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Preview The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 1991: Vol 301 Index

Index to Volume 301 AUTHORS Cohen HJ (See Currie MS). Goldman JM (See Biswas N). Aboulafia D, Mathisen G, Mitsuyasu R. Corbet A, Voelker R, Murphy F, Owens Gorden L, Smith C, Graber SE. Marked Aggressive Kaposi’s Sarcoma and Cam- M. Effect of Calcium and Calcium An- Plasmacytosis and Immunoglobulin Ab- pylobacter Bacteremia in a Female with tagonists on Phospholipid Secretion In- normalities Following Infusion of Strep- Transfusion Associated AIDS. 301(4): duced by Lung Inflation in Newborn tokinase. 301(3):186-189. 256-258. Rabbits. 301(2):102-114. Graber SE (See Gorden L). Aguilar T (See Teberg AJ). Crawford J (See Currie MS). Griffen LM (See Edwards CQ). Ahn Y-H (See Biswas N). Crosby WH. A History of Phlebotomy Grubb BP. Moricizine: A New Agent for Alexander RJ, Buxbaum JN, Raicht Therapy for Hemochromatosis. 301(1): the Treatment of Ventricular Arrhyth- RF. Enhanced Expression of Oncogene- 28-31. mias. 301(6):398-401. Encoded mRNA in a Rat Model of Colon Currie MS, Simel DL, Christenson RH, Grum EE, Schwab R, Margolis ML. Cancer. 301(4):238-245. Holmes C, Crawford J, Cohen HJ, Cryptococcal Pleural Effusion Preceding Alguire PC (See Potts RG). Rao KMK. Anti-Inflammatory Effects Cryptococcal Meningitis in AIDS. 301(5): Anderson T (See Hansen RM). of Pentoxifylline in Claudication. 301(2): 329-330. Anuras S (See Chokhavatia S). 85-90. Guzzi LM, Kucera RF, Lillis P, Horn- Arns PA. Misoprostol. 301(2):133-137. Davatchi F (See Konishi K). stein EH. Human Gammaglobulin Use Balaa MA. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflamma- D’Cruz IA (See White JE). in the Treatment of Severe Thrombo- tory Gastropathy: From Theory to Prac- Degner RA, Kerley SW, McGregor DH, cytopenia Associated with Sarcoidosis. tice. 301(4): 272-276. Dixon AY. Metastatic Basal Cell Car- 301(5):331-334. Ban Y (See Taniyama M). cinoma: Report of a Case Presenting with Hanaoka H (See Konishi K). Bell DSH. Diabetic Nephropathy: Changing Respiratory Failure. 301(6):395-397. Hansen RM, Ritch PS, Libnoch JA, An- Concepts of Pathogenesis and Treat- Dinh H (See Ngo L). derson T. Continuous 5-Fluorouracil ment. 301(3):195-200. Dixon AY (See Degner RA). Infusion and Alpha Interferon in Ad- Bernard GR (See Onrot J). Dornfeld LP (See Marine N). vanced Cancers: A Report of Initial Biaggioni I (See Onrot J). Dresser R (See Boisaubin EV). Treatment Results. 301(4):246-249. Bissett JK (See Ngo L). Durand J (See Jin H). Hausmann MJ (See Liel Y). Biswas N, Ahn Y-H, Goldman JM, Duvic M. Integrins and Cellular Adherence Hershman JM (See Marine N). Schwartz JM. Aplastic Anemia Asso- Molecules in Skin. 201(1):62. Hindahl M (See Hussein AM). ciated with Antithyroid Drugs. 301(3): Edwards CQ, Griffen LM, Kushner JP. Hodgman JE (See Teberg AJ). 190-194. Coincidental Hemochromatosis and Viral Hoffman WL (See Smiley JD). Bland D (See Leaf DA). Hepatitis. 301(1):50-54. Hollister AS (See Onrot J). Boisaubin EV, Lynch GR, Dresser R. Edwards CQ, Griffen LM, Kushner JP. Holmes C (See Currie MS). Hypercalcemia of Advanced Malignancy: Comparison of Stainable Liver Iron Be- Horan MJ. Antihypertensive Therapy and Decision Making and the Quality of tween Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Atherosclerosis. 301(6):402-405. Death. 301(5):314-318. Hemochromatosis Homozygotes and Hornstein EH (See Guzzi LM). Bonkovsky HL. Iron and the Liver. 301(1): Their Homozygous Relatives. 301(1):44- Hussein AM, Jiminez JJ, Hindahl M, 32-43. 46. Yunis AA. Synergism of ARA-C-Imu- Borenstein A, Seidman DS, Trau H, Endo Y (See Wakui H). vert Combination in Aborting the De- Tsur H. Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma Esunge P (See Jin H). velopment of Transplanted Chloroleu- Following Radiotherapy in Childhood. Feldman SR, O’Keefe EJ. Isolation of a kemia in the Rat. 301(2):81-84. 301(4): 259-261. Partial Clone of Desmoplakin-1 by An- Hutchison KA, Prasad M, Work C, Fox Bozelka B (See Bryan CF). tibody Screening of a Agtll Library. TH. Properties of Adenotin Reconstituted Britton JR, Kastin AJ. Biologically Active 301(3):151-156. into Phospholipid Vesicles. 301(1):1-8. Polypeptides in Milk. 301(2):124-132. Ferenchick GS. Medical Problems of Ilan S (See Oren S). Bryan CF. The Immunogenetics of Hered- Homeless and Nonhomeless Persons At- Jackman JD Jr, Glamann DB. Gonococ- itary Hemochromatosis. 301(1):47-49. tending an Inner-City Clinic: A Compar- cal Endocarditis: Twenty-Five Year Ex- Bryan CF, Leech SH, Kumar P, Gaumer ative Study. 301(6):379-282. perience. 301(3):221-230. R, Bozelka B, Morgan J. The Immune Fincher R-ME (See White JE). Jelley MJ, Prochazka AV. A Survey of System in Hereditary Hemochromatosis: Fincher R-ME, Swift TR. Improvement Physicians’ Smoking Counseling Prac- A Quantitative and Functional Assess- in Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis by MRI. tices. 301(4):250-255. ment of the Cellular Arm. 301(1):55-61. 301(4): 262-264. Jenkins RL (See McDaniel HB). Buxbaum JN (See Alexander RJ). Finello K (See Teberg AJ). Jiminez JJ (See Hussein AM). Buzdar AU (See Ziegler LD). Fleischman RA. Human Gene Therapy. Jin H, Yang R-H, Esunge P, Chen Y-F, Chen Y-F (See Jin H). 301(5):353-363. Durand J, Oparil S. Antihypertensive Chokhavatia S, Anuras S. Neuromuscular Fox IH (See Hutchison KA). Effect of Cicletanine is Exaggerated in Disease of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Franco-Saenz R (See Lotshaw DP). NaCl-Sensitive Hypertension. 301(6): 301(3):201-214. Frenkel EP. The Clinical Spectrum of 383-389. Christenson RH (See Currie MS). Thrombocytosis and Thrombocythemia. Johnson FL (See Scobey MW). Clarke RJ. Indapamide: A Diuretic of 301(1):69-80. Choice for the Treatment of Hyperten- Gaumer R (See Bryan CF). Julian BA (See Wyatt RJ). sion? 301(3):215-220. Glamann DB (See Jackman JD Jr). Kaihara M (See Taniyama M). THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES Cumulative index Kaplan NM. Hormonal and Local Factors Mooradian AD, Morin AM. Brain Uptake Scobey MW, Johnson FL, Rudel LL. in Hypertension. 301(6):412-—420. of Glucose in Diabetes Mellitus: The Role Plasma HDL Cholesterol Concentrations Kastin Ad (See Britton JR). of Glucose Transporters. 301(3):173-177. are Correlated to Bile Cholesterol Satu- Katagiri T (See Taniyama M). Morgan J (See Bryan CF). ration Index in the African Green Mon- Kelberman MW (See Scheinman SJ). Morin AM (See Mooradian AD). key. 301(2):97-101. Kennedy A (See Khansur T). Mozes M (See Liel Y). Scott CS (See Leaf DA). Kerins DM. Ampicillin/Sulbactam—A Mulrow PJ (See Lotshaw DP). Seidman DS (See Borenstein A). Combination of an Old and a New Agent Murphy F (See Corbet A). Sekita S (See Taniyama M). in the Treatment of Infection. 301(6): Murphy ML (See Ngo L). Shogan JE (See Yu VL). 406-411. Nagakura H (See Taniyama M). Simel DL (See Currie MS). Kerley SW (See Degner RA). Nakamoto Y (See Wakui H). Skare JC (See Milunsky JM.). Khansur T, Kennedy A. Case Study: Cis- Nakamura M (See Konishi K). Smiley JD, Hoffman WL. The Role of In- platin-Induced Hemolytic Uremic Syn- Neighbor WE (See Leaf DA). fections in the Rheumatic Diseases: Mo- drome. 301(6):390-392. Ngo L, Vesely DL, Bissett JK, Murphy lecular Mimicry Between Bacterial and Konishi K, Nakamura M, Yamakawa H, ML, Dinh H, Sallman AL, Rico DM, Human Stress Proteins? 301(2):138-149. Suzuki H, Sairuta T, Hanaoka H, Winters CJ, Wyeth RP. Acute and Smith C (See Gorden L). Davatchi F. Hypophosphatemic Osteo- Sustained Release of the Atrial Natri- Starling RC (See Yu VL). malacia in von Recklinghausen Neuro- uretic Factor Prohormone N-Terminus Stoehr GP (See Yu VL). fibromatosis. 301(5):322-328. with Acute Myocardial Infarction. 301(3): Sueki H (See Taniyama M). Kucera RF (See Guzzi LM). 157-164. Suzuki H (See Konishi K). Kumar P (See Bryan CF). Nishimura S (See Wakui H). Swift TR (See Fincher R-ME). Kushima K (See Taniyama M). Nishinari T (See Wakui H). Taniyama M, Kushima K, Ban Y, Kai- Kushner JP (See Edwards CQ). O’Keefe EJ (See Feldman SR). hara M, Nagakura H, Sekita S, Ka- Larjava H. Expression of #1 Integrins in Onrot J, Bernard GR, Biaggioni I, Hol- tagiri T, Sueki H. Simultaneous De- Normal Human Keratinocytes. 301(1): lister AS, Robertson D. Direct Vaso- velopment of Insulin Dependent Diabetes 63-68. dilator Effect of Hyperventilation-In- Mellitus and Alopecia Areata Universalis. Leaf DA, Bland D, Schaad D, Neighbor duced Hypocarbia in Autonomic Failure 301(4): 269-271. WE, Scott CS. Oral Contraceptive Use Patients. 301(5):305-309. Tatum AH (See Scheinman SJ). and Coronary Risk Factors in Women. Oparil S (See Jin H). Tavassoli M (See Mihas AA). 301(6):365-368. Oren S, Viskoper JR, Ilan S, Schlesin- Teberg AJ, Pena I, Finello K, Aguilar Leech SH (See Bryan CF). ger M. Urinary Albumin Excretion in T, Hodgman JE. Prediction of Neuro- Libnoch JA (See Hansen RM). Patients with Familial Mediterranean developmental Outcome in Infants With Liel Y, Hausmann MJ, Mozes M. Case Fever: A Pilot Study. 301(6):375-378. and Without Bronchopulmonary Dys- Report: Serendipitous Gaucher Disease Owens M (See Corbet A). plasia. 301(6):369-374. Presenting as Elevated Erythrocyte Sed- Pena I (See Teverg AJ). Trau H (See Borenstein A). imentation Rate Due to Monoclonal Potts RG, Alguire PC. Pseudoaneurysm Tsur H (See Borenstein A). Gammopathy. 301(6):393-394. of the Abdomina! Aorta: A Case Report van de Bor M, Walther FJ. Cerebral Blood Lillis P (See Guzzi LM). and Review of the Literature. 301(4): 265- Flow Velocity in Healthy Term Infants. Lonano F (See Quale JM). 268. 301(2):91-96. Lotshaw DP, Franco-Saenz R, Mulrow Prasad M (See Hutchison KA). Vesely DL (See Ngo L). PJ. Guanabenz-Induced Inhibition of Prochazka AV (See Jelley MJ). Viskoper JR (See Oren S). Aldosterone Secretion from Isolated Rat Quale JM, Lonano F. Salmonella Myone- Voelker R (See Corbet A). Adrenal Glomerulosa Cells. 301(1):15-20. crosis in a Patient with Diabetes Mellitus. Wakui H, Nishinari T, Nishimura §S, Lynch GR (See Boisaubin EV). 301(5):335-336. Endo Y, Nakamoto Y, Miura AB. In- McDaniel HB, Jenkins RL, McDaniel Raicht RF (See Alexander RJ). appropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic HG. Experimental Hyperthermia: Pro- Rao KMK (See Currie MS). Hormone in Isolated Adrenocorticotropin tective Effect of Oxygen Carrying Fluo- Rico DM (See Ngo L). Deficiency. 301(5):319-321. rocarbon and Crystalloids ‘ntraperito- Ritch PS (See Hansen RM). Walther FJ (See von de Bor M). neally. 301(1):9-14. Rivas ML (See Wyatt RJ). White JE, Fincher R-ME, D’Cruz IA. McDaniel HG (See McDaniel HB). Robertson D (See Onrot J). Pericardial Metastasis from Testicular McGregor DH (See Degner RA). Robin DW. Pergolide in the Treatment of Seminoma: Appearance and Disappear- Margolis ML (See Grum EE). Parkinson’s Disease. 301(4): 277-280. ance by Echocardiography. 301(3):182- Marine N, Hershman JM, Maxwell MH, Rubin CD. Age-Related Osteoporosis 185. Dornfeld LP, Schroth P. Dietary Re- 301(4): 281-298. Winters CJ (See Ngo L). striction on Serum Thyroid Hormone Rudel LL (See Scobey MW). Work C (See Hutchison KA). Levels. 301(5):310-313. Runge MS. New Horizons in the Treatment Wyatt RJ, Julian BA, Rivas ML. Role Mathisen G (See Aboulafia D). of Coronary Artery Thrombosis. 301(1): for Specific Complement Phenotypes and Maxwell MH (See Marine N). 21-27. Deficiencies in the Clinical Expression of Mihas AA, Tavassoli M. The Effect of Sallman AL (See Ngo L). IgA Nephropathy. 301(2):115-123. Ethanol on the Uptake, Binding, and Saruta T (See Konishi K). Wyeth RP (See Ngo L). Desialylation of Transferrin by Rat Liver Schaad D (See Leaf DA). Yamakawa H (See Konishi K). Endothelium: Implications in the Patho- Yang R-H (See Jin H). Scheinman SJ, Kelberman MW, Tatum genesis of Alcohol-Associated Hepatic AH, Zamkoff KW. Hypercalcemia with Yu VL, Stoehr GP, Starling RC, Shogan Siderosis. 301(5):299-304. Excess Serum 1,25 Dihydroxyvitamin D JE. Empiric Antibiotic Selection by Milunsky A (See Milunsky JM). in Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis/An- Physicians: Evaluation of Reasoning Milunsky JM, Skare JC, Milunsky A. Strategies. 301(3):165-172. giocentric Lymphoma. 301(3):178-181. Presymtomatic and Prenatal Diagnosis Yunis AA (See Hussein AM). of Myotonic Musuclar Dystrophy with Schlesinger M (See Oren S). Zamkoff KW (See Scheinman SJ). Linked DNA Probes. 301(4):231-237. Schroth P (See Maxwell MH). Ziegler LD, Buzdar AU. Recent Advances Mitsuyasu R (See Aboulafia D). Schwab R (See Grum EE). in the Treatment of Breast Cancer. Miura AB (See Wakui H). Schwartz (See Biswas N). 301(5):337-352. 422 June 1994 Volume 304 Number 6 Cumulative index TITLES Enhanced Expression of Oncogene-En- the Rat. Hussein AM, Jiminez JJ, Hin- A History of Phlebotomy Therapy for coded mRNA in a Rat Model of Colon dahl M, Yunis AA. 301(2):81-84. H hr tosis. Crosby WH. 301(1): Cancer. Alexander RJ, Buxbaum JN, The Clinical Spectrum of Thrombocy- 28-31. Raicht RF. 301(4):238-245. tosis and Thrombocythemia. Frenkel A Survey of Physicians’ Smoking Experimental Hyperthermia: Protec- EP. 301(1):69-80. Counseling Practices. Jelley MJ, Pro- tive Effect of Oxygen Carrying The Effect of Ethanol on the Uptake, chazka AV. 301(4):250-255. Fluorocarbon and Crystalloids In- Binding, and Desialylation of Acute and Sustained Release of the traperitoneally. McDaniel HB, Jenkins Transferrin by Rat Liver Endothe- Atrial Natriuretic Factor Prohor- RL, McDaniel HG. 301(1):9-14. lium: Implications in the Pathogen- mone N-Terminus with Acute Myo- Expression of 61 Integrins in Normal esis of Alcohol-Associated Hepatic cardial Infarction. Ngo L, Vesely DL, Human Keratinocytes. Larjava H. Siderosis. Mihas AA, Tavassoli M. Bissett JK, Murphy ML, Dinh H, Sall- 301(1):63-68. 301(5):299-304. man AL, Rico DM, Winters CJ, Wyeth Gonococcal Endocarditis: Twenty-Five The Immune System in Hereditary He- RP. 301(3):157-—164. Year Experience. Jackman JD Jr, mochromatosis: A Quantitative and Age-Related Osteoporosis. Rubin CD. Glamann DB. 301(3):221-230. Functional Assessment of the Cel- 301(4): 281-298. Guanabenz-Induced Inhibition of Al- lular Arm. Bryan CF, Leech SH, Kumar Ampicillin/Sulbactam—A Combination dosterone Secretion from Isolated P, Gaumer R, Bozelka B, Morgan J. of an Old and a New Agent in the Rat Adrenal Glomerulosa Cells. Lot- 301(1):55-61. Treatment of Infection. Kerins DM. shaw DP, Franco-Saenz R, Mulrow PJ. The Immunogenetics of Hereditary He- 301(6):406-411. 301(1):15-20. mochromatosis. Bryan CF. 301(1):47- Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Pentoxi- Hormonal and Local Factors in Hyper- 49. fylline in Claudication. Currie MS, tension. Kaplan NM. 301(6):412-420. The Role of Infections in the Rheumatic Simel DL, Christenson RH, Holmes C, Human Gene Therapy. Fleischman RA. Diseases: Molecular Mimicry Be- Crawford J, Cohen HJ, Rao KMK. 301(5):353-363. tween Bacterial and Human Stress 301(2):85-90. Hypercalcemia of Advanced Malig- Proteins? Smiley JD, Hoffman WL. Antihypertensive Effect of Cicletanine nancy: Decision Making and the 301(2):138-149. is Exaggerated in NaCl-Sensitive Quality of Death. Boisaubin EV, Lynch Urinary Albumin Excretion in Patients Hypertension. Jin H, Yang R-H, GR, Dresser R. 301(5):314-318. with Familial Mediterranean Fever: Esunge P, Chen Y-F, Durand J, Oparil Indapamide: A Diuretic of Choice for A Pilot Study. Oren S, Viskoper JR, S. 301(6):383-389. the Treatment of Hypertension? Ilan S, Schlesinger M. 301(6):375-378. Brain Uptake of Glucose in Diabetes Clarke RJ. 301(3):215-220. Mellitus: The Role of Glucose Integrins and Cellular Adherence Mol- Case Reports Transporters. Mooradian AD, Morin ecules in Skin. Duvic M. 301(1):62. Aggressive Kaposi’s Sarcoma and AM. 301(3):173-177. Iron and the Liver. Bonkovsky HL. 301(1): Campylobacter Bacteremia in a Fe- Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity in 32-43. male with Transfusion Associated Healthy Term Infants. van de Bor M, Isolation of a Partial Clone of Desmo- AIDS. Aboulafia D, Mathisen G, Mit- Walther FJ. 301(2):91-96. plakin-1 by Antibody Screening of suyasu R. 301(4):256-258. Coincidental Hemochromatesis and a Agt11 Library. Feldman SR, O’Keefe Aplastic Anemia Associated with An- Viral Hepatitis. Edwards CQ, Griffen EJ. 301(3):151-156. tithyroid Drugs. Biswas N, Ahn Y-H, LM, Kushner JP. 301(1):50-54. Medical Problems of Homeless and Goldman JM, Schwartz JM. 301(3):190- Comparison of Stainable Liver Iron Nonhomeless Persons Attending an 194. Between Symptomatic and Asymp- Inner-City Clinic: A Comparative Cisplatin-Induced Hemolytic Uremic tomatic Hemochromatosis Homozy- Study. Ferenchick GS. 301(6):379-382. Syndrome. Khansur T, Kennedy A. gotes and Their Homozygous Rela- Misoprostol. Arns PA. 301(2):133-137. 301(6):390-392. tives. Edwards CQ, Griffen LM, Kush- Oral Contraceptive Use and Coronary Cryptococcal Pleural Effusion Preced- ner JP. 301(1):44—46. Risk Factors in Women. Leaf DA, ing Cryptococcal Meningitis in Continuous 5-Fluorouracil Infusion and Bland D, Schaad D, Neighbor WE, Scott AIDS. Grum EE, Schwab R, Margolis Alpha Interferon in Advanced Can- CS. 301(6):365-368. ML. 301(5):329-330. cers: A Report of Initial Treatment Plasma HDL Cholesterol Concentra- Human Gammaglobulin Use in the Results. Hansen RM, Ritch PS, Libnoch tions are Correlated to Bile Choles- Treatment of Severe Thrombocyto- JA, Anderson T. 301(4):246-249. terol Saturation Index in the African penia Associated with Sarcoidosis. Green Monkey. Scobey MW, Johnson Guzzi LM, Kucera RF, Lillis P, Horn- Dietary Restriction on Serum Thyroid Hormone Levels. Marine N, Hershman FL, Rudel LL. 301(2):97-101. stein EH. 301(5):331-334. JM, Maxwell MH, Dornfeld LP, Schroth Prediction of Neurodevelopmental Hypercalcemia with Excess Serum 1,25 P. 301(5):310-313. Outcome in Infants With and With- Dihydroxyvitamin D in Lymphom- out Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. atoid Granulomatosis/Angiocentric Direct Vasodilator Effect of Hyperven- Teberg AJ, Pena I, Finello K, Aguilar T, Lymphoma. Scheinman SJ, Kelberman tilation-Induced Hypocarbia in Au- Hodgman JE. 301(6):369-374. MW, Tatum AH, Zamkoff KW. 301(3): tonomic Failure Pztients. Onrot J, Presymtomatic and Prenatal Diagnosis 178-181. Bernard GR, Biaggioni I, Hollister AS, of Myotonic Musuclar Dystrophy Hypophosphatemic Osteomalacia in von Robertson D. 301(5):305-309. with Linked DNA Probes. Milunsky Recklinghausen Neurofibromatosis. Effect of Calcium and Calcium Antag- JM, Skare JC, Milunsky A. 301(4):231- Konishi K, Nakamura M, Yamakawa H, onists on Phospholipid Secretion In- 237. Suzuki H, Saruta T, Hanaoka H, Dav- duced by Lung Inflation in Newborn Properties of Adenotin Reconstituted atchi F. 301(5):322-328. Rabbits. Corbet A, Voelker R, Murphy into Phospholipid Vesicles. Hutchison Improvement in Sagittal Sinus Throm- F, Owens M. 301(2):102-114. KA, Prasad M, Work C, Fox IH. 301(1): bosis by MRI. Fincher R-ME, Swift TR. Empiric Antibiotic Selection by Physi- 1-8. 301(4): 262-264. cians: Evaluation of Reasoning Synergism of ARA-C-Imuvert Combi- Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Strategies. Yu VL, Stoehr GP, Starling nation in Aborting the Development Hormone in Isolated Adrenocorti- RC, Shogan JE. 301(3):165-172. of Transplanted Chloroleukemia in cotropin Deficiency. Wakui H, Nish- THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES 423 Cumulative Index inari T, Nishimura S, Endo Y, Nakamoto Key Indexing Terms Complications 301(4):265-268 Y, Miura AB. 301(5):319-321. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Coronary artery thrombosis 301(1):21-27 Marked Plasmacytosis and Immuno- 301(5):329-330 Cryptococcus 301(5):329-330 globulin Abnormalities Following Adenosine 301(1):1-8 Cyclic GMP 301(1):15-20 Infusion of Streptokinase. Gorden L, Adenosine receptor 301(1):1-8 Cyclic GMP 301(6):383-389 Smith C, Graber SE. 301(3):186-189. Adjuvant treatment 501(5):337-352 Cytochalasin B 301(3):173-177 Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma: Re- Adnexal tumors 301(4):259-261 Cytosine arabinoside 301(2):81-84 port of a Case Presenting with Re- Adrenal cortex 301(1):15-20 Desmoplakin 301(3):151-156 spiratory Failure. Degner RA, Kerley Albumin excretion rate 301(6):375-378 Diabetes 301(3):195-200 SW, McGregor DH, Dixon AY. 301(6): Alcoholism 301(5):299-304 Diabetes mellitus 301(3):173-177 395-397. Aldosterone 301(1):15-20 Diabetes mellitus 301(5):335-336 Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma Fol- Alopecia areata universalis 301(4):269-271 Diagnosis 301(3):182-185 lowing Radiotherapy in Childhood. Alpha interferon 301(4):246-249 Differentiation 301(2):81-84 Borenstein A, Seidman DS, Trau H, Tsur Alpha,-adrenergic 301(1):15-20 Diuretics 301(3):215-220 H. 301(4): 259-261. Ampicillin 301(6):406-411 DNA 301(5):353-363 Pericardial Metastasis from Testicular Anagrelide 301(1):69-80 DNA probes 301(4):231-237 Seminoma: Appearance and Disap- Ankylosing spondylitis 301(2):138-149 Doppler ultrasound 301(2):91-96 pearance by Echocardiography. Anterior cerebral artery 301(2):91-96 Echocardiography 301(3):182-185 White JE, Fincher R-ME, D’Cruz IA. Antiarrhythmic agents 301(6):398-401 Elastase 301(2):85-90 301(3):182-185. Antibiotic therapy 301(3):165-172 Endocarditis 301(3):221-230 Pseudoaneurysm of the Abdominal Antihypertensive drugs 301(6):402—405 Endocrine treatment 301(5):337-352 Aorta: A Case Report and Review of Antithyroid drugs 301(3):190-194 Endothelin 301(6):412-420 the Literature. Potts RG, Alguire PC. Aortic aneurysm 301(4):265-268 Endothelium-derived relaxing factor 301(6): 301(4): 265-268. Aortic rupture 301(4):265-268 412-420 Salmonella Myonecrosis in a Patient Aplastic anemia 301(3):190-194 5-Fluorouracil 301(4):246-249 with Diabetes Mellitus. Quale JM, Arrhythmias 301(6):398-401 5FU 301(4):246-249 Lonano F. 301(5):335-336. Asialoglycoprotein 301(5):299-304 Fluorocarbon 301(1):9-14 Serendipitous Gaucher Disease Pre- Asymptomatic hemochromatosis probands FMF 301(6):375-378 senting as Elevated Erythrocyte and relatives 301(1):44—46 Free radical-mediated injury 301(1):32-43 Sedimentation Rate Due to Mono- Atherogenesis 301(6):402-405 Gallstones 301(2):97-101 clonal Gammopathy. Liel Y, Haus- Atherosclerosis 301(6):402-405 Gammaglobulin 301(5):331-334 mann MJ, Mozes M. 301(6):393-394. Atrial natriuretic peptide 301(6):383-389 Gastrointestinal! dysmotility 201-214 Simultaneous Development of Insulin Autoimmunity 301(4):269-271 Gastrointestinal tract 301(4):272-276 Dependent Diabetes Mellitus and Bacteremia 301(3):165-172 Gaucher disease 301(6):393-394 Alopecia Areata Universalis. Tani- Basal cell carcinoma 301(6):395-397 Gene therapy 301(5):353-363 yvama M, Kushima K, Ban Y, Kaihara Basilar artery 301(2):91-96 Genetic engineering 301(5):353-363 M, Nagakura H, Sekita S, Katagiri T, Beta-lactamase 301(6):406—411 Genetic vectors 301(5):353-363 Sueki H. 301(4): 269-271. Bile 301(2):97-101 Glomerulonephritis 301(2):115-123 Biologic response modifiers 301(2):81-84 Glomerulosa 301(1):15-20 Reviews Biological therapy 301(4):246-249 Glucose transporter 301(3):173-177 Antihypertensive Therapy and Athero- Blood-brain barrier 301(3):173-177 Granulomatous disorders 301(3):178-181 sclerosis. Horan MJ. 301(6):402-405. Blood viscosity 301(2):85-90 Graves’ disease 301(3):190-194 Biologically Active Polypeptides in Breast cancer 301(5):337-352 Growth factors 301(2):124-132 Milk. Britton JR, Kastin AJ. 301(2):124- Breast feeding 301(2):124—-132 Guanabenz 301(1):15-20 132. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 301(6):369-374 Guanine nucleotide regulatory protein Diabetic Nephropathy: Changing Con- CAD risk 301(6):365-268 301(1):1-8 cepts of Pathogenesis and Treat- Cadmium 301(2):102-114 H-ras 301(4):238-245 ment. Bell DSH. 301(3):195-—200. Campylobacter bacteremia 301(4):256-258 HDL 301(2):97-101 Moricizine: A New Agent for the Treat- Cancer chemotherapy 301(4):246-249 Hemochromatosis 301(1):28-31 ment of Ventricular Arrhythmias. Cancer 301(1):47-49 Hemochromatosis 301(1):32-43 Grubb BP. 301(6):398-401. Cancer 301(1):55-61 Hemochromatosis 301(1):44—46 Neuromuscular Disease of the Gas- Carbimazole 301(3):190-194 Hemochromatosis 301(1):47-49 trointestinal Tract. Chokhavatia S, Carcinogen-adenoma-carcinoma sequence Hemochromatosis 301(1):50-54 Anuras S. 301(3):201-214. 301(4):238-245 Hemochromatosis 301(1):55-61 New Horizons in the Treatment of Cor- Cell adhesion 301(1):63-68 Hemolytic uremic syndrome 301(6):390-392 onary Artery Thrombosis. Runge MS. Cell-cell interactions 301(1):63-68 Hepatic fibrosis 301(1):32-—43 301(1):21-27. Cerebral blood flow 301(2):91-96 Hepatocellular carcinoma 301(1):32-43 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Gas- Chemotherapy 301(5):337-352 Hereditary diseases 301(5):353-363 tropathy: From Theory to Practice. Cholesterol 301(2):97-101 HLA 301(1):47-49, 301(1):55-61 Balaa MA. 301(4): 272-276. Cicletanine 301(6):383-389 Homeless persons 301(6):379-382 Pergolide in the Treatment of Parkin- Circulatory collapse 301(1):9-14 Hormones 301(2):124-132 son’s Disease. Robin DW. 301(4): 277- Cirrhosis 301(1):32-43 Hydroxyurea 301(1):69-80 280. Cisplatin 301(6):390-392 Hypercalcemia 301(3):178-181 Recent Advances in the Treatment of Claudication 301(2):85-90 Hyperinsulinemia 301(6):412-420 Breast Cancer. Ziegler LD, Buzdar AU. 301(5):337-352. Clinical presentation 301(6):393-394 Hypertension 301(3):195-200, 301(6):402- Cloning 301(3):151-156 405 Role for Specific Complement Pheno- types and Deficiencies in the Clinical Coagulation 301(2):85-90 Hypertension treatment 301(3):215-220 Expression of IgA Nephropathy. Colchicine 301(6):375-378 Hyperthermia 301(1):9-14 Wyatt RJ, Julian BA, Rivas ML. 301(2): Comparative study 301(6):379-382 Hyperthyroidism 301(3):190-194 115-123. Complement 301(2):115-123 Hyponatremia 301(5):319-321 424 June 1994 Volume 301 Number 6 Cumulative index Hypophosphatemia 301(5):322-328 Myocardial ischemia 301(3):157-164 Propylthiouracil 301(3):190-194 Hypoxia 301(1):9-14 Myonecrosis 301(5):335-336 Protective effect 301(1):9-14 IDDM 301(4):269-271 Myotonic muscular dystrophy 301(4):231- Protein sparing fast 301(5):310-313 IgA nephropathy 301(2):115-123 237 Pseudoaneurysm 301(4):265-268 Immunity 301(1):55-61 NaCl-sensitive hypertension 301(6):383-389 Pseudothrombocytosis 301(1):69-80 Immunogenetics 301(1):55-61 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 301(3):221-230 Pulmonary surfactant 301(2):102-114 Immunogenetics 301(2):115-123 Neomycin 301(2):102-114 Pulsatility index 301(2):91-96 Immunoregulation 301(1):55-61 Neurodevelopmental outcome 301(6):369- Radiotherapy 301(4):259-261 Immunosurveillance 301(1):47-49 374 Recombinant DNA 301(5):353-363 Indapamide 301(3):215-220 Neurofibromatosis 301(5):322-328 Reconstitution 301(1):1-8 Infants 301(2):91-96 Neuromuscular disease 201-214 Respiratory collapse 301(1):9-14 Integrins 301(1):63-68 Neutrophil 301(2):85-90 Retrospective study 301(6):379-382 Internal carotid artery 301(2):91-96 Nickel 301(2):102-114 Reverse triiodothyronine 301(5):310-313 Involutional osteoporosis 301(4):281-298 Node-negative disease 301(5):337-352 Rheumatic fever 301(2):138-149 Iron-overload 301(5):299-304 Nonhuman primates 301(2):97-101 Rheumatoid arthritis 301(2):138-149 Iron-storage disease 301(1):28-31 Nonsterioidal anti-inflammatory drugs Sagittal sinus thrombosis 301(4):262-264 Iron 301(1):32-43 301(4):272-276 Salmonella 301(5):335-336 Iron 301(1):47-49 Nonsteroidal gastropathy 301(4):272-276 Sarcoidosis 301(5):331-334 Iron 301(1):55-61 Norepinephrine 301(6):383-389 Saturated fat 301(2):97-101 Isolated adrenocorticotropin deficiency Obesity 301(5):310-313 Seminoma 301(3):182-185 301(5):319-321 Opiates 301(2):124-132 Sialic acid 301(5):299-304 Kaposi’s sarcoma 301(4):256-258 Oral contraceptives 301(6):365-368 Sjogren’s syndrome 301(2):138-149 Kidney 301(3):195-200 Orosomucoid 301(2):85-90 Smoking 301(4):250-255 Lanthanum 301(2):102-114 Osteomalacia 301(5):322-328 Spontaneously hypertensive rat 301(6):383- Leukemia 301(2):81-84 Osteoporosis, age-related 301(4):281-298 389 Lipoproteins 301(2):97-101 Osteoporosis, senile 301(4):281-298 Stainable hepatic iron 301(1):44—46 Liver disease 301(1):32-43 Osteoporosis, type II 301(4):281-298 Steroidogenesis 301(1):15-20 Liver transplantation 301(1)}:50-54 Parkinson’s disease 301(4):277-280 Streptokinase 301(3):186-189 Lymphocyte subtypes 301(6):393-394 Pathogenesis 301(6):412-420 Stress proteins 301(2):138-149 Lymphoma 301(3):178-181 Patient counseling 301(4):250-255 Sulbactam 301(6):406-411 Lymphomatoid granulomatosis 301(3):178- Pergolide 301(4):277-280 Surgery in thrombocythemia 301(1):69-80 181 Pericardial metastasis 301(3):182-185 Symptomatic hemochromatosis probands Mean blood flow velocity 301(2):91-96 Perinatal factors associated with broncho- and relatives 301(1):44—46 Medical indigence 301(6):379-382 pulmonary dysplasia 301(6):369-374 Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of an- Medical problems 301(6):379-382 Perinatal factors associated with neurode- tidiuretic hormone 301(5):319-321 Meningitis 301(5):329-330 velopmental outcome 301(6):369-374 Testicular neoplasm 301(3):182-185 Metastatic carcinoma 301(6):395-397 Phlebotomy 301(1):28-31 Thrombin activity 301(1):21-27 Methiinazole 301(3):190-194 Physician decision making 301(3):165-172 Thrombocythemia 301/1):69-80 Methylxanthine 301(2):85-90 Physicians 301(4):250-255 Thrombocytopenia 301(5):331-334 Microalbuminuria 301(6):375-378 Plasmacytosis 301(3):186-189 Thrombocytosis 301(1):69-80 Microangiopathy 301(6):390-392 Platelet activation 301(1):21-27 Thrombohemorrhagic phenomena 301(1): Milk 301(2):124-132 Pleural effusion 301(5):329-330 69-80 Milk proteins 301(2):124-132 Polymyositis 301(2):138-149 Misoprostol 301(2):133-137 Polypeptides 301(2):124-132 Thrombolytic agents 301(3):157-164 MNU 301(4):238-245 Polyunsaturated fat 301(2):97-101 Thyroid-stimulating hormone 301(5):310- Monoclonal gammopathy 301(6):393-394 Porphyria cutanea tarda 301(1):32-43 313 Monoclonal proteins 301(3):186-189 Postantibioticera 301(3):221-230 Thyroxine 301(5):310-313 Moricizine 301(6):398-401 Preantibioticera 301(3):221-230 Transfusion associated AIDS 301(4):256-258 MRI 301(4):262-264 Pregnancy in thrombocythemia 301(1):69- Trauma 301(4):265-268 myb 301(4):238-245 80 Triiodothyronine 301(5):310-313 myc 301(4):238-245 Prenatal diagnosis 301(4):231-237 Very low birth weight infant 301(6):369-374 Mycrocystic adnexal carcinoma 301(4):259- Presymptomatic diagnosis 301(4):231-237 261 Primary hypertension 301(6):412-420 Viral hepatitis 301(1):50-54 Myeloproliferative syndromes 301(1):69-80 Prohormone atrial natriuretic peptides Visceral myopathy 201-214 Myocardial infarction 301(3):157-164 301(3):157-164 Vitamin D 301(3):178-181 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES

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