal disease in African American intravenous calcitriol: role of phos- patient with hypertension, 323(2): Salmonella, meningitis in adults in- phate, calcium, race and diabetes, 72-77 323(4):210-215 renal disease in African Americans: in- fected with HIV, 323(5):266—-268 Parecoxib, Cox-2 inhibitors: today and troduction, 323(2):63—64 Singultus, acupuncture therapy for per- tomorrow, 323(4):181-189 smallpox and the Native American, sistent hiccups, 323(3):166-—168 Pediatric patients, caring for adolescent 323(4):216—-222 Skin disease, bullous: unusual allergic family members of physician col- Radiation sickness, nuclear terrorism, reaction to vancomycin, 323(5):273- leagues, 323(1):49-53 323(6):341-349 278 Pentoxifylline, rational approach to di- Renal disease Smallpox agnosis and treatment of intermit- in African Americans: introduction, and the Native American, 323(4):216- tent claudication, 323(5):244-251 323(2):63-64 222 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES 363 viral agents as biological weapons and Thiamin deficiency, Wernicke encepha- Tuberculosis of pancreas, 323(1):54—58 agents of bioterrorism, 323(6):316- lopathy in nonalcoholic patients, Tularemia, bacterial pathogens as biolog- 325 323(2):107-111 ical weapons and agents of bioter- Staphylococcus, risk factors for methicil- Thoracic myelopathy, complicating rorism, 323(6):299-315 lin-resistance among patients with acute meningococcal meningitis: Tumor lysis syndrome, after hydrocor- Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia MRI findings, 323(5):263-265 tisone treatment in metastatic mel- at time of hospital admission, Thrombocytopenia anoma, 323(3):155-157 323(3):117-123 fatal acute myocardial infarction during Tumor necrosis factor a, biological Statin drugs, hypertension-lipid connec- severe thrombocytopenia in patient modifier therapy for treatment of tion with idiopathic thrombocytopenic rheumatoid arthritis, 323(4):197- introduction, 323(1):1-2 purpura, 323(5):279-280 205 relation between angiotensin IT and cho- relapse of thrombotic thrombocytopenic lesterol in atherogenesis, 323(1): purpura associated with decreased 17-24 VWF cleaving activity, 323(5):281- Urine osmolality and specific gravity, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, fulmi- 284 323(1):39-42 nant soft tissue infection in immu- Thromboembolic disease, pulmonary nocompromised patients, 323(5): artery thrombus and subcapsular Valdecoxib, Cox-2 inhibitors: today and 269-272 liver hematoma in patient with tomorrow, 323(4):181—189 Streptagodrcuoolutcp,c aBl3 2 s3t(r2e)pi:tn1of1ce2oc-ctc1ia1ol4n , bac—t erreelmaipas inign ThyhyrpoeirHdtE hLydLryoPsi fduisnsycmnt dirooinmn e,s et3t2i3n(g3 ):1of5 1—g-e1s5t4a - Vancom2uys7uc3ai-l2n 7,8 a llbeurglilco us reascktiino n distoe,a se3:2 3(5u)n:- Sulfur mustards, microbiological, biolog- tional trophoblastic disease, 323(5): Viral hemorrhagic fevers, viral agents ifcaarle, aanndd tcehrermoirciaslm , w3e2a3p(o6n)s: 32of6 w—3a4r0- trans2i8en5t- 28G7r aves disease developing af- absi otbeiorlroogriicsaml, w3e2a3p(o6n)s: 31a6n—d 32a5g ents of ter surgery for Cushing disease, von Willebrand factor (VWF), relapse T cells 323(3):162-165 of thrombotic thrombocytopenic mycophenolate mofetil: selective T cell Transplantation purpura associated with decreased inhibition, 323(4):194—196 African Americans and renal transplan- VWF cleaving activity, 323(5):281- pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis: tation, 323(2):94-99 284 guide to therapy, 323(4):171—180 end-stage renal disease survival in Teaching methods, iterative method for blacks and whites, 323(2):100—101 learning skills as an efficient outpa- Trauma, how geriatricians identify elder Wernicke encephalopathy, in nonalco- tient teacher, 323(3):124-129 abuse and neglect, 323(1):34-38 holic patients, 323(2):107—111 June 2002 Volume 323 Number 6

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