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Preview The American Journal of Pathology 1996: Vol 148 Table of Contents

The American Journal of PATHOLOGY Official Publication of the American Society for Investigative Pathology VOLUME 148, 1996 (January through June) Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors Editorial Board Nelson Fausto Charles E. Alpers Abul K. Abbas James L. Madara University of Washington University of Washington Marco Baggiolini Jay M. McDonald Dorothy F. Bainton Glenn Merlino Senior Editor Sandra H. Bigner Tito Cavallo Alfred F. Michael Steven L. Kunkel Duke University Raju S. K. Chaganti George F. Murphy University of Michigan Francis V. Chisari Carlos Cordon-Cardo Ruth J. Muschel Scripps Research Institute Jeffrey Cossman Brian J. Nickoloff Managing Editor Tucker Collins Dennis W. Dickson Paul K. Pattengale Priscilla Smith Bethesda, Maryland Brigham & Women’s Hospital Isaiah J. Fidler Janardan K. Reddy Harvard Medical School Martha B. Furie Russell Ross Production Coordinator Riccardo Dalla-Favera Philip Furmanski Eric P. Sandgren Leah Kauffman Columbia University Giulio Gabbiani Eveline E. Schneeberger Bethesda, Maryland Avrum |. Gotlieb Michael A. Gimbrone, Jr. Darryl Shibata Joe W. Grisham William Stetler-Stevenson The Toronto Hospital Editorial Assistant University of Toronto Nancy L. Harris Gary E. Striker Cody Mooneyhan Peter M. Howley John Q. Trojanowski Stanley R. Hamilton Bethesda, Maryland Philip M. lannaccone Mark L. Tykocinski Johns Hopkins University Harriet C. Isom Manjeri A. Venkatachalam Editor’s Assistant Agnes B. Kane Elaine S. Jaffe Sharon M. Wahl Tamara Carlson Brown University Yashpal S. Kanwar Peter A. Ward Seattle, Washington George Perry Robert S. Kerbel Roger A. Warnke Case Western Reserve Daniel M. Knowles Lawrence M. Weiss Executive Officer University Paul E. Lacy Mark R. Wick Frances A. Pitlick Ricardo V. Lloyd David P. Witte American Society for David N. Louis Peter D. Yurchenco Investigative Pathology Copyright © 1996 By The American Society for Investigative Pathology The American Journal of PATHOLOGY CONTENTS FOR VOLUME 148 January 1996 Antigen-Presenting Cell Engineering: The Molecular Toolbox Mark L. Tykocinski, David R. Kaplan, and M. Edward Medof Short Communications Genotyping of Epstein-Barr Virus in Brazilian Burkitt's Lymphoma and Reactive Lymphoid Tissue: Type A with a High Prevalence of Deletions within the Latent Membrane Protein Gene Wen-Gang Chen, Yuan-Yuan Chen, Maura M. Bacchi, Carlos E. Bacchi, Marcelo Alvarenga, and Lawrence M. Weiss Galectin-3, a B-Galactoside-Binding Animal Lectin, Is a Marker of Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma Konstantin N. Konstantinov, Bruce A. Robbins, and Fu-Tong Liu Neuronal Pattern Correlates with the Severity of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Associated Dementia Complex: Usefulness of Spatial Pattern Analysis in Clinicopathological Studies Enoch Asare, Graham Dunn, Jonathan Glass, Justin McArthur, Philip Luthert, Peter Lantos, and Ian Everall B-Catenin Expression in Human Cancers Takuya Takayama, Hitoshi Shiozaki, Sayumi Shibamoto, Hiroshi Oka, Yutaka Kimura, Shigeyuki Tamura, Masatoshi Inoue, Takushi Monden, Fumiaki Ito, and Morito Monden Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptor Is Expressed in Human Ovarian Surface Epithelium and Fallopian Tube Wenxin Zheng, Margret S. Magid, Elmer E. Kramer, and Yao-Tseng Chen Induction of Experimental Bone Metastasis in Mice by Transfection of Integrin a4B1 into Tumor Cells Nariaki Matsuura, Wilma Puzon-McLaugbhlin, Atsushi Irie, Yoshibiro Morikawa, Kennichi Kakudo, and Yoshikazu Takada Experimental Coexpression of Vimentin and Keratin Intermediate Filaments in Human Melanoma Cells Augments Motility Yi-Wen Chu, Elisabeth A. Seftor, Lewis H. Romer, and MaryJ . C. Hendrix Downregulation of Microglial Keratan Sulfate Proteoglycans Coincident with Lymphomonocytic Infiltration of the Rat Central Nervous System Sebastian Jander and Guido Stoll BPP and Tau Interaction: A Possible Link between Amyloid and Neurofibrillary Tangles in Alzheimer’s Disease Giorgio Giaccone, Barbara Pedrotti, Antonio Migheli, Laura Verga, Jorge Perez, Giorgio Racagni, Mark A. Smith, George Perry, Luca De Gioia, Carlo Selvaggini, Mario Salmona, Jorge Ghiso, Blas Frangione, Khalid Islam, Orso Bugiani, and Fabrizio Tagliavini E-4-Hydroxy-2-Nonenal Is Cytotoxic and Cross-Links Cytoskeletal Proteins in P19 Neuroglia! Cultures ThomasJ . Montine, Ventkataraman Amarnath, Margaret E. Martin, WarrenJ . Strittmatter, and Doyle G. Graham Technical Advance Immunomagnetic Separation Can Enrich Fixed Solid Tumors for Epithelial Cells M. Lisa Yaremko, Pond R. Kelemen, Chris Kutza, Darwin Barker, and Carol A. Westbrook Regular Articles Cytokine-Mediated Induction of Endothelial Adhesion Molecule and Histocompatibility Leukocyte Antigen Expression by Cytomegalovirus-Activated T Cells W. James Waldman and Deborah A. Knight Increased Expression of 72-kd Type IV Collagenase (MMP-2) in Human Aortic Atherosclerotic Lesions Zhibe Li, Ling Li, H. Ronald Zielke, Linda Cheng, Ruiping Xiao, Michael T. Crow, William G. Stetler-Stevenson, Jeffery Froehlich, and Edward G. Lakatta Direct Stimulation of Limbal Microvessel Endothelial Cell Proliferation and Capillary Formation in Vitro by a Corneal-Derived Eicosanoid Robert A. Stoltz, Michael S. Conners, Mary E. Gerritsen, Nader G. Abraham, and Michal Laniado-Schwartzman Evidence of Cardiocyte Apoptosis in Myocardium of Dogs with Chronic Heart Failure Victor G. Sharov, Hani N. Sabbah, Hisashi Shimoyama, Anastassia V. Goussev, Michael Lesch, and Sidney Goldstein Localization of Type | Procollagen Gene Expression in Silica-Induced Granulomatous Lung Disease and Implication of Transforming Growth Factor-8 as a Mediator of Fibrosis ThomasJ . Mariani, Jill D. Roby, Robert P. Mecham, William C. Parks, Edmond Crouch, and Richard A. Pierce Constitutive Expression of E-Selectin and Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 on Endothelial Cells of Hematopoietic Tissues Karin M. Schweitzer, Angelika M. Drager, Paul van der Valk, Steven F. T. Thijsen, Adri Zevenbergen, A. Peter Theijsmeijer, C. Ellen van der Schoot, and Mart M. A. C. Langenhuijsen Induction of E-Selectin-Dependent Leukocyte Recruitment by Mast Cell Degranulation in Human Skin Grafts Transplanted on SCID Mice Melpo Christofidou-Solomidou, George F. Murphy, and Steven M. Albelda Transforming and Differentiation-Inducing Potential of Constitutively Activated c-kit Mutant Genes in the IC-2 Murine Interleukin-3-Dependent Mast Cell Line Koji Hashimoto, Tobru Tsujimura, Yasubiro Moriyama, Atsushi Yamatodani, Michio Kimura, Kazuo Tobya, Masahiro Morimoto, Hitoshi Kitayama, Yuzuru Kanakura, and Yukibiko Kitamura Altered Presynaptic Protein NACP Is Associated with Plaque Formation and Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s Disease Eliezer Masliah, Akibiko lwai, Margaret Mallory, Kenji Uéda, and Tsunao Saitoh Transforming Growth Factor-B1 in Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis Cellular Localization and Time Course Reinhard Kiefer, Keiko Funa, Tilmann Schweitzer, Stefan Jung, Odile Bourde, Klaus V. Toyka, and Hans-Peter Hartung Coexpression of Hepatocyte Growth Factor and Receptor (Met) in Human Breast Carcinoma Alan B. Tuck, Morag Park, Ernest E. Sterns, Alexander Boag, and Bruce E. Elliott Granzyme B Expression in Reed-Sternberg Cells of Hodgkin’s Disease Joost J.O udejans, Jean Alain Kummer, Mehdi Jiwa, Paul van der Valk, Gert J.O ssenkoppele, Philip M. Kluin, J. C. Kluin-Nelemans, and ChrisJ . L. M. Meijer Effects of CD11b/18 Monoclonal Antibody on Rats with Permanent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Julio H. Garcia, Kai-Feng Liu, and Mark P. Bree Transient Ischemia Depletes Free Ubiquitin in the Gerbil Hippocampal CA1 Neurons Tadashi Morimoto, Takafumi Ide, Yasuo Ihara, Akira Tamura, and Takaaki Kirino Amyloid B Protein Deposition in Normal Aging Has the Same Characteristics as That in Alzheimer’s Disease: Predominance of AB42(43) and Association of AB40 with Cored Plaques Hiroaki Fukumoto, Asano Asami-Odaka, Nobuhiro Suzuki, Hiroyuki Shimada, Yasuo Ihara, and Takeshi Iwatsubo Altered Neurofilament Expression Does Not Contribute to Lewy Body Formation Catherine Bergeron, Connie Petrunka, Luitgard Weyer, and Michael S. Pollanen Copper/Zinc Superoxide Dismutase Expression in the Human Central Nervous System: Correlation with Selective Neuronal Vulnerability Catherine Bergeron, Connie Petrunka, and Luitgard Weyer Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Develop Pulmonary Hypertension and Hypertrophy of Pulmonary Venous Sphincters Seyedhossein Aharinejad, Dean E. Schraufnagel, Peter Bock, Carole A. MacKay, Erik K. Larson, Aurelia Miksovsky, and Sandy C. Marks Jr. Antioxidant and Oxidative Stress Changes during Heart Failure Subsequent to Myocardial Infarction in Rats Michael F. Hill and Pawan K. Singal Interferon-Inducible Protein-10 Is Highly Expressed in Rats with Experimental Nephrosis Marta Gomez-Chiarri, Alberto Ortiz, Silvia Gonzdalez-Cuadrado, Daniel Serén, Steven N. Emancipator, Thomas A. Hamilton, Antonio Barat, Juan José Plaza, Eva Gonzdlez, and Jestis Egido MCF10AT: A Model for the Evolution of Cancer from Proliferative Breast Disease Peter J.D awson, Sandra R. Wolman, Larry Tait, Gloria H. Heppner, and Fred R. Miller Small Epithelial Cells and the Histogenesis of Hepatoblastoma: Electron Microscopic, Immunoelectron Microscopic, and Immunohistochemical Findings Peter Ruck, Jia-Cheng Xiao, and Edwin Kaiserling Absence of Exogenous Interleukin-4-Induced Apoptosis of Gingival Macrophages May Contribute to Chronic Inflammation in Periodontal Diseases Masafumi Yamamoto, Keiko Kawabata, Kobtaro Fujibashi, Jerry R. McGhee, Thomas E. Van Dyke, Thaddeus V. Bamberg, Takachika Hiroi, and Hiroshi Kiyono Correspondence Harry M. Zimmerman, M.D. (1901-1995) Leopold G. Koss, M.D. Acknowledgment Announcements information for Authors February 1996 Commentaries Leptomeningeal Amyloid and Variant Transthyretins Merrill D. Benson The Golgi Apparatus and the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease Mauro C. Dal Canto Short Communications Meningocerebrovascular Amyloidosis Associated with a Novel Transthyretin Mis-Sense Mutation at Codon 18 (TTRD18G) Ruben Vidal, Ferenc Garzuly, Herbert Budka, Maciej Lalowski, Reinhold P. Linke, Ferenc Brittig, Blas Frangione, and Thomas Wisniewski Ezrin Expression in Stromal Cells of Capillary Hemangioblastoma: An Immunohistochemical Survey of Brain Tumors Tom Bobling, Ossi Turunen, Juba Jddskeldinen, Olli Carpen, Markku Sainio, Torsten Wabhlstrém, Antti Vaberi, and Matti Haltia Adoptive Transfer of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis after in Vitro Treatment with Recombinant Murine Interleukin-12: Preferential Expansion of Interferon-y-Producing Cells and Increased Expression of Macrophage-Associated Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase as Immunomodulatory Mechanisms Kristine E. Waldburger, Richard C. Hastings, Robert G. Schaub, Samuel J.G oldman, and John P. Leonard Long-Term Cultivation of Adult Rat Hepatocytes That Undergo Multiple Cell Divisions and Express Normal Parenchymal Phenotypes Chise Tateno and Katsutoshi Yoshizato In Vitro and in Vivo Stimulation of the Murine Immune System by AGM-1470, a Potent Angiogenesis Inhibitor Nadine Antoine, Marc Daukandt, Ernst Heinen, LéonJ . Simar, and Vincent Castronovo Expression of the Macrophage Scavenger Receptor, a Multifunctional Lipoprotein Receptor, in Microglia Associated with Senile Plaques in Alzheimer’s Disease Richard H. Christie, Mason Freeman, and Bradley T. Hyman Technical Advance Molecular Diagnosis of p53 Mutations in Gastric Carcinoma by Touch Preparation Enrico Ricevuto, Corrado Ficorella, Carlo Fusco, Katia Cannita, Alessandra Tessitore, Elena Toniato, Angela Gabriele, Luigi Frati, Paolo Marchetti, Alberto Gulino, and Stefano Martinoitti Regular Articles In Alzheimer’s Disease the Golgi Apparatus of a Population of Neurons without Neurofibriilary Tangles Is Fragmented and Atrophic Anna Stieber, Zissimos Mourelatos, and Nicholas K. Gonatas Expression of NF-«B and IkB-a by Aortic Endothelium in an Arterial Injury Model Volkhard Lindner and Tucker Collins Identification of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor A and B Chains in Human Renal Vascular Rejection Charles E. Alpers, Connie L. Davis, Darlene Barr, Christopher L. Marsh, and Kelly L. Hudkins Expression of CD44 Isoforms in Renal Cell Tumors: Positive Correlation to Tumor Differentiation Hans-Joachim Terpe, Stephan Stérkel, Ulrike Zimmer, Viviane Anquez, Claus Fischer, Klaus Pantel, and Ursula Gtinthert Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-3 on Endothelial Cells: Expression in Tumors but Not in Inflammatory Responses Natacha Patey, Rosemay Vazeux, Danielle Canioni, Tamara Potter, W. Mike Gallatin, and Nicole Brousse Hypoxic Tumor Cell Death and Modulation of Endothelial Adhesion Molecules in the Regression of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor-Transduced Tumors Mario P. Colombo, Luciano Lombardi, Cecilia Melani, Mariella Parenza, Carlo Baroni, Luigi Ruco, and Antonella Stoppacciaro Tumor Necrosis Factor-a-Induced Apoptosis in Hepatocytes in Long-Term Culture Eric S. Bour, Laura K. Ward, Greg A. Cornman, and Harriet C. Isom Temporal Cell-Type-Specific mRNA Expression of O®°-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferases in Liver of Rats Treated with Dimethyinitrosamine Satoru Takahashi, Janet Hall, and Ruggero Montesano Autoimmunity in Chronic Active Helicobacter Hepatitis of Mice: Serum Antibodies and Expression of Heat Shock Protein 70 in Liver Jerrold M. Ward, Raoul E. Benveniste, Cecil H. Fox, Jane K. Battles, Matthew A. Gonda, and Josepb G. Tully Enhanced Expression of Matrilysin, Collagenase, and Stromelysin-1 in Gastrointestinal Ulcers Ulpu K. Saarialbo-Kere, Maarit Vaalamo, Pauli Puolakkainen, Kristiina Airola, William C. Parks, and Marja-Liisa Karjalainen-Lindsberg Lung Fibroblast a-Smooth Muscle Actin Expression and Contractile Phenotype in Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis Hong-yu Zhang, Mebrnaz Gharaee-Kermani, Kai Zhang, Soverin Karmiol, and Sem H. Phan Expression of mRNAs for Type | and Type III Procollagens in Serous Ovarian Cystadenomas and Cystadenocarcinomas Saila Kauppila, Janna Saarela, Frej Stenbdck, Juha Risteli, Antti Kauppila, and Leila Risteli Type 1 Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Are Differentially Phosphorylated in Mammary Carcinoma and Differentially Associated with Steroid Receptors Sarah S. Bacus, Dot Chin, Yosef Yarden, Carolyn R. Zelnick, and David F. Stern Interphase Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization and Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction as a Diagnostic Aid for Synovial Sarcoma Janet Shipley, Jayne Crew, Sandra Birdsall, Sandra Gill, Jeremy Clark, Cyril Fisher, Anna Kelsey, Takayuki Nojima, Hiroshi Sonobe, Colin Cooper, and Barry Gusterson Matrix Proteins with High Affinity for Calcium lons Are Associated with Mineralization within the Elastic Fibers of Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum Dermis Miranda Baccarani Contri, Federica Boraldi, Francesca Taparelli, Anne De Paepe, and Ivonne Pasquali Ronchetti Expression of Fibronectin ED-A* and ED-B* Isoforms by Human and Experimental Colorectal Cancer: Contribution of Cancer Cells and Tumor-Associated Myofibroblasts Philippe Pujuguet, Arlette Hammann, Monique Moutet, Jane Lyse Samuel, Francois Martin, and Monique Martin Circulating Human Dendritic Cells Differentially Express High Levels of a 55-kd Actin-Bundling Protein George Mosialos, Mark Birkenbach, Seyoum Ayehunie, Fumio Matsumura, Geraldine S. Pinkus, Elliott Kieff, and Erik Langhoff Chromosomal Translocation t(X;18) in Human Synovial Sarcomas Analyzed by Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization using Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Katsubito Nagao, Hisao Ito, and Haruhiko Yoshida Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (Gelatinase B) Is Expressed in Multinucleated Giant Cells of Human Giant Cell Tumor of Bone and Is Associated with Vascular Invasion Yoshimichi Ueda, Kazushi Imai, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya, Noboru Fujimoto, Isao Nakanishi, Shogo Katsuda, Motobharu Seiki, and Yasunori Okada Correlation between Clinicopathological Features and Karyotype in Lipomatous Tumors: A Report of 178 Cases from the Chromosomes and Morphology (CHAMP) Collaborative Study Group Christopher D. M. Fletcher, Mans Akerman, Paola Dal Cin, Ivo de Wever, Nils Mandabl, Fredrik Mertens, Felix Mitelman, Juan Rosai, Anders Rydholm, Raf Sciot, Giovanni Tallini, Herman van den Berghe, Wim van de Ven, Roberta Vanni, and Helena Willen Photorecepior Apoptosis Induced by a Single Systemic Administration of N-Methyl-N-Nitrosourea in the Rat Retina Motomaro Nakajima, Kenshi Yuge, Hideto Senzaki, Nobuaki Shikata, Hirobiko Miki, Masanobu Uyama, and Airo Tsubura Replication Error Phenotype and p53 Gene Mutation in Lymphomas of Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Huaizheng Peng, Gong Chen, Mingging Du, Nalini Singh, Peter G. Isaacson, and Langxing Pan Detection of Breast Cancer Micrometastases in Axillary Lymph Nodes by Means of Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction: Comparison between MUC1 mRNA and Keratin 19 mRNA Amplification Shinzaburo Noguchi, Tomobiko Aihara, Kazuyoshi Motomura, Hideo Inaji, Shingi Imaoka, and Hiroki Koyama Sequestration of Inhaled Particulate Antigens by Lung Phagocytes: A Mechanism for the Effective Inhibition of Pulmonary Cell-Mediated Immunity James A. Maclean, Weijia Xia, Clare E. Pinto, Longhai Zhao, Hong-Wen Liu, and Richard L. Kradin Animal Model Experimental Rabbit Models of Chlamydia pneumoniae \nfection Teresa C. Moazed, Cho-chou Kuo, Dorothy L. Patton, J. Thomas Grayston, and Lee Ann Campbell Announcements Erratum information for Authors March 1996 Commentary Chemokines and the Pathogenesis of T Cell-Dependent Immune Responses Wayne W. Hancock Short Communications Analysis of Fatal Pulmonary Hantaviral Infection in New York by Reverse Transcriptase in situ Polymerase Chain Reaction GerardJ . Nuovo, Aylin Simsir, Roy T. Steigbigel, and Marvin Kuschner Correlated Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases and ets Family Transcription Factor E1A-F in Invasive Oral Squamous-Cell-Carcinoma-Derived Cell Lines Masanobu Shindoh, Fumibiro Higashino, Mitsunori Kaya, Motoaki Yasuda, Kosei Funaoka, Motoaki Hanzawa, Kyoko Hida, Takao Kohgo, Akira Amemiya, Koichi Yoshida, and Kei Fujinaga Occult Deposition of Eosinophil Peroxidase in a Subset of Human Breast Carcinomas Michael K. Samoszuk, Vince Nguyen, Iris Gluzman, and Justin H. Pham Expression of Immunoreactive Activin A Protein in Remodeling Lesions Associated with Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis Takeshi Matsuse, Akira Ikegami, Eijiro Obga, Takayuki Hosoi, Teruaki Oka, Kozui Kida, Masashi Fukayama, Satoshi Inoue, Takabide Nagase, Yasuyoshi Ouchi, and Yoshinosuke Fukuchi Distribution and Expression of Pancreatic Secretory Trypsin Inhibitor and Its Possible Role in Epithelial Restitution Tania Marchbank, Rebecca Chinery, Andrew M. Hanby, Richard Poulsom, George Elia, and RaymondJ . Playford Downregulation of E-Cadherin in the Reparative Epithelium of the Human Gastrointestinal Tract Andrew M. Hanby, Rebecca Chinery, Richard Poulsom, Raymond J. Playford, and Massimo Pignatelli Single Somatic ras Gene Point Mutation in Soft Tissue Malignant Fibrous Histiocytomas Rainer Maria Boble, Sabine Brettreich, Reinald Repp, Arndt Borkhardt, Hartwig Kosmebl, and Hans Michael Altmannsberger Role for Transforming Growth Factor-[BETA]1 in Inhibiting Endothelial Cell Proliferation in Experimental Alcoholic Liver Disease Amin A. Nanji, Steven R. Taban, Matthew Golding, Shamsuddin Khwaja, Amir Rabemtulla, and El-Nasir Lalani Regular Articles Regulation and Function of an Activation-Dependent Epitope of the B1 Integrins in Vascular Cells after Balloon Injury in Baboon Arteries and in Vitro Noriyuki Koyama, Jiro Seki, Selina Vergel, Erney J.R. Mattsson, Ted Yednock, Nicholas L. Kovach, Jobn M. Harlan, and Alexander W. Clowes Vascular Growth Factors and Receptors in Capillary Hemangioblastomas and Hemangiopericytomas Erika Hatva, Tom Bobling, Juba Jadskeldinen, M. Graziella Persico, Matti Haltia, and Kari Alitalo Expression of Collagen, Interstitial Collagenase, and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases-1 in Restenosis afier Carotid Endarterectomy Seppo T. Nikkari, Randolph L. Geary, Thomas Hatsukami, Marina Ferguson, Reza Forough, Charles E. Alpers, and Alexander W. Clowes Expression of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor and Its Receptors in Normal Human Liver and during Active Hepatic Fibrogenesis Massimo Pinzani, Stefano Milani, Herman Herbst, Raffaella DeFranco, Cecilia Grappone, Alessandra Gentilini, Alessandra Caligiuri, Giulia Pellegrini, Dac Vinh Ngo, Roberto G. Romanelli, and Paolo Gentilini Apoptosis Induced by Tumor Necrosis Factor-a in Rat Hepatocyte Cell Lines Expressing Hepatitis B Virus Stéphane Guilbot, Thomas Miller, Greg Cornman, and Harriet C. Isom Hepatocyte Proliferation Induced by a Single Dose of a Peroxisome Proliferator T. Obmura, G. M. Ledda-Columbano, R. Piga, A. Columbano, J. Glemba, S. L. Katyal, Jj. Locker, and H. Shinozuka Characterization of a Panel of Novel Anti-p21“”2"/"'P' Monoclonal Antibodies and Immunochemical Analysis of p21“@'"'P' Expression in Normal Human Tissues Steffen Fredersdorf, Alastair W. Milne, Peter A. Hall, and Xin Lu Bcl-2 Protein Expression in Lung Cancer and Close Correlation with Neuroendocrine Differentiation Shi-Xu Jiang, Toru Kameya, Yuichi Sato, Nobuo Yanase, Hirokuni Yoshimura, and Tetsuro Kodama Expression of CD95 Antigen and Bcl-2 Protein in Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas and Hodgkin’s Disease Phuong L. Nguyen, Nancy L. Harris, Jerome Ritz, and MichaelJ . Robertson Inhibition of T Cell Recruitment and Cutaneous Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity-Induced Inflammation with Antibodies to Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Michelle L. Rand, Jeffrey S. Warren, Michael K. Mansour, Walter Newman, and DouglasJ . Ringler Expression of Ep-CAM in Cervical Squamous Epithelia Correlates with an Increased Proliferation and the Disappearance of Markers for Terminal Differentiation Sergey V. Litvinov, Willemien van Driel, Connie M. van Rbijn, Hellen A. M. Bakker, Han van Krieken, GertJ . Fleuren, and Sven O. Warnaar Broad Distribution of the Multidrug Resistance-Related Vault Lung Resistance Protein in Normal Human Tissues and Tumors Miguel A. Izquierdo, George L. Scheffer, MarcelJ . Flens, Giuseppe Giaccone, HenkJ .B roxterman, ChrisJ . L. M. Meijer, Paul van der Valk, and RikJ . Scheper In Situ Hybridization Analysis of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein mRNA Reveals Evidence of Biphasic Astrocyte Activation during Acute Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Viarie Tani, Andrzej R. Glabinski, Vincent K. Tuohy, Mark H. Stoler, Melinda L. Estes, and Richard M. Ransoboff Deposition of Eosinophil Granule Proteins Precedes Blister Formation in Bullous Pemphigoid: Comparison with Neutrophil and Mast Cell Granule Proteins Leopoldo Borrego, Bruno Maynard, Ellen A. Peterson, Terry George, Luis Iglesias, Margot S. Peters, Walter Newman, GeraldJ . Gleich, and Kristin M. Leiferman Detection of Transforming Growth Factor-B1 in Dermal Lesions of Different Clinical Forms of Leprosy Isabela M. B. Goulart, Floréncio Figueiredo, Terezila Coimbra, and Norma T. Foss Actin Filaments Mediate DNA Fiber Formation in Chronic Inflammatory Airway Disease CatherineA . Sheils, Josef Kds, Win Travassos, Philip G. Allen, PaAu. Jlanme y, Mary Ellen Wohl, and Thomas P. Stossel Neurotrophin and Neurotrophin Receptor Proteins in Medulloblastomas and Other Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors of the Pediatric Central Nervous System Kazuo Washiyama, Yoshihiro Muragaki, Lucy B. Rorke, Virginia M.-Y. Lee, Stuart C. Feinstein, Monte J. Radeke, Deborah Blumberg, David R. Kaplan, and John Q. Trojanowski Pathogenesis of Skin Lesions in Mice with Chronic Proliferative Dermatitis (codm/cpdm) MarionJ .J . Gijbels, Chris Zurcher, Georg Kraal, Grabam R. Elliott, Harm HogenEsch, Gerrit Schijff,; Huub F. J. Savelkoul, and Piet L. B. Bruijnzeel MUC1 Expressed in PanC1 Cells Decreases Adhesion to Type 1 Collagen but Increases Contraction in Collagen Lattices MarkJ . H. Hudson, Gordon W. H. Stamp, MichaelA . Hollingsworth, Massimo Pignatelli, and El-Nasir Lalani Fibronectin Is the Major Fibroblast Chemoattractant in Rabbit Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease Mehrnaz Gharaee-Kermani, Roger Wiggins, Frances Wolber, Meera Goyal, and Sem H. Phan Estradiol Attenuates Directed Migration of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells in Vitro Frank D. Kolodgie, Anup Jacob, Patricia S. Wilson, Greg C. Carlson, Andrew Farb, Ajay Verma, and Renu Virmani Dog Pancreatic Duct Epithelial Cells: Long-Term Culture and Characterization Dolphine Oda, Christopher E. Savard, Toan D. Nguyen, Lydia Eng, Erik R. Swenson, and Sum P. Lee Stearate Inhibition of Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation: A Mechanism Involving Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and G-Proteins Nalinie S. M. D. Wickramasinghe, HanjoongJo , Jay McKay McDonald, and Robert William Hardy Pathobiochemistry of Combined Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Studied on a Novel Animal Model: The Hyperlipemic-Hyperglycemic Hamster Maya Simionescu, Doina Popov, Anca Sima, Mirela Hasu, Gabriela Costache, Silviu Faitar, Alexandra Vulpanovici, Camelia Stancu, David Stern, and Nicolae Simionescu Announcements Information for Authors April 1996 Commentaries The Two Faces of Tumor Suppresscr p53 Martin L. Smith and AlbertJ . Fornace, Jr. Cellular Adhesion Molecules: Newly Identified Mediators of Angiogenesis PeterJ . Polverini Reshaping the Interstitium by Platelet-Derived Growth Factor: Implications for Progressive Renal Disease Karl A. Nath Short Communications Tumor Suppressor Genes and Related Molecules in Leiomyosarcoma Angelo P. Dei Tos, Roberta Maestro, Claudio Doglioni, Sara Piccinin, Duilio Della Libera, Mauro Boiocchi, and Christopher D. M. Fletcher Patterns of Epidermal Growth Factor Recepior Amplification in Malignant Gliomas Guido Sauter, Tatsubiro Maeda, Frederic M. Waldman, Richard L. Davis, and Burt G. Feuerstein Immunohistochemical Detection of Bci-2 in AIDS-Associated and Classical Kaposi’s Sarcoma C. Boban Morris, R. Gendelman, A. J. Marrogi, M. Lu, J. M. Lockyer, W. Alperin-Lea, and B. Ensoli Strong Expression of Kinase Insert Domain-Containing Receptor, a Vascular Permeability Factor/Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor in AIDS-Associated Kaposi’s Sarcoma and Cutaneous Angiosarcoma Lawrence F. Brown, Kathi Tognazzi, Harold F. Dvorak, and TerenceJ . Harrist Telomerase Activity ls Commonly Detected in Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancers Zhi-Hua Li, Reijo Salovaara, Lauri A. Aaltonen, and Darryl Shibata Monoallelic Expression of the Insulin-like Growth Factor-2 Gene in Ovarian Cancer Kankatsu Yun, Manabu Fukumoto, and Yoshibiro Jinno Clonal Analysis of Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the Liver Michael J. Gaffey, Julia C. lezzoni, and Lawrence M. Weiss Technical Advances Triple Primer Polymerase Chain Reaction: A New Way to Quantify Truncated mRNA Expression Etienne Leygue, Leigh Murphy, Frederique Kuttenn, and Peter Watson Chemiluminescent in Situ Hybridization for the Detection of Cytomegalovirus DNA Monica Musiani, Aldo Roda, Marialuisa Zerbini, Patrizia Pasini, Giovanna Gentilomi, Giorgio Gallinella, and Simona Venturoli Regular Articles Decreased DNA Repair but Normal Apoptosis in Ultraviolet-Irradiated Skin of p53-Transgenic Mice Gang Li, David L. Mitchell, Vincent C. Ho, John C. Reed, and Victor A. Tron Is the EWS/FLI-1 Fusion Transcript Specific for Ewing Sarcoma and Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor?: A Report of Four Cases Showing This Transcript in a Wider Range of Tumor Types Paul Thorner, Jeremy Squire, Sue Chilton-MacNeill, Paula Marrano, Jane Bayani, David Malkin, Mark Greenberg, Adonis Lorenzana, and Maria Zielenska Expression of Complement Membrane Regulators Membrane Cofactor Protein (CD46), Decay Accelerating Factor (CD55), and Protectin (CD59) in Human Malignant Gliomas Anna Mdenpdad, Sami Junnikkala, Juba Hakulinen, Tuomo Timonen, and Seppo Meri SPARC Is Expressed by Mesangial Cells in Experimental Mesangial Proliferative Nephritis and Inhibits Platelet-Derived-Growth-Factor-Mediated Mesangial Cell Proliferation in Vitro Raimund H. Pichler, James A. Bassuk, Christian Hugo, May J. Reed, Eudora Eng, Katherine L. Gordon, Jefjrey Pippin, Charles E. Alpers, William G. Couser, E. 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